Thursday, October 3, 2019
Sunday Oct. 6th Gathering...
Well guys, Sunday the 6th is coming up fast.
Unless I'm mistaken, which wouldn't be all that surprising, we've narrowed our gathering at Golden Corral down to this Sunday Oct. 6th at 2:00 p.m.
I've already talked to them and told them to expect about a dozen of us. But if there are more that's no problem. Same goes if we end up with a lot less.
Either way I'll be there in my Trump T-shirt and MAGA hat.
Might as well miss off a few of the locals while we're at it.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can come.
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Rick and I will be there :) looking forward to this
ReplyDeleteEnjoy all my bunker friends.
ReplyDeleteyou'll be with us in heart Sarge
DeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWell I guess this looks like a good time to take a Nap, been up since 1 AM.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to it! I think I will be bringing 2 of my Grand kids along. They love the Golden Cornell! :) Wish I had a MAGA cap but I don't. Hope to see many of you Sunday!
ReplyDeleteIs the G C posted for carry?
ReplyDeleteNot that I know of. I'll find out more sometime this afternoon...
ReplyDeletefeeling light hearted and melodious today....
ReplyDeleteI interrupt your day with this flash of winter.... audio is faint, so crank up your speakers.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled day....
Use this link and scroll down through the article. There is a video in the article of Tlaib saying this!!!
'No joke': Rashida Tlaib says Democrats are 'trying to figure out' how to arrest White House officials
by John Gage | October 04, 2019 04:25 PM
Rep. Rashida Tlaib told constituents that Democrats are working to figure out ways that they can arrest members of President Trump's administration if they do not cooperate with subpoenas.
"This is the first time we’ve ever had a situation like this. So they’re trying to figure out, no joke, they're trying to figure out, well, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them? We don’t know. Where do we hold them?" the Michigan Democrat said at a "Congress, Coffee, and Conversation" event Tuesday in Detroit.
The freshman congresswoman then joked that she would tell congressional leaders that they could keep White House officials imprisoned in Detroit.
"We'll take care of them," she said.
Tlaib, 43, is a member of the freshman "squad" along with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ilhan Omar, and Rep. Ayanna Pressley.
The congresswoman has been a vocal critic of President Trump and entered office this year promising to impeach him. She rose to stardom on the Left after a rant in which she said, "We're gonna impeach the motherf—er!"
Trump in turn has called the lawmaker an "anti-Semite" who hates "all Jewish people."
You'll have to go the weblink to the article itself on Washington Examiner to see the video.
So ole Bernie the commie got back stabbed last time by the DNC and ole Hillary. And the DNC wants ole Joe bite me to be the winner. But ole Poke a Hoe haunt us is winning. So what and how will the DNC cut her throat? What will they dig up on her to make Joe the winner?
ReplyDeleteAnd we all know that Hillary is never going to let another old heifer run for POTUS.
DeleteJust so you know, Skippey, Golden Corral is fine with open carry...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I had to kick on the Heat this morning....
ReplyDeleteOh and good Morning room 235.
Kick on the heat?
ReplyDeleteGood grief...
This is perfect working weather...
Who works?? :)
DeleteA old one If I were the devil Paul Harvey
Skipper that should be mandatory in schools for every class yearly..
ReplyDeleteReminds me of Rules for Radicals: Saul D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change.
ReplyDeleteSaul Alinsky was Evil, but brilliant. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, everyone on the Left from the President on down is playing by his rules in the political arena. Not all liberals have read his book or know his name, but his tactics have become universal. Sadly for conservatives, when two evenly matched forces go head-to-head outside of a fairy tale, the side that tries to play nice usually ends up with its head in a box. So, don't lie or become an evil person like Alinsky, but learn from what he wrote and give the Left a taste of its own medicine.
Always remember the first rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
The second rule is: Never go outside the experience of your people.
…The third rule is: Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.
…the fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
…the fourth rule carries within it the fifth rule: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
…the sixth rule is: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
…the seventh rule is: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
…the eighth rule: Keep the pressure on.
…the ninth rule: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
The tenth rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
…The eleventh rule is: If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.
…The twelfth rule: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
…The thirteenth rule: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteIt is a cool 45 degrees out this morning.
ReplyDeleteg'morning :)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to today :) beautiful crisp morning, coffee in the mug, and visiting with y'all.
Doesn't get any better than that Rikki...
