Sunday, July 1, 2018
Democrats Freaking the Hell Out...
Just to recap a few of the failed strategies to get rid of Donald Trump.
Ongoing and never ending Russia investigation: Epic fail.
Hogg boy 24/7 coverage: Epic fail.
The whore Stormy Daniels saga: Epic fail.
It's obviously time for a new a new strategy.
Let's take a look at some of the dems latest strategy for winning the hearts, minds, and votes of the American people as we head toward the mid-term elections.
1st up: Electing a full blown socialist/communist to congress.
2nd winning strategy: The new face of the democratic party (Mad Max) Maxine Waters.
3rd winning strategy: Join forces with the "Open Borders" crowd, stir up outrage and hatred of the gullible masses over a long ago established law of detaining illegal aliens and their children separately.
Evidently they haven't seen the polls that point out the fact that some 80% of the American people support President Trump's tough stance concerning Illegal aliens.
Winning Strategy number 4: Prominent party leaders demanding that ICE be abolished.
I say go fir it.
5th winning strategy: Re-recruit the terrorist organization Antifa and hire as many good for nothing communist supporting sons of bitches to cause as much chaos as possible.
Yeah, that worked so well for them during the 2016 campaign.
The thing about this particular strategy they've overlooked is that the American people aren't quite as willing to put up with their shit anymore.
6th winning strategy: When it comes to resisting President Trump's next Supreme Court nominee be sure to make it an all out assault on the Constitution.
Yes, those are actual quotes.
The 7th and final winning strategy: Showcase and highlight the full blown crazy that makes up the bulk of your supporters.
Good luck with that.
In the meantime I think I'll stick with the majority of the American people who still believe in the rule of law, the Constitution, and secure borders.
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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I am with you on that along with 85% of the other real Americans. Lib's have shovel ready jobs digging their own graves.
ReplyDeleteAnd they're so filled with hatred that they can't even see it...
ReplyDeleteWell they have a hard time losing all the time and Trump keeps on winning. And their brains just can't get in gear.
ReplyDeleteNot only have they not accepted the fact that Trump won the election. But the fact that he keeps winning has caused them to completely lose their minds...
ReplyDeleteIt is really disheartening how the nonsense in Washington and across America is pulling our country apart.
ReplyDeleteImagine if you will, a polygon....a mathematical shape.
On one side, you've got the Demoncrats....they can't get along with the Repubs and they can't even get along among other Demoncrats.....
On another side is the socialist commie that was voted in under the Demoncrat Party.....
Then on the other side of the ring you have some Repubs who parade under the Repub banner but they may as well be Demoncrats.
Then on fourth side is the Repubs who are trying to work with the President and his administration.
On the fifth and final side is the ding dang biased media and their fake stories.
Hemmed in the center is the heart of America - being pulled apart at the seams.
You basically wished you could open the skulls of the problem makers and install common sense like you do a computer, put them back together and give them a swift kick so that they could do what is actually needed to help our country move forward.
I am thankful for the Rm 235 blog, this and conservative news media outlets.
As far as the psycho mad max Maxine Waters.... that petition that was started on June 25th has gained 71,520 signatures creeping ever closer to the 100,000 signature goal of expelling Maxine Waters from Congress. I'm thankful for the White House We The People page so that the White House can view petitions.
Now if only it would actually produce an expelling of the old bitty...that should have retired years prior~ we'll see.
I am confident in our President that he'll choose a very qualified Supreme Court Justice to replace retiring Justice Kennedy. The Demoncrats can boohoo all they want about it - it ain't getting them anywhere.
I truly wished there was a "reset" button.....just long enough for every elected official to take a step back, take a breath, and think before they open their yaps. Maybe if they'd all pause to think before acting.....a lot of this crap wouldn't have escalated into political insanity.
Rikki, I'm afraid the political insanity you mentioned is here to stay...
ReplyDeleteAnd to prove my point just wait till Trump names his SCOTUS nominee on the 9th.
ReplyDeleteThe insanity, personal and professional destruction, slander, lies, and rhetoric will indeed be something to see...
The thing is if Trump gets this right and appoints a strong conservative to the bench it will change the make up of the court for generations to come.
