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I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
ReplyDeleteStill Safe at Home October 2, 2019 at 10:26 AM
Well, you know we're hitting all right points when the internet butt doctor comrade bedpan shows up. After all the promises he will never darken America's blog again with his commie propaganda, here he is. Posting and reading. I'm guessing his handlers told him to suck it up and post some responses. Probably providing him with the responses as well, since I'm pretty well convinced he is incapable of thinking for himself. So comrade bedpan, who's your daddy? Kevin is, and so am I. Comrade bedpan has two daddies. How woke of him.
Funny thing about those Antifa terrorists. They are growing in their boldness, primarily because godless commies refuse to beat these fuckers into submission like they should. So they grow more bold. They always attack old people, or people they greatly outnumber. They are cowards. We've seen the videos of when they cross paths with opposition who can respond, like the Proud Boys. They get their asses kicked. But they sure are big social justice terrorists when it's an elderly lady with a walker, aren't they?
These people are animals, unfit to live in our civil society. But they are serving their commie masters well, so they will be allowed to thrive and spread their hatred and violence.
Like I keep saying. We either beat these people back at the ballot box next year, or we will have to shoot our way out down the road. One or the other. There's no middle road. There's no compromise.
And by the way comrade bedpan. Fuck you, you commie bastard.
Reply Delete
Well it can't be any better Kevin, Even the commie left can understand pictures... Said very well in this blog,...
ReplyDeleteLol... I tried to make it so simple that even Blue and his fellow communists could understand what it is they're up against...
ReplyDeleteMaybe ole butt doctor is scared that the government will find out that he is a phony .Got a piece of paper off the internet. Flunked out of school or never even went. He cant prove any thing. He cant even prove he went to school in Topeka. So I would say he is a FAKE
ReplyDeleteJason Chaffetz: Trump's transparency is driving the left nuts (and messing up their impeachment dreams)
"He wasn't supposed to release the transcripts. Or the whistleblower report. He was expected to do what any president would have done – what President Obama always did. Hide the evidence.
As House Democrats rolled out their latest meticulously choreographed, perfectly timed, and broadly coordinated attack on President Trump, they weren't counting on the president's unprecedented transparency. Nobody releases a transcript of calls between heads of state. But Donald Trump did."
That's just the beginning of the article. Good read.
Lol... And now they're crying about a cover up.
ReplyDeleteThese people aren't well...
A perfect example is our very own internet butt doctor.
ReplyDeleteJust in the last few days he's been a male butt doctor. Then he was a wonan. And last night he evidently thought he was one of his colleagues.
Trump derangement syndrome is destroying him right before our very eyes.
Ya know how blue posted about Quinnipiac University?
Here's something that blue didn't even know.... the University controlled student publications and student's speech ...gee sounds much like what the DEMONcrats do to their minions on a daily basis doesn't it? The DEMONcrats croak out what they want their minions to digest instead of telling them the truth!
This university also discriminated against women -
"On July 21, 2010, a federal judge ruled that Quinnipiac violated Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by failing to provide equal treatment to women's athletic teams. The judge, Stefan Underhill, determined that Quinnipiac's decision to eliminate the women's volleyball team as well as its attempt to treat cheerleading as a competitive sport and its manipulation of reporting with regard to the numbers of male and female athletes amounted to unlawful discrimination against female students. Underhill ruled that competitive cheerleading was currently too underdeveloped and unorganized and then ordered that the school maintain its volleyball program for the 2010-11 season."
And to top things off, which could be some insight as to why Blue is so screwed up! Quinnipiac isn't even among the top ranked Universities in America!
Hell, Quinnipiac University didn't even make the top 100 in this listing either!
From my sweet baboo:
ReplyDeleteTo enlighten the minds of the deranged and stupid, his fraudulency Frump is on his way out and better late than never since he didn’t actually win the election. Just face the facts, Frump will be out of office before the upcoming national election. McGinty, you and your uninformed misfits don’t really play by the playground rules do you? All you’re good at is throwing sand for spectacle.
When blue comes around in whichever gender.... throw Quinnipiac at him.... that university isn't ranked up with the best colleges in America!
DeleteYou are deeply mentally disturbed, aren't you blue?
ReplyDeleteThe next time blue quotes from Quinnipiac University, we need to remind him of my earlier post:
ReplyDeleteI like it so much I'm clipping and pasting it here too.
Ya know how blue posted about Quinnipiac University?
Here's something that blue didn't even know.... the University controlled student publications and student's speech ...gee sounds much like what the DEMONcrats do to their minions on a daily basis doesn't it? The DEMONcrats croak out what they want their minions to digest instead of telling them the truth!
