Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo unleashed in an exclusive Breitbart News interview a blistering critique of what he views as President Joe Biden’s failed leadership of the United States, whereby the president has caused myriad domestic and international crises that threaten American leadership in the world and ordinary American families.
From the Middle-East to Russia, and from China to the U.S. border with Mexico, across the board internationally Pompeo says the Biden administration has harmed the United States and Americans are feeling the costs of these overseas crises right now. What’s more, Pompeo says Biden-created domestic crises with the U.S. economy–inflation on the rise, jobs concerns, and an unclear plan on how to fully reopen the United States complete with mixed messaging on public health measures and energy policy–are demonstrating failed leadership from President Biden just over a hundred days into his administration.
“We have seen this, you just went through at least a partial list of the last hundred something days and how fast it has turned,” Pompeo told Breitbart News. “On the international stage, it is very clear the Biden administration’s inability to demonstrate resolve—resolve delivers deterrence—has broken down some of the things that the Trump administration had established. You now see $6 gas or $5 gas, you can point to problems in the Middle-East that we didn’t have for four years and problems with the pipeline where we’ve now paid ransom money to a bad actor that they think came from Russia but they say didn’t have any Russian connection. This matters to the American people. If you get Middle-Eastern policy wrong, you end up with precisely what you’re seeing in our energy markets today. You close the pipeline, like the Keystone XL pipeline, and you have another pipeline sabotaged and hacked into and then you have rockets being fired from Gaza by an Iranian proxy and it shouldn’t surprise the average American it costs more money to get gasoline if you can even get it.”
Specifically, with regard to the instability in Israel where Hamas terrorists have been firing thousands of rockets and missiles into Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and elsewhere–the worst hostilities between Palestinians and Israelis in nearly a decade–Pompeo puts the blame first with the Hamas terrorists but also with their Iranian backers and the Biden administration’s weak Iran policy.
“The first interest is this has to be hung on the terrorists themselves, the Palestinian Islamic jihadists and Hamas,” Pompeo said. “That’s absolutely the case. The second interest, the money, the military, and economic power that the terrorists have to launch these now thousands of missiles comes from the Islamic Republic of Iran. But make no mistake about it: The Biden administration is sitting even yet today in Vienna negotiating with the very regime that is underwriting terror against America’s ally Israel. How crazy is that to say ‘we’re going to make a deal with you where you can have billions of dollars and you can now have the money that you need to buy replacement missiles and replacement rockets for those that are being flown in from Gaza into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.’ You should note, too, Hezbollah is watching as well. The Shia militias in Iraq that are underwritten by the Iranians are watching as well. If you can attack Israel, why not the American embassy in Baghdad? If you can attack from the west why not from the north—from Hezbollah—attack Israel? If the administration doesn’t make clear that the Iranians will pay a price for this terror, then you’re going to green light their willingness to do so. Real costs—real costs—need to be imposed on the Iranian regime for these attacks coming out of Gaza. If not, the Iranians will feel like they are free to move about the cabin and that will end badly—and it will end badly for the United States of America, too, not only in higher energy prices, but by ultimately if this really comes off the rails, incredible demands for young American men and women to go and fight in these far-off places. We said we weren’t going to let that happen. We didn’t and we established real deterrents against these adversaries.”
The Biden administration’s energy policies—from shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline, to banning oil drilling and natural gas exploration on federal lands, to the administration’s mishandling of the Colonial Pipeline hack—have caused real pains for Americans nationwide, too, Pompeo said.
“I was in North Dakota last week with a big gathering of folks who were producing American energy in the Bakken basin, in the Williston basin; these are real Americans busting their tail to produce real American energy that is affordable,” Pompeo said. “They talked about their families, their jobs, their churches, and the fact they had a pipeline shutdown and they have a Green New Deal that is going to regulate their ability to do this in a way that will make prohibitively expensive the work that they do and thereby threatening their jobs and their livelihoods. This matters to real Americans. You mentioned the ban in getting American energy off federal lands—a significant amount of this energy comes from federal lands. By the way, when it is done, it is done in a way that is environmentally friendly and clean. This is enormously costly. Certainly, for those workers and those who are the suppliers to those workers but also to every one of us who has to drive a car, who has to heat and cool our home, and uses electricity for ordinary purposes. Manufacturers in the United States of America who are operating in a highly energy-intensive environment, so the cost to produce manufactured goods in America goes up. But most of this has domestic, real ramifications for Americans.”
Pompeo said that while the negative domestic implications of the Biden energy policies are clear, there are also major national security concerns with what the president is doing. The former secretary of state said specifically the Chinese Communist Party loves what Biden is doing to undermine American energy interests.
“But as a national security matter, this is also devastating,” Pompeo said. “The Chinese Communist Party would love nothing better than to have the United States of America stop exporting energy. This is an enormous wealth creation opportunity for the United States and if we deny ourselves the opportunity to do it on some theory of a Green New Deal, the Chinese Communist Party will just simply give us the golf clap. They’ll applaud. When we reentered the Paris Climate Accords, who cheered the most loudly? Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping cheered because he has no intention of reducing their carbon footprint. They pop out a new coal-fired power plant once a month. They are going to grow on the backs—the Chinese Communist Party is going to grow their economy on the backs of the American worker, and that is a devastating indictment of the Biden administration’s weak foreign policy and reckless disregard for the American economy.”
