Thursday, March 11, 2021

The new normal...

 I'm not sure how we ever got to this point but this kind of shit has become the new normal.

And if you don't agree you're obviously a racist.

A new week lies ahead of us and I can hardly wait to see what kind of crap it has in store for us.

Stay safe and be well, my friends...

Kevin McGinty


  1. I don't like the New Norm, no sir I don't like it one bit.... Hope this goe's threw as a comment.

  2. This guy is obviously waiting for his equity check! Diversity at it's finest!

  3. Came through loud and clear Sarge...

    1. Looks like I am tying up the loose ends, thats the kind of normal I like...

  4. I could start spewing about the Partisan Democratic Washington... but y'all pretty much know what I'm going to say about that.

    I sincerely hope that the Republican Party gets some spine in their backs and guts in their bellies to hold on to the 2022 elections and hope intensely on retaking the Senate and the House!

    P.S. When His Fraudulency Biden appears on tv, my tv goes OFF! I can't stand to look at the walking stiff.... he looks like he's been embalmed!

  5. Golly Gee Whiz.... with the lamestream media cover this one???

    Illegal Immigrant Children Detentions Quadruple to 3,200

    Despite the Biden administration excoriating its predecessor's border policies and refusing to declare an immigration "crisis," more illegal immigrant children are being held in detention centers than ever before.

    More than 3,200 unaccompanied children are in Customs and Border Protection custody, a U.S. official told Reuters, including 2,600 who are awaiting a minors shelter that has only 500 beds available, per a CNN report.

    The number is more than 4 times the count reported just 2 weeks ago.....

    go to Newsmax to read the story.

    1. It is a mess anyway you look at it Rikki...

  6. I do not accept the new normal, never will. If you want my humble opinion here it is fresh from my newest blog This is the first installment of a series on how evil presents itself in our current age and especially in our culture and nation. There are many manifestations of evil that everyone in our culture would recognize, the murder of another, taking another’s property, slandering another person, injuring another (physically, emotionally or financially), hating another simply because of their gender or ethnicity, making another person pay for the evil done by someone other than themselves, and abusing a position of authority to take advantage of another. These are just some of the more obvious examples of what most would universally agree are evil actions.
    What would you say if I told you that many of these examples I have just listed are not considered evil by a great many people in out nation? But, didn’t I just state that the evils I listed in my first paragraph were evils that all people would agree were evil? How can both statements be true? The answer lies in a great evil that is at work in the Western World today and that evil has two heads. It is the ideology of social justice built on the foundation of a sociological/anthropological theory known as Critical Theory. It is because of these two evils that our culture has accepted heretofore unknown definitions of words such as murder, theft, racism, hatred, bigotry, truth and even the very term justice.

  7. had to do it in two segments it was to long. As we look upon the face of evil in our culture, we will discover how the meanings of commonly used words to express ethical and moral ideals have been twisted and subverted to support the evil of Social Justice and how the foundation of this subversion is found in Critical Theory. As we do this we will learn how our culture has come to call evil good and good evil. We will come to understand that how this change has taken place and where it was nourished and allowed to flourish until it has distorted so much of our culture’s world view to such an extent that they have lost their ability to see Truth.
    Along the way we will also dip into the waters of Ethnic Gnosticism and Cultural Marxism which are the socio-political tool of the Social Justice cult in the Western World. Just as the Cult of Social Justice is built on the foundation of Critical Theory it is feed and nourished by the two great evils of Ethnic Gnosticism and Cultural Marxism. We will find that the “churches” of the Social Justice cult are the schools and universities of the Western World including many of those who claim the Name of Jesus Christ. Sadly, we will find that a great many Seminaries in the Western World are also the meeting places of the ecclesia of the Cult of Social Justice.
    It is in these places that disciples are made for this cult and it is in these places that these disciples are indoctrinated to go forth and convert the ignorant racist, homophobic, xenophobic, greedy capitalistic, misogynistic masses. Or if conversion does not take place they are trained to marginalize, demonize and destroy these people via any means possible. They march in the streets, they sue into bankruptcy, the create laws that take away the freedoms, they slander with impunity any means, including violence, which creates submission to the Cult of Social Justice or silences those in opposition to the Cult are to be used in the accomplishment of their righteous crusade.
    Today’s crusaders for social justice resemble their earlier cultic ancestors, who abused the authority of the Christian Church during the time of the Crusades and the Inquisition which followed, who tortured, ruined financially and murdered those who dared to look and think differently than they did. One may also see echoes of this modern cult in the cult of Islam. A faith which strangely and illogically is one of the partners of the Social Justice Cult in the Western World. Both cults extensively use violence and eco-political suppression to silence opposition. Both view the “other” with hatred and contempt. Both use any means necessary to accomplish their goals of conversion or total annihilation for those who do not convert or submit.
    Read the upcoming newsletters or visit our church’s website to follow this series on Facing Evil in our Culture. (

