Thursday, September 16, 2021

So Grusome Newsom won. Surprised? Don't be.

 The democrat/communists think that newsom beating his recall means something. They're even talking about him running for president. Good luck. There was no chance of it going any other way. Never. California is too far gone to save. Trust me. I live here. The last normals living in California are squeezed into Central California and we don't have enough votes to do anything.

Outside of California the democrat/communists are about as popular as dog shit on your shoe. Their radical commie base loves them, but that's a small minority. They just make a lot of noise. The polls show that lyin biden is sinking like a rock, as he should. He's the single worst president in American history. He has personally done more damage to America than any president before him. And it's getting worse. And his party is worse. People are feeling the effects. Even people who supported him are waking up to the fact that the party is run by Marxists and they are actively seeking to destroy our country.

Ruining our economy. Raising taxes to shut down job growth and investment. Crushing businesses that don't toe the commie line. Propping up the media and social media allies who support their goals.

Spreading the chinese flu by promoting bad prevention methods and pretending they work, and by importing tens of thousands of unvaxed untested illegal aliens and spreading them all over the country. Flooding our country with unvetted Afghans who we know were taliban supporters planted in the crowd to get shipped here. Meanwhile leaving thousands of actual loyal Afghans and Americans behind.

Destroying our military by putting treasonous traitors in charge. Generals who side with our enemies. Destroying morale by forcing woke commie bullshit down their throats. And giving our worst enemies billions of dollars of our best weapons and piles of cash.

Fighting voter integrity wherever a state tries to implement it. Wherever a state tries to make it harder to cheat and steal elections, which is how commies have always won elections, they create a national firestorm to try to stop it. Using all their media and corporate lapdogs to control the narrative.

Ruining our schools by teaching outright racist ideas to our children, and planting Marxist theories that they will manipulate for the rest of their lives. Our universities should all be renamed School of Marxism because that's pretty much what they are.

But Americans are seeing it. They're seeing their paychecks not growing like they were under Trump. They're paying more for essentials of life than they ever have, with it going up every day. And they're seeing that they are being lied to by these commie rat bastards every day. They are told what a great job biden is doing but everything in their lives tells them otherwise.

So don't let California get you down. Venezuela elected a Marxist to run their country for the same reasons Americans think Marxists are great. And look how that turned out. The difference is Americans have caught on and will fix their mistakes.

The dem/coms have a while yet to do a lot of damage, and they will. But next year, we take back the House and Senate and put a stop to this bullshit. Assuming the Republicans do the right thing which is never a sure thing.

So have heart friends. It's not over. It's just getting started.

So, altogether now.....FUCK JOE BIDEN!!!!


  1. But us normals in California are going to pay dearly for trying to remove this petty dictator from office. He will punish us some way. Vax mandates are coming for sure. Who knows what else? And his slobbering arm waving mob of followers will cheer him loudly whatever punitive steps he takes to make us pay. They're brain dead zombies who cannot be saved. This state sucks, for sure.

  2. You know, lyin biden is whipping up a tribal fear of the unvaccinated. Inciting hatred. Suppression. Encouraging people to shut out the unvaxed and punish them.

    Seems familiar. Possibly another fascist dictator from years back who did the same thing to Jews, ending up with concentration camps and a "final solution". Same language. Same style. Same dividing the nation into "us and them".

    But by the president of the United States. Did you ever imagine you would see that? I sure didn't.

  3. Fuck Joe Biden good point Safe..He is a commie rat bastard....

  4. Never in my life did I expect things to get this bad...

    1. I really dont think we have yet to see how bad its going to be. This is just the beginning. The real push has yet to come. And I believe it will come. With Calli now under the libs ownership they will start to push that state to full blown left commie. It is a big state. Thats one reason they put so much money into it. They know they will never get Texas to go blue. So next in Calli. When these left people who dont have the money or the connections to fight back start to see the light and fight back the commie leftest Hollywood elites and the Soro's then we will know its in the final stage. But by then it will be to late as these people have done bent over and took it up the rear. The Rino's will already have turned and ran with the commie's. And we will be left with our small groups holding together to protect ours and families. The bible tells us of the last days. Were in them now.

