It's almost here. The single most consequential election in our lives. The election that will determine if this country will set its course for the godless left wing agenda, the utopian nightmare as envisioned by hillary clinton or the embrace of freedom and economic prosperity for all envisioned by Donald Trump.
I know, everybody is worried about some stuff Donald Trump said a few years ago. Inappropriate things said between a couple of guys that is now being broadcast to the world thanks to the shameless godless left.
But what's really important? We know. hillary envisions an America unlike the one we do. Open borders so anyone can come and go without a care. Terrorists can walk over the border, stop at a convenience store, pick up a soft drink then go kill a bunch of Americans. Unchallenged.
An America where success breeds contempt. Work hard? Make yourself some money? Shame on you. Now pay your "fair share" which in the eyes of the godless left is everything. All the taxes. Don't work cause your prefer not to? No problem. Here's food stamps, welfare. And free college. Need a house? We'll make that happen. Health care insurance? Sure, that's free. Here you go. Now just remember where you got it.
Own a gun? Or maybe several guns? Well, in the hillary America you won't. Thanks to a feckless congress and a packed federal court system where thousands of godless liberal judges have been appointed by obama now a president can just rule by fiat. A pen and a phone I believe one fascist president described it. So look for executive order after executive order banning guns. And what will congress do? Go on TV and cry a lot maybe. But otherwise not much. And this president will control which direction the Supreme Court goes. Constitutional interpretation of our laws, as our founders intended or godless left wing agenda driven enforcing personal bias and partisan politics.
Want to see jobs return to America? Want to see businesses have a reason to expand and hire? Good luck with that if hillary gets elected. They're going to be regulated out of business. Taxed until they bleed. Because that's "fair" you know. So what will the response be? Move to Mexico. Outsource to China. Keep your profits overseas where you can actually keep most of it.
Worried about thousands of muslims pouring into our country, refusing to assimilate, bringing with them their seventh century beliefs and practices? Demanding Sharia law? Living like they were still in terrorist controlled muslim countries? Well, if hillary gets elected look for a few hundred thousand more. Because that's "our way" don't you know.
That's just a few of the reasons this is the most important election in our lives.
We get to choose. Trump? Sure, he worries me on a few things. But most issues he's right on. And I believe he loves this country. This is a country that allowed him to accumulate vast amounts of wealth and live a wonderful life. And he wants more people to share that, not less.
hillary? A lying, cheating, corrupt, crony capitalist who will say and do anything it takes to win. Who supports destroying our country with open borders. Who can be bought and sold by anybody with enough money. Who has proven she can't be trusted with national security. Who is an unrepentant, unindicted felon and should be in prison. Who has been a part of the absolute worst most corrupt presidential regime in the history of America.
We'll keep talking about this, right up to the election. This is the big one folks. Keep the home fires burning and the powder dry.
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Morning SSAH, Never give up, we have to stay focused.
ReplyDeleteLocked and loaded
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel like the Confederate States probably felt. Northern invaders bearing down on them. Overwhelming numbers. Superior firepower. Backed by the government in Washington DC. The entire northern media on the side of the federals.
ReplyDeleteAnd all they had was a burning desire to not be ruled by an oppressive tyrannical government. These were people after all who remembered the American Revolution, fought to free the colonies from and oppressive tyrannical government. General Robert E Lee was the son of Light Horse Harry Lee, a true Revolutionary War hero.
And but for some errors and misfortunes the CSA would have won that battle for independence. Their spirit and fighting ability almost carried the day. People have no idea how close it was.
Just saying sometimes it feels that way. We hear endlessly how hopeless it is, how the outcome is determined. How it doesn't matter what we do, we will lose.
I guess we will see what we will see, right?
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DeleteIs old buttboy trolling us again? He just can't help it, can he? Worthless POS too cowardly to come out in the open, sneaking around like the chickenshit troll he is.
ReplyDeleteWell, like I say. He posts here at our pleasure, and we aren't pleased.
Sorry Safe, but Batshit went way over the line this time.
ReplyDeleteHe finally admitted he's gay and went into great detail about the things he likes to do with unsuspecting little boys.
I just hope no children read his disgusting words...
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ReplyDeleteAbuse warning@donotreply. Your post has been deleted for violating the terms of service of this blog. Future posts will also be deleted for violations of the terms of service. You are in fact a living breathing violation of the terms of service of civilized society and decent people everywhere.
