Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Excuse me, I'm not finished, "Fake News..."
And what a press conference it was!
I know by now most of you have either seen or at least listened to the press conference President Trump held at Trump Tower yesterday.
He minced no words.
And no one with an ounce of integrity could walk away not understanding exactly what he was saying.
Unfortunately, integrity seems to be a thing of the past in America today.
Take a quick look at how CNN covered it.
These people are so full of hate that there's nothing they won't say or do in order to make Trump look bad.
They twist his words to make it seem like he said something he never said.
There's no level they won't stoop to in order to bring him down.
It's kind of funny how there wasn't a single question regarding the fact that North Korea backed down from their threats to nuke America.
Seemed like a pretty big deal to me.
They just can't wrap their minds around the fact that left-wing violence even exists.
They refuse to report on the million plus jobs that have been created since he's taken office.
They won't cover the fact unemployment is at the lowest level it's been in decades.
They can't possibly admit the stock market is setting record highs on a weekly basis.
Nope, can't do it.
He must be destroyed.
And the will of the American people must be overturned.
Screw em all.
Like it or not President Trump is doing exactly what he said he'd do.
And unlike most politicians, he's doing everything possible to keep the promises he made.
Kevin McGinty
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catsncatsAugust 15, 2017 at 9:51 PM
ReplyDeleteI hope those idiots who were kicking that one statue have some sore toes tomorrow...saw that and all I could do was shake my head at how damned stupid they looked. I mean, what the hell did they think it would do? Suddenly come to life, jump to its feet and hit them???
NunyaAugust 16, 2017 at 5:03 AM
ReplyDeleteLocal "Insane Irony" of the day:
"Capital-Journal publisher Zach Ahrens named honoree for the ‘20 Under Forty’ award"
They give out awards for destroying a newspaper?! Who knew?!
That's quite an honor! (A dubious honor, but an honor.)
“In addition to her support, I’m blessed to work alongside a talented team at The Capital-Journal that knows what needs to be done and does so with excellence."
Well...they ARE doing an EXCELLENT job of nuking that commie-propagandist little rag!
"The honor is based on leadership and contributions to the community."
Leadership? Leading what? Contributing to the censorship of citizens' voices? Driving down readership? Pissing people off? Well...there ya go!
BTW, why are they celebrating with a bigoted, divisive, exclusionary, award?
"There are very few requirements to be a honoree — they must be 18 and no older than 40 at the time of the banquet to be held Nov. 16, and they must be making a significant impact in the community in those leadership capacities they described to us, Aldridge said."
AGE DISCRIMINATION! AGEISM! They hate older people!!! This is AGEIST, and should NOT be tolerated in a "socially just" society! We DEMAND that "20 Under 40" be inclusive of ALL ages! "It's just not FA-HA-HAAAaaair"!!!!
WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS BLATANT DISCRIMINATION!!! It is "identity politics" run amok!
And, THEY should be ashamed of themselves! ;^)
(I love pointing out all the pure hypocrisies those idiots do.)
NunyaAugust 16, 2017 at 5:15 AM
ReplyDeleteY'know...I was joking around, but the more I think of it...
I'm not sure I like the idea of them insisting that nobody over the age of 40 is worthy of consideration. What is this?
The next step in the fascist-liberal Democrat agenda of "if you are over a certain age, you no longer are considered worthy of contributing to society, so should just hurry up and die"?
I do, in fact, find "20 Under Forty" an extremely offensive "award".
Who the hell do they think they are minimizing and discriminating against those over 40?!
NunyaAugust 16, 2017 at 5:40 AM
ReplyDeleteI'm glad President Trump expanded on his first statement, yesterday, pointed out and condemned ALL the jackass troublemakers in Charlottesville.
His first statement was extremely proper, given that they didn't have all the info they needed, yet. He could have done like Obama, who stuck his foot in his mouth time and time again to jump the gun with ignorant statements and conclusions...all of which turned out to be bullshit.
It is exactly correct to call out ALL the troublemakers in Charlottesville.
Which, being correct, the left and mainstream media "HATE" it!
Because...y'know...that's what they are.
NunyaAugust 16, 2017 at 5:44 AM
ReplyDeleteJust waiting for one of those idiots tearing down a monument (like that moron who climbed up to put a rope around it) to win a "Darwin Award".
NunyaAugust 16, 2017 at 5:56 AM
ReplyDeleteNice guy...gotta be a Democrat, to be a Lawrence mayor, I would guess? (Couldn't confirm affiliation through searches, but his policies are decidedly liberal).
Not enough to steal from taxpayers, to give to those who refuse to work. Noooo. Take it a step further, and even steal the food right out the mouths of the people you are doing everything you can to keep down, keep subservient and poor!
He should catch the eye of the DNC. He may have a bright future in the dark, criminal underworld of the sleazy Democrat party! (After he gets out of the slammer!)
And he was exactly right. Frankly, I don't care who these guys were. Maybe they were all Nazis, or white supremists. I don't care. And just because the godless left wing fake news tells us who they were means nothing. They lie when it would be easier to tell the truth.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is they had a permit, upheld by a Federal judge after the commies tried to revoke it. They have the absolute unarguable right under the first amendment to peaceably assemble and petition their government for redress. And that's what they did.
The godless left wing commies had no permit. They showed up armed to the teeth with bats and clubs and pepper spry and body armor and helmets. They came to provoke exactly what happened.
Somehow in our crazy upside down less than civilized society these days people have grown convinced that if they can screech loud enough about peoples opinions and call them "hate speech" they can justify any action to shut them down. It seems due to the lack of education in our public schools more and more people believe this is actually true. You hear it every day now. "The first amendment doesn't protect hate speech".
But yesterday I was never prouder of a President (since Ronald Reagan anyway) for speaking out about fake news and injustice. I love that this President doesn't wait for the polls and the media to tell him what to say. He just says it.
And he's causing godless left wing heads to explode right and left. And that alone makes me happy.
I have a little more hope every day with this President. Maybe we can save our country from these Fabian Socialists and commies. Maybe not. But I bet we won't go down without one hell of a fight.
"British writer and theologian G.K. Chesterton observed, “It is hatred that unites people – while love is always individual.”
The use of hatred to mobilize has a long and bloody history. We should understand why it works so well. It taps into human weakness. It exploits the unwillingness of individuals to take responsibility for their own lives, to courageously confront life’s ambiguities and inconsistencies, and still move forward constructively. It’s so much easier to blame someone else.
This is what racism is about.
Speaking to the horrible incident in Charlottesville, President Donald Trump condemned the “egregious display of bigotry and violence” on “many sides” that’s “been going on for a long time in our country.” The president appealed for the “hate and violence” to stop and that we “come together as Americans.”
For these remarks the president is being attacked.
Immediately, former Vice President Biden tweeted out “only one side.” Congressional Black Caucus member Maxine Waters followed suit with the same.
But President Trump is right. The use of hate to blame others, the refusal to take personal responsibility for one’s life, is going on and has been going on in our nation “for a long time” on “many sides.”
Being honest about this does not justify the vile white supremacist violence and murder in Charlottesville. But to claim that these distorted individuals are the exclusive locus of bigotry in America does not help our cause.
The Black Lives Matter movement, for example, has been going on for a number of years, with rallies laced with threats, blame and violent language.
Eight police officers were murdered by young black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge last year. According to then-Dallas Police Chief David Brown, during the standoff in Dallas, the young black assailant “said he was upset at white people. The suspect said he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”
We can’t solve our problems if we refuse to be honest about them and if, in trying to solve them, we demonstrate the same behavior that caused them – suppression of the truth, blame, absence of personal responsibility.
