Thursday, August 25, 2022

Let's talk about student loans, or buying votes as it should be called.

 OK. I decided to post up a blog. Just because. I know folks still look at America's Blog. And I know Kevin has a lot on his plate right now and doesn't really have the time to mess with the toy store. So here we go.

So the commies spend a few hundred billion of our tax dollars to buy votes from deadbeats who don't want to pay back their legal obligations. Not surprising.

What I'm tired of hearing is these commie rat bastards defending this unconstitutional and illegal action by claiming the Trump tax cuts "weren't paid for". This exposes their Marxist beliefs. Using tax dollars to pay back deadbeat's loans takes money directly from the treasury. Tax dollars paid into it now used to pay back loans. That money must be borrowed from somewhere to return to the treasury. That took our money we already paid and redistributed it to a bunch of deadbeats to buy votes. 

Tax cuts don't remove money paid into the treasury. The let you keep more of your own money instead of handing it over to the government at the point of a gun. It's not their money. It's your money. It doesn't have to be "paid for". The appropriate thing is for government to reduce spending to offset it. Like don't pay deadbeat's loans. Don't send hundreds of millions to a corrupt Ukraine to fight a proxy war. Don't hand over hundreds of millions to phony solar companies set up just for the purpose of grifting money without producing anything.

Tax cuts, the Trump cuts, the Reagan cuts, the JFK cuts all produced the same results. They stimulated a stagnant economy, made it grow leaps and bounds. Jobs were created. Businesses grew. Companies returned money they had offshored. And revenues to the government increased exponentially. Despite the lies from the commies, they work.

But the left, being a bunch of Marxists, believes all money belongs to them, to be distributed as they see fit. They see you keeping any of your own money as theft from them. That's the basic tenet of Marxism. Collectivism. It all belongs to them, to be managed as they see fit. Which is also the reason it never works.

But America is filled with greedy, lazy mooches who think they are entitled to your hard-earned dollars. Just because. And that's why they get away with this crap. We've raised a generation of losers. Not all of them. But too many. And they'll be the death of America if they are allowed to continue. Not outside forces. Not crazy muslims. Not Iran dropping a nuke on us. But our own people, indoctrinated and educated by Marxist from Kindergarten on. They'll burn the whole thing to the ground, then stand in the ashes waiting for their next meal, oblivious to what they did.

Let's hope there's enough patriotic Americans to vote these commie rat bastards out of office and take our country back. Again. And restore sanity. Hope so. I'm cautiously optimistic. 


  1. You are correct and by paying off their loans. Now their pea brains will assume all loans will get paid off and all they need to do is borrow and someone will pay off their loan. It won't matter what kind of loans, for the liberals, the definition of loan has changed. My wife paid all her loan back and isn't happy. Now this will give colleges the incentive to raise tuition. I was sooooo smart the higher learning institutions paid me to come to their school, so don't have any loans, but remember her making monthly payments. No, I am confused, I think they paid me to stay away from their higher learning institutions? Darn, I am not sure which it was? But I am sure old joe is just being pulled around like a puppet hoping to get more votes and this country is going down the toilet.

  2. Did anyone see the package bowtie Farley getting for retirement. Besides his normal KPERS he is getting $750,000 and gets to stay another 5 years in the presidential house for Washburn University. Guess they will have to build or rent a house for the new guy that comes in. He was also getting some more perks on top of what I mention as well as his wife. Not something you read a lot about, but you can google it and see for yourself. Shows how out of touch they are, why give all this to someone who says they are retiring? No wonder college cost so much!

  3. Off topic, but shows how stupid things are getting, this is foot in door and then no driving gas power cars. California regulators moved Thursday to require all new vehicles in the state to run on electricity by 2035, an ambitious goal by the country's most populous state to phase out gasoline-powered automobiles and curb carbon missions. Californians can keep driving and buying gas-powered vehicles after 2035 but no new models will be sold in the state thereafter.

    How do you stand it out there Safe?

  4. Well Dive, it's tough. I stand it partly by living in the most conservative region of CA, Central California. Oil country, farm country. And the area I live in is strongly conservative. But we still have streets filled with drug addled zombies, homeless and general miscreants even though we are a small burg of a few thousand people. I don't live close to the population center, I'm out in the country so we only deal with it going to the grocery store. Our church is on some acreage, and we have to flush homeless camps out fairly often.

    The car thing doesn't bother me too much. It's incredibly stupid and short sighted, but that just summarizes the whole state. Virtue signaling left wing commie radicals. They can't even supply power to meet the needs they have now. Converting cars to electric will tax the system beyond that. Stupid.

