Sunday, March 13, 2022

Imagine if you will...

Imagine if you will, a world being run by insane people.

Hell, you don't have to imagine it. Just look around.

Just two short years ago America was energy independent.

Gas was under $2.00 a gallon.

Peace was spreading across The Middle East.

America was once again being respected and recognized as the world's leading super power.

The southern border was well on it's way to being under control.

Violent crime was down.

Petty crime was down.

The cops were respected.

The working American men and women finally had a voice again.

The Washington swamp was being exposed for what it is and being dealt with.

And what exactly do we have just a short year and a half after the communists got away with stealing the last presidential election?

World wide friggin chaos.

The pathetic old bastard they installed a president has been reduced to begging OPEC for oil as gas prices continue to explode.

Iran is just bidding it's time waiting for the chance to attack Israel.

The world laughs at us.

Millions upon millions of illegals have poured across our borders bringing who knows what kind of diseases along with their illegal drugs and gang members.

Assaults, murder, rape, car jackings, and petty theft have all exploded in cities all across this once great nation.

And unfortunately, once again the working men and women of this country are being screwed.

The DC Swamp in once again in full control of things.

I wish I had a few solutions to offer up here.

Have we past the tipping point?

I don't know.

What I do know is that my priorities have all changed in the last few months.

Right now my sole focus is taking care of my wife as she continues on her path to recovery.

Some days are good and other days, not so much.

It's not that I don't care what the rest of the world is doing.

I do.

The trouble is that there's nothing I can do about it.

I'll just keep on getting up and going to work every day and taking care of business for as long as I'm able to.

As far as the insane people running the rest of it. They can all kiss my ass...

Kevin McGinty


  1. Well Good night Mrs Calabash where ever you are!! And FJB...

  2. Pretty F'ed Up, is it! The more that you study it the super powerful and the super rich use the rest of us as a source of amusement, kind of like playing a game of chess, with we, the sub-class, as pawns in their game! When you have so much money and power, if you don't do something like this, life is just too boring!

  3. Kevin I sent a message on this blog right after you posted it, mostly direct at You and Linda one of my better ones, I must have not hit the Publish button, Dam Hell to get old, it was before I said good night, or maybe a few to many beers..LOL

  4. Yes Kevin thats It I can't seem to comment now...

  5. It's been acting a little sketchy lately...

  6. I don't like elitists. I don't like virtue signaling, let alone doing it for the sake of a smoke screen from some real shitty oppressive political policy.
    I do not stand with Ukraine, nor do I stand for Russia. I'd like some borders of our own.
    I stand as a pissed off American, and im tired of this shit. It didn't have to be this way. And since most Americans can't find their torches or pitchforks, and hate mean tweets?

    We have arrived. Here the fuck we are.
    Yee haaa.

  7. And you're exactly right, Hammer. It absolutely didn't have to be this way.

    Everything going on right now is self inflicted.

    No idea how it's going to play out...

  8. Gee I wonder how this will work out ? Maybe they got some good shit on her?Russia's foreign ministry says it has imposed sanctions on US President Joe Biden Hillary Clinton and Mr Biden's son Hunter.

  9. Kevin did the Drone land today?

  10. Linda wanted me to thank you for her and she already informed me we're having pork chops for dinner tomorrow...

  11. Okay what has Biden screwed up today? FJB

  12. He's just getting started. Stay tuned. But we all know that it will be something that any normal person couldn't screw up in 100 years.

  13. Well it was nice to see a real leader address Congress this morning, now it would be nice to see if our brain dead wimp Biden can step up.

  14. Biden is an empty shell of a man barely able to maintain a semblance of sanity, who do you think really runs the country?

    I have been saying a lot lately about how establishment elites and globalists actually benefit greatly from a stagflationary crisis, as long as they are able to divert blame to other sources and are not targeted for retribution by the public. Some of these benefits include a cover event for an agenda that the World Economic Forum calls the "Great Reset," which is essentially just another name for the "New World Order."

    Isn't it marvelous that the hailstorm of COVID fear porn that was bombarding Americans only a few months ago has now suddenly vanished? What happened? Well, the establishment was defeated, that's what happened. With conservatives and moderates in red states in the U.S. and in nations around the world fighting back against the mandates, the globalists must have realized the battle was lost. Suddenly all talk of vaccine passports and medical tyranny is gone. Imagine that!

  15. I realize there are some people out there that give the globalists too much credit and still argue the COVID scheme was some kind of success. These people are wrong. If you want to see what success looks like, go to China, where hundreds of millions are still suffering from lockdowns and no one can do anything without an up-to-date vaccine passport and QR code. In China, vax passports are also used for tracking the population as well as an element of their social credit scores. This is what the globalists wanted for all nations including the U.S., and they didn't get it. Therefore, it's on to the next crisis...

    The stagflation threat worries me more than any other for a number of reasons, and it's not just because of the potential for extreme poverty. As we all know, the strategy of "order out of chaos" is about creating enough desperation within a target population that the people are willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for a semblance of safety and normalcy. But what specific controls would the establishment seek out?

    Stagflation has the ability to trigger much higher prices in necessities, while it simultaneously drags GDP down along with wages, jobs, manufacturing, etc. There is also the very real threat of government price controls, which would suffocate production and reduce the supply of goods even further. There are two initiatives within the WEF's Great Reset agenda that parallel stagflation almost exactly and I predict we will be hearing about them often in the coming year.

  16. The truth, however, is that we already had UBI for a time in the form of "COVID stimulus checks." This helicopter money was funded by over $6 trillion in central bank fiat created from nothing, and then directly injected into citizen accounts. It was barely enough to live on by itself, but in conjunction with other welfare programs and unemployment checks, some people were living the easy life at home for well over a year.

    This small taste of UBI might have given people the wrong impression about such stimulus programs. By themselves, the COVID checks would not have been enough to keep people housed and fed; the standard of living for the average person would have to fall dramatically for UBI to work at all. Enter stagflation...

    With economic disaster already crushing our living standards, it could be easier for the establishment to lure the public into UBI. Along with communist-style price controls across the board (and a reduced population due to starvation and poverty), the public would be able to survive, but barely. There would no longer be such a thing as "personal wealth," only the scraps that governments and bankers are willing to throw people. On top of that, resistance to tyranny would be nearly impossible, because once the government becomes mommy and daddy as the only source of food and housing for the citizenry, they are far less likely to stand against any abuse the establishment wants to dish out.

    UBI is a candy-coated trap that breeds dependency in a population. Just Saying!!

  17. When price controls are implemented, manufacturing will implode further, because price controls mean producers of necessities will not be able to make much of a profit (or no profit at all). There will be no incentive to produce among the people that actually know how to produce, and these people are not easy to replace. The supply of goods will not be able to meet demand. Naturally, the government will take the opportunity to limit the number of goods any single person or family is allowed to purchase or stockpile through rationing cards.

    These kinds of measures have been used in the past, usually during wartime. But in this case, the rationing will be digital and permanent, and it will be designed to further control food and other goods as a means to prevent rebellion by the public. If you can't store more than a week's worth of necessities at any given time, then your ability to defy the government as they cut off your UBI is nonexistent unless you know how to live off the land. I think it's important that people within the liberty movement and outside of the liberty movement start thinking about the scale of the crisis we are facing. It's not just about economic disaster and adapting to the loss of supply chains and stable currencies, it's also about fighting back against the inevitable government response to the crisis. They will try to take advantage of people's pain and use it to lure those people into slavery. This cannot be allowed to happen.Good Grief, I think it might if we are not prepared.

  18. Okay Troll Go For It, Kevin has the day off and has plenty of time to delete your bullshit, I know you are biting at the Bit right now, to bad I will never see it... Hahahahahahaha

  19. SSAH, where the hell are you?? Gots to know..

  20. Someone has to say this and I guess it has to be me. This country is getting wrecked as we speak, and we’re busy sending $14 billion in foreign aid to another country. I do not want you to take this the wrong way. I support Ukraine and am truly hoping that they come out victorious in this war. I know they will, because God is on their side. That being said, we just handed $14 billion in foreign aid to a country historically plagued with corrupt governments and aren’t even allowed to question it.

    Our country is decaying right before our eyes. Have you been to our cities? Chicago and New York are practically war zones. No, we don’t have air raids going on, but we have citizens killing other citizens constantly. We’re $30 trillion in debt and allow our citizens to suffer constantly. When we got hit by the Chinese Virus, through no fault of our own, our government sent us a $600 check and there was much debate over that. They didn’t even want to. When Ukraine got invaded, it took Congress about 48 hours to authorize that spending package and send it over.

    Think about this: Ukraine took in $41.4 billion in taxes in 2019. We just gave them $14 billion. That’s 34% of their total tax revenue. Let that sink in.

    It didn’t stop there, just yesterday after Zelenskyy’s speech to Congress, Joe Biden authorized another $800,000,000 to be shipped over. So we’re nearly at $15 billion. We’ve printed $10 trillion in the past two years. IT IS ABSURD! Trust me I am Praying for them and Hope Putin bites the dust, But we also have a Country going to shit, do you think anyone would come to our Aid???

  21. The U.S. economy is in an intensifying inflationary recession that eventually will evolve into a hyperinflationary great depression. Hyperinflation could be experienced as early as 2010, if not before, and likely no more than a decade down the road. The U.S. government and Federal Reserve already have committed the system to this course through the easy politics of a bottomless pocketbook, the servicing of big-money special interests, and gross mismanagement.

    It is now a decade down the road, and this was written before the U.S. Congress passed and President Barack Obama and subsequently Donald Trump and now Joe Biden signed their multi-trillion-dollar economic stimulus bills into effect.

    The amount of money being spent is unprecedented in human history.

    So what will the enormous spending program do? It will push simple inflation (a continuing rise in prices due to an increased volume of money and credit relative to available goods and services) into hyperinflation.

    That's because fiat money implies by its definition that it self-destructs through depreciation (inflation). Anything that can be created to infinity with political incentive eventually becomes worthless. There are no exceptions. For paper money to work, its issue must be equal to the production of goods and services.

