Thursday, February 11, 2021


I don't know about you guys but it's my opinion that old man winter is an asshole.

I hate the blistering cold snap we're currently going through.

14 degrees and falling.

But the good news is that we don't live in Alaska.

Bundle up.

Like everything else life throws at us we'll get through this...

Kevin McGinty


  1. Hammertime February 10, 2021 at 8:21 PM

    At least in August you can slow down, have a cold drink, sit in the shade....

    Nothing you can do but suffer in this crap. With exception, though.

    I cry when I go to work in it. But if you asked me about hunting? Yea, gimme ten minutes and I'll be ready... Lol

    Brains I have not.

  2. Sargejr February 11, 2021 at 2:23 AM

    Good morning room 235....I am just thankful to be able to say that everyday..

  3. Everyday I wake up and wonder why do I continue to live in this part of the country and put up with this cold crap! Then the reality hits that I can't afford to move to a nicer climate! Oh well...Now get out and warm the car up and get your ass to work! LOL!

  4. Out here where I live it's been in the upper sixties, so I feel you pain. Cold. Went down to Bakersfield a couple days ago, it was mid seventies. Been a rough winter here too.

  5. So first lyin biden says his goal is to achieve a million chinese flu vaccinations per day. He's real proud of that goal. Under Trump we were hitting that number and have since as a result of the program he built are hitting 1.5 million. So lying biden's goal is to take us backwards.

    Now he says after promising to get the schools open that having "most of them" having actual live teaching one day a week meets that goal. We currently have a majority of schools having live teaching two days a week. Again, his goal is to move us backwards.

    This guy is a lying idiot. He reads whatever they stick in front of him and then lies about it afterward.

    Hope America is enjoying the low functioning moron they elected. He's a real winner. But he's just who the chicoms wanted, so they're happy.

    1. The Trump Haters have been real quiet on Facebook lately. I wonder why? I'm sure that Joe is meeting all of their expectations!
      And the Trump Hating Republicans, former Republican consultants, involved in the so called "Lincoln Project" apparently, trying to claim the higher "moral ground" than Trump, have funneled a lot of donated money they have received into their own business accounts, as "consulting fees" while not dealing with one of the founders of the organization, John Weaver, who has apparently been hitting on some of the male employees of the organization. Usually, any time someone claims a "higher moral ground" all you have to do to shut them up is to open their closet!

  6. It is cold down here but nothing like the cold I y'all are getting in Topeka.We get ice storms, and an ice storm rolled through last night. There was a 100 car cash on 35W (over by downtown Fort Worth) early this morning and current count is 5 died and numerous injuries. Ambulance buses were called to the scene. The news said it will be days before all the vehicles would be removed. The ice storms we get down here are wicked. The bad thing is you can't tell there is ice on the ground until it is too late.

    Please be careful out there and stay safe.

  7. Hey I am happy camper truck is up and running, don't have to worry about waiting on son to take me on any beer run, Life is still better than no life.

  8. Heard about that wreck down your way, Rose.

    I've seen several vehicles off the road the last few days but nothing like that...

  9. Well boys and girls this old geezer is calling it a night...

  10. A poem for Winter....

    SHIT IT'S COLD!!!!

    It's nothing new, but it's still fun to read.

  11. Kevin, you're not an old geezer.... not yet anyway... (smiles).

    You're younger than Rick :)

  12. Good morning Kevin and room 235, Where the Hell is that Global warming???

  13. Good morning Sarge...

    Just the fact that it's a mind numbing 6 degrees is absolute proof that global warming is real and we're all gonna die.

    Don't believe me? Just ask any brain dead liberal puke...

  14. It is now 3 degrees out, that is so cold I am drinking a warm beer, never thought that would ever happen, ya got to do what you got to do...

  15. When is Pukie Nancy going to use her 25th Amendment to get Rid of Brain Dead Biden??? Just wondering any bets on when?