    My Son-in-law has a Tesla. Loves it. Tells me he saves so much on maintenance it's worth it. Can drive somewhere less than 300 miles on a charge. I tell him my Honda CRV will require tires, brakes etc, but so will his Tesla. I have oil changes and such, but I'll get 300K plus miles out of a car that cost me $16K used a few years ago. He paid $60K plus and when it hits abut 120K miles the battery goes bad and the car is junk.This generation is smart but really bad at math.

    The only reason we are here is the family. We are close enough to spend time with them. And we have a pretty good church. God brought us here for some reason, I just wish he would show us what it is.

    We've thought about Idaho. It's everything Kansas used to be and has all the beautiful things California has. But that's where people are moving so real estate is way up. And they hate Californians, for good reason.

    So we'll hang in there. I fear the California commie ethos is spreading nation wide. If the commies hold congress, we're finished as a country. Even if they hold the Senate, that would be pretty bad.

    All this stuff just convinces me that God is about done with us. He's warned us, chastised us and still we march onward to Hell. There's a limit to his patience, and America, in fact most of the world has been testing it for years.

    Guess we'll see, won't we?

  5. Old saying among Christians. God gives us the government we deserve. Started with King Saul. America didn't deserve President Donald Trump. He was better than most. Truly a man who stood alone. And this country treated him in a way that God said "enough". And gave us joe biden and the commie democrats as punishment. Hopefully, enough of those idiots are awake now and will vote us back to sanity, but I have little hope. Greedy, shiftless, evil-minded deviants they are. And not likely to change. The chastisement may not be over.

  6. It's is good to be near family and have a good church family, just keep looking up all will end okay.

  7. Dive, that's what I'm doing. I may be living among heathens and commies, but God's people have always at times had to do that. I'm just passing through this life, just a stranger travelling through.

  8. I feel like the Hebrews must have felt living as captives of Rome. Bread and circuses. The Romans would tax people to the point of draining them dry. Then the Roman elites would live like kings. But they would put on big shows, Gladiators and such. And walk around throwing loaves of bread to hungry citizens, posing as generous benefactors. That's the dems. They take it all from us, then give back crumbs. Same thing. Same people.

  9. Don't these forgiven student loans become immediately taxable? The money they received wasn't taxable because it wasn't income, it was a loan. Now the portion they no longer have to pay back becomes income. They received direct cash payments; they will never pay back the money. It's now income. Tax them all, every penny.

  10. Good question, not sure old joe and staff have thought this all through? Now they seem to say $500 billion as some even more than that, up to 1 trillion.

  11. 300 Billion? 500 Billion?, 1 Trillion?? Certainly takes care of the "savings" they say that "WE" will get when the 87000 new tax collectors are armed and ready to collect taxes, of course ONLY from those who make over $400,000 a year!
    And exactly where are they going to find 87000 accountants to fill these IRS job openings? Are they going to train "illegals" to fill the positions? I'm sure that it will pay more than the places like Taco Bell and McDonalds are offering, even with their sign-on bonuses so maybe they will hire some of those who graduate from college, the ones we help pay off their student loans? I wonder how many people graduate from college with a degree that will allow them to work for the IRS every year? So many questions!
    Besides the IRS hires, now, all of the sudden, Joe is talking law and order! Found out from his handlers that the "defund the police" movement was a very bad plan when it came to attracting voters, so they are totally denying it and now want to get aggressive with law and order, after firing, dumping, retiring and humiliating every cop that they possibly could to leave their jobs! Also blaming the Republicans for not voting for additional funding for Police AFTER all of the "Defunding"!
    After all of this, I still have to wonder if a majority of the people are still so stupid,to still vote Democrats into the House and Senate!

  12. Right again, Gary. Biden was a supporter of BLM and antifa, both of which were the drivers of defund the police. He had the BLM terrorists to the white house while they were out creating riots and calling for the death of police officers. They even killed a few. Biden on many occasions demonized the police, and there is at least one video of him saying he supported diverting funds from police. As for Kamala, she promoted and supported a group that bailed out terrorist rioters, some of whom went on to commit murder, but all of whom went right back to rioting.

    These people spent two years supporting both morally and financially riots that cost America billions of dollars, drove thousands of businesses under, caused 30 or so murders, that we know of, and injured thousands of police officers and destroyed millions of dollars in police vehicles. Hell, these people burnt down a police precinct. There was at least one time they had to move the President to a bunker because these terrorists were threatening the white house. Yet one single demonstration by our side and they are screaming about phony "insurrections" and other bullshit.