This university also discriminated against women -
"On July 21, 2010, a federal judge ruled that Quinnipiac violated Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by failing to provide equal treatment to women's athletic teams. The judge, Stefan Underhill, determined that Quinnipiac's decision to eliminate the women's volleyball team as well as its attempt to treat cheerleading as a competitive sport and its manipulation of reporting with regard to the numbers of male and female athletes amounted to unlawful discrimination against female students. Underhill ruled that competitive cheerleading was currently too underdeveloped and unorganized and then ordered that the school maintain its volleyball program for the 2010-11 season."
And to top things off, which could be some insight as to why Blue is so screwed up! Quinnipiac isn't even among the top ranked Universities in America!
Hell, Quinnipiac University didn't even make the top 100 in this listing either!
That helps explain why hem is so stupid. He either didn't go or paid some one else to go.
ReplyDeleteWell I see schiff got that Blowers report before papers were filled out, and now seems like he helped write it, shit is about to hit the fan.
ReplyDeleteI'm reading that now on the NY Times.... I'd say that you're 150% right Sarge... shit is about to hit the fan!
ReplyDeleteGot your popcorn ready blue? This doesn't look good for Adam Shithead nor his aides!
ReplyDeletethe way I see it, Schiff's days in Congress are numbered and since Pelosi is more a follower than a leader, her days in Congress are numbered also....
ReplyDeleteOn vacation, but it's always fun to school the folks in my old hometown.
ReplyDeleteregarding Quinnipiac:
"The poll has been cited by major news outlets throughout North America and Europe, including The Washington Post,[5] Fox News,[6] USA Today,[7] The New York Times,[8] CNN,[9] and Reuters.[10] Quinnipiac University Poll receives national recognition for its independent surveys of residents throughout the United States. It conducts public opinion polls on politics and public policy as a public service as well as for academic research.[1][3] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, the founder of the poll-analysis website, compared major pollsters' performances in the 2010 midterm Senate elections and concluded that Quinnipiac was the most accurate, with a mean error of 2.0 percent.[11][12]
In his most recent article on polling and polling institutes, well known American statistician and writer/editor-in-chief[13] of FiveThirtyEight, Nate Silver,[14] referred to the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.[15] In his article, "The State of the Polls 2016",[16] Silver stated,
The best-performing polls recently have been those from Monmouth University and those from Marist College. Both apply “gold standard” methodologies, using live telephone interviews and placing calls to cellphones as well as landlines, and both participate in the AAPOR Transparency Initiative. Quinnipiac University, another “gold standard” pollster, has also performed fairly well of late."
Speaking of universities, our "stable genius" evidently is not.
" Despite the US president attesting to the fact he finished “top of his class” at Wharton business school of the University of Pennsylvania, his former professor college professor William T. Kelley had another view.
After Kelley’s death, Frank DiPrima a close friend of Kelley revealed that the professor felt the president was a fool.
“Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had,'” DiPrima wrote for the Daily Kos."
--and source --
Perhaps he had already fried his brain on adderall. This drug is an amphetamine, not good for long periods. He has been reported by enough sources to fill a phone book that's he been snorting this stuff since forever.
Since we're looking at universities anyway, check Johns Hopkins Med School.
And let's check out Schiff's academic background while we're at it.
Harvard Law School
Stanford University
Not bad. You think Trump is going to roll him ? Uh huh.
So ... shucks Rikki... hate to burst our bubble about Quinnipiac. As you can see it is among the most respected polling outfits in the country, perhaps the world. Quinnipiac isn't a bad school. I suspect it's rated as highly as KU. But the polling organization operates independently. In any case, its extremely highly respected. Where did you go to college ? Keep in mind there are over 2000 in the U.S. Maybe that will help you in your evaluation of our schools.
Oh, and thanks - the Lady Ian Williams thing.. just a hoot. Slapped my knee by cracky.
You're falling for the exact same polls you fell for that promised Hillary would be the next president.
ReplyDeleteI'm just reminding you because I care.
I'd hate to find out the this is the one that finally pushed you over the edge...
Lol... Just kidding. Go ahead and jump, Dipshit.
ReplyDeleteIt's either now or after wins again in 2020.
Lol. There Ya go!!
DeleteWell I guess I should say something nice this morning, How about good morning Bunker People.
ReplyDeleteNAP Time....
ReplyDeleteThis worth listening too!
All of these Dip shits may be "woke" but most of them are asleep at the wheel! Lying sack of Shithead Shiff, Quid Pro Joe, Nancy, Leader in name only, Pelosi, and even our dear friend Bedpan Ian, along with all of the other Lying Libs,have one very special trait in common besides hating President Trump; They all can't handle the truth!
