Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hang on to your asses, 2022 has arrived...

 I still remember this time last year welcoming in 2021.

No matter what, it had to be better than 2020, right?


For a whole host of reasons 2021 made 2020 look like child's play.

And even though day one of 2022 has been relatively quiet and uneventful it still has an eerie feel to it.

(Think of the guy disposing of the bodies as father time and the truck as 2022)

Yeah, it's kinda like that.

Buckle up.

Hang on to your asses.

2022 has arrived!!!

Kevin McGinty


  1. I am ready! Lets getter done....

  2. I never doubted that for a minute...

  3. Looks like the global warming has struck again it is 8 Degrees out but feels like -14, Good Grief..

  4. Replies
    1. Well something is up with this blogg or my PC. ???

  5. some comical stuff (giggles):

    Age 60 might be the new 40, but 9:00 pm is the new midnight.

    It's the start of a brand new day, and I'm off like a herd of turtles.

    The older I get, the earlier it gets late.

    I had my patience tested. I'm negative.

    Remember, if you lose a sock in the dryer, it comes back as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit any of your containers.

    I finally got eight hours of sleep. It took me three days, but whatever.

    I run like the winded.

    When someone asks what I did over the weekend, I squint and ask, "Why, what did you hear?"

    When you do squats, are your knees supposed to sound like a goat chewing on an aluminum can stuffed with celery?

    When I ask for directions, please don't use words like "east."

    Don't bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head. That'll freak you right out.

    Surprisingly, I can relate to most of these (giggles) but the one that really gets me is the last one.... can you imagine how inquiring minds would be if they spent 30 seconds in my head when I'm full of caffeine ? Especially Wild Mountain Blueberry oh yes, and also two cinnamon rolls slathered in icing... so I'd be on a sugar high and caffeine high.... (giggle giggle snicker snicker) rofl!

  6. Well looks like I am going to have to start all over again.

  7. Looks like Skipper can't connect to the Blog anyone have any Ideas?????

  8. Glad you got it cleared up skipper, You need to add to your one word reply's now...Lol

  9. Well I guess he didn't get it fixed, he keeps e-mail me says he gets cannot connect to the blog. It most likely is Biden's Fault.. Or maybe Kevin's.. LOL

  10. Replies
    1. You are coming in whats with the ????, doesn't your spell checker work? lol

  11. Guess the weather has something to do with it as my I P is out of Hays Ks

  12. What all that whinning for nothing, good grief, Lol

  13. I know it. maybe Kevin got tired of me crying and fixed it so everybody didnt have to put up with me.

  14. Lol... Wasn't me but I enjoyed every single minute of it...

  15. Good Grief you are running very late on being the 1st one....Lol But back at ya!!

    1. Sorry Gary I miss read that, it was your 1st one, Good grief I am one of the old farts I guess, who would have thought.

  16. President Trump endorses Derek Schmidt...

    See new Tweets
    Derek Schmidt
    Thank you, Mr. President. Kansas was better off with your America First leadership in the White House, and I'm genuinely grateful for your support as we work hard to bring pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-family, and pro-jobs policies to the Kansas governor’s office next year.

  17. Well a good time to close it down for tonight, stay warm bunker people. Good night.

  18. Good night Kevin and Linda, and bunker people...

  19. Good night Kevin and Linda, along with all bunker people... Had a error on first try..

  20. Goodnight Sarge. Big day tomorrow. Linda goes in for another scan.

  21. I hope the scan was a positive one!

  22. Civilizations throughout history have consistently dealt with the problem of zealots, but the greater threat is the existence of narcissists and psychopaths sneaking into positions of authority and encouraging zealotry among the masses. Generally, psychopaths are seen as an anomaly that is quickly identified and shunned in order to prevent them from climbing too high up the ladder of social influence. The problem is they are not as rare as one might hope and many of them have the ability to hide among the herd.

