And what makes them so ungodly?
This story goes back a long time. Before mankind even existed. Before God formed us from the earth and breathed his breath of life into us. This story goes back to Lucifer, the angel of light. The most beautiful of angels God created. Lucifer wanted to rule with God. Lucifer declared war on God, imagining in his vanity if he could muster enough forces he could defeat the creator of the universe and all within it. But he lost. There could be no other outcome.
So fast forward to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Walking and talking with God every day. Knowing the love of their Creator in their lives. Living in paradise. And along comes the old serpent of old, convincing Eve that God didn't really mean what he said about sin. God just doesn't want you to know what he knows, he told her. And she believed him. And we know the rest of the story.
So how does that relate to the democrat party of today, you ask? Good question.
Today we have living among us, and in growing numbers I might add those who follow the same precepts taught by Satan. God doesn't really mean what he says about sin. It's OK to be a sexual pervert. God doesn't mind. It's OK to kill your unborn children. God really doesn't mind. But God does mind.
God tells us in the bible that as the end approaches man will sink into self love, sin, immorality, evil practices and it will become more common. Even to the point it becomes the norm instead of the exception. I believe that time is closer than ever, maybe even here.
How else do you explain so many people openly rejecting God? Laughing at him? Denying his very existence? Openly practicing evil to the applause of their fellow unbelievers?
How else do you explain this country, founded in Christianity, rooted deeply in God's words electing a muslim president, an apostate, who is openly hostile to Christians? Or leaning heavily to electing hillary clinton, equally hostile to God and Christianity? What else is it but the influence of that serpent of old still creeping around whispering in the ears of so many gullible people to reject God?
God doesn't care about politics. But he cares about your soul. Satan doesn't want your soul. Satan wants corpses. Satan is still at war with God. And what better way to attack God but through corrupting his easily corrupted sinful creations and turn them against him?
Why does an omnipotent God allow this to go on? Maybe he wants to separate the wheat from the chaff. Maybe he knows when the pressure is on, those who call themselves his children will stand fast and not surrender. Maybe he is allowing evil to prevail because it forces his people to decide.
We see entire church denominations falling away from the faith these days. Many people surrendering to the lure of sin, sacrificing their souls in the process. We have an entire political party slithering around on the ground, whispering in people's ears.
Is Donald Trump the Christian choice for the Presidency? No. But he's all we have. The other choice is openly, strongly, and aggressively opposed to God and Christianity. And is openly advocating for Satan in this long fought war with God. So maybe we just have to accept Donald Trump with all his flaws knowing in his heart he means well, or at least we sure hope so. Because the other choice does not mean well. She means to carry out the will of that ancient serpent.
This isn't a salvation issue folks. That's a subject for another day. But this is about the war. The war between God and the ungodly.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
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Couple of things.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't read the comments from this morning on the last blog, be sure to go back and do that. There's always good stuff that can get missed when a new blog goes up.
And also I know we don't all agree on these theological issues so when I post blogs like this you know this is what is in my heart, and that's why we do this. To express what we believe.
SSAH, I am just leaving the house, but I'll be back to help the cause.
ReplyDeleteVery good comments and true, the majority do not want to believe there is a war going on between forces we cannot see.
ReplyDeleteThe Break Point
A revolutionary political earthquake is coming. The popularity of Trump foretells this. We're feeling the tremors right now. But the feeling of revulsion for the Washington establishment is not yet clear enough and widespread enough in the minds of the people to manifest in a revolutionary "break point." But I believe such a lack of widespread clarity is the lull before the storm. And the storm is coming in the form of a pervasive economic crash that will shake up Americans in a way they have never before experienced.
It is then that the needed clarity will be achieved. It is in times of great crisis that people are susceptible to a more truthful view of things, and will be more willing to take revolutionary action. If freedom is to be restored in America, it will be at this time when the establishment way of doing things for the past century - political centralization and Keynesian monetary theory - comes under suspicion as highly flawed ideology and political tyranny. It is here when all is chaos and despair that the coming break point will be reached and a chance to restore freedom will be available to us.
When the crisis really hits, when the dollar is dropping like a rock in a dry well, when tanks are in the streets to restore order in scores of new Fergusons and Baltimores pockmarking the country, when unemployment hits 25% and no one believes the lies of 5% anymore, when the Feds are snooping in the skies above with thousands of drones over our own country, when a smarmy President spews out still another unctuous speech from the White House about how "government is here to help you," then the breaking point will be reached in the minds of the American people.