DeleteWell good grief. Nobody wants to read that kind of disgusting information. He's just a pervert. We've always known that, I'm surprised he would openly admit it though. Guess like most godless satanic liberals he's proud of those kinds of things.
ReplyDeleteThey are pretty sick people. No wonder they're all voting for hillary.
Hahahahahhahahhaaahhahahahahahhhhhah Good Grief I love it!
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ReplyDeleteThat the best you got loser? That was pretty pathetic, but then it is you after all, isn't it?
Delete"I observed on one of the drums belonging to the marines now raising, there was painted a Rattle-Snake, with this modest motto under it, 'Don't tread on me.' As I know it is the custom to have some device on the arms of every country, I supposed this may have been intended for the arms of America."
ReplyDelete"She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. ... she never wounds 'till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her."
"I confess I was wholly at a loss what to make of the rattles, 'till I went back and counted them and found them just thirteen, exactly the number of the Colonies united in America; and I recollected too that this was the only part of the Snake which increased in numbers. ..."
"'Tis curious and amazing to observe how distinct and independent of each other the rattles of this animal are, and yet how firmly they are united together, so as never to be separated but by breaking them to pieces. One of those rattles singly, is incapable of producing sound, but the ringing of thirteen together, is sufficient to alarm the boldest man living."
Ladies and gentleman, if you have one fly it proudly. Like rattles on the snake if we don't come together we will not be heard. Nows the time!!!
Now we are seeing where the Clinton campaign apparently was trying to bribe agents of the FBI by offering them "cushy" jobs for eliminating the "Confidential" off of some of Hillary's leaked E-mails!
ReplyDeleteTo me, the idea that what they have condemned Donald Trump for doing, simply by his words, or just alleging that he may have done with all of these women now amazingly coming out of the wood work after 30 some years, in some cases, and trying to downplay the Clinton "Organized mafia" actions, in comparison to what they say about Trump, simply is beyond unbelievable! How gullible must these minions of Hillary be, to ignore all of this, in order to get her elected!
Trump is again having his words proven correct, that the system is rigged!
Now I am not what you would call a "real religious" person! But watching and hearing all of what is going on almost convinces me that Trump was put here at this time, in this place, to draw attention to all that is going on at this time. It is almost like God knew it would take someone with Trump's personality and determination, to even get the attention, to even start the conversation about the corruption that is going on in our government! If Trump wins the election, it will almost totally convince me that God will have had a hand in this election!
Hillary lacks integrity- been proven over and over again and again.
The definition of flouted: to openly disregard, disobey, violate basic ethical practices. This describes Hillary Clinton without a shadow of doubt.
From the CBS news link – Hillary frequently and blatantly disregarded protocols while Secretary of State.
And you Hillary supporters still want to vote for this lying corrupt witch? She has zero integrity and that is by far much worse than all the dirt she and her campaign is flinging at Donald Trump. She has placed our nation at risk with that email scandal.
When requested to have a statement the Clinton campaign “did not immediately return a request for comment.” How predictably typical! If you Hillary supporters think she’s so upright, honest, transparant….. you've gotta be either high on drugs or completely brainwashed into idiocy!
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ReplyDeleteKTT you are right a good cause for sure. Take care.!!
ReplyDeleteHey Anon...Is that you, Jimmy the Jerk wad or Batty,the Bung Hole Abuser? Either one of you, or one of the others..It doesn't matter! The only thing that I would enjoy about Hillary Clinton becoming President would be the satisfaction that I would have in knowing that you all willingly chose to screw up your own little world by electing the witch! I guess you want open borders, where all of the scum of the earth can just come and go, taking what they want and leaving you with the crumbs, a one World government, that someone like George Soros, and others like him, would love to be in control
ReplyDeleteof, a national police force, controlled at the whim of someone like Hillary Clinton, as well as the removal of the 2nd amendment so that you have absolutely no means to defend yourself from an attack on you and your family! And the advantage of those scenarios would be of what advantage to someone like you? Do you really believe that Hillary has any interest in your life other than another vote for her to achieve her goals? Rather than "Big Brother" from "1984" it will be "Big Sister" starting in 2017! Maybe she won't accomplish it all in her reign, but her wannabe daughter Chelsie will be thoroughly groomed by that time and I am sure that Michelle can not wait to get into politics to be the next Barack Obama in drag! God help us All!
