Monday, February 7, 2022

Hope from the frozen north...


Like Hammer said in the last edition of this little blog of ours, there's plenty to be pissed off about nowadays.

I mean the insanity and chaos just never seems to end.

But that's the plan.

The chaos and never-ending bullshit being echoed from the roof tops is designed to overwhelm people.

It's to make you feel like there's no hope.

I call bullshit.

Fortunately more and more people are tuning out the communist supporting, left-wing mainstream media and the constant lies they spew.

They're tuning out the never-ending droning of of career politicians who wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit them in the ass.

Yes, I'm talking about democrats and republicans alike.

More and more people have had enough of it.

They're tired of being lied to.

They've grown weary of the endless government shut downs, government mandates, government forced vaccinations, social distancing, one variant after another with no end in sight.

There's this little thing these government asshole hadn't counted on.


It's not necessarily an American thing.

It's a human condition.

I wish I could claim that all humans long to be free to live their lives as they see fit but that's not always the case.

I see what I'm talking about just take a look at the way the lunatic left conduct themselves.

Most of them are more than content to live according to what their government overlords require of them.

But there's been a spark.

Here in America it was Donald Trump that lit and fanned the spark of freedom.

That spark is alive and well.

Up north in Canada it was the hard working Canadian trucker.

The spark of freedom those brave men and women started has grown to millions of supporters from one end of Canada to the other.

And once the people get the taste of their long lost freedom there's no turning back.

Trudeau and his leftist minions in the lap dog media can rant and rave all they want.

Let's see, they've tried calling them racists, bigots, misogynists, tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists who don't represent the Canadian people.

They've been accused of vandalism, stealing food from the homeless, and widespread violence.

Funny thing is those leveling these accusations haven't been able to come up anything credible to back up their stories.

Kinda reminds me of exactly what we have right here at home.

Leftists all play from the exact same play book.

And frankly, it's getting a little tired and worn out.

But like our old friend, Still Safe At Home used to say, " if that's all you got it's what you go with."

I have no idea haw this thing is going to play out but what I do know.

Is that Freedom will find a way...

Kevin McGinty


  1. Amen, everything well be alright... How do I know.. The Bible tells me so....

  2. When they say, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger", well I guess we are all going to be Supermen and Superwomen when we are done with all of this bull shit!

  3. Someone in our midst is having a birthday....

    Happy Birthday Sarge

    1. Well Good Grief! Thanks for the reminder Rikki, LOL

    2. Sarge how can I forget? Hugs.

  4. Happy Birthday Sarge! You haven't turned 40 yet, have you? I hope your day is just what you want it to be! Wild and crazy, Right?? :) Have a great one!

    1. Gary not yet, 3 more years to reach 40 twice God willing of course. Crazy is working fine Wild not so well. Damn the weather is nice tho... Thanks

  5. Linda wanted me to be sure to wish you a wonderful birthday, Sarge...

    Same goes with me...

    1. Thank you both, hope you both are enjoying the weather this week or two, I sure Linda will after being locked up so long, I am ready just to sit out for a hour or two. Enjoy

  6. Politicians are so frickin' stupid! And the people who keep voting for the same idiots year after year are even more stupid! whether they are Democrats or Republicans, foreign or domestic! Just look at Trudeau in Canada. And then here, we have Biden, who has been in political office for almost 1/2 a century, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schifft, the newest idiot, AOC and her band of merry Muslims, the Squad! On the Republican side, we have Liz Cheney, Adam Kisinger, Mitt Romney, and a whole shit bag full of Anti-Trumpers.
    If these last 2 years and the following 3 years do not wake people up to the fact that these politicians have no regard or commitment to the people who put them in office, and they continue to vote for these clueless bums, then there is really no hope for our country or the World!
    It has been determined that when you have absolutely no usable skills or intelligence, politics is the perfect place for you to get work! There are always enough people who will listen to the paid ads from people like George Soros and vote in the idiots that can be manipulated to do whatever the puppet masters have paid for and wish to happen!
    And, if the Republicans actually don't shoot themselves in the foot before the mid-terms and do take back the majority in either or both the House and Senate, they had better have a plan in place to fix all of the bullshit that the Biden Administration and these clueless bastards have changed and screwed up!
    Thank you for allowing me to rant and vent about the current situations and Crisis in our country and our world! Common sense is the only thing that will keep us from eventually self-destructing!

