Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Babble on, David...
I don't know about you guys but I'm sick and tired of this little snot-nosed son of a bitch, David Hogg and his enablers in the America-hating media referring to NRA members as "Child Murderers."
Think I'm exaggerating?
I offer up the following video to prove my point.
With the help of what passes as today's American Mainstream Media, this kid has gone from a somber faced, helpless little victim to one of their favorite weapons in trying to disarm the American people.
In just two weeks they've turned this kid into a rock star with no end in sight.
Don't believe me?
I just Googled his name and came up with 14,900,000 hits.
With the media's coaching and carefully scripted lines, he's leading the charge to "Take Care Of" any and all companies the don't drop their ties with the NRA.
The latest company to face his uninformed but carefully scripted wrath seems to be Fed Ex who so far has refused to bow to the pressure.
In their never-ending attempts to divert the well-deserved attention away from the glaring and vlatant failures of the FBI and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel the media turns to their new found child star.
"I'm not going to allow Gov. Scott to blame Sheriff Israel." David Hogg
You're not going to allow it?
You're a joke, kid.
This know-nothing little kid's latest attempt to make himself relevant is probably my favorite.
He's now threatening to, not go back to school until at least one new gun control law is passed.
He doesn't care what's passed.
He just wants something passed so he and his fellow freedom hating friends can feel like they've accomplished something.
"Literally any legislation at this point would be a success. Considering the fact that so few legislators in Florida have met with us and they want the people to forget, that's disgusting. The fact that they want the people to forget about this and elect them as the CHILD MURDERERS they are, that's unacceptable and we're not going to let that happen." David Hogg
The gig's up, David.
Sure, you may very well believe in what you're saying but you're too young, uninformed, and naive to understand the simple fact that you're being used.
Don't feel bad though. You're not the first kid to be exploited and used by the media to push their anti-American agenda nor will you be the last.
Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets are working overtime trying to hide any and all references to the very thing you've fallen victim to.
Fake News, they're calling it.
CNN seems to be taking a little different strategy.
You ready for this?
Yep, they're blaming the Russians.
Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, kid.
Just know this.
Every time you and your enablers in the media go on about NRA Child Murderers you make it that much easier for Donald Trump to win a second term in 2020.
Babble on, David...
Kevin McGinty
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Still Safe at Home February 27, 2018 at 7:46 AM
ReplyDeleteAfter 9/11 we implemented heavier security to board an airplane. Metal detectors, scanners, and armed pilots and air marshals.
There have been no airplane hijackings since that time.
Are our children worth that? Not to the godless liberals they aren't. But these people live in a culture of death. Murdering unborn children is a sacrament. Assisted suicide is a sacrament.
So they should just quit pretending this is about "protecting the children", who they could care less about, and admit it's about the godless left wing communist agenda of disarming America, which is but one plank in the destruction of our civil society, their ultimate goal.
catsncats February 27, 2018 at 9:08 AM
ReplyDeleteThis post is aimed specifically at the progressive left, always lurking about the Bunker...
Lunn, Blue...you two are no doubt well-versed in the Nietzsche ideology of nihilist thought i.e. God is Dead, right? But did the man himself really believe that? Somehow I don-t think so. He rebukes collective man when, as the Madman, he asks "What are you going to replace Him with?"
The answer is pretty obvious by now, or should be: deny the moral laws of God, replace them with rules made by men deemed "wise"...the idea of "God" and "Jesus" and morality, science, etc. is old. Outmoded. We are the brave new world. We are whatever we wish ourselves to be, even to the point of science denial. Men can be women or any combination of the two as one example...but what do you call the rest of us re climate change? Science deniers.
Just one example of your thinking there but it's enough.
It has taken progressives 100 years to tear down "one nation under God"...e pluribus unum..."from many, one"...
Fools, you do Nietzsche a huge disservice...he was trying to warn you.
catsncats February 27, 2018 at 9:52 AM
ReplyDeleteThe left calls Trump a dictator...
They want what they refer to as common sense gun control...in their world, we'd have no guns, putting all of us at the mercy of the government (and criminals)...
At the mercy of the one they call a dictator...
The 2nd is our safe haven from a tyrannical government with...a dictator...
The left would do well to study Jefferson as well as the basis for that natural, God-given right of a man to bear arms and live free from the tyranny of the dictator...
Donald Trump...
