Monday, February 26, 2018

I'm Here... We're Here... And We're Not Going Anywhere...

Here we go again.

Same gun-grabbing bullshit from the same gun-hating, communist-loving, illegal alien-supporting, anti-American democrat party that's hell bent on destroying the 2nd amendment.

Same bullshit different strategy.

They've decided it's now perfectly acceptable to use emotionally shaken school kids as unsuspecting pawns in their never-ending war against the NRA and the American people.

To prove my point all you have to do is watch the first 6 seconds of the following video.

Do you think for a minute this disrespectful little bastard came up with his opening line all on his own?

Not a chance.

But you guys already know that.

In fact there really isn't anything I can say that hasn't already been said on the subject.

Instead, today I'd like to focus on the only organization standing between us and tyranny.

The 5 million member strong NRA.

And because she can explain it better than I ever could I'll just let Dana Loesch explain it in her own words.

Note to all you freedom-hating fools to think about.

I'm here.

We're here.

And we're not going anywhere.

Get used to it...

Kevin McGinty


  1. I'm here also, renewing my membership next month, I don't own a AR 15 but as soon as I get the work all done on the rental house and put on the market I think I will invest in one this summer, worst thing people can do is use the word "ban" that mean sale go's up and up. Morons.

    "God Bless America"
    “One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA.

  2. Hey, I'm in negotiation with Amazon to produce my new TV show 'Walker, Texas Teacher'.

    Can I get a Ramen?

    1. No You can get a Fuck You though.

      "God Bless America"
      “One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.

  3. Well I don't know about the rest of you but I spent the weekend shootin guns.

    Me and Cletus like to drive around and I use my AR-27 machine gun pistol with the 100 round clip and shoot bottles. Cletus throws the bottle up and I shoot it. We have a lot of bottles cause we drink a lot of beer while we're out driving around shootin stuff.

    You might think it's hard to drive and hold your beer while you shoot flying bottles with an AR-27 but it ain't that hard. I steer with my knees.

    I got the AR-27 machine gun pistol cause them AR-15 machine guns ain't enough for me.

    I got my eye on a 50 caliber machine gun at WalMart. Soon as the check come I'm heading down there to pick it up.

  4. My hubby n' I were talking about this stuff this morning. The high schoolers were headed back to school and the media was there interviewing them. If I were one of the parents there I would have told the media to take a hike - these kids don't know how to digest that the media is taking advantage of them for ratings.

    Hubby n' I agreed with all of you - it's not the gun - it's the person with the gun that is the issue. And like Hammer said last week - some people use vehicles in deliberate destructive manner - will they ban vehicles? No.

    With gun control being thrust back to the forefront, the only thing I can suggest in addition to comments here is to write letters (i.e. emails) to senators and representatives on both the state and national levels, and also write to President Trump. Stay connected to them through corresponding with them.


  5. Well, maybe if the Broward County Sheriff had some balls and responded there would have been a lot fewer casualties. Now this comes out:

    EMS first responder reports the Broward County Chickenshits held him back.

    “Everything I was trained on mass casualty events says they did the wrong thing,” he explained. “You don’t wait for the scene to be cleared. You go in immediately armed. Retrieve the victims. You can’t leave the victims laying there.”

    “We were asking to go in. Asking the scene commander to go in. Why are we all standing around? Why are we not having patients to treat? Why are we not going into the building and retrieving these kids? The response every time was law enforcement did not clear the scene and would not allow medical personnel to go in,” he added.

    The EMS worker believes that if he and other medical responders were allowed to enter the building as soon as they arrived, they could have saved more lives. He explained he was willing to risk his life to save the lives of others and was very frustrated over the situation.

    The EMS worker stressed that he believes law enforcement made the decision they thought was best at the time, but emphasized that he believes it was the wrong one.

    “They should have been more aggressive about getting the victims out,” he said.

    I'm as big a law enforcement supporter as you'll find, but these guys were wrong. And I point to the Sheriff. He's obviously a democrat/communist left winger. And I'm betting we will eventually find out he gave a stand down order and now he's letting his troops take the fall.

  6. Big moneyed libs are pouring millions into that big march for gun control planned for next month...complete with lawyers, pr firms, merchandise sales, and on and on. Plans said to include demonstrating in front of the white house and destroying AR 15 rifles.
    Just reported on Beck.

  7. The Promise Program...being reported on Rush...grant money being promised to local school districts if they are able to get their crime stats down...
    So how do they do that? By not reporting crime arrest, no stats for the anything. Hatched in Chitown, now across the country. School supt for the Broward school district was recruited from (guess) Chicago.
    So whose brilliant idea was this?

    Why, His Obamaness the Good and Benevolent...

    Choke on that, anonymous.

    1. And cops weren't told to just ignore minorities even though that was the desired outcome; they had to make it look legit, you see.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. And that, my friend, is how it's done.

    Just keep speaking the truth.

    Obviously the truth will have no effect on those who refuse to listen b

    But out here in the real world it reigns supreme...

  9. On Beck: more on that damnable Promise program...agreements between school officials and local law enforcement are handled at the school level as "infractions" and kept out of the crime database. Crimes include assaults, threats and the like.
    Also: we have yet to learn why that 20-minute time delay was put on the school surveillance cameras...shooting only lasted 6 minutes. Cruz was 14 minutes gone from the area, having slipped out with escaping students.

    Cant wait for that answer to be made public...

