Well, we don't know for sure. But we know it means trouble for hillary. Or at least it should, except the majority of the media is either ignoring it or trying to spin it. Seems like these days the media is no longer in the business of reporting the facts, they are in the business of deciding what facts the American people need to know. And protecting the democrat party.
So anyway. This letter. I've been hearing hillary's minions all weekend, like a bunch of trained barking seals repeating the well rehearsed assigned talking points. Hillary herself said this was unprecedented and deeply troubling. If she's talking about her criminal activity, then she is correct. If she's talking about this letter, then it's all just typical hillary doublespeak.
Harry Reid sent Comey a letter accusing him of criminal activity, violating the Hatch act. Has there ever been a more disgusting politician than Harry Reid? That man takes disgusting to a new low. He is completely crazy, but also fairly typical of his fellow party members. Loyal apparachiks. Say and do anything to advance the cause.
The anger from the godless left is intense because they thought they had this fixed. Don Corleone Clinton and his private visit with Loretta Lynch was supposed to fix this. You know, "you do this thing for me and I will always be in your debt which you will see is a valuable thing". Except she's another godless left wing political hack and would have done anything they wanted anyway. So maybe they discussed the payoff. Supreme Court maybe? Lifetime employment with the clinton crime syndicate? Who knows.
But the one thing we know is something serious is underway. Comey would not have taken this drastic step unless there was something very bad here. He already knows what's there. And he wasn't about to get blamed for letting her off the hook again when all this new evidence comes to light, which it will.
And the wild card? Anthony Weiner. He is married to the crime syndicate's consigliere. He knows where the skeletons are buried. He's in disgrace. He's facing criminal charges for being a sex pervert and possibly involvement with a minor. Prison time. He's broke. He got tossed out on his ear. He's a slime ball with no moral center and will do anything to save his worthless hide. And it is his computer. I'm guessing he gave them a hint what was on that computer. That's allowed, it's his computer. So they are following the letter of the law from here on, but watch for his immunity deal any day. If I was him I'd be hiding and wearing body armor because the clinton crime syndicate is a dangerous group to get crossways with.
Everybody is lawyering up now. The DOJ is trying to find ways to shut this down since they are completely corrupt and under the control of the obama regime. But it's out there now. You don't unring this bell. And it's going to get even uglier. Just when you didn't think it could possibly get uglier.
So who would have guessed Carlos Danger would be the one to bring down the godless left machine? A guy who at one time was a top dog in the organization. Who held high favor. Who was a big player. Who was one of their best hit men. Now he's just a little wiener looking to save his own bacon.
It's getting good now, folks. Say hello to President Trump. He hasn't even been elected and already he's draining the swamp. He's keeping his promises before he even takes office. I expect much more when he is the next President of the United States.
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Whats funny is Hillary could be taken out of this race because of A Wiener or E Wiener Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteSorry safe couldn't let my best stuff go to waste on the old blog.
ReplyDeleteit’s hard not to love Trey Gowdy. Especially when he fires back at Democrats with intelligent, hilarious retorts like the following.
Ever since announcement that the FBI had reopened their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, Democrats have gone on a rampage against director James Comey.
They’ve even become unhinged, as evidenced by Howard Dean’s claims that Comey is in cahoots with Vladimir Putin, and Harry Reid’s suggestion that the director broke the law.
You heard that right – he thinks COMEY broke the law. Clinton breaking the law is perfectly cool, but the FBI director actually investigating that criminality is the real problem, according to Reid.
“I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election,” Reid wrote to Comey. “Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”
Gowdy offered the perfect response to Reid, saying “I didn’t know Mormons used drugs.”
Actually, the entire quote is tremendous when Gowdy is asked for his reaction to Reid’s letter:
Thank God he’s leaving, is my initial reaction. My second reaction is: I did not know Mormons used drugs. And anyone who is capable of sending out that press release has to be under the influence of something.
“The person responsible for this fact pattern is Secretary Clinton,” Gowdy explained.
“Jim Comey did not tell her to use her private server. He did not say to mislead the public about whether or not you turned over all of your work emails. And he certainly didn’t say, Secretary Clinton, why don’t you say you neither sent nor received classified information.”
In the end, Gowdy offered up this comparison between Comey and Reid – “Look, Senator Reid is a political hack and Jim Comey is a law enforcement officer.”
Bam! After that epic beatdown, the fight Reid got into with his exercise equipment probably seems like a cake walk.
Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/trey-gowdy-hillary.../...
Well, those clintons keep getting in trouble because of one kind of wiener or another.
ReplyDeleteJust listened to the AP news on the radio and they're still trying to spin this as no big deal.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad they've destroyed every bit of credibility they've ever had...
Think how foolish all these democrat operatives in what used to be called the news media are going to look when this turns out to be a nuclear bomb.
ReplyDeleteWonder if when this blows up and makes them look like the partisan hack democrat operatives with a byline they are if they'll suddenly throw the democrats under the bus and try to pretend they were on board all along? They're going to have to be dealing with President Trump next year.
I have a feeling this is going to get verrryyy interesting.
Already blew up for Donna Brazille CNN kicked her to the curb for giving Hillary the questions before the debate. They screwed ol'Bernie and didn't even kiss him first.
ReplyDeletepublished on CBS news weblink @ 3:33pm Eastern, (2:33pm Central)
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be an interesting 8 days ahead y'all. The Democrats are panicking....as well they should. Y'all are right, they're gonna try their derndest to distract away from Hillary's corruption.
I clipped and pasted the article to the link above here:
DNC interim chairwoman passed debate questions along to Clinton campaign
Interim Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile is coming under fire Monday after a newly released WikiLeaks email indicated she gave Hillary Clinton’s team an explicit heads-up about debate questions last spring.