  5. I will say I hoped they wouldn't get this bad, but I have been afraid of it since Slick Willie was elected. I had a fellow clergy tell me it didn't matter about willie's morals or ethics because, "any means is acceptable to advance a noble cause." A direct from Karl Marx from a pastor. I knew then that much of the church was gone and the nation would follow.

  6. I would say it is the fault of millions of parents not being involved in what their children were being taught in primary and secondary education as well as colleges and universities. It is also the parents fault for not watching what their churches were teaching.

  7. Terrible, but not surprising about Newsome.

    Current state of America?
    I'm not sure we could quietly row across that river, on that frosty Christmas eve.

    Hell, I'm not even sure we could get up out of our seat on flight 96, and intervene.

    I'm confident something will happen to change my belief and confidence, simply because it has to. Hoping there's no more steps in tbe direction of civil unrest, but again I'm not sure how much more the social fabric of country can take. Mandates and the immediate ostracization of those who don't follow?

    Gonna be a helluva ride for next year and half. All I can say.

  8. Evidently our local bottom feeder has a lot to say this morning.

    Maybe he should have thought about that as he was being repeatedly warned to stop with his hateful bullshit.

    Select all delete...

  9. And so it begins.

    Bottom feeder wastes his time.

    They come to me in the form of an email.

    I delete them without ever opening them.

    Why would I do that?

    Because I don't give a shit what he has to say.

    Select all delete...

  10. I think he imagines somebody is reading his excretions. Otherwise what would make somebody post dozens and dozens of comments that just get deleted unread? Well, except the part about him being a moron who doesn't have a clue what he is doing.

    I imagine everytime we talk about him he gets a twister. He's a pretty sick individual. Probably inspires him to post even more comments to be deleted. Funny that somebody would be so stupid as to believe talking to himself is having some sort of impact on anybody. But then, this is a troll we're talking about. And trolls are something that grew out of the internet age. They're pretty much everywhere and say pretty much the same things over and over.

    I wish we could at least get an interesting troll instead of this idiot. He just repeats about the same ten or twelve posts. Reposts the same thing over and over again. And it's not even interesting. It's just nasty.

  11. So the lyin biden regime claims his $3.5 trillion dollar bill to buy votes from the uninformed American voter is fully paid for. Sure. Paid for. How? Well, don't worry about that, just trust us they say.

    And his press secretary, who it appears he may have had an affair with many years ago compares it to the Trump tax cuts. Same thing, she lies.

    Big difference. lyin biden wants to spend money on commie left wing projects, phony climate change and paying off all the commies who got him elected. And it's entirely money we don't have, and will never have despite the lies about tax increases and other bullshit.

    Trump's tax cut was simply letting us keep our own money.

    The reason the commies think they are the same is they are commies. They see money as all theirs. Whether it's in the Federal treasury, or being held by us in our bank accounts, it belongs to them. Commies let you have however much money as they think you need, and the rest is theirs.

    The fact that his pathetic mouthpiece doesn't actually understand the difference just proves her Marxist beliefs. They're all Marxists. And they won't rest until they destroy our system and replace it.

  12. If the Afghans don't care enough about their country to fight for it, why should America? If the Californians want to live in a Godawful hellhole we might as well let them.

  13. Good morning Kevin and lady Linda, and all you Bunker people...

  14. I honestly hope no Trump supporters show up at the rally in DC today. This will be stocked with FBI operatives and antifa terrorists working on behalf of the FBI. Their role will be to turn it into another riot so the commies can clamp down even further and arrest more Trump supporters. This is a dangerous trap that the commies will use to their advantage.