    Pastor Dennis

  8. Thanks Dennis. Please continue if you have more. Fascinating reading. This is stuff all of America should learn. The Critical Theory cancer, going back to the Frankfort School brought by the Communists who fled Europe because the Nazis hated them as much as they did the Jews. They came to America and have worked generation after generation to infiltrate our education system and undermine our civil society. They have for all intents and purposes succeeded after all these years. America happily embraces communism because we have become a nation of greedy and envious people. Because our schools have been teaching our children those moral ideas since the fifties.

    Keep going. You've barely scratched the surface.

  9. Hi Dennis, real good to hear what you had to say, Come back more often, I hope you stay well for you and yours...

  10. Thank you Srg. And SSAH, I read the Bunker always, just rately have had time to comment. Seems two churches and 3 school age kissos take a lot of time.

    1. And I complain of the work my Grandson puts on me daily, Lol I know stop whinning Sarge... Keep doing what is right Dennis... God Bless...

  11. Well, last night it was a hard decision to make; Do I watch Joe Biden's continued theft of Donald Trump's "Operation Warp Speed", trying to take the credit for everything Trump accomplished, or do I watch the Championship episode of "Battle-Bots"! Guess what! Battle-Bots won in a landslide! Almost like I had a "mail-in" ballot!
    I did watch him briefly when he cut into Tucker, but that did not last long. What a total fake, lying, brain-dead, wannabe! Even when he is President, I really think he would rather be Trump! LOL!
    And I was looking back into May of 2020 and an article that I saw from NBC news no less, about how Trump predicting a vaccine by the end of the year would be a "medical miracle"! They also had a "fact checker" looking into it! What a bunch of total hypocritical, lying assholes they all are!
    Also Dennis....Thanks for that piece on "Social Justice". You are right on the mark in so many ways! I always appreciate what you have to say! Happy Friday everyone!

    1. I had to watch the idiot make a fool of himself and the rest of the Liberals , mostly include the left media. Bunch of Commie Rat Bastards.....

  12. So lyin joe biden claims credit for the chinese flu vaccine that President Trump actually brought us. Just the usual, more of the same old shit.

    I'm not too sure lyin joe even knows what he is saying when he reads those scripts. I saw a documentary on Glenn Campbell some time back. When he was deep in the grip of Alzheimer's he still went on tour. He sang his songs, still played great guitar and for the most part never forgot any of his old stuff. But offstage he didn't know where he was, what day it was or pretty much anything. That's the peculiar nature of the disease. Long time habits, training, like singing can be remembered but not daily functions.

    I think lyin joe is in that state. A lifetime of reading scripts written by his handlers word for word without even knowing what he is saying. I doubt he could tell you what he just read after he reads it. That's why no questions. No press conferences. It fits.

