Two things:
1) Suck it up, Michigan. You elected the bitch.
2) Evidently you voted for Joe Biden so now prepare to reap what you've sown.
Ain't socialism just great?
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Orders Another Coronavirus Lockdown

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced another coronavirus lockdown on Sunday night, issuing a string of directives related to businesses and activities.
Despite a long list of mask mandates, social distancing orders, and others relating to curtailing the spread of the virus dating back months, Whitmer doubled down as cases are on the rise.
The Detroit News reported:
The new policies will temporarily halt in-person instruction at high schools and colleges, dine-in service at restaurants and bars, and high school athletics as well as close some businesses, including movie theaters, bowling alleys and casinos.
The restrictions, imposed through a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) order, will take effect Wednesday, will be in place for three weeks and will end Dec. 8. Under the order, indoor residential gatherings will be limited to two households at any one time.
The MDHHS billed the action as a three-week “pause.”
Whitmer is shuttering in-person learning for high schoolers, arguing that population has the most contact with their peers. Amateur organized sports, including the current high school playoff seasons, are also “paused.”
Indoor dining at restaurants and bars is also banned in the new order. As are theaters, movie theaters, stadiums, arenas, bowling centers, ice skating rinks, indoor water parks, bingo halls, casinos, and arcades. Group fitness classes were also nixed.
The Republican-led legislature has largely been impotent amid Whitmer’s avalanche of orders.
Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R) said Sunday night that he was “disappointed” with Whitmer’s announcement.
“We are disappointed that Gov. Whitmer chose to go it alone, again. The Senate Republicans will continue working with our doctors and the medical community on ways we can combat this virus and are ready to work with the Governor when she decides to work as a team to fight this virus,” he said.
House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R) said, “The people of Michigan deserve a seat at the table when major decisions like these are made, and those decisions are made better and safer when they do,” according to WXYZ.
“As always, we stand ready to act in a bipartisan way when the governor decides it is worth her time. Until then, we are still reviewing the details of this order like everyone else.”
Watch Whitmer’s full statement here:
Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Listen to segments on YouTube or download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Twitter, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Parler.
Hard for me to believe I was born in that State, Now I know why I never went back, Left at 18 years old, it is a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteIssued 9-12-2018 Trumps Executive Order and Declaration of National Emergency.
ReplyDeleteStill under NE now.
I read it and man, It looks like things are starting to fall in place.
I have a feeling something huge is about to go down.
Our votes being counted with Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain, Voting servers in Germany.
I hear we just raided the server farm there.
I can only hope this National Emergency Executive Order gets the bad guys.
It's not a hard read:
Here is an article breaking it down.
Oh and by the way. The Emergency Broadcast System now called The Emergency Alert System allows the President to address the American Public during the aforementioned National Emergency. CNN and the other Fake News can't cut him off like they do now.
ReplyDeleteIt says in part: 'provide the capability for the President to address the public during a national emergency.'
The vaccine should be tested on politicians first.
ReplyDeleteIf they survive, the vaccine is safe.
If they don't, the country is safe.
The vaccine should be tested on politicians first.
ReplyDeleteIf they survive, the vaccine is safe.
If they don't, the country is safe.
Well Sarge, if things unfold like they should concerning the Dominion shit we could very well hear Trump addressing the nation over it.
ReplyDeleteIf Flynn's lawyer Sidney Powell can prove her case this thing will blow the hell up.
ReplyDeleteI suspect troll will be jumping off buildings...
Lot of stuff going on behind the sens right now. Long time before Jan 20....
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does anybody else picture this bitch standing holding a couple Rottweilers on leashes while they unloaded the trains at Aushwitz? With a big smile on her face?
ReplyDeleteI think the ass-troll thinks if he gets nasty and insulting enough we'll change our minds and let him post on America's Blog. Sorry dipshit. Not a chance in hell. You're not fit to keep company with the fine people who enjoy this blog.
ReplyDeleteBut that's the same mindset that causes biden voters to think if they riot and loot and burn cities people will somehow be more sympathetic to their cause. As opposed to buying record numbers of guns and ammunition, which is what is really happening. Which is also the worst nightmare for these people, push comes to shove.
Twenty shot and one killed in Chicago over the weekend. What's that called? Just another weekend in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteThe Marxist from Kenya says Trump would "do anything" to stay in power, likening him to a dictator. That's pretty rich coming from the fascist who turned the FBI and the intelligence service into his own private SS squad to try to interfere in the election, then to try to interfere with the elected President.
ReplyDeleteRule of thumb. Whatever a democrat/fascist accuses anybody of is something they are doing themselves, and are trying to throw off the scent. And the sad part? It seems to work with a lot of people. Sad fact is America is filled with people who are actually stupid enough that these people can fool them. And they vote.
As always, America's Blog welcomes comments from anybody, in agreement or disagreement. We don't block comments from anybody as long as our terms of service agreements are followed.
ReplyDeleteWe have always and will continue to welcome any and all comments.