    But you're right. Midterms coming. So suddenly they're all pro police. Until after the elections. Then it's back to all out Marxists.

    If he was pro police and anti-defund he would have spoken out against all the members of his party who were very vocal wanting cops demoralized and defunded. The squad, for example. The anti-Semite anti-American commie rat bastards. But you didn't hear a word until now, did you? Nope. Lying biden strikes again. And the sad part is there are people stupid enough to buy this happy horseshit. But there's no accounting for stupid.

  13. Did anybody listen to Biden's speech last night? I sure as hell did not! The nerve of that bastard and his clueless Whitehouse Administration, throwing the "Semi-Facists" label around!
    When you look up the definition, Surprise! what do you find?
    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Facisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality"

    Seems to sound a lot like what the "Democrats' are trying to do; Eliminate the opposition party, take over total control of Schools, businesses, thought process of the citizens through "brainwashing" them with the help of the Main Stream Media, taking religion out of the picture, eliminating the strength's of the country by controlling energy use and sources, causing food shortages and supply chain disruptions, etc.. Just about everything you would not do to run a successful family, business, or country!
    We all know that Biden is too stupid to think up any of this by himself and know that those like George Soros, the Chinese Commie Party, and Elitist Progressive Democrats and RINO Republicans all, would rather see the destruction of the country if it is to their financial and power seeking advantage, than to do what is right or best for the average United States citizen!
    We also know that those like Biden, Kamalla Harris, and Merrick Garland, for example, don't have a single brain cell of original thought in their heads so they will go along with whatever their handlers and funders wish them to do.
    We also have to realize that the people who tend to vote for the Democrat candidates seem to have a very short attention and memory span! Even those who don't like what is happening in the country, due to Biden's inept leadership, will still many, if not most times, vote for them because of the built in idea that the Dems will help them more than any other candidate. A lot of years of brain-washing by the Dems and a lot of years of Republicans who, in the party leadership had no real desire to bring in any of the "regular" populous. Donald Trump changed all of that and many do not like the change!

  14. Well, if as president you have managed to drive the country into a recession, double the price of gas and energy, throw open the borders to millions of illegal aliens to flood the country, crash the stock market wiping out all the gains we got under President Trump, leave Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban now armed to the teeth, killing 13 American soldiers in the process, taint the office of president with scandals the likes of which America has never imagined, and create a race war and division that could destroy this country, then I guess all you can run on is imaginary nonsense you make up out of thin air about your opponents.

    Joe biden was sold as the friend to the working man, a moderate who would bring America together. Joe is exactly what he has always been. A shameless grifter, a crook, the head of a family criminal enterprise. A politician who switches positions with the wind. A liar. Corrupt to his very core. He's always been who he is. But now he's shown the world. And they haven't seen half of it. When all the scandals get exposed, this guy is prison bound. I know the raving idiots on the left keep screaming about how they've really got Trump this time, they say it every time. And every time the same thing happens. Because it's all just rabid left wing fantasies. But joe is the real deal. Crooked as they come.

    So now, he's trying one last desperate push, to sell America one more load of democrat commie rat bullshit. My opinion is he just sealed the midterms for the Republicans. No matter how hard he tries to crawfish and backtrack, the damage is done. He just showed America who he and the democrat party are. Dirty rotten lying commie rat bastards. And they won't forget in two months.

    But you know what I always say. If that's all you got...then that's what you go with. And that's all they got.

  15. If you guy have any extra prayers Sarge and his wife sure can use them tomorrow...

  16. I don't have extra prayers; I have an unlimited supply. More than I need. I'm happy to pray for Sarge and his wife. God knows what their needs are, so I don't need to. I will be praying for them.

  17. Somebody keeps us up on whats going on . Please

  18. Incase anyone is interested, It didn't go well this morning, Carol called out to me that she couldn't breath and could hardly walk called AMR they were here like a flash, made . a Call to the Doctor Schroeder who was to put her under the knife today, and left message where she is, called Mike and Zach to inform them, grab a few things and left to the ER, They had her all wired up and Dr Schroeder had all ready been there, Left some instructions to the personnel, and told Carol he was keeping her for a few days and do the things that has to get done so they can treat her... She lost 9 lbs just last week she down to about 137 lbs, 2 months ago she was in the mid 170's... Thanks Kevin and Safe for your comment.. Later

  19. Sarge, I am so sorry to hear this about Carol! Praying for both her and you my friend!

  20. Thanks Gary I just back from the Hospital with her been a long 4 days, won't know much till all these tests get analyzed will know more soon we hope, thanks again my friend. She says she feels like a human pin cushion now.