    Around 1 percent of any given population is made up of psychopaths while another 1 percent are sociopaths. Around 5 percent are identified as having narcissistic traits. Narcissists are self-absorbed and view themselves as superior to everyone else. They believe they are entitled to adoration and authority. Sociopaths have an inability to feel empathy for others and this makes them impractical as leaders. Psychopaths also exhibit a lack of empathy and superiority but also have a propensity for emotional or physical violence. They take joy in the suffering of others and make up a large percentage of violent crimes.

    Even though psychopaths are 1 percent of the population, they make up 15 percent to 25 percent of those incarcerated in prisons. The drag they exert on society cannot be overstated.

    There is definitely some overlap among the various types, but in general, close to 10 percent of human beings exhibit dangerous and mostly inherent psychological malfunctions that are often not treatable. Think about that for a moment. Ten out of every 100 people are ticking time bombs waiting to make life miserable for the rest of us.

  23. Our grocery store is showing lack of products. No milk yesterday, went back today and there were only a few gallons of milk in the cooler, only one carton of heavy cream, no half and half. No chicken at all. The pharmacy is backlogged. I called and complained about the poor service in the pharmacy. I had meds to pick up on the 1st and even though I called ahead to verify the scripts were filled, they were not ready. I was told the pharmacy is very short staffed and they cannot keep staff, people will work one or two weeks then they quit. I was told this is happening at most all pharmacies around town. Just a heads up, you never know when it might happen in Topeka.

    1. Our Wal Greens has been moving their pharmacists between three stores. The covid has them and the other people working on shortages. The store are like that around my town also. Had a women about knock me over getting a half gallon of milk. Then running into me with her cart. Its crazy out and I dont see it getting any better for a long time.
      And just something I can figure out. Last winter and this winter where are all the people that get the FLU at? I dont remember people getting the FLU like always comes around every winter. And even this year I haven't heard of one person I know coming down with the FLU. Makes me think there is something going on here that I just don't get. But what is it???

  24. Good night Kevin and Lady Linda, and Mrs Calabash where ever you are....

  25. As a Texan, I am embarrassed and horrified at the two Senators that I have voted for and that we have now. We talk about how California got what they voted for so I guess Texas got what it voted for. We have had these Senators for years. I have not always agreed with them but I thought they would at least uphold the constitution. Cornyn seems to be in with the Chamber of Commerce and good old boys. Now Cruz is with the Liz Cheney group. In the past, when Cornyn was running I just skipped over the box, but last time President Trump ask us to vote for him so I did. I only voted for Cruz in the last election that he was in because, once again President Trump asked us to. I am done with these two! No more voting to make someone else happy! I always felt dirty when I voted for someone that I didn’t think deserved my vote. I have learned my lesson!

  26. Cruz always seems to have me scratching my head over some of the things he does and says Rose! At one time, I think he is in 100% in being for the regular guy or gal, but then the next time he is saying really stupid sounding stuff like his comments the other day about the January 6 events last year! Like you say, he is in Liz Cheney's camp and I don't like her or her opinions at all! I feel the same way about Lindsey Graham. I think they are only Donald Trump allies as long as it seems to be an advantage to them. Otherwise not so much!
    Today, all we will hear about is the "INSURGENCY OF JANUARY 6TH, 2021! My God, that wimp Merrick Garland disgusts me! Thank God that he did not get on the Supreme Court but maybe he is more dangerous where he is at!
    What we are seeing is an attempted total take-over of OUR government by these idiotic stooges, and for the most part, the Republicans, who we would hope have our backs, appear to be doing absolutely nothing to take them down!
    The idea that the Democrats are putting out there is that they are the ones who are "trying to save our democracy" is so insane when you see what all they are trying to do, and the Republicans don't have the balls to stand up or speak up to them!
    My guess is that if the Republicans don't screw it up, they should win back the House and maybe even the Senate, but I'm afraid that it will be just like it was with Obama-care. They have the opportunity to do the right thing but no one actually has a plan to carry out re-establishing this government if they do win. They will just let thing ride until voters get disgusted with their lack of leader-ship and them not accomplishing anything productive for the real citizens of the country and it will eventually fall back to the same old story of how it worked before and how it will continue to work now!