I am astounded when those on the black left speak out self-righteously about white bigotry.
If not bigotry of the black left, how do we explain the absence of any mention of Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas in the new National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.?
Or the absence of any mention of America’s first black secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, who grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, from the Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham?
As the black left moves to whitewash all evidence of the Confederacy and the Civil War from our history, they also want to whitewash the present and pretend the only blacks in America are liberals. And while they do it, they claim a monopoly on tolerance.
The Charlottesville incident began with a movement from the left to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.
In an interview several months ago, Condoleezza Rice was asked about removing statues of individuals who represent history that repels us. She said, “When you start wiping out your history, sanitizing your history to make you feel better, it’s a bad thing.”
Reality is what it is. Not what those with a political agenda choose it to be.
And in this sense, President Trump told the truth. Bigotry and violence is coming from “many sides” and it has been for a “long time.”
How do we ultimately solve the problem? Here are the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from a speech he gave when he was 14 years old:
“We cannot have an enlightened democracy with one great group living in ignorance. … We cannot be truly Christian people so long as we flout the central teachings of Jesus: brotherly love and the Golden Rule.”
That article was written by Star Parker.
DeleteI am holding the rinos and faux news just as accountable for this mess as the left.
ReplyDeleteFor too damn long they've gotten away with playing around the edges of the yard, either too scared or too arrogant (or both) to grab the scoop and start trying to clean up that pile of dog crap they helped to create.
Well, guess what? The flies are buzzing it and now they've gotten it on their shoes.
That prissy way that most of the fox pundits minced around blaming Trump for. going "off message" about "jobs" etc and "what Americans really want to hear about" disgusted me. I had pretty much quit listening to that channel but last night I made an exception to see how they'd play it...
No damn better. All about political agenda.
Rinos? They've done nothing whatever but their usual cloakroom parlor games, ignoring all the breakdown in this country and for what?
Money, cronyism and power.
They've ignored the ongoing corruption and criminal activity by Clintons, Obamabots etc. Scandals too numerous to list here. What...they get a little of that Soros money in their campaign coffers too?
Or is it that Trump is not one of them?
Can't have him at the dinner parties in the DC salons...
All most of us, of ALL political persuasions, have been good for is votes.
I didn't vote for Trump but as God is my witness I will support the man and stand up with him when he is right.
And on this one he's exactly right.
ReplyDeleteHe said exactly what needed said.
And if that runs counter to the narrative the media is pushing.
That's too friggin bad...
What are your thoughts on Star Parker's editorial?
ReplyDeleteI like how she brought all the crap about the BLM stuff front and center along with the Dallas Police Officers who were gunned down...etc.
DeleteNailed it...
DeleteHave long appreciated Star's presence...the Sharptons, Maxines and their cronies don't like her because she sees the left plantation overseers for who they really are.
DeleteBlack conservatives are verboten in that world...considered race traitors. Star Parker and other black men and women like her are not welcome in that world.
Remember Justice Thomas and the ugliness of Anita Hill?
And I'm right there with you on faux news, cats.
ReplyDeleteI pretty much stopped watching them when it became clear they were no better than the rest of em during the campaign last year...
Anyone recall my talking about Putin's right hand man Dugin?
ReplyDeleteWell, he's finally wormed his way into the American political scene and the radical alt-right fringe of Charlottesville nazism...just heard Beck making the connections.
Beware this guy...he's as dangerous as Soros and operates from the other side...the political right.
You can bet I will be posting connections as soon as I can get them pulled out and journaled.
Note: interesting...when I googled "Dugin in america?" I got several hits from leftist websites...but ignoring those. Both sides in this are playing on each other...I'm after more reputable websites.
DeleteAlso recall the Greece riots 2013-14...he had a hand in that via Golden Dawn.
Putin boots Soros but Dugin is his man...
ReplyDeleteTrust no one. All others pay cash.
Good grief...
ReplyDeleteHaven't been able to get to a lot the things I wanted to get to today due to the rain.
Turned on Fox News for about 30 minutes or so.
It's been non-stop report after another about Trump's press conference yesterday.
Each segment has been loaded with so-called experts who claim his comments are divisive.
By assigning part of the blame on the left he's empowering the Nazis, The Skinheads, and The KKK, they all claim.
They even had one pair that actually broke down in (Fake) tears because they were so distraught.
What a crock of shit.
Oh well, it's back to my book for the rest of the day and that's just fine with...
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ReplyDeleteHello my friends I haven't faded away just yet, wife and I are doing fine have some follow up appointments tomorrow. Thought I would add this from my friend Rich because he is smarter than me...
ReplyDeleteHistorical monuments are among the first signal that your country has lost the battle to socialism and/or communism.
If you doubt it, just research the toppling of monuments in Russia, China and/or ISIS/ISIL in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other locales and times.
When a nation's history (the good, the bad and the ugly) is destroyed it will be replaced by an authoritarian form of government; i.e. Satan on Earth (GS) and his Snowflakes-in-Training aided by Black Lies Matter, Antifa and others who want to destroy our history so it can be more easily re-written.
Later my friends.
Well!! About time you showed up! We were worrying...glad to hear from you!
DeleteHugs to you Sarge and also hugs for Ghost.
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ReplyDeleteDugin info:
ReplyDeleteRobert Zubrin at National Review has written a ton of stuff on the man he calls "Moscow's Mad Philosopher"...
Used search term "robert zubrin dugin" after running across his name in an old Blaze a ton of Zubrin's writings.
Also take a look at Business Insider 10 dec 2016 "A Model for Civilization: Putin's Russia has Emerged as 'a beacon for Nationalists and the Alt-right"...
Look at the way these people operate...they say all the things that frustrated Americans want to hear...
This article unveils Matthew Heimbach, Richard Spencer (head of national policy institute) among others.
Highly recommend
Did y'all hear the activist are planning to flood the streets on Nov 4? I don't know if anything will actually happen but I know I wouldn't want to be near a college or caught downtown if something breaks out.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rose...hadn't yet seen that. Will mark that date and make damn sure I stay at home on that day.
DeleteOne other comment that just occured to me as I go about my chores...
ReplyDeleteIn the warped minds of radical fringe zealots on the right he committed the cardinal sin of calling them out and condemning them as well as the leftie version...bear in mind that Dugin is not just Putin's right hand; he's also his enforcer.
Our president and his family need our prayers more than ever now...
These nazi wackos were known as " skinheads" back in the 80s...
Hoping all is okay with sarge. Has he been ill? I don't mean to pry. Just concerned and wish him well.
ReplyDeleteDon't know...he disappeared for a few days then reappeared...
DeleteShep Smith on FOX running Trump down. Another left wing POS that needs to be fired
ReplyDeleteGiven the sad condition of fox these days they'd likely just replace him with another pos with a different name...
DeleteNo doubt. I dont watch half as much as I use to. They have way to many libs that just give me the jeeb es. Where they find their libs at is a mystery. And with them digging up dirt and changing the way it use to be run it will be another urinal
ReplyDeleteWell I watch a little T.V yesterday and today. what happen did Fox sell out to CNN, hell they should make that asshole Shep Smith the new Liberal CEO, shit blink your eyes and things sure change fast, Good Grief... Oh I may not have seen all comments but to all the well wishers I thank you.