  21. SARGE, I am sorry to hear the news about Carol. I will keep Carol, you and the family in my prayers. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks Rose, as for myself I wouldn't know where to start with this old body...

    2. Sarge, please keep us informed and don't forget to keep yourself hydrated and don't forget to eat, you will need nourishment while you help to look after Carol.

    3. Rose you are so sweet, I am fine Carol is eating better today, I made her
      Okra, that she has be craving for lunch, and tonight her request was for fish, so I steamed her 3 filet smothered with onions and lemon, best she ate since coming home that made me happy, mornings she like oatmeal thats good for her, all good signs, oh I ate potatoes, bake beans hot dog and a few small tomatoes. And thanks for your advice, always welcome... ))

    4. That is good she feels like eating and sounds like you are doing great at cooking up some good meals. Will be praying that she continues to improve.

    5. Sarge, glad to hear conditions are improving. Carol having her appetite back is good news, and she is eating foods that are good for her.

  22. Sarge, any updates? I know many of us are praying and hoping for good news.

  23. Hey folks. Long time, no see. Hope everybody is hanging tough. Sarge, hope your sitrep is improving. Fall is here, and if possible hope everyone can catch some clean fresh air before old man winter shows up.
    Figured I'd visit the 235 and drop some random thoughts and ramblings. So here goes:

    Politics can change, especially when you are faced with an enemy that has no desired result outside of change or destruction. Their own folly can curb the effort, especially when you see queers applied to classrooms to alter the lifestyles of the children of the folks you are at war with. Parents aren't cool with this, and I sense turning of the tide in that respect. Things like this can be changed internally, stateside.

    What is hard to change is weaponized economic policy and pitting your citizens into an economic war with the enemy. Our current supply chain issues, and debt to China are failing to be addressed. We continue to even give them our oil, despite the queer Marxists screaming about climate change, displaying the faux concern to our planet used to indoctrinate our youth and uneducated unscientific populace exacerbated by the likewise Marxists in the MSM. Meanwhile china is exploding in power plant creation, using our intellectual stolen property,to provide energy to the most dangerous govt on modern day earth.

    As we go forward, we will be subject to economic/social war. That's an issue that can't necessarily be changed only stateside. This will require a global effort I'm not sure folks can either grasp or have the stomach to fight. We consume to much, and produce to little . We are too comfortable, even in the face of a media leveraged pandemic that has cost us nearly 6 Trillion dollars.

    Currently we are already at war, through the media and the socials. Division wrought on us by our failure to see Marxism in our own house. We are woefully losing this battle until we change our policies. Until we change that, we will continue to fall further behind and be subject to the power play China is making economically to squeeze us. We can still fight economically, not kinetically yet and change things. But it's far more complicated than keeping pedo queers out of the classroom.

    Yuri Bezmenov told us what the tactic is, and the steps to "normalization". No better time to start listening than now. Our children deserve so much better. Their freedom is at stake.

    Take care peeps. Stack it high, and keep it dry. Bless each and every one of you and your families.

    DeSantis/Trump 2024

  24. Right on, Hammer. On the money. Marxism crept into America insidiously through our education system and other ways. The German communists who came here brought their ideology, the Frankfurt School being one. Antonio Gramsci was one of the European commies, and obama credited him with being a major influence.

    Obama was the one who blew open the doors to this newfound love of Marxism. They tried to worm their way into our government and our society after the forties. Tailgunner Joe McCarthy was vilified for pointing out how deep they had penetrated, but he was completely right. They owned Hollywood. FDR had communists serving in his cabinet. But when obama the lightbringer came along, and gave it legitimacy, it became mainstream. He did what the commies had been trying to do for sixty years. Virtually overnight. Now we have communists openly running for president. Serving in Congess.

    I blame our education system. They infiltrated it years ago. So now we have a generation that thinks it discovered Marxism, instead of seeing it as a failed 19th century ideology that killed 100 million people.

    And they are running our country. Joe Biden has no idea what's going on. That man is deep in dementia and just says what they tell him to say. Until we figure out who is really running the show, they will continue.

    Or, until we take back the House and Senate this year, then the Presidency in 2024. I like the DeSantis/Trump idea. But I think DeSantis is the man. He's a political genius, and a true Conservative.

