Thursday, February 24, 2022

The consequences of stolen elections...

 Before we even get started today I'm just going to throw out a great big fuck you to our resident, bottom feeding troll.

Because he obsesses over every single word that written here I suspect he'll try to respond within minutes of today's edition of Room 235 being posted.

He claims he didn't vote for the pathetic bastard the left installed as president but we all know he's a fucking liar so there's that.

Anyway, the world is about to find out exactly what things look like when America is perceived as weak, unreliable, and pathetic.

That's exactly what Tapioca Joe has given us.

Last night Russian President Putin officially launched what could easily be considered the start of World War 3.

It didn't have to happen this way.

The world has known for years Putin has had his eyes on Ukraine.

Instead of preparing for what we all knew was coming governments all over Europe and right here at home went into full appeasement (groveling) mode.

And all Putin had to do was wait.

He watched with amusement as the left turned what was once the greatest military force the world has ever seen into some bullshit leftwing social justice experiment.

By installing the wokest of the woke generals he could find, Biden has made a joke out of our armed forces.

These bastards are more worried about gays, transgenders, pronouns, and promoting racism than they ever were about the mission we all knew would one day come.

He got a first hand look at our resolve when he watched how we surrendered Afghanistan.

He watched as we intentionally abandoned hundreds of of Afghans who risked their lives helping us over there.

And he watched us as we left behind millions upon millions of dollars worth of advanced military equipment behind for the Taliban to use against us at a later time.

Evidently Putin figured since he got away with invading Crimea in 2014 when Obama was president and Tapioca Joe was stumbling around bumping into walls and sniffing little girls hair he has nothing to lose this time around.

I guess we'll see.

It's kind of funny watching all these woketards who've been groveling at Putins feet suddenly talking all tough.

By God, we'll impose the strongest sanctions the world has ever seen.

We'll run to the United Nations and babble on about how this attack goes against all international law and norms.

Like Putin gives a shit what these weak-kneed fools think of him.

I'm not here today to offer up any solutions.

I have none.

What I do know is that this entire thing could have been prevented and it falls squarely on every single one of you who voted for this pathetic piece of shit currently and illegally occupying the White House.

One more thing.

Because the threat of a nuclear attack was issued from the very beginning of this opening attack I'd suggest, if you haven't already done so, getting right with God...

Kevin McGinty


  1. Remember how all that we heard, was that Trump was going to start a war somewhere? Remember how we heard that Trump was a puppet of Putin? Remember Joe saying that there was no way in hell that Putin would prefer Biden in office compared to Trump because he knew that Biden would kick his ass like he did Corn Pop? "I'm serious!" "That's no joke!" "Why we are going to put the toughest sanctions on Putin and Russia that they have ever seen!"
    Joe was going to be the adult that is back in the room! Give us all a break Joe! You and those that support you are worthless as tits on a Boar! Russia does not give a Flyin' Fuck about sanctions!
    Judging from what many who have been around Putin for a long time, many are saying that he is not the same Putin as before. I certainly hope it is wrong, but "what if" Putin has changed, either in his thinking or medically? What if he has decided that this might be his last "hurrah", and he doesn't think that the world has given him the proper respect that he deserves? What if, he has decided that if it comes to that, he just may start something in order to take it all with him? As long as his military supports him, he can get away with about anything that he wants because there is no one who has the balls to stop him, especially if he has the real threat of shooting off their nuclear arms if they think that they need to! He just may want to go out in "a blaze of glory"!
    I certainly hope that is not his train of thought!
    And, of course, we ALL KNOW, that all of this is Trumps fault anyway, don't we?

  2. All true, wouldn't have got this far with Trump still in charge. I hope all those folks that voted for brain dead joe are happy with the results. Now they will say the reason gas and food is high is Russia.
    BTW I got Malwarebytes to stop blocking your blog.

  3. Sanctions my ass Russia has been dealing with sanctions for years. Didnt mean or do anything to Puttin. What a bunch of BS and just wait till tonite when all the libtards start raving about great Ole joe is and how great a job hes doing. Only one thing Puttin understands. BLOOD War is not designed to be a bunch of finger pointing and sanctions. The poor people over there can try but they will not be able to over power Puttin. We all know that as they also know it. They will either have to give up right away or risk a war for ever and loose a lot of people in the process. When you go to war you go in to make life a living hell as you can. Make it so bad a hell that the other side gives up. Blood & Guts every where. Going to see a lot of this on tv in the coming days.

