Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Democrat/Communist election strategy.....Keep digging
So the democrat/communist party has a pretty clear strategy for this years midterms. Keep doing everything they did to lose them the House, Senate and the Presidency, only do more of it. Should work just great. For us.
You've probably noticed they are going ballistic on guns now. "Republicans want to see children die". "The NRA is a shadow government running the Republican party". And so on. Dragging these poor traumatized children around teaching them democrat/communist party talking points. Hitler youth anyone? Children are easily manipulated for good or evil. They are using these children for evil.
And they are rolling out the racist train. Now suddenly Laura Ingraham is racist because she called bullshit on a couple of basketball players who were trash talking our President. So now the cry goes out across the land that she's racist.
I saw Nancy Pelosi trying to convince some people that "most" people are struggling to get by. Which is bullshit. Some are, most aren't. Most of us have jobs, families. We work, we save, we invest and we live a decent life. Now Nancy is a multi millionaire that owns a winery. So I don't know what she thinks she knows. But then, she is pretty senile at this point so I think she just reads whatever her handlers put in front of her.
So why are the democrat/communists putting on a display of such insane proportions? Why the sudden need to distract and demagogue the rest of America?
Because they are about to get their collective asses handed to them. The whole Russia collusion narrative they invented is about to turn around and bite them big time. The evidence is piling up. Real evidence, not the imaginary stuff they are hoping on. This thing is going all the way to the snakes head, the Kenyan. All of them. Even if they don't go to jail, which would be a crime in itself, they are going to be exposed for the bunch of seditious lying sneaky crooks they are.
Just remember. Nixon resigned in disgrace and he barely did anything. A failed burglary he didn't even know about. But the cover up got him.
These guys committed crimes, used government resources for political means, colluded with Russia and tried to steal and election, then tried to overturn it when they lost.
This is going to get ugly, really ugly. So look for the distractions to increase, and the lies to multiply.
The holes getting deeper friends. And they just keep digging.
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Solo Expedition...
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Ya you said it 100% right my friend.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
We all know that the left is using the kids. Still need to follow the money trail. They are being used and they aren't even smart enough to see it. Wonder what they will be like when they get out in public life?
David Hogg, a student journalist who documented the shootings as they happened, was a "crisis actor" -- someone who didn't even attend Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. He and several other "students" speaking out about the need for legislative action on guns were plants by gun control advocates -- professional rabble-rousers aiming to take political advantage of a tragedy.
Does anyone think those school children carried all pre-made signs on the bus? I don't think so, being herded like cattle by the Libs. How low can they get?
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
I'm not sure what more I can add to what I said the other day about the teens & the gun issue.
Did any of you catch the editorial by Tammy Bruce of the Washington Times?
“Tracking the real collusion: Obama knew foreign entities were interfering; he did nothing”
The Rev. Billy Graham has passed, at the age of 99. Heard the news on the radio early, then Beck had a segment on it. One of a kind, he other preacher even comes close to him.
ReplyDeleteOn another note: how many of you know that human sex slavery continues to ravage Mexico and the harvesting of organs continues on in the middle east? Think ISIS and other terrorists are out of business over there? Think again. They've just grown quieter, morphed into other groups and continue to harvest organs from captured women and children of Christian and Yaziti faith. This is a lucrative source of income for them to fund their terror.
But...stories about this are ignored in main media, fox included. Beck's charity arm, the Nazarene Fund, has been rescuing people for quite awhile from both the sex trade and the terrorists. Many of his volunteers are retired military as well as doctors, clergy and others, doing what they can. All funded by donations from the private sector.
Rev. Billy Graham was truly one of a kind Cats. He is definitely a role model to follow.
ReplyDeleteHave you heard of Dr. David Jeremiah? He's another really good preacher, though he hasn't done the revivals that Billy Graham was famous for, he is on Christian radio stations. Another good preacher is Ravi Zacharias, also on Christian radio stations. Both are also authors and have many published books and another favorite of mine is Max Lucado - he's published lots of books too. There are some really honest local pastors here in Topeka -
Doesn't surprise me how the media cherry picks their stories Cats - Mexico has been crime riddled for a long time, much like here in America and abroad - there's stuff that goes on that the media ignores because they want to stay on track on what they deem more important....i.e. their biased publishings.