ReplyDeleteThe democrats know it and there's no bottom to how low down they'll go to stop it from happening.
The funny this is how they cheered when their good friend and fellow comrade Dirty Harry Reid changed the Senate rules and eliminated the filibuster for judicial appointments.
Remember that?
I sure as hell do.
The only thing that can stop it now are the republicans themselves.
Beware of Flake and Collins...
I agree with you 150% Kevin.
ReplyDeleteOne more true constitutionalist Supreme Court Judge will also secure President Trump's agenda for years to come. The last resort for the godless commie left is to use the courts to advance their destructive agenda, and overturn anything they oppose. Since everything our President is doing is perfectly constitutional, as long as the Supreme Court, or at least a majority apply the constitution as they are mandated we are fine.
ReplyDeleteSo just imagine if crooked hillary had been elected. She would be appointing her second Justice. The Kenyan would have ended up as a Supreme Court Justice. America as we know it would have been over. And that's no exaggeration, it's the hard truth.
Good Grief that thought is so damn scary, just hillary being president was bad enough.
DeleteWhen you study the history of communist efforts to overturn our government you find in the 40s and 50s when congress did it's job and dug into the commie infiltration of our government they found it was much more widespread than ever thought.
ReplyDeleteAlger Hiss went to prison for vigorously denying he was a communist while working at high levels of the Federal Government. When Whittaker Chambers exposed the dark underbelly of the communist apparatus at work in America, the people involved denied to the last one being communists.
Now 60 plus years later not only are they still infecting our government but they are out in the open. A communist just got the democrat nomination to run for congress in New York. They are everywhere, openly advocating for the advancement of their evil atheistic agenda. One almost ran for President.
In just 60 years we have gone from communism being a known evil to being welcome to do their dirty work in the open.
Bernie the commie just said he was so happy that policies that just a couple years ago were not acceptable are now mainstream. Apparently that's a good thing. I don't think so. I think it demonstrates just how unbelievably uneducated the general public is in history. They actually are so stupid they think it's a brilliant idea they just discovered. There's a reason they were called "useful idiots" by the old communist apparachiks. That's exactly what they are. They are advocating for their own destruction.
I just posted an image on the sidebar you will find interesting. Shows how the roots of the Antifa terrorist organization is in the communist party. Small alterations, same inflammatory misleading verbage. Same ideological roots.
ReplyDeleteJudge for yourself.
That's on point.
DeleteI guess all there is now is to figure out what color shirt these people would like to don. These people want a fight. I think they may have found it.
Jarrod W. Ramos, the Capital Gazette gunman, shot and killed 5 people with a pump-action shotgun.
ReplyDeleteJust five hours after the shooting, Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand called on Congress to ban assault rifles and bump stocks.
Like almost all Democrats, Gillibrand is clueless. She probably couldn’t tell the difference between a BB gun and an RPG-7 grenade launcher.
Doesn’t matter.
She’ll still try to use this latest shooting to push the Democrats’ anti-gun agenda.
And with midterms just around the corner, who knows how the balance of power will shift?
Just because Trump is in office, we cannot relax or let our defenses down. We must be vigilant as ever.
Because dumb Democrats will stop at nothing to take your guns away.
That’s why you need to start preparing for the worst-case scenario to make sure you can keep your guns no matter what happens.
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DeleteGood Morning room 235.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief that's one hell of a way to start the day.
ReplyDeleteLol... Just checking to see if you were paying attention...
ReplyDeleteWalmart boycott campaign launches after outcry over 'Impeach 45' clothing.
ReplyDeleteI will never shop Walmart again.
This is just perfect. Two headlines from Drudge Report.
Socialist Dems Say Bernie Too Right-Wing...
Venezuela Running Out of Water...
These people are as stupid as they are traitorous. And they think this is going to win them elections. I gotta love it though. They're doing the heavy lifting for us. They're writing the campaign ads themselves. Just run the video of these idiots talking and that should pretty much do it. No comment even needed.
Amen to that Safe...
ReplyDeleteAnd Sarge, I haven't heard anything about that Wal-Mart thing. Is it for real?
ReplyDeleteIt was on drudge or Breitbart this morning, or on one of those.
DeleteI really thought they were smarter than that...