  4. Sanctions do nothing, Putin knew what sanctions would happen and doesn't care. Next the Chinese will be taking over Taiwan and who knows about Iran and North Korea ?

  5. From what I read the USA and Europe won't even put the more serious sanctions on Russia, example is no access to the SWIFT banking system. Maybe they are scared of what Russia would do or they would be hurt in their wallet, maybe both. Without access to SWIFT, Russia and its financial institutions would be effectively cut off from most international business transactions. For example, Russia would be unable to secure profits from international sales of its oil and gas production — deals that comprise more than 40% of the country’s revenue.

  6. There are a lot of people across this world that is in prayer praying to the Lord God Almighty, me included.

  7. Yhep Taiwan is nest. Ole Joe showed the world he is a phony. Dominoes will start to fall now that ole Joe has shown the world what he and his libtard friends are made out of. The honest libs will be hiding out hoping no one remembers them siding with the other libtards in the begining. But of course that wont be very many. Its going to get rough for the libtards.

  8. Good Grief!!! What a mess the liberal has gotten the world into...FJB and the Government DemOrats..

  9. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are allowing high-ranking Russian officials to use their the platforms to spread Russian propaganda and continue to have unrestrained access to their Instagram and Facebook accounts. Oh but they kick Trump off! Think about this when you use these products (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) by using them you are supporting their ability censor our former President, but let them spew lies by Russia, China, Iran and North Korea and warp the minds of idiots that can't think beyond what is on the internet. Which is a majority of folks under 30.

  10. What the Hell? Good Morning world...

  11. What a Mess Biden has done to this country...

  12. Been fighting a case of the flu for 3 days now, i hope it is the flu and not that other shit...

  13. You just take care of yourself regardless of what it is...

  14. Ya, glad I have a stock pile of box's of Kleenex, nose running faster than this old man can catch it.:):)

  15. Saw that. Yeah, the world is burning all around them and this is the kind of stupid shit they worry about...

  16. But hey, at least they don't send out any mean tweets...

  17. Anyone see price of gasoline today in Topeka, it went up .20 since I last notice. $3.49 Now that can't be blamed on Russia & Ukraine already. I think this is the gas companies seeing an opportunity to use Russia/Ukraine as an excuse waaaaay toooo early. Between Biden's policy and this new conflict we are going to see the highest prices ever? Well maybe that crazy Putin will just push the button, and then we will have other problems to deal with.

  18. Ah, remember just six years ago when you tried to argue that things had never been worse? I mean it's just hilarious how your memory works (or doesn't).

  19. I don't think I've ever said things couldn't get worse.

    Just look around.

    Things have gotten worse than anyone ever imagined.

    Fuck Joe Biden and everyone who voted for him...

  20. Oh,and Troll, the difference between this TV goof and you is that, for now, he's allowed to post here...

  21. Maybe if every post you attempt wasn't filled with grade school level name calling and personal attacks then we could have a conversation...

  22. Fuck the trolls and T.V Assholes, Plan and be Prepared... There are many reasons for stockpiling a one-year supply of food. The value of food commodities generally increases at the same rate as inflation. Money in the bank doesn't do that. Investing in 500 cans of tuna fish in your basement or dehydrated food that will last five to 10 years is a better bet than putting $350 in the bank.

    The most important reason to store food is that it comes in very handy in many situations. Whether it be a large emergency such as an earthquake, flood, volcano eruption, war, strike or economic crash, or something as personal as being laid off work, moving or helping other family members that are down and out or when cash is short, it is comforting to know that you can use your home grocery store to help buffer lean money times.

    If you had to live on what you had in your basement for an extended period of time, you would wish you had a well-rounded supply of food.

    Food stockpiling is one of the easiest and most vital measures a person could take. Yet, sadly, it is one of the last preparations on people's minds.

  23. I rest my case...

    But by all means keep your drivel coming...

  24. In general, most households do not have more than a one-week supply of food. Let's face it, as a nation, we rely almost totally on the supermarket and restaurants. It's convenient to order out and have food delivered, and this has driven people's reliance on food from outside the home even higher.

    During the pandemic, it was estimated that lockdowns, school closings (lost access to school meals), and failing food supply chains all contributed to food insecurity rates doubling among all households from February 2020 to May 2020. Even worse, food insecurity among households with children tripled in the same period.