ReplyDeleteJust flipped over to FOX and Uncle Ted is on. This should be good
ReplyDeleteHave y'all noticed how the liberals are flooding facebook with a movement to declare how Trump was/is supporting the supremacy groups? I heard someone say they are flooding facebook because they are trying to reach people who do not get their news via tv. I have read a few post and reply with a post explaining the lies and propaganda are misleading and wrong. Then I follow up with a post of Trump's success. It drives them crazy when you mention the economy is turning around.
ReplyDeleteThose white groups and other racist groups that were in all this have been doing this stuff for years. Why is it just now that all the libs want to bring it up? They only bring it up because of Trump. They want to find any little bitty thing to try and run him down. These people are still thinking they are going to get Trump out of POTUS and their Queen Bitch Hillary is going to be president. Sorry libs but he is not going any where and even if you get him out Pence is way more conservative
ReplyDeleteBoth the left progs and the rino progs on the right ate playing this bull crap for all it's worth on all the networks. The few talkers on the radio and online sites are exposing all of this rank hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteCharlotte Observer aticle by John Schindler is onto the white supremacist/Dugin connection in connection with this Charlottesville violence now.
Also Conservative Review is onto it.
Truth to power is making all of them crazy.
Reminder: the Murdoch noys and their wives are all liberal progs...that's who is running fox these days...can we tell? Yes. We can.
It gets me that all these lib black people want all the history from the civil war era and slave era to be taken out of history books and any thing that resembles that era to be destroyed. My question to all of them is who and what are you going to use for your blame game? How can they claim any racism Guess the race baiter's will have to find new jobs
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DeleteMaybe if all history from from the civil war era is removed from the history books it will come to a point where the young people will not be ill informed of our American history as it pertains to slavery. The left may be cutting off their nose to spite their face. Let the left continue to eradicate that portion of history. Maybe subsequent generations will cease with civil right marches because there will be no record of slavery happening.
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DeleteISIS likes to destroy monuments and history too...
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DeletePol there's a butcher.
DeleteAt zero hedge: "why was this crowd hire company recruiting $25 an hour political activists in Charlotte last week?"
ReplyDeleteRefers to an ad placed on craigslist last week, by an outfit called Crowds on Demand.
Run by one Adam Swart. Looked up both him and his company...smarmy, slick-slimy looking person. Been around the political scene for several years and supplies rent-a-people for everything from flash mobs to you name it.
Not a lot of other info on him except that he worked for Gov Jerry Brown (moonbeam) as a political organizer. Bigtime lib prog.
Read that, liberal progs. Many of us have had your number now for years.
You are as slimy as any kkk out there.
Deal with it.
Wow. Good info cats.
ReplyDeleteLiberal Dems want to erase the history of slavery and racism...because they are the ones responsible for it.
ReplyDeleteThe faster they can do that, and the sooner they can shut down the First Amendment rights of those who tell those "Inconvenient Truths" about their brutal, racist past...the sooner they can get people back on the plantation to control them. And, I believe they still have somewhere close to 140 years to fulfill that racist LBJ'S prediction of keeping them voting Democrat.
Erase history. Shut down the truth. Back to the business of oppression and serfdom for the masses, from the rich and all-powerful elite.
Three more protesters were arrested Wednesday for participating in the toppling of a nearly century-old statue of a Confederate soldier in North Carolina.
Texas Rose mentioned trouble on Nov. 4. Wondering what may be significant about that, I came up with two events in history, and both were equally disturbing and destructive.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they are honoring one, or both?
Nov. 4, 1921: Nazi Brownshirts officially formed:
That sounds appropriate. As does this horrific event on Nov. 4 2008:
Could be either. Both are truly terrible events that truly horrible people might honor to cause anarchy and mayhem.
Thanks Nunya...anarchists of all stripes have a thing with dates and anniversaries.
ReplyDeletePeople are not liking this at all. A goodly number of black people are as opposed as we are to the statue destruction and the erasure of all history, and with good reason. Blacks who know the truth know what the democrat party has done to them and they want to make sure it's kept intact. Democrat progressives dating back to the late 1800s have obliterated much history of just how much their ancestors have contributed to this country yet had credit for same taken away from them.
How long now, given the radical kkk version rearing its ugly head, will that bunch try to take advantage of the chaos and start up with destroying statues, markers and such that are dear to them?
If this madness isn't stopped, in a couple of years or so what in God's name will we turn into?
"Good"refers to Skippey's post...internet must be jammed this evening...connection slow.
DeleteRose would be correct.
ReplyDeleteNot sure many here frequent some places.
Not exactly proud for clicking certain sites, but one must study the opposition.
Hammer, it's called "knowing your enemy". I got into that years ago, when my son started getting sent into war zones. I still do that, because I want to know what we're up against.
DeleteIf it involves reading sketchy or controversial websites then so be it.
Besides...I consider myself fortunate to have the time to do so because many people don't, and sharing what I uncover will hopefully educate or help with understanding.
"To honor former president Barack Hussein Obama, who was installed as our "Dear Leader" on November 4, 2008, we, the anti-American "George Soros Socialist/Communist/Fascist Collective" will also honor the brave and just tactics of the Nazi Brownshirts, also formed on November 4, in 1921, and vow to create destruction, violence and anarchy on November 4, 2017."
ReplyDeleteYeah...I can see that being the interconnected significance of a bunch of brainwashed, ill-informed, ignorant, hateful leftists, prodded on by Dems and mainstream media.
Makes sense, if you put it all together.
And, no...I am not just joking around, this time. Because...if there actually IS some kind of anarchy on THAT day...then what IS the significance?
Gotta be something. Always something, when they pick a date in advance.
Here it is...their fascist "Refuse Fascism" announcement:
Wonder if they are proud of the fact that they are honoring a fascist tactic on the day Nazi Brownshirts were created nearly a century ago, and hypocritically wanting to act EXACTLY LIKE the Nazi Brownshirts?
Maybe the FBI or Homeland Security should check these lunatics out, huh?
Yep, I posted it earlier for ya brother.
ReplyDeleteIt's the lady that was a school teacher out in Berkeley'so site.
Same lady that was on Tucker few months ago.
Wearing the shirt of course....
Berkeley will be known as the birth place.
Go figure.
ReplyDeleteThis might refresh memories...
Yuck. What a piece of work.
Oh...yep, you did, Hammer! Everything in there is not even "code for". It's straight out "anarchy until we get what we demand!"
ReplyDeleteThey better be careful. May bite off a whole helluva lot more than they can chew.
ReplyDeleteMaoist too.
Should've added that.
And my bad, not a teacher . Got her mixed up with the Yolanda lady.
I just can't seem to keep my communists straight....
Lol, forgive me...
Nunya and two beat me to it lol...
ReplyDeleteGiven the nature of things, I'm betting it's the brownshirt thing. I also remember that Sunsara creature; watched Tucker that night. That one is a piece of work for sure. Anarchist to the core.
A lot of upcoming events and violent "counters" are posted here. Another one to watch.
And if you really want to be mad, read this....
That's their twitter. BLATANTLY advocating violence. Embracing it.
Any guesses why the doj, state dept., or DHS doesn't investigate?
According to the daily caller, Antifa crashed Heather Heyer's funeral today, with purple shields and bats.
ReplyDeleteExcuse? There to "protect the people"...
Openly bashed law enforcement.
DeleteThere weren't a ton of them present.
Well, unless by the picture someone was to refer the amount of large feminist women, maybe there were....
When it comes to clashes, antifa kinda cracks me up. They go for symbolism, and not effectiveness.
Little wooden purple shields and fake pink bats really are intimidating.
There annoying as hell, should be taken seriously as a group, but not an idividual threat by themselves.
That's how you can tell it's a paid for movement. These people won't have their hearts in it when the shit goes down.