This profound "break point" is coming to America as sure as the tides wash in to our shorelines. Our stock market is like the Titanic on April 15, 1912. It is living on borrowed time, and all the King's men and horses are not going to be able to put this Keynesian Humpty back together again. The coming economic crash will make 2008 look like a walk in the park. Humans' penchant for the "normalcy bias" is keeping us all in a state of dangerous apathy. It's the same mindset that prevailed on Wall Street in 1929, before Robespierre and the Jacobins in 1793, ahead of Lenin in 1917
Two Profound Choices
DeleteThe coming tumult will bring us one of two profound choices. There will either be a rebirth of liberty and a harkening back to the principles that built our Republic prior to 1913, or there will be a plunge into a neo-fascist dictatorship in which we lose our freedom totally.
Which will it be? It all depends upon whether Americans still have that love of liberty dwelling in them. I believe they do, but if I'm wrong, then a thousand year Dark Age awaits us. We certainly have major hurdles to overcome if freedom is to be saved. And the primary hurdle is whether we can influence enough Americans between now and the coming crash to be able to control political policy as we are climbing out of the crash.
This is the all-important time period - the aftermath of the Great Depressionary Collapse - when the country is rethinking its past policies and evaluating what role they had in the collapse. This is when it will be possible to implement radical ideas for the restoration of freedom.
This is when libertarians, conservatives, and independents will be ready to break politically from the evil politicians of Washington who have been keeping Americans so submissive for the past 80 years. Then is when a charismatic leader will appear to offer the people a way back to sanity, a way back to the Republic.
I believe Americans still possess that love of liberty which would spawn such a restoration. But they will have to be informed as to what direction to move in an inspirational way that reaches millions of them. This cannot be done via conventional politics working within the Democrat-Republican establishment. The establishment is the problem, not the solution. What will be needed will be a revolutionary way of thinking outside the box of Democrat-Republican conformity.
When the tumult is raging all around us, this is when we as a country will have to make our choice. Do we capitulate to the collectivists that rule our politics and economics in Washington, in the schools, and in the media? Do we obey their vision and move the country toward a regional government as a prelude to a One-World government? Do we centralize our banks into a World Banking system of fiat money? Do we further implement liberalism's neo-fascist political forms, but continue to fallaciously call such a system "capitalism" so as to ease it into the public conscience as a permissible way to govern?
Or do we move to restore the principles of freedom that built America strictly limited government, federalism, and a literal interpretation of the Constitution? Do we begin to purge the countless "special privileges" with which our social welfare state maintains its power?
Will conservatives, libertarians, and independents be able to influence policy enough to reject the entire idea of Keynesian economics and restore a sound monetary system with a role for gold? Will we be swamped with the egalitarians and their shrieks for more wealth redistribution, or will we enact a flat tax that supports "equal rights," and eventually repeal the 16th Amendment and abolish the IRS? Will we continue pursuing the insane militaristic world hegemony of the neocons with trillion dollar military budgets and wars that dominate our foreign policy? Or will we recognize that such insanity is a great part of what bankrupted us and brought about the crash?
Freedom or Fascism
It is in the aftermath of the coming crash that the "break point" will take place. And it will manifest in one or the other of the above denouements. Freedom or Fascism will come to America. Which will it be?
If it is to be freedom, then it will only happen if millions of patriots unify around an independent political candidate that breaks from the Democrat-Republican monopoly. Only this time, he must stand clearly for freedom instead of the vague reformism. We need to point the way toward a profound realignment of today's political paradigm.
Peace and serenity are not coming to our world. Turmoil and revolution lie up ahead. We as a people will be confronted with a huge and Homeric choice that will determine the fate of mankind for centuries. Let us hope that we as patriots have made our case well.
DeleteHey y'all.... catch this!
By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Two top Democratic strategists have exited the presidential campaign after explosive undercover videos showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in planting paid agitators at campaign events for Republican candidate Donald Trump.
Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and the husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, stepped down from the campaign Tuesday, a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post as national field director of Americans United for Change.
Mr. Trump, who has long complained of a “rigged” election system, said at a Tuesday rally in Colorado that the video released by the conservative group Project Veritas Action confirmed his suspicions of Democrat-sponsored political chicanery.