In one exchange, released in Monday’s batch of emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s account, Brazile apparently wrote to Podesta ahead of the March 6 Democratic debate in Flint, Mich.
“One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash,” the subject line of the email read. It continued: “Her family has lead poison and she will ask what, if anything, will Hillary do as president to help the ppl [sic] of Flint.”
And in a March 12 email to Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri, Brazile wrote: “From time to time I get the questions in advance.”
The email included the text of what looked like a question about the death penalty, presumably for a CNN town hall Clinton was doing the following day. “I’ll send a few more,” Brazile said.
In a statement, CNN denied providing Brazile with any advance debate questions or preparation material and noted that she had officially resigned as a CNN contributor as of Oct. 14.
“We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor,” CNN’s statement read.
Brazile responded to the news Monday with a tweet directing reporters to her statement from earlier in October, in which she said she supported “all of our candidates for president” and denounced Russia for its alleged role in hacking and releasing these emails in the first place.
“As a longtime political activist with deep ties to our party, I supported all of our candidates for president,” she said. “I often shared my thoughts with each and every campaign, and any suggestions that indicate otherwise are simply untrue. As it pertains to the CNN Debates, I never had access to questions and would never have shared them with the candidates if I did.”
Brazile stepped in as the interim head of the DNC this summer, after Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned from the position because of a scandal surrounding hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee. Those leaked emails fed the perception that the DNC had been biased against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders during the primary.
One Sanders’ staff defended Brazile in the wake of the email’s release, separating her from the DNC officials implicated in this summer’s hack.
“I can’t speak to what she did or didn’t send to Clinton people. All I can speak to is the relationship our camp had with her,” Symone Sanders, a former Sanders campaign press secretary, wrote to Politico Monday. “During the primary, Donna regular reached out for messaging guidance from us and was very helpful. She was even handed and we all had a great working relationship with her.”
Meanwhile, The White House is defending Brazile and her performance as DNC chairwoman.
“The president believes that she’s done a fine job stepping in in a very difficult situation to lead the Democratic Party,”
Brazile said. “Those of us who’ve known Donna a long time, know that she is a person of integrity and a person of high character.”
Just saw on the Washington Post that they have severed ties with DNC Donna Brazile..... is it safe to say that the Clinton house of cards is beginning to crumble yet?
This is another truth revealed about the "rigged" system Donald Trump keeps talking about people.
ReplyDeleteThis may take an special act of Congress, but "The Hillary" must be officially DISQUALIFIED!
ReplyDeleteDid y'all hear about Eric Holder sending a letter to the DOJ? What part of "former" AG doesn't he get?
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to hearing Anthony squeal.
What is really sad is the fact Clinton has the amount of support she does, what it shows is the disturbing mindset of the population. Think about it, Clinton should be in jail, not a candidate for any public position, yet she is a presidential candidate with enough support to possibly win, it is just insane.
ReplyDeleteIt is insane.
ReplyDeleteBut it's a perfect example of what we're up against.
Millions of people who simply don't have a clue and millions more who get it but just don't care...
And you're right, Rose.
ReplyDeleteEric Holder should just shut his mouth...
Good morning bunker people, I am just checking every morning to see if hillary faded away yet, no such luck this morning. It is going to be in the 80's today.
ReplyDeleteThe Pravda-Urinal. Flipped the bird at its readers and customers, and here's another thing...they flipped us off, even more.
ReplyDeleteWhen Sarge, or someone, says "I posted your post over there"...you can't search for anyones' posts. Used to be able to search for whoever posted, and bring up current or previous posts. Nope...unless I haven't figured it out. You right-click on the person's picture, and all it does it take you to that one freakin' Facebook post.
Well, at least Batshit can't search, either, to stir up his insane nonsense.
Anyway...just another "Screw YOU...screw ALL of you"...from the unholy leftist bastards at the Pravda-Urinal.
If one of our posts gets copied and pasted over there...maybe mention to which story or blog, might be a big help?
Kev or Safe? You guys considered trying to figure out a way to enable links in here? On computer, and I can just highlight the link text, and it will "open in new tab (or page)", but can't do that on phone. Maybe I will investigate the "Powered by Blogger" site to see if there is a way to that...if YOU want to?
Anyway...one week, folks. Hillary has GOT to go down in flames. It is unimaginable that ANYONE with any sense of decency...or any sense at all, could vote for that lying, cheating, corrupt-to-the bone-piece of human waste. But, apparently, about half the voters are complete idiots. Selfish, entitled, greedy, hateful, "gimme, gimme", "screw the USA...I want a WOMAN in there"...freakin' idiots.
God, help us.
And, Holder? Crawl back under your rock, you slimy sack of crap. (Buttstash is waiting for you!)
ReplyDeleteRemember folks Nov 6 we fall back a hour end of Daylight savings time, and Nov 8th the end of Hillary Clinton. Yes!!! Vote Trump.
Nunya, I went through the settings and don't find anything that we can turn off or on that allows live links. That may just be a Google thing. I'll keep looking, there may be a format type thing like on the urinal to get bold and italics.
ReplyDeleteI did find the setting for central time though. So now our time stamps are correct. One small thing.
Meantime, you can always copy and paste a link to get there. That's a pain on a phone, I know but it may be all we have for now.
You gotta love this:
ReplyDelete"WASHINGTON, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Democratic Party officials sued Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in four battleground states on Monday, seeking to shut down a poll-watching effort they said was designed to harass minority voters in the Nov. 8 election.