    Does anyone think that is the case today? Dream on, if you do.

  22. A currency collapse is progressing every day with each new dollar that is printed. Now is the time to realize it, rather than later when chaos reigns and everyone is trying to survive at the same time.

    We can't have wide open money printing and have a viable and strong currency at the same time. Again I would say dream on if you think so.

    So, what are our predictions? Long-dated Treasurys will show huge losses when interest rates begin to rise. In time, Treasury securities will reach "junk status," and in the long term all U.S. debt will become junk. This outcome is near.

    You may ask, why would the Federal government leave us vulnerable to such a dreadful occurrence as a spiraling crescendo of hyperinflation?"

    Does greed, corruption and general cluelessness sound like a good enough reason?

    Even at this time, Treasurys pay less than the rate of official inflation, never mind the unofficial inflation numbers. Millions of retired people are now experiencing a lower standard of living.Just Saying and FJB...

  23. Hey Troll am I getting under your skin today? hahahahahhhahahah To bad puke..

  24. Lol... He's losing his mind Sarge. You got him so flustered he's taken on another identity.

    No idea what he had to say nor do I care...

  25. Come on speak up i am holding back as long as I can...

  26. Anyone been keeping up with whats been going on with Tucker?

  27. Good Grief from good morning to good night, oh well good night room 235...

  28. Is this what's beginning? Who can know? We only have history to tell us what governments are capable of. We know the collapse is gradual, and so is the increased oppression.

    Collapse will reveal the illusion of government and so-called democracy. Politicians and bureaucrats have run and ruined the world with mass deception and manipulation. How is it that not everyone knows about this? MacArthur warned us, his former boss Eisenhower added his warning about the "military industrial complex" 10 years after MacArthur...

    Many people see the chaos and feel the economic oppression, but they refuse to believe the cause. Yet it is laid bare for all to see. By refusing to look, we are sanctioning anything and everything.

    Food is just one example. Allowing corporations to take control over the U.S. agriculture industry has engendered lower-quality food and the ruination of naturally occurring crops as genetically modified varieties take over. As a result, communities lack the ability to produce foodstuffs on their own, making them wholly dependent on the State in the event of societal distress and the disruption of modern food supply, as we can clearly see with empty store shelves and items out of stock constantly.

    As government continues in its effort to control every aspect of American life, a statement made by Henry Kissinger in 1970 sums up the reasoning behind taking food production out of the hands of small farms, "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."

  29. It came not from a politician, or a writer, or an analyst, or a reporter. This voice of warning that echoes to me from the now-distant past was written by General Douglas MacArthur about the United States during the Korean War:

    "It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear. While such an economy may produce a sense of seeming prosperity for the moment, it rests on an illusionary foundation of complete unreliability and renders among our political leaders almost a greater fear of peace than is their fear of war ... Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions — those institutions we proudly called the American way of life." -- Douglas MacArthur (Speech to the Michigan legislature, in Lansing, Michigan, May 15, 1952)

    That was almost exactly 70 years ago, yet things have not gotten better. They have gotten worse.

  30. Emergency Recommendations:

    Have some cash at home. Keep only enough money in the bank to cover about one month's worth of bills.
    Take delivery of long-term holding stock certificates if you have them. They are not tied to any broker. Your dividends will come straight to you.
    Have some pre-1964 silver coins at home.
    All major companies and the "too big to fail" banks are major derivative dealers. In these times small banks, credit unions and small brokers may be safer.
    Buy oil, energy and commodity-related assets/stocks, including stocks of gold and silver miners.
    Store gold coins safely at home, hidden, if you have the means.
    As always have basic food and water and guns and ammo stored at home.
    I think we are very close to an inflection point. There are still millions who are ignorant to what they must do. Yet if you're reading this Alert, then you are one of the few who are very concerned with the state of our country and are attempting to learn more.

    Becoming prepared for any scenario or event may seem like a daunting task when you consider the amount of time, effort and cost that would go into stockpiling what you need to last weeks or months. But taking small steps toward being prepared in your spare time can yield surprising results in just a matter of weeks...

    Oh this is for our favorite TROLL... Enjoy! hahahaha

  31. One more thing...Once you get a few things in place, you will likely notice that your efforts to prepare for the worst snowball into a lifestyle that will leave you and your family safe and ready for almost anything. and FJB

  32. Before I get into this, I need to reiterate that Neo-Con politicians are not conservatives. They never have been, and they never will be. They are fake conservatives that wear our ideals like a costume in order to infiltrate and influence. Political frauds like John McCain (good riddance), Lindsay Graham, Mike Pence, etc. claim to be on our side but consistently support leftist and globalist initiatives in the meantime, all while actively seeking to chip away at our constitutional rights.

    It's important to remember that it was these same Neo-Cons calling for U.S. involvement in Ukraine today that also demanded U.S. involvement in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East 20 years ago. Do you know that "War on Terror" that never ends and the search for "WMDs" that turned up nothing? Do you remember that? The Neo-Cons were primarily responsible for that. The irony of them demonizing Putin over his comparatively restrained invasion of Ukraine should not be lost on us.

    The invasion of Iraq alone resulted in around 200,000 civilian deaths according to official estimates. The war had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, WMDs, or any associations between Saddam Hussein and any terrorists. In fact, there was no direct rationale for the U.S. to be in Iraq at all. Yet, we are still there to this day after an aggressive regime change and years of fighting which destroyed a generation of Iraqis. Was there a massive global push to "cancel" the U.S. in retaliation? Nope. Actually, nothing happened.

    Even today, I have not heard a single media pundit bring up the point that accusing Russia of "war crimes" is hypocritical given the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the damage it caused. Why is no one talking about this?

  33. Frankly, I believe that all modern militaries are overrated in terms of effectiveness. Reliance on technology has pervaded the new military ethos and made them soft. This includes the U.S. military which just spent nearly 20 years fighting a war in Afghanistan with top-tier drone technology at their disposal, and to no avail. Russia's military is closest to the U.S. in terms of technological advantages, but I think a lot of people have watched far too many movies when it comes to war and their expectations of how an invasion is implemented.

    Invasions are usually not successful in a few weeks. They take time. Why is the media and the White House claiming Russia has been cut off from the world? Again, I suspect this narrative is only for the benefit of conning the western masses into a false sense of security. They are trying to make people feel safe in the notion that international "cancel culture" is working when cancel culture is actually a pathetic and impotent strategy used by collectivists and cowards in order to avoid real confrontation while imagining they have power.

    U.S. sanctions on Russian oil are causing high gas prices and Putin is to blame?

    Uh, no. This claim is nonsense. Gas prices were rising well before the invasion of Ukraine, and the Federal Reserve is mostly to blame due to its constant fiat money creation and trillions in stimulus measures that have devalued the dollar. Any economist that argues otherwise is either an idiot or a liar and I'm happy to debunk them.

    Official U.S. inflation hit 40-year highs in December of last year. Russian oil makes up only 3 percent of U.S. crude imports. The media and the White House continually lie about the effects of sanctions and try to divert attention over to Russia.

    That said, there's something else the media does not talk about much, which is Europe's reliance on Russian oil and natural gas. If you want to see actual price inflation caused by Russia, let the EU ban Russian oil imports, or watch as Putin cuts off the supply. Europe is dependent on Russian oil and gas for about 40 percent of overall energy production. They cannot even survive a single year without it. If Russia retaliated and blocked energy exports to Europe, the EU would have to siphon oil from many other countries, reducing global supply dramatically. This would cause gas prices to explode to double or even triple current levels. How say you Troll, oh good grief you can't speak, to bad.. FJB

  34. Most of these disinformation campaigns in the media and by political officials from the White House to Neo-Cons in the GOP are obviously designed to accomplish one thing: American support for war with Russia. Frankly, Ukraine is not worth it. The displacement of refugees is saddening but war in general only ever serves the interests of globalists and power brokers. There are no "good guys" in this war.

    NATO involvement in Ukraine, including military involvement, has been pervasive for over a decade, well before the Russian invasion of Crimea. It's almost like Ukraine has been groomed as a powder keg for potential global war. Now, it appears the globalists are falling back on Plan B in a desperate play to distract the public from economic destruction. Putin is a part of it, Ukraine is a part of it, and certain NATO governments are a part of it. The real war is not with Russia; the real war is with the establishment elites that play both sides of the conflict. None of this will end until they are removed. Just saying no matter how one see's it this is one big Mess.

  35. No matter how you look at it, the reasons for war are generally so stupid! After all, how many actual citizens of ANY country would look at war as being a good thing to get involved in? Without knowing otherwise, we all would just go about our business, in our own country, and not even consider wanting to have a war with another country. After all, why would we?
    When you look at it, the only real reasons for war are brought on by the elite and people in charge of any country or territory. The only true reasons for it are making money and developing more power over the peons! Those that invest their money in war supplies do not do so because they think countries will stock it up but not use it. They make money from it because the countries use it and need it re-supplied, and not just for practice and training!
    Then, looking at Ukraine as an example, what normal Russian citizen would think it was a good idea to invade Ukraine, try to take it over, and destroy all that is already there? The idea is actually crazy! But, that is apparently what Putin, and Putin alone decided he wanted Russia to do, and since he has the power, and almost the only power in the country, that is what is happening! If someone dares to call him out on it, he has the power to have them destroyed because those that do the actual destroying are afraid that he will destroy them if they refuse to do his bidding. It is an endless and senseless circle that goes on and on.
    Basically, the same way here in the United States. Biden has power because our system has given it to him. We find out, using him for a prime example, that you do not have to be SMART or a good leader to get elected! You just have to have people that have money, that want things, to buy your way into power so that you will do what they say, then have a paid for media that is willing to put out their propaganda so that they convince you to vote for the idiot! The media is also used to put out propaganda that destroys their candidates opponent. And so, it goes on!