Generally speaking, Pompeo also said the Chinese Communist Party senses weakness from the Biden administration as evidenced by the first summit between his successor, current Secretary of State Tony Blinken, and Chinese officials in Alaska a couple months ago. Pompeo said the Chinese Communist Party officials took a “jab” at Blinken to see if his actions would match his rhetoric.
“We can all identify weak spots in our adversaries,” Pompeo said. “The Chinese Communist Party has heard the rhetoric from the Biden administration on China. Frankly, the language from Secretary Blinken has been pretty good. But like any fight, your plan—your strategy—only lasts until you get hit in the face at which point you got to make a decision. Are you prepared to fight or are you going to cower in the corner? I assure you, the Chinese Communist Party is going to come hit America in the face because they’re going to want to see if the Biden administration is prepared to respond. That initial meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, was the shot across the bow. It was the first—it wasn’t even a punch, it was a jab measuring, it was a jab from the Chinese Communist Party to see if President Biden is going to return to the weak foreign policy that doesn’t protect Americans, that doesn’t protect jobs, that Obama-Biden had for eight years.”
The weakness and lack of resolve from the Biden administration has also, Pompeo said, unleashed a wave of migrants surging across the United States’ southern border. Pompeo explained that Biden’s decision—for which there was no logic other than purely political undoing of Trump successes—to end “Remain in Mexico” and bring back “catch and release” on the southern border has created historic surges of migration from central America.
“Weakness begets war and strength deters. You could certainly say that on our border as well,” Pompeo said. “We have weak enforcement of our laws. We have an immigration system that is made up of laws. When you refuse to enforce them—or even worse, signal to people in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, that you are welcome here to come up and violate our laws and this is what you’re going to get, you’re going to get chaos. You’re going to get an enormous humanitarian crisis. You’re going to get a very real national security crisis. You’re going to see unprecedented levels of chemicals—fentanyl, drugs—coming across our border as well, destroying the lives and families of Americans all across our country.”
The Trump administration, on the other hand, was according to Pompeo committed to a vision of sovereignty along the border and protecting American workers first when it came to immigration policy. The Biden administration, he said, ripped that up for unknown reasons—the consequences of Biden’s policies have barely begun revealing themselves to American citizens.
“We in the Trump administration understood that President Trump’s commitment to ‘build the wall’ was about broadly defining American sovereignty to protect the American people and make sure American workers got jobs in the first instance, those well-paying jobs,” Pompeo said. “This administration undid that. I don’t know why they chose to undo that. It’s almost like it was a reckless indifference or an intention to just undo anything that Trump or Pompeo had done. We had negotiated—I had negotiated along with Pat Cipollone—we had negotiated with the Mexicans to deliver a policy to turn the magnet off. It was called ‘Remain in Mexico.’ That policy mattered. It told people: ‘Don’t travel through Mexico and put your life and the life of your children at risk because you’re not going to get to stay here in the United States unless you have a valid asylum claim.’ When we did that, everyone could see we were serious about enforcing the policy. It worked. It secured our southern border. Then the Biden administration came in and just ripped it up. There was a real sense that the Biden administration would be weak on the border and when he put Vice President Harris in charge of that, I think that we reinforced. That was the president saying ‘hey, it’s not my problem and I’m just going to hand it off to the Vice President.’ I think that the border crisis that the people of Texas and Arizona and California are feeling today and that we will all feel here in the United States before too long is a direct result of their refusal to simply stay the course and enforce the very same policy the Trump administration put in place.”
Pompeo also ripped Vice President Kamala Harris for failure to step up and do the job that Biden delegated to her—which was to solve the border crisis.
“I was asked the other day about how Vice President Harris said the other day something to the effect of ‘this is going to take real time for us to get this right,’ and my response was ‘you can do it in two seconds,” Pompeo said. “Simply restore the policies we had in place at noon on Jan. 20 and the magnet will be shut off just like that.’ Allow ICE and CBP to do their jobs, this won’t take long. We could get back to that place in a matter of days if not hours.”
When asked what he thinks of Harris refusing to go to the border—she has not for months and has no plans to do so—Pompeo said she is demonstrating a refusal to lead.
“My sense is she doesn’t want to own this crisis,” Pompeo said. “But that’s not how leaders lead. Leaders lead by accepting responsibility and fixing problems. The first step in that every time is to understand the problems and listening to those who are most directly impacted. The only way to do that is to get down there and hear from the people who are both working on the problem—our CBP officials and our ICE officials and the State Department people who are responsible for consular activity in the area as well. These are the people having to deal with this—and then there are the human beings who are affected by it as well, the ordinary citizens. So, yeah, if you don’t listen to them and understand it, I don’t understand how it is you get your head around it. I wish she would do that. But I would say one more thing. In the end, presidents are responsible. So you can’t delegate your responsibility. You can give authority to someone else to deal with it, but your responsibility sits in one place. It sits on the desk of the president of the United States and it’s his responsibility to address this crisis on our southern border.”
