But that was back in the day before the democrats removed their masks and went full blown communist. It was back in the days before they unleashed their deranged supporters to burn American cities to the ground.
And no, that's not hyperbole. It's a damn fact.
We've all heard about the vote by mail bullshit they're pushing. It's due to the Corona Virus, they claim.
We've all heard the communists go on and on about how President Trump will refuse to leave office when he loses this election. They've vowed to call in the military to remove him by force when that day comes.
I still remember wondering, what the hell are they talking about every time they repeated it.
Not any more.
The following article proves beyond any doubt they fully intend to steal this election, "by any means necessary."
Remember, there was a time, not so long ago that shit like this was reserved exclusively for third world dictatorships.
Bloomberg-Funded Group: Trump May Win Election Night, But Joe Biden Will Win Days Later Due to Mail-in Votes

An analytics firm bankrolled by billionaire Michael Bloomberg is predicting that while President Trump will appear to win on November 3, Democrat Joe Biden will actually win the election days later due to mail-in voting.
Josh Mendelsohn, the CEO of Hawkfish — funded by Bloomberg and currently working for various pro-Biden super PACs — told Axios that his firm predicts a “red mirage” where Trump wins on election day but Biden wins the election days later when mail-in votes are counted:
The reason we talk about a red mirage is in fact because we believe that on election night, we are going to see Donald Trump in a stronger position than the reality actually is. We are sounding the alarm and saying that this is a very real possibility, that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump. That is likely to be what we see.
Mendelsohn claims it could take weeks before Trump’s election night victory is chipped away at by mail-in votes that will show Biden as the winner.

This scenario by Bloomberg’s Hawkfish predicts Trump will win in a landslide on election night. Days later though, the firm says Biden will win the election thanks to mail-in voting. (Screenshot via Axios on HBO)
Specifically, Hawkfish’s models predict that 4-in-10 voters this year will vote by mail. Electorally, Hawkfish’s models predict Trump could win 408 electoral votes on election night to Biden’s 130 if 15 percent of total mail-in votes are counted.
After 75 percent of mail-in votes are counted, days and potentially weeks later, Hawkfish’s models predict the race may flip to put Biden in the lead. This particular model has Biden with a blowout victory of 334 electoral votes to Trump’s 204. Mendelsohn said:
When every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to that final day, which will be Sunday after election day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage. It looked like Donald Trump was in the lead and he fundamentally was not when every ballot gets counted.
Hawkfish’s claims come as a Democrat operative detailed large-scale mail-in voting fraud conducted for years by him and staff in states like New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. Part of the operation includes rigging elections for Democrats through paying homeless voters off, taking advantage of the elderly, posing as registered voters, and printing up fake ballots.
Democrats have fought to implement universal mail-in voting, where every registered voter on state voter rolls is mailed a ballot unsolicited, though many efforts are being challenged in court.
Last month, the Trump campaign filed suit against Nevada for their universal mail-in voting plans that would allow votes submitted after election day to count for the election. More than 223,000 mail-in ballots sent to registered voters in Las Vegas, Nevada, for their June primary bounced as “undeliverable” — 17 percent of the total 1,325,934 mail-in ballots that were sent out in the county.
Currently, Democrats are fighting in Pennsylvania to ensure mail-in votes received after election day are counted.
Primary elections held in crucial swing states like Wisconsin have revealed major issues with mail-in voting. Data from 11 cities in Wisconsin, published in May, shows that at least 30,000 mail-in votes were counted after election day.
Recent data has not shown a compelling public health justification for mail-in voting. In Wisconsin’s April election, only 52 of more than 400,000 voters and poll workers were confirmed to have contracted the Chinese coronavirus. None of those cases were fatal. This equals an infection rate below two-hundredths of one percent.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.
If these bastards are allowed to get away with this shit, it's lights out.