  16. Well shit... I didn't know there was gonna be a test last night...

  17. Well it is now 1 degree out, thrust me I can't tell the differ from 1 and 6, that's for sure.

  18. But My furnace can tell the difference...

  19. Seems to have straightened itself out. Must be the big brother

  20. Looks like its working this morning.

  21. I am glad it wasnt just me who thought there was some funny stuff going on.

    And as for the cold it isnt really cold its global warming. just think there is more than likely that some one some where is griping about how damn hot it is and going to be. Just a thought. You know I like those thoughts for the day. As we all know just BE PREPARED

  22. Well I have had no problems, I haven't missed a beat!!! Lol

  23. Planned Murderhood is getting in the transgender business. Apparently murdering unborn babies isn't enough to keep Satan happy, so now they're getting in the business of fucking children's lives up forever in case they slipped by the abortion mill.

    Satan is kept pretty busy these days. He must be pretty happy with all he sees from his folks, the democrat/fascist party.

  24. You'd think the Democrats would be HAPPY! After all, they won the election "honestly", Right? They sent the Russian "plant" President packing! Right? They have impeached him AFTER he left office! Right? They now get to implement Global Climate Change policies! Right? Swalwell gets to sleep with the Commie "Fang-Fang" and still be on the "Intelligence committee! Right? Boys now get to be "girls" when they want sports recognition that they were not good enough to get when they competed with other Boys? Right?And on and on and on! So, Why are they still so angry? Why are they still so mad as hell? Could it be because they don't really have any satisfaction in "winning" because they had to, and continue to have to cheat to get whatever they have got? Naaa! You would have to actually care about what other people think about you to feel that way! You would actually have to win on experience, good decisions, actually winning an argument against opposing opinions and convincing the citizens that it is the best course of action to take and earn respect and admiration for a job well done! That is just not the way of the very Liberal Far Left! For them to really get their point across, to really "win", in their opinion, is to take what they want, demand that they get exactly what they want, and then burn it all down if it does not meet their requirements! Winning isn't good enough for them. They have to destroy any opposition in their path in any way possible. Power is so addictive and consuming!

  25. Listening to the trial. The trump lawyers are pretty good but it wont mean any in the end with the libtards doing what they do so well.

  26. Replies
    1. I see it but i don't count... :)

    2. The blog has been having some issues. I had problems last night getting it to take my comments.

  27. Fact for the day

    It is so cold out in Topeka right now, bubbles will freeze before they pop! Right now it’s about 15 degrees below zero with wind chill! Stay safe

  28. And Trump as the Driver... Skipper

  29. Not sure what's going on with this little blog of ours but I suspect we've finally attracted the attention of those who seek to silence us.

    In the last few days I've been denied access using my phone a couple of times. So far no issues with my computer at home.

    However it wouldn't surprise me a bit if the whole thing disappeared in the coming days.

    If it does happen I want to thank each and every one of you guys for all your support and friendship through it all.

    I don't regret anything I've ever said here and would and will do it all over again if it becomes necessary...

  30. Well, I still got e-mail and I for one enjoyed ever minute of it, I love playing the roll of being a asshole, as my Aunt use to say I have a personality of a can of worms, always changing.... And Good morning room 235..

  31. And Kevin I will always remember all the people I have met because of this blog and I now consider wonderful friends, it has been a blessing for me in so many ways, and your wonderful family Tops the list in my little note book. Thank you...I won't call you a asshole today...LOL

  32. Well there's no doubt that this blog has been and is still being monitored. Like the guy from down here that was paid a visit from the FBI just because he had a F B follower that was anti Trump and didnt like this guy expressing his views and his video of what he say at the protest.
    It only takes one off the path person to lie and then set the path up for that person to have his and family's lives up ended.
    This blog has started a following. Even to go and have left wingers want to disrupt it and its posters. We all seen that.
    I think that we will all be around in one way or another. I have met so many new people thru this. Just like the time I met Hammer at a gun show and Sargerjr and his grandson there also. Now i keep in touch with several of our members thru e mail and events around. So I try to keep e mail's FB, and phone numbers of a few. If we all keep a couple of members on our lists we will all be in touch no matter what , when or where. It has started a movement maybe small ,but it is what it is and as our ole buddy says. just BE PREPARED
    And I always look out for friends Whether at the shows. or even in the bread isle.