  27. Well the Rino's running and hiding will no doubt happen. Their is a bunch of them that will turn their back just as they have done so far. They are scared to death Trump will come back to haunt them. I am sure Trump hasn't forgotten who was there for him. I always think of these people in DC as one big ole good boy club. They get their lovey dovey life style with health and retirement us ordinary people will never see. They will cut each others throat or anyone that even acts like they might want to turn against them. They know Trump has more backers than they could ever hope to get on their sides. That is something that really scares them all. US They know if Trump ups the anti they will go down fast. I dont see anything good coming for some time. These Rino's can win both places back. The big ??? is what will they do if they win? My guess is that there are several that will stab us and go with the Libs.

  28. Told you so

    Stephanie Grisham says group of ex-Trump officials to meet next week to discuss how to 'stop' him

  29. Here's a couple of good information for Jan 6

  30. Here's another good read. Rather long but very interesting.

    To sum it up a little bit.

    Students of FBI history should quickly absorb the lesson that infiltrating Feds are like roaches: whenever you spot one, it is guaranteed there are dozens of others nearby. Feds simply never, ever, operate alone. This is how you end up with at least 12 FBI informants in a tiny “right-wing” Michigan militia plot from October 2020 (that’s just informants, not even agents), 15 informants in the “right-wing” 2016 Malheur plot, dozens in the 2014 Bundy Ranch affair — including six FBI undercover agents posing as fake documentarians shooting a fake documentary — and the list goes on.

  31. Good morning Sarge. Another day is upon us...

  32. Lol, yup got to make the most of it I guess, stay warm...

  33. Got this last night. I'm pretty sure it's from our old buddy Blue.

    He still cracks me up how he just can't let go of the whole backward
    Kansas crap he loves to spew.

    Considering the massive democrat crime wave that's destroying every major American city I think I'll just stick with our boring little state.

    Let's see if we can have this conversation without turning it into another shit show...

  34. Ah never mind. Evidently while I was deleting the usual spam I must have deleted his delusions as well.

    No real loss. Just think of his usual nonsense and you can pretty much tell what he had to say...

    Kansas is backwards.

    Republicans are evil.

    And Democrats are wonderful.

  35. He even included a piece by none other than Chuck Todd listing all the wonderful accomplishments of Tapioca Joe.

    Chuck Todd?

    Come on Blue...

  36. For some reason ol Chuck failed to mention the southern border crisis, the failed Afganistan debacle, his broken promise to get the China virus under control, soaring murder rates all across the country, and Russia and China treating the greatest president that's ever lived like their personal little bitch...

  37. Good Grief, and you suffer through that crap...LOL And a good morning to room 235...

  38. Good morning Sarge.

    Actually I enjoyed reading his nonsense. It's a good reminder of what we're up against.

    He's either completely ignorant of what goes on outside the protective bubble he lives in or he's delusional.

    The real problem is that there are millions more just like him out there...

  39. Well crap I done went and forgot all about ole Dim Witt In DC. But I see that he is still the same ole Dimm Witt from DC that he was before. Feel sorry for his relatives here. Maybe he will help them out seeing as how he has moved on up the ladder and they are left holding his old baggage. Come on Ole D W show us that your not as big a POS that you seem to be.

  40. You have a way with ruining my day, Just the thought of Millions like him makes me want to puke! But so does Biden.. FJB

  41. Guys like Blue are the same that think it virtuous to treat blacks before whites on covid. Utah, Minnesota, NY. Check into it.

    Virtue is in your deeds, not words.

    Guys like him are why the world's fucked, and it won't change till idiots like him change, die, or leave. So smart, they are ignorant.
    But hey, he's a govt doc. Second rate. So take it for what it's worth from him.

