Sunday, August 27, 2017
The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (R.A.M)... It's Real... It's Evil... and it's Come to America...
I know I don't have to tell you guys this but I'm going to anyway.
This country we all grew up in, raised our kids, learned to love and respect, and sometime taken it for granted is under assault like it's never been before.
And yes gimme, I know to it's just one big friggin joke.
But do you really believe if these anti-American terrorist groups are ever successful in overthrowing our government you and your friends will be spared the chaos that will follow?
What about the media who helped it all come about?
Do you think you'll be given special status for a job well done?
There's a new international player on the scene and they just announced the formation of their Philadelphia branch.
And they have the potential to make Antifa and Black Lives Matter look like school children.
And just think, news outlets like the Capital-Journal helped make it all possible.
Think I'm kidding?
Think I'm exaggerating?
Think again.
Then check out their new recruitment video below.
Like the rest of you, I have no idea how this thing is going to end but I do believe it's safe to say that no matter what it's not going to end well...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Sorry about the F word, it slipped right through my fingers.
ReplyDeleteR. A. M?
Here's the real R. A. M.
Effective training. No drugs. Real deal. No international propaganda video.
Real men.
Groups everywhere in America growing now.
Seems to be something on the horizon.
This thing can only go one of two ways.
Let's hope the spark doesn't come....
Oh that spark will come you can bet on it.
DeleteLove ya like a brother but the spark will come, my radar says so, oh but you know it isn't always reliable. :)
DeleteThat ol radar my be a little dated, but I'd be willing to trust it. My biggest fear is that you are right sarge.
DeleteI'd be so disappointed for my kids.
This country has fought so long and hard to be past this sort of violence domestically.
And we are being baited right down the path.
My prep says my odds aren't bad, but what will be left?
Real pain, that's what...
Well Pal I am hoping your Kids will be a little older to stand with you and have your back like I am counting on my grandson, never in my life thought I would ever be thinking like that.
DeleteBack to back, or side by side...
I having a hard time getting a grip on this shit, how the hell can millions of Americans allow 500 plus government employees destroy this country, and allow the few minorities that bitch about everything get their way, Dam majority rules in my book.
DeleteHammer, don't underestimate these people. The originals were every bit as violent as the weather underground back in the day. They're also into cop killing.
DeleteThere numbers are poor, their training is inadequate.
True they still have time to prepare, but they lack discipline.
I know you have your reasons to feel the way you do, and beleive me I respect them. But I have mine. Someday maybe I could show ya on a tablet or laptop some rally footage from a bunch of idiotic idealogical ding dongs from around our country. Video you won't find on YouTube....
The people to really fear are on the right. Trust me, I've talked and seen some of them, and I wouldn't let my children near. Frightening. And they are being rustled....
In a better setting I could show you some footage that would make you think twice about the modern version of the BP, too. It's amateur hour, even the saltiest ones.
Make no mistake, I don't underestimate people. But I do know who are the real bad boys. And BP ain't them, nor is BLM, antifa, or any maoist or commie. They are merely disruptors.
They are weak, no discipline and seek only to bait the strong from the right into the fight. (have you not seen guys like "dragon lord" etc... Online?)
When that happens, they will mold and make a story through the media and attempt to assess blame. Things will break down, yada yada, marital law, etc. etc..
That's how it will work, in my silly little opinion...
Before I go, I do have a request.
Give them kitties some whitfishes, would ya?
The staff has been doing well getting you to relay info around here.
Love reading you and Nunya everyday.
Take care, and maybe with luck we could chat some day...
Thank you, Hammer, and yes I don't like this radicalized right any more than you do and you are wise to steer clear of them.
DeleteBut these black nationalists in the past have burned cities, la riots as one. Entire city blocks on account of Rodney King. Made ferguson look like a bonfire at a weenie roast.
Just stay aware, my friend.