  36. Here you go lonely Troll...

    Remember the real history of Nazi Germany? The controlling political system was national socialism, known by the shortened German term "Nazism." Do you think the Russians throwing the term "Nazi" at Ukrainians know this? Of course not, since they are themselves national socialists.

    The Nazis came to power after Germany was flattened by World War I and penalized under economic sanctions by the Allies' Versailles Treaty that amounted to robbery and starvation. The sanctions were tough enough to guarantee the rise of another German "enemy" for the globalist, warmongering New World Order.

    This time, World War II depleted all of Europe, Russia and much of America of their youth and transferred their wealth to the international bankers.

    One of the keys to Germany's rise from the ashes after World War I was Hitler's adoption of capitalism for businesses, lashed together with Keynesian socialist spending by the new government. Does this sound familiar? This form of government is called fascism, a term derived from the fasces lictoriae, a symbol of power in ancient Rome. Today, it is currently represented by the U.S. Senate's symbol of the bundled fasces lashed together, an ancient symbol of raw, collectivist power, prominently displayed at the front of the Senate chamber.

    So that you do not think this is an isolated use of fascist symbolism from an otherwise benevolent government, here are some more examples of fascist iconography, pulled straight from the ultimate collectivist source, Wikipedia:

    The back of the pre-1945 Mercury Dime has fasces.
    There are fasces in the Oval Office, above the door leading to the exterior walkway, and above the corresponding door on the opposite wall, which leads to the president's private office.
    Two fasces were added behind the podium in the House of Representatives during a "remodeling" project in the 50s.
    The Mace of the United States House of Representatives resembles fasces.
    Fasces ring the base of the Statue of Freedom atop the United States Capitol building
    The facade of the Supreme Court building has a Roman centurion holding fasces.
    The National Guard seal and insignia both use fasces.
    Lincoln's seat in the Lincoln Memorial has fasces as do the memorial's pylons.
    The official seal of the United States Tax Court has fasces at its center.
    The seal of the United States Courts Administrative Office includes a fasces.
    In the Washington Monument, there is a statue of George Washington leaning on a fasces

  37. Fascism differs none at all from today's U.S. government, except that Americans have been programmed to call it "democracy." A democracy it is, then. Germans also democratically elected their fascists. They too called Nazi Germany "a great democracy." The North Koreans call their own fascist and authoritarian state "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea."

    Lest you think the U.S. is protected from "democracy" by the term "republic," recall that the Russian state under which Vladimir Putin was raised was called the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."

    All of these types of governments support the very fascism they purport to protest against. This is by stealth design, unseen by the masses, those for and against "the war," and is hidden by the media.

    The strategy for authoritarianism throughout the ages is to divide and conquer. All "public forums" are presented as opposing sides, or opposing politics, or opposing theology, or opposing morality.

    What few of us ever discern is that the good guys and the bad guys are the same guys. The good politicians and the bad politicians are the same politicians. The good religion and the bad religion is the same religion....Just Saying.

  38. Lol... I suspect he'll be trying to post within the next few minutes.

    I hate to tell you this Sarge but the guy's obsessed with you.

    Poor guy needs help...

    1. Lol oh well here is one more for the nut case.

      We cannot escape authoritarianism until our intellect overpowers spiritual and political deception. Eventually we get the great revelation that politics and religion are more alike than they are different. This is the master key and the essential ingredient. This is the key to understanding.

      The globalist plan is ancient: to absorb the West into the East, with no remnants of racial or religious identity remaining. You will evolve into nothing more than an expression of the state unless you shed their labels and use your own intellect to decipher the lies.

      Collectivism and altruism diminish individualism and transform the mind. Adolf Hitler used this concept to manipulate the German people into false patriotism and self-sacrifice.

      It will be deja vu all over again unless you ask yourself, and answer honestly, can we really be slaves and give our total allegiance to the state without being conscious of it? Can we support the New World Order without awareness? Yes. Madness comes without a label — it is time to wake up!!

  39. You are supposed to consider the Russians "evil" and the Ukrainians "good." But there are American biolabs in Ukraine. Joe Biden had shady dealings in Ukraine. The U.S. did get rid of a "pro-Russian" Ukrainian president. Is any of that "good"? Once we decipher the deceptiveness of labels that are so important to the global elite, we have a new awakening. Then, just about nobody can match wits with us.

    Then we can recognize the identity of all "sides" that make up the undertow of this globalist world colossus. Lo and behold stripped of their labels they become as one.

    Not one in 10 million looks for the likeness or sameness of issues. We do not look for the essential ingredient common to all politics and religion. But there is a mathematical and spiritual certainty that can liberate the mind from created myths. It is the axiom that, "Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other." An axiom is a self-evident and universal law.

    I've said it before, and it bears repeating: Communism = Socialism = Fascism = Democracy. The labels are important to the global elite only insofar as they deceive the masses. There you go Troll enjoy Have a shitty day...hahahaha

  40. I would say that you got his little brain smoking trying to understand what you wrote. Whatever it is that he smokes, it sure does make his little brain stink.

  41. Some thing up again? Post not coming thru

    1. It is that coat hanger you are using.... :):)

  42. Oh ok Just posted it Sunday. I did turn it around. Had a lot of tin foil blocking it. Seems to be better. Must have been those Jayhawks. They were flying all around Sunday morning. Bet some of them had a hard landing.

  43. Even though this was posted earlier today, this the first I've seen of this particular article.

    Interesting this comes out now... but we here already knew who actually won the 2020 election!

    New report: 255,000 ‘excess votes’ for Biden in six key 2020 states
    by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | March 28, 2022 10:14 AM

    A new deep dive into discrepancies in the ballot counts of six key battleground states in the 2020 election has turned up more than 250,000 “excess votes” for President Joe Biden, and maybe far more.

    The key point in the upcoming peer-reviewed study for the journal Public Choice by economist and noted gun expert John Lott Jr. is that the excess voting may challenge — or explain — Biden’s margin of victory over former President Donald Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

    In his report, on the Public Choice website but still awaiting final approval, Lott said that there were 255,000 excess votes and possibly as many as 368,000 for Biden in the key states.

    And in a review of his statistical study he provided to RealClearPolitics, he said that “Biden only carried these states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.”

    Lott, who runs the Crime Prevention Research Center, said that his report was not meant to overturn the 2020 election but to reinforce the need for changes to voter identification, absentee voting, and provisional ballots.

    “The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections,” he wrote.

    In the study, Lott reviewed voter registration rolls, actual in-person vote counts, absentee voting, and provisional ballots in counties where fraud has been alleged or suggested. He compared those counts to neighboring counties, arguing that the percentages should be similar.

    What he found were major differences, raising questions of fraud.

    He found unexplained votes, vast differences in absentee voting, and other problems such as bloated voter lists and felons illegally voting.

    “In Fulton County, Georgia, 2,423 voters were not listed on the state’s records as registered, and 2,560 felons voted even though they had not completed their sentences,” Lott said in the report.

    He concluded, “The voter turnout rate data provide stronger evidence of significant excess Biden votes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The estimates imply that the counties wherein vote fraud was alleged returned between 142,000 and 368,000 excess Biden votes. While the findings reported here are dramatic, they may be underestimates because the voter turnout estimates do not account for ballots cast for the opposing candidate that are lost, destroyed, or replaced with ballots filled out for the other candidate. While it would involve a lot more work, it would be possible to apply the precinct level tests to compare turnout rates in adjacent precincts across all the counties where fraud was alleged."

    The findings are likely to continue fueling questions raised by Trump supporters and the former president himself that an election they saw going their way on election night turned against them after midnight.

  44. James Madison, the author of the Constitution, told the House of Representatives that welfare is not the duty of the Federal government. The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.

    Washington prints large sums of money usually to hand to corporations in the form of corporate welfare. But we know that "wealth taxes" are all the rage amongst the socialist elected class, so a new tax on profits is not a surprise.

    Be sure that Congress will further jigger the tax code and pass so-called free trade laws to make it more profitable for corporations to outsource American manufacturing jobs and to save these oil companies money on the employment side. All the while, Congress will sanction the import of millions of aliens — legally and illegally — to flood the U.S. market with workers content with slave wages. Obamacare has already caused small businesses to close or to cut employees and hours in order to avoid falling under its mandates. These policies drive up unemployment and drive down wages.

    People who do work are fed up. It should therefore cause any thinking person to cease to wonder why companies reported 11.26 million job openings (seasonally adjusted) in January, up by 57 percent, or by 4.1 million, from January 2020. 4.5 million people voluntarily quit their jobs in January... which was a decrease from previous months. Workers want better opportunities and more money.... Right Troll?

  45. Still, research reports that almost half of adults who say they lost a job due to the coronavirus outbreak are still unemployed. Meaning federal unemployment benefit payouts are still humming along at over $2.2 billion per month.

    Food stamp benefits have increased from 2020, from around $7.8 billion a month to $9.8 billion a month. The number of people receiving these benefits has stayed the same. They're just getting more.

    Half of all Americans now get some form of government assistance. This has created artificially inflated food prices and cost consumers trillions of dollars by forcing them to pay higher-than-market prices for food and surrender ever-increasing sums of their wealth to taxes and inflation (inflation is not 'higher prices'... it is your money becoming worth less, i.e. worthless).

    The elected class and the bureaucratic enablers hold themselves up as paragons of virtue whose chief aim is to serve the public interest. History has shown that when governments act to "protect the people," as often as not, ruination and dependency result. Like always the government screws up every thing they touch.... Just Saying...

  46. The quickest way to kickstart the economy and reverse this decline is to take an axe to government.

    I'm not talking about slowing the growth of government, which in legislative doublespeak is called a cut.

    No, I'm talking about taking draconian measures like eliminating unconstitutional agencies — the Departments of Education, Energy and Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, the Food and Drug Administration and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for starters — closing down military bases around the world, ending the perpetual wars and bringing all troops home, phasing out social welfare programs and eliminating funding for Leftist boondoggles like the National Endowment for the Arts....