Yes, vote by mail is an attempt by the democrats to cast millions of illegal votes
ReplyDeleteThey have been laying the ground work for a long time now. Mail in votes, don't concede the election, no matter what, continuous lies by both the media and the Dems to brainwash the "normal" Democrats and independents. Latch on to the RINO Republicans to promote it all due to their hatred of Trump and what he is doing to their personal gold mine of the swamp! The Left is Evil, not stupid!
ReplyDeleteYup, sounds like the Commie Rat Bastards have a PLAN!!! But will it work?
ReplyDeleteThe democrat/communist party has always supported voter fraud, because they are the primary beneficiaries of it. Always have been. Chicago has been openly committing voter fraud for decades, to the point it's a national joke and they are as democrat/communist as it comes.
ReplyDeleteThere have been thousands of cases of voter fraud found and prosecuted. All by democrat/communists. When the Marxist from Kenya was running he created an entire organization, funded in part by taxpayers to illegally register fake voters. That group was called ACORN. They were later caught, disbanded and defunded, but of course the Marxist from Kenya just moved the operation to a new front group and kept going.
The dem/coms have opposed any and every measure to bring integrity to the voting process. Always have, always will.
Ever wonder why it's democrat/communists who oppose an honest vote? Here's why.
Republicans are honest by nature. We tend to be moral people, who believe in the rule of law and basic morality. In part because we are mostly a people who believe in God and want to do his will. So we vote honestly.
Democrat/communists are an immoral people. They are pagans, rejecting God and ruled by Satan. They don't believe in the rule of law, they are a lawless people with no morals to guide them. They lie, cheat, steal and will do anything to gain power over God's people. That's the goal of Satan. And these are his people.
That's why the democrat/communists act the way the do. Through history this has been true. They were the people who fought a civil war to stop the rest of us from freeing the slaves. They fought civil rights and voting for blacks tooth and nail. They created the KKK. Today, they are rioting in our streets, burning, looting and murdering. Spreading mayhem and havoc, just as you would expect demonic people to do. Just watch them. You can see it.
Just my thoughts on the whole thing.
Democrats....The "caring and compassionate party" until they don't get their way! A bunch of spoiled whiny brats most of the time, with no common sense or loyalty to God or Country!
ReplyDeleteWe need to stomp the dems out of existence. Biden is a joke. His VP pick is a hoe and Pelosi is a mobster. I don't even want to discuss the rest of their clan.
ReplyDeleteNot even Schumer and Schiff?
ReplyDeleteI don't want to get started on Nadler, Schumer and Schiff-face. They make me want to hurt something.
ReplyDeleteWatched a little bit of hiden biden and his press conference. Man, what a lying POS this guy is. But he actually took some questions. Softball questions, no doubt either approved in advance or given to the democrat operatives passing as press.
ReplyDeleteThe democrat/communists know this guy is going to lose. They're just setting up for 2024. That's why they ran sleepy joe. That way they didn't lose a candidate that might have a chance next time. Same with camel the harris. No chance at actually running and winning so they threw her in the mix as a sacrificial candidate. The know it's coming. We know it's coming. And it's going to be glorious.
My hope is after President Trump wins the election when the rioting ramps up, and it will, he won't be worried about a pending election and he'll drop the hammer on these terrorists. Let's hope so. This has to stop.
Probably just as well. I'm pretty sure I already know what you think about them...
ReplyDeleteThink of it this way, Unknown. Maybe if you hadn't spent all your time here being a dick you could still be in the discussion.
ReplyDeleteYou chose your fate. Live with it.
In the meantime we'll just keep laughing at you.
Lol, Got that right Big Ben.....
DeleteGood grief. I think I've deleted a dozen posts just today from the freakshow.
ReplyDeleteIt must drive him crazy that he reads our comments, and he does read every word, but he can't comment. He posts again and again and we just delete them. They never get past the moderation que. I don't know if he just is so stupid he can't figure that out or if he's some kind of mentally ill and can't stop posting even though not a word is ever seen or read.
