So, is this the kind of shit those of you who voted for these bastards had in mind?
Is this the kind of shit you support?
I guess at this point it doesn't really matter.
This is exactly what your vote brought us.
With that in mind you might as well add my name to your list.
Just make sure you spell it right.
Kevin McGinty
Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters

Left-wing Democrats and Never Trump Republicans appealed Friday for assistance in compiling lists of Trump supporters to they could be held “accountable” for supporting President Donald Trump after the election.
“Democratic socialist” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”
Michael Simon, who describes himself as a former staff member in Barack Obama’s administration, replied in the affirmative, linking to what he called the “Trump Accountability Project”:
Yes, we are.
The Trump Accountability Project (@trumpaccproject)
Every Administration staffer, campaign staffer, bundler, lawyer who represented them — everyone.
— Michael Simon (@mbsimon) November 6, 2020
The database at the site includes a list of federal judges appointed by the president.
Others also tweeted to announce the project:
We’re launching the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.
Join us and help spread the word.
— Emily Abrams (@emabrams) November 6, 2020
Jennifer Rubin, a Washington Post columnist and Never Trumper, tweeted that anyone challenging the 2020 election results should not only be disqualified from holding public office, but ostracized from society.
“Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society,” she tweeted. “We have a list.”
Prior to the election, some left-wing commentators called for a South Africa-style “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” for Trump supporters.
The original Truth and Reconciliation Commission death with gross abuses of human rights, primarily by the apartheid regime, which imposed racial segregation and tortured and murdered political dissidents in custody.
Update: Others appear to be assisting the effort:
Calling my more technical friends to aid this important project
⬇️— Jenna Lowenstein (@just_jenna) November 6, 2020
Of the above, Sevugan and Abrams are both former staffers for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign. Buttigieg is a member of Joe Biden’s presidential transition team, in the event Biden is ultimately certified as the winner of Tuesday’s election.
There's only one thing that can save us and this country. And I really dont kn ow how it will be handles or what , when ,where it comes down but it needs to happen pretty damn quick. I really dont think we can survive even a year of the crap.
ReplyDeleteThey can add my name to that list too - I am proud of my support for Donald Trump!
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure I seen your name right around the top
ReplyDeleteAnd the really funny part of it all is they spent four years calling President Donald Trump a fascist and dictator. And what's the first thing they do when they think they've won? Go full on fascist.
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced these commie rat bastards don't even know what the word means. Bit then, they are extremely stupid.
I mean, look at that troll hole who used to post comments all day long that were never seen by anybody. We explained it to him over and over. Your moronic comments are deleted from the moderation que without being seen by anybody or even read by anybody. Again and again. Still he posted dozens a day. Never to be seen or read. I mean, I always wondered just how fucking stupid this guy was. But then, he was a democrat/fascist commie rat so enough said.
Hoping since we haven't heard from him he died from the chinese flu. The last comments I deleted were when he posted that he was hoping the President died a slow painful death when he got the Rona. So maybe karma got him. Hope so. But as long as he's gone, I'm happy.
My wife's son, Alex, asked me how a state can have 140% turn out. That's part of the story here. I sure didn't tell him about it.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously. You want a civil war? That's how you get one.
ReplyDeleteImagine this. Did you ever think you would live long enough to see something like this.
ReplyDeleteA sitting member of the United States House of Representatives is calling for a national list to be kept of Trump staffers, donors and supporters to be singled out for some kind of retribution later.
This isn't some whacko with a website or some nutjob living in his mom's basement. This is a sitting member of the House of Representatives. And what's the real crazy part? A huge number of democrat/fascists agree and think it's just a dandy idea.
What the hell has gone wrong with our country that something like this doesn't get her drummed out of congress and held up to national ridicule like it should?
I suppose the next suggestion from this fascist would be to make us all wear a symbol sewn into our clothes. Like a yellow star of David. That would work.
If you need any more evidence than this that the end is in sight if it's not already here, then you must be living under a rock.
God help us. I used to say God bless us, but I think those days are gone. I think we better be begging Him to help us. I think he is done blessing us at this point.
If I didn't believe in the Rapture, I'd think the tribulation had begun.
Thousands of Men and Women died for this Counties freedoms and ways of life that we have, and Now we are watching a bunch of Commie Rat Bastard Liberal's throw it into the ever Crowning Swamp. Makes me Sick... As I type this I am watching real filmed world war 2 films. and it is even making me sicker watching these fuckers spiting on those lives lost. Good Grief...