In lawsuits filed in federal courts in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona and Ohio, Democrats argued that Trump and Republican Party officials were mounting a "campaign of vigilante voter intimidation" that violated the 1965 Voting Rights Act and an 1871 law aimed at the Ku Klux Klan."
So the party that sent Black Panthers in uniforms to walk around polling places carrying baseball bats and yelling at white people is upset because Donald Trump tells his supporters they need to protect their votes and voting places.
That's rich. That's actually pretty typical of this godless democrat party. It's those things that expose exactly who they are, and why Donald Trump is absolutely correct when he says this election is rigged. The godless left fights endlessly to stop any kind of voting integrity, no matter how small. They want corruption in the vote. It's what they live for.
Ok What the same hell is going on on the damn urinal? I cant find anything.
ReplyDeleteI had OBF book marked and now it showed up all different and NO comments ???
ReplyDeleteIt's way different.
ReplyDeleteThey're now making us tie our old Cj account in with our Facebook account.
It just makes it a little bit harder to comment.
And it all happened one week before the election.
Imagine that...
Sounds like I made the right choice to let Eric Smith know I wasn't going to continue on Cj.... sounds like they're making y'all jump through hoops.
ReplyDeleteThey used to be a fun place to stop by and visit .....once upon a time in a galaxy far, far, away.....
So is this back to having to have a subscription to CJ? In order to see the posts? I cant even find the blogs
ReplyDeleteAs far as the election, the polls are wrong - I feel Trump's gonna be Prez.
ReplyDeleteYeah...I started trying to log in to CJ this morning and can hardly get in, can find absolutely nothing, especially the blog section, totally screwed up! I was wondering if they had eliminated the blog section all together! Did a search for community blogs and it comes up with "not found" or something like that!
ReplyDeleteWhen all of this corruption sinks as low as the urinal, you really have to wonder what else is going on! George Orwell's "1984" book has apparently finally coming to full fruition, maybe 30+ years past the title of the book, but coming no less! The Clinton Mafia and the corrupt Liberal media, the Soros organization, and the "Good old Boys and Girls" system that involves both Dems and Republican politicians that have been milking the system for so long!
If Hillary actually loses this election, in spite of all of the corruption, they will say it is because of the negative press brought against her by Comey's actions at the FBI or WikiLeaks "illegal" hacking of the e-mails, but it won't give any credit to the fact that none of this would have even seen light if it were not for Donald Trump forcing them to see the truth of what is going on!
Well, that's a shocker. A week before the elections, the godless left wing candidate gets the bad news that her crimes are going public so the urinal shuts it all down. Don't want any of you radical right wing extremists, you deplorables pointing out how it's all coming unraveled for them.
ReplyDeleteIt would be funny if it wasn't an actual symptom of a fascist totalitarian mindset. Just think, if hillary got elected, which isn't happening, this would become the standard. Agree or be silenced. It's for the collective good, now don't you understand?
Looks like they [Urinal] really lowered themselves down to a low that cant even be described. Just wipe Kevin off and shut him down. They have really gone over to the puke side.I just dont it what they get out of this. Is it just for kicks and giggles? Or do they get paid by some liberal left wing group or even the DNC? Wonder how far up and down the food chain at CJ this goes. Is there no one left there that has just a little bit of honesty? Guess not. I just really would like to have a face to face with some of them. Guess they must be looking over their backs. Maybe hiding out
ReplyDeleteAnyone know what happen to CJ Blogs,? ARE they CJ changing things again? What a mess.
ReplyDeleteThe urinal web site has changed, look like crap.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the urinal dropped the blogs. Bunch of letters to the editor, Brownbacks dark legacy, vote out the Republicans etc. Same old godless liberal claptrap.
ReplyDeleteWonder if all the trolls will come bothering us over here? You know what happens to cockroaches when you turn on the light.
Based on what I see going on, I was considering writing a letter to the editor concerning the new format and Lack of??? the blogs. Does anyone really know if they have in fact, eliminated the blogs? Anyway, I thought about writing them the following. Don't know if they would even publish it or change it if I did! I am real reluctant to send it but thought I would run it by you all to see if it says what we are all thinking! Anyway, here it is. Maybe give me your honest opinion about it and I will decide if I even mail it. Thanks! Gary
ReplyDeleteDear CJ editors:
I opened up my computer this morning, getting ready to read the news and comments on CJonline, only to find that you have once again changed the format of your online publication!
To say the least, it was hard to get into the site to begin with! I really haven't managed to get where I wanted to go in it yet. Not having much success with checking the news, I tried to find my favorite community blog, Room 235 with Kevin McGinty. I have yet to find it, even when trying to do the search provided by your site. The search, by the way, came up with something like "Not Found"! This leads me to wonder if you have finally decided to eliminate the blog or all of the blogs, for that matter! Maybe so, maybe not, but by trying to find them in your system, to say it in a PC way, is not "customer friendly"!
For one who is involved in watching and commenting on the current political chaos going on in this country, I would almost think that the change of your format and possible elimination of the community blogs such as Room 235, just one week before the election is to take place, raises the question in my mind of you possibly wanting to reduce the voice who do not specifically agree with the agenda your paper, (Mr. Matt Johnson's opinions in particular).
Your recent change, in the comments requirements for your so-called improved "transparency", by requiring people to use their real name when commenting, seemed to be a first step in reducing real opinion. Now, we seem to be seeing a second step, to take away any comments from the public, in your publication, if they do not fit your views.
By the way, by you allowing pseudo names by allowing people to make up false Facebook pages, and post from them, and you even allowing certain bloggers to post blogs under questionable names, pretty much blows your description of more transparency out of the water!