To top it all off, Pompeo said that the United States has serious economic woes brewing thanks to Biden’s policies. April’s jobs numbers came in much lower than expected, and inflation is on the rise, signaling concerns over the strengthening economy that Trump left Biden being squandered this early into the Biden administration. Biden’s unwillingness to admit enhanced unemployment benefits from the federal government—which were unprecedented before the pandemic—have added to businesses’ hardship in seeking employees. Pompeo also said “mixed messaging” from the Biden administration on public health measures is complicating reopening processes, and frustrating Americans coast-to-coast. Voters in Pennsylvania, for instance, just stripped Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf—a top Biden ally—of his emergency authorities at the ballot box this week, a sign of that growing unease with Democrats and Biden in particular.
“Let me add one more to this: The Biden administration’s mixed messaging when the science clearly indicates the country can reopen puts an incredible damper on travel where people aren’t going to see their family members and people aren’t headed back to movie theaters and restaurants all because you have the Biden administration wearing a mask in a room when it’s empty and signaling a very anti-science position with regard to this Wuhan virus,” Pompeo said. “Your point is well-taken with regard to this policy on unemployment. That which you subsidize you get more of. You subsidize people staying at home and not working, you give huge checks to people, the incentive system is skewed and people make rational decisions about whether they’re going to spend more time on leisure or more time at work. We need to go, and I hope every governor will go, and undo those unemployment policies that are denying businesses the opportunity to get back—both the opportunity to get back to work because it’s safe and people have been vaccinated and second require people to come back and no longer have the American taxpayer underwrite people staying at home when they are able-bodied and able to work.”
Pompeo advised Republicans in Congress, state legislatures nationwide, and governors around the country to fight as hard as they can against the Democrats and “never give an inch” on anything, period.
“Never give an inch,” Pompeo said when asked for his advice to Republicans. “This is a fight about the soul of America and what our nation is going to look like as it moves forward. You talked about a honeymoon of a hundred days. That makes no sense. I think the Trump administration got about a hundred hours. They came after us hard. This isn’t about being vindictive. This isn’t about being mean. This is about preserving our republic and protecting the United States from the liberal, progressive onslaught whether it’s as you mentioned the $6 trillion they intend to spend—that’s crazy money—you mentioned inflation which will undermine the poorest among us, people without means spend much more of their money on basics like food and energy and things that they need like buying paper and pencils and things they need for their kids to go to school. Inflation will gut their paychecks. The Republicans at every level—not just at the federal level in the Senate and the House, but state legislatures and governors across America—need to defend American workers. They need to support working class Americans all across this country. They need to get their states and their people back to work and back to school and when they do that we need to go fix our school system and make sure it is teaching the greatness of America not the idea that we were fundamentally racist when we were founded. It is untrue and to allow those kinds of ideas—the ideas at the center of critical race theory—into our schools undermines even further the ideas of hard work and family that we know have made this country so special.”
The good news, Pompeo said, is that the future is bright for the right. Republicans are five seats away from a U.S. House majority, and one seat away from a U.S. Senate majority. They also have a path right back into the White House in November 2024, especially if the left continues down the road Biden is taking the country. Pompeo is out campaigning with Republican candidates coast-to-coast in their quest to retake majorities in both chambers of Congress in the midterms, and said he believes conservative ideas will win the day in the end.
“I’m long on America. I believe that the conservative ideas I’ve been out fighting for for an awfully long time—it predates my time as a member of Congress, since I was a young soldier I don’t even want to tell you how long ago—our ideas are right,” Pompeo said. “They’re right for America. I think great swaths of the American people get it. I hear this all the time. They love the policies that we put forward from the four years we had the ability to push them. They truly do. They were things that gave them an opportunity. So, yes, I have been out campaigning for a bunch of candidates. I am going to keep doing that. We need to make sure that President Biden and their runway is as short as humanly possible so that conservatives get elected all across America. I am confident that is going to happen. This nation is not in decline. But we have to choose that. We have to execute that. We have to deliver that. So we need people who are fighting to never give an inch and who are acting in a way that will deliver good outcomes for ordinary Americans all across this country. I believe it will happen, we just need to all—those of us who are principled conservatives—do so in a way that is fearless and bold and articulate.”
Man that was a lot of reading this early in the morning, but good stuff Kevin...
ReplyDeleteI posted this on the last blog, doing it here just incase anyone gives a shit...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235, for me the good news is that After yesterday I don't have to see the Dermatology Doctor again for a whole year, Whoo Hoo... Born again... :):)
Good Deal Sarge!
DeleteGood morning to all!
DeleteThanks Gary, now if we can only get this Country back in shape..
Deletehugs Sarge - thanks for the good news.
DeleteThanks Rikki...
DeletePompeo is a great one. No doubt. The only thing I would disagree with him on is that this is all a failure by lyin biden. It's not.