  33. For the record, I won't show up with a painted face, or horns, or even be riding a horse. I don't believe in theatrics or dramatics. I'm simple.

    When it comes time to discuss this thing, and bring things around correct, there is no security force in the world that will stop the pitchforks and torches when they amass.

    The ones you should fear, my dear socialists, are the ones fighting for their jobs and scrambling to keep their house in order, and pushing to keep their young educated. When those patriots have to turn away, and take care of bigger issues, the bill will be expensive. A cost like no other.

    Remember the difference between those taking, and those being taken from? Don't confuse thievery for bravery.

    Archive me, follow me, watch me, whatever. I don't care. I won't run, and I don't hide. There's only one way to silence me. One.

    So socialists, what say you? I'll hold my line. PROUDLY. I'm in for a penny, in for a pound.
    Can you hold yours?
    Ready when you are.
    Fuck you.
    Your move.

  34. Well, we knew it would be bad if the election got stolen, but I didn't think it would happen this fast. The democrat/fascist party has gone full scale all in totalitarian. And their useful idiot followers in our country are all in with them.

    These people have always been like a plague on civilization. Eating away at freedom, growing in power. Manipulating people, using disinformation and lies to convince people they would be better off under totalitarian rule than being free men. That's why Lenin called them "useful idiots". Too stupid to know they were sewing the seeds of their own destruction, but happily going about the job doing whatever the politboro orders them to do.

    The democrat/fascists have always been this way. The civil war wasn't fought to free the slaves. America was on a path to do that anyway. The war was because the democrats refused to obey federal law, deciding that federal law they didn't like could be ignored. Just like today.

    They seceded from the Union, deciding to do what they wanted instead of what was best for the country. Just like today.

    They got 700,000 young men killed rather than participate in the freedom offered by America, instead choosing enslavement of people. Just like today.

    And in the end, because of their absolute hatred for Abraham Lincoln, one of them murdered the President. After many plots to kidnap him failed, after they couldn't defeat him at the ballot box despite a Union General turning on him and running for the democrat nomination for president, they still couldn't beat him. So they murdered him.

    They have treated Donald Trump in much the same way. They've plotted and schemed and tried every trick in the book, legal and illegal. Constitutional and unconstitutional. Now they are trying to symbolically murder him. Many of them have made threats to murder him outright. When this impeachment fails, I won't be surprised at anything they do. They are devils, literally. And they know no limits.

    And it won't surprise me if one morning Ameirca's blog is gone from Google. As if that will silence us. As if that will somehow stop us from speaking. As if that will scare us or intimidate us.

    Read your history. Oppression may work on some people. But not Americans.

    The dem/coms think they have the power now. And they think they can do what they want without fear of repercussion. They thought the same when the Marxist from Kenya got elected. Then in the first mid terms they lost the House, giving the Republicans a super majority. Then they lost the Senate. Then came Donald Trump. Never assume anything. Things change. And this is a two way street.

  35. And now we are seeing again just how socialism works in N Y City. Between that commie governor and his BLM terrorist's. Why these people dont wake up I will never understand. I guess they just love waiting for the grim reaper to come knocking.

  36. News Flash
    Senate votes to call witnesses
    A twist now in the trial as the Senate votes to call witnesses 55-45.

    Republican Sens. Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, Graham all vote aye.

    This will likely extend the trial, although it is unclear for how long.
    Graham says Pelosi's testimony 'incredibly relevant to the incitement charge'

    Graham: “It is my firm belief that the House Managers are trying to investigate the case AFTER it was brought to the Senate. It is better for the country to go to a final vote.

    “However, if the body wants witnesses, I am going to insist we have multiple witnesses."

    “We can start with Speaker Pelosi to answer the question as to whether or not there was credible evidence of pre-planned violence before President Trump spoke? Whether Speaker Pelosi, due to optics, refused requests by the Capitol Hill Police for additional resources like the National Guard?' he says.