  42. I had a DR who had worked for the VA and then went on his own tell me that any Dr worth a shit would leave the government and start his own practice. He said most Dr's that work for the government are either
    too lazy or too dumb and sometimes they are both. I bet that fits ole D W to a T

  43. Ole Blue and Chuck Todd. Now that's a pair! I'm sure that Chuck is probably Blue's primary source for all that is going on in DC! They are both delusional! Chuck has taken "Meet the Press" to new LOWS when it comes to a program that previously was a primary source of legitimate information coming out of DC and having real reporters that actually tried to report the real "FACTS"! Now, he has turned it into just another infomercial spreading the lies of the LEFT! It is to the point of there not being any debate allowed. It is their way and those who do not go along with it will be scorned and written off! They see it going to hell right before their eyes but cannot admit or even think that their ways might not be the best approach to running America! They are "all in" and will take themselves and everyone else down with it!

  44. Kevin, I hope Linda's scan came back with good results.

  45. New covid treatment takes race or ethnicity into account and puts them at top of list for treatment. If they really believe that these folks have been left behind as far as medical care goes, then they will already be in such poor shape as to be in need and at front of line anyway- no need to consider race or ethnicity in the process. Wonder how many of these so called left behinds are on Medicaid getting all their medical treatment free with no excuse for not getting proper care?

    I guess that means all those white crackers in congress as well as brain dead joe move to the back of the line?

  46. The hard part to take, is that these folks on the left are all Americans. Not in policy, but birth. They are my fellow Americans.

    They way things are, I can't do anything but let them go. I'm willing to have the conversations, but these folks are not. They will have to come to me(us).

    That's when things change.
    Or, they never do.

    They have to love America again, and not hate it any longer.
    Or else....

  47. Alec Baldwin is a perfect example of how the Left thinks and acts! He carelessly shoots and KILLS someone on the set of his own movie out of pure carelessness or stupidity. At first, he is so upset and wanting to support the family of the person he killed. But when it gets down to it, and they are trying to determine what exactly happened, all of the sudden he does not accept ANY of the blame for the death, saying someone screwed up but it certainly wasn't him! And he is the one who pulled the trigger! Now he is refusing to allow them to check his cell phone! The thing is, the Left, no matter what they have done, no matter how they may have failed or made very poor decisions, they will never apologize, they will never admit what they did or tried to do was wrong! Whether it is Alec Baldwin, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, or Hillary Clinton....None of them will ever admit that they screwed up, made a wrong decision, or caused someone to die! They will never apologize for the border crisis, for the Afghanistan withdrawl, for inflation, the economy....Absolutely NOTHING! They will blame and pass the mistake along to who ever they can, hoping that they can somehow blame Donald Trump for their mistakes!

  48. Now AOC has another take on things. She believes that all of the old white men just want to get her in bed and since she won't let them do that, they are all just picking on her! She is saying that they want to "date" her! I guess it is kind of like elementary school where she would get her pigtails pulled by boys who wanted to get her attention!
    Again, no responsibility about following the "rules" that the Left has put in place. She goes to Florida, of all places, and frolics and parties with NO MASK ON! Then she ends up getting COVID.
    Now I don't really have a problem with here wanting to go to Florida and having a good time, and not wearing a mask, but just don't be a hypocrite and expect everyone else to follow the rules that you and your Liberal friends have made for everyone else, but refuse to follow yourselves!

  49. Yes, the left has rules and principle which apply differently than for the rest of society. I think it always has been that way, but they made an attempt to somewhat hide it, not it is just screw you, we do what we want- not what we say.

  50. Whew... Spent most of the day at the cancer center today.

    I've been dreading it be because today we were to find out the results of last weeks scan.

    Turns out my worries were unfounded.

    Her doctor said it came back better than he was expecting. The original tumor is turning into scar tissue and it hasn't spread anywhere else.

    I can breathe again...

    1. I have had a bad day until now, that is great News Kevin, I am so happy for you both and the rest of the Clan...

    2. awesome news Kevin! Hugs to you and Linda.