    1. I damn sure agree with that Safe, set up for sure, bastards will stoop to anything...

  15. Excellent writing SSAH. Would you mind I copied and pasted your written words, giving you credit to my FB page? If not, I understand.

  16. Sure, Rose. Anytime. You can always copy my stuff. Don't mind bit. That's the point I guess.

  17. Thought for the day

    The biggest waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn't care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense. There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand. Others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
    When IGNORANCE SCREAMS, intelligence moves on.

  18. So the Minnesota Supreme Court gave Minneapolis the go ahead to vote on abolishing the police department. Good. I hope they do it. And I hope they have the worst crime wave in modern history, while the non existent police watch. I hope everybody who votes to abolish the police personally gets robbed, their cars stolen, their property vandalized. I hope these commie rat bastards pay a heavy price for this Marxist nonsense.

    This needs to be an example to the rest of the commies. Here's what happens when you do something that incredibly stupid. There's a cost. And not an "unexpected consequence". A real, fully expected consequence. Lives are at stake here. And these foul people are going full steam ahead.

    Absolute proof that the democrat/communist party doesn't care about American citizens. Only power and destroying our wonderful country. Minnesota has been commie for years. They elected Marxist muslims to congress. The whole summer of riots was born there. And they deserve every horrible thing that happens. Hopefully, they'll wake up. But I doubt it.

  19. Well the found the girl dead, so damn sad....

  20. Gabby sorry left that off. She is dead...

  21. It is sad. But the only thing that surprises me is that they found her...

  22. Good Morning room 235.... Just saying.

  23. Good morning Kevin, Sarge, Safe, and all! Would it OFFEND anyone if I said I hoped the boyfriend of Gabby's does himself in? Last I heard, he is now missing. What a shock! Hope he is missing as in "He's taken himself out of the picture permanently! Probably hiding though. Scumbags seldom do the "right" thing!

  24. Most people are not averse to the idea of preparedness, but many have trouble taking the first steps in the right direction. Starving people will break into stores and loot food, leaving you with nothing if you are not ready. Yes, this can happen in America. We are mere minutes from the Third World without electricity.

    This means food supply is the greatest Achilles' heel of the American populace. Most homes store less than one week's worth of food items at any given time. And grocery stores with their vaunted "supply chains" have maybe a day extra more than they need. That will spoil or be gone quickly.

    The average person needs between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day to maintain sufficient energy for survival. Multiply that out if you will be unable to visit a store, or if you have no power for a week or more.

    Start with 2,000 calories per day per person. Bulk foods can be purchased cheaply (for now) and can at the very least provide sustenance during emergencies. A 20-pound bag of rice, for instance, can be had for less than $15 and provides about 30,000 calories, or 2,000 calories per day for 15 days for one person. Supplement with beans, canned vegetables and meats, honey for sugar, or freeze-dried goods, and you will be living more comfortably than 90 percent of the population.

    Food stockpiling is one of the easiest and most vital measures a person could take. Yet, sadly, it is one of the last preparations on people's minds.

  25. With economic downturn comes government oppression. Economic panics, famine and social breakdown come about as a result of depreciation and devaluation of a paper currency. Few get this direct connection, but it is a direct cause just as night follows day. It's happening now!

    The populace has been conditioned to have the goal of accumulating a worthless middleman — cash — instead of hard assets and commodities. For now, this middleman can still gain us access to commodities, goods and services, but for how long?

  26. Well been married 58 years today, and damn if I an't starting to like her a little....:)

  27. Happy anniversary to you and your bride...

  28. Thanks Kevin... I have try to replay 3 times but I get a error notice.

  29. How did your first two days back at the mines go?

  30. They were everything I expected them to be and I'll just leave it at that...😎😎😎

  31. Ya good point, leave it at that, I am not in the mood to hear any belly acking.. LOL

  32. Good morning Sarge. About time you rolled out of that bed...

  33. Ya your right time to get rolling, things to do on these cool days..


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...