“The protesters are paid a lot of money by the [Democratic National Committee], and they kept saying, ‘I wonder why those people are here, because they never seem to have much on their mind other than stand up and protest,’” Mr. Trump told a crowd in Colorado Springs. “And yesterday it came out, but it was barely covered by the media. But it’s all over the internet. They were busted.”
Brad Woodhouse, Americans United for Change president, said in a late-Monday statement that Mr. Foval “is no longer associated with Americans United for Change.”
He insisted that the Democratic political consulting firm has “always operated according to the highest ethical and legal standards.”
Did you catch that?
Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and the husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, stepped down from the campaign Tuesday, a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post as national field director of Americans United for Change.
And also did you catch this??
Mr. Trump, who has long complained of a “rigged” election system, said at a Tuesday rally in Colorado that the video released by the conservative group Project Veritas Action confirmed his suspicions of Democrat-sponsored political chicanery.
“The protesters are paid a lot of money by the [Democratic National Committee], and they kept saying, ‘I wonder why those people are here, because they never seem to have much on their mind other than stand up and protest,’” Mr. Trump told a crowd in Colorado Springs. “And yesterday it came out, but it was barely covered by the media. But it’s all over the internet. They were busted.”
Trump is right about the biased media, right about Hillary’s lies and corruption, and he’s right about the rigged election system…
The information in this Washington Times article needs to go viral!!
We are finding out now there are millions of voter registrations that are irregular. Bad information. The person is actually dead. Fake registrations. Millions of them.
ReplyDeleteIs it any wonder the democrats fight so vehemently to oppose any kind of reform to the voting process? They fight tooth and nail to oppose any kind of effort to purge the registrations of dead people, people who are registered in multiple precincts, cities and states. They fight any effort to bring any kind of integrity to the voting process.
Obama and the criminal eric holder fought every law passed to require a photo ID to vote. They always made the same false claim, racism. That's their go to for every godless democrat agenda.
The democrats profit a great deal from voter fraud. We just saw the proof. They use it constantly and have for years. The chances of getting caught are slim, mainly because the ungodly democrats have fought every single attempt to try to stop voter fraud.
One certainly has to wonder why they would fight so hard, going all the way up to the president and his corrupt political department of justice to stop voter fraud. The only logical explanation is they benefit from it.
We have seen a little of it now. And that was just a tiny tip of the iceberg, believe me.
Donald Trump is absolutely correct. Our voting process is rigged and corrupt. We can no longer trust that the outcome of elections is truly the will of the voters. This is indeed the stuff revolutions are born of. When the will of the people is thwarted by totalitarian tyrants it cannot go unchallenged.
The Denver Post is full of lefties.... none of them want to listen to reason about how corrupt Hillary is.
ReplyDeleteWonder where the military will stand when the country collapses in on itself? If the corrupt politicians keep the military well fed and given perks, what will they do?
ReplyDeleteWho's to say the military would stand with the regime, divemaster?
ReplyDeletePretty heavy questions we pose, huh?
Personally, I like my chances currently as a civilian/citizen than I would as member of the current "regime".
But, I'm just one little guy....
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DeleteHammer you are not so little In number with you. We will adapt improvise and overcome. Together.
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Deletenevermind about the crapola from the gutless yellowbellied coward.... he's jealous because Hammer is taller than him and still ticked about getting forcibly booted off of Cj...
ReplyDeleteWell, full of Piss and vinegar are we? Again, you don't know me. You don't know what I own, or that I pay in cash. Cash cash cash....
ReplyDeleteBut, ya know I save money from not getting haircuts or brushing my teeth. So it adds up.
And I drive a truck. Cmon, any red neck has one right?
You would recognize it around town. Jackie up ten feet, and three confederate flags blowing in the wind. And the gadsden flying higher as they center piece.
You can hate me on the blogs, but continue to fear me in real life, please.
I might be your neighbor...
And I'll enjoy letting my children (they have mullets and only bathe in the yard once a week, too) change the political views of your offspring...
And laugh while you roll over in your grave.
But I might be mistaken.
People fully imbittered probably couldn't procreate if they tried.
Damaged libido most likely.
Thanks for playing.
I'm sure you'll get the raid soon...
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DeleteAnd sarge you are correct. We are many. And together very strong. In fact, still the majority...
ReplyDeleteKeep it dry!
Glad I got to read anon's comments before they went poof so I could see another example of how pitiful the Hillary clan is.