  47. President Biden the idiot and his cohorts in Congress just agreed to send $13 billion to Ukraine. What will be "cut" from the budget to pay for this? Nothing, of course. Government types and socialists — is that redundant? — hear a suggestion like actual spending cuts and wail. The reality is Republican elected elites have no more interest in cutting Federal spending than Democrat elected elites.

    It's not only those in government. Do you remember Cliven Bundy? He pointed out the slavery inherent in government entitlements and was figuratively tarred and feathered and abandoned by his spaghetti-spined opportunistic pseudo-friends.

    Slashing government and ending its ability to debase the currency would be a giant leap toward reconstituting a healthy America and middle class, which is being destroyed. Federal, State and local taxes added together mean more than half of the middle-class worker's paycheck goes to satisfy the government leviathan, which turns around and gives it away to "entitlements" for the dependent class.

    But that's what you get from the socialist elected elites. They ignore the Constitution because to them the "be all and end all" is government. They like big government and they like bigger government even better. The elected elites aren't concerned with the plight of the middle class. They cater to their corporate masters, to unions and to bureaucracies. How say you TROLL? Oh sorry I forgot you lost your voice! hahahahahha

  48. Many voters have been saying that the people will be able to right the ship of state come November. But Russia's war in Ukraine has boosted approval ratings for politicians, including the hapless President Biden. These people will only make government bigger, and grow entitlements, and continue to bankrupt America... and you can be sure that they plan, upon re-election, to poke the electorate in the eye with a sharp stick, and then pass legislation mandating you thank them for the poke. Hear me! that is what they always do...

  49. Good Grief, Let's go quickly through some of the facts of this budget, one that is completely aligned with the goals of every Democrat running for the House! Here are some of the facts....

    First of all, the budget calls for $73 trillion in government spending over the next 10 years - highest sustained government spending in American history. That is 66% higher than the yearly average spending over the last 10 years.

    The budget grows government beyond belief. There is a12% average spending increase for non-defense federal agencies, and that's just next year.

    The budget would cause $16 trillion in new public debt. So assuming no other spending takes place (which it will), just this bill alone puts our national debt at about $50 trillion.

    It gets better, though. The budget doesn't even include a single mention of “debt crisis” or "inflation crisis" – but mentions “climate crisis” 33 times! This bill can't go any where, they got to strip it way down...

  50. This budget by the idiot Biden brings us to $50,000 in additional debt per American citizen, bringing total debt per citizen to AT LEAST $135,000 by 2032.

    It will cause $9,000 reduction in American citizens income as a result of mounting debt.

    And, of course, let's not forget that $7.7 trillion of our current debt financed by foreign borrowing!

    Now, under the idiot Biden's budget $600 million is cut next year to Homeland Security's core funding. This comes at a time when over 2.9 million border encounters occurred since Biden took office!

    The budget even gives $4 billion of our tax dollars to Central American countries flooding the U.S. with illegals! Shit every one should just quit paying Tax's Good grief! We are being run by fools...

  51. here is a 17% increase to the Department of Education budget next to further embolden the federal takeover of our education system! They even snuck in much of the Build Back Better agenda. They've given $550 billion for the core of the Green New Deal & $80 billion to supercharge the IRS and hire 87,000 new IRS agents to target taxpayers!

    If it is not yet obvious to you how serious the problems in this country are, it better become obvious fast. If Republicans do not hold the House next year, this bill will become law and the entire country will be sent on an irreversible path to destruction. Got to get rid of these fucking Liberals and Rinos!!!

  52. Good morning Kevin and Lady Linda...Have a great Day.

  53. Good morning Sarge. Linda says hi right back at ya.
    Big day today. I let my loving spouse and her sister talk me into making a doctor's appointment and today's the day. Then we're off to the cancer center for Linda's fourth scan.

    Good grief...

  54. They are only worried about you feel blessed, and hope Linda does well on her scan..

  55. I hope it is because of me the winds him up, Makes MY Day!! hahahahahahhaha

  56. Just send in Will Smith to slap the shit out of the troll! That will fix him!

  57. No idea what he wants but I've already deleted 6 or 7 comments this morning sight unseen.

    Face it Troll, nobody here gives a shit about you or anything you have to say.

    Select all delete...

  58. Lol... Just deleted another 6...

    Kinda sad kinda pathetic...

  59. Ya but the good news is we a good laugh now and then, at least I do just hearing you deleting them with out ever being seen. Hahahahahah He is pathetic no kinda...

  60. Lol, if I wasn't so lazy today I would copy and paste a few things just to wind him up, hahahahah Sorry troll you got to wait till tomorrow.

  61. If that troll is the one from T town I have a message for him.

  62. Just in case People forget that zelenskyy is the guy that fired the Burisma prosecutor who was looking into the Burisma corruption. When Ukraine falls, all of that evidence will be lost forever. That’s why Joe won’t deter Russia.

  63. Hey Troll I am here but have no plans on feeding you today. hahahhaahhaha

  64. Good morning Sarge.

    Busy day today around the homefront. Started clearing 30 plus years worth of brush way out in the back yard.

    Good grief, what a hell of a mess...

  65. Lol, did one corner of my yard, most of the stuff growing over my fence is from next door, but I had to cut it back, or my burn barrels was getting close to catching the whole corner on fire. Now have to pick all the cuttings up, and cut them down to size to put in the barrels to burn, the good news is it is worth a beer of every 20 min worth of work. :):)

  66. Dear Troll I am throwing you a bone a one time deal just for you...On this Sunday..

    The politics of fear have done their job and frightened Americans on a level almost no one alive has seen.

    The lapdog media are doing their job, too... every advertisement is a Kumbaya message of "sacrifice everything you have for the 'public good.'"

    Yes, you are not imagining things. They do want you to give over your life to the very government that caused the economic mess we're in.

    Shakespeare couldn't have written such a farce!

    There are, however, a select few folks who have avoided the circus and escaped to reality.

    They were forewarned of impending dangers that could have impacted their wealth.

    They've been afforded opportunities to better their lives.

    They've been thoroughly advised on how to protect their health through natural remedies they would rarely if ever heard about from a standard doctor.

    Who are these lucky folks? Well the people in room 235 of course...:):)

  67. Something to make y'all giggle... saw this and had to share. You know me and my silly sense of humor? BTW, I am not the author of this, but I wish I wrote this! It's a hoot!

    Love, Rikki

    I wished I could sleep but my stupid brain won't let me and well, basically, one sheep, two sheep, cow, turtle, duck, ♫♪ Old McDonald Had a Farm ♫♪ Heeeey Macarena! ♫♪

  68. Troll :Do you know the "stewed frog" phenomenon? Here is your daily feeding check back in later....

    Drop a frog into a pan of hot water suddenly, and he'll instinctively jump to safety. But put him in tepid water and turn up the heat gradually, and he'll sit contentedly unaware that he's slowly being stewed to death.

    This is how the powers-that-shouldn't-be have convinced the masses to accept less freedom under the guise of "protecting individuals." It has not happened overnight but has been decades in the making, so most people aren't even aware of it.

    As we demand of our government more and more regulations to protect us from all possible risks, we wind up imposing such a daunting web of regulations on business that only the biggest companies can afford the legions of lawyers necessary stay in business. As we demand of our government more and more safety nets to protect us from our own bad financial, social, and health decisions, we progressively give up more of our essential liberties in order to purchase a little temporary safety.

    We've evolved to a form of what I would call crony capitalism where only the elite hobnobbers get to participate. We've evolved to accept a phony fiat currency with the intrinsic value of toilet paper. We've evolved into a society that no longer wants to own property because of repressive taxes, and probably can't because easy lending practices have driven the price of real estate sky high (no, it wasn't the free market that did that, it was the banks. A home is only worth what a lender will loan, not what a customer is willing to pay). Just Saying...

  69. Why all of a sudden are they coming clean? That’s a key question that we need to get the answer to”
    GOP Rep echoed liberal Hollywood comedian Bill Maher and denounced the corporate media for burying the Hunter Biden laptop story only to admit it was all real now. Jim for one smells a rat and he wants to know why the media outlets are coming clean now.

  70. Just thinking . should I feed the Troll or Not ? This may take some time...

  71. I would really like to hear what the troll thinks about the Left, and the media, getting ready to throw son Hunter Biden under the bus, by admitting that the Laptop from Hell was actually his! At the same time they "can't confirm" that "The Big Guy" refers to Daddy, Joe Biden. Oh really????
    They will try to sacrifice Hunter, just to save Joe during this time, probably so that he can pardon Hunter for anything that he is found guilty of, and he himself won't have to admit to being part of the scheme to defraud the taxpayers, take bribes from China and Russia, and be a part of the corruption in Ukraine!
    And, by the way, Joe says that Hunter has done absolutely nothing wrong in his business dealings over the years, and at the same time says that he has never discussed Hunter's business deals with him. Well, then explain how Joe would actually KNOW if Hunter's business deals were above board if he has never discussed with Hunter, what his business deals actually are, or have been?

  72. Feeding time Troll...

    As they say, freedom is not free. You cannot seek to invade and erase a culture based on freedom, and then when they try to stop you, you argue that they are violating the very foundations of their beliefs.

    We see this familiar strategy within the political left as they consistently try to violate the spirit of free elections. They fight ID requirements in every state that legislates them because they know that a large number of votes for the left come from illegal immigration, and if people have to prove they are citizens of the U.S., then the left loses a potential edge. By extension, leftists aggressively fight for the permanent use of mail-in ballots for the same reason. Fraud is much easier with such ballots and no proof of citizenship is required in most cases....

  73. I can't think of any behavior more common among leftists than their penchant for emotional outbursts bordering on the schizophrenic, and all of this stemming from an ideology that promotes personal excess. By extension, they view any words or actions that make light of their emotions or that are critical of their excesses as the same as physical violence. Meaning, words are the same as sticks and stones, and reacting to words with violence is therefore acceptable....

  74. Good news on the homefront today.

    Had an appointment with Linda's doctor to discuss last weeks scan.