    Let's take it back, friends. It's the fourth quarter, they have the ball. But we have Derrik Thomas eyeballing that quarterback, ready to rush in there and knock that ball loose and take it back. Don't get weak in the knees now. Don't decide to just not bother voting. And don't believe the polls. They are as fake as it gets. Commie media manipulation.

    MAGA, friends. Ultra MAGA.

    And thanks for the wake up, Hammer. I kind of dozed off there.

    1. I believe that they are using false info on the polls. Another of their tricks to keep us voters at home. Remember what they had for Trump and Hillary? Had hewr winning so far ahead that there was no way Trump could win.
      I think DeSantis is going to have to be our choice. The RINO's are going to put Trump out one way or another. I just hope Trump gets behind him . But the stupid libtards are missing the boat on this deal and they dont even see it.

  25. SSAH, this is what I have as of yesterday.. Thanks for asking, It has been a nightmare!!

    Telephone Encounter
    Nurse Amy at 9/26/2022 3:28 PM
    PC to James, informed him of Dr. Schroeder's response, result and that we have placed an ASAP referral. Apologized sincerely, for the ball being dropped on this. Instructed him to call us if he hasn't heard anything back within the next day or two.
    Charles Schroeder, MD at 9/26/2022 3:16 PM
    Please notify Mr. Reeder that Carol's TAVR 12/20/2022 needle biopsy did demonstrate the presence of a squamous cell carcinoma. I reviewed the hospital notes and for unclear reasons Carol was not given a follow-up appointment to see me at the time of discharge even though several physicians discussed the need for a follow-up appointment..

    I was unaware of the fact that Carol actually had the needle biopsy performed and that is why I did not contact them with the pathology results.. I am very sorry regarding the delay and have placed a referral for Carol to see one of the oncologist in the cancer center ASAP.
    Nurse AMY at 9/26/2022 12:35 PM
    Husband left msg stating they have not received any results yet and this is not going to help her if she has cancer and doesn't get her treatments.

  26. I continue praying for you Sarge and Carol! Take care!

  27. Skippey The info we got today is, Carol has stage 3 cancer will start Radiation and Cemo after she has MRI to see if there is any in her brain if their is she can’t have the radiation the way we understood it.. and when this starts she has to go.For treatment everyday for five to 6 weeks...

  28. I'm so sorry to hear that Sarge! God bless you all!

  29. Been rough this weekend, Sat she took a fall in the small bathroom, couldn't get her up, AMR showed up got her up and checked her out, took me they were taking her to ER, she bruised her Ribs,and a back disk, they kept her all day because of low sugar blood, level. Sunday she went into a diabetic comma I thought she died, call 911, it was the same team as Saturday, they hooked her up to sugar water and kept talking to her, sent me to kitchen to make peanut butter Jelly sandwich and Milk took in the room she was sitting up and talking to them I believed I seen miracle, the AMR are so great, they told me what to look for so I can make sure to have stuff ready incase it it should happen again,'GOD Bless them!!! Thanks for you comment Gary..

  30. One thing that I am glad to see in politics is that Tulsi Gabbard has decided to leave the Democratic Party! She, like so many of us are sick and tired of their continual power-grabbing corruption.
    Now I know there are things that I do not agree with Tulsi about, but she has shown me that she is an honorable, patriotic, no nonsense type of person who her own party tried to destroy when they did not like what she had to say. I don't know if she will convert to the Republican party or not. That is really not important to me What I do believe is that she truly cares for and loves our country and our citizens and wants to do what is best for the country! God Bless Tulsi Gabbard!

  31. I would rather have an honest, patriotic person in our party than the RINOs we have infiltrating it now. Pretending to be loyal members while working to destroy the party.

    Tulsi has some views I don't agree with, but she's open about them and doesn't pretend to believe something else to sneak by commie ideas. And she's proven to be open to discussion and to change her mind.

    The democrat party requires absolute loyalty to the party. They tolerate no variance or independent thought. Look what they did to Manchin and Sinema.
    I can accept honest disagreement, just not the Liz Cheney destroy the party fake Republican.

    I say we should take her into the party.

  32. Maybe.
    I'd listen and have the conversation. So put me down as lukewarm or tepid. But she's got some explaining to do, at least to me.

    1. She is a known WEF participant, therefore a Klaus Schwab camper.
    2. She was involved in the Army PSYOP program while active.

    So, there's my take. But if she's take the stance against the global elite kabal?
    Maybe. I'll leave it at that.