    The Census Bureau found that 10 percent of all U.S. households are still having trouble finding food. Grocery store shelves can be quite sparse right now, and many items are out of stock when ordering online. And food has exploded in price. In the past five years, inflation on food has risen more than anything else has. Your best investment right now is storage food!

    If you ask any supermarket chain manager to tell you how long it would take to empty the shelves in any store in the event of a crisis, the answer would be approximately three days. They just don't keep that much in their warehouses (that's the "supply chain" — orders are only made as needed). And if there were a trucking problem... say, a blockade at the border between the U.S. and Canada? — it would be even fewer days.

    Just look at what happens when any weather event is imminent; People storm the grocery stores and buy anything they can get. The water is the first thing that goes, then bread, then everything else. Be prepared!!!! More now than last year, Just look at the world around us>>>Just Saying

  25. Don't worry Trolls I am only taking a break, hahahahahhahahhahahahah

  26. A hint that will help: Every time you go to the grocery store during good times, get two of each item that you normally buy and want to store. Put one away and use the other. It's a good idea to keep adding more and more of a variety of items to your home grocery store, so your diet won't be so bland. Good Luck! Okay moving on...

  27. i ve been doing that for years And the way the shelves are in stores you need to buy extra. Look at the shelves and think this wouldnt happen? Its not going to get any better soon. I always keep 5 gal of gas handy all year long. Like that ole buddy says Be Prepared

  28. Pretty glad to wake up this morning and find out we haven't been nuked...

  29. In my case I am glad to wake up... :):)

  30. Yeah....The confidence in our WORLD LEADERS deciding not to blow us up YET is so strong.....Right??? Let's see, we have a Psycho in Russia, a brain-dead Liberal in the United States, A wannabe Dictator in Canada, and someone who wants to be King of the World in China, not to mention all of the ayatollahs, Kings, Princes, terrorist leaders, etc. in other countries and regions!
    And all that MOST PEOPLE want to do is live, raise a family, have a good time with family and friends, and feel safe and secure in their homes, cities, and countries! Is that really too much to ask of these Ass-holes? Apparently so!

    1. Well Gary I am thinking some of those asshole in this country don't FEEL so safe right now, you know most of those pricks live in DC and if that Nut Putin hits the button it is headed for DC first... Just saying I do hope they are prepared.. They can only last so long in those safe bunkers they will be in, when they come out and there is nothing left, what are they going to do, slow death awaits them....

  31. Every dollar printed makes yours worth less. This is the meaning of that mystery term "stimulus" — the government/banker creation of trillions of dollars. But that's only the first part of what's happening. We have the massive creation of debt and "consumer credit." Magically, the banksters have allowed people to purchase without the need for money.

    Think about what this means... it means your current dollars are depreciating, and the future dollars that you will need to pay back what you have bought with credit will be even further watered-down. Ultimately, you will have to pay even more money — in nominal terms — because the future dollars you'll use to pay back the bank will be worth far less than they are right now.

    This is the secret behind debt slavery. Can I use the word Slavery now days?? Hummmm

  32. The "State of the Union" address by our POTUS tonight! That should be a real Barn Burner! Stating his accomplishments over the past year and the vision of where he wants the country to go next.

    Accomplishments: Equal 0 (Zero). Although he will say he has accomplished more in this one year than any other President. Maybe accomplished the most in destroying the country in the shortest amount of time! He certainly didn't "Build Anything Back Better" during that time!

    Vision: To turn the country into a Socialist, Marxist State. Help to start World War III and turn over control of the country to China.

    Who were all of those pundits and Never-Trumpers again who said that Donald J Trump was going to get us into wars, destroy our economy, and be a puppet for Putin? Oh Yeah....The same ones who are trying to now get us into a war, destroying our economy and dancing to the tune of Putin and China!

  33. I tried to listen for a little while. Could not stand it any longer and switched channels. No answers and no possible solutions for anything that he has already screwed up! If he hadn't done anything when he came into office, it would have been better if he just left things as they were! FJB!

  34. One area in which Americans have failed to remain secure is in the abandonment of the citizen militia, which is an element of the 2nd Amendment that is just as important as gun rights. For many decades we have allowed the now federalized National Guard to take the place of the militia system, which is completely unacceptable and not a viable replacement in any way. Luckily, there has been a resurgence of local organization in recent years, and though the "M word" has yet to make a major reappearance, this is what will inevitably happen as mainstream systems continue to fail, and people look to their own communities for safety.