    “Her testimony is incredibly relevant to the incitement charge,” he says.

  37. Ha Ha LOL North Carolina sheriff's office asks people to turn in wanted exes for Valentine’s Day

  38. I was talking to a buddy of mine today and we came up with this.
    The real problem isn't the left. Its these damn so called Republican's [RINOS] . In order to get some one to run against them in the primary's is almost impossible. As the party will try to protect their RINO and will do every thing to make sure that no one will win against them. They will make sure they dont get any financing, air time, newspaper or any thing that might hurt the incumbent RINO. Just watch these next primary if there is a challenger and see how they get treated. But yet that is about the only way we can make sure RINOS get the boot. It wont be easy but maybe now that they see just how many Trump supporters there really are we can get some action done. Worst thing is a lot of them aren't ones that we will get to vote on. And the RINOS know full well that we wont vote left so they get rid of the challenger. Its all a big club.

  39. Seven Republican senators broke ranks to support conviction
    The Republicans who voted for conviction were Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

  40. Is it my turn to say something? Or should I wait?

  41. After this deal today and maybe some more bad decisions from the left I think we will see a few libtards throw in the towel and retire. The ones going out will be because they know their time is up. Especially in heavy red states.
    We seen today that one of the turn coats from N C is retiring. He knows his goose is cooked for the next election. There is going to be some more that will either turn tail and run as they know their time is up.
    I wouldnt be surprised to see Peelosi cash it in if she thinks she can get some one she wants in her place.

  42. Just getting caught up on y'alls comments. Also getting caught up on today's monumental acquittal... the seven turncoats who sided with the demoNcrats should all be banished from the Republican Party and forced to wear DONKEY SUITS.... since the DONKEY is the mascot of the ASS Political Party.

    I love what President Trump said in his response to his 2nd acquittal: from the Washington Times:

    I want to first thank my team of dedicated lawyers and others for their tireless work upholding justice and defending truth.

    My deepest thanks as well to all of the United States Senators and members of Congress who stood proudly for the Constitution we all revere and for the sacred legal principles at the heart of our country.

    Our cherished constitutional Republic was founded on the impartial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights and our freedoms.

    It is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in America is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, defame law enforcement, cheer mobs, excuse rioters, and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance, and persecute, blacklist, cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree. I always have, and always will, be a champion for the unwavering rule of law, the heroes of law enforcement, and the right of Americans to peacefully and honorably debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate.

    This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago.

    I also want to convey my gratitude to the millions of decent, hardworking, law-abiding, God-and-country loving citizens who have bravely supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times.

    Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it!

    We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future.

    Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

    We remain one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God, and it’s our responsibility to preserve this magnificent inheritance for our children and for generations of Americans to come.

    May God bless all of you, and may God forever bless the United States of America.

  43. Looks like Pelosi is headed for a nervous breakdown... quick... someone remove her from office for being mentally impaired!

    Pelosi blames 'cowardly' GOP senators for Trump's acquittal

  44. or should Pelosi be labeled "MENTALLY IRREGULAR"!

    LOL :)

  45. Good morning room 235... Now to read the shit papers, Later...

  46. Well made a cake this morning for the wife for Valentine day, but messed up the heart, red syrup came out runny, but she will forgive me at least on this day. IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNT'S Right... Happy Valentines Day...


    Trump 'ready to move on,' rebuild GOP to retake Congress in 2022: Sen. Graham

  48. now with the demoNcrats failed another impeachment of President Trump, they're not going to stop - they will find other avenues in which to spend our hard earned tax dollars in their relentless idiotic pursuit of President Trump.

    Since everything else the demoNcrats done against President Trump ultimately failed.... who knows what these loons will do next.

  49. They aren't done They have more tricks to try. just using up time and money. Its going to keep going on and on.

    Senate Democrats Dangle 14th Amendment to Keep Trump From Office

  50. I can't help but wonder if you can even impeach an illegitimate president...

  51. I suppose so since it's now okay to impeach a former one...

    What a fucking world we are living in...

  52. Thought for the day

    Its weird being the same age as old people.