Daily caller also has info on this bunch (similar groups have the same acronym btw) and that piece linked to a new site called "far left watch". A little research: "far left watch" was started in july of this year by one Ned Ryun, son of former congressman Jim Ryun. He's well known in patriot circles and does investigative reporting on these groups. Started his site after Berkeley earlier this year. Worth checking out as he's been around awhile albeit quietly...
ReplyDeleteThe mood of the country too is more divided than ever...worse than the sixties, I think, and yet somewhat apathetic at the same time as well as woefully uninformed.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I hate saying this, we are ripe for God only knows what.
We've got kc just up the road and liberal larrytown as well...relatively tame by philly or chitown standards but that could change in a heartbeat: a spark, as Sarge says.
The spark?
ReplyDeleteThe assassination of President Trump.
And don't think for a minute it couldn't happen.
I pray it never comes to that but if it does it'll unleash a level of hatred this country's never seen before...
ReplyDeleteHand job?
Far too impolite to be gimme....
And another loser too much the coward to use a name and an avatar.
Just another weak little troll...
Plus most likely a punk also.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you make me punk?
ReplyDeleteYou 're a real hoot, little the uncounted thousands on websites across America...
And about as intelligent.
No reasonable discussion; jist insults.
My sympathies, little trollie.
Worth noting that the little trollie boy said "Hammer" and not "hammerhead" his dumb ass busted by trying to hide behind fishbait and getting caught.
ReplyDeleteNot the brightest among the troll population...just a little wannabe.
A trollie.
Anyone like that Cats, too afraid to stand behind his own words, isn't worth a good shit. He is A perfect Puke.
DeleteWell I guess he ran off with his tail between his legs.
ReplyDeleteYep, that Anon is a little, tiny, boy girl, sissy.
DeleteYup...they usually do...
ReplyDeleteDidn't even stay around long enough to be good entertainment...
ReplyDeleteAnon-Bite me.
ReplyDeleteY'all, I have seen some really far right individuals that would scare the living day lights out of you. Years ago, my girlfriend and I were driving through Alabama. We were off the highway driving down a lonely road and we were in search of a gas station. We pulled up to a dump of a gas station and we saw a confederate flag slung over the cash register. We waited about three minutes, wondering if the station was even open. Then this creepy toothless guy came out and asked what we needed. We told him ten dollars of gas. He grinned, started pumping gas into the car and then I saw on the side of the station a long, stringy haired teenager hitting something on a stump with a hammer. He was hitting some kind of small, furry animal like a cat or a squirrel! The creepy toothless guy yelled "hey come out here, there are women (he didn't say women, he said something crude) in this car! I told my girlfriend to start the car, put it in drive and drive out of there as fast as she could. I threw ten dollars out the window and we got the heck out of there. I have never been around people like that, and I hope I am never in a situation like that ever again. The characters looked like they walked right out of the movie titled Deliverance.
ReplyDeleteAnd he's got a potty mouth...
ReplyDeleteOr just the owner....
ReplyDeleteI see those silly peaceful Antifa kids went berserk at Berkeley again.
ReplyDeleteBet we won't hear anything about that from the media, especially from The Capital Urinal...
Thanks for sharing that story, Rose. People like that scare the bejesus out of me. That movie Deliverance is a very good analogy and such types are everywhere among us.
ReplyDelete"Journalist Interrogated fired for Story Linking CIA and Syrian Weapons Flights" zero hedge, heavily sourced (some dubious, some not).
ReplyDeleteInvolves a tiny american company called "Purple Shovel LLC" , a fired Bulgarian journalist who uncovered truth, and major players on the world stage.
Brad Thor reality here...
And shovel-ready jobs....
Check it out and decide for yourselves.
Also check out the lame cherry report with the flashing light...
Who the hell needs spy novels anyhow?
Well old Al Sharpton is now jumping in today for another March, what is his plan's I wonder???
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't anyone making that old fool pay up all his back taxes?
