Sure you will.
I'm sorry guys, but I don't have a lot of faith in anything the so-called leaders of what's become of today's republican party claim they're going to do.
They're gonna do this and they're gonna do that.
Remember, these are the exact same weak-kneed bastards who sat there on their asses and let the democrats steal the presidential election.
Here's the way I see this particular situation playing out.
McCarthy: Speaker Pelosi, the American people are outraged by the latest outburst from Mad Maxine and demand her removal from congress.
Speaker Pelosi: Fuck off.
McCarthy: Sorry to have bothered you, I'll go sit down now.
We're in deep shit, guys...
Kevin McCarthy Presses Nancy Pelosi to Take Action Against Maxine Waters for ‘Inciting Violence’ in Minnesota

House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy on Sunday night pressed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to take action against Rep. Maxine Waters (R-CA) for “inciting violence” in remarks she made in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, this weekend.
McCarthy said that if Pelosi does not act, he intends to take action of his own against Waters for her remarks encouraging violence in Minnesota if a jury does not find former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty in his trial in the death of George Floyd.
Waters, in her remarks to reporters at a protest in Brooklyn Center where thousands have been protesting the death of Daunte Wright, encouraged people to “take to the streets” if Chauvin is not found guilty of murder — one of the several charges he faces in his trial in Floyd’s death, which is expected to conclude this coming week.
“We’re looking for a guilty verdict,” Waters said. “And we’re looking to see if all of the talk that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd, if nothing does not happen, then we know that we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice. But I am very hopeful, and I hope we are going to get a verdict that says ‘guilty, guilty, guilty.’ If we don’t, we cannot go away.”
Asked in a follow-up question what protesters should do if Chauvin is not convicted of murder, Waters said, “we’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active. We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure they know we mean business.”
Waters has a history of advocating extreme measures for political purposes. During former President Donald Trump’s administration, Waters advocated that people “harass” Trump administration officials in their daily lives.
“I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it’s wrong for what they’re doing on so many fronts,” Waters said when Trump was president. “They tend to not want to confront this president or even leave, but they know what they’re doing is wrong. I want to tell you, these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re going to absolutely harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’ This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can’t keep doing this to children.”
It is unclear if Pelosi will do anything about this latest iteration of Waters advocating extreme measures for political purposes, but if she resists holding Waters — who is the chairwoman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee — accountable, it remains to be seen what McCarthy can do from the minority to hold Waters accountable.
And impeach 46!!! Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteYeah...Pelosi with do something about Mad Maxine about the same time she does something about Eric Swalwell, and his Chinese spy, and Adam Shit for his continual lying about Russia, Russia, Russia, etc. etc. etc.! Republicans in the House have no real power and probably would not know how to use it, if they had it! So many are as corrupt as the Democrats or worse. The swamp eventually poisons almost all of them since their goal is not to serve and go home, but to become a life-long Government official that corrupts.
ReplyDeleteThe jury starts deliberating today in the Chauvin case. Where a violent felon thug died from a drug overdose while being restrained. He is about to be sacrificed to the mob by the commies.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, no comment on the name of the pelosi secret policeman who shot Ashli Babbit in the back during a peaceful protest.
So it's OK to murder Trump supporters, but if someone dies and the commies can make hay out it, anything goes. Even sacrificing a cop's life for the advancement of hatred and communism.
Always wonder why the democrat/communists are so afraid of Donald Trump and his supporters. After all, they would have us believe lyin biden won by a huge margin and got more votes than any candidate in history. And the fake polls show he is extremely popular despite being a bumbling idiot.
ReplyDeleteSo if that's true, why would they be afraid of us? They claim to have a huge groundswell of support, they control 95% of the media and have hollywood solid in the commie camp. So what can we do? We have no votes in congress. We have no power. But they spend every waking moment trying to do things to supress us.
Maybe the know the same truth we do. That it's all a giant hoax and at some point America will wake up and smell the commies.
Well that pretty well sums it up. "So it's OK to murder Trump supporters" And the RINO's will set back and let it happen and wont say a word. And even if they did it wont go any where.
ReplyDeleteAnd the cop will get the butt end of the deal. The women cop will get the other end of the butt deal. She will have her life ruined. People who dont support BLM & Anitfa will get the back end deal. Look at what happened to the soldier who tried to keep his property from some piece of crap. And as long as those libtards like mad Max can get away with it its going to keep coming. We got at least two years and if these idiots dont do some thing then its all over. They will have taken this country so far down and left by then the rest will be nothing but history. Its the end of conservative party.
I hate to say this but this will not stop or end until some one or some people sacrifice themselves. Remember what happened in Ok City. They are going to piss some one or bunch off and there is going to be a lot of innocent people get hurt. And some of them will deserve it as they have made their bed. You cant keep pushing this left wing crap and not expect nothing to bad to happen. Even though they think they can.
Two quote's
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants."
"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it"
Well said Skippey. And yes I also don't see any other ending to where we are today.
ReplyDeleteHave to wait and see what happens now that a judge has stepped up and called Waters out.
ReplyDeleteShe's nothing but a female version of Sharpton. Just braver and just as vile. And shes got a pocket full of racism, miles deep.
I hope her mouth got her on this one. Hope...
Evil has stalked this nation, but never so brazenly as it does now. And after years of indoctrination we now have a generation who cannot tell good from evil. But hope survives and doesnt disappoint. There are still many, like those here, who have not bowed to evil.