Hello folks,
ReplyDeleteJust a few things to ponder here.....
Firstly, it's our own fault. We have given up too many of our God given rights that were written in to our US Constitution in the Bill of Rights in the name of Security. The States have lost control. It started way back during the Civil War when Abraham Lincoln started issuing executive orders.
Secondly, back when FDR was POTUS, in times of economic upheaval in the Great Depression, the people allowed the Federal Government to start Socialism and their kids grew up to be the liberal left wing hippies of the 60's....stepping stones into what we have today which is very close to a king and dictatorship, which is what the Founding Fathers fought and died to get away from.
Thirdly, our voting system is broken. Our voting system used to be our only hope of quiet revolution every four years. Why vote and support a system that does not work. It is great that I see all the talk of the past, Civil War and things about past patriotism. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not knocking any of you. My question is, what are we doing to organize before it's too late? Yes, I'm keeping my powder dry, but what are we really doing to organize against a tyrannical government? Just like Hammertime says, the rattles will do nothing by themselves. Although I will agree, a quiet rattlesnake can do quite a bit of damage. It also does no good to write our Congressman anymore. I see the Federal Government can stop four white people from attacking a bunch of Somalis in Garden City Kansas before anything bad happens, which was good as long as the Somalis were trying to assimilate to our country, but can't stop one muslim terrorist anywhere in this country that has killed many of US citizens. This has happened many times here in the US.
Fourthly, I will back trump, but he isn't much better than the liar hillbillary. I lost a lot of faith in Trump when he started spouting that BullShit about "Stop and Frisk".....Fully unconstitutional and a right that was given up by someone in the name of security. I don't care if it is in New York City, if it can happen there, the law can start abusing us for just posting conservative thoughts on this blog. Please think about that a while.
This election cycle has brought a lot of things into view for me, and it is just things I think about. Sorry for the ramble.
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DeleteSorry Battshit but your comment was deleted because you're fucking liar.
ReplyDeleteHere's the deal. My friend and former partner, Kansas Truth Teller has something to say he'll say it and he won't hide behind some anonymous name.
Are you really so desperate for attention that you'd actually post using someone else's name?
Of course you.
You did the same thing using Nunya's name a while back.
But for a guy that admits to molesting unsuspecting little boys such behavior is expected...
Hey, that's what friends do...
DeleteEFH, Not a damn thing wrong with the ramble, It makes one think don't ya know, when the shit hits the fan, some leaders are going to have to take the step forward, I have know Idea what a 72 year old person like myself can do any more, moral support, Maybe get off a few rounds I would hope, lol But we do Hear You!
ReplyDeleteSarge, after meeting you at the first summit, I'm betting you would be more than moral support or get off more than a few rounds. The problem is what leaders do we have or can we really rely on. Not a one in the halls of DC. Hopefully Trump will win, but I hope we won't be disappointed in what he does if he is elected.
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DeleteKevin you mean I got suckered in with the KTT Post, Shit I hate that when that happens!
ReplyDeleteNow I am pissed off! Thanks for bailing me out. Good Grief , this age shit is killing me.
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DeleteWell Maybe I got an excuse, contractor was doing final details on the walks and driveway, took the wife to the Doctors, got up early, and in the Morning have to take My Son to get all his teeth removed, I am just damn tired, Okay whining is over, See ya tomorrow. Stay Safe everyone.
ReplyDeleteEFH, Trump can't possibly screw up anything more than Obama already has.
ReplyDeleteBest case scenario is to calm the barrios and ghettos down.
Restore law and order.
And fill one(if not two) Supreme Court vacancies with whole blooded Americans who respect the constitution, instead of conspiring to kill scotus justices while they are on vacation.
And hey El Trollski, keep trying. But you can't touch the bunker. It's impermeable to cockroaches. In fact Kevin and Safe bring out the can of raid before I can even read you.
But hey, not like I really missed anything.
You'll feel better when Hillary loses, and it all goes away. No more curry laced three week old salmon stench. No more psychotropic's. No more head twitching. She won't whack anyone because there is no need, and you will get to crawl back into that safe space called your mothers basement.
The cheetos and mountain dew are on hammer. Send me the bill....
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DeleteHammertime, I realize that Trump cant do too much more damage than what obama has done, and he has my vote, but he worries me when he spews things that go against the grain of the Constitution. Our Congress wont keep an eye on him either.