ReplyDelete*Straight from Gargle....
ReplyDeletepow·der keg
/ˈpoudər ˌkeɡ/
noun: powderkeg
a barrel of gunpowder.
a dangerous or volatile situation.
"the place had been a powder keg since the uprising"*
Seems right.
As too the list? My name was added along time ago, I'm sure. Fine with me. Another label, and another corner.
Our gulag fangirl knows not what she speaks. The modern socialist has the ideology, but none of the skills, means, or stomach to carry out and endure that process.
Hell, I could be wrong I guess. Maybe they fancy goose-stepping after all, and think camps and showers are cool? Perhaps. I dunno. Regardless, these people never embraced America or her freedoms and culture. Let's keep that in the memory bank.
Either way, excerpts were used and chapters should be added to the "Art of War" regarding tactics in around 1774-1775. My guess is that same scenario of "learning" would exist now in 2020? Perhaps.
Dont agree? That's okay. Just remember.
It's 2020...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete*repost edit
ReplyDeleteThe rattlesnake doesn't want to bite unless hunting.
Leave the rattler alone, I'm telling ya.
Point well taken. LOL
DeleteDon't have a lot of details but WIBW just announced Biden has been elected as the 46th president of the United States.
ReplyDeleteThis is when the shit gets real...
FOX has the same
DeleteI look at it as unreal that they would announce a mental midget to be president of this Great Country. Good fucking Grief...
ReplyDeleteJust who runs America?
ReplyDeleteIf you answered "the global elite," now you know why the images of Nazism never seem to go away in the mass media. They are the idols and symbols of New World Order global socialism, exceeding the enslavement power of national socialism by leaps and bounds.
The problem for Americans is that the media and government positions taken on these kinds of issues go beyond the headlines, affecting U.S. policy and politics. While seeming to champion what they call "democracy," the global elite actually promote universal collectivism, or the New World Order. To really understand how this process works, all you have to do is listen closely to the globalists who make proclamations that "anti-democratic populism (read: supporters of Donald Trump) demonstrates they have learned no lessons" since World War II.
Parriots are gathering at the Capitol Building as we speak.
ReplyDeleteJoin us if you're able and or willing...
Wish I could be there. Wish I could be anywhere but California to be honest. This place is what all of America will look like if these looney commie rat bastards get control.
ReplyDeleteThey're about to find out what real resistance is about. They all kinds of mischief, phony investigations, phony impeachment and riots, burning, looting and murder and assault. That made them happy, because they are America hating commie rat bastards.
Americans on the other hand use the process in place. When the Kenyan Marxist was elected the TEA parties formed. We had rallies, we got out the vote, we raised money, we campaigned. The commies don't remember that over the Kenyan's eight year term he lost the House in the first mid term, then the Senate. He lost a record number of House seats. He lost a record number of State legislators and Governors. He presided over losing a record number of 1.100 democrat seats at the federal and state level. Then we got Trump elected.
So they finally made their vote fraud schemes work and may get slow joe elected. But the same thing will happen. When he actually starts to govern and people see jobs disappear, China start eating our lunch again, wages fall, businesses close and move back out of the country. When their taxes go up and their standard of living goes down. When they see the commies legalize 12 million illegal aliens to steal jobs and welfare benefits. When they see the country go to hell, just like it did when the Kenyan was president they'll realize what a stupid mistake they made.
The commies are all giddy and excited now, but they won't even see it coming. We don't burn down businesses, we win elections. We'll survive two years until we take the house back. Then, hopefully impeachment would be great.
I don't want to be around Parriots!!!! Good grief
ReplyDeleteBe of good cheer friends. If Trump does lose, which hasn't happened yet, he'll be around for four years, pumping up the patriots, keeping the movement alive and setting the stage to run again in 2024. Him or the next Donald Trump.
ReplyDeleteRemember, when crooked hillary lost, all her people hid in their bedrooms and cried. Our people are having rallies and parties. That's the difference between us.
@ 75 SSAH I pray to see that day, when Trump does that any Trump...
DeleteDozens of approved and appointed mass media mouths, want America "denazified," and they want it now. Get it? Nationalism equals anti-Semitism equals fascism equals totalitarianism.
DeleteSuch a contradiction is the hallmark of the ideological confusion drilled into the masses through media propaganda. There is such an avalanche of misinformation bombarding the American people that it all has a numbing effect. Not counting what is being done to our school children..