ReplyDelete:) yep :)
ReplyDeleteoh, my coffee is pecan flavored :) hee hee hee
ReplyDeleteHere is some soft guitar music for the morning.
I don't play as well as this guy, but I'm intermediate. love fingerstyle guitar that way you can have all the strings sing simultaneously. It's in Drop D tuning. Enjoy. Hugs
Hummm I lied it does get worst! :)
ReplyDeletelol :)
ReplyDeletegot get the day moving..... I'll check in later and see y'all this afternoon
ReplyDeletehugs ~ Rikki
Well this year has been a challenge. Like many things, the weather has cost us again.
ReplyDeleteCommon theme.
We have just arrived at the soccer fields in KC. Tournament was supposed to be finished yesterday, but delayed with storms. So rather than cancel the end of the year, we are gonna squeeze it on a Sunday.
We have a shot of being back in time. Our intentions are to be there. Fingers crossed!
You do what you gotta do, Hammer. Hopefully we'll see you this afternoon but family functions always come first...
ReplyDeleteI am getting ready meet up with you all. See later alligators.
ReplyDeleteDrive careful Skippey...
ReplyDeleteMade it home Thanks
DeleteJust walked around with the manager. I could not find a anyone wearing a Trump T-shirt or a MAGA hat. Anyone monitoring this blog and present at Golden Corral?
ReplyDeleteWill make sure I get identifying details for your next outing. I don't know what anybody looks like except Divemaster. Haven't seen him for thirty years or so.
ReplyDeleteThomas, I don't know what to tell ya Just blurt out any here from the Bunker or room 235, Kevin is a Big Guy and some what load at times.
ReplyDeleteLoud at times
DeleteTom they are in the Banquet room.
ReplyDeleteI asked the manager or some one who said they were the manager if they had a private room. He said no. He walked around with me in the main area. Not seeing a MAGA hat I went to my car and sent the first comment above. I left before your first comment. Thanks for your help.
ReplyDeletePeople need to pass out a Phone number for a contact person, Sorry Tom you Missed a good group of people, I wish I could have made it, but life goes on.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Thomas. Because my wife works there and since their entire kitchen staff is made up of illegals she asked me not to wear my Trump shirt.
ReplyDeleteTell me more about the dipshit claiming to be a manager. Was he a tall black guy dressed in light colored clothes?
That's him. Very dark. I had the impression they thought I was trying to sneak in without paying.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry man. The guy's dumber than a rock. He knew we were in there because my wife talked to him about it.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteI'd like to thank Rikki and her handsome hubby, Gary and Skippey for taking the time out of your weekend to meet up for lunch yesterday.
ReplyDeleteIt was good seeing you guys again.
I've kinda made a decision as far as this dwindling little blog.
Right now I'm planning to keep it going through next year's elections then I'm probably gonna put it out of its misery.
You guys enjoy your day...
I will be sorry to see this happen. I have been following since the CJ days. When they changed their rules I began to follow the blog. Miss those who have passed, but that's life. Will try to add my "two cents" more often. Most of what I contribute is just a rehash of previous comments. I read the blog every day to see what I missed.
ReplyDeleteAnd you only need one a week if you are just getting tired And OLD like me. Lol
ReplyDeleteKevin, me and handsome hubby Rick enjoyed our time with y'all yesterday. have to do this again soon and like Sarge suggested, we need to have someone holding phone numbers, email addresses, etc. for future times when we get together. If y'all need a 'secretary' to create a word doc for this, I'm here. We have known each other for years now and we've become a family.
ReplyDeleteSarge is would go nutzoid without the blog. Even if it's just who's been showing up it gives us a place to visit with one another. We've all noticed how this blog has dwindled over time, but there's still those of us who are here. I don't give a hoot n' holler about blue showing up as whatever gender or whatever login.... this isn't his blog and he is what he was over at CJ....jealous of us all. To hell with him.
That's my 2 cents worth and then some this morning.
It was good seeing those who were there yesterday! Sorry that those who wanted to, couldn't make it. I hope Tom found you Kevin!
ReplyDeleteI have to give Ron Johnson-Wisconsin, credit for taking on ole Chuckie baby Todd! We all know where Chuck stands in regard to President Trump. His unwillingness to report on anything negative of the Dims is obvious! What an Ass-hole! Then, after talking to Johnson, coddling John Brennan and how President Trump "Hates" the CIA and FBI! These Ass-holes are a real piece of work!