ReplyDeleteIt's a success for the commies who are actually running the show behind the scenes. If you saw a clip of him giving a speech to the Coast Guard, you know this guy has no clue what's going on. Not a clue.
He reads what they hand him. He screwed up the joke that they stole from Reagan and then got mad at the audience for not applauding. I've seen the clip of Reagan originally telling that joke, and it was funny. And the audience laughed and applauded.
There are forces at work here that mean to destroy our country. They ran a senile old fart who appeared harmless. They launched a propaganda effort against President Trump like none ever seen before. The entire democrat/communist party worked it. Investigations, impeachments, lies. They put in a commie vice president who nobody wanted, nobody liked and couldn't even get enough votes to survive the first round of the democrat/communist primary.
The conspired with the Chicoms to unleash a global pandemic to shut down the economy and drive the American people crazy with fear. Then they falsely blamed Trump.
Then they stole the election. They changed laws illegally. They didn't count ballots. They counted millions of fake ballots. They let illegal aliens vote. They changed counts. They counted ballots in secret with no observers.
This is all happening because America has descended into a nation of greedy, envious, lazy people. Who think a government check is better than a job. Who have been taught for 60 years that communism was a great idea and capitalism is evil. They elect Marxists to congress. They just sit and wait for the next handout.
So they aren't failing. They are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. And this country is in for one hell of a wild ride the next few years.
Hang on. Buy guns and ammunition. As a wise man always says...BE PREPARED!!!
And the 35 RINO Republicans who backed pee-losey's big fake insurrection investigation of what was a peaceful demonstration should be primaried hard and run out of congress. They are traitors to their party, the country and the people. They are no better than the commies who created this situation in the first place.
ReplyDeleteAgreed 150% Kevin - Pompeo spoke how it is but unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears where the Dems (i.e. Communists) are concerned. Hoping for a very large turnout for the 2022 and 2024 elections to get these traitors out of Washington.
ReplyDeleteNothing new but the latest of the Communist Left... Terrorist loving Dems...
I've said we are about 1859 on the timeline to Civil War, but actually, we are about 1939 on the timeline for takeover of our country by Nazi fascists also known as the democrat/communist party. Attacks on Jewish people are happening constantly now, and the democrat controlled law enforcement agencies are ignoring it under orders from the people in charge.
ReplyDeletelooks like Oregon could be getting "smaller"....
Disgruntled Oregonians in five counties vote in favor of joining Idaho. What's next?
Here's why the GOP will never be able to take this country back.
ReplyDeleteThirty-five House Republicans voted for the legislation, even though House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) came out against the bill. He criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for not negotiating in good faith.
The 35 House Republicans who voted for the bill reportedly include:
Tom Rice (R-SC)
Dan Newhouse (R-WA)
Cliff Bentz (R-OR)
Tom Reed (R-NY)
Peter Meijer (R-MI)
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
John Katko (R-NY)
Dusty Johnson (R-SD)
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH)
Jamie Herrera Beutler (R-WA)
Chris Jacobs (R-NY)
Steve Womack (R-AR)
Stephanie Bice (R-OK)
Andrew Garbarino (R-NY)
Liz Cheney (R-WY)
David Valadao (R-CA)
Chris Smith (R-NJ)
Fred Upton (R-MI)
Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA)
Rodney Davis (R-IL)
Don Bacon (R-NE)
Van Taylor (R-TX)
Tony Gonzalez (R-TX)
Mike Simpson (R-ID)
Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL)
John Curtis (R-UT)
Michael Guest (R-MS)
French Hill (R-AR)
David Joyce (R-OH)
David McKinley (R-WV)
Blake Moore (R-UT)
Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN)
Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE)
Carlos Giminez (R-FL)
At least there wasnt a Ks vote.
The ten House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump also voted for the commission to investigate the riots on January 6.
ReplyDeleteGood night room 235.....
ReplyDeleteLets hear it for room 235, Yaaaaa! And Good morning all...
ReplyDeleteI say we are at about 1939 Germany in our timeline now. Members of our government openly attacking the Jewish people, lying about them, accusing them of crimes they are completely innocent of. The leader of our country standing by and allowing it to happen which is the same as endorsing it.
ReplyDeleteThe anti-semite democrat/communist party trying to cut off arms sales to Israel, hoping to leave them vulnerable to attack by islamic terrorists who are openly waging war against them.
Jews being singled out and violently attacked on our streets, with virtually no response while people stand by and watch.
The democrat/communist party waging jihad against the opposing party, not just to win the battle of ideas, but to destroy them. To eliminate them so they can have total power without resistance.
Totalitarian control of the media, with them operating as willing propaganda machines to cover up the crimes of the democrat/communist party, while promoting lies about the opposition.
Creating a fake "insurrection commission" to allegedly investigate the phony insurrection they claim happened on Jan 6, where a bunch of selfie taking peaceful protesters were let into the Capital by the Capital Police, not realizing it was a big mouse trap for them. Then left wing apparachiks created a riot so the commies could blame the peaceful protesters and set up an apparatus to go after anyone who opposes their dangerous agenda.