    1. Amen, darn good rant for sure, Facts are Facts..

  7. We can only see the aftereffects of the human experience of freedom in the great upheavals that occur when our societies become too rigid, too controlled and too authoritarian. Some will argue that tyrants have no concept of freedom, and this debunks the notion that it's an inherent psychological quality, but this is a misconception. Many tyrants love freedom, but only for themselves. Like any obsessive compulsive, when the average tyrant sees free movement within the rest of society all he sees is chaos that needs to be micro-managed. He is so mentally unhinged by the existence of independent activity that he is compelled to crush it and impose his brand of "order."

  8. If you want to understand the thinking process of the political left today, this is where you need to start. They believe only certain special people deserve to have freedom, and they are of course part of that group. The rest of us can't be trusted with freedom because we "think the wrong way," and so we need to be corralled and fenced in.

    This is not to say that some structure within society is wrong, it can be a good thing, but not when it is imposed by an elitist minority of psychopathic people. There will never be any justice within such a system, no fairness and no true progress. Authoritarianism is the opposite of progress; it is the antithesis, and yet these people call themselves "progressives."

  9. Freedom requires boldness and courage because it demands personal responsibility. When you are free to make your own decisions, you are also free to fail, and only you can be blamed for your own failures. This is a terrifying notion for most leftists and collectivists because they believe that they are owed a positive outcome regardless of their actions or merit. They believe it is their "right" to be taken care of by others if they are incapable of taking care of themselves, but this is not equality, this is "equity." This is stealing wealth and opportunity from more worthy people in order to artificially inflate others that put in little or no effort.

    Meritocracy is the most equal system in existence because it is freedom based; equality of opportunity is the epitome of fairness, equity of outcome is the epitome of injustice.

  10. Leftists hyperfocus on race, skin color and sexual identity for this very reason. They are desperately searching for a way to circumvent the obstacles of freedom and merit. If everything in society is based on race, then personal accomplishment and responsibility are no longer relevant. In the mind of the leftist, if certain people are inherently oppressed and others are inherently oppressive, then equality of opportunity is not enough, and equity of outcome must be enforced. Making everything about victim group status thereby erases freedom, and meritocracy cannot function. All a person needs to do is say "I am oppressed; therefore I am entitled," and if they meet the leftist criteria then they are handed a livelihood or success simply because they exist.

  11. He's doing a hell of a job handing out free crack pipes...

    1. Hell I bet Biden's Son has opened up shop selling crack pipes with a contract with our Government...FJB

  12. Slavery is a mere footnote in our past, not an all-encompassing determinant of our present and future as leftists like to argue. There is no legal slavery in America today, and there is no one alive today in America who has experienced race-based slavery or that has been affected by it. Slavery and racism were far more pervasive in nations of brown and black people in history. In fact, some of these countries still engage in various forms of slavery today. White people are not the problem, people who disrespect the benefits of freedom are the problem regardless of their skin color.

    What we need to understand is that race and oppression propaganda are not really rooted in race and oppression. They appeal to a certain subset of our population because it offers them a way to rationalize their lack of merit and their fears of freedom and consequence. If you can blame white people for all your problems and have this be believed, then the temptation to fail is increased because there are no consequences. Why work hard to make something of yourself if you can do nothing and be rewarded for it?

  13. The racism blame game is alluring to many in society because it can be used as a weapon to harm political enemies. When leftists complain about the evils of "white people" what they are really talking about are the "evils" of conservatives and others that do not conform to the leftist ideology. They rarely come right out and say it, but one day the documentaries will switch from Dear White People to Dear Conservatives. The fight has never been about race, it's always been about ideals and principles and eliminating the ideals leftists do not like. This is why they are consistently hostile to anyone conservative, even more so if that person is black.

    The leftist agenda is all about diminishing freedom and societal respect for freedom by whatever means necessary. Everything is about management, everything is about centralization, everything is about control. Conservatives and many moderates stand in direct opposition to this.