  33. Well I see that little idiot twerk Greta Thunberg is in it and thats about enough of her. After reading up on her I would have to be really convinced beyond a doubt before going on with her. But I am up to watching and listening to see just where she is going. Never know when that horse is going to come knocking wanting in

  34. We are very near midterms. 14-year-old active shooters, news anchors in PA being destroyed for reporting the truth, OPEC+ telling us Uncle Joe tried using a foreign agent to influence an election, it’s all coming to fruition, folks. The next 26 days are going to be insane. Wait for it. It’s all been scripted.

  35. Well, with no comments since October 15th, I hate to ask, but are we looking at the demise of Room 235? So sad to see, if that is the case!
    You have been with us through ALL that this country has endured over the years and as we approach this VERY IMPORTANT, if not the most mid-term election in decades, we all hope that a majority of citizens have "seen the light" in regard to what the current Administration is doing and has already done to our country and actually gets out and votes to turn this ship around before it hits the ice burg!
    I know many medical issues have hit many of our friends and their families here at Rm 235, and I hope and pray that things are improving for all!
    Let us all pray for everyone's health and happiness and pray that the healing of our country may start to come with the hopefully, very positive results of these mid-term elections! Take care ALL OF YOU! GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!

    1. Amen to that! Somebody must be looking at this as they have to approve the posts, I would guess it's Randy.

  36. I check it every day. Just some days I dont know what to say.

  37. HPI
    James M Reeder is a 77 y.o. male who presents via EMS to the ER for evaluation of headache, diffuse body aches, fever and chills. Patient states he was feeling well this morning when he took his wife to radiation, when they are driving back home he began having chills and felt like he was having a fever. Since that time he has felt generally unwell, he has been having diffuse muscle aches as well as a very severe headache which is unlike anything he has had previously. The patient has had associated nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. He has baseline shortness of breath which she notes is stable. Patient did not take any medications at home prior to arrival, no specific aggravating or alleviating factors noted. No sick contacts or recent travel.

    Triage/Intake/Nursing Notes and initial vital signs reviewed.

    Review of Systems
    Constitutional: Positive for chills, fatigue and fever.
    HENT: Negative for congestion and sore throat.
    Eyes: Negative.
    Respiratory: Positive for cough and shortness of breath (Baseline, stable).
    Cardiovascular: Negative for chest pain and palpitations.
    Gastrointestinal: Positive for diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Negative for abdominal pain.
    Genitourinary: Negative.
    Musculoskeletal: Positive for arthralgias and myalgias.
    Skin: Negative.
    Neurological: Positive for dizziness, weakness, light-headedness and headaches.
    Psychiatric/Behavioral: Positive for decreased concentration. Negative for confusion.
    Bottom line I have Covid, But other than that still pluging away, can't go out for 10 days Mike is driving Carol to her appointments don't know what I would have done if not for him...

    1. Sargejr- Take care of yourself old friend! God Bless you and your wife. I hope you are starting to feel a lot better!

  38. Well SHIT Stay at it. You will come around. Your a fighter.

  39. I still check the blog everyday. I haven't been posting much because I'm not sure how many are still reading. I assume Kevin is approving comments, I'm not. I leave that to him since this is his blog and I'm just a guest.

    I would be happy to post a new blog from time to time if folks want that. Certainly, enough crap these days to talk about.

    I'm sure Kevin has enough going on that this is just low on his list, and I certainly don't blame him. I recently had hand surgery and cataracts surgery which went well and I'm pretty well recovered so I'm good to go, but even small stuff like that takes you out of the game. Especially us old folks.

    I hope all is well as can be for Kevin and Linda. Haven't heard but I'll keep praying for them. That's about all I can do. Can't very well drop off a casserole from California.

    Sarge, hang in there. I had Covid and the wife had it twice. Hopefully you got the one that doesn't make you too sick. Get some of that horse dewormer ivermectin Joe Rogan used. We took it and I think it helped despite what the commie rat bastards said. Praying for you guys as well.

    I agree about this blog. It's been around for a long time. Kevin started blogging on the old CJ Urinal before obama the commie got elected. We had a lot of fun with that until we all got kicked off enough times it got boring. Then Room 235 became our home. It's still here. Up to you guys. I just enough of a windbag to post here. I'm game if you are.

  40. Well As some say is a deep subject. But we all know whats going on. Just a few more days and we will know where we are going. Hopefuly we can get this bunch of scum out. And that goes for both sides scum.
    How long do you all think it will be before they claim that the guy that tried to beat the brains out of Peelosi's ole man is showed to be a right wing looney? Guess he was waiting for her but got tired of waiting so he beat her ole man with a AR AK Hammer.