ReplyDeleteAs for the military, you think a bunch of young patriotic American men and women would turn their weapons on their brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and family and friends at the command of a sniveling lying corrupt un-American godless left wing radical like hillary clinton? I don't.
ReplyDeleteYou want to know how the military feels about these people watch obama come off Marine One and walk by the Marine without saluting most of the time, or a little wave half ass salute.
And watch whenever he is in close proximity to any military person. They never make eye contact with him. And that is an insult of the highest order for a military person. Because they are respectful people. But that's an old sign of disrespect.
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ReplyDeleteSarge, the gutless yellow bellied coward isn't here to contribute discussion, he's only here to do what he does best is "attempt" to think he's smart....
ReplyDeleteI saw on WIBW, KSNT websites and CJ that Trump holds a strong lead here in Kansas - good news -
ReplyDeleteI still feel the polls are wrong - how can Trump be behind if he has so many thousands and thousands of people come to his rallies?
He's got this win.
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DeleteThat's hilarious. Somebody spews insults and imbittered feelings, and then repetitively stresses that there is no hate and we need to display self respect?
ReplyDeleteThats rich...
But hey, I'll put my chips on the table anytime. But understand a couple of things, Mr anony.
I don't bluff.
I don't want you.
I don't need you.
I've given up on you and your generation.
My attack is through the womb, and teaching children about independent thought and freedom.
That's how I (we) will win in the long run.
And if you don't think I have the legs to do it?
You can simply put your chips on the table anytime.
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DeleteHammer, ya mean that the "gutless lack of wonder" eats his chips on the table? Has no manners at tall do he...nor does he have manners at short either....
ReplyDeleteNow we know only a fraction of the gutless lack of wonder's problem....
DeleteBad parenting creates liberals and bad manners...
This much is true!
Thanks for what you wrote about ol hammer, Safe.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is it can be said for everyone here under an identity at the bunker.
IPA's on me next time I catch up with ya.
Riki and sarge thank you guys too for having my back.
Side by side, or back to back I'm in this thing with ya folks. Push back we will.
For a penny, for a pound....
you're most welcome Hammer (smiles)
Translated: music does the soul good.... hugs to y'all always
Well that's about enough from that POS. You're all done here troll. See, every time I cut him a little slack he does the same thing.
ReplyDeleteI'll stick to delete on sight.
They pretty much prove my point every time, don't they? Godless liberals. Satans workers going about his business.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious to how this is gonna shake down tonight.
ReplyDeleteSomeone mentioned the other day about how Trump should read a different email everytime it is his turn to speak.
Repeat it until she melts down.
That would be must see TV.
Also I would like to see the look on King obummer's face when his half brother applauds as Trumps guest...
Because by the way, yes we can make it great again....
That was my idea. No matter what the question talk about an email revelation. Every time. Now talk about the O'Keefe videos. Ignore her response. Ignore the moderator. Hammer her over and over and over. She gets agitated. He got her freaked out last debate. He can make her crack.
ReplyDeleteThis is a lying easily confused brain damaged old woman loaded up on drugs just to keep her standing upright.
You get her off her memorized rehearsed talking points and she'll collapse like the addled chronic alcoholic she is.
Perusing before the debate, and I ran into this.
Here ya go commie socialists. Defend this. And it may see unfathomable, but in many ways this is the direction we could be headed. Especially when Obamacare is continuing to fail, and most politicians cure is to throw more money at it....
Pretty sad.
Exploding corpses.
What a novel concept.
Here it comes ya'll. Hillary has a breakdown. Taken off on a stretcher in a straight jacket after she attacks Trump and he cold cocks her.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I'm hoping for anyway.
The wicked witch thinks she's wrapped it up. She can pack it up and go home.
ReplyDeleteRespects the 2nd Amendment? Too funny!
ReplyDeleteHeller decision kills toddlers....
ReplyDeleteThere you have it.
Chicago! Most gun laws, most gun homicide.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr Trump.
Hill is nit answering the question about her dream of open borders.
ReplyDeleteCaught with her pants down and keeps on lying and changed subject.
ReplyDeleteHill looks like she is going to cry.
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh, Russia! Those devious hackers.
ReplyDeleteIt's not my emails that is important, it's Russia....
"a great pivot away from open borders"
A punch right to her face...
It is nit about the Ruskies, it is about her scams.
ReplyDeleteBam. She has been proven to be a liar.
ReplyDeleteGood. They economy. Trump should ace this.
ReplyDeleteI hope he brings up the "foundation".