  14. Let the leftists continue with their draconian economic and political models and see how well that goes for them. I guarantee they will be in financial ruins within a decade (the list of most indebted places in the country is dominated by blue states) and they will be begging to return to a union with red states (except for the zealots, which would lose influence as they continue to fail).

    But this will not happen peacefully because, again, leftists cannot tolerate free activity. Their OCD will not allow them to be content with living in a collectivist state of their own; all states must be collectivist before they are satisfied. People are property to them; property of the collective, and people who are property cannot be allowed to make decisions without oversight.

    Unfortunately, the only path this leaves is one of violence. Leftists will have to be forced out of positions of power and influence and removed from our culture like a cancerous tumor is cut from the body to save the body. I don't think this should be the obvious choice. I don't want it to be. What I am saying is, leftists and their partners in government and the corporate world will force the issue because they cannot help it; like the story of the scorpion and the frog, it's in their nature to destroy.

    They will continue to push and steal and threaten and abuse until they get the inevitable response of a punch in the teeth. Then, they will play the victim like they always do. This crying and gaslighting will have to be ignored. In the end, these people cannot be tolerated in a free culture and their means of harming and enslaving others must be removed, one way or another. Just Saying...

  15. If you haven't noticed, the Democrats are now starting to take credit for shutting down the Rona, for doing away with the mask mandates, blaming the Conservatives for defunding the police. All of this while the Biden Administration is actually colluding with the Mexican Cartel in controlling the flow of illegals! Actually scheduling with them where, when, and how many illegals will be brought to the border and coordinating it to keep them moving without having to actually slow it down or stop it! This President is breaking Constitutional Law every single day of his administration and no one, not even the Republican legislature is doing anything to stop it! This is REAL motive and cause for the impeachment of a President!

    1. Yup Biden should be placed in jail for treason simple as that... FJB

  16. Well Kevin, I hardly think your up but good morning anyhow.

  17. Been up drinking coffee for about half an hour now.

    Woo hoo!!!

  18. Good Grief...I been up since 1230 Had a couple cups of chicken broth Woo Hoo!

  19. Well sleep aids are starting to work, so see you later my friend...

  20. The increasingly dangerous non-constitutional overreach of the Federal Government should alarm anyone. And yet, while some state legislatures and governors are working to stop the power theft (like Virginia's new governor Glenn Youngkin, much to the consternation of those who want complete Federal authority over everyone), many Libertarians and conservatives seem pacified by the current administration and congressional makeup.

    Civil liberty supporting liberals were alarmingly tolerant of war and overreaching surveillance under Obama, just as many people who considered Obama overreach a sign of tyranny supported a growth in government power under President Trump. And they all seem fine with the Biden administration's attempts at further ruling every aspect of our lives under the guise of COVID, "far-right" terrorism, or a "rise" in whatever bogeyman they can dream up to scare the populace.

    Fear and liberty haven't coexisted very well over the course of history. It doesn't matter whether we're talking about fear of government, fear of lawlessness, or fear of disease.

  21. Unfortunately, many of today's voting-age Americans have never even read the U.S. Constitution, which was written to prevent all of it. Apparently, most civics classes in public schools today dwell on other things. So far too many people have no clue how far their government has overreached and taken away their liberty.

    But here's the truth: The 10th Amendment states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, or prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

    Ever since the Southern states were prohibited from removing themselves from an alliance that no longer worked in their favor – an alliance they entered into voluntarily — the U.S. government has grown increasingly more powerful.

  22. Here's what has transpired since: During reconstruction the Republican Party centralized government, subsidized railroads, raised taxes on Southern property and businesses, then confiscated the property when taxes couldn't be paid and established an education system that taught a revisionist history of the run-up to and causes of the war. Then, in 1917 Congress established the Federal Reserve — a non-constitutional entity with the power to control the U.S. money supply — President Franklin Roosevelt pushed through New Deal provisions that further empowered the Federal Government while enriching certain constituencies, President Nixon further destroyed the dollar and monetary freedom by taking the U.S. off the gold standard, The U.S. declared multiple "wars" on its own citizens in the form of the war on drugs and then the privacy-destroying war on terror, and Presidents Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden have pushed through extra-constitutional spending bills that send spending into the ultra-stratosphere.