Anyone who thinks that was an "insurrection" doesn't know what an insurrection actually is.
Literally everything these commie rat bastards are doing is right out of Hitler's playbook. And they have fake Republicans helping them.
This is very bad stuff, friends.
Just remember, the only person murdered during the fake "insurrection" was Ashley Babbitt, a Trump supporter shot in the back by Capital Storm Troopers.
ReplyDeleteIf biden had been president in 1941 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor he probably would have demanded we deescalate our response so we could have peace. That's how stupid this moron is, and how much he hates this country. At least his handlers do. I don't think he could tell you what country he actually lives in. The only thing he actually decides is whether he has chocolate milk or regular after he reads a speech.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a good time to take a Nap....
ReplyDeleteHow about a reunion, at the Capital, on January 6th, 2022.
ReplyDeleteWe law-abiding citizens that were so terribly slandered can demand an apology.
If any one is bored and interested in reading some info on the Jan 6 DC rally.
Here is his article on what happened on Jan 6 2021
Skippey, those back shooting bastards would probably kill a few more next time around. Now they've got the narrative in place that it was some kind of phony "insurrection" that will give them the opportunity to open fire to prevent another one.
ReplyDeleteWhen the commies do stuff like this, it's not just to attack the event that's happening, it's to send a warning that this is what will happen if you try it again. Typical commie rat bastards tactics. That's why the Nazis went around executing citizens. Warning. More to come if you don't obey. And these people are following the Nazi lead very well.
They sent a warning. We'll shoot unarmed citizens in the back at the drop of a hat, and nothing will ever be done about it. So try it again, this time we'll back shoot a few more.
And keep in mind, they will have had a year to populate the ranks of the Stasi with their soldiers and they control the entire Justice dept so they can get away with it again.
Dirty back shooting nazi rat commie bastards.
The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
DeleteShe's looking very thirsty.
Thomas Jefferson
The commies are desperate to stop the audit of the Arizona election results. They have already found damaging evidence and it's getting a lot worse. The commies know what they did and they are scared shitless that they are about to get caught.
ReplyDeleteShit's getting real in Arizona. They are uncovering exactly what we have been claiming all along, and what President Trump is still holding to. This election was stolen.
Seizes $90K Capitol Rioter Earned From Selling Footage of Police Shooting Ashli Babbitt.
ReplyDeleteU.S. authorities have confiscated approximately $90,000 from Utah man John Earle Sullivan, who gained that money by selling footage of a woman being shot and killed during the January 6 attack on the Capitol.
Sullivan is facing eight criminal charges related to the riot, including weapons charges, violent entry, and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds
Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteLittle Johnny strikes again!!
ReplyDeleteThe kids filed into class Monday morning. They were all very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on salesmanship. Little Sally led off. “I sold Girl Scout cookies and I made $30” she said proudly, “my sales approach was to appeal to the customer’s civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success.” “Very good”, said the teacher.
Little Debbie was next. “I sold magazines” she said, “I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events.” “Very good, Debbie”, said the teacher.
Eventually, it was Little Johnny’s turn. The teacher held her breath. Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher’s desk. “$2,467”, he said. “$2,467!” cried the teacher, “What in the world were you selling?” Toothbrushes”, said Little Johnny. “Toothbrushes”, echoed the teacher, “How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?”
“I found the busiest corner in town,” said Little Johnny, “I set up a Dip & Chip stand and I gave everybody who walked by a free sample.” They all said the same thing, “Hey, this tastes like dog sh-t!” Then I would say, “It is dog sh-t. Wanna buy a toothbrush? I used the President Biden method of giving you some crap, dressing it up so it looks good, telling you it’s free and then making you pay to get the bad taste out of your mouth.”
Little Johnny got five stars for his assignment. Bless his heart!
LOL, Good one....
DeleteSo it looks like the democrat/communists are gearing up to end the filibuster, as promised. They are going to use as a tool the Jan 6 phony "insurrection" commission. The Republicans in the Senate are digging in their heels to stop it, as the damn well should. So it's looking like the democrat/communists are going to use that to end the filibuster, under the pretense that the Republicans are blocking an investigation into a phony event the commies created. They are going to continue the claim that this peaceful protest was the "greatest threat to our democracy in history". And that blocking it proves the Republicans were in on it from the start.
ReplyDeleteThis is truly third world dictatorship shit. Really. The whole thing is a fake. The democrat/communist operatives made that riot happen. They opened the doors, let in a bunch of peaceful protesters who took selfies and acted foolish. Then their operatives started the riot, which they are very good at since it's what they've been doing every day for over a year.
Then as planned, the commies turned it into something they could exploit along with the propaganda media. And now the plan is coming to fruition.
Remember, the only person murdered in that peaceful demonstration was Ashley Babbitt, a Trump supporter. She was shot in the back by a yet unnamed Stasi agent who will never be held accountable.
Commie rat bastards.
This guy grew up here where I live and lives not far from all of us Kansan's. A good detail read as this is what he gave the FBI when they came to interview him about the Jan 6 protest.