    Just watch him after he's done reading his script. He shuffles around like he's lost. Waiting for someone to show him which way to go so he can go have a nice bowl of jello and watch some TV. This man is just a mouthpiece for the commies that are running the democrat party. These people have pulled off the biggest coup in history and nobody noticed. Or at least those of us who did have been shut down.

    That's why they are so scared of Donald Trump. They didn't see him coming. He almost derailed their coup. And that's why they went absolutely ape shit on him. And why they have to shut down any voice that speaks against them. It's what totalitarians do. The Nazis, the Soviet commies, Mao. All of them.

    Don't doubt me when I tell you they will ramp this up. They have the foundation built. The Useful Idiots in place. Control of the democrat/communist party and it's media apparachiks. They haven't come this far without a plan and the tools to take this all the way. If we beat them now, they're done. If we don't, we're done. Simple as that. And they are prepared. The thousands of Troops stationed around the Capital, the people's house, is a clear signal. Fences and barbed wire. They're telling us what's next if we don't submit.

    But America is pretty famous for not submitting to overwhelming force, as the British discovered in 1776.

    So stay awake, friends. Stock up on guns and ammunition while you can. Lay in food supplies. As my friend Sarge always tells us....


    1. I agree with every word you said, lots of this countries people better pull their heads out of their asses... Better late than never...

  13. And if you read Dennis's essay (and you should) you can see it played out with Harry and Meghan. An inbred Royal raised in generations of wealth and privilage, and a hollywood celebrity who married into royalty and was already wealthy beyond reason.

    They turned their backs on their tradition they inherited. They don't appreciate what it's worth, or what they owe it. It's the basis for the Critical Theory brought to America by the Franklin School of commies. They're set for life because of what those before them did, but they turn their back on them and attack them instead of being grateful for the life they have. Like a whole generation we have produced.

    This is what awaits us I'm afraid.

  14. The First take: And so it begins. Democrats in the House passed two bills targeting he Second Amendment on Thursday. With eight Republicans supporting these measures, Democrats are claiming a "bipartisan" win. We did the math on it. Less than 1% of GOP House members supported these actions. That's not bipartisan. That's eight Republicans covering their butts for the coming midterm elections.

  15. Good Sat morning to ya all... Now for the shitty News, Later...

  16. Frickin' RINOS need to shove it up their Asses!! Good morning everyone!

  17. Does anyone doubt that the incoming regime-elect in the U.S. will cause extreme hardship because of the further lockdowns they will impose? Note that they do not warn the people to protect themselves. They only talk about trillions of dollars in "stimulus" that ultimately go to corporations and banksters and not people who need to eat.

    Still, probably not more than a few can see the negative trends. They still can't visualize disaster.

    Food prices have risen just since march due to the lockdowns, and shortages still persist. We hear from our friends in the construction business that they still can't get everything they need to remodel or build a house. They can't even find matching pairs of washer-dryers. Most appliance factories and warehouses in the United States and abroad are operating at 50 percent capacity. Do we think food production and distribution are any less affected? I can assure you dear friends that they are not.

    Have you ever really been hungry? I had far rather have food storage, or even over
    storage, and not ever need it than not to have it and be hungry. Food storage may not guarantee that you won't be hungry but not storing food will almost certainly guarantee there will be hunger in your future. We were not thinking we would have a Liberal fool in the Whitehouse, but we do, time to plan for your family, get with it before it is to late again....

  18. They are really showing their true colors now that they helped us loose the election. I seen that their was 8 or so that are all in on the gun legislation. I just hope these jerks get it shoved to them in the next election. They should get their names shoved all over the news and internet. people in those states better get with it. These jerks are going to sell out their own voters.

  19. Do I have a comment waiting to be approved???

    1. I noticed we no longer have a Delete option, Good grief!!

  20. Good Grief another shitty night, I guess if I can put up with Biden, I can suffer threw this rash, and all it's draw backs... Gees.