ReplyDeletePoll: Trump gains among independents against Biden, Warren
"President Trump is gaining among independent voters in head-to-head matchups with the Democratic presidential front-runners, according to a new IBD-TIPP poll."
There's more support for President Trump than what the current polls talk about. Just like in 2016 and they were making like Hillary was going to pull of the election... truth comes out and Donald Trump won.... he's got more support now than when he did back in 2016 regardless of what the polls say.
ReplyDeletequiet day here on the home front - pretty nice outside, hoping y'all had a chance to enjoy some sunshine today :)
ReplyDeletewill check in later.
Oh ya Pulling tomato plant, emptying dirt out of potters, I can only last about 15 min at a time, but got plenty done, tomorrow weather about the same. But Doc appointments start again this week, put a crimp in my plans.
ReplyDeleteI started some of the same. Picked some green beans. I still have peppers blooming. May try and move them in and out so I can get one more picking.
DeleteAs an Army veteran with a tour in Nam, I am 100% behind the move to pull back the paltry number of troops from Northern Syria. I understand we will be doing to the Kurds what we did to the Vietnamese who helped us. I understand the damage to our image worldwide. I don't care. What I care about is troops in harm's way and we do not fight to win. The only way to fight is total commitment and overwhelming force. destroy the enemy, install a government structure and leave. If it upsets the balance of power in the region go back, destroy the problem and leave. Collateral casualties are unavoidable. Let the rest of the world either agree and be our ally or they can be an enemy we eventually destroy.
ReplyDeleteThomas, I agree it is time to stop putting our troops under politicians Rules, And these back to back deployments is bull shit also, when I was in you go to a undesirable tour and come back you didn't go again for 18 to 24 months. Where The Hell Is General Patton Kick Ass or get out of the way???
ReplyDeleteSame here. I want to do it or get off the pot. Go in there and claim what you have to and so be it. That is what war is all about. You have to make life so miserable for the enemy that they quit. Giving out pass's so we don't hurt some other country's feelings is BS. I just hope they don't back stab the Kurds like we do every other bunch that help us. But I am afraid they will get stabbed just like before. Hard to get people to help and be on our side when we just up and split not even trying to help out. We all know what happen to them last time.
ReplyDeleteg'mornin' y'all :) had regular folgers in the coffee mug this morning. have the day off today, got mega errands to run and Rick (aka handsome hubby) n' I will be out and about shortly.
ReplyDeleteSupposed to be another beautimus weather day today.... hoping y'all enjoy some sunshine today :)
Will check in a little later on today.
Hugs ~ Rikki
It is really a great day in Gary's world! My Doctor was concerned about my PSA level; higher than normal, so he wanted me to come in for a Prostate biopsy, which I did last week. Got the results back yesterday and NO CANCER!! It doesn't really get any better than that! Have a great day everyone!
ReplyDeleteGreat Gary....😇
DeleteWow.... what a day.... but a nice day to get all the mega errands done!
ReplyDeleteTook care of some business for Rick's mom, that took a while.... then had to pick up pharmacy needs at Jayhawk Pharmacy, took care of 2 "needs" at Rick's post op eye surgery appt. done too... now we have to go back up to Rick's mom's place....
just stopped by to say hi to y'all….
Gary - good news for sure!
well y'all… will check back in later on.
hugs~ Rikki
stopped in to say g'nite y'all. tomorrow is a new day :)
ReplyDeleterest well
hugs~ Rikki
ReplyDeleteGood night I for got that part.
DeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteAnd what a glorious morning it is...
ReplyDeletePresident Trump continues to play Pelosi. A formal vote on impeachment is his aim. Let the Dems go on record for or against an investigation. All these hearings mean nothing in regards to a formal impeachment. Keep on winning.
ReplyDeleteHey man I am going to buy one of those Cops for Trump T-Shirts if I can get my hands one one. That way I can support Cops and Trump, it's a double deal.
ReplyDeleteImagine that it is raining again on Kevin's off day, Good Grief what luck...
ReplyDeleteJust another example of "weather collusion" and "obstruction of yard work"..... Kevin we're going to have to start investigating....
oh, btw.... Happy Birthday Kevin ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪
Lol... Just before Linda left for work a little while ago she asked me if I had any plans today.