DeleteMore to the point...what's he got on them? As long as he's been around, of much we must much be careful with old Al. Knows where bodies are buried.
As for my tiny little place in the sun, suffice to say that I will keep posting stuff as always but I'm not bothering with the politicians and their lies any more, from either party.
ReplyDeleteWe need to be aware of course, and be prepared but also need to consider that we are tiny bit players forced to take part in a huge disastrous mess hatched by the bigshot world rulers running things.
This growing insanity both at home and abroad makes total sense if one thinks about it...
It is hard dealing with all the corruption that has taken hold in this country, I am to the point that what only counts to me is Family and friends. If all the assholes want to march destroy and kill each other have at. Just don't step om me or my property with hate in there hearts.. I don't shoot to wound.
DeleteI hear you, Sarge.
DeleteI think you are right about where this leads and the vast majority have no clue as to the ultimate goal of those pulling the strings. What I fear is that even we who know have no clear idea on how deeply imbeded in our military the alt-left is. Think back 4 years ago and the purge of colonels in the USAF, Army, USMC and the captains in the USN. Obama turned the next generation of our command level armed forces into an arm of the ultra left. Then think about how many illegal immigrants were allowed to enlist. I am not so sure that in 5 years we will be a blessing to trust our own military not to turn on conservative voices in our country. RP
ReplyDeleteDang small keyboard on phone should be able insread of blessing
ReplyDeleteWhat's bad is that the left, knowing they already lost, are spinning their tires in the mud so to speak - they're so stuck on anti Trump commenting and personal attacks, etc., actually that's all they got left - since their beloved Hillary didn't get in office.
ReplyDeleteOh, they're stuck on anti Trump alright. And they hate him with all their hearts.
ReplyDeleteBut none of this is really about Trump.
The script had already been written and they would have hated any republican regardless of who it was.
This is the exact same crap they did to Bush.
Just like our potty mounted anonymous troll, they hate who they're told to hate.
They hate when they're told to hate.
Note for every million dollars we need to rebuild Texas and provide assistance, we should take it from aid we give to other countries. Now that is a plan most could live with I would think. Just cut all aid by what ever % we need for Texas.
ReplyDeleteThat"s what should be done...damn well not to Qatar for teachers, books and training aids to teach American kids arabic. Still shaking my head over that one.
DeleteTake it from foreign aid, welfare, food stamps and money we waste on illegal aliens.
ReplyDeleteEnforce the law that no illegals get any government assistance. That alone would give enough money to rebuild Texas.
Hell if we just took back all the money Politicians have stolen from the tax payers we could cover Texas.
DeleteAnd speaking of Texas, the Governor needs to issue orders to shoot looters on sight. Then pile their dead carcasses up on some dry spot if you can find one. Let their relatives dig through the pile if they want them. Then charge the family for the expenses. The bullet, hauling the worthless corpse to the pile etc.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea. And Texans are crazy enough to do this.
DeleteHell, Rose, I'm crazy enough to do that and I'm a kansan!
DeleteOr the chamber maid.
ReplyDeleteValid points, son retired in 09 and I recall his saying once that quality of training etc had gone downhill. Also disgusted that Obama's brother implants at the pentagon had compeomised training with that islamophobia bullcrap.
ReplyDeleteAs I live and breathe...
ReplyDeleteAt zero hedge: an article from that bastion of liberalism, the washington post, about one of their reporters "experiencing hate from Antifa"!
Wonder how long he or she will have a job?
Is everyone waiting on me to say something stupid?
ReplyDeleteI was waiting but I dont think it will be stupid. We have a couple carp bait's that take care of the stupid part.
ReplyDeleteThe Fiffer-feffer-feff is a strange creature. He has four fluffy feathers on his head. That is from Dr. Seuss...
ReplyDeleteI posted that just for the helluvit...