And if you're under the mistaken impression a commission would reveal the truth, might I point out the two impeachment trials, the three year long investigation into the phony hillary clinton created claim of Russian collusion and the many other "investigations" into President Trump that are going on to this day. Do any of those look fair? Or like they are trying to uncover the truth? Nope.
ReplyDeleteWe're seeing more and more commies defunding Police, cutting units and prosecuting officers more than they do criminals. That's leading to Police forces in democrat/communist cities being severely compromised and understaffed. Crime is soaring in these cities, while the Police forces are shrinking.
ReplyDeleteNow why do you suppose they would be doing that? Decimating our law enforcement while working hard to disarm ordinary non criminal citizens? Letting criminals out of jail and dismissing charges while keeping the peaceful demonstrators from the Capital protest in jail, many in solitary confinement? Flooding the country with illegal aliens, virtually all brought here by the drug cartels?
California is setting the pace, letting an additional 76,000 criminals out of jail while the crime rates are soaring.
Filling the streets with mentally ill drug addicted homeless criminals and allowing them to camp anywhere they choose.
This is the plan for America. Turn it into a third world country, replace our government with their communist version, disarm the citizens so we can't fight back and build an army of criminals and drug cartel members.
I'm telling you. This is the time. Buy guns and ammunition while you can. If you think they can't pull this off, if you think the Republicans can or even want to stop them, you are wrong. This country is in peril like it's never seen.
Chicago violence: 8 killed, 42 shot amid bloody weekend, Imagine that....
ReplyDeleteAshli Babbitt's family is suing the Capital Police over them shooting her in the back during the peaceful protest on Jan 6. So let's have one of those big public show trials, where the shooter is displayed for the public, his name revealed and every detail exposed. You know, like they do whenever some thug gets shot resisting arrest.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, she wasn't resisting arrest, didn't have a weapon of any kind and was participating in a peaceful protest as was her first amendment right. The Stasi let them in so they they could trap them and shoot somebody to set an example so any further peaceful protests supporting Donald Trump or are Pro American can know what to expect.
Oh to keep all posted and informed, tonight is Liver, potatoes and Onions, night.. I knew you all couldn't wait to hear that....:)
ReplyDeleteIf you left out the liver it might be edible. But the liver kills the deal. My wife makes our dog food for our dog, and she puts liver in it cause the dog likes it. So....
ReplyDeleteI am a good dog in her eyes' I guess.... :)
DeleteThe bwadee troll hole gets all excited when I talk about the Trump Supporter getting shot in the back at the Jan 6 peaceful protest. Something about his boyfriend shooting him in the back every night. Not sure what that means, but it sounds perverted.
ReplyDeleteLol, well you might be right, does sound perverted. He wears the title well.
DeleteWOW, some powerful truth in the article.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the truth is finally starting to come out about what many of us have believed for a very long time. Definite links to the pandemic starting in the China lab, stirring up concoctions to make a more potent virus to attack humans. Lab workers being exposed and likely being the first ones to carry and spread the disease, starting the pandemic, while the facts are hidden to the population. Very dangerous activity when done under less than totally safe conditions! Fausi, once again, changing his tune and now saying they should have a through investigation, when earlier in the year he had declared that the chance the virus came from the lab was almost non-existent and the MSM had declared the idea a conspiracy theory if you did not believe that it came from the "Wet market". Once again, no apologies, no retractions, etc. only going along with the current story because they never investigate anything and believe anything that Fausi and others spit out there.
ReplyDeleteBwadee the troll boy thanked me for mentioning him and his perverted practices with his boyfriend. Apparently he's quite proud of it. Sorry troll, you're still not posting. But by all means, post all the comments you want for us to delete.
ReplyDeleteGary, I am convinced now that this whole chinese flu was orchestrated between the Chicoms and the demcoms. They knew they didn't stand a chance of beating President Donald Trump. So they did it. They Chicoms were mad about the tariffs and the demcoms assured them if they helped unseat President Trump it would go back to business as usual. They already owned lyin biden so the rest is history.
ReplyDeleteIt didn't bother the Chicoms or the demcoms to murder a few million people, including their own citizens to accomplish their goals. The demcoms kill a million babies a year with abortion, so what's a few hundred thousand more? And the Chicoms murdered 35 million people during the Cultural Revolution so they have no qualms about killing people to accomplish their goals.
Two of a kind. Chicoms and demcoms. Anybody speak Chinese? Better learn now, get ahead of the purge.
Using Google translate, last year I posted here specifically about patient zero. It was discussed in the scientific community before the information was expunged.
ReplyDeletePatient zero, was the boyfriend of a female lab assistant. Funny thing is, he actually did shop at the market that got blamed. All part of a convenient cover up.
That information got me "hammered" on Twitter. Turns out, I was only speaking the truth.
Next, I posted information involving the entire population of the city of Wuhan being serology tested in April. This past summer again using Google translate, read a peer reviewed and studied scientific paper discussing the results of the Wuhan study. Two things were discovered - - - - -
Diagnostic covid testing was only 74% accurate. 1 in 4 was a false positive.