    The mass on the back of her lung is continuing to shrink as expected, lymph nodes and all organs are good, and the deterioration of her ribs has finally stabilized.

    I can breathe again...

    1. Good Grief Kevin that is Great news!! I am so happy for the both of you and the McGinty Clan, Praise the Lord!!! I think the room 235 prayers are being answered.

    2. That is wonderful news Kevin and Linda! God bless you all!

  75. Well lets try this.. Good morning room 235...

  76. Good morning Sarge...

    Here we go again...

  77. Just trying to live a somewhat normal life in a world that's gone insane...

  78. I hear that Kevin... It is a mess..

    In case you were thinking of buying hybrid or an electric car...
    Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has never been discussed. All you ever heard was the mpg in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention of the cost of electricity to run it.
    At a neighborhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro Executive. I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious.
    If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you had to face certain realities. For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded.
    This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load. So, as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating systems with expensive new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our entire delivery system! This later "investment" will not be revealed until we're so far down this dead end road that it will be presented with an 'OOPS...!' and a shrug.
    If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It's enlightening.
    Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors and he writes, "For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine." Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles.
    It will take you 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph.
    According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned, so I looked up what I pay for electricity.
    I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 Mpg = $0.10 per mile.
    The gasoline powered car costs about $25,000 while the Volt costs $46,000 plus. So the Government wants us to pay twice as much for a car, that costs more than seven times as much to run, and takes three times longer to drive across the country.

  80. Killed two dogs north of Bucklin early yesterday. It was a good time.

    Finding life a little less toxic not interacting with know-it-all liberals that are actively seeking the destruction of our way of life.
    I apologize for not being in the fray as much these days. I think I'd rather speak softly, and keep my shiny and well cleaned boom sticks by my side, at the ready.

    Beat them through the ballot box, beat them through the womb, beat them in critical thinking. Scheduling the real fight? Well, that's on them. And if they so choose, I'm willing to clear my schedule to accommodate. When I hear the real noise, I'll gladly walk towards it.

    Hope everyone is doing well in the 235!

  81. Happy Monday Morning to y'all. Hugs.

    We're all doing ok, exhausted, but a good kind of exhausted. Y'all knew we moved from our house in the Oakland area to north of 24 hwy in the Seaman area... Handsome Hubby n' me decided to do some changes to the house we moved into. It's been long in waiting - going through picking out designs in cabinets for the kitchen, stuff for the master bathroom, etc., so on and so forth - being on a waiting list for supplies so the stuff can be made to our specifications, etc.

    The long awaited time for the house remodel will begin tomorrow - getting new kitchen, the 3rd bdrm is going to be turned into a master bathroom, a beautiful sunroom is going to be added to the front of the house going 16 feet out from the foundation and 22 feet wide. Deck on the back.

    Eventually, hopefully, when we get the rest of our "stuff" cleared out of the Oakland house, it will be on the market my guess probably late summer.

    My little grandson will be 5 years old next month - grandkids totally rock!!

    Love y'all.
    Will visit more when I can.

  82. Where we Americans go badly wrong in their lives is trusting authority under the aura of education and pseudo professionalism instead of nourishing and feeding their own inherent, positive qualities
    There is really no substitute for taking personal responsibility in every area of our lives, including finance, health and religion. It helps to cultivate the positives! FJB

  83. Hope the DC Doctor is happy to get more patience to care for, better ware your mask more on the way, hahahahahhahaha

  84. The lockdowns damaged the economy in ways people are only now beginning to comprehend, with hundreds of thousands of small businesses lost across the country. Not only that, but in response to the economic implosion the elites created, they then created over $6 trillion in new money through the Fed in a single year. This helicopter money or UBI (Universal Basic Income) has expedited a stagflationary disaster and helped to push prices on necessities to 40-year highs.

    The media claims it was "COVID that caused the crash," but this is a lie. It was the response to COVID that caused the crash. The virus was merely incidental to the economic sabotage by governments and central banks. As we saw in conservative red states that defied the lockdowns and the vax mandates, economic activity thrived while leftists blue states suffered. And what did these blue states get in return for their economic sacrifices? Nothing. COVID infections continued to rage in blue states and deaths often outpaced red states with similar-sized populations.

    In other words, the lockdowns, the mask mandates and the attempts to force vaccinations through medical tyranny saved zero lives and possibly made things worse. This is the legacy of government micro-management (And yes, let's not forget that Trump went along with these lockdowns at the beginning of the pandemic also. Biden is just the dirt-bag that continued the measures despite the massive amount of evidence that they don't work).

    While the COVID event illustrates my point in a big way, there are a lot of more subtle problems that government intervention has caused that add up to one big fiscal calamity. Many of these threats require relatively simple solutions that government elites will rarely address and will try to stop at all costs.

  85. In fact, a commodities foundation held the U.S. economy together for centuries until the Fed came along and the government slowly began removing gold from the picture. All subsequent economic crisis events have been exponentially worse ever since. When a commodities standard is employed, stability always follows. Just look at what has happened in Russia recently; their currency was on a downward spiral due to international sanctions, yet, when they reopened markets this past week the Ruble skyrocketed back to normal. Why? Because Putin had the currency coupled with gold. It's really that simple.

    The U.S. and parts of Europe are facing their own inflationary disasters, and this is largely due to the unchecked avarice of central bank stimulus and government spending. The only way to secure the dollar's existence as a stable store of wealth would be to back it with hard commodities like precious metals (among others). This might kill the dollar's world reserve status because fiat printing would be impossible from that point on, but I got a news flash for those that hate the idea of grounding the dollar in commodities: We're going to lose world reserve status anyway, and it's going to happen soon.

    One third of the world's population including Russia, China and India are already breaking from the dollar in bilateral trade. The U.S. might as well accept this as the reality and prepare to mitigate the coming currency collapse by supporting the dollar with commodities. Good Day!

  86. In early February of this year, the Biden administration made legal filings that halted new oil and gas leases including exploration due to conflicts over "climate costs." This interference with America's oil independence is only one of many instances starting with Biden's sabotage of the Keystone Pipeline in 2021. Interestingly, with gas prices doubling ever since Biden entered office, the White House now claims that they have nothing to do with energy inflation and are not preventing drilling in the U.S.

    During the same period, Russia was establishing a 30-year oil and gas contract with China and laying the groundwork for a major pipeline to be finished by 2025. Russia was planning ahead while the U.S. was shifting from energy independence and a net exporter of oil, to once again becoming dependent on authoritarian regimes in the Arab world. Why?

    Biden's excuse is usually climate alarmism. The Earth's temperature has only risen by 1 DEGREE CELCIUS in the past 100 years according to the NOAA, so the main argument against oil production in the U.S. is based on the fallacy that man-made carbon has any bearing whatsoever on climate changes. But maybe the carbon fraud is just a distraction from something else? Lets think about that...

  87. If the dollar was to collapse due to inflation, oil would be one of the first early indicators. With the establishment blocking new oil production and hindering the most cost-effective method for oil transport (pipelines), an engineered decline in supply becomes a very effective smokescreen for the death of the dollar. The crisis caused by the government and the Federal Reserve's currency destruction could then be blamed on supply chain issues and climate "peril." This is the reason why the establishment will not allow any future growth in U.S. oil production. They cannot allow the public to realize the precarious position our currency is in.

  88. The state of North Dakota has an interesting model for economic independence, which utilizes a state-sponsored bank designed specifically to help businesses in North Dakota. I would say it's bizarre that this idea has not become popular across the nation, but I understand that if it did, the federal government and the central bankers would be very unhappy.

    Here's the thing, while it is true that the Constitution explicitly states that the U.S. Treasury becomes the only issuer of U.S. currency, this was done at a time when our currency was backed by gold and silver and there was no corrupt middleman in the form of a central bank. In truth, the Treasury is now second fiddle to the Federal Reserve, and the constitutional regulations on money have already been broken. It's time for a new currency model and banking model.

    An official bank in each state could decentralize power away from the Federal Reserve in terms of how debt and interest rates are handled, creating something closer to free-market discovery of interest rates rather than a rate dictatorship controlled by the Fed. By extension, each state could also issue currency scrip legal for use only within the borders of those states. This would create a secondary safety net against inflation in the dollar.

  89. I was going to Copy and Paste a few Bible Verses for our Troll today but thought I better not it might push him over the deep end, just don't think he could handle that... hahahahaha Thank me some other time Troll i wouldn't be able to hear you anyhow....:)

  90. One of the biggest stories going on this week is Elon Musk driving the Elite Progressives insane, with the idea of buying out Twitter in a "hostile" take-over. OMG, allowing "freedom of speech" to possibly flourish on Twitter would have to be one of the biggest take-downs of "Democracy" ever, at least according to them! Allowing opposing view-points to what the Progressives want may cause those view-points to also be put out in the open on other "pro-progressive" information platforms. Heaven forbid that "free speech" may once again be the hallmark of a free and democratic Republic!

  91. I have never held my peace on this topic... still, there is often humor to be found in suffering, and so, this tax day, let me bring you the words of Tom Purcell, nationally syndicated humor columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, who once pointed out that tax woes have been around forever, illustrated by these quotes he gathered together:

    "We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." -- Winston Churchill

    "They can't collect legal taxes from illegal money." -- Al Capone

    "I don't know if I can live on my income or not — the government won't let me try it." -- Bob Thaves

    "The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." -- Albert Einstein

    "Today, it takes more brains and effort to make out the income-tax form than it does to make the income." -- Alfred E. Neuman

    "A fine is a tax for doing something wrong. A tax is a fine for doing something right." -- Anonymous

    "Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery." -- Calvin Coolidge

    "It's income tax time again, Americans: time to gather up those receipts, get out those tax forms, sharpen up that pencil, and stab yourself in the aorta." -- Dave Barry

    "America is a land of taxation that was founded to avoid taxation." -- Laurence J. Peter

    "What the government gives it must first take away." -- John S. Coleman

    "There's nothing wrong with the younger generation that becoming taxpayers won't cure." -- Dan Bennett

    "A tax loophole is something that benefits the other guy. If it benefits you, it is tax reform." -- Russell B. Long

    "I am proud to be paying taxes in the United States. The only thing is, I could be just as proud for half the money." -- Arthur Godfrey

    "People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women." -- Unknown

    "Income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf." -- Will Rogers

  92. I consider taxation terrorism by government. I also advise you to pay your taxes lest the police force known as the IRS comes for you with their unlimited power of persecution. In other words, the government is going to take your hard-earned money away from you and tell you it is to pay for someone else's life and there's nothing you can do about it until we collectively decide to abolish the system.