DeleteFurthermore, I think ole trollski as you put it (buttstachelicker), is worried that the Trump, Trump, Trump sound is the realization that it is also the pounding sensation in his....well you know, Kev likes to keep this a respectable bunker.
BREAKING: Emails: Aides Knew Clinton’s Health Would Cause Campaign Problems, well imagine that>Also FBI Docs Reveal: Hillary Was So Unpleasant Security Agents Didn’t Want To Protect Her..>Americans are buying guns, a LOT of guns .Voting Trump and I am not going to be shamed on moral grounds for fighting to prevent this calamity'. Clinton Campaign Deliberately Used Benghazi to Distract from Email Scandal. Hillary won't last thought 1/2 a term if she is elected, her sicily condition will do her in. Anon how is that Bitch looking to you now.??
ReplyDeleteGuess I will go back to bed, Hope the Poof sounds don't wake me up..Hahahahahahahhahah
ReplyDeleteDamn...I hate it when I write a post, send it...and it disappears. Probably got rerouted to Shrillary's server. She plans to deal with me, later.
ReplyDeleteWhat we got here, a high stakes poker game.
What we know FOR that Shrillary wants to keep using the same, worn marked deck that has been in use for far too long, and that we, the people, keep losing every hand that's been dealt for far too long.
Way past time to change out the deck. With Trump, we have a new deck. It even comes with a Joker (Trump) that we'll leave in there as a wild card.
Yep...with that wild card in there, and the deck changed...won't know exactly what kind of hand we'll be dealt, what our draw cards will be, whatever...but that's a whole LOT better than letting that lying, cheating, old criminal bitch keep playing with that same old, worn-out marked deck!
Anyway...gosh...I missed Batshit admitting he's a sick, whacked-out, predatory pervert? (Just like his hero, serial sexual-predator and pedophile, Bill Clinton). That might have been one to report to authorities...but the Obama administration certainly wouldn't have done anything about it.
All this concern about Trump's remarks about "adult females", yet the left tried mightily to quash any info about Obama's installation of "Safe Schools" czar, the NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) supporter...Kevin Jennings.
WARNING: The side stories contain EXTREMELY nasty and graphic details about
I must ask...which is much more reprehensible? Trump's stupid statements about 'adult women'? Or former Obama "Safe Schools" czar Kevin Jennings promotion of pedophelia, and all manner of other disgusting things?
We're sure Buttstache would say..."Trump". Just like the crime syndicate of "HillBillary, Inc." would agree.
Let's see here, Hillary is a liar , a crook, and put out classified info for all to see, makes her a Traitor to this country. Responsible four Americans killed in Benghazi. Wants open borders.
ReplyDeleteTrump talks dirty years ago to grown women. But wants to defend America and the constitution. and our way of life.
Your choice of the two,
Yeah, the troll is signing other people's names again. I caught him signing Roger Ramjet.
ReplyDeleteHe's not too bright this one. He imagines he is, but that's fairly typical of these kinds of mentally deranged sickos. They see themselves as smarter than the rest of us when in fact they are low to moderately functioning morons. They are able to survive day to day life thanks to living in mom's basement and a steady income from welfare and food stamps to buy Doritos and macaroni and cheese. But higher functioning tasks are not so easy for them.
He kind of has a limited repertoire of tricks. He just repeats the same ones over again. Maybe his little toad brain just can't remember that far back and he thinks it a new one. I don't know.
But he's doing the best he can, bless his little troll POS heart.
The polls are tightening. Trump is closing in on crooked hillary.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell how desperate she is, all her toads are talking about is what Trump supposedly said to somebody twenty years ago.
Everyday we get more proof of the depth of corruption with hillary, the FBI, DOJ and obama himself. Every day we get more proof of just how low and despicable the ungodly democrat party is.
So it's no wonder all they want to talk about is something Trump supposedly said. Or some ungodly democrat operative they paid to come forward with some phony claim that can't be proven or disproven.
I saw one of her toads trying to explain the attempt to bribe the FBI. It was truly hilarious. Blah blah blah Russia blah blah blah out of context blah blah blah. He was shoveling it with a coal shovel. You could see the sweat on his forehead. They are terrified of this one.
In the debate, Trump should just have a stack of the emails and read excerpts from them everytime he talks. Just ignore everything she says and keep repeating the stuff from the emails until her head explodes.