    In Ukraine, there used to be a more concerted citizen call-up effort but again, this was a strictly centralized government affair. Today, as Russia invades, the Ukrainians don't even have basic measures in place. Their ability to hold off the Russians at all is predicated on American missile systems like the Javelin which are being steadily funneled into the Ukrainian military.

    Also, the methods which Ukrainian forces are using to ambush Russian tank columns are rather advanced, which suggests to me the possibility that there are outside military "advisers" (perhaps U.S. advisers) on the ground right now in Ukraine. The ambush tactics and the results look similar to training that is often given to Green Berets. If this is the case, it would be diplomatically disastrous if such adviser teams were ever discovered. FJB...

  35. The bottom line is this: If Ukraine had true self-defense rights and a militia system in place then Russia may not have been able to invade at all.

    I also find it interesting that the political left in the U.S., which has always been rabidly anti-gun rights for decades, is now cheering the prospect of the Ukrainian government arming civilians to fight a guerrilla war against the Russians. This reveals dangerous hypocrisy which conservatives have suspected for some time. Leftists are not necessarily "anti-gun," they are just anti-gun when it comes to any person that disagrees with their ideology. When crisis strikes, they become pro-gun, as long as they are the only people with guns.

    The Ukraine event sets an important example for conservatives and moderates in America in that it reinforces the reality that owning guns alone is not enough. Local organizations and public militias are the keys to the survival of a society under threat. In fact, public militias can even act as a deterrent to future attacks from without and from within.

    Finally, local organization requires time and training. It's not something you can slap together at the last minute and trying to form public security groups after an attack has already occurred will lead to failure. One thing that has always bothered me about the Hollywood notion of the Red Dawn scenario and tales of regular people networking to fight foreign invaders is that these types of groups rarely if ever actually get very far in real life. Rather, it’s the groups of people that were ready before the crisis happened that make the most difference. Like aways I say be prepared in advance. Have a great day it is going in the 80's today, good time to get your vitamin D. :):)

  36. One more thing...You seldom see prepared people portrayed in the movies. I suspect because mainstream society has been conditioned to view preparedness as militancy, and militancy as extremism. God forbid a person is labeled as "extremist," better to be apathetic and ineffective. It is always the people that step outside the artificial limitations of the mainstream that end up making a difference in the world, and it's always the people that conform that end up becoming refugee fodder and victims of the historic tides. The Ukrainians are paying the price right now for this kind of attitude, let’s not allow the same thing to happen here in America.

  37. So, apparently Joe has put Kamalla in charge of being the point person on the Ukraine/ Russia war! Quite a serious project for someone who apparently doesn't have a clue on how to analyze, discuss, and develop decisions on how to confront, cool off, mediate or solve major problems with other countries and people! Does it remind you of how she "handled" our southern border crisis?
    When ask to give her description and analysis of the conflict, she went into an explanation and description like she was a teacher of a kindergarten or first grade class, telling about it. So insulting to the average American Citizen! She, like many others in this government and this Administration, seem to think that the average citizen is not smart enough to determine what is going on without them spelling it out for us, and doing so in such an insulting manner! The woman is a totally incompetent idiot! And she thinks she wants to be President?? LOL!

  38. A little reminder of History which I for one still believe in..

    The Founders warned us about the dangers of overseas military engagements.

    In his farewell address, President George Washington said, "Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course... Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalry, interest, humor or caprice?"

    Later, in a letter to Patrick Henry, he wrote:

    "My ardent desire is, and my aim has been ... to comply strictly with all our engagements foreign and domestic; but to keep the United States free from political connections with every other country. To see that they may be independent of all, and under the influence of none. In a word, I want an American character, that the powers of Europe may be convinced we act for ourselves and not for others; this, in my judgment, is the only way to be respected abroad and happy at home."

    And in a series of tracts called The American Crisis, Thomas Paine wrote: "Not all the treasures of the world, so far as I believe, could have induced me to support an offensive war, for I think it murder..."

    The Founders believed we should stay away from foreign entanglements and involve ourselves only in wars in which there was an expressed vital U.S. interest or in response to an attack.