  41. Gee If Blue Lawrence goes red? What will the libs do? Jump off the top of the field house?

  42. So the guy that was Peelosi hunting has been charged with several charges. But one of the charges sounds like some thing I may have been threatened with and maybe even been assaulted with. ELDER ABUSE

  43. Well here it is November and was around 80 degrees today. One week until election day, I have a busy day planned for that day, but will make time to vote. Hopefully, the good Lord keeps me around that long? I know there has been a lot of illness in the rm235 group, I hope things are looking up. You will be in my prayers tonight. Sometimes when things are looking down, there is a passage in the bible I like to go to and read, Romans 8 18-37. Verse 28 is one I really zero in on.

  44. Romans 8:28-37 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. 29 For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

  45. Sarge, that's absolutely correct. Sometimes it's hard to know why God allows sickness and suffering. It's beyond our capacity to understand. But trust Him, and truly make Him the Lord of your life, and you will know someday what his plan was all along. We will have eternity to talk to Him and ask Him everything we ever wanted to know. But in the meantime, trust Him. Pray. And let him lead you. If you have never prayed the sinners prayer, the time is now. And find a good church. I went to Topeka Baptist when I was there. Fine church with great pastors. But there are many churches. Sometimes it's hard to get to church but the fellowship of Christians is on of God's great gifts to us.
    I'll keep praying for you guys.

  46. We been going to Topeka Baptist the last couple years. They do have some good folks there and if you can't go in they have services on youtube and facebook, but good to go and meet people if able to get out. In fact today I was up at 6AM and went in to vacuum the sanctuary. I just do it as a backup when others are gone for whatever reason. There is another good spot to read in Romans chapter 10 9-10: (9. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.).

  47. The stories are all over the chart in regard to the attack on Pelosi! And, of course, the DA's office there and those in the investigation have not helped to clear up any of the questions we have of what actually went on and why. I think they like the "rumor factory" going on about this story, despite what they say about Mis-information. This way a few incredible stories can be thrown in, in addition to the more "credible" stories, so it can be suggested that the attacker was influenced by the Jan 6 incident, thus being a "radical right wing white supremacist". No explanation about him being inspired by Jan 6 while living in a old school bus with no television, being crazy as a loon, while an X girl friend said he was more Liberal, and having serious mental issues. And just how in the world did someone like him manage to break into Pelosi's house, assuming they should be buried under tons of security!
    Not failing to mention how strange things have been suggested occurring like the attacker being in his underwear, allowing Pelosi to go to the bathroom, and Pelosi making a call to authorities but calling the guy "a friend"!
    But all of that did not stop Joe from blaming all conservatives for causing it to happen!
    It seems, according to our President, if we are "election deniers" then we are "Anti-American", mis-informing traitors! But absolutely no mention of Hillary Clinton already saying that the 2024 Presidential election is already being "rigged" by the radical Republicans!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yep Dive! That sounds like a "Radical White Supremacist" if I have ever heard of one!

  49. Mike took Carol for todays treatment, they took her over to ER, she is so weak and low blood pressure, she fell out of bed again last night, she won’t eat much of anything, its not looking good, she will be better off in the Hospital, I can’t do anything more for her, I think she is giving up….

  50. Linda and I are so sorry Sarge. I wish there was something we could do to make things better for you...

  51. Sarge, we'll continue to pray for you and Carol.

  52. I thank everyone in room 235 for your support and prayers, all I can say right now is I am scared very scared...

  53. Sarge, please keep us posted. You have a lot of friends, even if you never see some of us. And we're concerned and praying and worried along with you.

  54. Loss for words.
    Can't stress enough that thoughts and prayers occur everyday for all in the 235. Especially for sarge, currently.
    The mess of the world never detracts from the worth of all these fine people here, and in fact it highlights the value of this tribe.
    Whether here, or later on, you all deserve the best our creator has to offer and you will see it. Keep the faith my friends.

  55. I met safe and his wife once, it ended up we knew a lot of the same people and attended the same church for awhile, also I am friends with the pastor that married them. I think it might be Skippy that said he use to hang out at Scranton Tavern, which was an old hangout of mine years ago???? It is a small world.

    1. Yhep it is a small place. I worked at Four Corners bar for Norma and also filled in at Scranton when ever they needed help. Ole John cooked a good steak there.