As to the doj, investigations take time. Evidence gathering, then getting arrest warrants and indictments. Givrs me hope that they've already started arresting people in connection with the vandalism. Would also bet that they are up to their eyeballs in chasing down leads etc.
ReplyDeleteAnd hey cats, since you might be one of the only ones aware of the "fourth political turning", I'll leave you with one.
ReplyDeleteJust for you.
When you load the video there are about six hours more of videos you may like to watch.
I've been aware for almost a year, or so.
The movement seemed useful to me at first because it can buffer the pendulum that has swung so hard left worldwide.
But when you take into account how hard the push right will, it's not too cool to think about.
Hard leftys have certainly killed more than hard right in history. But it's certainly not a distant second by any means.
Thanks Hammer, I will take a look.
ReplyDeleteOne last comment...
Drudge link to tried to get away with saying that police had found a gun cache belonging to the white nationalists at Charlottesville...but the police said nope...they didn't find any gun cache.
Saying goodnight myself...tired and gonna g8ve my head a break from all this lunacy.
ReplyDeleteSleep well, all. Purrs
"What is the FBI hiding? What did Mueller try to cover up?"
ReplyDeleteInvolves tha Mueller staff member who abruptly quit yesterday, Jay Sekulow's FOIA request and some 400 emails that magically reappeared...and the infamous Lynch-Clinton tarmac "matter"...complete with links and a story on drudge about that team player who left "abruptly"...
Sometimes google doesn't like pulling up that website unless typed exactly as I did here...
Looking in the bright side...
ReplyDeleteThese Trump hating bastards haven't mentioned Russia in almost 48 hours now...
It's important that we stay focused here.
ReplyDeleteAmericans from one end of this country to the other sees through this shit.
Damn...4096 character limit. OK...Part 1, with part 2 to follow:
ReplyDeleteHere, little Timmy Carpenter, thinks he's got hisself a nice little addition to please the Commie-Propaganda Ministers of the Urinal:
"Kansas Democrats criticize top GOP officials for silence on Charlottesville unrest" DARE they not side with the media, and blame only one part of all the violent assholes there looking for trouble! How DARE THEY!
"Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, D-Topeka, said he was disappointed that Gov. Sam Brownback, Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer and Secretary of State Kris Kobach hadn’t quickly “denounced the vile behavior of white nationalists” participating in the weekend riot in Charlottesville, Va., that left one person dead and dozens injured."
Hey, idiot! I've searched and searched. I cannot find ANY mention of YOU denouncing the violent counter-protestors! WHY? We want to know. We're "very disappointed" in that.
Are you a supporter of those violent anarchy groups? must be! That, sir, is shameful! That's so shameful that it makes you a dangerous person to be in any state legislature!
Now, let's unleash on little Timmy a bit, for writing this shit:
"President Donald Trump denounced neo-Nazi or white supremacist groups, but also appeared to defend white nationalists opposed to removal of a statue honoring Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The president also chastised those on the “alt-left” and described them as perpetrators of violence."
Hey Timmy. Did you get past the 5th grade, you moron? President Trump did not defend any "violent faction" of ANY group opposed to the removal of the statue. He DID defend non-violent citizens, many of whom weren't part of ANY "organized group"...(unlike the opposition, which was likely ALL "organized anarchist groups, sent in specificalluy to cause trouble...which they did.)
President Trump was also 100% correct to ALSO "chastise those on the “alt-left” and describe them as perpetrators of violence".'s TRUE, you knothead!
See...this is why your crappy little publication is going down the tubes. You are all completely dishonest. "Fake News".
"Several members of the Kansas congressional delegation reacted with alarm to unrest in Virginia and shared discomfort with remarks by Trump that appeared to place equal blame on “both sides” of the conflict."
I'll bet they were alarmed! They're not used to politicians telling the truth!
Part 2:
ReplyDelete"U.S. Rep. Lynn Jenkins, a Republican who serves Topeka in the 2nd District, took to Facebook to directly address the president."
“White supremacy, Nazis and the KKK are a blight on our nation,” Jenkins said. “Equal blame is not correct and racism should not be ignored. When you use words that excuse their views it only fuels their hatred, further divides our nation and tarnishes the sacred office you hold.”
You got that wrong, Jenkins. YOU are using words that excuse the wrong counter-protestor actions, which fuels THEIR hatred, and further divides us.
Let's suppose that pyscho hadn't run his car through there. Let's suppose all that had happened was idiots from both sides beating on each other (while the cops stood and watched because of their orders from on high to stand down and let it happen.)
The conversation would be squarely on BOTH SIDES were locked and loaded, ready to rumble, and it was BOTH SIDES' fault (well, except the media nd liberals, who would blame only the other side).
Anyway, ONLY because of that psycho, and the death, has it come to a point where "one side is to blame, and not the other, at all".
Liberals are hateful morons. And, it appears even some Republicans are getting sucked into that vortex-of-idiocy, too.
Thank God President Trump has the integrity and honesty to state it like it is. Americans want to hear the truth.
That low-life Obama would have used this as a political wrecking-ball.
Do these people have any understanding whatever of reality?
ReplyDeleteAre their lives so insulated from the rest of us that all they can do is bleat out pap like that?
As though they are telling a room full of rowdy children to each line up and apologize to the teacher for being bad. Everybody say they're sorry, now!
I highly suspect that, like the Berkeley chancellor, they've all spent money on escape hatches for themselves in case of a mob attack in their neighborhoods.
They're an embarrassment.
So I hear today the ACLU and various cities are filing suit against the government regarding withholding grants to sanctuary cities. The Trump administration rightfully is going to penalize cities who commit seditious violations of federal law by shielding criminals. Lincoln did far worse when the democrats did that in the 1860s. That led to the Civil War.
ReplyDeleteSo lemme see if I understand this. They say it is a violation of the constitution to enforce the law by asking cities to hold criminals until the Federal government can pick them up and deport them. They are criminals just by virtue of the fact they are in this country illegally, but in most cases they have committed other criminal acts which is why they are in jail. So it is apparently a violation of the constitution to enforce the law against illegal aliens.
But these same people, in fairly typical godless left wing fashion are constantly proclaiming American citizens do not have the constitutional right to hold certain views, or to peacefully gather to petition the government for a redress of their grievances.
Illegal aliens have constitutional rights, American citizens don't.
These people never cease to amaze me with their stupidity and complete ignorance of our country and it's rule of law.
I blame the educational system which has been in the control of the godless left for over 50 years now. This is what that got us.
Yup...just came from a drudge link to an AP story about the president being it, Romney and Graham among others are still giving him hell about Charlottesville.
ReplyDeleteIn essence he just doesn't seem to understand that white supremacists are racists but the antifas on the other side oppose racism and therefore he can't lump them together...
Said seriously and with straight faces, all...and nary a word about the TACTICS used!!!
Good Lord and Sweet Jesus in Heaven!
Thesr people must be the aliens among us!!!
It won't Kevin...
ReplyDeleteYup..saw the Rubio crap the swamp with Paulie and the Turtleheads...
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ReplyDeleteJust what is it that makes these RINO's think that they will still be standing after the next election? They seem to think that they are invisible or are not to be effected by some one else running for the same office. These idiots want to destroy Trump and at the same time destroy the party and then think that everyone will either forget or be on their sides. The bridges they are burning are their own escape route. It will be funny to watch them get their due from Trump when its their time.
ReplyDeleteBannon said a lot of vitriol aimed at Trump and the advisors in that call...literally daring Trump to fire him. And threats to air a bunch of dirty laundry if he does...
