Wednesday, April 12, 2023

United States of America? Not if the Democrats have anything to say about that!

The Democrats are more concerned about investigating things that take them away from what they were elected to do...which is working for the people.  There's many things that the Government (both state and national) can work on to improve the lives of the tax paying American citizens.  The list is endless.

The Democrats feel themselves above all rules.  There are many events prior to the Tennessee expulsions where the Democrats have conducted themselves above the rules that they oppress the Republicans with.  What?! The Democrats are oppressors? Surely not!  Yes! Democrat oppressors exist even in this current day!!  Democrats pretty much own the mainstream media and social media which peddles Democratic lies to the public.

The Democrats are hellbent on destroying America and their faithful followers are nothing but brainless drones.  The phrase "you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink" comes to mind.

Kevin and Safe over these many years have been trying to reach out to the population with their straight forward common sense blogs.  Well, being that Freedom of Speech is still intact, these blogs will continue....much to the horror of the oppressive Democrats.


  1. I know a few ole died in the wool dem's have to be turning over in their graves. As they say " This isnt the party of my Father's"

  2. You're right there Skippey.

    For the life of me I do not understand how African Americans can be pro Democrat... The Democrats were who wanted slavery and fought to keep it... The Democrats fought to be a separate country so they could continue being slave owners, etc., and like I said in my previous blog.... the Democrats are the epitome of deception.

  3. The reason for my bringing up African Americans is that I work with a lady who is African American... when she found out I was Republican, in shock her question to me was "How can you be a Republican?!" To that I replied, "I am what I am."

    What I should have said, but didn't think of it at the time, should have been "How can you be Democrat?!"

  4. The phrase you used "brainless drones" fits one of my relatives to a T. It's so damn frustrating sometimes I just want to grab her by her collar and ask what the hell is wrong with you...

  5. But then all hell would break lose and I'd be the bad guy...😎😎😎

    1. I was at a event and there was some Repub. politicians handing out yard signs. I told them I would support them coming up but I couldnt put their sign in my yard. So they looked puzzled and asked why not if your going to vote for us ? I told them that if I put a sign up and I caught some puke stealing it or damaging it that I would then put some serious whip ass on them. Then they would call the cops and have me arrested. So then I would be the bad guy and they would have my 8x10 picture on the liberal news cast as the conservative bad guy.

  6. Y'all remember the spaghetti westerns and how easy it was to tell the good guys from the bad guys by the color of hat they wore, right?

    With all the deception the Democrats are guilty of.... one of their greatest disillusions they feed their faithful braindead is that the Democrats portray themselves as the saviors of America. Talk about having delusions of grandeur!

  7. Just read this article on the Free Beacon....

    'A Voice of Truth': Kamala Harris Praises Unrepentant Anti-Semite Al Sharpton
    Calls notorious race hustler 'part of the conscience of our country'

    Jeepers if Kamala thinks that Sharpton is 'part of the conscience of our country'... she's beyond insane!

  8. Believe it or not, the democrats aren't the problem.
    The problem lies with the weak leaders elected under the guise of standing up to the social commie narrative.

    Lindsey Gramnesty, the Turtle, Mcstain, and Mittens are four examples.

    And with McCarthy signaling capitulation on the debt ceiling, you can probably add his name to the list.

    You must take control of the narrative, and bury all lies in truth in order to succeedin the repair of America. He wasn't perfect nor ideal, but Trump was the first since Reagan to show this trait. That's how a man like him got elected.
    Chickenshit men lacking the balls to support him, is the reason he lost reelection. Whether it was folks in congress or the courts, weakness made the awful predicament we are in.

  9. The democrats have always been racist evil fucks, since their inception. Today's democrats like to pretend that history never happened.
    You've never seen communists in Republican administrations. Maybe weak Republicans, but never communists. FDR had communists serving in his cabinet. His Secretary of State was a commie. What the hell do you think the New Deal was? The first attempt to impose communism on America. Wilson was a commie rat bastard. Unions might have been born out of a noble cause, but they are commie operatives. Look at the Teachers Unions. Commies through and through. Labor Unions aren't much better. Totalitarian bastards using government power to further their own causes.
    Today's democrat party is full on Marxists. Totalitarian, Authoritarian. A little of all the worst traits of Marxism. Suppression of freedom of speech. Overpowering regulation crushing the life out of us. Anti religion, specifically Christianity. Endlessly promoting deviant behavior, sexual perversion, the destruction of the nuclear family. Creating generations living completely dependent on government handouts. Streets filled with crime. Taxes beyond what we fought a Revolutionary War over. Stealing elections. Cheating on voting. And probably worst of all, creating a media empire that controls the narrative and promotes whatever lie they want to tell. Stalin would be proud of his little commie rat bastard proteges. They control the schools, teaching your children to hate America for reasons they made up out of thin air.
    They've destroyed our health care system. California is the poster child for it. My wife needs to see an ENT because she had throat problems that might be cancerous. Next available appointment? End of July. Because our health care system is overloaded with illegal aliens all getting free health care, along with all the homeless and welfare recipients. Those of us who pay for it go to the end of the line. And that's what they want for all of you. Our piece of shit governor is going to run for president. And his party controls the elections, not the voters. So be afraid, be very afraid.
    So yeah, if you're a democrat today, you're the problem. Pull your head out of your ass and stop being a useful idiot. Save our country, what's left of it. Unless you want us to become Soviet Russia, or Venezuela. If you do, then fuck you. I hope you die waiting in a bread line.


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