Asymptomatic patients did not spread Sars-cov2.
That information I'm sure will come back out. Meanwhile, I can't even give a like or DM a friend on Twitter. Sorry to my friends on Twitter.
Results in immediate suspension, and I'm sure it's worse if I go against the company line another time. It's my last account since I two stepped this one. So I just lurk and surveil...
Wonder if the pretentious petulant fake butt doc from DC ever translated those pieces of info? Probably not, he likes sucking the tit of Vox or New Republic I'm sure.
Later folks. Stay dry and safe.
He wont ever acknowledge any thing you or any conservative have info on. It would be against his pledge to his superiors.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay. At least today they are celebrating George Floyd's overdose in Minneapolis last year.
ReplyDeleteI think they even had cake and fireworks.
Not sure.
I had to work...
Aren't you just thrilled to death that all of the US world embassies are flying a "Black Lives Matter" flag, in honor of George Floyd! This shit just gets crazier and crazier! But the real question is where does all of the money that has been donated to the Black Lives Matter organization go to? Maybe a nice cut for the BLM organizers to allow them to buy expensive homes and the rest going to the Democratic party machine! Move on, Nothing to see here!
ReplyDeleteOk... this may be something to be leary of.... y'all check this out and if you want to.... what are your thoughts on this?
Hugh Kirkpatrick is wanting another translation of the Bible and dubbing it "God Bless the U.S.A. Bible"..... This guy is planning to use the King James Version (since it's not copywrited).
My thoughts on this….in skimming through the article on the Washington Times....
reading Christianity Today’s article “Why Christians Should be Troubled by the New “God Bless the USA Bible” Joining God’s Word and the founding political documents of a single nation together in one volume signals a divine endorsement of what we have no evidence of God endorsing.
Y’all...every fiber within me feels it is wrong to place the US Constitution on the equal level of God Almighty. That’s is idolatry!
God is sovereign – reference the 1st and 2nd of the Ten Commandments.
Revelation. 22:18-19 ; Deuteronomy 4:2 ; Deuteronomy 12:32 just some of the Bible verses warning about adding to / taking away from God’s word.
and in addition to my post is the link to this God Bless The USA Bible....
Easy to read
Two column format
Presentation page
Two ribbon markers
Words of Jesus in red
This bible lies flat when open
“Readable” founding USA documents that include
The Pledge of Allegiance
The US Constitution
The Declaration of Independence
The Bill of Rights
I still feel it's wrong to place the US Constitution...etc. on the same level as God Almighty!
signed Rikki
China Joe Biden is stopping mining for precious minerals in the US. He's going to import them instead. China is a huge producer of the minerals we need for all the technology we use. So once again, China wins. Thanks Joe. I know you and your family are getting rich from the Chicoms, but a lot of people are losing their jobs.
ReplyDeleteWhy do the democrat/communists hate working people so much? Seems like everything they do is meant to undermine the working people of this country. Stopping energy production, throwing thousands out of work. Stopping pipelines. Causing prices of everyday commodities to go up enormously. Inflation is here friends. Pretending it isn't won't stop it.
These commie rat bastards aren't going to rest until they destroy our society and replace it with a commie led government. Everything China joe biden does leading us there.
They demcoms keep talking about the Jan 6 peaceful protest where the only person murdered was a Trump supporter shot in the back, calling it an "insurrection". They keep trying to sell the idea that if these protestors got to the floor that they would effectively "take over" the government. Now anybody with an IQ above celery knows that's absolute bullshit.
ReplyDeleteHowever, you want to see an actual insurrection? Look no further than the democrat/communist theft of the 2020 election. They put a commie mouthpiece in as president and vice president. They have placed several hateful commies in congress. They are doing everything they can to destroy our free markets and our capitalist system. And doing it all from within our own government.
There's your insurrection. There's you coup. Not a bunch of peaceful protesters taking selfies and wandering around the halls of congress. A bunch of elected commies destroying our very government from inside. And all the while screaming and jumping up and down, waving their arms, spittle flying from their mouths claiming a small peaceful protest was something it wasn't, all the while supporting and encouraging riots and destruction and mayhem on our city streets. And shrinking our police forces, all the while trying desperately to get the last piece of the plan in place, to disarm us.
Goddamn commie rat bastards. If you are still voting democrat/communists then you support this bullshit and should be ashamed of yourself.
The reason the demcoms are so in love with George Floyd, a drug addict thug career criminal who died from a drug overdose while resisting arrest, is because he gave them cover to launch a year long plan of rioting, burning, looting, destruction, assault on cops and civilians and general mayhem. They needed a good excuse, and their Marxist tools the blm crowd (burn, loot and murder) went to work. Now we're flying the blm flags at our embassies. We might as well fly the white flat of surrender, because at this point in time they are winning.
ReplyDeleteBoy, the bwadee troll is fired up. Apparently he doesn't appreciate honest truthful discussion. He seems to think if he says enough profane and nasty things, we'll let him post.
ReplyDeleteSorry bwadee troll boy. Select all, delete. That's all it takes. You might as well not even exist as far as this blog is concerned. So post away, loser. They'll never be seen.