ReplyDeleteThat guy is a pit viper. Always has been.
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DeleteRikki, with all respect for your efforts here, I will not sign the petition. The 1st amendment wascintended to protect all speech, regardless of how ugly it may be. It is my sincere belief that, once we start going down that road, it opens a door to more of the same over time by disreputable types bent on tyranny, not liberty. It becomes a "muzzle some, muzzle everybody" meme.
DeleteWill add too that the majority of people in government, even the worst ones, would not pull what Bannon pulled even on their worst days.
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DeleteOn Bannon in general:
ReplyDeleteLimbaugh says that Bannon's interview with that prog was like Reagan calling Pravda...had to smile at that because he's right.
Bannon's only getting bad traction so far. A royal backfire. I fully expect that Trump, Kelly etc will promptly tell one Steve Bannon not to let the door hit him in the ass on his way out.
Now...Rush reporting that Bannon just told the daily mail that his interview was "good...took the focus off Trump...I did the prez a service..."
ReplyDeleteNothing but an incompetent opportunistic buffoon who created a pile and had to step in it to see if it would stick to his shoes...
Note on the Rovian doughboy...he's apoplectic. All fretting about what will this do to our party!!!
ReplyDeleteThat one might be spending so much time in the crapper that he'll resemble someone suffering from anorexia...
Hammer, thanks for that link...took a listen this morning and will be checking out more of them.
ReplyDeleteAm also familiar with the 4th turning and I happen to think we are into the crisis cycle. Time will confirm ( or not) but I don't think the day is too distant when we will not recognize our country. Up is down and down is up and...two plus two is five...
Hell Cats we are already there.
DeleteWife and are back from the doctors, good news nether of us a going to kick the bucket anytime soon, sorry liberals. but was told don't try running any Marathons. So there goes our plans good grief!
Note to my Grandson Zach, he was over here everyday for 8 days making sure we were okay from 8 to 4 daily, we were blessed.
DeleteBlessings to Zach! That's a wonderful grandson you two have...
Delete"The huge masquerade of evil has thrown all ethical concepts into confusion. That evil should appear in the form of light, good deeds, historical necessity, social justice is absolutely bewildering for one coming from the world of ethical concepts that we have received. For the Christian who lives by the Bible, it is the very confirmation of the abysmal wickedness of evil."
ReplyDelete--excerpt from "who stands firm?" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
So now the libs and black people want all the statues from the civil war torn down. Guess they think that will mean that it never happened. Of course that will also mean that they cant use it war a defense for their actions. How long before they want statues of Jesus, Mary, and other religious figures torn down? I think Bob Dylan had it right in one of his songs.
ReplyDeleteNot all black people want that...reports around the country online that many are as upset as we are because they want history preserved too. Only the blm types and the idiot obamabots demanding destruction.
ReplyDeleteIn fact I think a lot of ordinary dems feel the same. Just that the ones making all the noise are getting all the attention...and republican wimps among them.
I don't really know how all this insanity will end. I just hope it does before the country ends up under martial law on account of it.
Corker...Graham...McCain...Romney...Rubio..a whole raft of rino weaklings. If voters re-elect any of these posers or their chosen candidates, then they get what they deserve.
ReplyDeleteDisgusting what they've done and they are no better than their prog liberal colleagues in congress and the senate.
Michael Berry, talker on am 1200 WOAI, reporting that Imran Awan and wife Hina indicted on 4 counts of bank fraud against the house bank.
ReplyDeleteProbably explains a lot of the dem insanity going on these days...
Inconvenient video about Democrats:
Yep. Excellent points in the video. Couple different versions out there, and on point nunya.
DeleteHere's some humor, for you guys though.
Remember this one from an old blog?
This is the mentality and IQ we are fighting.
Funny, yet scary.....
I still laugh though.
Curious to see how smart Trump is here.
ReplyDeleteIf Assange has the dirt and proof of no Russia intervention, and info that would bury Mueller, why not pardon him?
This info could hurt people and operatives, but let's get it out in the open.
Wonder who he trusts here, or if he's even interested in what Julian has to say?
I say drain it.
Blow it all up.
Lions, tigers, Rhinos and dems...
Vault seven addendum could be huge.
Just has to be constructed in a way the media will bite.
Gotta get slick here....
Well, business as usual over at the Pravda-Urinal. A horrific Islamic terrorist attack happens in Spain killing 13 and injuring over 100 more, and it's just kind of "oh, well...guess we gotta run it, but just make it a sidenote story".
ReplyDeleteWhat's their main headline? A "pro-choice" abortion story, slamming Republicans.
Well guys, unfortunately the motel I'm staying at doubles as the place Wi-Fi connections go to die.
ReplyDeleteSo for the first time ever I'm not going to be able to post Friday's edition of this little blog of ours.
Hopefully by the time I get back this afternoon things will have improved somewhat.'s Communist News Network's Wolfie Blitzer and company displaying their usual insanity:
Yeah, Wolfie...sure. The Barcelona Islamic terrorists would have NEVER considered driving a vehicle into a crowd, had they not gotten the idea from that Charlottesville lunatic! I mean...GOSH!! Using a vehicle as a deadly weapon has NEVER been considered before Charlottesville, which...of course...CAUSED those copycat Islamic terrorists to do the same thing!
GREAT REPORTING there, you Blitzed-out moron!! Even leftists are shaking their heads on this latest if his usual idiotic blunders.It DOES embarrass them, exposing the pure lunacy of CNN, and left, so glaringly!😂
No problem, Kev. I think there's still room on this one to point out the daily insanity of the left! ( CAN get a bit overwhelming trying to keep up with the downpour of lunacy they provide, day-by-day, hour-by-hour...minute-by-minute!)😂
ReplyDeleteAnd Turning on 580 for early morning news(?) big mistake...before I even get to my first cup of coffee they are playing that damned Corker soundbite again!!!
ReplyDeleteWho the hell keeps re-electing these old rino clowns anyhow?
Anybody remember a President name of Harry Truman? Democrat he was, but he was the old style democrat before they merged with the communist party.
ReplyDeleteHarry was known for telling like he saw it. Famous for it in fact. People have loved him for years because he was a real guy.
When a critic wrote a scathing review of Harry's daughter's performance in something she did, Harry told him if he saw him he would kick his ass.
When WWII ended and the steelworkers tried to leverage the steel shortage and threatened to go on strike and cripple the country's recovery, Harry told them if they did he would draft every single one of them into the army. He broke that strike and that union gave up that nonsense.
We have another President who says what he thinks. The difference is back then the news media wasn't in total lockstep with the radical communists who were looking to destroy America. They were still journalists. They reported the news.
Now we have a President who says what he thinks. Agree or not, it's what the man thinks. And the vitriol and hatred from the radical left and their media is beyond reason. The crazy reaction to every single thing he does demonstrates some kind of group hysteria, some kind of mass mental illness that has taken over these people and driven them insane.
They are starting to remind me of that TV show The Walking Dead. Stumbling bumbling zombies with one thing on their mind lurching about, drool dripping from their open mouths driven by hatred for everything good about America.
I don't know what the answer is, but I know it's getting ugly. When this many people decide they can ignore the law and pursue whatever ideological agenda they choose using violence it doesn't end well.
Last time they fired on Fort Sumpter and the war was on. Where's our Fort Sumpter going to be this time? Because everything else is aligning just about the same as it did in 1860.
It is getting so ugly, I hate turning on the T.V. anymore.