ReplyDeletewell, y'all have a safe and restful evening. 3am comes early - that's when hubby gets up so he can clock in at 5 am.... I get up with him... makes for a long day.
ReplyDeleteg'nite y'all.
ReplyDelete"Marple said she had no problem with the county’s maintaining a reserve fund but wanted to know how high its balance would be allowed to go. She asked if it might be a good business decision to dedicate some current reserves to meeting deferred maintenance needs or restoring discontinued services."
Typical politician. "We have all that extra taxpayer money. We should spend it on SOMETHING! How about restoring services of which the government is not responsible for?"
How about leaving it alone, and NOT spending it on ANYTHING? And, then...QUIT RAISING TAXES!
ReplyDelete"Self-proclaimed “Old Man with a Sign” stops in Topeka"
"He said he isn’t an “astute observer of the political scene” or an activist. He’s just an old man who decided to stand outside with a sign. McCray said he made his sign, which says, “Trump, That Boy Don’t Act Right,” in February and has traveled to at least eight states and Washington, D.C., displaying his sign at intersections. The other side of his sign says, “Resist,” and is signed by songwriters he met in Oklahoma."
"As he stood at the intersection of S.W. 21st Street and Wanamaker Road, McCray — a progressive Democrat — got a mixed reception."
Obviously, he's no "astute observer of the political scene", or he wouldn't be an ignorant progressive Democrat. And, he's such an idiot that he's standing out on street corners with an stupid sign protesting with a political sign that even includes the violent "resist" mantra, and he claims he's no activist?
I'm thinking this woman is unhinged, and unfit to serve. I really worry about her mental state. I didn't even know that the Constitution said we have no right to yell "Wolf" in a crowded theater, but there it is...hanging like a big-ol' booger from Pelosi's botoxed face:
Have you noticed how radical they've become ever since they obliterated the community blogs?
ReplyDeleteAs long as theirs is the only voice they can, will, and do say anything they want.
So much for hoping the new ownership would bring about any semblance of sanity...
I was just wondering, did anyone besides me see one of those boats helping people in Texas. it had a Rebel flag on it, and did you notice on his boat was almost all black people? But I didn't see any hooded people in all black clothing down there helping. That is weird.
ReplyDeleteAnd the loons are losing their minds over a racist helping people...
ReplyDeleteLooks like N. Korea's snot nosed lunatic is continuing provocative behavior with their latest missile launch that flew over the Island of Japan....
ReplyDeleteThis N. Korean jackass wants damned war!
Beck went down there with his Mercury One charity arm and mega, water etc to help with rescues. He's not seeing any political crap, divisiveness or any of that; what he and his crews are seeing is Americans helping Americans.
ReplyDeleteAs to looters: many of those with boats now are armed following what happened with the lowlifes who tried to mess with the Cajun Navy team...
We need to begin thinking that way as a nation again...screw the damned politicians, antifa and kkk types because that is not who most of us are: Americans.
Clarification...we are Americans first and foremost and screw the rest of them.
Delete(Not enough coffee yet...that's as good an excuse as any)
And Harvey is still dumping rain...a levee in the area just broke and rescue efforts continue. Damn storm is unlike anything we've seen and I'm thinking our Heavenly Father is using it as a teaching manual for the things that truly should matter in life, nature being His manifestation.
ReplyDeleteBreached levee is in Brezoria county, columbia lakes area just south of houston proper...
ReplyDeleteI almost bought this T-shirt I seen in Deadwood the other day while at a car show there. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
ReplyDeleteWell let me try this link
ReplyDeletePresident Trump is en-route to Texas to visit victims of Hurricane Harvey. The hurricane has devastated large swathes of southern Texas and has displaced hundreds of thousands of families from their homes. The historic flooding has also claimed number of lives.
ReplyDeleteThe president was joined while leaving the White House today by the first lady, Melania Trump. While the First Family is headed to a disaster zone in the middle of a deadly storm there was only one thing on the mind of photographers and reporters as they left the White House: Melania's stilettos.