DeleteHere's another one you leftists can try on for size.
ReplyDeleteWhile you and your handlers have been hyperventilating over those poor border kids President Trump's approval rating has risen 5 points.
Just keep doing exactly what you're doing...
Walmart has found itself on the receiving end of a torrent of outrage after it was discovered Monday that the superstore was selling anti-Trump “Impeach 45” apparel on its website.
ReplyDeleteThe outcry sparked a #BoycottWalmart trend on Twitter as users expressed their distaste for the chain promoting the impeachment of President Trump, echoing some Congressional Democrats.
A Message from 1000bulbs
Satco S3917 - 40 Watt Light Bulb - T8 - Clear - Intermediate Base - 2,00...
Buy Today For Only $1.35
Ryan Fournier, chairman of the group Students for Trump, was one of the first to discover Walmart was selling the clothing item, according to the International Business Times. He asked the company in a tweet, “What kind of message are you trying to send?”
Sorry about the ad part. Lol
DeleteApproval up 5 points. I'd say the whole attack the President and his supporters with everything they have and drive the democrat/communist party to full communist is working very well indeed.
ReplyDeleteI guess these people really are as stupid as we believe. They are getting cheers from their fellow apparachiks and believing that is the American people talking. All they are hearing is echos from the idiots who are political ideologues that follow the same destructive beliefs they do. They're loud, they control the mainstream media, and there are a dangerously high number of them who apparently actually believe the shit they spew, like our visitor from DC who shows up from time to time. True believers we call them. Useful idiots they are called by the communist party. Same thing. Except these days they are more useful to us.
I really wonder what they are thinking when they launch these hateful attacks on Sarah Sanders. Their fellow believers think it's just great. That 10% of Americans who hate their country and want to see it destroyed. The average American looks at that and says she's a young woman, with a couple kids, a Christian, working for a living, doing her best to raise her family. And she gets surrounded by screaming loons who are filled with a hatred reaching mental illness proportions. Most Americans see themselves in her shoes. Trying to have dinner with her family and getting assaulted by loons. They don't like it. And if the democrat/communist party keep this up and keeps encouraging it somebody is going to get hurt. And it won't be Sarah Sanders. She's now protected by armed Secret Service as she should be. Attack her or any other Trump staffer at your own peril.
There's a great video out there of an antifa thug meeting a Proud Boy in a riot. The Proud Boy knocks him the fuck out. The antifa attacks him with a collapsible police baton, the Proud Boy blocks him, catches the baton in mid swing, grabs antifa and pulls him in to punch him in the face. The antifa is completely unconscious at that point and his friends drag him off. This needs to happen a lot more. These people need to know who they are screwing with.
ReplyDeleteObvious the Proud Boy was trained. Probably special forces from the look of him. And also obviously not what the antifa idiot thought. I could watch it a million times. It's posted on James Woods Twitter as well as several other places. Watch it, it will make your day.
Your side's losing again, Blue.
ReplyDeleteAccording to a poll released this morning 62% of the American people want Trump's Supreme Court nominee confirmed before the mid terms.
There's still room on the Trump Train but you'd better hurry it's filling up fast...
It's official... Head of the DNC said the socialist who won her primary in New York is the future of the Democratic Party.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Dipshits...
Well Kevin, first class is full, coach is pretty full. Might be room in the baggage car for the old faux doc if he behaves himself and promises not to rifle through the luggage.
ReplyDeleteIf he waits he'll be riding on the caboose hanging on the back rail with the rest of the losers who won't get on board.
It would be best for old Blue's sake if he did grab a ride on the Trump Train, because that Liberal Panic Wagon is in the process of driving into the Black Hole of Oblivion! Open Borders, No I.C.E., Free College, Free Health Insurance, No Prisons, Guaranteed Income, Socialist Democratic Government! What else can we look forward too? Obama and Hillary as Co-Leaders of our Socialist Utopia?
ReplyDeleteNBC Admits Trump Is Winning!
ReplyDeleteChuck Todd of NBC recently appeared on air where he admitted President Trump “is winning.”
Todd stated, “The announced retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy this week helped make one political reality clear: Despite his overall popularity, President Trump is winning, and the Democrats right now are reeling.”