  53. You old people have a thing or two going for you.

    For instance while I'm out there freezing my ass off tomorrow you'll be warm and dry inside the house watching tv...

  54. Replies
    1. Ya asshole but we will be thinking of you, stay safe and wear your long John's. And quit whining Skipper and I already dealt with those problems years ago. Heheheh

  55. I guarantee you I will be thinking of you when I am toasting my bread for breakfast around 10:30 or so. Just depends on how long I sleep but I will get it done just for you.

  56. Lol... Thanks, that means a lot...🤣🤣🤣

  57. Good morning Kevin, it is -8 degrees out, If you want to take the day off do so... But 1st approve this comment...

  58. Some more bad new Kevin it is spitting out flurries right now. Good Grief can you imagine what it would be like if we didn't have this global warming??

  59. It is 9° and snowing down here. Stayed in all day and plan to stay in tomorrow as well.

  60. Well. I got Hot cream of celery soup on for the wife and tomato, soup for me and Zach if he comes down today,about 1 or so a pizza, or bacon eggs and potatoes, can't tell with that Boy...

    Good Morning America... or what's left of it!

  61. Well i had the water slowly dripping and now its not. Been thru this several years ago Hopefully I can get it thawed out. been there done it so keep my fingers crossed I can pull it off again.

  62. Skipper that is not good, Luck be with you...

  63. I really feel for you guys back there. That cold is miserable. I tell people here what the cold is like back home when they start bitching about highs in the fifties here. That's one thing I don't miss. But there's a whole lot of things I do miss. Like cost of living. Our gas is $3.69 now, soon to be over four I'm sure. That's just since lyin biden took office. Mostly state taxes and green engergy bullshit. Propane is a fortune. Same with electric. All because they charge us all kinds of extra taxes and fees to pay for green energy bullshit lies. With lyin biden you will all soon enough feel it, when the oil and natural gas supply dwindles because he's cut off supply. The bad thing for me is we'll get charged even more on top of what we pay now.

    So yeah, the democrat/fascists suck big time. We knew this would happen, we just couldn't believe Americans were stupid enough to vote for it. But I guess we were wrong. They are that stupid.

  64. I don't think that Many Americans voted for Biden... Impeach 46

  65. Nearly half of the wind turbines in the state of Texas froze in recent winter weather, hurting state power supplies, according to state authorities.

    Who would have thought??? Lol

  66. Oh and I am sure solar Panels isn't getting much sun in the last ten days...Just Saying....

  67. Hell, ours are too.

    First time in a while your home is probably being powered by Wolf Creek.

    Wind and solar not working. Jefferies can't keep up, and having trouble coming online cause of temperature.

    Nuclear is what we got. Roving blackouts will occur unless we get off the grid demand. Schools being shut because of that, FYI. Maybe bigger buildings for the next day.

    It's crazier than the public knows right now. Stay warm folks.

  68. Hey Kevin are you home and thawed out yet???

  69. Replies
    1. Just think my friend you get to do it all over again tomorrow, but try not to think about it,....

  70. Good Grief it is -8 out again this morning, getting tired of this shit...

    But anyhow good morning room 235...

  71. About time you rolled out, 1/2 the morning shot...

  72. Wouldn't have bothered me much to waste the other half...

  73. Just saw where millions are without power in Texas.

    Rose, I hope you're alright...

  74. All those windmills froze up Kevin in Texas, so much for wind energy wonder if anyone of the Government Brains thought of that?

  75. Well itch attack is pretty much over, Maybe I can get a couple more hours sleep, stay warm, Skipper did you get water unfroze? Later...