  23. Keep putting it out there Sarge. You're sending our troll straight into meltdown mode...🤣🤣🤣

  24. Does it then surprise anyone that the mood of many in our country reached a tipping point as a result, or that radio and TV talk shows are alive with voices proposing that America return to its constitutional roots? Tea Party activists denounced the growing government and were squashed and deplatformed by the establishment starting a decade ago, and here we are, right back in the same place.

    Unfortunately, many in America don't understand what all the hubbub is about. So, to help them understand, here are five talking points from the 10th Amendment Center:

    The People created the federal government to be their agent for certain enumerated purposes only. The rest is to be handled by the state governments, or locally, by the people themselves. The Constitution does not include a congressional power to override state laws. It does not give the judicial branch unlimited jurisdiction over all matters. It does not provide Congress with the power to legislate over everything.
    If Congress had been intended to carry out anything they claim would promote the "general welfare," what would be the point of listing its specific powers in Article I, Section 8, since these would've already been covered?
    The states remain individual and unique sovereignties; they were empowered in areas that the Constitution did not delegate to the federal government. Any federal attempt to legislate beyond the constitutional limits of Congress's authority is unconstitutional.
    Governments and political leaders are best held accountable to the will of the people when government is local. The people of a state know what is best for them; they do not need bureaucrats, potentially thousands of miles away, governing their lives.
    We agree with historian Kevin Gutzman, who has said that those who would give us a "living" Constitution are actually giving us a dead one since such a thing is completely unable to protect us against the encroachments of government power.
    If you want to first halt then reverse the tide of government overreach, pass these points around to your friends and send them to your state and U.S. representatives.

  25. Lol the best news I heard all day...

  26. Well just got done baking a batch of Super Bowl cookies.. and FJB

    1. I signed out and then signed back into Google and I guess its working??

  27. Good now if Sargjr can get back in were good to go.
    And by the way Happy B Day Sargejr
    Lost my IP so I am trying to learn how to do wifi with a new phone and hotspot . Using ATT and a new phone. This is about to drive be over the edge. Its not easy being old and living in a town that is still in the 70's. No internet in this town. The city leaders are to cheap to up grade so we can have good DSL.

  28. I was just checking skippy had problems earler then I did also, It is all Kevin fault.. LOL

  29. Good Grief hafe time is all black rappers and I could not understand one word of what was being said, waste of time half time.

  30. Oh I guess the troll would say I am racist for not understanding a different language...Sorry Not Asshole...

  31. A friend of mine and I were talking about not understanding the words to their raps. When I want to try to understand anything anymore on TV, I put on the Close Caption so that I can at least maybe get an idea of what is being said.
    Not that it really matters what they are saying because, I don't really care!

  32. Did you all see the rapper taking the knee during his show? What a bunch of shit. Guess the NFL is just going to be another BLM outfit.

  33. Although couched in altruistic terms in order to deceive the American people into buying the lie, all of the multi-trillion dollar government "stimulus" packages are used to reward corporatocracy — Wall Street, the banksters, large corporations that own American government and campaign donors of all stripes — not to stimulate recovery.

    Biden's multi-trillion dollar woke-frastructure bill, Trump's multi-trillion dollar stimulus package, as well as Obama and Bush's bailout packages were a myth. The stated reasons for these packages were myths. Any statements by politicians that they have concern for the American people are falsehoods.

    What we have is grand theft, grand fraud and grand deception. That is not a myth.

  34. The real issue is that the corptocratic empire is sucking the savings out of the American people by seductively watering down their U.S. dollar accounts with "direct payments," and "stimulus," and massive spending. There is no historical equal. You don't have to think back and remember $4-per-gallon gas prices from 15 years ago because inflation has brought them back.

    The greatest tragedy of all is that the American people — the victims of this financial massacre — somehow, someway believe that this rape and the transfer of their savings and retirement to the system is good for them, and good business. A more sober people would see this masquerade as a slaughter of their blood-bought assets and as no less than total war.