    As you evaluate who you will support in the upcoming elections this year, ask yourself, which of the candidates demonstrates that he or she understands the proper use of the military as envisioned by the Founders? They didn't believe the U.S. should police the world, and we can certainly not afford it on behalf of the Banksters and the elites.

  39. The people have bought into the notion sold by these folks that wars are necessary to protect American freedoms and export democracy to regions that have known only oppression, often due to theocracy or totalitarianism. Americans have suffered the expenses of nation building under false notions pushed by warmongers and their accomplices in media.

    The mundanes are finally recognizing that decades of war have only led to the expansion of the intrusive spying apparatus, the growth of the surveillance state, and profligate spending of blood and treasure that ends up in the pockets of the Banksters. BL Just saying......

  40. Hey I am running out of ink here Gees...

  41. Lol... Don't worry Sarge. Trust me when I tell you our resident bottom feeding troll reads everything you post.

    He's tried posting 25 or 30 times in just the last couple of days mostly just to call you a whole slew of bad names.

    The guy's becoming a little more unstable by the day...

  42. Well your doing a fine upstanding job. Keep up the good work. I am sure ole Joe has seen your work and more than likely you will be getting some thing from him for all your trouble.
    And in other news for the day! What the same H is going on? Are we being led down a path of no return? Who, What are we to believe? Seems like there is way too much information coming out and seems like we the people may be getting a snow job. I am sure it will all come out sooner or later, but in the meantime I sure wish some one would get off their rear and out of their basement in Delaware. This joke and his so called whoe are going to take us into the twilight zone.

  43. Kevin, that is good news to hear at least the Troll is learning and lord knows he need to learn plenty..

    Hi Skipper....

  44. Hey Troll are you waiting on me? To bad I am busy... :)

  45. Good grief, our desperate, pathetic bottom feeder is completely losing his mind...

  46. Lol he didn't have much to lose... FJB

  47. The Dems are hoping that this war will save Joe Biden in the polls. They care more about that, than what Putin is doing to the Ukrainians!
    I'm pretty sure that the United States is going to get sucked into the shooting war before this is over. This sure looks like what could be the beginning of WWIII! Maybe it is already there!
    I just can't believe that no one has tried to take out that stalled convoy yet! What is the deal? Surely they can paint up some aircraft, in Ukrainian colors that will do the job. I know they say that the Ukrainian piolets are trained with the Russian aircraft but surely somebody can do the job!
    $3.89 gas today! Up another $.20/gal since just a few days ago when it was raised to $3.69 from $3.49. What kind of stupid in charge must he be to think it is better to buy fuel from Russia or Iran that to use our own resources of oil? FJB!!

    1. I ve been wondering that also Gary. Why ? They claim they have all kinds of anti tank, anti this, anti that. but they cant stop the supply convoy? Something stinks in Denmark about all this and it damn sure aint the cheese. I think there's more and something else we dont know about. And whether the libtards like it or not it will come out. Just when??

  48. Gas go's up and so does food, my preaching days are over, I told people this for years now, I rest my case...

    1. I ve always been and stocker upper. Even with my ammo. I can hold out on food for a good month or so. And as for the ammo ? Just depends on how many libtards want to try me out. I bet I can out last any libtard around.

  49. I don't see much difference in Putin and Biden One is a cold blooded killer for his country and one is a slow death killer not caring about his own country, you do the picking. F --k BOTH OF THEM, And you also Troll!

  50. I had a friend send me this. I havent gotten it all digested yet, so read it with a open mind.
    khzarian Mafia
    Here's another. Just keep your mind open if you read all of this stuff. It may be or it may not be.

  51. Just in case anyone missed this and needs a little excitement in their life or maybe wanting to see some new country.

  52. Hmmm???

  53. I got a few words to our Troll but have decided to wait until he is done whinnying don't want to waste them... Heheheh

  54. Has anyone one heard from SSAH? Or know how to get a hold of him...

  55. Bitcoin is in serious trouble.

    The recent crash could just be the beginning...

    Because the government is preparing a HUGE crackdown on cryptocurrencies.

    It all starts with Section 80603(b)(2) of the new infrastructure bill.

    This piece of legislation will allow the government to collect names, addresses, and transactions of anyone buying cryptocurrencies.

    Most people think this is just about taxing crypto traders — but this story is MUCH bigger.

    I expect this legislation to be the first step in a series of shocking events that will kill Bitcoin.