But I know this. We're getting under his skin and living in his head. I bet he lays awake at night thinking about our blog. He's a weird one, that's for sure.
But he remains banned forever. It doesn't seem to matter, he still literally posts ten or fifteen comments every day. That's just what I delete. Ben probably knocks a bunch off. Takes about five seconds to delete what must have taken him ten or twenty minutes to do. Strange guy. Bet he's a barrel of fun to be around. Can you imagine? Bet he doesn't get invited to the family Thanksgiving.
Isn't this where the Dick Head Miscreant lives???
ReplyDeleteNana, currently zipping westward over the Caribbean Sea, is expected to strike Central America as the fourth hurricane of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season with flooding rain, damaging wind and pounding surf prior to the end of this week.
As of 2 p.m. EDT Wednesday, Nana was located about 215 miles east of Belize City, Belize. The small tropical storm was packing 60-mph sustained winds and was moving to the west at a brisk 16 mph. Meteorologists expect Nana to reach Category 1 hurricane status prior to making landfall early Thursday morning in Belize, a country located just to the south of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula in Central America.....
Now hidin biden is claiming he saved America from a pandemic already. The ebola pandemic. Which happened in West Africa. Which didn't have a case in America. Which was only transmitted by contact with body fluids.
ReplyDeleteBut old crazy joe saved us from it. So he says he knows how to save us from this one. He'll make us all wear masks. Probably forever.
What a lying POS.
Nancy Pelosi demands apology from COVID-shuttered salon 'for setting me up' after pics leak of her getting styled.
ReplyDeleteWhat a piece of shit can't take her own blame, they couldn't set her up for not wearing a Mask that she bad mount s Trump for, Commie rat bitch.
Love how the mayor in Portland had to move for fear of his complex being burned. Again.
ReplyDeleteThen he apologized for it.!!!???
Pussiest pussy of all the pussies that call themselves "politicians". Seriously.
Guess it didn't eat him last after all, did it? Alligator eating him up it is....
So apparently our nasty troll imagines himself some kind of voice to be heard. Says he's something like that. I read his comments thinking he could explain why he continues to post comments that get deleted before anyone sees them.
ReplyDeleteGuess being some kind of voice of the idiots is really important to him, even so much that he keeps whining when nobody reads what he writes. Nobody. Ben and I delete his shit the second we see it. I never see the ones he deletes and he doesn't see the ones I delete. They're just gone and nobody ever sees them.
No explanation why he continues to post comments by the dozens that never get seen. I'm guessing he doesn't even know. Many times mentally ill people do things they don't even understand themselves. They hear voices telling them what to do. Son of Sam thought the neighbors dog was talking to him telling him to kill people. Same principle at work here. It's funny, but kind of pathetic at the same time.
Unknown, If you can't read your comments on this blog that means NO ONE can, you are a 100% Moron.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235.....
ReplyDeleteAlright! Which one of you conniving bastards set up Nancy Pelosi, huh? You have to watch those damn hair stylists like a hawk! You can't trust a thing that they do! You know that they are only in the hair business for power and money! Here, Nancy has been out, trying to save the world from the virus and Donald Trump and this is how she is treated! What shame and shame on you!! If you don't apologize to her this instant, then there will be hell to pay!
ReplyDeleteWell, if nancy pee-losey was a normal human being with any kind of conscience or moral base she would never again rant and whine about anybody not wearing a mask or violating the commie rules for the chinese virus. She would be too embarrassed after getting caught openly flagrantly violating the rules.
ReplyDeleteBut that presumes pee-losey has a soul, or a conscience, or morals. She doesn't. She is demonic in nature and can easily lie, cheat and violate the law and doesn't even feel the slightest remorse.
That's the difference between her and the rest of us. We're humans, these people are demons. They have no soul so they have no moral base. Keep that in mind when you see what they do and it will help you understand how they can operate the way they do.