  51. Good Morning and what a beautiful sunrise we have this morning.

  52. That is fantastic news Kevin and Linda! You have made my day!


    by Zachary Halaschak, Economics Reporter | January 13, 2022 06:30 AM

    Aggressive new California tax hike proposal could accelerate exodus from state

    Folks, the article is too long for me to clip and paste. Once upon a time, long, long ago - California was known to be the land of opportunity - especially during the Depression Era - folks packing up to move westward to travel the highways and byways across America for jobs, etc.

    Now, jeepers, on a spin of a dime (as a figure of speech) the tables have turned.

  54. It's nice to hear some good news Kevin. Glad things are looking up. May it continue for ya.

    Meanwhile, the world is just committed to getting crazier and crazier. I find myself being less emotionally angry about it, and gong through more Hoppes #9 than usual.
    Therapy, I guess.... Lol

    1. I heard that Hoppes is addictive ? Smell that smell? Lock and load

    2. Hmmm What happened to your other post Hammer?

    3. My guess is that it was deemed inappropriate. Censorship.

      Really I'm not sure, but it's not the first time...

    4. This one, probably isn't on Kevin. It's just the way the game is played.

      It doesn't bother me. And won't stop me.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Yhep You never know who is watching. Like the old saying of being careful of what you say as big brother is watching.
      Its like that guy from here where I live that was at the capital on Jan 6 and posted a count of what happened there. Then a guy he knows and went to school with from here up and turned him in to the FBI. Just because he didnt like his conservative views. And the guy was on his FB page as some one who he trusted. I have posted his documentary on here before but I can again if anyone is interested in reading it.
      So we all know that this blogg has been turned in to who knows.
      Like they say watch your back and be careful of who you talk to. We all are on the radar.

    7. Exactamondo, my friend.

      It will never make me fearful, but I will never lose sight of this reality.

  55. Good Grief my middle finger hurts now from given it to Biden on every lie he has put out on his one and only subject, what a lying Prick... FJB

  56. We have found out that Joe Biden is really not stupid. What a relief to find that out! We now know that he is simply BAT SHIT CRAZY!

  57. Political cartoon of the day: Frail rider

  58. My Rendition of the Prophetic 1965 speech by Paul Harvey.
    (If I Were The Devil)

  59. That one was put together by my son, the graphics... That is...

    1. So ole Joe is going to send every one a FREE COVID test kit to their homes. Now just exactly what does FREE meen?
      We all know there's no such thing as FREE. And when ole Joe says its FREE you know for sure that's a big LIE.
      Want to bet who's going to pay for all these kits? Why your insurance company of course. Who pays your insurance? Wait till you get your insurance bill.

    2. Biden's rule mandating free coverage for COVID test came with no warning, will take weeks to implement.

      Some health insurers say they will have trouble adapting to a new federal rule from the Biden administration requiring them to cover the costs of 8 at-home tests per month.

      The rule, which takes effect this Saturday, requires private insurers to cover the costs of in-home tests but a New York Times report this week says that many insurers aren’t in a position to meet those requirements in the short term.

  60. 'Corrupt' FBI should be 'eliminated' for statement on Texas synagogue hostage taker: Critics
    "The FBI is now an organization solely focused on destroying the domestic enemies of the Democratic Party," conservative talk radio show Jesse Kelly tweeted Sunday morning

    1. The BIG question is... How did this terrorist get into this country? How did he get to Texas? Was it a multi-hour plane ride from We England or multi-day walk from Mexico? Did he get a letter to show up later from ICE or a stamp on his passport?

    2. By rescinding Trumps executive order regarding foreign nationals.
      One of the first things Brandon did in office.

      They sent the FBI HRT's because they knew they had to quash this. Once they killed the "darker white skinned British national"? Yep, nothing to see here.

  61. And right on que. They screwed it up, and they have no way out in optics.
    Now the FBI admits its terrorism, what happened in the Texas synagogue.

    No shit, Sherlock...

  62. The Biden DOJ, his personal enforcers, have but one purpose - arrest or terrorize all white supremacist domestic terrorists, AKA, all Trump supporters, including white supremacists like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Rob Woodson, etc.

  63. We are not living in a sane world my Friend..


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...