    But the political elites continue to pile on the spending. Can we not see how this has resulted in the price of groceries doubling, the price of gas rising constantly, the price of housing skyrocketing, and the price of used cars outpacing new? If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it must be inflation.

  35. The elite rulers of the world have a weakness. They use the same plans over and over. They change only names and propaganda. The people can't seem to follow the underlying threads because, like children, they get outfoxed by different names and camouflages.

    More than 44 million Americans are on food stamps. Half of all Americans get some form of government assistance. President Biden now wants to "forgive" all college loans and make even more things seemingly "free" that will actually be paid for by blood treasure stolen from regular Americans who borrowed the money to pay for college in the first place.

    So now even the whole world has been hoodwinked into supporting National Socialism under the name of "free." Do you think that Herr Hitler would love it? Put that in your fucking crack pipe Troll... hahahah

  36. The only difference in America and Europe is the sacred cow military-industrial complex, which must continue exponential growth in order to feed Pax Americana. Confidence in our government empire is at an all-time low as prices rise. More and more people are awake to the fact that the system has failed. Why? Because of the mass greed based on the rot of fiat currency. Fiat currency brings not only financial collapse but also the destruction of moral order.

    What's next? Only the mass realization that the financial system and the rule of law are no longer functioning properly.

    I have been accused of scaremongering for warning of the coming collapse and encouraging you to buy precious metals and stockpile food and water. But now, the mainstream media are catching on. When they admit that there is real inflation, you know the cat is out of the proverbial bag.

    So, what must one do? Get your selfs prepared, it is not to late Good Grief what is it going to take to get people moving?... Hear Me!

  37. One of the most important lessons to take away from financial crises is that you need to do careful planning for your own survival during the tough financial times and the deceptive practices of government.

    I'm convinced that you can protect yourself and even increase your wealth over the next several years as government stimulus schemes depreciate the value of the U.S. dollar... inflation goes through the roof... and the price of gold and Silver continues to skyrocket. So please think of great economic upheaval present rare opportunities to make life-altering decisions not possible at any other time!Good luck oh and FJB and the room 235 Troll hahahahaha.

  38. Not sure if I missed any of y'alls' comments on the Trump Media & Tech Group website, but here's the link.

    hugs, Rikki

  39. Good night Mrs Calabash where ever you are!!

  40. Worse than Watergate: What did Hillary Clinton and her campaign know, and when?

    Long article - so rather than clip and pasting it here, check out the article on the Washington Times website.

  41. In reference to my above post about Hillary Clinton and her campaign back when she lost fairly and squarely to Donald Trump....

    with all the crimes that the Democratic Party has committed (even on their own Democratic co-conspirators over the years) you'd think there'd be more crooked Democrats in jail....

    The Republicans need to get more than the energizer battery bunny to kick start their yapping about the crooked Democrats.... they need to get a larger power source to jump start their spines and get results in putting the crooked Democrats where they belong.

  42. They have so much on them but as long as the dems run the DOJ nothing will ever happen. She will walk and brag about it. No justice and the RINO's will kiss her butt.

  43. Skipper Good Grief, I won't be able to sleep tonight, with the thought of any thing Kissing Hillarys. Butt. Gess Skipper...

  44. Anybody remember the movie "Dave"? The corrupt President has a stroke and is on life support. The President's partners in crime find Dave, a dead ringer in looks for the President, to use as their puppet, while they try to get all of their corrupt policies through the legislature. Once Dave figures out what is going on, he uses his position to take out all of the corruption and restore the country for the sake of the citizens.
    Man, I wish we had a "Dave" right now to fill in for Biden! Wouldn't that be absolutely awesome and hilarious! I mean, after all, Biden is already "brain dead", so it would be a relief to everyone, except the crooks!

  45. Kevin roads are Ice, stay home if you can..

  46. Lol... Wish that was an option... Slipping and sliding baby!!!

  47. Well I tried to post on here off of my phone. But its a different g mail account and I cant get it to post. Looks like I may have to come out of the closet.