Chris Wallace is moderating one of the debates. Why is it they allow partisan commie hacks to moderate debates? Oh yeah. Because they want the democrat/communists to win. I forgot there for a second.
ReplyDeleteFOX should have fired him years ago. He's worse than some of the CNN hacks.
Governor of New York says if the President comes back to NY he better have an army. Here's a hint for you, you moron. He has an army.
ReplyDeleteSo do you lose your soul when you declare you are a democrat/communist or does it happen when you actually vote dem/com? Just wondering how that works.
ReplyDeleteWatched slow joe's press conference. Painful to watch. This guy is gone. Nobody home. Even with questions being provided to the democrat press operatives he still came across as out of it.
ReplyDeleteIf they actually debate President Trump will make him cry. It's going to be a sad end to a long career as a corrupt swamp dwelling politician who has spent his life enriching himself and his family by selling out to our enemies. So maybe he deserves what is happening.
I'm still predicting they won't debate. And I think there's a better than 50/50 chance he won't be the candidate in November. They will pull him at the last minute.
The dem/coms know they don't have a chance. They make a lot of noise, but they don't have the votes despite what the democrat controlled press would have you believe.
SSAH? How would that work if they pulled Biden off the ticket? The whole country would have to redo ballots or what?
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is if the most powerful democrat in the world, the Speaker of the House, the person who is second in line for the Presidency behind the VP can be "set up" by a hairdresser, doesn't say much for her intelligence, does it?
ReplyDeleteShe must be Putin's bitch. The Russians and the Chicoms are way better at this stuff than some hairdresser in San Fran. They must be working her like a pack mule.
Or, the alternative is she's lying about the whole thing. That's the one I'm going with.
Sarge, the democrat/communists can do pretty much whatever they want. The primary process is a joke to them anyway. Last time around they stole the primary win from Bernie the commie and gave it to crooked hillary.
ReplyDeleteAll they have to do is announce slow joe is in failing health and can't run and they can pretty much do whatever they want. I doubt they would run camel the harris because she's even more unelectable than slow joe. But they probably have some scheme in mind.
Always remember who you are dealing with here. The democrat/communist party is made up of lying, cheating, dirty dealing backstabbers. And they are commie rat bastards, every one of them. Never underestimate how low they will go or to what crooked lengths they will sink to in order to gain power. They are already burning down cities just to try to blame it on Trump. And they used the chinese flu to try to destroy the American economy. There's nothing these commies won't do. And if they have to throw slow joe under the bus, they will. And the sad part is, he actually is unfit to run. He's obviously suffering from dementia and they know it as much as we do.
Don't be surprised at anything you see in the next two months.
I got to see them pull this commie bullshit off, I hope they know they are dealing with Trump, and he don't fold like a weak Liberal.
ReplyDeleteWhich one would be the worst to take over for Joe if he bails? Harris?, Hillary? Michelle?,Pocahontas?, Bernie? Which one would be the most difficult for Trump to defeat? I really don't have an answer for either question! That's why I ask it, I guess. Any thoughts anyone?
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235....
ReplyDeleteGOOD GRIEF!! Hair salon had to remove job ad for 'happy’ stylist because it is 'discriminatory' against unhappy people....
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame. The pantifa terrorist who murdered the Trump supporter by shooting him in the back was killed by Police while resisting arrest. Too bad. The democrat/communists don't get to bail him out and put him right back on the street like they planned. I'm sure they would have used the bail fund donated to by bideen's campaign and supported by camel the harris.
ReplyDeleteToo bad. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Be a shame if that happened a lot more.
Ten mile long traffic jam of people trying to see President Trump at his rally in PA. Thousands turned out to cheer him.
ReplyDeleteMeantime slow joe biden had a press conference and what, a dozen people turned up? And the press was given a sheet to read questions from so slow joe had the answers written out for him.