Yet like a "splinter in the mind," to quote a popular movie, more and more we are beginning to feel the presence of authoritarianism. We are coerced into conformity and to obeying the demands of "society." We quite naturally feel oppressed. We know that there is deceptive manipulation of the public will. We know that subtle political forces are extracting our wealth under altruistic pretenses.
ReplyDeletePolitical power in the United States is reckless. The political system is nothing less than mob rule. Private property is pillaged and destroyed and the people are manipulated to support it. There is no "consent of the governed. yes turning into a bunch of human robots...
From OUR President!
ReplyDeleteTeam Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)
Statement from President
-November 7, 2020-
Statement from President Donald J. Trump
We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don't want the truth to be exposed.
The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone of the highly contested headed for mandatory recounts or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process.
"Beginning Monday, our campaign will begin prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American people are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room - and then fight in court to block their access.
"So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American people have the honest vote they deserve and that Democracy demands."
-President Donald J. Trump
Politics in America is not a party system. It is instead a repetitive and insulting process of pacifying the national will with the illusion of freedom and political choices.
ReplyDeleteOnce we unmask the morality of criminal politics, we see a sophisticated process of using words and phrases to force upon us a social and moral ethic of conformity. In fact, our standard of mental health is nothing more than our complete submission to conformity. If we translate further, conformity means yielding to the morality of government authority without questions.
The national interest is a monopoly of demagogues and powercrats.
Never give up. Keep in mind, a winner has yet to be certified.
ReplyDeleteGovernments since the Roman Empire have created enemies to instill fear in the population so that the people are manipulated into giving more police power over to the government. Politicians always go along with this Machiavellian deception.
ReplyDeleteLike Adolf Hitler, the actual leader of the Nazis, said, "How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."
Human freedom is impossible until the people understand that politics under any label is the art of political persuasion to get the people to believe, to act and to live against their best interests.
I think that we have been under the ether too long. Somehow, we need to focus on adjusting our private lives to the reality of government force closing in. We should be in shock over charges of "Naziism" coming from the very purveyors of national socialism itself, the globalist elites.
We must realize that the answer is for us is to inquire into government morality. Therein lies revealed an unbelievable power system organized at every level to coerce us into self-sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteWhat could be more degrading and insulting to our being than to imagine that we are free and never inquire? Yet we have allowed government mysticism to create an illusion of freedom that we have accepted for the real thing.
We are pressed throughout our lives to believe that the shining path to utopia on earth is built upon the fictions of equalitarianism and universalism. We should have faith in external authority with no thoughts of our own consciousness and personal well being. A belief system of mysticism based on politics and money has replaced rational thought.
Inquiry is more than a curious mind. It is a disturbance of thought when values and inalienable rights are challenged and violated. Always Think carefully and inquire!
Well, one of our old troll holes from the past showed up, posting comments for me to delete. Not the unknown troll, pretty sure he's dead. You'd know who this one was if I named him, but I'm not going to.
ReplyDeleteHe's demanding we open up for comments so he can post his commie rat bullshit on America's Blog. So here's my answer. Hell no. No way. Not happening.
And you know what, troll? There's not a goddamn thing you can do about it but whine. So go on and cry you whiney little bitch. No comment from you will ever see America's blog.
And be sure to screen capture everything so you can look back and remember how we bitch slapped you in case you forget.
Slap the living Rat shit out of him. hahahahahhahahhahahhaha
DeleteWe have a few things to still finalize before anybody wins anything.
ReplyDeleteAnd secondly, Biden isn't the president. Hasn't been sworn in, so spare me the cock slobbering the media gives him with access after anointing him as the eldest crackhead in charge.
If things didn't work out, I have some ideas to see Trump primary a couple folks in 2022. Interesting.
No matter what, the Trumpian brand and culture is something to contend with. We need to make sure all candidates embrace the culture. If not, primary the sons a bitches.
As far as demeanor and attitude? Well, I won't be screaming outside, or crying in my pillow. Still gotta live, love, hunt, work, etc... Certainly fight on.
Lol... Maybe if he spent all his time being a dick he could join in on Americas blog.
ReplyDeleteSafe made the correct call...
Well at least SYFY still has good movies on...Also the History Chanel..
ReplyDeleteHow long before the Left start plans to remove Biden, I say less than 7 months or sooner... They love eating their own...
ReplyDeleteStop the Steal banned from Facebook. Note, FOX is not our friend.
New blog up...