If your intent is really trying to eliminate your readership and subscribers, you seem to be well on your way! Good luck with shooting yourself in the foot! Why you want to do away with a legitimate publication for the sake of whatever your agenda currently is, would certainly make me questions your intentions, especially if I was a stockholder in your company!
Gary Sandell
Topeka, Kansas
I am considering, given the change in format of the urinal and possible elimination of the blogs, writing a letter to the editor. Does anyone really know if the blogs have been eliminated? Anyway, not sure that I really want to send it or if they will edit or not even print it, but thought I might send the following. I thought I might run it by you guys and give me your honest opinion about it, and if it says what many of us are thinking. Let me know what you think!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Gary
Dear CJ editors:
I opened up my computer this morning, getting ready to read the news and comments on CJonline, only to find that you have once again changed the format of your online publication!
To say the least, it was hard to get into the site to begin with! I really haven't managed to get where I wanted to go in it yet. Not having much success with checking the news, I tried to find my favorite community blog, Room 235 with Kevin McGinty. I have yet to find it, even when trying to do the search provided by your site. The search, by the way, came up with something like "Not Found"! This leads me to wonder if you have finally decided to eliminate the blog or all of the blogs, for that matter! Maybe so, maybe not, but by trying to find them in your system, to say it in a PC way, is not "customer friendly"!
For one who is involved in watching and commenting on the current political chaos going on in this country, I would almost think that the change of your format and possible elimination of the community blogs such as Room 235, just one week before the election is to take place, raises the question in my mind of you possibly wanting to reduce the voice who do not specifically agree with the agenda your paper, (Mr. Matt Johnson's opinions in particular).
Your recent change, in the comments requirements for your so-called improved "transparency", by requiring people to use their real name when commenting, seemed to be a first step in reducing real opinion. Now, we seem to be seeing a second step, to take away any comments from the public, in your publication, if they do not fit your views.
By the way, by you allowing pseudo names by allowing people to make up false Facebook pages, and post from them, and you even allowing certain bloggers to post blogs under questionable names, pretty much blows your description of more transparency out of the water!
If your intent is really trying to eliminate your readership and subscribers, you seem to be well on your way! Good luck with shooting yourself in the foot! Why you want to do away with a legitimate publication for the sake of whatever your agenda currently is, would certainly make me questions your intentions, especially if I was a stockholder in your company!
Gary Sandell
Topeka, Kansas
Now I have tried to post comments here TWICE, and both times they disappeared after I saw them on the site! What the hell is going on now?
ReplyDeleteI will try again!
ReplyDeleteI am considering, given the change in format of the urinal and possible elimination of the blogs, writing a letter to the editor. Does anyone really know if the blogs have been eliminated? Anyway, not sure that I really want to send it or if they will edit or not even print it, but thought I might send the following. I thought I might run it by you guys and give me your honest opinion about it, and if it says what many of us are thinking. Let me know what you think!
Thanks! Gary
Dear CJ editors:
I opened up my computer this morning, getting ready to read the news and comments on CJonline, only to find that you have once again changed the format of your online publication!
To say the least, it was hard to get into the site to begin with! I really haven't managed to get where I wanted to go in it yet. Not having much success with checking the news, I tried to find my favorite community blog, Room 235 with Kevin McGinty. I have yet to find it, even when trying to do the search provided by your site. The search, by the way, came up with something like "Not Found"! This leads me to wonder if you have finally decided to eliminate the blog or all of the blogs, for that matter! Maybe so, maybe not, but by trying to find them in your system, to say it in a PC way, is not "customer friendly"!
For one who is involved in watching and commenting on the current political chaos going on in this country, I would almost think that the change of your format and possible elimination of the community blogs such as Room 235, just one week before the election is to take place, raises the question in my mind of you possibly wanting to reduce the voice who do not specifically agree with the agenda your paper, (Mr. Matt Johnson's opinions in particular).
Your recent change, in the comments requirements for your so-called improved "transparency", by requiring people to use their real name when commenting, seemed to be a first step in reducing real opinion. Now, we seem to be seeing a second step, to take away any comments from the public, in your publication, if they do not fit your views.
By the way, by you allowing pseudo names by allowing people to make up false Facebook pages, and post from them, and you even allowing certain bloggers to post blogs under questionable names, pretty much blows your description of more transparency out of the water!
If your intent is really trying to eliminate your readership and subscribers, you seem to be well on your way! Good luck with shooting yourself in the foot! Why you want to do away with a legitimate publication for the sake of whatever your agenda currently is, would certainly make me questions your intentions, especially if I was a stockholder in your company!
Gary Sandell
Topeka, Kansas
I have no idea, Gary.
ReplyDeleteI read your comment just a few minutes ago.
Well I know that CJ crap is a mess, Instead of my real name showing it shows Sargejr JIm the same as here, and have the devil avatar, I hit the share block and it changed to my cat one, what a mess.
ReplyDeleteI havent figured out how to even get to the comments.
ReplyDeleteSkippy, I hit log in and tried 3 or 4 times finilly I hit lost pass word and they sent me a e-mail on how to change it. I just kept poking around it till poof I was there. Pure Luck I tell ya. You would have thought they would have warned us.
ReplyDeleteGary, I found your comments in the spam folder. I have no idea why they were there, but I marked you as not spam. It posted all your posts which were repeats from you trying again so I'll let you decide if you want to delete them. I am assuming your comments should go through now, but I don't really know what rules this site has for spam.
ReplyDeleteI'll try to keep a closer eye on the spam folder. There were a bunch of comments in there, but they are older ones from old blogs so I just left them.
Anytime anybody has a comment that didn't post that's probably it. My policy is I don't delete any comments unless they are trolls. I think Kevin does the same thing. So that would not be it.