  56. Hugs, loves, & prayers Sarge for you, Carol and your family and everyone here. Love, Rikki

  57. Continued prayers for you and Carol, Sarge! Difficult time for sure! Hold Carol close and give her your love as much as you can! We never know what the next day might bring us! I still think of my wife everyday and it has been 4 years since she became an angel!
    Changing the subject, the vote counting starts, and hopefully is done tomorrow! Funny how, with all of the technology, it takes longer to tally the vote than it seems it did when everything was a hand count process!
    The reason I said the "counting" starts tomorrow is because I actually went and voted early, for the first time, in my life! I'm sure that a lot of you may also voted that way this year. NOT mail-in! Just walk-in early voting! So many critical races and the polls have many of them neck and neck! I hope the polls are wrong and the Dems simply get blown out of the water tomorrow! The whole key will probably be who actually has not voted yet and who actually decides to show up tomorrow! Another key factor is whether people who were polled about the election actually gave factual information to the polling people! God- Please guide people's hearts to vote for the people most equipped and knowledgeable to handle the job and most fair minded and most determined to help the citizens of this country! Help us to get people to understand what is at stake here if the right people are not elected! Amen

  58. I worked in IT for almost 40 years, and I can tell you it should be very fast counting. But it leaves big holes for fraud and that fraud happens so fast that it may not get caught. Good programmer/IT person can change something and then erase the fact they did it leaving no trail. Now they will say they have check and balances for that which they do. But get a couple of those people that do the checks and balances working together and the fix will never get caught. When working with computers, there are always some errors and ways to manipulate data. Not saying it happens, just that I see all the holes and don't know how they are managing these? Then if you get into sells driving cars/trucks, you are putting your life and others in the hands of a computer programmer and I have never seen a system yet that a computer bug didn't show up at some point in time. It is just a fact people make mistakes and people are doing the programming, computers are no smarter that the people in development who can't think of everything.

  59. Sarge, I am sorry to hear the news about Carol. Please know she and the family are in my prayers.

    Dear Lord, please provide healing and comfort for Carol, Sarge and their family. Amen

  60. What is up with those people in Georgia

  61. That Power Ball was strange, California is in charge and claims they had problems and the drawing was 12 hours late- then someone in California won? I don't think there has ever been a delay like that and then someone won in the state that said there were problems that needed fixed, but not a lot of detail on the problem. Reminds me of the election and vote counting. I remember years ago, they called elections and had vote counted by late evening. Now with more technology it takes days or maybe a week. I think all states use to have similar voting rules that were common sense rules. Then I think we just have more stupid people. One state said they didn't have enough ballots! Now you know how many registered voters you have, why wouldn't you print up enough ballots, plus extras. Makes me wonder if they didn't print enough ballots or printed plenty of ballots but had so many illegal voters they ran out of ballots?


    1. Yes Dive! When, considering all of the current technology we have, which should speed up the process, and as a result, lotteries and election results, etc., for example, have been put into question, all that you can think is; The delay they say they need gives them enough time to "fix" (Not meaning make right!) the problem with a solution that those in charge want to happen!
      But in the process, we ARE REQUIRED, do as we are told, and accept the results, and STFU!!! Otherwise, you are a traitor, an insurrectionist, and a Nazi, white supremist election denier!
      Apparently no "Red Wave"

  62. What is wrong with the people in Penn?

  63. The Klingon won. Our country is in trouble, deep trouble.

  64. Well from what I am seeing this morning it looks like our country has gone down the ole rabbit hole. Better hold on to what you got cause we havent even seen the worse to come yet.

  65. Yes Rose! Every time I look at him and hear him talk, I just have to wonder WHAT IN THE WORLD would possess someone with any logic in their head whatsoever, to vote for him? And they call Conservatives less than intelligent??? Between him, Newsom, Warnock, Whitmer, and Hochul, there are so many Brain-dead voters out there that it is embarrassing to see where this country has gone in not so many years!
    Still no call on Kansas, but it does not look too promising for the Red!

  66. Just saw where Rep. Scalise announced his bid for Speaker of the House! That is really good news for the House!

  67. I was INCORRECT! I misread the news about Rep. Scalise. He has announced his bid for majority leader... not Speaker of the House... Sorry y'all.

  68. My husband went to bed at 10 last night so he missed alot of the returns. He got up this morning and said "WTH"? Are there that many people out there who have no idea about what is going on? My sister lives in Topeka and she voted for "that" woman and her husband wishes the Dems had taken more seats. You are right Gary, there are alot of brain dead people out there. Can you imagine voting for a brain dead Klingon? What is wrong with these people? Do they think this is a joke?


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...