    We had that chance before GOP parasites destroyed the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party. Will the people rise up again? Time will tell, but the current "tax the rich" sentiment does not bode well.

    In Rights of Man, Thomas Paine warned that, "Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute."

    Tax increases, even if placed only on the so-called rich, will eventually work their way down to everyone in one form or another. It's just the way the system works until we change it.

  93. Tax Day! Well I started with Nothing and I still have most of it...... Good Grief.

  94. Did anyone see the pictures of ole Joe and the Easter Bunny? If anyone doesnt believe he is mentally confused, then they need to be committed to Osawatomie. This is the leader of the free world? Putin is laughing his ass off over this idiot. Wonder who the bunny was. They were looking out for Joe to make sure he didnt wonder off.

  95. Yes. Between the Easter Bunny taking his attention off of questions and hustling him away, and him bumbling through a speech followed by trying to shake the hand of an invisible person, then aimlessly roaming around the stage, looking lost and forgotten, Joe really has his finger on the pulse of the country and the world!
    In spite of it all, Joe still has the expectation to think that he will run again in 2024, saying that he is the only one that can beat Trump! LOL! Now, IMO, if Joe's body is still physically with us by then, I seriously doubt that his brain will be! I don't wish ill on him, but just looking at the obvious, we know that Joe will certainly be in no condition to run again, even if he is laying in bed in the basement, while he is doing it!

  96. Joe Biden appealed the court ruling to reinstitute mask mandate

    Freedom notched a major victory… until Joe Biden immediately snuffed it out!

    Joe Biden and his Democrats will do anything to control you. He will keep you and your family under his thumb FOREVER unless you do something to stop him. FJB

  97. The mainstream media are only now picking up on this scary story. Even the establishment news outlet The Washington Post acknowledged there are already 20,000 commercially-available labs in the world where a single person could synthesize any existing virus.

    In those same 20,000 labs, five people with $2 million can create an advanced pathogen — meaning a virus that will be able to infect even those people who have been immunized with conventional vaccines, and kill perhaps a billion of them.

    Worse, a biological attack could come from a lab in any country, but the origin of the assault would be nearly impossible to determine. Most of the necessary technology can be purchased commercially, over the Internet — which means that radical extremists can now kill millions of Americans with complete impunity, free from the threat of retaliation.

    I don't know where the current virus came from. It's not beyond imagining that it was created and escaped. However, that still leaves us with a problem:

    What does the thinking individual do about it now that it's here?

    Most people will tell you that they do not want to get coronavirus at all, regardless of whether it's going to kill you or not, because the side effects can be terrible.

    I am not advocating for or against taking any of the experimental gene therapy biologics that are available. But the fact is that they are not designed to help you avoid contracting the virus. Their intent is to lessen symptoms or drop the viral load you expel so that you don't pass enough on to others to make them sick. But you can still get the virus. Think about it!!!! Hi Room 235..

  98. Kevin, that is great news about Linda! I am so glad to hear she is progressing in the right direction.

  99. Always remember..The elites of society seek to determine who is worthy to continue their existence, and who is "socially undesirable" and may/must therefore be eradicated. They then seek to justify their actions by labeling the "undesirables" in ways that lessens their personhood and makes them expendable. Abortion "rights" are reduced to the vaguely libertarian-sounding "pro-choice" instead of murder.

    Society has determined dementia, mental illness and Down syndrome are "undesirable" traits and must be eliminated.

    Why would anyone believe this wouldn't continue into adulthood? First, they call you mentally ill or degenerate, then they can commit you to institutions and judge you defective. Then they can kill you.

    We have "advanced" to euthanasia for the elderly and those in declining health with degenerative diseases. The next step is people with "mental defects" as defined by the elites.

    Unofficial "public policy" wants you dead if you are defective, or retired. Too many aging people and too much medical consumption is a real and present crisis for the government. It may not be official or stated, but you can be sure that population control to limit consumption is a serious government policy and program.

    This is why I will always urge you — and tell, you how — to protect yourself and your loved ones from plunder; that's physical harm through manipulation by the powers-that-shouldn't-be. And FJB....

  100. Sarge, Nancy Pants and the Senile One should be at the top of the list via elimination of the food consumers.

  101. Good point Rose...

    It’s all fun and games until survival mode kicks in. In being prepared, having the right gear to get you through whatever situation lies ahead is most important.

    One of my favorite guns that offers so much for its small frame is a .22LR.

    The specific rifle is a survival rifle Most out here know why so I will save my ink. :):)

  102. Many thought that in the last election they elected some "new" leaders who were going to show the way. They thought elections meant something, but now they're waking to the realization that elections mean nothing.

    We've reached a point where I don't feel that voting does any good in national politics. Remember that it's important to the actors in, and plans of, the Deep State that you vote. That alone should give you pause.

    Washington is broken. Elected elites — even many of those recently elected — quickly see a way to enrich themselves and their corporatist sugar daddies and the cycle continues. Electing a bunch of new people running under a new banner just leads to a dashing of hope that makes a big splash but is as futile as a single wave against the sea wall of graft and corruption....

  103. When this new crop of politicians rises to take on the federal leviathan make sure they will push for term limits and the repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments which would end the unconstitutional income tax system and necessarily end the Federal Reserve, and restore selection of senators to the states where the Founders intended (no, elected office isn't a job, and "experience" and "qualifications" don't enter into the equation. These weren't meant to be long-term positions).

    We can't oppose the statists and socialists by choosing from among them. If you vote, choose wisely. But it will always be hit in miss, Good grief..

  104. Damn, it's been awhile. I'm in contact with Kevin through FaceBook, but I don't see most of the rest of you post there. So decided to make myself active again. Just been living here in Riga, somehow managing to tolerate the masking, and living quietly with the wife. Yeah, the Russkies are right across that border, but there's now a brigade of the Big Red One near that border, too. The Russian Bear has been exposed as having the martial ability of Winnie the Pooh, so it's even less frightening. Biden is leading the Dems off a cliff and I sincerely hope he takes as many of the lemmings as possible. I don't want the bastards to take any corrective action. I want him to double down on the crazy.

    1. Good to see you Captain. Hubby n' me moved to the Seaman area north of town. The house we have in Oakland should be ready for the market sometime before November this year. We're going through a remodel and room addition at the house we're living in now. New kitchen, turning the 3rd bdrm into a master bathroom, adding a sunroom to the front (going to be 16' out from the foundation and 22' wide). Living out in the rural part is a lot more spacious than being in the city. Good to know you and Mrs. Captain are doing good. I don't post much on here anymore either - I'm sporadic on posting on here, but try to get back here when I can.

  105. It is rather fun to watch the elite "free press" heads explode over the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk. It is also kind of nice to see another Billionaire, besides Donald Trump, who really believes in "Free Speech" and is more than willing to put his money where his mouth is.
    What it will lead to, who really knows, but the implications are that as long as Twitter is open and available to people with differing points of view to the Corporate and Liberal Elite, they will not be able to smother the "truth" in order to make the world into their plaything!
    It seems too bad that the only way that something like this can be accomplished is if you have a "rare" free speech absolutist who happens to have $44 Billion in chump change laying around. Let's hope that the voice on Twitter is strong and true as we head toward the mid-term elections!

  106. Sometimes I feel like that we're in an alternate reality with the demoNcrats large and in charge. I'm sure that you all feel the same in one form or another.

    Elon Musk - I kinda think of him as a 'new age Bill Gates' since he bought Twitter. Now he's making headlines with his blast of Twitter's censorship of the NY Posts' story on Hunter Biden... wow! Could this be a change in the tide? Possibly.

    The Republicans know what the demoNcrats have been doing, what they're obviously without a doubt guilty of, etc., so on and so forth.... but the Republicans have done nothing but gum flap - it is past time for them to actually do something about it.

    The polls steadily show a decline of Biden's performance - no surprise there. He doesn't belong there - he belongs in a retirement community along with the rest of the aged and decrepid Pelosi, Feinstein, and Waters, etc., and as far as Schiff, Booker, etc., they just need to get voted out and never run again for public office period.

    We had a good man in office from 2016-2020. He tried all he could to help "make America great again".... but he faced fierce opposition and a lot of bullshit that no President should ever have to face - but he never quit.... that is the mark of a great man!

    During the Trump Presidency, things were beginning to look up for Americans, gas prices were at an afforable prices, the influx of immigrants on the south border slowed immensely, our military got stronger, and we gained another branch in the armed forces, just to name some of the accomplishments to President Trump.

    Well the midterms are coming up - you know which way to vote.

    This is Rikki and I approve of this message!

  107. I don't know much about Elon Musk, but he can't run Twitter any worse than it already was. At any rate, the same people who were going on and on about Twitter being a private company are now shrieking about Musk doing what private investors do. So he's made all the right enemies. Just a little over 6 months until the day of reckoning for 2022, that's the really big thing.

  108. Yeah Captain, just 6 months! And the half-assed Republicans (RINOS) that are going to run again need to be primaried out of office ASAP! Only hope that some real Conservatives take the option to run against the A-holes!
    The other thing is that the current Republicans that will be in office, as well as the new ones coming in, need to have a real plan of attack against the Progressives, their agendas, and the hate speech and lies that the Left-wing hypocrites and crooks will pour on to the Conservatives! It should be no more just allowing them to lie without even a response, no more catering to the whims of the extremist, and no more letting them get away with things that should be considered acts of treason against our country! Are you listening Joe, Hillary, Hunter, Adam Shift, etc., etc., etc.?