ReplyDeleteShe looks like she is going to cry again.
ReplyDeleteObama cut the deficit?
ReplyDeleteBoy, they are giving her some good dope....
But you and your husband left the WH completely broke. Remember.
ReplyDeleteWe know you were in the senate and you failed in your job.
ReplyDeleteStimulus' increase the deficit.
Right after she says "I'm not raising the debt or deficit"...???
Can she ever start a sentence without saying, well?
ReplyDeleteGood! The 6 million dollar question.
ReplyDeleteHere we go. When she worked for the children, bla,bla,bla.
ReplyDeleteLet's talk about Benghazi.
I'm waiting for her lips to stick to her teeth.
ReplyDeleteRape condoning wretch!!!
ReplyDeleteFor the record, TR and I should be allowed to throw rotten tomatoes at hillary everytime she lies.
ReplyDeleteI just don't know where we will find that many tomatoes!
ReplyDelete90% of Clinton money goes to charity. Let's fact check that.
Nice hospital the Clintons built in Haiti btw...
Megyn Kelly needs to move over. Push her aside. She is a turncoat.
ReplyDeletePK, I said the same thing to my husband. She needs to prove it.
ReplyDeleteI watched the debate, I know it is the first one for this election, I think the first one ever. I wish Chris would have made Smellary answer the question on the quid pro quo of the foundation while secretary.
ReplyDeleteI seen over on the urinal they seem to be saying if you don't trust the government or distrust the government, you are a terrorist.
There just no authorities that can be trusted, I actually remember when we use to look up to the government, media and other in authority. But I am almost 70 and that was a long time ago, now I think of them as what is in the bottom of my septic tank.
Sure would be fun to see our pesky little limp-wristed troll meet Hammer. I'd bet $1000 he wouldn't walk up to Hammer with his chest all puffed out, spewing his rot-breath crap.
ReplyDeleteMore likely, he'd soil his britches, and start crying for Mommy!
I know I sure wouldn't want to get in Hammer's face! Just like I wouldn't want to piss off Paul Bunyun! Better watch it, Trollsky. You ain't messin' with a "little man" there, you spineless little puke.
ANYWAY...Trump missed a couple opportunities last night.
When Lyin' Bitch was advocating for murdering babies, she said something about "women's right to decide their own medical decisions". Trump should have immediately said "You don't seem to be too keen on letting ALL Americans make their own health care choices, with Obamacare, and your push for government-controlled universal you? Isn't that hypocritical?"
DAMN, I wish he had seized that one. It would have put her own words right back at her, as far as health care.
Shame, shame, on me. I fell asleep at 7;00 and didn't wake up till 10;30, I couldn't believe I missed the debate GOOD GRIEF Am I pissed, Wife said don't worry you will see it a hundred times over today! Good point.
ReplyDeleteOh and a good morning bunker people. Remember United We Stand.
BTW, commie-puke piece of garbage. Hammer doesn't LOOK mean...he's a genuine nice guy. But, he's someone I sure wouldn't want to challenge. I'm 6' tall and older than he, and I look up to young Hammer, figuratively AND literally.
ReplyDeleteFor that matter, Trollsky boy, if I was you (and damned glad I'm NOT), I wouldn't be walking up to McGinty with an attitude, either. Another genuinely good, friendly fella...who I wouldn't want to tangle with.
For THAT matter, you little lazyboy gibmedat punk..I'd bet scrappy ol' Sarge could clean your clock, you whining little momma's boy!
You wouldn't be talking tough face-to-face with any of just STF up, moron.
Well, we sure saw the divisions clearly if nothing else.
ReplyDeleteTrump is pro life, believes babies have a right to be born. Hillary is pro killing babies, believes anybody should have the right to kill their baby for any reason right up to birth. Satan loves that one by the way. That whole idea is some of his best work.
Trump is pro second amendment, believes it is perfectly clear. Hillary opposes the second amendment. She lied last night, but that's just her "public" position. She has openly advocated for gun confiscation and disarming the American people.
Trump believes in enforcing the existing immigration law. Protect our borders and deal with the millions of illegal aliens living in our country in violation of federal law. Hillary believes in open borders, letting anybody walk into the country and live here regardless of who they are, what they are doing and what their intentions are.