Washington is a swamp, President Trump is right on that. Washington for decades has been very untrustworthy - their corruption runs deep.
Just saw this on the Washington Times:
Obama Official funneled thousands of dollars in grant money to family
then there was my post about the editorial written by Tammy Bruce of the Washington Times
“Tracking the real collusion: Obama knew foreign entities were interfering; he did nothing”
We all know that Obama and his administration was not "transparent".... I really hope that more stuff comes out about Obama's corruption and that of his administration and that eventually there will be some much deserved indictments / convictions.
Yes, Rikki, am familiar with both. I generally listen to the Christian stations on weekends and I really like Ravi Zachariah because his take on things is a bit different from the mainstream; very thought provoking. First time I heard him, I thought who is this guy? He's so different from most. I was hooked.
ReplyDeleteAs for Billy Graham, for her many faults, my late grandmother got a few things right...he was one. As a kid, his televised crusades were very much a part of my childhood. We always watched those.
I have several of Max Lucado's books and ditto on David Jeremiah. of Max Lucado's books it's hard to say which one is my favorite - but if I had to narrow down..... I'd say the "Applause of Heaven" is my favorite because it talks about the Beatitudes.
I have read books from all three, Billy Graham, many of David Jeremiah books and Max Lucado. I don't think I have read any of Ravi's but I really like listening to him. One of my favorites is David Jeremiah's Agents of Babylon. It is about the life of David after the people sinned (kind of like America is today)and were taken away by the Babylons, how he kept his faith under threats of death, how others turned to sin like those that took them captivity. David would not allow the environment sway him and would not allow the "good life" to sway him from God's Laws.
ReplyDeleteRight now just started reading David Jeremiah's Escape the Coming Night which is about what leads up to the end times (much like now) and what will happen.
Haven't read Escape the Coming Night, but it sounds like a good read.
Another example of schools brainwashing our next generation!
ReplyDeleteParents with children who attend a Texas middle school are wondering what gay bars and transsexuals have to do with Black History Month.
Sixth graders at North Richland Middle School were presented a survey asking if they were comfortable with going to a gay bar or if they would be okay if their sister’s new boyfriend is a female-to-male transsexual.
The Fort Worth Star Telegram reports the 41-question survey was part of the diversity curriculum for Black History Month. Students were instructed to rate their level of comfort with various scenarios:
A friend invites you to go to a gay bar
You go to the gay bar and a person of the same sex asks you to dance
Your sister invites her new boyfriend home to dinner. He is a female-to-male transsexual
Your dentist is HIV positive.
Your assigned lab partner is a Fundamentalist Christian
Parent Ashley Brent told the Star-Telegram her son was very uncomfortable with what he called a “weird test.”
“This is not something that is school-appropriate,” she told the newspaper.
And what HIV-positive dentists and transsexual boyfriends have to do with Black History Month is beyond me.
6th graders??? Such a "test" is appalling at any age, let alone 6th graders...flat-out indoctrination and a perversion.
DeleteAnd so many wonder why we've got so many screwed up people wandering around.
Watched bits and pieces of the live coverage of President Trump with teenagers and their parents from Florida - one parent said something that made a lot of sense - fix the schools first, then you can talk about gun laws....this should have been fixed after Columbine. This parent continued to say, you can't go on an airline with a bottle of water....9/11 came, things got fixed. Fix the schools.
ReplyDeleteThis parent is one of the parents who buried his teenager. I like how he brought his perspective of school safety to the discussion and that it is a separate issue from gun laws.
Not once did Obama do this for the families of Sandy Hook.
I guess I should say something, I watch President Trump and these kids and family members today, and one had to be touched by it all, very moving it was, no matter what we believe, this country has to come together, Like most we should agree that our country has gone down hill when we threw God out of our schools and now in homes, this is the greatest Country in the world, build on our believe in God. The answer is right in front of us.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
Yup...we are seeing "rule by man" as opposed to the Commandments and one nation under God.
ReplyDeleteWell my new thing as long as I am a bunker member I will always say this at the end of my comment.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
And if it bothers anyone, come to the next summit if we have one and kick the living shit out of me!
Lol... Beats the hell out of "Dilly Dilly."