Lots of gears to this website. Guess we'll learn as we go. Especially since it looks like the urinal is out of the game.
Well I got logged in but there are no comments under OBF So ???
ReplyDeleteSSAH, look on the bright side the time is working now. :):):)
ReplyDeleteSKippey is this what you see in your browser?? If not copy and paste it there in your browser.
Now they removed the comment block so you can't post a comment over on CJ, Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteTook some time off from the internet. I was getting so ticked off at this election crap, I had to take a self-imposed time out. Thank goodness only one week left! We voted early, so if I get the mail, the campaign stuff goes straight into the recycle bin. Did have someone come to the door and I suggested they go on since we had already voted. They got mad! I asked, "what part of we've already voted do you not understand?" It sunk in then. I thanked them for listening and shut the door.
Anyway, back to voting, the election office was busy but the line moved quickly. I did vote for Trump. Not because he's the perfect candidate, but because Hillary will finish off this country and I will not be a part of that happening.
I'm glad to be back. I've missed all of you and I'll try not to do that again, but sometimes I need to step back. Grandkids have been keeping us entertained. The two-year-old swatted me on the butt when I said, "Oh, crap." I got a talking to as well. I watch my mouth very carefully when they are around.
Sarge, have a cold one for me!
Oh, I think CJ has done itself in. What happened to the award winning website? Can't have fair and balanced anything, now can we.
ReplyDeletePreacher's KID! I had 3 for you today but hours apart, so you are okay.
ReplyDeleteGot it on now. But all the old comments are POOF. Just new stuff. Also see that the thumb up or down is back. That should make all the libtards happy.
ReplyDeleteSkippey good job, we need all the help we can get.
ReplyDeleteI made a comment just now on cj. I get a big red notice saying.
ReplyDeleteDAILY COMMENTING LIMIT REACHED. GOOD GRIEF There goes my freedom of speech.
Safe: I have no idea how to delete posts on this site. If you would like to take them off, I would appreciate it! Don't think I will bother sending a LTE! Somehow, I think that would just get screwed up and probably get me screwed in the process! Good Grief!
ReplyDeleteI'll probably do another blog tomorrow so we can leave everything there. I'll keep an eye on that spam folder.
ReplyDeleteLooks to me like the only way to access the blogs is through Sarges link.
ReplyDeleteI finally found where to go to post a new blog but have no idea how it works which is fine because there's no way to get to them on the new website.
What a mess...
Well kevin I am fed up with them (CJ), we just may end up here with you and safe sooner or later the trolls will die off or end up here, be good trolls we take no prisoners.
ReplyDeleteFYI - I'm having computer issues, so just a heads up.... If this doesn't post as me "RIKKI"..... please know that "RIKKI" did post this.
ReplyDeleteSorry you guys are experiencing issues with Cj..... I wouldn't be surprised if they actually fold up and we get KC Star -Topeka Edition after a while..... they already print the paper edition in KC. The Hillary supporters are a lost bunch - we can tell them the truth, back up the truth with proven facts, and blindly they continue like lost cattle to slaughter.... brainless~ totally brainless.
Hillary had a heads up on primary questions…..thanks to Donna Brazile…..
Wow - Debbie Wasserman Schultz was immediately hired by Hillary to work on her personal staff... Obviously, Hillary is racially discriminative - she hasn't offered Donna Brazile a job on her personal staff......
Doesn't that strike you as odd?
ReplyDeleteHey y'all.... just saw this on yahoo news..
Sarge, thank you for all you do! You take good care of us.
ReplyDeleteI just woke up from my "nap", so now I have enough energy to go to bed. I'll try to stop in tomorrow. Good night all.
Well, folks...I'm sure the Pravda-Urinal has no evil intent with their new blog thing (which is 'technically-glitched' at the moment)and other minor technical glitches transitioning to a new web page...y'know...RIGHT before a critical election..right?
ReplyDeleteWhy...I'm confident they'll have it all figured out in...say...EXACTLY a week. Right?
No unholy, anti-American, anti-Constitutional, socialist/communist/fascist nefarious leftwing hanky-panky to shut down conservative voices going on behind all that, at all. Right?
Just bad timing, is all. Right? just HAPPENED to be the time frame they had planned to do all this 'transitioning'. Right?
No pattern of censoring conservatives, kicking them off for no reason, or other Obama/Hillary/DNC-type 'dirty tricks'...like all the ones exposed amongst all the treasonous criminals in the Shrill's emails. Right?
I hope the Pravda-Urinal chokes on its actions, and goes down like the Titanic. I hope thousands who still pay online or print subscriptions drop them like a hot potato. Anyone dumb enough to pay their ridiculously-high newsstand price deserves all the poison they print that rots their brain. And, make no mistake, at the Urinal, things have gotten...progressively "progressive", and leftist-progressivism IS a brain-poison.
The timing is no coincidence. It is clearly-obvious they did that to have some lame "cover story" for a weak explanation of what is happening. ALL the changes could have waited until after next week, and they know, I know, you know...EVERYONE knows it.
It was, simply, to shut down conservative voices, and 'control the information'. Just like the Nazis did, and socialist/communist countries like China, etc.
Their lies, defenses and devious actions are as weak and exposed as Hillary's and Obama's mountains of lies and corruption.
Karma will take over from here. And, when the anvil drops on their heads...and it will...they'll need not wonder why.
By the way, I wonder if any of them asked themselves this question:
"If we are winning "EPPY Awards" for our website...WHY would we want to change it?"
BTW, again, Urinal...your new website SUX!
Nunya Well said! But I think I will leave it here, CJ isn't working anyhow. But I bet they are reading the bunker.