Trump believes we need to allow the 11 million illegal aliens to apply for citizenship, go to the back of the line and wait like the millions of legal immigrants are doing. Hillary believes in giving 11 million law breakers amnesty and allowing them to become citizens of the country whose laws they are openly violating. She believes this because the democrat party believes they can get new democrat voters even though it will destroy our country.
Trump believes the way to get our economy to grow is the same thing that did it in the 1980s after the worst recession in our history. Lower taxes on marginal rates for the job producers and corporations and get rid of the thousands of onerous regulations that cost our economy trillions of dollars for virtually no benefit. This was proven to work after the last great recession caused by the democrats which by the way was much worse than this last one. We saw job growth like we've never seen before or since. Despite the constant lies from the godless liberals that supply side didn't work, it did. Hillary's answer is raise taxes and give away more stuff.
So she danced and dodged and ducked and lied and twisted and did everything hillary always does. And she looked just like the devious sneaky lying evil godless left wing radical she is.
I'm sure Satan was rubbing his hands together with glee watching his favorite minion doing his work. He must be so proud. She'll have a special place right beside him on the judgement day. Unfortunately that will be in the lake of fire. Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.
I love the way the media is freaking out over Trumps comments about whether or not he'd accept the results of the election...
ReplyDeleteSure, because the democrats would never do such a thing. Why that's the very foundation of our democracy, the transition of power and accepting the outcome of the election.
ReplyDeleteExcept when Al Gore fought all the way to the Supreme Court and conceded 36 days later when he was completely out of options. And we heard for eight years that George Bush "stole the election".
Or when John Kerry claimed George Bush rigged the election when he lost.
Other than that, they hardly ever have done such a dastardly thing.
How's this for audacity? Hillary calls Trump un-American for the violence at his rallies when we now have video evidence the violence was caused by paid professional agitators sent by her campaign.
ReplyDeleteThat's some high level bullcrap slinging right there folks. Done by a professional bullcrap slinger.
Almost like they backed up the campaign bus and opened the valve on the crapper. That's what that one looked like.
SSAH, My goodness your above comment went Poof over to Kevin's blog on CJ. Imagine that. :):)
ReplyDeleteBeen listening off and on all morning and the common theme is the Donald Trump is breaking every traditional norm out there.
ReplyDeleteThe only traditional norm he's breaking is he refuses to cower down to them like republicans every republican before him has always done.
They're talking to another so called democratic expert who claims it has absolutely cost him the election...
Did I look through this blog and see ----- Mouse Scat??? But lil' Mousey gone??
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you what, cj right now is dead as ol' Vince Foster. You remember him, right? The ONLY blog there worth visiting is Kevin's, and it's even less active than it used to be. Hell, I remember when a 235 blog could get over 30 replies in the first hour.
And besides, if Kitty ever caught our Mousey, instead of eating him he'd dig kitty-litter over his carcass.
Must have offered our resident troll...
ReplyDeleteApt comparison, Vince Foster and the CJ Urinal blogs. Both suicides under suspicious circumstances.
ReplyDeleteVince Foster was right handed and shot himself three times in the head with his left hand. And was holding compelling evidence against the clinton cartel. Only one of the many dead bodies left in the wake of the clinton cartel.
The CJ Urinal blogs were murdered by the CJ Urinal staff themselves. It was made to appear to be a suicide, but it was pretty obviously done to silence the conservative voices before the election.
Just sayin.....
If hillary gets elected it will be two firsts for America.
ReplyDeleteThe first woman president.
And the first serial killer president.
Hope this isn't a precedent for future elections.
ReplyDeleteThis is the "grade the debate" link to the Denver Post. You don't need to login to grade the debate. I gave Trump an A, Clinton an F, and the moderator a C.
Wasn't there a witness who found Vincent Foster's body first and there wasn't even a gun, then later there was a gun. Clinton's have a long list of evil deeds that people just seem to ignore.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, not much time lately to do more than read everyone's wisdom.
ReplyDeleteRay, I know what you mean same with me been busy, than I fall asleep right in my chair good grief..
ReplyDeleteOh is that what happened Sarge (smiles) I thought I heard some rumblings of snoring across Topeka (just kidding)
This is my view. If I were to play a tennis match with my opponent and he/she hid the tennis ball and ran around the court, ripping the net to shreds, then erasing or moving the boundaries and claiming the ball was hit out of bounds, then paying the scorekeeper to to lie and cheat about the score, which resulted in a false win for my opponent, I would not shake hands with my opponent after the game to congratulate him/her for a game well played. Especially if the crowd cheered for the cheater. I think Trump showed he has morals. If he denies the congratulations or the backing of a liar and cheater, good for him.