The powers-that-shouldn't-be in government are at total war against the American people in a thousand ways, and not one in a million even suspects it. Racial strife and political strife are the tools of their war. Why else would "Black Lives Matter" riots and multiple instances of intimidation by its supporters be completely ignored by the establishment while peaceful gatherings endorsing any aspect of freedom are met with vilification, dispersal and arrests?
ReplyDeleteWhen President Trump signed an executive order banning instruction in the blatantly false and in-and-of-itself racist "critical race theory" in federally funded programs, the Leftist media machine went apoplectic. They do not want you to know that the notion that one's race automatically grants upon him at birth special privileges, entitlements or rights not possessed by others is patently false.
This term "privilege" is used as an attempt to make men, usually white men especially, feel guilty about any success they have achieved and coerce them into a phony altruism so they will voluntarily surrender their positions in society and business and transfer their power, status and wealth to minorities and those deemed "less fortunate" — which is another code word — who are beholden to the state for this benevolence. As if each person of each race somehow doesn't stand equal. Of course they are equal. The powers-that-shouldn't-be simply do not want you to realize this. They want power transferred to themselves.
ReplyDeleteUneducated voters" is another bigoted term used by pollsters and the political class designed to stereotype working class Middle and Southern Americans as ignorant boobs whose views of strong family, belief in God, strong work ethic, independence from government and love of country are outside the mainstream and therefore their opinions and/or "vote" are less valuable than college-educated people's.
ReplyDeleteThe Department of Homeland Security has encouraged Americans to report "suspicious" behavior and "red flag" laws proliferate in order to spy on law abiding gun owners. Never mind the daily murders of black people by black people in Chicago. Where are the civil liberty groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Southern Preposterous Lie Center (SPLC) and the NAACP decrying this obvious racism?
Of course, they can't be bothered. But you can be sure that if the "terrorists" depicted appeared to be Arab or Hispanic or black or any other minority, CAIR, the NAACP, the SPLC or some other race-hustling group would be front and center, shouting "racism" at the top of their lungs. Black people dying in the streets? They could care less about those Americans. Their deaths don't fit the propaganda narrative.
ReplyDeleteThose who foment racism and infighting hold great disdain for the people of America, seeing them as pawns to be used and tossed aside in the quest for New World Order. They advocate for the suppression of human liberty via government power and subterfuge.
Their representative, fellow one-worlder Hillary Clinton has always expressed her disdain for the people with her condescending attitude toward rural people, poor people, and black people, revealing itself via a droning, lecturing tone, transparently phony pandering, and ugly race-baiting.
Do you remember when, speaking to a largely black audience on Martin Luther King Day 2006, Clinton intoned, "When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about."
ReplyDeleteBlack columnist Shelby Steele took offense, writing, "Does she really see us as she projects us--as a people so backward that our support can be won with a simple plantation reference, and the implication that Republicans are racist? Quite possibly so, since no apology has been forthcoming."
Apology? As presidential candidate, Clinton further expressed her disdain for the people in her comment that half of Trump voters were a "basket of deplorables" who are "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it." She later said she regretted saying half. That is likely the only true statement she's ever uttered. She meant all voters, even though President Trump just received a greater share of the minority vote than any Republican candidate since 1960. 26 percent of those who voted for him are minorities.
The closer we come to total acceptance of the doctrine of human equality, the closer we come to slavery. In reality, human equality is an impossibility in the real world. As an instrument of government propaganda, it is the perfect organism.
ReplyDeletePoliticians and government men will tell you that if they can only end discrimination, then everyone would have equality.
Whenever a group or class of people is given special "rights" (which aren't really rights, but privileges), the real natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are turned on their ears and shoved down the memory hole. In other words, the rights of the one are secondary to the "rights" of the other simply because one subgroup of individuals has been granted special privileges that never before existed.
The freedom to discriminate is essential to liberty. It is not the role of government to determine which discrimination is acceptable and which is not — or to enforce its own form of discrimination to correct another.
President-elect Joe Biden denounced "all acts of violence" in a statement to Fox News after attacks on President Trump's supporters at the so-called Million MAGA March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday. "President-elect Biden continues to denounce all acts of violence," Biden spokesperson Andrew Bates said Monday, although he did not name Antifa or Black Lives Matter. Good Grief....Chicken shit Biden
ReplyDeleteWell good morning room 235, and now thinking of a nap....
ReplyDeleteIt's starting all over again. People are buying up all the toilet paper and paper towels they can get their hands on.
ReplyDeleteGood grief...
Well to be honest I never stopped stocking up on those and survival foods also, have to be prepared.
ReplyDeleteSo, I guess this is what a Communist take-over looks like! It says how damn old I am, but I still remember Nikita Krushev (SP?) saying that "We will bury you" and pounding his shoe on his desk at the United Nations. Seems that we are trying to be buried by our own "elected" officials! Here, I was always told that Joseph McCarthy was a REALLY BAD MAN for suggesting that the communists were among us! Turns out that he knew, even way back then, what they would do if given the chance. After years of waiting it out, letting the next generation after generation get spoiled and sloppy, they forget and don't teach what threats are always out there, waiting for their opening. Gloss it over. Make it look so good and inviting to a bunch of young and dumb "activists". Take over the Press! Let "diversity" rule your day! Take over Education! Continue the brainwashing while letting the parents pay for the privilege. But, Communism has always worked so well everywhere it has been tried, why not? Just Shaking my head!