DeleteIt doubt in my mind
DeleteAlso the 1930s with Hitler's Germany and the brownshirts. That Bonhoeffer quote I posted yesterday came from his essay collection, written while he sat in a prison cell, accused of treason. His words parallel the atmosphere in this country today.
Related...deep state hijinks...
ReplyDeleteIn checking the lame cherry this morning, up comes a link to the daily caller from 14 august 2017...
"Exclusive: Obama Holdovers still in dozens of Key National Security Jobs"
Very informative and I urge all bunker dwellers to check it out.
This crap is not just coming from the left; it's deep state rino-ism as well.
Why are these people still in place?
With the Paulie-Turtlehead team in the majority house/senate positions, why are we not hearing anything about this from them?
After all, theyand their respective houses of congress are responsible for moving the presidential appointment process forward so that new appointees can kick these Obama shills out.
Remember all the stink dems made about appointee approval when Obama was in office? I do...repubs caved every damned time.
The daily caller names names. The lame cherry blog that alerted me to this also comments on Dick Morris, who saw the light and has been exposing the rats for some time now. He's apparently got another book out.
The left works with the rinos in order to maintain power...any bleatings we may hear in the press are solely designed to keep the ruse going.
Looks like it has been working quite well for some time now.
On drudge...protesters vs protesters planned tomorrow...on Boston Commons.
ReplyDeleteVery hard to pick one pit bull fighting another pit bull. Just saying....
ReplyDeleteYup...but then a lot of those rinos profit financially via k street and the cloakroom deals with democrats.
ReplyDeleteRather than stand up with ethics, they prefer to make the mewling, whimpering sounds of children who get caught a second time trying to pull a stunt that got them in trouble the first time.
I hear Bannon is out New York Times!!!
ReplyDeleteBannon is out.
ReplyDeleteBannon could cause more problems on the outside. Sometimes it is good to keep people like him close to the vest. He scares me with what he knows and he knows how to use it against Trump.
ReplyDeleteSome of the hypocritical, lying, cowardly CEOS who caused the disbanding of the Economic Council. The left got to them, threatened them, and they claim it's because of their values? BS.
Cats, I guess if the protest in Boston it is better now instead of later, as far as I am concerned. I will be in Boston and the New England area around the first of October. I thought it would be a good time to seem color of leaves change. And I don't want to run into violence.
ReplyDeleteI think this whole Charlottesville mess was planned. Something isn't melding with me about how this all came together. From the governor to the mayor to the chief of police to the reporters. I think they were all holding hands in one way or another. And there definitely is something fishy with Kessler. I think he is a snake in the grass and he can't be trusted. I hope someone is digging into how this came down and finally expose the people who are really behind all these violent acts.
Kessler used to hang with Occupy. He's a mercenary type...McAuliffe is a clintonista from way way back and the Charlottesville mayor Signer is one of his pets...the supremacist group applied for their permit a long time ago, apparently denied then the leftist ACLU steps in and at the last minute a fed judge approved their permit. Antifa never applied for a permit, thry just showed up and were allowed to stay.
DeleteDamn right it was all planned. They created a classic Rahm Emanuel crisis and did not let it go to waste.
And people died. Don't think they wanted that but playing with fire can burn you...
It is not really difficult to look at who's in charge of what and all the rest especially with the internet but most people just go with whatever the media tells them and they believe it.
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DeleteAnd, of course, the Urinal is quick to jump right on this tripe:
Bannon should just be glad it wasn't the violent Clinton Cartel that he crossed.
DeleteAnd it's friday...big stuff always seems to drop on a friday...this Bannon stuff could get really nasty.
ReplyDeleteHere is the FDR Quote about Robert E. Lee That Liberals Never Wanted You to See. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, author of the New Deal, is a secular Saint for liberals. But he attended the dedication of this same statue in Dallas back in 1936, and he said something extraordinary about Lee. WOW!:
ReplyDeleteI am very happy to take part in this unveiling of the statue of General Robert E. Lee.
All over the United States we recognize him as a great leader of men, as a great general. But, also, all over the United States I believe that we recognize him as something much more important than that. We recognize Robert E. Lee as one of our greatest American Christians and one of our greatest American gentlemen.
Could you imagine what would happen if a liberal – or even President Trump – said that? After all, Lee thought slavery was a great evil and he worked to reunite America after the Civil War. While his judgment in fighting against the United States government was misguided, and the evils of slavery should never be understated, history is always more complicated than people may think.
For example, did you know why his name is on Arlington Cemetery?
An aside, do you know why Arlington National Cemetery bears that name? Because the Union forces confiscated Lee’s ancestral home, Arlington, and turned the grounds into a cemetery to keep the general from ever returning. Maybe we should rename that cemetery, while we are about it.
Lee’s stamp on history cannot be erased. And if we are to learn from history, nothing is solved by destroying statues. A liberal hero – Franklin Delano Roosevelt – was a huge admirer of Lee’s. Maybe that should give today’s unthinking, angry leftists pause.
Also...he helped win the Spanish American war about 14 years prior to the civil war...heard that on Levin the other day.
DeleteI'm not all that concerned about that corporate council either...from what I can tell, they were liberals and k street cronies anyhow
ReplyDeleteIf they were actually serious about working on the jobs/economy problems, they would not have walked out over this crap.
Probably have the same workplace rules as Home as dirty as you wish in the break room but we catch you talking about God, you're subject to write-up for policy violations.
Screw them.
As my friend Tom said The real shame in all of this is how the left is holding the upper hand in hiding the truth and castigating anyone who speaks the truth. The truth can not be changed. You can twist the truth, hide it, lie about it, but you can never change it. I saw antifa in Charlottesville with clubs, helmets, and aerosol cans being used as flame throwers and so on and so on…. Yet the left has zero blame for Antifa and that is not right or accurate and is very wrong. I am not condoning white supremacy in any form. I will promise you that tons of hate and violence came from the leftists in Charlottesville. A young girl’s life was taken and I am not condoning that or trying to make light of it either. We can not let these same people attack our great country’s history and attack it with violence and hate! We Americans better see the writing on the wall here. The Republican politicians are afraid to speak up. Starting in 2018 mid-elections, we better vote people in office who are not afraid of the truth. We need people to stand against these recent actions and not be scared to speak the truth!
ReplyDeleteSo Bannon or Trump? And once ya made your choice, how long until ya flip-flop? HHH HHH HHH
ReplyDeleteFishbait...flopping around on the beach again and blaming us. But then that's the democrat progressive way, huh, Fishy?
DeleteSorry Charlie...Starkist don't want ya. You ain't a very good tuna.
So....Trump to begin with? HHH HHH HHH
ReplyDeleteAny movement lately, anyone, on getting rid of the most-egregious, most-despicable, violent, detestable, ugliest "monument" of the Civil War, Jim Crow, opposition to civil rights, support of slavery, KKK and pure racist hatred? I think ALL, liberals and conservatives alike, should agree that if we are tearing down history and "reminders"...that the most widespread, omnipresent vile reminder of those times should also be eradicated. Right, guppy?
ReplyDeleteI agree we should clean that nasty stain out of our society, permanently.
So, Miltbreath...won't you and your cohorts join us in taking down the biggest, ugliest, most-reprehensible "monument" that stood for all that?
Yes...the "monument"...the CONSTANT reminder of those evil people...the Democrat Party...should be eradicated forever, as it is a blight on our history.
Lol, sounds good to me.
DeleteDamned right.
DeletePuny, what ya goin' on about? Speak English.