ReplyDeleteOpen Blog friday is still working on CJ, I wasted a comment on it to check it out.
ReplyDeleteStill can't get to the blogs from the CJ menu but this link should work.
Marsh You can still use OBF with this link, it is the only blog working that I know of.
The link I posted will take you to all the blogs.
DeleteThanks Marsh, I will check that out, good to know!
DeleteHey Kevin where the hell is wednesdays blog over at CJ? Lol.
ReplyDeleteThanks Marsh, I just went there and Posted on Kansastruthtellers Blog: ( KTT) he put up to day.
ReplyDeleteHave any of you seen this? http://christiantimesnewspaper.com/sources-nypd-looking-to-press-charges-against-bill-clinton-for-underage-sex-ring/
ReplyDelete"Sources within the New York Police Department are confirming that the NYPD is currently investigating allegations that Bill Clinton performed sexual acts on underage girls ranging from 5 to 14 years old in recent years. These reports have been confirmed my multiple others, and it appears that the NYPD is closing in on the former President."
I can find no mention of this anywhere else. Do not if true. Would think Drudge or Breitbart would be all over it if true
should read do not know if true
DeleteMore “Hillary for Prison” Signs than for President? Imagine that, but there should be NO signs for Hillary, Now yesterday she lied that she was in New york city on 9-11 another lie, she was in washington DC, what a low life she is. Who doesn't know where they were on that day except her I guess. Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteBombshell In Hillary Clinton Investigation! NEW Evidence Documents Hillary-Abedin Sending Classified Materials on Unsecured Server
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/bombshell-hillary-emails-investigation-new-evidence-documents-abedin-sending-classified/#ixzz4OrcWLvSg
Hoarse Hillary Totally Loses Her Cool After Heckler Calls Bill a ‘Rapist’
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton raged and vented on Tuesday night against a protester at her rally who denounced her husband as a sexual predator and rapist.... http://eheadlines.com/hillary-loses-her-cool-after-heckler-calls-bill-a-rapist/
Another Day Another Security Breach as Lawmaker says Clinton Left CLASSIFIED Papers in Russia and China
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes charged Monday that Hillary Clinton left sensitive documents while traveling overseas, and demanded an answer...
Huma Abedin handled classified data on computer shared with Anthony Weiner
Emails released by the State Department over the past 18 months show that Huma Abedin frequently handled classified information — suggesting a major reason why the FBI... You can read more on all these at http://eheadlines.com/lawmaker-clinton-left-classified-papers-in-russia-china/
Not sure why I bothered but I posted a new blog over at that other website...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief Never give up I am still there and others, we busted our ass to get on, Hear Me.
ReplyDeleteLol... Henry B even showed up but I have no idea how he even found it...
ReplyDeleteThis is just for gimmie/minnow,. I voted this morning as I will be in Columbus Ohio on the 8th where I will vote again, I can hit KC on way out and Wichita on way home.
ReplyDeleteI mean, we have to offset the dead voting D someway and I figure this is how I can make my contribution.
DeleteRay it is a dog eat dog world now days ,every vote seems to count even your 3, You know the Dem's have the walking dead votes.
ReplyDeleteHillary is so messed up it isn't funny. She can't remember anything, can't tell the truth, can't function on her own. And some think that's what we need in the Oval Office.
ReplyDeleteAfter Halloween Scarey mask..... (giggles)
I'd rather look at Trumps' "comb over" than Hillary Halloween face.... (smiles)
btw, the poll shows Trump ahead of Clinton 5.4%
DeleteL.A. Times Tracking Poll: Donald Trump Leads Hillary Clinton by 5.4 Percent
DeleteRepublican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s lead is now 5.4 percent over Hillary Clinton in the latest L.A. Times tracking poll.
Trump is now at 47.8 percent while Clinton is at 42.4 percent.
Trump’s support has jumped four points since last week, while Clinton has fallen three points, a seven point net gain.
The USC Dornsife/L.A. Times Poll asks roughly 3000 American citizens each day about the presidential race in order to reflect the political pulse of the country. Results lag events by several days.
Trump ahead of Hillary 51% to 44% in N. Carolina
Poll: Donald Trump +7 over Hillary Clinton in North Carolina, Now at 51 Percent
DeleteA new WRAL/SurveyUSA poll shows that Donald Trump is now leading North Carolina by seven points ahead of Hillary Clinton — 51 percent to Clinton’s 44 percent.
That means that Trump has shockingly flipped his numbers in the state in just one month. Three weeks ago, Clinton was leading Trump by two points in the same poll – 46 percent to 44 percent.
Trump has now passed the 50 percent threshold, according to the poll, making it unlikely that Clinton will be able to bounce back.
The poll was conducted after the news that the FBI would revisit the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
Clinton has campaigned furiously in North Carolina in recent weeks, trying to keep the state from going for Trump in 2016.
The state went for Romney in 2012 but went for Obama in 2008. Both First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama have campaigned in the state’s more populated areas, urging supporters to back Hillary Clinton.
Clinton and Michelle Obama made headlines after campaigning together in the state last week.
Actress Lena Dunham also campaigned in the state over the weekend for Clinton.
President Obama plans to campaign in the state Wednesday with singer song writer James Taylor.
New Trump campaign ad -
Oooo....this is juicy!
Why, oh why don't they just officially disqualify Hillary and get the indictment over with...
Well I've officially done everything I can do.
ReplyDeleteLinda and I just finished voting.
Now it's up to the rest of America...
Can't ask for anymore then that Kevin, but what took you so long? Good Grief! :):)
ReplyDeleteWell Mike and Zach voted today also, so your in good company, and I know they vote as you two did.