Since it's pretty obvious they've got her on all kinds of drugs to keep her standing upright that usually creates some mental imbalance that can be exploited. She will crack up under enough pressure.
That would be true justice, watching her have a complete breakdown right there on live TV. I may watch just in case it happens.
Yeah, they're anxious to draw attention to how the info was obtained and not wanting to talk about what the info is. I don't mean the Harridan's paid toads, I'm talking about the assorted vermin in the MSM. They dive into the archives to come up with old programs featuring Trump (when he was a Dem). Isn't it interesting that Howard Stern shows more journalistic integrity (he's not making any of his archives available) than NBC. Interesting, but hardly surprising.
ReplyDeleteCapn, that right there tells me Trump is right about a rigged election.
DeleteHere's an interesting thought from a blog by Reed Galen. This kind of cuts to the heart of the matter.
ReplyDelete"Republics are first and foremost tests of faith. Hundreds of millions of people must believe in the system of government our forebears collectively agreed to; and they must believe the elections are free and fair and that the rule of law applies to all — the lowliest of the low and highest and mightiest. Otherwise, the Constitution is just so many very eloquent words written on really old pieces of paper."
As we see evidence of the corruption of our government for political gains at it's highest levels, as we see almost daily now new investigations turning up large amounts of voter fraud, as the corrupt godless democrat party continues to fight tooth and nail to stop any kind of initiative to bring integrity to the voting system such as photo ID, we grow more and more suspicious of our election system.
Right now 41% of Americans think the election can be rigged. Whether that is true or not, when the American people no longer believe their votes count, when the American people no longer trust the integrity of the government, when the American people know most of the media is controlled by the people they no longer trust and operates to further their agenda, things begin to fall apart.
America had two revolutionary wars over a lot less than this. One the Americans won their independence, that's why there's an America. The second one the government won against those who sought their independence.
When we have a ruling regime like this one, where both sides are closer to each other than any of us would like, where both sides are working together to keep us fat, dumb and happy an ill wind begins to blow through the land.
No wonder the godless democrats want so desperately to disarm us.
SSAH that is over on CJ, sorry for got to give you credit but the other blog Guy is there anyhow.
DeleteSSAH excellent post. Very true. As I have always said the wrong side won the civil war. Slavery was about to disappear from our country anyway, but the issue of states' rights and authority vs The STATE's authority was one that has cost us dearly over time. Today we are seeing the final result, our national government has become so large and powerful that it's officials no longer fear to break the laws of the land. And they have so indoctrinated the populace through the public schools that the populace no longer understands the laws that govern our representative republic.
ReplyDeleteIt's not so much about the largess of the government breaking laws and don't care, it's really about the SCOTUS Justices that are there to keep the government in check and are too political to do the jobs they were appointed to do, and then, the Congress not doing their jobs when the SCOTUS does not.
DeleteToo far gone to get back to States Rights and States Controlling the Federal Government. Too many people don't realize how far they have gone to rely on the Federal Government. Damn shame really
One more thing before I go back to work. I wish that all of you had access to one of the FB groups I am in. It is a clergy group of ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) and former ELCA pastors. Since Saturday one of the ongoing discussions has been about pedophilia. It is amazing to see the hypocrisy of the liberal pastors (an overwhelming majority of ELCA pastors are this) towards this subject and Donald Trump. They find his words highly offensive and condemn him left and left, yet most of them find nothing wrong with consensual sex between a 14 year old child and an adult. And yes we are not talking 18 year old "adults" we are talking adults 20, 30, 50 etc. Most of them applaud such "loving" relationships, and yet condemn Trump. This FB group makes cjonline look like a breath of clean air.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing that Ray.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely there are religious leaders who have no business being in leadership roles in the church (no matter the denomination).
before the change at CJ, the lefties no matter how plainly we all would try to talk with them they are so programmed in hatred of Trump it's pathetic and yet oblivious to the severe flaws that Hillary has and the known fact that she placed America's safety at risk with the email scandal...
Don't know about y'all but come November 8th, I'm going to insist on paper ballot.... I don't want to use any computerized ballot system.....
ReplyDeleteI always vote paper ballot. Just the conservative in me, I guess. Good for you Rikki
DeleteRikki, I don't know where you vote, but the "electronic" voting in Shawnee County generates a paper ballot that is used to count votes, not the card given to insert into the machine. The paper ballot is readable.