ReplyDeleteTailgunner Joe was an American hero. And he was absolutely correct. There really are commies everywhere. In education. In hollywood. And in our government. Tailgunner Joe knew our government had commies in high places. FDR had communists, members of the communist party working in his administration, and even serving in his cabinet.
ReplyDeleteNow seventy years later, we have them being elected to congress, running for president and running most of our media.
They may call themselves by other names. "Democrat Socialists" for instance. But you can name a pile of stinking dog shit anything you want, but it's still a pile of stinking dog shit.
Unfortunately, they are like a cancer. Once it progresses far enough, and by the way they also call themselves progressives for a reason, it is almost impossible to root out and get rid of. Especially when half of America is so greedy and envious of those who achieve success, and demand those of us who have made good decisions with our lives bail out those who didn't.
Communism requires a people who have no pride or self respect, and who are willing to force those who work hard and earn a living to support them.
Things like health care are not a right. No matter how the commies frame it. No American has the right to demand a person surrender their labor to them without compensation.
John Adams said it best:
"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If 'Thou shalt not covet' and 'Thou shalt not steal' were not commandments of heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free."
"Each individual of the society has a right to be protected…in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and part of the property of any individual can, with justice, be taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent."
Who the hell is running this country??? Black Lives Matter (BLM) has demanded that Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) appoint a Black woman to fill the U.S. Senate seat that Kamala Harris (D-CA) currently holds.
ReplyDeleteBLM leaders are soliciting a petition to persuade Newsom to bow down to their demands: "without Kamala Harris, there are no Black women in the Senate at all... we're going to make it clear to Governor Newsom that appointing a Black woman to this seat is nonnegotiable."
The petition also makes a bold statement: "Like we saw in the recent election, the Democratic Party has become reliant on Black people, particularly Black women. If it weren't for Black voters and organizers across the country, we would have seen a very different electoral outcome."
Other progressive groups are pushing for a Latino to replace Harris if she is indeed sworn in.
The inmates are running the asylum...
ReplyDeleteI am thinking something big is about to happen, gots to be prepared..Can'put my finger on what just yet.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief they found 2600 votes yesterday in GA and now today another 2700, of course in GOP districts. What a Mess!!! same problem a chip not put in..
ReplyDeleteHubby's mother passed away over the weekend. If anyone wants to email me, Kevin has my home email address.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Rikki
Condolences Rikki. From one family to the next.
DeleteThank you Hammer
Driving home, I caught Lin Wood on Levin.
ReplyDeleteHoly moly.
We're talking, the house races of 2018.
Elections in Central America.
This is historical on monumental proportions. If only 25% of what they have is true.
Kevin's right. Blown up it will be.
I posted about Pelosi way back. I still say we will see her interim president in a constitutional crisis. Temporary anyway. After all, they said it would be months before we knew the winner? Right?
2021 will not start well. But it's ending Wil ook far different from its beginning.
Hang - the - hell - on...
Condolences Rikki. Give Rick our best and and we Pray for his Mother.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sarge. Will do.
DeleteHugs, Rikki
So very sorry for your loss Rikki! Hugs back. Take care!
ReplyDeleteThank you Gary
DeleteHugs, Rikki
Same here. Take care of yourselves.
ReplyDeleteThank you Skippey. Doing our best -
DeleteHugs, Rikki
23 people shot in one day in Chicago in one day. What do we call that? Another Monday in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteSorry for your loss, Rikki. Prayers for you all.
ReplyDeleteThank you Safe. Your prayers and everyones is helping us through.
DeleteHugs, Rikki
The Senate candidate from Georgia who claims to be a Christian minister says abortion is "consistent with his Christian beliefs". Sure heretic. God loves you killing his creations. That's great left wing theology.
ReplyDeleteWoe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
Isaiah 5:20
This is the same guy who was arrested in 2002 for trying to obstruct an investigation into child abuse at his so called "church". Typical democrat/fascist.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia democrat/fascists are working on a scheme to swarm Georgia with people pretending to move there so they can vote in the Senate election. You think, well, how many people will be able to do that? More than you think.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is only one small tiny part of the overall plan to swamp Georgia to win this election. We have already seen their election system is corrupt to the core. And the commies will pour hundreds of millions into this campaign.
They need these seats. They are the only thing stopping them from their nefarious plan to destroy us. If they win control of the Senate, our country is on its last breath. Even if Trump gets justice and wins, if the dem/fascists control the House and Senate they will impeach him immediately and this time they will succeed.
The Republicans must win these election. They need both seats to have control. A one seat lead won't do the job because they have to Romney proof the Senate because that traitorous lying bastard can't be counted on. He's a democrat/fascist in sheep's clothing.
And also for the record, a new blog has just been posted...