And note the same asshole won't mention that when she got off the plane in Texas she was wearing tennis shoes, what a bunch of low life liberal pricks they are. First off it isn't anyone business what she wears. Go F yourself 's Lib pukes.
Heard that on the car radio while myself of course...if other drivers saw me they probably thought " that old lady's nuts!" because I was shaking my head at the idiot press. What with everything going on and the things sorely in need of serious investigating, Melania's footwear is what they "investigate".
ReplyDeleteAnd they wonder why so many people pay little attention to them these days.
Ignernt-azz idjits.
But Obama in mom jeans with that pink helmet of his, on that girls' that's a man's man!!
ReplyDeleteNo that was a girly man. Oh Hell a girly Boy I can take what is said about me, why you might ask, it because I don't give a shit what they think.
DeleteLol...ya missed my double entendre in that post, Sarge!
DeleteI'm no generally given to such things but that opportunity was too good to pass up...hoping God will forgive me...
DeleteAt the daily caller: 13 Antifarts arrested by Berkeley cops...names and mug shots also displayed.
ReplyDeleteQuite the motley crew...they look like they have less intelligence than rocks...
Does anyone out here know what a liberal sex stone is?
DeleteI don't think I want to know...
Good job, Univ. of Tampa!!
Okay the answer to my quest does anyone know what a Liberal sex stone is.
ReplyDeleteAnswer: Just a f--king Rock.
That's just wrong...
ReplyDeleteToo,too funny! Laughed out loud and startled the cats...
ReplyDeleteI know but sometimes I feel bad about pointing out the finer points of a commie Lib.
DeleteTwo more websites of the leftist prog persuasion have now turned on the Antifarts: LA times and the Atlantic.
ReplyDeleteDetails at zero hedge...
Good Grief it is early!! Having a hot cup of black day old coffee!! Hear that Rikki black coffee. :)
ReplyDeleteHugs to you Sarge and hugs for Ghost....
Deletep.s. gotta have some half n' half in with some wild mountain blueberry coffee.... yummy! (giggle giggle giggle)
From the "Editorial Staff" (Commie Propagandists) of the Urinal. Here we have a nice reasonable piece, except they seem to forget what they've been doing this past year or two:
"A natural disaster as vast and devastating as Harvey is horrifying to witness, but the response has been an edifying example of what Americans can accomplish when their compatriots are in dire need of assistance. Just imagine if this sense of national solidarity could persist after the floodwaters recede. Imagine if we approached every problem — political or otherwise — in the same spirit of mutual respect and genuine concern."
Yeah, hypocrites at the the Topeka Capital-Journal..."just imagine". Y'all may even try actually DOING what you say to imagine?
Never mind. Never happen.
And, here's an East Coast inbred Bloomberg knucklehead who just couldn't resist the "global warming is somewhat responsible for Harvey" crappola, even as he pretty much debunks it. I guess he hasn't gotten the message that it's "Climate Change", and not "Global Warming"...y'know...because they keep getting it wrong? Gotta at LEAST mention "global warming" or "climate change". It's probably in their contracts to do so, even when it's obvious it has nothing to do with anything.
"One much-discussed potential culprit is global warming, which while it hasn’t clearly increased the frequency of tropical storms, does appear to be bringing periods of much more intense rainfall. By causing sea levels to rise, it’s also raising the risk from hurricane storm surges, although that hasn’t been the issue with Harvey and Houston."
Let's dissect this a little:
"...while it hasn’t clearly increased the frequency of tropical storms..." (despite Al Bore's dire predictions of GREATLY increasing frequency and power in his stupid movie...where he got absolutely EVERYTHING wrong!)
"...does appear to be bringing periods of much more intense rainfall." And, this ONE INCIDENT PROVES IT'S A TREND!!! Right?