DeleteRikki, paper burns as fast as PooF. Lol
ReplyDeleteSarge, you're such a card (smiles).
ReplyDeleteJust read this little gem - and if something isn't done to push for indictment.... wow.... we're going to hell in a handbasket so to speak....
ReplyDeleteI know this came out last week, but.... it deserves to go viral!
"Hillary Clinton admitted under oath this week that she doesn’t recall asking anyone for permission to use a secret server and email account during her time in the State Department, contradicting previous public pronouncements that she had received approval."
Wow - another change in her story, another admission, how much more will the lefties support this lying witch?!
The godless left will support hillary without limit. She can lie, cheat, commit multiple felonies and not only will they support her, they will aid her, assist her and cover for her.
ReplyDeleteThey will continue until this country collapses under the cancer that is godless progressive leftist radicalism. They are what the old Soviets called "useful idiots". They supported and contributed to their own destruction, apparently unaware they were doing so. Today's godless leftist are exactly the same.
Their hatred for us and everything we believe in drives them to burn the country down around us, apparently completely oblivious that they will be consumed by the same fire.
They are not smart people, just very very motivated. And evil.
Holy Cow! Obama should have been impeached and removed form office in his first term. The godless left claimed racist anytimne someone brought it up. obama is a piece of shit and always has been.
DeleteWow, the admins around here work quickly with that can of raid. Spray them cock roaches down I tell ya.
ReplyDeleteTactical application.
And thanks for the correction, Safe. I offered to help El Trollski pay for his mountain dew and cheetos. But you were wise to catch it.
The offer should of included mac & cheese and doritos.
Silly me.
It appears I could be out of touch with basement dwelling government sponges.
And thanks for sharing the blog excerpt. Totally a good read, and on point referring to "republics" and the situation at hand. Scary as hell. Not just because of Halloween either...
Granted, I'm not as wise and seasoned as most of the fine folks here.
ReplyDeleteBut I cannot fathom an election as big, as touted, and crucial as the one we have coming.
But I am grateful for one thing.
Being able to participate in the very blow that will end the "official" careers of the Clinton mafia.
You bet they will still slime around, but technically speaking it's over.
The face of the beast will change, and boy am I ready. Tired of psychotropic Medusa.
I'll gladly cast a ballot (blow) against the hydra. So will so many other Americans...
Shitters full!!!!
Sooooo, I guess hillary spreads shit both literally and figuratively. Who da thunk it?
And then pulls an Eddie and purposely puts it down a storm sewer?
Folks, ya just can't make this stuff up!
hillbillary has always been full of shit. No amount of illegal dumping can help clean her out. Maybe her staff just couldn't stand her breath anymore and shoved a finger down her throat. Too much came out and it had to go somewhere:))
DeleteSorry Ladies, I have to tell it like it is.
ReplyDeleteWell....I guess it comes down to the standard of a voting democrat.....I am a Deplorable Infidel, and will wear that badge proudly!!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good fight!
"Last night a friend claimed that Donald Trump wouldn’t make a good president; he is brash, he is racist, he is a loudmouth; you know the normal things people learn to recite after being programmed by television news. The one I loved was that, “Trump is arrogant.” My friend questioned if one man could make “that much difference in the world today.” To my friend's credit, she was respectful enough to let me respond when she asked, “Really, what has Trump done?”
ReplyDeleteI said, “In June of last year, Trump entered the race for president. In just a little over a year, Trump has single handedly defeated the Republican party. He did so thoroughly. In fact, he did so in such a resounding way that the Republican Party now suffers from an identity crisis. He literally dismantled the party. Trump even dismantled and dismissed the brand and value of the Bush family.
Trump has Obama petrified that Trump will dismiss programs that weren’t properly installed using proper law.
Trump has single handedly debunked and disemboweled any value of news media as we knew it—news now suffering from an all-time level of distrust and disrespect.
Trump has leaders from all over the world talking about him, whether good or bad. Trust me, powerful men who have been president before weren’t liked by the global community. I doubt Mikhail Gorbachev liked Reagan when Reagan said, "Tear down that wall."
Trump has expressly disclosed the fraud perpetrated on the American public by Hillary Clinton. He has, quite literally, brought Hillary to her knees—if you believe that nervous tension and disorders offer physical side effects and damage.
Trump has unified the silent majority in a way that should be patently frightening to “liberals.”