When they show the clips of the Democratic leaders, not that many years ago; Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Barak Obama, Dianne Feinstien, all previously campaigning and talking about how the United States could not have "Open borders", and no control of who is coming into the country, how much illegal immigrants cost the taxpayers and the United States in both money and Jobs, security, illegal drugs and sex trafficking,etc., Which is it Liberals? Were they lying then, or are they lying now? Republicans should be buying ads on all of the Liberal loving channels and showing these clips every chance they get! And they have the nerve to call Trump a liar!!
ReplyDeleteDilly Dilly By the Book by the Boom, while the commie liberal play with their Willies.
ReplyDeletePeople like the Proud Boys are the frontline folks.
ReplyDeleteWhen peacefully protesting, counter protested, and attacked a person will find what exactly what they are made of. The PB did exactly that.
They don't throw fireworks and run away. They will strip you of your weapons, and remove your consciousness. Then kindly thank you for coming and walk your grandmother across the street. And be on time for their shift the next day.
Antifa? Panty wastes. Filled with angst and anger, not sure where it's derived from, and so pitifully try to take it out on the wrong dudes. Saaaaaaad.....
I’ll bet mr pantyfa didn’t even know people like that existed. Playing on the Xbox didn’t teach him how to deal with reality.
ReplyDeleteAnd here it is. There’s a bunch of these Proud Boys. They even have a Proud Boy tattoo. And now these morons need to always think about the next time they meet one.
I am disturbed by some of the video taken, though.
ReplyDeleteIf you watch the entirety of it, you will see the protest permit revoked for antifa throwing fireworks into the crowd and cops. The order comes to clear the streets. The patriots took to the sidewalks, and purposely made sure they stayed together in a group. Antifa wouldn't necessarily clear the streets, and kind of meandered around. As the patriots were half a block away, they were noticed by antifa sentries, and three people shouted and waived to provoke the attack.
Now we know the antifa guy will go to jail for hitting a guy with the baton, after his headache goes away. But what happens to the people that antagonize this behavior? I guess that's the new "fad" in diplomacy for the DNC (Democratic National Communists) and these crazy kids?
They must remember the difference between socialism and communism is the firing squads. History has proved it.
They also need to remember its extremely hard to really provoke and piss off the hard working blue collar guy to the point of violence. But when you do, we march in lines and build camps. (Rudyard Kipling anyone?) Even been known to bail out a couple of countries, a couple of different times. History proved that as well.
It ain't rhetoric that brings the storm. It's sweat, blood, and muscle. If you ain't got it? Probably should stay at home.
I'm sure I'll get blasted by a visitor, with academic takes on views of this particular poet. But to hell with that, I'm far from scared. Here's what I meant when I referenced Kipling. I have heard many takes over the years on this piece. But ultimately I think I understand what he meant. Maybe you like it, maybe not.
ReplyDelete"It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate."
And yes, I know the historical debate on the word changes (saxon-English, and originally in The Beginnings) and whether he wrote it or changed it. So save the speech.
And yes, I'm also aware of his son's situation in WW1. Hopefully these facts will save me a diatribe response...
Good night Friends Have a Happy 4th with your family's. Enjoy your freedoms we have in this Country, and don't let anyone take those away from you.
ReplyDeleteGood morning friends!!
ReplyDeleteYou sleeping in this morning Sarge? Days half gone.
ReplyDeleteDidn't get much sleep with the booms bursting in air last night.
DeleteThe Dead Cow Lecture!
ReplyDeleteAnyone had a similar experience? I know Libs have...
First-year students at the Purdue School of Veterinarian Medicine were attending their first anatomy class with a real dead cow. They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white
The professor started the class by telling them, "In Veterinary
medicine it is necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor.
The first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving an
animal's body." For an example, the professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger into the butt of the cow, withdrew it, and stuck his finger in his mouth. "Go ahead and do the same thing," he told his
The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took
turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead cow and, sucked on it....... followed by assorted gagging, retching and spitting, etc.
When everyone had finished wiping their faces, the Professor looked at them and said, "The second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle finger and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention.
Life is tough but it's even tougher if you're stupid."
New blog up and running...