    Why should you care?

    Well, do you have a bank account? Collect Social Security? Get a paycheck?

    Then this hit job is going to impact you...

    Even if you don't have a single penny in Bitcoin!

  56. Well looks like ai will get to use my snowblower today, or maybe I will let global worming handle it. :):)

  57. Save your gas. Global warming will take care of it. Patience my friend

  58. Inflation rises 7.9% in February, hitting fresh 40-year high, how do like that Troll? FJB...

  59. The politics of fear have done their job and frightened Americans on a level almost no one alive has seen.

    The lapdog media are doing their job, too... every advertisement is a Kumbaya message of "sacrifice everything you have for the 'public good.'"

    Yes, you are not imagining things. They do want you to give over your life to the very government that caused the economic mess we're in.

    Shakespeare couldn't have written such a farce!

    There are, however, a select few folks who have avoided the circus and escaped to reality.

    They were forewarned of impending dangers that could have impacted their wealth.

    They've been afforded opportunities to better their lives.

    They've been thoroughly advised on how to protect their health through natural remedies they would rarely if ever heard about from a standard doctor.

    Who are these lucky folks?

  60. I wonder if our internet Dr is heading over to help out? Or more than likely he is just hiding out hoping no one will find him.

  61. It is going be hard for me to ever forget how Chicken Shit our so called leaders are in our Government..Good Grief! Just sitting on their asses watching people Murdered like they are, FJB

    1. I don't see what the big deal is. Putin isn't our bud so who cares what he thinks. I wonder if any country would let this go on if it was their people and on their land. I really think that these countries are afraid of Putin.
      I wonder just how many mercenaries are headed over there. I see where that Canadian sniper is going over.

  62. And then they LIE their A's off. More and more lies keep coming out all the time. From Trump/Russia to chemical labs hidden away. Just when is someone going to be held accountable for all the lies to the people.

  63. Sorry Troll I didn't post today, I didn't want to fill your head with Good information, I was worried you small head would blow up...I know it is filled to the top with Biden's lies. hahahahah FJB.

  64. Well Day 17 of the war, Good Grief...

  65. I'm just thankful we have such brilliant and capable leaders to see us through this potential mankind killing situation...

  66. Kevin Drone landing on your porch, Tuesday..

  67. The American economy is very much at risk of becoming infected by wartime volatility . Sure, there will be seemingly encouraging news now and then, which could fool some of the people some of the time. You know the rest.

    Where does that leave your financial health? Here are some thoughts.

    Hold 20 percent of your portfolio in cash to take advantage of buying opportunities. Going 100 percent cash and trying to time the market leaves you vulnerable to missing out. As well, keeping your money in banks and retirement funds accessible by the government and bankster thieves is a fool's errand. The wonder is why more people have not recognized the ripeness for theft — even through the fog of March Madness and "The Bachelor" — and even with the UK government wanting the power to seize crypto assets, countries seizing anything linked to Russians, The Canadian government confiscating accounts linked to the trucker protests and so forth.
    Invest excess cash in non-dollar money market funds or foreign equity portfolios and unload bonds whose rates are artificially low and prices artificially high. Look at the real inflationary price rise figures, not the ones presented by governments.
    Avoid emerging market ETFs and mutual funds. Rising interest rates will undercut corporate earnings in highly-leveraged emerging markets.
    Buy high-quality companies — blue chips that are solid and able to withstand economic turbulence. Companies involved with manufacturing and selling of food, beverages, tobacco, household products and personal care items. Proctor and Gamble has been one of the leading DOW companies in this area for years. Steer away from industrials and discretionary consumer sectors.
    Buy gold as the ultimate insurance policy. In 2000, it took only $280 to buy one ounce of gold. But 22 years of wars, massive government and money printing debased the dollar to where it takes almost $2,000 to buy one ounce of gold. Today it's a bit less, but will be going back up as Putin and the like keep buying reserves.

    1. But for those like most of us Silver is much more affordable...Just Saying....

  68. Some one is going to have to stand up to Putin. Just who it will be is a big????
    Its hard to believe that there isnt ONE person or country that will go in and stop this. What has happened to all those that died for and suffered to repeal this kind of Nazi tactics. All I hear is how these country leaders dont want to get Putin upset. I say to hell with Putin's emotions and we let all holy hell unleashed upon them.


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...