As the press accuses Trump of being a house of cards, Trump has proven the press is the real house of cards. He has whipped up the entire establishment into pure panic. Trump has exposed them for who they are and worse, what they are. George Clooney was right when he said Trump draws live news coverage of his podium that he’s not yet approached. Thanks, George, you were perfectly correct.
What we see as headline news today are actually the last bubbles from the ship that is now sunk—meaning the standard news media, as a propaganda machine, has been exposed. They have no more value.
In the same way Trump asked the African-American community this question, I asked my friend, ”At this point, what do you have to lose?” We have mass cop shootings, riots in our streets, ambushed cops, double digit inflation, bombs blowing up in our cities, targeted police, #BLM, a skyrocketing jobless rate, no economic growth, privately owned land being seized by the federal government, the worst racial tension in my lifetime, no God in schools, more abortions than ever, illegal aliens pouring into our country, sick veterans receiving no care, and a debt that doubled in seven years to $19 trillion. Are you really happy with the condition of the current system?
One man has done all of this in one year—one guy, and on his own dime. And with everything I’ve written above, you believe Trump hasn't done anything? You claim that you are afraid of Donald Trump? No wonder we’re in trouble. You can say that Trump is a lousy presidential candidate. That’s your right. Just don’t ever say he’s not effective.
That Megan Kelly, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Raleigh’s News and Observer, the AP, Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and many more, failed to implement their collectively orchestrated lie on the American people against Trump, is actually a massive testament to Trump. The press colluded pure propaganda to accomplish his demise … and they have collectively failed and miserably.
Here's just one example of how badly America is injured right now. There are high school football players on their knees during the national anthem simply because the press used as propaganda to program those kids to do that very thing. But, these kids are mimicking NFL stars the same way the same kids chooses which brand of football shoe to purchase—they're overtly brain-washed to do that very thing.
DeleteNow, we have a generation of children who hate America.
America’s problem isn’t that little children are on their knee in collective disrespect of America. Our problem is that America is on her knee from collective disrespect by Americans.
You can disrespect America all you want. But, it’s high-time you respect the silent majority. Because they’re not simply the “silent majority” as you’ve been trained to believe when Hillary calls them “deplorables.” The fact is, they are simply the majority. And now they're no longer silent either. Donald Trump changed all of that, single-handedly and within one year." From Be Forbes."
I hope tomorrow night Trump makes Hillary's head explode. So many times she appears ready to fly off the handle (pun intended), and I'd like to see her lose it and show her followers what she really is.
ReplyDeleteI would bet they do put Smellary on some drugs so she don't fall over or explode. I haven't watch a debate yet, but might watch tomorrow, really hate looking at Smellary. Actually, hate looking at her more than obama.
ReplyDeleteI read part of the above posts, there was a statement that said we have let this country sink to this level, that is true. The enemy is smart, it is not any one single thing, it has been an accumulation of many things. And when I say enemy the leading enemy is satan who brings evil and temptation which the liberals, power hungry, self centered, perverted, politicians absorb like a sponge. You can have one pervert protest and the urinal and other media will cover it like coyotes in a feeding frenzy. You take Franklin Graham coming to Topeka and 3,000 people showing up, it barely makes any news. Then we won't really talk about the core reason there are riots, burning stores and disrespect for law. Then again, look at what the FBI just did with Smellary!!! I would guess the front line FBI agent is as pissed as I am?
Good morning everyone!! Another fine looking week, all the cement work is finally done, looks great, all that is left is to let it cure and remove the frames and fill where needed, and wala!! Done for the year.
ReplyDeleteGood morning to you all! I am looking forward, in anticipation of the hammering that Trump should be able to give to Clinton tonight! He needs to keep his "grouping" tight and on target, to pick the most vulnerable issues that Hillary is trying her best to hide and deflect about, to be successful. The e-mails are really devastating if you really open your eyes and ears to what she and her campaign henchmen and women have done and are doing, to bring down our democratic government in this country! How the press, outside of Fox is ignoring, for the most part, the WikiLeaks discoveries in favor of still hammering Trump on the women issues is insane! They said, in last weeks news coverage on the Lamestream media, approximately 28 minutes, I think, was used to attack Trump in various ways while less than one minute was spent by them pointing out the facts on Hillary and her campaign crimes that have been brought out in Podesta's e-mails! God, I hope Trump can stay on target and nail that Bitch to the wall tonight!
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.