ReplyDeleteThat is what you can't understand idiot is English.HHH
DeleteY'all been in the bunker too long. Startin' to speak bunker gooblygook language exclusively. HHH HHH HHH
ReplyDeleteNo you just spent to many years in the 1st grade, HHH HHH HHH
ReplyDeleteSorry, Milty...I forgot you can't comprehend anything more challenging than "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish". (And you even struggle with that). Maybe I can also figure out how to insert a scrawling crayon font in here...just for you, so it looks more like you are used to writing? 😂
ReplyDeletePuny, come up for air. HHH HHH HHH
ReplyDeleteWTF you been into? Acting like you got ahold of some psylocybin or something similar...
DeleteAw, fishbait boys been swimming around with his mouth open swallowing anything that comes into it. He can't help his lack of comprehension. When you're a segment in the democrat human centipede you spend your life swallowing what the segment in front of you excretes and feeding the segment behind you.
DeleteI'm thinking I would prefer a box of chocolates to whatever may be floating around in whatever he's swimming in...
Yo! SS Homes, I'm thinkin' you could use some fresh air too.
ReplyDeleteSo....Ole Guppy Breath! How's it goin' Fish Face? I would have thought you would have choked to death on some worm infested pond scum by now! Oh well, this is better! We can say what we really think of you and no flags to protect you! Love it!
ReplyDeleteSo now we have a Missouri democrat state senator calling for the assassination of President Trump.
ReplyDeleteKeeping it classy as always...
More insanity from people who are completely ignorant of history, and brainwashed by the left to have their own little programmed kneejerk reactions that they mimic from what they see in the Fake News mainstream media, without considering facts...right here in Topeka:
"A historical program for senior-citizens Friday morning at a west Topeka church grew testy near the end when an audience member stood and questioned why a man portraying Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee would come into a house of worship for his presentation."
Audience member Janet Jenkins-Stotts, of Topeka, took exception with views held by Lee, and addressed Smith with her concerns at the conclusion of his presentation."
"In recent months, some have called for statues of Lee and other Confederate leaders to come down. A number of statues and monuments have been taken down."
"The calls have intensified in recent days, with proponents saying the statues serve as a reminder — or even an endorsement — of slavery."
Well, we sure wouldn't want any "reminders" of slavery. Y'know...things to learn about and remember the past, so we don't repeat atrocities such as slavery? Let's just erase ALL of it!
Speaking of "reminders", i am reminded nearly nearly every day about slavery by the most-widespread monument of the endorsement of slavery, bigotry, racism, Jim Crow, Black Laws, segregation, opposition to civil rights...which is the Democrat Party.
I'm serious. If we want to erase history of "reminders of endorsers of slavery", we must eradicate the Democrat Party. It's just that obvious.
The Democrat party. The party of never-ending racial divisiveness, which is racism, in itself.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't until the Republicans passed Civil Rights Laws, opposed by Democrats, in the early 60's, that Democrats begrudgingly accepted the fact of integration. It was only then that they decided on a new tactic to control the situation, and still keep blacks at a disadvantage.
LBJs "Great Society" was designed to lure blacks into the Democrat party by creating the official "welfare state" that has proven such a dismal failure (as all liberal policies are). His famous racist quote of "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years!" tells the whole story.
That was the "flip" that conned the black people into voting Democrat. Give them a little something for nothing. Just enough to keep them alive, but they'll be beholden to the hand that feeds them. Build them some Concrete Jungles in the inner city, and corral them in there. "Free housing" will keep their support.
In the process of infiltrating the public schools and colleges, and taking them over, the evil behind the Democrats made sure NOT to teach actual history, but revise it. Blame all the racism on Republicans (make SURE those textbooks don't mention the Democrats history since its inception of being THE "racist party"). Blame ALL slavery on whites, and DO NOT mention the heavy involvement of blacks in the trade, and as slave owners, themselves. Stay away from the histories of slavery in every other country (which is most other countries), and the heavy involvement of countries like Spain and Portugal, etc. Do NOT mention that as far as slavery goes, our country's history of slavery was amongst the shortest period of any, before we ended it. They HAD to make it look like we were unique amongst all other countries, and slavery hardly existed except for us.
I would be willing to bet that a high-percentage of people in those "man-on-the-street" interviewers would not know the deep involvement of blacks, themselves, in propagating slavery, or that it was the Democrats responsible for it, the KKK, the Civil War, etc. They would likely believe that we were the worst nation in history regarding slavery, and that it rarely existed outside of us, at any time.
Now, the party that divided us through its racism against blacks, continues to divide us, by USING racism.
Public schools and colleges have failed us in this, also.
The ACTUAL history of ALL that was involved in slavery, and the ACTUAL history of the Democrats' support, and Republicans' opposition to slavery, and the Democrats' opposition to Civil Rights and all that, including the involvement of black people in gathering and selling to MANY places at the time, plus their own widespread owning of slaves...all that should be spread around as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget to mention the heavy involvement of Spain, Portugal, and yes...the Dutch, British, etc. EVERYONE should be mentioned. As well as all the other countries south of our border, who all got massively-more slaves during a longer period, than we did. Like Brazil. Why do they speak Portugese in Brazil? Why do they speak Spanish in Mexico and other countries south? Let's speak about "conquest", also.
Shouldn't we put things in perspective? How will any of this come out to any mutually-satisfactory and peaceful resolution if ALL of the information isn't considered? Once people start realizing that SOME of the ancestors of nearly ANY demographic group were capable of the most dastardly of deeds, maybe we can all say "Hey...WHY do we keep blaming and hating, when none of US did that, and we ALL are descended from people who were in places that their society allowed those atrocities to happen? Especially if, individually, any of us has had no direct lineage to any person involved in those acts? And, even if we wasn't US! That's not who WE are!"
But, now...the left is inciting people to BECOME the people who commit atrocities, and true history will look back on these times, and people will wonder..."How did THAT nonsense happen?!"
This "Hatfield and McCoy" shit has to stop.
Well said, amazing how people do not learn from history, even completely ignore history! I still go back to the selective teaching of our NEA controlled schools as much of the reason.
DeleteYes it does.
ReplyDeleteAnd sooner or later it will.
But what America looks like after it does is anyone's guess...
Woke up this morning to news that 6 more cops have been shot; one is dead. Pennsylvania and new york.
ReplyDeleteOur country is taking the appearance of a boat drifting around because the rope attached to its anchor is broken...
Last week she ordered one of the defendants off the stand, advising jurors to disregard his testimony. She removed him by force and struck his testimony from the record. He was trying to tell jurors what he saw during the standoff. "Over a barrage of objections from prosecutors, who said he was violating court orders not to talk about what happened in the run-up to the standoff."
ReplyDeleteWhat you just read is an excerpt from the retrial of 4 Bundy defendants currently going on out Nevada, Reid Country. The judge is Gloria Navarro, liberal activist judge appointed to the bench by Barack Obama in 2010 at the request of one Harry Reid.
While we are fighting and arguing in the streets about statues and violent hooligans who should be jailed, this is what is going on and only a couple of area papers are trying to get the truth out.
Wonder why things are going to hell in America? This travesty of justice and the right to defend oneself in court is being infringed upon is being buried.
"When a Kangaroo Becomes an Adjective Court"...article at this morning's lame cherry blog. The links are in blue print and include two area newspapers whose reports are eyewitness accounts from the courtroom, and som .gov links to other documentation in this travesty.
Yo! 235
ReplyDeleteFrom NYTs:Among those already in Mr. Bannon’s sights: Speaker Paul D. Ryan; Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader; the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and Gary D. Cohn, the former president of Goldman Sachs who now directs the White House’s National Economic Council.