  48. It is disgusting just on the thought. Good Grief.

  49. The Truckers In Canada should tell that little Hitler that they will not deliver to or from Canada, see how that works out. How say you all??

  50. Yhep They need to do something. Shut him up and shut him down. Letting them steal their trucks, money, life and even children isnt going to get them squat. They need to just shut it down.

  51. The mainstream media give the impression that events in Ukraine are building on their own, and the United States is just responding to them. Just as when U.S. troops had been sent to the Jordan-Syria border in the event that violence there "escalates."

    The truth is the elites manipulate events there and have been for some time. Beginning with the Bushes in Iraq, continued by the President Barack Obama regime in Syria, furthered by the Trump administration in Iran and continuing with Biden and Russia.

    This is the reason to own gold and hard assets. Their prices rise with oil. Russia's and America's economies — and most of the world's — are bubble economies created with pure fiat or petro-fiat currency. Wars are used by the elites to cover currency collapse and generate wealth. That's why Washington is picking fights with oil-producing nations.

    If war comes, the banksters — as always — will seek to profit leaving everyone else unprotected, unless you are prepared. Just Saying....

  52. Propaganda is not something that you can take or leave. Constant bombardment of word patterns penetrates the consciousness, rearranging neuron structure. It is an electro-chemical reaction that dehumanizes the human ego. The result is that man no longer thinks for himself. He thinks the thoughts disseminated to the group. Even though he may not be totally transformed, group thoughts and group dynamics dominate.

    This is the esoteric system of American psychiatry. In modern America, if one has an ego, he has a disease that requires treatment. If he questions the mainstream, he is sick, he is "anti-social" and accused of wrong think. He's a "right-wing fanatic."

    Folks, we have reached the totalitarian regime foreshadowed in George Orwell's 1984, where all that we do is watched and where even our thoughts have become crimes. We are guilty of wrong think should we wonder, imagine, question, probe, research, disbelieve, or think in any contrarian manner.

    Being antiwar or supportive of free speech or even just sort of generally chill and forgiving — all part of the liberal's basic toolkit, once — can inspire accusations of rightist treachery.

  53. This is a tactic by a political mainstream so desperate to control what people say and think that it refuses to concede there's even a word for legitimate disagreement with its dictates. As stupid as mainstream press people are in general, this specific stratagem is clever. First, it provides a massive disincentive for left-liberal thinkers to step an inch outside conventional thinking…

    No matter what, it's definitely true now that anyone who disagrees with the standard line on anything, from Russiagate to intervention in Syria or Ukraine to whether or not Anthony Fauci lied a time or five, can sooner or later expect to wake up wearing the wrong think tag.

  54. Mass education was designed to turn independent farmers into docile, passive tools of production. That was its primary purpose. And don't think people didn't know it. They knew it and they fought against it. There was a lot of resistance to mass education for exactly that reason. It was also understood by the elites.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson observed that political leaders call for popular education because they fear that "This country is filling up with thousands and millions of voters, and you must educate them to keep them from our throats."

    If they aren't "educated" in the right way, they're going to take back control — "they" being what Alexander Hamilton called the 'great beast,' namely the people. The freer a society gets, the more dangerous the great beast becomes and the more the elites wish to put it back in its cage. I for one want to Be a dangerous beast. Hear Me! And Plus a lot younger... :):)

  55. Happy Birthday to you Linda.
    Hugs, Rikki

  56. Late Linda, wishing you a great day and many many more...:):)


    Prosecutors in criminal case against Trump resign over doubts in case
    By Victor Morton - The Washington Times - Updated: 3:35 p.m. on Wednesday, February 23, 2022

  58. Malwarebytes must not like your site, maybe this is a case of only liberal views may pass their review. Below is what Malwarebytes Browser Guard says to your blog, yet other blogs on they don't give this message.

    Website blocked due to trojan

    Website blocked:
    Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain malware activity.
    We strongly recommend you do not continue.

    There is really more on their screen, but this isn't letting me paste the whole picture.

  59. Good Grief, maybe that is why my computer has been acting up the last few days, I had to run my MacKeeper twice this week and ScanGuard once.


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...