Anybody that doesn't see what's coming is just too stupid to function. The Trump train is rolling, and it's going to steamroll through America.
For some reason SSAH I tend to agree with all you said this morning, imagine that!
ReplyDeleteThe last President who faced this kind of rebellion against America to resist his election was Abraham Lincoln. Those were democrats back then, too. It was pretty ugly then as well. And in the end a democrat murdered the President. This is who they are. America needs to be prepared. When Donald Trump wins his second term, they need to have the military on standby to immediately move in force against these seditious traitors who are behaving the same way those democrats did during the civil war.
ReplyDeleteThe owner of the salon pee-losey has caused to close has $132K in a Gofund me set up to help her. Maybe she can relocate to a state where they want small business instead of California where they hate small business.
ReplyDeletePee-losey has caused all this with her actions. She should be impeached and removed from office for her blatant disregard of the safety of other people and her lack of respect for the law. She has demonstrated she is unfit to create laws for other people by showing she will willfully disregard the law.
Well, commies have two choices.
ReplyDeleteCommies get the Lord, or dirt. Their choice.
In this case a Marshall's task force simply arranged the paper work. Delivered the desire for six feet of dirt unto the comrade customer. Transaction complete.
And to be honest, I think we need to have a few more complete transactions. I know it will take wind out of sails, and slow this perverted desire to conduct subversive communist business.
I would fear and respect revolutionaries founded in real oppression, in drastic life altering violence, or the prospect of loss of life liberty and property.
Not skinny jean wearing vegan zombies who think socialism is chic, and just want free shit.
I don't fear bums.
Tell them shovels or bibles, thats what I say. Better tell them before they meet the rest of us....
As far as Pelosi?
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame the media is in as bad of a state that it is.
Good media pressure on her being above the law would cook her.
But, we already know how that goes. What a disgusting human Pelosi really is. Swampy...
Regarding the phony bullshit story of President Trump speaking negatively of veterans, John Bolton was at the meeting the President is alleged to have made these statement. He said unequivocally that the President said no such thing. It is a lie and a desperate attempt to libel our President.
ReplyDeleteThe Atlantic should be sued for libel and forced to retract this lie filled propaganda and apologize to our President.
Anybody who repeats this story should be ashamed of themselves. This just shows how far the commie left will go to win this election. There is no limit to their depravity.
Lyin biden repeated the phony story about Trump and the vets. This is an outright lie, made up by the commies. It is pure agitprop as is most of what they do. Everybody that was actually in that meeting has publicly stated that President Trump never said any of those things. This is one of the worst things these commie rat bastards have done to date.
ReplyDeleteThese people are disgusting. Anybody who believes this bullshit is too stupid to vote and should be disqualified. It's pure commie propaganda.
Slow joe owes our President and the American people an apology for spreading communist propaganda and lies from the demonic left.
Just remember Obama and Biden had 8 years to support the Military and all they did was ransack it. I will support Trump!!! And all the Commie Rat bastard Liberals can go to hell...
ReplyDeleteGood morning bunker people...
ReplyDeleteYou notice how the whole big Trump/veterans lie was all queued up and ready to go?
ReplyDeleteThey even had commercials shot and ready to air. My guess is this particular piece of lying commie agitprop was supposed to roll out later, closer to the vote. But then pee-losey went and got drunk and got her hair cut so they needed something to push that story out of the news cycle, so they released the big lie.
And Sarge is right about the military. obama and slow joe decimated the military. Budget cuts, firing commanders, destroying morale. Letting equipment get mothballed because there was no money to fix it. No pay raises. They hated the military. And these were the guys who left soldiers to die in Benghazi to cover up their clandestine arms sales to the terrorists. So with what they did in Benghazi, slow joe has no room to say anything about the military.
I knew a couple career officers during obama's time. They told me the troops hated obama with a passion. They told me to watch close anytime obama was around troops or officers and you can see they never make eye contact with him. That is an old unspoken tradition in the military to show disrespect. And it was true.