ReplyDeleteNothing more appropriate than the post to the right of this blog: "Truth. It's the new hate speech"- "During time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." -George Orwell And the Dims are apparently so unimaginative and clueless, that they can't even make up stories about Trump, his voters, and the Republican party that are different from what the Dim Libs are actually doing against Trump and the American people! It never fails, what they blame Trump for and Trump supporters for is EXACTLY what they are doing themselves! What a bunch of idiots and hypocrites!
ReplyDeleteThis petition is for ending the impeachment process since this is another attempt to over throw President Trump based on DEMONcrat lies.
DeleteYou suppose this nonsense is going to continue after the election? Are the democrat/communists going to spend the next four years trying to impeach President Trump for his second term? Are they that stupid? Or that crazy? Yes. The answer to that is yes.
ReplyDeleteThe only solution is to take back the House. Stop this seditious hateful methodical destruction of America now.
I suspect we will see things we never imagined after President Trump wins his second term. The godless idiots are already dragging out the same people running the same polls showing them what they want to be true instead of what is really true. These are the same people who were telling them on election eve they were winning and Hillary was a lock. And like the infantile needy little monsters they are they believed what they wanted to be true.
And here we go again. Our commie in residence is on here blathering on about polls and polling and how the polls promise him salvation. That tells us a lot about him and his inability to process reality, doesn't it?
I have always wondered, do you suppose when he posts these long winded poorly written meandering slabs of drivel that he imagines he is convincing anybody but himself of anything? Do you picture him leaning over his keyboard, fingers stained with Dorito orange, in a dark dank basement somewhere pounding out this drivel, spending who knows how long copying and pasting the propaganda his handlers have sent him? Posting to America's blog and rubbing his hands thinking "now I've got them. They have to believe that one!"
And then most of us skim over it, have a laugh and cement our low opinion of this phony moron as a communist plant sent to try to derail truth. And then we move on.
That's my mental picture. Big fat slob, glasses with Coke bottle lenses. Never married, in fact probably never been within arms reach of the opposite sex, whatever that may actually be. But probably has more than one restraining order against him. Pounding out posts and replies alternating with searching for porn on his computer. And Mom upstairs cooking her fat little son macaroni and cheese. Hey Mom! Do yourself a favor and boot the little cocksucker out. Make him get a job and quit mooching off your Social Security check. You'll both be better off.
Just trying to help here. That's me. That's how I roll. You're welcome.
Time for Maxine to go.... She's gone completely insane if she thinks that President Trump is out to do her in!
Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump 'setting some of us up to be killed'
Calif. congresswoman once urged supporters to publicly confront Trump Cabinet members
By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Thursday, October 3, 2019
Rep. Maxine Waters said Wednesday that President Trump’s verbal attacks are putting Democrats in danger and that she’s had to hire round-the-clock security due to death threats.
The California Democrat told MSNBC that she can’t go to public places like the grocery store without a security guard due to threats she’s received since the president’s been in office.
“He is setting some of us up to be killed. I have death threats constantly. There are a number of people who have been convicted for threatening to kill me,” Ms. Waters said. “I can’t go to the grocery store anymore by myself. I have to pay for security all the time. I can’t move around the country without security.”
Ms. Waters’ complaints were mocked by conservatives on social media who pointed out that the congresswoman just last year encouraged her supporters to harass Trump administration officials in public.
Her comments came one day after she said impeachment was “not good enough” for Mr. Trump and that he needed to be imprisoned and “placed in solitary confinement” over his controversial July 25 phone call with the president of Ukraine.
Mr. Trump has previously attacked Ms. Waters as an “extrordinarily low IQ person.”
you know the saying what goes around comes around?
Now that the DEMONcrat's impeachment crap is unraveling before their eyes, interesting how Maxine is making an accusation that President Trump is "He is setting some of us up to be killed" .... This woman along with Schiff, Pelosi, and Nadler all need to go.... forcibly removed from office!
She reminds me of our internet butthole doctor who cant decide who he really is.
ReplyDeleteOr is it that he [our Dimm Witt in DC make believe butt hole doctor] reminds me of her
with how the DEMONcrats are handling a way this kind of reminds me of Custer's last stand.... the man (Custer) was worse than an idiot... much like the the Democrats. They're not just attacking President Trump, they're attacking America, our freedoms, our rights, etc.
ReplyDeleteNovember 2020 will be the Democrats worst failure in history.
and Ian, aka whatever alias you choose to sign in as, whichever gender you chooses to post comments as.... When the DEMONcrats lose biggly in November 2020 they will have no one but themselves to blame.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...