ReplyDeleteHoly Crap we got about 3 inches of snow last night, Jesus cleansing the city.....
ReplyDeleteI almost wonder if the judge has intentionally tried to set this trial up for appeal and possible re-try if the guy gets convicted. With him not sequestering the jury, and the comments about, in particular, the stupid actions of Mad Max, as well as his statement about the people of Congress interfering in the Judicial Branch of Government.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any real sympathy for George Floyd. Him, and so many others, both Black and White, do bad things, think they can get away with it, when caught, they are not the tough guys that they think they are, either get scared, panic or run, or both when arrest is attempted, and resist the police because they have run out of luck. I still don't know what their policy really was in regard to restraint of a resisting suspect. I'm pretty sure though that those on the jury know deep-down, if they don't convict him of something more than a fairly minor offense, the city and many others will burn because of it. Maybe a conviction and then an appeal down the road, for re-trial will be the only way, even if not the right and fair way, to keep this country from burning! Then again, I don't think many will really care, because they just want to collect their reparations and the White, wannabe Black, rioters will go along with them.
Finally after 6 calls I got ahold of a real person that even spoke English. I ve been like HUGH Can you hear me now.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the snow there. We've hit the spring weather. 70s every day. I won't wear anything but shorts from here on until next winter.
ReplyDeleteSo now we know for certain the Capital Police Officer died from unrelated natural causes the day after the peaceful demonstration. So the media, the democrat/communists and lyin biden all blatantly lied about it. They even tried to blame it on President Trump during his fake impeachment.
ReplyDeleteWe also know now the only person murdered was Ashli Babbit, shot in the back by the secret police and there will be no investigation or consequences for shooting an unarmed woman in the back.
So who are the real criminals in this whole affair? Peaceful demonstrators or the godless commies who turned it into a political event to be used against us?
And by the way, the troll hole is out there sputtering and spitting. Hey troll? You'd really love to come on here and dispute what I say, wouldn't you? To contradict me, to spread commie talking points?
ReplyDeleteWell, not gonna happen. We get to say anything we want, and all you can do is read it and post some nutball comment that gets deleted unseen and unread. Tough shit, troll. But that's life on America's Blog. And you can't do shit about it.
I have my doubts that anyone in Washington will have guts and backbone do anything about Mad Maxine... the venomous hate-filled advocate for violence, rioting, assaults, and vandalism.
ReplyDeleteby Tiana Lowe, Commentary Writer | April 20, 2021 02:19 PM
Joe Biden may be the president in name, but with the White House directly contradicting his proclamations twice in as many days and his notable absence from greeting Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, one has to ask: Who is actually running the country?
With border crossings at their highest in 15 years and record numbers of child migrants flooding overcrowded facilities, it is abundantly clear that the country faces a crisis, and at last, Biden conceded as such. During a weekend round of golf, he defended delaying an increase in refugees accepted to the country because his administration had to deal with "the crisis that ended up on the border with young people."
But by Monday, the White House inexplicably said that the stated position of the president wasn't the position of the presidency.
"No, there is no change in position," an unnamed White House official told CNN. "Children coming to our border seeking refuge from violence, economic hardships, and other dire circumstances is not a crisis." Instead, the official claimed Biden "was referring to the crisis in Central America — the dire circumstances so many are fleeing from. He was not referring to the federal government's response."
Really? When Biden explicitly said, "The crisis that ended up on the border"?
Then, on Tuesday, Biden spilled a little extra gasoline over the tinderbox that is the Twin Cities metro area, telling the press that he is praying for "the right verdict" in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the cop charged with the murder and manslaughter of George Floyd. Sure, Biden may be right that the evidence against Chauvin is "overwhelming," at least with regard to the manslaughter and third-degree murder charges, but the judge had already warned that the threats of Rep. Maxine Waters of California could constitute grounds for a mistrial. The highest elected official in the nation weighing in on a jury currently deliberating charges doesn't just raise the temperature of a city ready to riot but also threatens the integrity of the legal proceedings.
Just hours later, the White House again contradicted the boss.
"I don't think he would see it as weighing in on the verdict," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said of Biden's remarks. Really, him asking for the "right" verdict isn't tantamount to him weighing in on the verdict?
All the while, Vice President Kamala Harris, the person Biden claimed to have put in charge of the border crisis, is everywhere but on the border. While Biden is in hiding, Harris has been gallivanting across the country, even greeting Suga in his place.
Biden may be the president, but clearly, the buck does not stop with him. So, who is actually running the country in his stead?
Dang. Chauvin found guilty on all counts.
ReplyDeleteBiden needs to keep his mouth shut.
ReplyDeleteKevin McCarthy is weak. Nothing will happen to Queen Maxipad.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind if Waters did an impersonation of Michael Jackson during Pepsi commercial video shoot.
ReplyDeleteBut hey, I'm speaking for myself here...
This farce of a trial is what we can look forward to unless we respond in a manner that stops the intimidation by rioters thugs, politicians scum like maxine waters and brain dead joe biden. Also prosecutors that are intimidated by those people and events I already mentioned. I believe the rioters, politicians like waters, squat squad, biden and those more scared of rioters than upholding the law are what scared the jury into a conviction. Media had all but posted the jury identities. The jury was influenced and scared for their families. This will just get worse unless good folks are ready to respond accordingly to these threats to America. Trial should have been moved and charges at most should have been manslaughter. But my own thought are not any charges- just don't try to resist arrest! BTW Florida just passed some good laws to deal with this as well as what school are teaching.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...