Benghazi. That tells you everything you need to know about obama, slow joe and crooked hillary.
And as for the President calling John McCain a loser, well, he ran against a Marxist from Kenya who won the election. So that would make McCain the.....
ReplyDeleteFrom Instapundit, and interesting fact about the people who are promoting the lie about Trump and the veterans, the Atlantic democrat propaganda magazine:
ReplyDelete"The Atlantic is owned by a Biden megadonor. “Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, is the majority stakeholder in the publication. Powell Jobs was named by The New York Times among those who financed at least $500,000 of then-presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign in the 2nd quarter this year.”
I don't know about you, but the stock market is treating me very well. I've made more money since the crash than our troll hole has made his whole year working at Subway. No wonder he hates me so much. He's jealous. I can't blame him. It can't be easy working at Subway and living in your mom's basement, knowing I'm living in my palatial home in the Sierras not working a day while he toils putting mayo and mustard on other people's sandwiches that he can't even afford to buy himself. Must suck to be him.
ReplyDeleteI can hear Gen Flynn saying to Nancy (DID YOU SAY SET UP BITCH)?
ReplyDeleteTo be fair. Pelosi thought the sign said 'SALOON'
ReplyDeleteIf there is another civil War It'll Be Antifa, Snowflakes and BLM.
ReplyDeleteAgainst EX Military. Country Boys, Hunters, and Bikers....
That'll Be an Hour We'll Never Get Back.... Hahahahahahhahahah
Well you all remember me telling you all how I had gotten Two applications for mail in ballot? Well I got another one today. So thats three in my name. Damn I sure do want to send those in just to see how many ballots I could get. I am just afraid they would come up with some BS when I got ready to go vote in person. Maybe one of the troll Turds would turn me in for voting three times for Trump?
ReplyDeleteSkippey You should report that to the News Paper or someone you can trust.
ReplyDeleteSkippey should turn them over to the media, but I would bet none of them would report it.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGet ready for the big blast from the commies about Michael Cohen's book filled with lies about our President. I'm sure they figure this time they have him for sure. This is the one that will do it. They've got him now.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the guy that wrote this book went to prison for...wait for it....LYING!!!.
The guy is a lying piece of shit who went to prison for lying. He's only out of prison because some commie judge let him off because of the chinese flu. He's a lying criminal. So sure, let's all line up to read his book, because if you can't trust somebody who went to prison for lying, who can you trust, right?
But he hates the bad orange man, so anything he says must be true. He couldn't just be a lying piece of shit capitalizing on the only thing he has to sell, which is lies about Donald Trump.
These people are pathetic. They know if they run against him on the issues he'll kick their ass all the way into a second term. So they scrape the bottom of the septic tank and come up with people like this. Sad.
Pee-losey is refusing to even negotiate on a relief bill for the chinese flu. Hope all you unemployed people and people who can't pay your rent and mortgage and were hoping for some relief from the government remember this come November. Your President did what he could, but the democrat/communists want you to suffer because they want to blame the bad orange man and think you will vote for them. Even though it's them who are keeping you from getting the help you desperately need.
ReplyDeleteIf Trump should happen to have this election stole from him, It will because The American people allowed it to happen, by not paying attention to what is taking place by the Commie Rat Bastards. If Biden wins, this Country will never be what it once was. Be Prepared. Every Honest American has to vote in person if you can or a legal absentee requested ballot.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWhat? Is this blog broken?
ReplyDeletePretty slow for ???
ReplyDeleteHa Ha LOL Too late girl?
ReplyDeleteMichelle Obama Talks Ups and Downs of Marriage: ‘There Were Times That I Wanted to Push Barack Out of the Window’
Another fail black women, not getting it right Skippey....
ReplyDeleteGood morning Kevin and room 235...
ReplyDeleteHave a great day my friend...:)
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteI'll give it my best shot...