    1. Nope still froze up here. Just waiting for it thaw out. Hoping nothing broke.

  76. Pretty cold down here but we still have power. Others in the neighborhood have been without power for over 12 hours, then they have power for a couple of hours then the power goes out again. Not sure why we have been spared but I am not complaining. We have a frozen pipe in our utility room and we have to keep the pool motor running at all times. I am keeping a small stream of water flowing in the bathrooms that backup to an outside wall. We have an exterior bathroom so we should be okay with the pipes not freezing in that room, not sure about the other bathrooms. I am thinking about asking those in the neighborhood who have little ones to come stay at our house until their electricity comes back on. I hate to think about the little ones being cold. We'll see what it is like tomorrow. Apparently there is another wave of snow coming in on Wednesday. I have a closet full of quilts I can pass out if nothing else. My sister-in-law lives across town and she has been without power most of the day. She said it is in the 40's in her house. We'd have her over but she is scared to drive on our slick roads.

    I know yall are also having a rough time. Please look out for each other and if you have to get out in the cold please take care and be safe.

  77. Good grief we have some sun light, wonder how long that will last.?

    Glad you are okay Rose...

  78. It is -13 out side no one should be out. Hear Me!

  79. Y' all notice how Hell has frozen over on Presidents day? Even mother nature hates that son of a

  80. Up and running again. Close call.

  81. President Trump unloads on Sen. McConnell!

    Trump unloads on McConnell, promises MAGA primary challengers
    BY JONATHAN EASLEY - 02/16/21 05:06 PM EST

    Former President Trump on Tuesday unloaded on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and vowed to back challengers to lawmakers who have crossed him, foretelling a brutal primary season for divided Republicans.

    Trump’s statement, which was released through his Save America super PAC, blames McConnell for the GOP’s 2020 Senate losses.

    “Mitch is a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack, and if Republican Senators are going to stay with him, they will not win again,” Trump said. “He will never do what needs to be done, or what is right for our Country. Where necessary and appropriate, I will back primary rivals who espouse Making America Great Again and our policy of America First. We want brilliant, strong, thoughtful, and compassionate leadership.”

    The statement comes days after seven Republican senators joined all 50 Democratic senators in voting to convict Trump of inciting the Jan. 6 riots on Capitol Hill.

    McConnell voted to acquit Trump, but in remarks after the vote, he said Trump was “practically and morally” responsible for the deadly siege. McConnell also left open the possibility that Trump could face civil or criminal charges even though he was acquitted by the Senate.

    The remarks from the Senate minority leader sent a clear signal that he believes the party must separate itself from Trump to remain competitive in future elections.

  82. Replies
    1. Yhea and got a good guy and only $75 One other guy wanted $250 But found out some stuff I didnt want to know about. More money coming this summer. At least I got luck once. Hope I get some more ole Joe money to fix my house.

  83. Just for shits & grins...

    Putting a twist on political parties... think back to Get Smart....

    Kaos always tried relentlessly to Agent 86 (i.e. Maxwell Smart) "Get Smart."

    Through all of their antics, half cooked ideas, etc., they never succeeded.

    Connect that to the Democrats - they are KAOS, in fact the Democrats will forever be chaotic in their misadventures to "GET TRUMP" nothing will work for them regardless of their old "such in such" tricks. Now there's no answer to the age old question.... "just what in the hell is 'such and such'?"

    Hint: don't bother asking the Democrats that question, they're so clueless that they can't find their ass with both hands!

    I now return you to today's episode from Washington.... "As the Democrats Failures Mount"

    Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel



  84. News flash straight from the mouth of mother nature

    A winter storm caused Texas's power outage. Climate change likely caused the storm.

    Well so much for global warming. Does this mean that we wont get any hot weather now?

  85. Just think we may be next. Looks like Canada and the USA have two peas in a pod for their top leadership.
    Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns

  86. And for the laugh of the day.

    Accidental Blast During Bomb-Making Class Kills 30 Taliban Fighters

  87. New cereal on the market. Proud Puffs. Seriously. True. Shaped like a black power fist. Think I'll eat some so I can shit black power fists. Guess they didn't think this one through.

  88. Rush L has passed away what a lost to this Country... RIP...

  89. LOl Wonder how she likes that Liberalism now. Stabbed in the ole back. She is on her way out.
    Biden distances from Psaki comments

  90. And just as we all thought.
    CNN, NBC Paid Left-wing Capitol Rioter $35,000 Each for Footage of Violence


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...