"By causing sea levels to rise (which hasn't been proven that "man-made global warming has done), it’s also raising the risk from hurricane storm surges, although that hasn’t been the issue with Harvey and Houston."
Mmmm...if it isn't an issue in THIS incident...then it appears it isn't an issue at all, if you use logic, dumbass. So...why even write it?
Some wise words to hear.
ReplyDeleteWhile people can interpret a speech like this any way they want, it is disingenuous to suggest Secretary Mattis was bashing President Trump. Many are seeing the “holding the line” as a reference to the current political and cultural conflicts.
Calling the media's characterization “inaccurate” the Pentagon's press office told Independent Journal Review that Colonel Rob Manning, director of Defense Press Operations, explained to reporters on Monday: “What I will tell you is he's made similar comments, both at the last West Point graduation, and on 'Face the Nation.'”
In fact, during his May speech to West Point graduates, Mattis hammered on his point for the graduating class to “hold the line”:
"But for those privileged to wear the cloth of our nation, to serve in the United States Army, you stand the ramparts, unapologetic, apolitical, defending our experiment in self-governance. You hold the line.
You hold the line, faithful to duty, confronting the nation’s foes with implacable will, knowing that if there’s a hill to climb, waiting won’t make it smaller.
You hold the line, true to honor, living by a moral code regardless of who is watching, knowing that honor is what we give ourselves for a life of meaning.
You hold the line, loyal to country and defending the Constitution, defending our fundamental freedoms, knowing from your challenging years here on the Hudson that loyalty only counts where there are a hundred reasons not to be.”
It's also important to remember that Mattis is known for speaking his mind and calls things as he sees it. Among many noteworthy phrases, he has said:
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
“Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”
“I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f**k with me, I’ll kill you all.”
“So you'll never regret, but you will have some of the best days of your life and some of the worst days of your life in the U.S. Navy, you know what I mean? That says — that means you're living. That means you're living. That means you're not some p*ssy sitting on the sidelines.”
Somewhere within the sound of percolating coffee is the rhythm that certain peoples like me hear.... wild mountain blueberry, cranberry creme brulee, spiced butter rum.... others may hear Folgers, Maxwellhouse, Hills Brothers, etc., but certain peoples like me hear another sound within the rhythm of percolating coffee.... oh don't mistake what I'm saying, for I too like Folgers, Maxwellhouse, Hills Brothers, etc..... for those coffees are great also.... but some days calls for mixed up coffees....
ReplyDelete(giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle)
G'morning y'all.... that's a little ode to flavored coffees that I just wrote.
Lol..... Yuk!! :0
Delete(giggles).... no yuk....where see yuk??? lol
DeleteBeauty is in the eye of the beholder..... (smiles)
DeleteI heard a blind man say that once. I think....
DeleteHalf-and-half or real cream...plain old milk ruins a good cuppa joe...
Deletewhat can I say Sarge? (smiles)
DeleteI iz unique.... lol
cats me loves half n' half... only in a pinch will I use 4%..... ain't no way no how that skim, 1% or 2% gonna touch the rim of my coffee mugs worth... lol
DeleteYes you are :)
Deletecurious question..... flavored coffee and regular coffee.... could they possibly be compared to politics? if so, then what about decaf coffee? where would decaf fit in??
DeleteAdd a little chocolate syrup and you've got yourself a homemade cappucino...
ReplyDeleteand a touch of raspberry syrup
DeleteGood Grief Ladies!!!!
Deletebourbon pecan flavor is cool too....
Deleteoh Sarge... we'll get you to try some flavored coffee at the next summit
No, No It is bad enough that I have to buy that French creamer for wife and grandson. Good Grief. The Pain!
Deleteis that powdered or refrigerated creamer.... the refrigerated creamers are better than the powdered.
Deletecurious question..... flavored coffee and regular coffee.... could they possibly be compared to politics? if so, then what about decaf coffee? where would decaf fit in??
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...