  21. I guess every one forgot to spring forward, another waste of time in this messed up Country...

  22. Of course, the next logical step in the campaign of the narrative that America is under attack from within, by "domestic terrorists" in the form of Trump supporters is to push again to ban guns. Diane Feinstein, who had a Chicom spy on her staff for twenty years, is again pushing to ban many semi-automatic rifles, using the created narrative. We knew this was coming.

    That was the reason for the whole "armed insurrection" bullshit lie. They built the foundation, now they're going to milk it.

    We know the only "domestic terrorists" in this country are the democrat/communist party which is devoted to the destruction of our civil society and everything we love.

    Be Prepared friends. Shits getting real.

  23. Sarge, I wonder how you feel about the Marines going after Tucker Carlson for criticizing them. He commented on their new jumpsuit design for pregnant women, and on lyin biden calling for more "feminine" grooming standards. He felt it was pretty stupid to plan to send pregnant women to the front lines.

    I realize this is all lyin joe biden's work, or of his handlers anyway. I'm sure 99% of U.S. Marines are sick of this shit. But "feminizing" the Marines? That's just crazy. Marines are heartbreakers and life takers. Doing social experiments with the Marine Corp puts the very heart of our military at risk.

    My support is with the troops who will do their job despite the total incompetence of some of their leader and the fake commander in chief.

    R. Lee Emory has left the building. (by the way, R Lee Emory is from just down the road from me. They have an R Lee Emory Blvd).

    1. I watch that whole program SSAH, I will stand with Tucker, 1st Of all PG women will never fly fighter Planes, Hell PG women have a hard time flying commercial flights depending how far they are along. Just another crappy Idea. Impeach #46 ...

  24. Now just how long do you think it will be before Cuomo stabs ole Joe and cuts his neck to save his own neck? LOOL Dont you just love it when they go after each other.
    Biden, no stranger to inappropriate touching accusations
    Biden and Cuomo have both claimed that they have used physical contact as customary way of interacting with people
    Cuomo has denied any wrongdoing and claimed any unwanted contact or kissing was not meant to be offensive but simply his "customary" greeting. Biden has similarly defended himself from accusations that he has inappropriately touched women.


    Alabama GOP presents Donald Trump with resolution of honor
    Brian Lyman
    Montgomery Advertiser
    Published 11:12 a.m. CT Mar. 15, 2021

    Donald Trump should have no doubts about the Alabama Republican Party's feelings for him.

    Members of the state GOP on Saturday presented the former president with a copy of a resolution calling Trump “one of the greatest and most effective presidents in the 245-year history of this Republic.”

    “He deserves it,” said Perry Hooper, a former elector and state campaign co-chair for Trump who presented the resolution to him, in a phone interview on Monday. “When I was a kid, I thought (Ronald) Reagan was the greatest president ever. Donald Trump has done an even greater job than Ronald Reagan.”

    The resolution, approved by the state party last month, praises Trump’s support of a 2017 tax cut; his withdrawal from NAFTA and the Paris Climate Accord and his creation of Operation Warp Speed, which “delivered safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in record time, which was one of the most important feats in medical history.” Trump also downplayed the severity of the virus; the use of masks to stop its spread, and attacked governors over lockdown measures.

    Hooper said the former president “had a smile from one ear to the next” when given the resolution.

    The former president won 62% of the vote in Alabama in 2016 and 2020, and Republicans running for office in recent years have tended to emphasize their loyalty to Trump over all other issues.

    The presentation took place during a reception for Lynda Blanchard, a candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, at the Mar-A-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, owned by the former president. Blanchard served as Trump’s ambassador to Slovenia and is running as a Trump loyalist. A message seeking comment was left with the Blanchard campaign on Monday morning.

    “He’s the leader,” Hooper said. “The 2022 election, he’s going to be engaged. He is by far the leader of the national Republican Party. The candidates would all hope and pray they will get his endorsement. A lot of those candidates will have the continue to implement the Trump agenda.”