ReplyDeleteRight on Texas Rose - the reason I believe Donald Trump is because he's been telling things as they are - I believe the polls are wrong because the main stream media is trying to groom and glamorize Hillary into someone she's not and they're trying to show Donald Trump as the untrustworthy unfit one.....
ReplyDeleteDonald is going to surprise them all and win this election.
Rikki, I agree. I just don't understand why Hillary supporters can't see what is happening right before their eyes.
ReplyDeleteOh they see it.
ReplyDeleteThey just don't care.
And that my friends is the problem...
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ReplyDeleteRush touched on it, but another disturbing statement by Killary last night was the disclosure of "4 minutes"
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure of this being true, but never in my life would I have thought anybody in government would disclose the elapsed time it took to launch/counter launch nuclear weapons.
But then again Killary likes to announce offensive action to Isis before it happens, and ignore known attacks in Benghazi that are happening in real time. A super sharp security mind at work.
Silly me.
Did somebody fart? I had to turn on the exhaust fan to clear the stink.
ReplyDeleteHillary never has cared much about security now has she? Of course that's just what you want in a president. Someone who puts their political aspirations ahead of the safety of their country, right?
ReplyDeleteHillary has never cared about this Country!
ReplyDeleteHillary Hypocrisy, Debate 3.
ReplyDeleteClinton: "This is a pattern, a pattern of divisiveness, of a very dark and in many ways dangerous vision of our country where he incites violence, where he applauds people who are pushing and pulling and punching at his rallies. That is not who America is, and I hope that as we move in the last weeks of this campaign more and more people will understand what's at stake in this election. It really does come down to what kind of country we are going to have."
First of all, video evidence exists of Democrat strategists (domestic terrorists) paying people to incite violence at Trump rallies. Secondly, listening to Hillary lecture on "divisiveness" is sickening. The Dems entire M.O. is about "divisiveness", pitting each of their targeted demographics against all others, promising each the expense of someone else. Not providing opportunities for "raising them up", but by bringing others "down". Obama, especially, has done that throughout his entire administration. Obama is openly hostile to many Americans, and embraced criminals, our enemies, and terrorist groups, like BLM. That's what he was programmed to do through all his anti-American upbringing through his socialist/communist friends, and domestic terror associates. "Divide, and conquer".
Now, we have Hillary. Read first sentence in the next paragraph. Then, she launches into a small list of "demographically-divided" groups to "pit one against others". And, then, she goes all "inclusive" again, saying "the Supreme Court should represent all of us." Her list could've gone on for another 10 minutes, if she listed all the Democrats' "divided into categories", their "useful idiots", to ignorantly vote for them.
Clinton: "And I feel strongly that the Supreme Court needs to stand on the side of the American people. Not on the side of the powerful corporations and the wealthy. For me, that means that we need a Supreme Court that will stand up on behalf of women's rights, on behalf of the rights of the LGBT community, that will stand up and say no to Citizens United, a decision that has undermined the election system in our country because of the way it permits dark, unaccountable money to come into our electoral system. I have major disagreements with my opponent about these issues and others that will be before the Supreme Court. But I feel that at this point in our country's history, it is important that we not reverse marriage equality, that we not reverse Roe v. Wade, that we stand up against Citizens United, we stand up for the rights of people in the workplace, that we stand up and basically say, the Supreme Court should represent all of us. That's how I see the court."
Her next paragraph is actually a good sentiment. It's actually the views of most reasonable conservatives. Unfortunately, it's another Hillary lie. The Democrats rely exclusively on divisiveness, intolerance and hatred. They are historically the ones who cause violence at demonstrations and rallies. The 60's violence? Liberals. Occupy Wall St.? Liberals. BLM? Liberals. The list is long. The list of Republican or conservative violent gatherings is nearly non-existent.
Clinton: "I think it's really up to all of us to demonstrate who we are and who our country is and to stand up and be very clear about what we expect from our next president, how we want to bring our country together, where we don't want to have the kind of pitting of people one against the other, where instead we celebrate our diversity, we lift people up, and we make our country even greater. America is great because America is good. And it really is up to all of us to make that true now and in the future and particularly for our children and our grandchildren."
I agree, Hillary. That's exactly why we don't want YOU in there!
Nunya poof that ended up on CJ OBF,
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