ReplyDeleteSorry Sarge. It was the voices in my head again...
ReplyDeleteIt's okay I have heard those voices a time or to my self. I just hope saying that doesn't mean I can't by a gun.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
It's a farce to beleive some hurting and emotional snot nosed kids with prepared speeches and signs will ever convince me to give up my rights to self preservation.
ReplyDeleteThe Florida legislature has spoken, and Congress will too. All of these children have no rights outside of "human rights". They don't have jobs, pay taxes, or vote. They aren't even eligible to die for the very flag they so mistakenly beleive they understand. Emotional pimped out lip service is all it is. NO credibility.
They care not or understand the tragedy in places like Chicago that happen every day, due to the very people they think help them. Hell, they aren't even smart enough to understand how the school, local law enforcement, and federal law enforcement let them down.
Blind emotional stupidity, that's all. Ignorance.
Safe is correct. The left seems to be "in for a penny, in for a pound.)
They can keep on a diggin, but I hope they understand guys like me are entrenched in this fight. I will not go quietly into the night. My self preservation will be protected. And #neveragain will my rights be tread on. I am not alone, either.
So let them double down, because sooner or later they will come up bust. Odds and history will prove me right.
#neveragain will fade away just as quick as an antifa thug standing in front of based stick man with a two by four.
Pimped out children with pre-made messages and speeches will not endure. My American freedom will.
Good morning everyone The weather has turned on us again, snow and sleet be careful for those of you that have to be out in it, I my self will take the day off.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate winter?
ReplyDeleteNo I don't think so, but I know I am fed up with it.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
Colton Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC credited with shielding students during the Parkland, Florida, school shooting, has accused CNN of scripting questions for students as they held an anti-gun town-hall meeting Wednesday night.
ReplyDeleteHaab claims the network approached him about asking a question at the televised meeting, to which he obliged by writing a few and settling on one questioning the feasibility of putting veterans in schools as armed security guards.
But he quickly realized that anything not related to bashing firearms and the Second Amendment wasn’t going to be a part of the show.
"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
Speaking at CPAC this morning NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch said she feared for her life last night during the CNN Town Hall as the crowd of nearly 5,000 people rushed her while chanting "Burn Her."
ReplyDeleteThis is what the left has done to America's kids.
Fuck that!
Story on Drudge...
Beck replayed several of Dana's clips from that CNN verbal firing squad last night...she's no dummy and she's not afraid to walk into the lion's den to face the enemy. Did an admirable job of shoving back with facts and the Constitution, even shutting down an idiot liberal progressive teacher over the "musket- militia" bullcrap by quoting George Mason's definition of same. I don't even think the woman knew who he was!
ReplyDeleteOn Rush: now coming out that the school had video cameras in operation but that they were set to a 20-minute time Why???
Truth and reason are beginning to get out now.
And the dept of ed 9ffice there had an armed guard on the noted by the dad of a girl killed there. He made very blunt outspoken points about it. That clip is being played as well.
Who runs the schools? THE NEA, that's who..."fo' de chilren"...guards with guns are "scary"...
ReplyDeleteSo why, then, do stadiums, Disney World, concerts, and damn near every other place where large groups of families gather have armed guards but not schools???
Any lib progs reading my post, tell us why.
And all CNN did was exploit a tragedy for a political agenda by organizing and conducting a mob trying to lynch the Constitution...and the 2nd amendment protects that document.
ReplyDeleteLiberal prog platform:
ReplyDelete1. Pro abortion...unless a child manages to escape and get born...
2. Then it's all about the food, free med, subsidized housing, free meals in school, free school supplies, subsidized utilities for home, food stamps....etc.
3. Armed security in all venues available...
4. Except at school...we need to keep them as soft targets in order to push gun control...but we'll never say that. Just attack anybody who supports the 2nd.
And they truly believe that's a winning strategy...
ReplyDeleteBut you did leave out what's maybe the most central part of their platform.
ReplyDeleteHATE TRUMP...
Did y'all here Nancy Pelosi's latest suggestion, to make the border more secure? "mowing the grass so people can’t be smuggled through the grass"
ReplyDeleterather than building a wall!
God, Nancy is the best thing the GOP has going to take votes away from the Dims! LOL!