  26. Well I guess it is good morning for some.. So good morning...

  27. These guys (The commie rats) really have got this blaming of Trump down to an art! Oh, "the Trump White House left the border in such dis-array that it is going to take some time to sort it all out:"! And of course, the vaccine distribution and handling was so messed up! Wow! Just Wow! They so much KNOW that their party is probably "toast" in 2022 unless they can keep the uneducated voters paid-off and the voter fraud in continued full-force! So, as usual, when you have nothing else, "Dump on Trump"!
    An then, our future President, unless they can get her impeached, Camel Toe "the Ho", is following Joe's pattern, barely showing up anywhere, refusing to answer questions, not giving an opinion of Cuomo, the Pervert, when she preached during Kavanugh's hearing that women must be believed and listened too! All of this, while they seem more worried about his sexual mis-conduct than they do about him killing and covering up the deaths of 15000+ nursing home residents! And New York voters, according to the polls over half maybe?, do not think that he should resign or be impeached, being the good, loyal, useful Democratic idiots that they are!
    And surprise, Camel Toe "The Ho"'s ancestors OWNED SLAVES! So shouldn't she be cancelled out for that?
    They know that they are going to lose in the next elections, so they are doubling down on every possible means of throwing the elections, tying up the political process, and trying to set it up so the GOP can never win another election. They are diabolical, savvy to all of the illegal methods of taking over and winning, and making their enemies feel like they are guilty and ashamed of everything that they believe! Evil to the very core! If the Republicans who are not of the same mind-set do not do something soon, the Radicals will destroy everything good about this Country!

  28. Now what? Good Grief we are not finished yet.

  29. And there I was wondering what to fix for dinner tonight and then the Fex Ex guy came running up with a cooler packed with Omaha Steaks.

    I'm thinking pork chops and fried potatoes ought to work out just fine.

    Thank you Sarge...

    1. Good grief I had liver onions a fried potatoes. Enjoy...

  30. Liver and onions?

    Good grief, I'd rather get run over by a train...

    1. Well those are some of the things I have to eat, along with more fish if I want to get well, but the liver I have always liked, because my Dad told me I like it. LOL....

    2. I hate liver! As a kid you had to eat what was on the plate- no excuses. At least my parents let me bury the liver in ketchup.

  31. Lol... Well, as long as you gotta do it I suppose it's okay...😝😝😝

  32. Now I'm with Sarge on this one! I ACTUALLY like liver and onions. As a matter of fact, I used to go to a steakhouse here in town that had a fabulous waitress, who I would occasionally ask to bring me liver and onions. I don't think she was too thrilled with my order, but she never complained! Man, I miss that place and miss seeing the waitress as much as we used to!

  33. I knew I can count on you Gary.... Now where the Hell is Hammer? I gotta know..


  34. Hammer is here. Hammer checks in. You know me, can't and won't quit.
    Just busy.

    Plate is terribly full at the moment.

  35. Good it doesn't get any better than that...Hammer

  36. It's hard to stomach what's happening. It really is.

    It seems the ugliest part to me, is seeing folks wake up to it and really don't know what to do.

    These people are the same ones that wouldn't vote for Trump. And I'm sorry, every time I find one they get called out.
    Family included.

    Gas prices.
    Weakened dollar.
    Pandemic extension.
    Higher taxes.
    War in the Middle East.
    Gun grabs.
    Rampant invasion from shit hole countries.
    Burning of court houses by pantifa.
    Child trafficking.
    Anti semitism/ anti Isreal
    Continued attacks on the nuclear family.
    Boys in Girls locker rooms.
    Boys competing with girls, as "girls."
    Puberty blockers, at 9.
    Censorship in media.
    Banning of books on Amazon.
    Banning God and Christianity.
    White genocide.


    Isn't a thing I can do about it outside of casting my vote. Every time I've stood my ground publicly, I was stigmatized and ostracized. Outcast. Now people have concerns? Fuck them. Hope they are prepared for what's coming.