He's pretty pissed off. I just deleted another dozen. That is one mentally challenged individual. Posting that many comments nobody will ever read. Whatever!
ReplyDeleteSelect all, delete.
He is a lonely BOY!!
DeleteIt just amaze's me how any one person be so plain ass stupid. To keep posting knowing that not one piece of their post will ever be seen on the internet. Come on Dimm Witt In D C . You could just delete them your self and save you ass from showing. Butt your a butt Dr in DC so I guess that makes you think your some thing else. But your from Kansas and how will you ever live that down?
DeleteCan you imagine if that guy (or whatever he/she/it is!) is actually a doctor with real patients? Wow! How would you like "it" sticking it's fingers in your butt? While doing that, I'm sure "it" is telling the patient how "woke" "it" is and how ashamed "it" is of being White. Is that a right assumption Blue?
DeleteNice look, when the guy you want in charge of the ATF alphabet bois has been involved in every major scandel that department has had.
ReplyDeleteRuby ridge, Waco, Fast and Furious, etc...
Lot of kids died at Waco.
That guy ain't ready for the sitrep. And no concept of opsec, clearly.
That's why he is there. He doesn't know his rear end from a AR. He's another puppet.
ReplyDeleteSenate Republicans slam brakes on bill to create commission probing Capitol riot The legislation needed 60 votes Friday to overcome a GOP filibuster, but Republicans blocked the legislation from advancing during a procedural vote. The vote was 54 to 35. Just six Republicans joined with Democrats: Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Rob Portman of Ohio.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see an investigation into why that women was shot in the back. That is one that they should bring up.
ReplyDeletePlease add your name to our pre-written letter to your two Senators, telling them to keep their hands off our God-given right https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit?promo_id=12046
Fantastic news Skippey. We don't need another investigation, especially when its a weaponized faux investigation anyway.
ReplyDeleteBesides, the real insurrection happened in the streets last summer. Right?
Here's another one for ya. I don't do Fox. But this is up on Bonginoreport right now.
That piece of shit liar needs to be fired. I want him hanged. Firing is a good start. He lied to all of us, and has been caught three ways now.
The Republic should be served his head....
Hello and good morning...
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteMorning Buddy.
ReplyDeleteIf Roe gets before the Supreme Court, I don't think there's any doubt it would be overturned. It's a constitutional nightmare, and it provides for wrongful conduct. Murder of babies is wrongful conduct.
ReplyDeleteI think if they did the right thing, all hell would break loose. The commies would go absolutely apeshit. If you think you've seen crazy now, just wait for that to happen.
Thank you to the Republicans for growing enough balls to block the phony Jan 6 commission. So now the demcoms are lying their asses off about it, claiming a police officer was murdered by the peaceful protestors when in fact he died from a medical condition the next day, unrelated in any way to the peaceful demonstration. But they continue to use him as a prop to try to spread their filthy lies.
ReplyDeleteThis was never intended to be anything more than a show trial, where demcom after demcom would stand up and drone on and on about the bad orange man. They would tell more lies and repeat the same lies again and again. We've seen it every time this happens. It's political theater.
If they want to find the facts of what happened, how about finding what happened to Ashli Babbitt who was shot in the back by a yet unamend Stasi secret police on Pelosi's police force? When a cop anywhere else shoots a criminal who is a danger to them or others, their name is released immediately and they are accused of criminal behavior before any facts are known.
Well, Rolling Thunder rolled into DC again. These guys have been doing this for years, honoring the vets on Memorial Day. This year, for the first time this commie administration denied them a permit to gather in the Pentagon parking lot. Lyin biden hates the military, despite his pretending otherwise, giving phony speeches.
ReplyDeleteAnd he ignored the Rolling Thunder. Past Presidents, actual Presidents, not demented old perverts who are fronts for the commies who are actually running the show, met with them, and this commie rat bastard isn't.
Commie rat bastard. I'd be even angrier if I thought he even knew they were there. Nobody told him, and the only way he would go is if they promised him ice cream afterward, or if there were going to be a little girl sitting on the front row he could creep on.
This guy is a disgrace. The only reason I don't want him removed is we would have a really aggressive nasty full blown commie president. Of course the commies in charge are who runs everything but it would fulfill their plan so it couldn't be good.
Interesting fact. Previously, when he was campaigning, lyin biden told miners he favored domestic mining for rare metals used to build electric vehicles.
ReplyDeleteNow he is the acting pretend president, he is cancelling that and promoting importing precious minerals from overseas.
Let's see now, who is the primary supplier overseas? Why, of course. China.
And lying biden the pervert wants America converted to electric vehicles. Who profits the most from that?
Why, of course. China.
Bwadee the troll boy is going apeshit again. He reads everything I write and usually post almost immediately. Nice to know I'm living in his head and he reads America's Blog constantly. Maybe he'll learn something by accident.
ReplyDeleteTrolls gonna troll.
Lol, he knows only you can read it, or what little you do read of his crap, no one see's it click and poof deleted. hahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...