I heard Nancy talking about mowing the grass and I laughed so hard my husband thought something was wrong with me. It still makes me laugh just thinking about her saying that.
DeleteDon't mess with Nancy she is our secret weapon for the up coming election!
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
I can almost hear Trumps Tweet tomorrow. Nancy Pelosi's answer to border security "buy more lawn Mowers". I wonder she also wants Illegals to operate them.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
Gary I heard about that mower response to that was that someone should tell her to do away with her armed security at her mansion and instead have the landscaper just keep her lawns mowed. Wish I could recall who said that. That woman is daft.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh. Now that's funny!
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
I do believe you have a very validated point my friend, couldn't agree more.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
I watched a few videos from the Fake CNN Town Hall from last night.
ReplyDeleteI probably would have been thrown out because there's no way in hell I'd let some snot nosed little prick talk to me the way these little bastards were talking...
They would of tossed me as well.
DeleteKids can have a voice, but don't have any credibility. That's why they are kids.
Pay some taxes, cast some votes, be registered to serve your country then maybe we can talk.
It's not my fault your school, Leo's, and your daddy on the golf course didn't help you kiddo.
Go back to your video games and bubble gum.
Well sarge, you know me.
ReplyDeleteI'm respectful to all, but at no point do I think the world has a place for men in defensive positions to be pussies.
I like the men around me strong, and the women just as strong or stronger.
I have a low tolerance for weakness in character.
Hear ya, I was shocked today hearing that that armed guard was out side the door and didn't go in, and my understanding they have that on tape, he was not on the other side of the school. He resigned today and I am sure he is high tailing it out of town, what a low life coward he is. Must have been a Lib.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
I just heard about this and looked it up.
ReplyDeleteIt also said two other deputies, Edward Eason and Guntis Treijs, have been placed on restricted duty while the department investigates whether they could or should have done more to stop the shooter. I wonder what the story is on those two?
Actually, a whole bunch seem to have dropped the ball on this guy from locals who went to house many times to FBI.
I had been asking my wife about the supposed "armed guard" that I had heard was on duty at the school, the day of the shooting. I had never heard whether he was one of those shot, wounded, killed, etc., then I finally heard this today. So much that people and law enforcement screwed up on this shooting!
ReplyDeleteTrump really wants to do something about these shootings but, I just don't like the idea of raising the age limit in being able to buy guns. Think about, for example, how many young women in the 18 to 20 age group are now living on their own in apartments etc., and might want some personal protection in their homes. With all of the rapist, perverts, murders, etc., they couldn't even get a gun legally if they wanted one for protection. That is just not right!
I can hear the illegals talking to their friends telling them "did you hear the good news, Nancy said instead of shovel ready jobs, now we get to MOW!"
ReplyDeleteYou can't make this stuff up. I wonder what it would be like to spend a couple seconds in Nancy's head.
It has been raining nearly non stop the last couple of days. We had to actually let water out of the pool last night. It is raining again this evening and we will get rain off and on all day tomorrow. I'm glad we live up on a hill.
Y'all, my dem friends keep posting on facebook, saying we need to ban all automatic machine guns. I have corrected them a number of times and they still don't know the difference between a pistol, rifle, AR-15 and a machine gun. They make me tired. Remember when I told y'all about my neighbor admonishing me when I told them I would shoot someone if they broke into my house and they told me that was horrible because the person might be coming in for bread? That is what I am dealing with and they live next door. I'm going to send my lawn guy over to their house so he can ask them if he can mow their grass. They love Nancy.
ReplyDeleteLol... This is what we're up against.
ReplyDeleteThe same kiddos trying to set US policy are the same one's that eat laundry soap and don't know whether they're a boy or a girl...
Good grief...
That story about the guard getting shot lasted only a few hours I was out, then disappeared on the day of the shooting. Fake news or maybe some reporter thought the coach who tried to shield the kids was security, I don't know.
ReplyDeleteDana Loesch had 3 armed escorts on hand to hustle her out of that townhall...and out now that CNN scripted the whole thing. They only wanted attendees who support the liberal agenda.
And I want to know why the hell they had that video surveillance tape set on a 20-minute delay. That's just plain crazy.
New blog up.