Get ready to defend these people in Bannon's sights. HHH HHH HHH
Why should we? I only see two I might defend. You should be the one worried.
DeleteFishbait, you are so clueless that I actually feel sorry for you sometimes. Mind you, I said "sometimes"...
ReplyDeleteWhat are you doing hanging around here anyhow? Shouldn't you be on Boston Commons, helping yer bros in those antifa groups defend tyranny? is depending on you!
So....the flip-flop has started already?
ReplyDeleteYou are the only fish out here that flip flops in the sand .
DeleteFishbait, why don't you flop yer ignernt-azz self out east to that boston common, "love that dirty water" and feast to yer heart's content?
DeleteWhile you're at it, set yerself up a booth, become bookie of the day and take bets on who wins? Given what you don't know, you could have yerself a fun day!
Why the hell would any of us defend any of them? McConnell and Ryan would be the first two WE want out of their positions! McConnell should have been benched a long time ago, and Ryan has also turned out to be feckless.
ReplyDeleteYOU should be defending Ivanka and Kushner, who are both liberals! your normal ignorance, you probably don't even know all that, do you?
See...unlike Obama, Trump attempted to allow opposing views to be allowed, instead of telling the other side to "sit at the back of the bus", which was Obama's racist statement to Republicans.
You, sir..are an ill-informed, ignorant idiot, if you think getting rid of any of those listed would bother any of us.
Unlike brainwashed, moronic liberals, conservatives have the ability to call out ANYONE, even those who claim to represent our side. Liberals are incapable of castigating any Democrat.
Hey, is something to ponder (sorry it's not in crayon to make it easier for you to read).
Conservatives roundly condemn racism and violence from KKK, Nazis and any other group of morons who are racist, violent and are "assigned" to "the right". We ALSO condemn racism and violence from fringe groups "assigned" to the left, such as BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, Occupy idiots, etc.
Liberals? They "embrace", even encourage and fund, their violent racist groups. ALL of them. Never hear a disparaging word from the left, except to blame it all on the right.
That's a fact. And, it also is proof of which larger group of left/right is 100% more reasonable (most of the right), and which is more hateful and intolerant (most of the left).
Ah, well...I know logic and truth are foreign concepts to liberals, but figured I'd say all that, anyway.
And you said it well!
DeleteAerial shots of boston...a sea of humanity insanity.
ReplyDeleteAnd that idiot dem mayor expects 500 cops (no shields or riot sticks) to keep that frickin mob peaceful?
Well...anytime now. The paid, bussed-in violent leftist fascists are poised to try to shut down the speech of others, and cause chaos and anarchy in Boston.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, we hope nobody gets hurt.
As usual, the left is rooting for people to get hurt.
Especially the Fake News media, who are stirring all this crap up for fun and profit.
Of course, when the leftist fascists start the shit, it'll be blamed on the right. 😠
Agreed as well.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with the gimme's of the world is that they have no idea what you're talking about...
Message to any liberal progs and weak kneed rinos who might be reading: This is what you are creating by placing political agenda and power lust ahead of anything we, the people may have to say about the future and direction of America.
ReplyDeleteGo to hell.
Go straight to hell.
Do not pass "go" and do not collect 200 dollars.
And to the point...
So.... let me get this straight. You are going to support Trump against Bannon by supporting the Bannon rants against the Trump admin?
ReplyDeleteIs the Trump presidency over like Bannon said?
ReplyDeleteDamn! Y'all, that counter protest against white supremacy is bigly, bigly, yugely.
ReplyDeleteI support Trump because we kept the racist Hillary out of the White House. We really don't need someone whose "mentor" was Democrat Sen. Byrd, a longtime leader of the KKK.
ReplyDeleteWe reject the racism, violence and hatred that the Democrats have always, and still do, support. Like all the racists and hate-filled anarchists of the left in Boston right now.
I was just going to say that, Oh and Miscreant go to hell. Aka- JJ
DeleteSounds to me like the media is a little disappointed that there were no riots in Boston? Imagine that. it appears. There were incidents but the boston police did a rematkable job on controlling it. 27 arrests but as outnumbered as they were, the cops did great.
DeleteWith just a few changes, this can become an "ex husband"
ReplyDeleteTom finally decided to tie the knot with his longtime girlfriend.
One evening, after their honeymoon, he was welding some stuff in the garage, just for fun.
His new wife was standing there at the bench watching him.
After a long period of silence she finally spoke ...
"Honey, I've just been thinking, now that we are married, maybe it's
time you quit spending all your time out here in the shop.
You probably should just consider selling all your welders along with
your gun collection and that stupid vintage Harley."
Tom got a horrified look on his face.
She said, "Darling, what's wrong?"
He replied, "There for a minute you were starting to sound like my ex-wife."
Tom replied: "I wasn't."
DeleteYep, Sarge...the sharks could smell the chum in the boat, and came to circle, ready to go into their feeding frenzy...but the people who run Boston did what they were supposed to do (unlike Charlottesville and other cities who allowed the violence), no "big story to blame on the right" happened, and the commie media will have to revert back to old Fake News, and trying to find new ways to spin all of it against the right. Until, of course, they rile up another batch of clueless leftist idiots (just like JJ) to go out and create anarchy doesn't matter WHAT they are protesting. Anything...or nothing, will do. "JUST get out there and cause trouble! Here's some money!! Now GO!"
ReplyDeleteAn AP report from a drudge link said that an elderly woman carrying a small flag had some goon yank it from her hand, caused her to stumble and fall; also that another old man wearing a Trump hat was chased and some good samaritans helped him to get over a fence and get away from more goons...
ReplyDeleteSad. Typical though of the behavior of those with no respect for dignity and so weak that they resort to bullying oldtimers. Sick.
A shrink can't perform miracles on someone with zero intelligence or comprehension, Sarge. So, Minnow will just have to keep swimming around in circles in his little feces-filled fishbowl.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I didn't know, thanks Nunya, damn I learn something every day. Well minnow you are just to keep getting dizzy going in circles.
DeleteNah, he just needs to shut up...
ReplyDeleteHey gimme... Why is it that your comrades quit talking about the whole Russia collusion thingy?
ReplyDeleteYou know the one.
The one your buddies in the Trump and America hating media have droned on about 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Yeah, that one.
That didn't pan out so they've gone back to the only other card they have left.
The race card.
You and your domestic terrorist friends have been playing that one ever since he announced he was running for president.
And what's it got ya?
Not a damned thing.
Like always you idiots lose what's left of your mush filled minds, overplay your hand and end up alienating more and more people every time you try it.
Keep it up.
You and your idiot friends are the best thing Trump has going for him...
Shit I was going to say that!
DeleteJust trying to save you the trouble, my friend...
DeleteAnd regardless of what your beloved heroes over at CNN say.
ReplyDeleteTrump was exactly right the other day.
The American people have been watching your friends from Black Lives Matter successfully bring about the murder of America's Police Officers.
They've watched your Antifa comrades loot businesses and burn cities to the ground.
They've watched as democrat lawmakers call for the assassination of an American president.
They've sat by watching as you and your friends tell us white people can be black.
That boys can be girls.
And that girls can be boys.
They've watched as you demanded that perverts be able to shower alongside our daughters.
And now all the sudden you bastards want us to believe you've somehow taken the moral high ground.
Fuck you...
But now it's time to celebrate.
ReplyDeleteI'll be back...
Good point me also, I am at Bristol Race track on T.V.. Later friends.
DeleteFrom the "Just So You Know" department.
ReplyDeleteFriday's blog has just been posted...