  109. Time will tell as this chapter unfolds. Ditto with the midterm election.

    Oh, here's a funny....

    I interrupt your regularly scheduled morning with this newsflash….

    Notifications of the Great Cow Convention were successfully sent out. The herd of cattle gathered under a shade tree. I hear it’s going to be quite moo-ving and very moo-tivational.

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled morning.

  110. Iam back on Good Grief took forever to figuare it out

  111. I guess I won't know if this blog is working yet, till at least tomorrow morning...

  112. Thanks Kevin now I will sleep better tonight knowing it works...

  113. Some pretty good storms on the way around 7 am or so.

  114. Captain Howdy, Good to see ya back, Hope all is well with you and yours, stay out of the line of fire my friend...

    1. Oh yes, that's what I'm doing. I wanted to visit Moscow or St. Petersburg this year, but I guess that's out. And I SURE as hell don't want to go into Ukraine or Belarus right now. And that means I may have to agree with the Missus to go to Italy or Spain. Anyhow, I AM going to Kansas this fall. So how have you been doing, Sarge?

    2. Ken, this year. I am doing great, last year wasn't my cup of tea, I think you should listen to the Missus this year, Stay well.

  115. And now I know it is thank, been reformating computer, screwing up more than doing any good.. Thanks

  116. Good Grief Son came down, I showed him three things that I messed and couldn't, fix for the las three days, he looked analyzed and did 3 or four click and 30 second later al was back to normal, know wonder the company he does work for pay him $200.00 bucks a hour, but don't want to be low man on the pole I gave him a beer and a Hug.... Hope I didn't over pay... ):

  117. As I've said before, for most of human history the young relied on the advice of the old. Today, well ... . This weekend we asked Jelena's grandson to do something for us (again) on the computer. He was polite, but first gave us an incredulous look, then took a couple of seconds to do each of our requests. Hate to say it, but it must be how President Biden feels sometimes.

  118. Happy Birthday Ken, enjoy your day...

  119. Over TWENTY MILLION BLACK BABIES HAVE BEEN MURDERED since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. Did you hear me? The Left ABORTED OVER TWENTY MILLION BLACK CHILDREN!

    Despite being a minority making up 14% of the country’s population, Black women make up 40% of ALL US ABORTIONS! The Left claims to support Black Lives yet fights relentlessly to prevent our children from being born. These sick demonic ANIMALS want our children DEAD, and I’m SICK OF IT!

    Life is God’s greatest gift to mankind. Without him and his gift of life, we wouldn’t be here. Now the Left is so morally and ethically CORRUPTED by the works of the DEVIL that their demonic plea for abortions has become mainstream.

    Well, folks, those days are supposedly over. The senseless GENOCIDE of Black lives the Left deceitfully claims to care so much about has been stopped.

    Roe v. Wade is OVERTURNED! So Far or maybe!

  120. As said in the Bible, “The Lord called me from the womb… formed me from the womb to be his servant.”
    Isaiah 49:1, 5

  121. But that touches on why I'm pro "choice." If more of the women who would choose an abortion carry a baby to term, what next? Disproportionately they'll be impoverished; so we have to pay for more "takers," possibly for the rest of their lives. I know that sounds heartless, but does anybody have a better idea?

    1. I would rather support the women having the tax payers support her
      and the kid than support all the illegals coming in and all the countries that hate us, and we would have money left over, and that is my better idea!! Just saying... just think one of those babies might be another Captain Howdy and I won't say good Grief on that...

  122. So the Left has found (or rather probably invented!) their latest scam to get the Dem voters to come out in November to "support" their Democrat candidates and worthless President! Rather miraculous wasn't it, how the "leak" showed just when needed, to take Dems minds off of a lousy President, lousy economic times, horrible inflation, possible food shortages, high fuel prices, etc. by putting out a story about how the Supreme Court is taking away abortion "rights". All lies but it buys votes! If the opinion stands, which who really knows at this point, the only thing is does is finally allows the states to once again make a decision on it individually rather than to have the Federal government shove it down our throats! But the "facts" won't come out that way.
    Hard to tell who actually did the "leak". I certainly hope that one of the judges would not have lowered themselves to do such a thing, and according to reports, if a law clerk did such a thing and was found out, their legal career would be totally over! But, it appears that this was almost set up to do just exactly what it seems to be doing. Distract voters and focus on a "hot button" issue to gin up Liberal voter participation. Now will they actually find out who did it and what happens if they do? Any bets?

  123. To me a possible, at least, partial solution to the abortion issue lies in the facts of technology we now have available and a definition of what is considered a "human life" when it comes to unborn babies.
    Checking for pregnancy can be done fairly quickly these days with the at home pregnancy tests, etc.
    If life would be determined by the fact that the unborn baby has a live heartbeat, and that the average time for that to develop before it is considered "alive", could be determined within a set period of time, then why not these organizations such as Planned Parenthood , etc. and maybe the government at some level, depending on the persons income level, furnish at home pregnancy test to them to use soon after the person believes she may be pregnant. If it says she is, and it is under a 15 week or whatever time period determined to not yet have a "live" baby, an abortion could be scheduled and preformed before the fetus is viable. Not a perfect solution by any means, but at least maybe there would be a real reduction in the number of babies that are already alive, being killed in the process! Anything that could reduce that, would be a good thing, at least in my mind!

  124. Are we woke or just a dyeing Breed?

  125. Sorry Sarge. I've been in the hospital for the last week so I'm a little behind...

    1. Don't be sorry for shit my friend hope you are okay, And are YOU???

  126. It's gonna take a while but hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll know more about it. In the meantime it's way better recovering at home than in the hospital...

  127. GOOD, Point I know thats right..Some times our body has away to let us know to Pay attention to what is is telling you... P.S Hope Lady Linda is doing good as she can.

  128. Lol... My beat up old body let me know alright. It told me to either get some help or check out.
    As as far as my loving spouse goes, she's like a rock star. We've completely switched roles
    She's now my sole caregiver. What a mess life can become in the blink of an eye...

  129. You do know you are talking to an old pro on beat up bodies right?? Feel free to ask for advice any time. :)

  130. Thanks Sarge. But on top of being my caregiver, my loving spouse suddenly knows everything.
    Don't believe me? Just ask her...😝😝😝

  131. AH yes another good point!!! God Bless her.

  132. What is this Kevin? You are not supposed to get sick! It's not in your job description! Whatever is causing it, I hope you are able to get things taken care of! Your wife sounds like mine used to. She and I met before Google but once we hooked up, I sold my set of encyclopedias because I was made aware that she knew everything! :)

  133. My thought is that, my Social Security check, which I get anywhere between the 8th of the month and the 14th of the month, has normally covered my basic monthly expenses and maybe a little left over (pocket change) since i started getting it. In the last 2 months, the basic expenses have now gone way beyond the SS check. No Joe, it's not Russia or Putin, it's not the corporations, it's not the MAGA "terrorists", etc. It is YOU!
    You have wanted this job FOREVER, but could never get elected until your party lied, stole, and conspired with the various government agencies and leaders to steal the election! Well, you got it! You stole it from a man who was doing about the best job anyone could expect of a President, and now you do not take the blame for anything and you do absolutely nothing to correct your stupid decisions and horrible mistakes! You are on the brink of forcing us into a nuclear war that you have not ask the people if they agree with it or not! You let every foreign terrorist that wishes to, to walk across our country's border without a hint of resistance and you welcome the idea of paying for all of it with our hard earned tax money and borrowing from the future of our children and grandchildren! You are an ignorant and criminal slime ball Joe! FJB! Let's go Brandon!

  134. And we all know that its not going to get any better for two more years. The worst has yet to come. stand by.

  135. And what does all this mean? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

  136. Good morning Sarge! Hope everything is good with you!

  137. Good morning Sarge. Kind of a big day tomorrow. I'll go in for another ct scan to see whether or not they'll cut on me.
    I'm growing increasingly weary of this crap...

  138. Be strong my friend, the lord and family and friends are praying for YOU, Hear Me!

  139. Well ain't that a bitch. Things didn't go quite as well as I'd hoped for. Go back in for what they're calling a minimally invasive procedure. Woo hoo!!!

  140. OK Had to go look that one up.

  141. America is a land of plenty, and Americans are used to having plenty — plenty of food, plenty of water, plenty of everything. Until recently, most Americans couldn't imagine seeing food shortages at their local grocery stores, but that’s exactly what’s happening... just look at the current nationwide baby formula shortage.

    I hazard to guess that there is a 90 percent chance you could not live for more than a few days, and certainly not more than a couple of weeks, if something even worse happened to the food supply chain than has already occurred. If you are one of the 10 percent who has prepared, kudos! You are ahead of the game, but read on because preparedness is something that we must do far in advance of need. Think now... if we needed more of any particular thing than we thought, it would already be too late.

    Inevitably, when I say about preparedness one or two (at least) post to trolls to me to chime in to ridicule and fulminate against me for being ridiculous and wasteful. "People won't be without food," they say. "We have FEMA and Red Cross for that." They are fools.

    What is life like when the systems we depend upon go down and we haven't taken personal responsibility for our own well-being. It's life (and often death) for people conditioned to depend upon the government for their sustenance and care. Pull your heads out of your asses before it is to late.

  142. The Leftists in our country constantly clamor for more government and turn to the government for everything they perceive as going wrong in their lives, including natural occurrences like storms and viruses, because they have fallen for the propaganda directed at them. That way lies disaster of Venezuelan proportions, dear reader. It is up to us to secure our own futures as if the government is not around, because it won't be when we need it most, as we saw during the height of the virus paranoia and looting. History is our guide in this. The police and government men will not be there for you. As hard as it is to remind ourselves, they are people too and are just as panicky, scared and ill-prepared.