    When I hear the noise, I'll certainly walk towards it and stand firm when the time comes. Beside brother and sister patriots, pissing in the face of tyranny. But I'm on the porch till then, vigilantly housing and protecting my own.

    God help the fool that doesn't respect that.

    1. Damn, Hammer, when you said your plate was full, I thought you were talking about Liver and onions.... My Bad...

    2. Hammers opinion on Liver and Onions was probably we he said, "It's hard to stomach" Sarge! LOL!

  37. Oh my plates full, alright. I have more minions to manage than I'm used to. Kids at home, kids at work.

    But I thought I'd make it clear that I'm still concerned for the country. Still pissed.
    Thank God for the wife and kids. If it wasn't for those daily gifts of love, I really don't know where I'd be... Lol

    Enjoy the weather folks. Springs coming!

    And stay prepared like Sarge....

    Later peeps.

  38. Oh, and there isn't a dam thing wrong with liver and onions. Or even kidneys out of some animals to be quite honest. I won't put it down as my favorite, and would not choose that over chops, steak, or BBQ. But it doesn't bother me one bit.

  39. Did every on see Biden fall 3 times getting on Air force one. Hahahahah It was On the UK Daily Mail, I wonder if will show here, I bet Tucker will have it on his show....

    1. Wonder if all the late shows and left wingers will make as much fun of Biden as they did Ford when he slipped in the rain, it was in Austria in 1975.

  40. And here is another good reason to dump the paper'

  41. Well Kevin, spent another 4 hours in the ER today, soon as they got me on the table, I flat ass told them them If I was on life support right then I would ask them to pull the plug, thats how bad it was today, any how they got me a appointment to the germ and skin Doctor, April 5th, I asked what is my chance of making it two and a half weeks from now?? They said if it gets worst just come back to the ER... Hello!!!

  42. Good Grief, and thats it for now...

  43. Lol, ya my friend HANG in there isn't to cool, but I am not letting this shit beat me, Hear Me!!!

  44. Sarge, sorry to hear about your health. Dang! Now,about that s#@$$ your eating. No, no, heck no!!!!!!!! Spent two many years raising tasty beef.

    1. Lol, well at my age I need to stay with soft stuff, almost puree, God it almost killed me to say that. Lol

  45. I'm with Divemastet. My mom used to try to force me to eat that crap. I'd sit there and gag till she finally got pissed off enough and sent me to bed...

  46. Depends on who's cooking it. We had fresh liver as we raised our own beef. But I have ate some other places that well made me want to leave the table.

  47. Wonder if Kevin eats Chicken gizzards and Hearts, bet he thinks they are for fish bait only.

  48. Gross... I'm pretty much opposed to eating internal organs otherwise known as fish bait...😎😎😎

  49. My Dad use to send me out to set traps for MuskRat, I guess that is out of the question on this Blog, oh I can't . remember if they tasted like Chicken or not. LOL

  50. The liver is like the oil filter on your car. Tastes about as good also. Nasty. I'm in that group who had to go to bed without supper because I wouldn't eat that crap.

  51. So now lyin biden and his apparachiks are blaming the border crisis on Trump. Says he dismantled the immigration system.

    These people don't even try anymore. That lie is as obvious as the one where they claim Trump didn't respond to the chinese flu pandemic, or that lyin biden is the one who got us the vaccines.

    I guess they figure the American people stand ready to believe any lie they tell them, no matter how obvious it is, or how easy to disprove. And you know what? I think they are right. I think we're surrounded by people who aren't smart enough to know the difference. But even the dummies have a limit. And that limit is fast approaching.

  52. I am taking it that Baked Cat fish breaded with bread crumbs and rice powder and Fries are okay today??????????????????????????? :)

  53. Lol... Beats the hell out of muskrat...

  54. Well if nothing else we got a brake from the commie Government we have today, but can't take our eye off the ball. Just saying a little fun is still okay..,..


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...