DeleteThanks for the link Marsh! It works! Thanks also to Kevin for the heads up!
ReplyDeleteI am waiting to go vote at that mega million dollar school campus Washburn Rural. Since moving, I haven't ever been there to vote. Want to see how my tax money is wasted on building campuses that are more like Country Clubs, that what is needed to educate, actually more like indoctrinate. I seen on the news most HS graduate knew Jefferson owned slaves, but didn't know he was president, didn't know about Stalin, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong-il, Idi Amin.............. Indoctrinate to the liberal agenda!
ReplyDeleteWell...still can't find blogs over at the Official Topeka Hillary Campaign Headquarters, the Pravda-Urinal. Assholes.
ReplyDeleteDive, here's something about that, from College Fix.com: http://www.thecollegefix.com/
"Most college students think America invented slavery, professor finds"
“Most of my students could not tell me anything meaningful about slavery outside of America,” Pesta told The College Fix. “They are convinced that slavery was an American problem that more or less ended with the Civil War, and they are very fuzzy about the history of slavery prior to the Colonial era. Their entire education about slavery was confined to America.”
"Often, more students connected Thomas Jefferson to slavery than could identify him as president, according to Pesta. On one quiz, 29 out of 32 students responding knew that Jefferson owned slaves, but only three out of the 32 correctly identified him as president. Interestingly, more students— six of 32—actually believed Ben Franklin had been president."
"Pesta said he believes these students were given an overwhelmingly negative view of American history in high school, perpetuated by scholars such as Howard Zinn in “A People’s History of the United States,” a frequently assigned textbook."
Now, even the title of that book mentioned sounds "communistic". "A People’s History". Kind of like "the People's Republic" of whatever oppressive communist regime.
Yes, kids today are being fed more and more lies, and less and less truths. They know abosultely nothing about reality or actual history, or the consequences. They are basically being taught "Hate America. America is evil".
We're throwing massive amounts of money into this black hole of liberal indoctrination, and getting clueless idiots out of it.
Another heartwarming "it's for the CHILDREN!" story from CollegeFix (a short video is in the story):
"VIDEO: Math teacher dresses up like Trump, dances to ‘F*** Donald Trump’ in class"
"Being it was Halloween, Portsmouth High School (New Hampshire) math teacher Kara Kelley dressed up as Donald Trump for school — which certainly isn’t a problem in itself (unless one views it as “gender appropriative”), but unfortunately she took it a step further."
"For some reason, Kelley thought it appropriate to dance to a profanity-laden tune about the GOP presidential candidate in front of the class."
"Seacoastonline.com reports that Kelley was surreptitiously recorded dancing to the song “F*** Donald Trump,” and the video was later put up on “some parents’ Facebook pages” later in the day."
"Marcy Baer, the parent of a PHS senior, said she saw the video and became involved in a social media debate about it. She said she believes Kelley “crossed the line” and the song she was dancing to also includes the “N” word."
"IT'S for THE CHILDREN!!! Whaaaaaa-waaaaaa!"
"F*** Kara Kelley". Fire the wench.
I just got "unfriended" on Facebook because a liberal friend yesterday posted "North Carolina! What the hell?!" OBVIOUSLY, it was about the polls flipping. So, I replied something about "Well, maybe they are thinking an annoying huckster would be less damaging than an incompetent criminal under FBI investigation for various criminal misdeeds? How did we get to the point where we have two of the worst candidates possible, in both parties?"
ReplyDeleteHardly hyper-partisan on my reply. I pretty much bashed Trump, also. That started a shit-storm of angry liberal replies, defending Hillary...as if they had no idea at all what was happening at the moment.
My "friend" messaged, "I should have added, no need to reply. Why did you assume it was about politics? I try to be non-political".
I asked "Why? You posted on Facebook something that could logically be assumed to be about North Carolina flipping the polls, right at that time. What ELSE happened in North Carolina today? Maybe you shouldn't have posted such an ambiguous "question", and explained what you were referring to? Now, it's my fault for stirring this up? You asked a question, and I answered in a non-partisan way, pretty much blasting BOTH candidates. Then, YOUR friends started their hyper-partisan attacks on me and Trump. Did you even notice conservatives have the ability to question, and even criticize, people in their party, but liberals just can't do that...even in the face of irrefutable mounting evidence of their candidates' malfeasance, incompetency and even criminality? Doesn't it make you wonder just who is more grounded in reality?"
With that..."Unfriend". Typical liberalism. One woman even defended Hillary for 'standing by her man, while Trump was collecting trophy wives!" Yeah...THAT was a perfect opening to point out pure liberal ignorance and hypocrisy, but I didn't. Should have. She threw in the old "she's been working for 30 years to make lives better for children". (There comes that stupid-ass "it's for the children" lie.) Almost asked if that includes the victims of her serial sexual-predator husband, and all those baby parts sold. Not to mention, we'll see if the NYPD rumors are true...but won't say more about that until it's confirmed of busted. But, I refrained.
I didn't want to start a partisan flame war on his page. Apparently, ONLY people who agree are allowed on his page...EVEN if you post an actual "fair" message, that criticizes both sides.
Typical liberalism.
Oh, yeah...I remember another insane point made by that insane liberal woman on his Facebook page, that i mentioned earlier.
ReplyDeleteShe said "While Trump has been ripping off the poor and elderly, Hillary has had a REAL job making speeches and advocating for children, women and minorities!"
Boy...that's SEVERAL openings, in one idiotic statement! A "real job"?! HA-ha-haaaa! How many "actual REAL jobs has Hillary ever created? None. Nada. Zilch. She and her buddies, like the Obamas and liberals in Congress have NUKED or prevented hundreds of thousands...maybe millions...of jobs while running their criminal enterprise...but not a single one has ever created one, while in office.