    In fact, anyone who depends upon the government for sustenance is a slave. And in a widespread emergency, even if government services still exist in some fashion, the government is at best slow and inefficient. The list of responses to hurricanes, fires, looting, flooding and power outages is long and undistinguished. Just Saying...

  143. I have often urged you to store food. Everyone should have at the barest minimum of three days of food and water on hand. But even better is at least three weeks of food and water and other essentials at your disposal at all times. More is better. A lot more is way better..

    You should have at least one month of cash on hand, as well. When the power is out, plastic does not work. Nor do ATMs. I also recommend gold and silver and extra items for barter.

    If you are looking to acquire physical gold and silver, your best bet, I believe, is to find a local dealer who is well established, has been in the community a long time and has a good reputation with both the Better Business Bureau and his customers. .

    You should also have a gun or guns and plenty of ammunition and adequate training on how to use them so you can protect your family and what is yours.

    You should eat from your stored food by rotating out the older dated food and moving the newer food to the rear. This prevents loss from spoilage. Vacuum-sealed and freeze-dried food has a long shelf life and can be preserved for many years. Food storage is not a waste of money, as some claim. It is insurance. You will have actually profited by buying stored food when prices are lower than they will be in the future.

    You must know that even an honest man will steal food if his family is starving. Be Prepared My friends... Oh and one more thing FJB....

  144. Don't forget first aid supplies, bleach and vinegar.

  145. Hey Kevin, I just read your post about being in the hospital. I hope everything is okay and you are on the road to recovery. Listen to your wife, she knows what she is doing. Trust me, she only wants what is best for you.

  146. Well another rainy day in the jungle.

  147. Another crazy gets hold of a gun and does a monster's killing. Innocent children and adults who lost their lives due to this is beyond tragic. Then the brain dead demoNcrats start to politicize this tragedy by pushing for gun laws and it's all for show (i.e. political gain) -

    No law prohibiting guns will stop a crazy from getting their hands on a gun - they might not be able to buy a gun but they can still get their hands on a gun.

    My suggestion to the brain dead demoNcrats... stop politicizing tragedies like this for political gain - put more funding into law enforcement and have them be security at the schools - and I'm not talking just one officer at a school... I'm talking about having at least 5 - 10+ police officers per school. Have two stationed at the front door of each school and have a metal detection gate that everyone would need to walk through. Install more security cameras.

  148. Ok, been awhile since there's been a trickle of activity here - this is a wellness check on y'all.... hoping y'all are doing ok. Love & hugs, Rikki

  149. Just another day in the jungle here. Hoping it dries out but doesnt look to dry coming.

  150. We're mostly all still alive and kicking, Rikki...

  151. Hi Kevin, sorry to hear things are not well for you. Hugs. Hugs also for Linda. I sent you a facebook message.

  152. Kevin, I think we all think it would take a lot longer. When you least expect it, WHAM! We are stronger than we think we are. Sometimes our bodies need a rest. Wishing you and Linda good health.

  153. Our country is currently facing a great threat. A new enemy has emerged from the shadows that seeks to destroy and intimidate their way to a transformed state, and country, that you and I would hardly recognize.

    This enemy is the radical vigilante woke mob that will steamroll anything and anyone in their way. Their blatant attacks on the American way of life are clear and intensifying: stifling dissent, public shaming, rampant violence, and a perverted version of history.

    A group that will, literally, tear down monuments and buildings but — perhaps in an even more sinister way — tear down the American spirit itself. They go after the family unit, parental rights, traditional moral values, the church, and fact-based education.

    Over the past few years, we’ve watched horrified as this group has attempted to brainwash our children into thinking we live in an evil, racist, irredeemable country. We saw them take to the streets for an entire summer like outlaws burning, looting, and destroying everything in sight while being told they were “mostly peaceful” and “passionate.”

    We watched Big Tech moguls in Silicon Valley be the arbiters of truth – deciding who gets to speak and who gets silenced through the digital public square.

    We listened to the legacy media muffle legitimately verifiable news stories that didn’t align with their preferred narrative, only to watch the truth trickle out months later at a more politically expedient time. Ya I am tired!!!!

    We listened to them deny science and data to exert political theater all the while trampling over personal liberties enshrined in the Constitution.

  154. Well, Friend,s, the time for listening and watching from the sidelines is over.

    This enemy has taken over media, educational institutions, corporate boards, professional sports, foundations, and professional institutions. They have left no corner of our lives untouched. But all hope is not lost.

    We The People still have a say. We know the truth, you and I, about America and the country she is and can be. We must fight to defeat these false pretenses and predetermined narratives. Make dam sure you, we don't let the commie woke nuts even get close to taking guns away from the real people of this County, FJB, anyone that votes for these Libs is a nut case also.l.

  155. Sincerely hoping that the brain dead followers of the idiots in Washington will wake up, reflect back when Donald Trump was in office and what he did for all Americans... we'll see how this chapter unfolds at the midterm election.

  156. President Biden is calling for more gun laws. More laws against vehicle emissions. More "hate crime" laws. Laws for voting "rights." Laws protecting abortions. Laws banning noncompete agreements. More antitrust laws, more labor laws… more, always more, federal laws.

    The federal government was never intended to be this big, or to rule over Americans' lives so thoroughly. But the imperial Presidency and its enabling Congress have long subverted the Constitution.

    Aside from laws, the imperial President through executive orders and the appointment of czars that impose regulation through unConstitutional government agencies, the enabling Congress by legislating in matters that are not enumerated and by ceding its duties under Article I, Section 1, which says: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

    The result is endless wars and a growing tyranny. FJB........

  157. It's a sad day indeed when there is a necessity to ask whether our government feels it can label us as terrorists and disregard the Constitution by piling on federal rules and regulations that steal our freedom, and when just asking the question gets you branded as an extremist or, worse, a libertarian, a terrorist or a Patriot.

    The imperial presidency has its roots in 1861 and Abraham Lincoln, who had no regard for the Constitution and the rule of law. Sadly, President Biden is hiding in his shadow. And so will each subsequent president unless we acknowledge what is happening and reverse the slide towards the imperial Presidency. Keep your powder dry......

  158. Hmmm I see that I ve been blocked from making comments on F B .

  159. We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam. You can try again later. Learn More

  160. Looks like summer is here. Now remember we said that we weren't going to be gripping about hot warm it is.

  161. Well I cut my lawn today and also did my son yards, at around 2 oclock this after noon and didn't bitch one bit, you can do that stuff when you are a trained Killer.. LOL

  162. Lol... I'm obviously delicate because all I did this afternoon was take a nap...

  163. What a total sham "investigation" this January 6 committee is! We see how totally low that these "inserection" people can sink when it comes to keeping tier power! Cheney and Kissinger should be thrown out of the GOP and be tar and feathered for their lies. Anyone who supports these hypocrite Dems and their lies need to lose their American citizenship!

  164. It's important to remember that throughout 2021 the mainstream media, the central bank and most government officials were telling the public that inflation was "transitory." Suddenly in the past few months, this has changed and now even Janet Yellen has admitted that she was "wrong" on inflation. This is a misdirection, however, because the Fed knows exactly what it is doing and always has. Yellen denied reality, but she knew she was denying reality. In other words, she was not mistaken about the economic crisis, she lied about it.

    FJB, Worthless pile of shit....

    First and foremost, no, the Fed is not motivated by profits, at least not primarily. The Fed is able to print wealth at will, they don't care about profits – They care about power and centralization. Would they sacrifice "the golden goose" of U.S. markets in order to gain more power and full-bore globalism? Absolutely. Would central bankers sacrifice the dollar and blow up the Fed as an institution in order to force a global currency system on the masses? There is no doubt; they've put the U.S. economy at risk in the past in order to get more centralization. Just saying and anyone that vole's for a Dem is part of the problem....

  165. Don't count me out just yet!!! :):)

  166. Happy father's day to all you dads out there...

  167. Hey folks,If the annual cost of living increases just 5 percent or 6 percent, the purchasing power of money will rapidly vanish. And because of negative real interest rates, consumer price inflation will accelerate, a fact not known by All of us . The real spending power of households whose income depends on fixed interest instruments will be cut, reducing their standard of living.

    For example, in 1933 the Consumer Price Index (the price of a basket of common goods purchased by the average consumer) was 12.8. In 2008 the CPI was 225. In other words, that same basket of goods has increased from just under $13 to $225. Currently, it's 271, and that's without goods and services that actually price inflate — because they have been taken out of the CPI. Who knows what it would actually be, comparatively speaking. Just saying

    But it would be high, as anyone who has gone to the grocery store or to buy gas has figured out. Once again, inflation is starting to outpace economic predictions.

    As prices rise and the lower classes find it increasingly more difficult to buy necessities, O'Bidenomics will increase taxes on the producers and savers even more, hoping to spread the wealth around. As the spending kicks in, the formerly profligate-spending conservatives will claim to have had an epiphany. They will kick and scream at the thought of running up more debt than they already have caused. But that's a farce.

    We are still trying to understand America in terms of capitalism and free enterprise, when in fact America is now a socialist country with a pretty face called democracy. Hear Me! Be Prepared my friends, we are at war!!!!

  168. SUPREME COURT OVERTURNS ROE V. WADE.... it's all over the media. I'm happy that the justices placed the lives of innocent babies first!

  169. And no surprise here.... but our fraudulency in chief is telling Congress to restore Roe v. Wade!

  170. Hello all you RM235 folks, hope all is well. Got on here to look around and see what is going on. Don't see any post from our guy that moved out to CA, think his name is Randy. Stopped by his house one day at a garage sale, seem like nice folks and we knew a lot of the same people. Seems like this old country just continues to get worse and people more hateful. Shouldn't surprise us as the bible is clear on how things will get.

  171. Think his user name on here was "Still Safe at Home"???

  172. Not sure what is going on with "Safe" Divemaster! He was helping out Kevin for a long time on the blog, then sort of disappeared. Hope everything is good with him and his family!

  173. New blog finally up and running...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...