ReplyDeleteI told her I'd probably spend the day working in the yard.
Oh, and thank you Rikki...
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome :)
DeleteGood Grief he has another birthday, Well make the best of it Old Boy..I an't singing Hear Me!
ReplyDeleteyears back I received a bday card with a little jingle on it.... it had birdies and ewes.... and a hippo. y'all have seen me post this before... so I'll sing it again for y'all today :) it's to the tune of happy birthday
ReplyDeletehippo birdie two ewes
hippo birdie two ewes
hippo birdie two ewes
hippo birdie two ewes
and many more
oh crud.... had a senior moment... forgot that there is a deer in there too...
Deleteedit and re-singing....
hippo birdie two ewes
hippo birdie two ewes
hippo birdie deer ewes
hippo birdie two ewes
Please don't, Ah shit to late... :)
ReplyDeletelol :)
Deleteevery day should start off melodiously :) lol
I know the words to BJ Thomas' Raindrops keep falling on my head.... ♫♪
Lol... Well since mowing is out of the question. It's a little on the chilly side and I'm pretty sure Perry Mason is gonna solve this case, there's only one logical thing left to do.
ReplyDeleteNap time..
There you go!! Practice for retirement...
DeleteI think in H.I. is some of the western programs.... Paladin (Richard Boone) and Maverick (James Garner) or maybe it's on CW? or Gettv
Deletefound a really cool youtube clip of Paladin.... sung by the original singer! cool.
I'm going to have to try to find guitar sheet music to this... the melody is pretty.
ReplyDeleteWell I got to take a hike for now...:)
ReplyDeleteWell made it threw another day with the bone pickets. But starts again tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteDefense analyst charged with leaking information to a journalist
by Jerry Dunleavy | October 09, 2019 03:04 PM
An analyst with the Defense Intelligence Agency is facing charges for allegedly leaking classified national defense information about another country's weapons systems to journalists, the Justice Department announced.
Henry Kyle Frese, 30, who held a top secret security clearance during his year as an agency contractor beginning in 2017 and then as an agency counterintelligence analyst, was arrested Wednesday morning on his way to work.
Authorities said Frese accessed an intelligence report “related to a certain foreign country’s weapons systems” that was “unrelated to his job duties” multiple times beginning in mid-April through early May 2018 in an effort to further a romantic relationship with a journalist.
Frese received a direct message on Twitter from the first journalist on April 27, 2018, where the first journalist asked whether Frese would be willing to speak with a second journalist who worked at another outlet, which authorities said indicated he and the first journalist had extensively communicated before. Frese said he was willing to help the second journalist as long as that helped the first journalist in her career. Frese had earlier passed her information based on the intelligence report that he had improperly accessed for a story that a second journalist then spoke with a military official about. The official told the second journalist that the military was unaware of the details. Frese called that “weird” and provided more details from that report.
A few days later, Frese used government systems to search for more information, then spoke with the first journalist for seven minutes and the second journalist for half an hour. When the first journalist published her article that day, it contained classified information derived from the intelligence report, and Frese retweeted her when she shared a link to the piece.
The DOJ, which monitored and intercepted his text messages and phone calls, said Frese improperly accessed at least five intelligence reports and passed along classified information to the journalists.
Frese continued sharing classified information with both journalists and was still doing so as recently as late September.
The journalist, who the DOJ alleged wrote at least eight articles based on leaks by Frese, was not named in the indictment and DOJ declined to say whether they would charge her.
John Demers, the assistant attorney general for national security, said that Frese was “caught red-handed” passing classified information to a reporter for his “own personal gain.”
Demers compared Frese to Reality Winner, a military contractor who leaked classified National Security Agency information on Russian election interference to the media in 2017, and said DOJ had arrested five additional intelligence community leakers since a speech condemning such leaks by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in August 2017. Attorney General Bill Barr has also said DOJ is taking criminal leaks seriously.
"The journalist, who the DOJ alleged wrote at least eight articles based on leaks by Frese, was not named in the indictment and DOJ declined to say whether they would charge her."
DeleteTrumps on ch 279 live taking ?"s now
ReplyDeletekeep us posted on the outcome.
DeleteLol won't be a out come, talking to the fake Press...
Deletewhat's cool too is that AG Barr, though not in the spotlight on the Liberal Biased media like the do nothing DemoNcrats.... he's still working and doing his job.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...