And, those 'speeches' (that the moron thinks is "a real job")...let's see how that "pay-to-play" thing turns out, huh?
Damn...how did we get SO many totally-clueless idiots in this country?
Never mind, I already know. "Public Education".
Y'know...not sure how it could be done, but all this coming out on the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and more to come, appearing to get more and more damaging everyday, closer to the election?
ReplyDeleteWonder if there will be a way for the Obama Crime Syndicate to have been behind ALL of this, and time it perfectly to cause "A Constitutional Crisis" that is designed to suspend the elections, and keep the totalitarian regime in power?
If the Shrill is down for the count a mere few days before the election...what are the possible scenarios?
I don't think anyone doubts that it's a "possibility", if there is some way for Obama do it. I've said that for a year.
Is hillary in jail yet?
ReplyDeleteOh and a good morning all.
Nunya, I'm starting to wonder the same thing as you. It's looking worse for hillary every day. Now we hear the FBI investigation into the clinton foundation, the money laundering arm of the clinton crime syndicate has been under investigation for a year and the agents are pushing hard for an indictment. The corrupt and criminal Loretta Lynch is trying to block it but this just can't keep happening. They also now have discovered her private server was hacked by foreign hackers at least five times.
ReplyDeleteThis criminal activity is beyond the pale. All we hear about is a few things Donald Trump said in what he thought was a private conversation that was illegally recorded and suddenly that rises to the level of a major issue that disqualifies him from the Presidency. Meanwhile hillary is committing federal crimes, running a money laundering operation, taking bribes while Sec of State and selling influence to the highest bidder. And she has become enormously wealthy doing it. But that doesn't matter. Trump said something offensive!!
But they can't just keep covering up these criminal actions. And what better way to create an election crisis than when one candidate is indicted for federal crimes days before the election. Or days after the election. obama knows he is not restrained by the constitution thanks to our pathetic and weak Republican party, so they won't stop him. Another executive order suspending the election? Or voiding the election? Could happen. His hero Abe Lincoln filled the prisons with people who opposed him during the civil war. Anybody know that? Lincoln used the power of his office to silence the opposition. Good old honest Abe had a bit of a tyrannical streak.
So would obama do it? Would he suspend the election? Would he throw this country into a massive constitutional crisis? And would the congress, controlled by Republicans stop him? I suspect he would and they wouldn't.
We are living in a post constitutional America now. We have slipped our anchor and are floating in unknown waters thanks to the godless left and their unceasing drive to destroy our Republic.
The above comment by that low life safe just went POOF, over to the Rag Paper where it belongs. On Kevin's blog. Lol
ReplyDeleteJust an observation.
ReplyDeleteI've been working in Lawrence for the last 4 weeks and have only seen 1 Hillary yard sign and 1 Hillary bumper sticker and it was on a car with Oregon tags.
Back in 08 and 2012 there were hundreds of Obama signs and bumper stickers.
These liberals aren't feeling the Hillary love the way they did for Obama.
And I suspect you can find the same thing all across the country.
Like I said, it's just an observation...
Sarge, I can't even find the blogs over there. I know there's a way, but if I have to work that hard it's not happening.
ReplyDeleteHow does anybody else who just goes to the website find the blogs?
I guess they figured if they leave them there but make it impossible to find they can claim they aren't the godless left wing democrat mouthpiece rag birdcage liner fishwrap they actually are.
I appreciate the effort but I have a feeling nobody is reading it anymore. However we are getting a lot of hits these days.
Try this http://cjonline.com/blog/
DeleteAnd Kevin, I think you're right. I don't think the average liberal can support a criminal for their parties candidate. obama has always been a godless left wing radical, but he's sincere about it. He hates America and wants it changed into a godless liberal utopia. Most of what he's done he just did and challenged the Republicans to stop him, which being a bunch of spineless cowards they did not do.
ReplyDeleteBut I think the left is having a hard time with the level of criminality and outright corruption in hillary. Even godless liberals have some level of shame. And they know the excrement is about to hit the fan. And they know the damage that will come from electing a criminal to the presidency then having her tossed out for actions they knew about but refused to deal with.
They remember how the Republicans suffered after Nixon. And what he did was literally nothing compared to hillary. And they know that. And they know if she's elected it will taint their party for decades to come.
I think they truly believe Trump will self destruct so they figure if he gets elected it's the Republicans who will pay the price. They just don't understand how wrong they are. Typical godless left wing misread of the situation.
Plus I don't think anybody wants to listen to that shrieking howling banshee for however long she stays in office.
SSAH, It was hit and miss for me also, a pain in the ass, But I am a stubborn old ass and I wasn't going to give up, but you are right not much going on, Kevin's currant blog has 5 hits and I am two of them comments, Good Grief. I think you are right most everyone including the libs will end up here! We can kick there asses here as well as over there. So libs be good if you come by.
ReplyDeleteSorry safe. POOF, :):) I needed the material anyhow..
ReplyDeleteThis is what I got. http://cjonline.com/blog/
ReplyDeleteSherman Smith told me yesterday that fixing the link to the community blogs is a top priority and apologized for not having a solution yet.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want to bet they'll figure it out just as soon as the elections over?
Kevin we are not fools to take a bet like that, of course they will.
ReplyDeleteHi Everyone, I'm really hoping this Fox News link has factual truth.
“The revelation led House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul to describe Clinton’s handling of her email system during her tenure as secretary of state as “treason.””
Anyone in the Room 235 family know if this is fact yet or fiction?
Anyone found anything out on the link above yet?
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.