  10. I wonder what the time frame was when the first and the other three were there. Was there any shooting going on? How long were they there before and during and after the shooting. Hard to believe that law enforcement just sat on there hands while all this was going on but they for sure didn't help out in any way. Read about EMT's not being allowed in to help. Just a whole bunch of people that have no business being there in the first place. People laying there needing help and the officers are to scared to even go in after all the shooting stopped. Before during and after. Some people need to go. And I say start at the very top and work down.

  11. No doubt more will be forthcoming about this.
    But a bump stock ban, enhanced background checks and all the rest won't matter a whit as long as criminal behavior is withheld from databases, charges aren't brought and crimes remain unpunished.
    Also...somebody better go tell da boyz in da hoods dat now theys gotta do background checks in da van on da corner where they be sellin' their wares to da boyz...

  12. Indeed they are.

    And probably more so than we even know about...

  13. We'll talk more about it tomorrow...

    1. Okay!

      "God Bless America"
      “One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.

  14. You got most of the issues covered here as usual bunker folks.

    But to our anonymous visitor, here's something to think about for a moment.

    We protect our stadiums. We protect our art. We protect our celebrities. We protect our politicians. All with firearms.

    Why is it so absurd to consider protecting our most valuable assets to our future in our kids?

    I'd like to hear a response to that....

    You cry about the small percentages of inbred radical Muslims committing crimes in our country and how islamophobia exists...

    You cry in how small the percentages of illegals commiting violent crimes is no reason to stop them...

    Yet you want to take a stand against legal firearm owners and limiting rights based on another very small percentage?

    I call you a gunophobe. Simple as that.

    You simply can't see the laws in existence and protection mechanisms aren't working. So more of the same will? That's insanity.

    It astounds me how stupid the leftists and marxists are. Sheep willing to do anything that makes you feel better through virtue signaling. Even going to lengths to pimp mindless children to hold your signs and read your speeches.

    I hate your identity politics, the lack of values you stand for, and your ignorance of what the cost of freedom really is.

    If you want any of my guns, it's real simple. Repeal the second amendment with the support of 38 states. Or come and take them.
    I truly am comfortable where I am at because you don't have it within you to do either one.

    Besides I'm not even sure you know what bathroom to use, so I like my chances.

    Molon Labe. Good luck...

  15. On a lighter note...watched Hannity with Carter Page earlier...they harassed that man for over a year and came up with zip zero nada. Page strikes me as one of those unassuming, earnest types, harmless, honest, a bit of a nerd...and they pick him to badger??? Not an ounce of "criminal" in him...and he's suing the hell out of huffpo, yahoo and others for defamation. I hope he breaks their damned banks broke. Back a nerdy guy like that into a corner and he ain't gonna let go if he gets hold of you...they tried to destroy that man. He did not break because he was truthful all along. Bastards the lot of them.

  16. What do you think of an article 5 constitutional convention forced on by the states? I believe it takes 2/3 of the states legislatures to get started?? Congress will never do it. It would be a was to get term limits for all politicians and judges. It could take care of all this gun crap, illegals, moral decay, overturn supreme court decisions, balanced budget...............

    But then there is the chance it could backfire! I really am not sure about it.

    1. Takes 38 states, and not all conaervative states are on boarx, fot example Kansas. Process is already been underway for quite some time. Thank you Mark Levin.
      Dive you should check it out and sign on...

    2. I support it; it is the Constitution's fire alarm if you will...long, slow fight in order to get to ratification but it's all that is left now.

  17. Good Grief you all have it all together, have a great day!

    "God Bless America"
    “One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.

  18. After 9/11 we implemented heavier security to board an airplane. Metal detectors, scanners, and armed pilots and air marshals.

    There have been no airplane hijackings since that time.

    Are our children worth that? Not to the godless liberals they aren't. But these people live in a culture of death. Murdering unborn children is a sacrament. Assisted suicide is a sacrament.

    So they should just quit pretending this is about "protecting the children", who they could care less about, and admit it's about the godless left wing communist agenda of disarming America, which is but one plank in the destruction of our civil society, their ultimate goal.

  19. This post is aimed specifically at the progressive left, always lurking about the Bunker...
    Lunn, two are no doubt well-versed in the Nietzsche ideology of nihilist thought i.e. God is Dead, right? But did the man himself really believe that? Somehow I don-t think so. He rebukes collective man when, as the Madman, he asks "What are you going to replace Him with?"
    The answer is pretty obvious by now, or should be: deny the moral laws of God, replace them with rules made by men deemed "wise"...the idea of "God" and "Jesus" and morality, science, etc. is old. Outmoded. We are the brave new world. We are whatever we wish ourselves to be, even to the point of science denial. Men can be women or any combination of the two as one example...but what do you call the rest of us re climate change? Science deniers.
    Just one example of your thinking there but it's enough.
    It has taken progressives 100 years to tear down "one nation under God"...e pluribus unum..."from many, one"...

    Fools, you do Nietzsche a huge disservice...he was trying to warn you.


  20. The left calls Trump a dictator...
    They want what they refer to as common sense gun their world, we'd have no guns, putting all of us at the mercy of the government (and criminals)...

    At the mercy of the one they call a dictator...

    The 2nd is our safe haven from a tyrannical government with...a dictator...

    The left would do well to study Jefferson as well as the basis for that natural, God-given right of a man to bear arms and live free from the tyranny of the dictator...
    Donald Trump...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...