Hey Just getting use to yesterdays blog, but anyhow, sounds like you are a little pissed off ht Hoggie Boy! But he is being used to the Max and his asshole parents are allowing it.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.
And father Hogg is a former FBI guy...retired early; diagnosed with Parkinson's.
ReplyDeleteAs to those grassroots followers of his, well....if what he wishes to call followers is an army of bots courtesy twitter, combined with radical leftwing websites, be my guest. Rush discussing that.
In 6 months people will be scratching their heads and wondering "Hogg? What Hogg? Ground Hogg? Boss Hogg? Hogg tied?"
Tool Time...
Yep... The Tools of Fools...
ReplyDeleteI wonder he'll react when his new best friends at CNN stop calling.
ReplyDeleteThe kid's headed for one hell of a let down.
Welcome to the real world, Dipshit...
House democrats have introduced a bill that outlaws any and all high capacity magazines (10 or more) rounds and 205 different firearms.
ReplyDeleteLet's hear you mother fuckers tell me again how no one's coming after our guns.
Story on Breitbart...
But here's the deal, Dumbasses.
ReplyDeleteThere's not a quicker way to lose an election than threatening to disarm the American people.
And it comes on the same day Donald Trump announced he was running again in 2020.
You Dipshits still don't get it, do you...
This is the godless left at it's worst. They take a situation which is horrible, and of course try to exploit it politically, which they always do.
ReplyDeleteSo they find this kid, who is able to put words together in a sentence, unusual for his peer group and drag him out into the media.
They feed him the usual pack of lies, he repeats them. As soon as people begin to criticize him, just what you would expect happens.
"He's a survivor...How can you be so heartless as to criticize this poor kid....The gun lobby is trying to shut him up" and so on and so on.
First, nobody is trying to shut this little turd knocker up, they are refuting his lies. He is absolutely ignorant of how his government operates and of our constitution.
And if he's going to join in the debate as a national spokesman, he better have the balls to take the heat. Otherwise shut up.
This is just a little fame hungry kid who is as opportunistic as the people exploiting him. I have no sympathy for him because he's as guilty as the people backing him.
You gonna pick a fight, the other guy might fight back.
This is just the usual godless left wing stuff. Exploit emotion, exploit children. Lie, lie and lie some more.
They don't care anymore about him than they do illegal aliens. They just see votes to be had, their base to make happy and a chance to gain some ground in their war to destroy our civil society.
They aren't smart enough to figure out this hurts them far more than it helps them. So we still win in the end.
And this young fellow is going to be really butt hurt in a couple of weeks when his handlers have moved on to the next tragedy to exploit and he can't get them to return his phone calls, and CNN stops booking him for their shows.
Fame is a bitch, especially when it fleeting as it often is if it was based on nothing to begin with.
And the funniest part is they think they're winning. Because they all spend so much time patting each other on the back, and because they have virtually no contact with the real world, they think they are winning.
ReplyDeleteThey think this time they really have us.
They have no clue. Not even a little.
You nailed it Safe.
ReplyDeleteEvidently when the only people you have contact with are like minded leftists you tend to believe everyone sees the world through the same foggy, hate filled lenses you do.
Think about it.
Their indoctrination started in grade school and continued through college.
They were told they and they alone were special.
They were taught to ignore any differing opinions.
They land jobs in education, the media, and Hollywood where being of the correct mindset is a requirement.
During the election we were called "Deplorables" and now they've doubled down and are now openly calling us "Child Murderers."
Yeah, that's gonna win the hearts and n minds of the American people.
Dipshits anyway...
Well if this don't beat all. Is this country in a mess or what?
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.
I remember after the Columbine shooting the local news interviewed a student who was in the path of the gunmen but survived. His comment? "I wish I had my deer rifle with me, I could have saved a lot of my classmates". Now we have kids like Hogg. The media wants us to believe all these kids think like him but I believe the majority think like the young man in Colorado but you won't see any of them getting any air time. Sad.
Hey Papadew Damn you just made my day. Nice to hear from you.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.
Well I'll be damned...
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you Papadew...
That's great right Kevin, been a long time.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.
It's been too long...
ReplyDeleteThanks fella's. Keep up the good fight. There are a whole bunch of us that appreciate it. Saw a anonymous just before my post. Just want you to know it wasn't this anonymous.
Ah hell, I knew that.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the poor little fella went all poof n stuff...
Well I was up early and busted my ass all day, the weather help also, but must say good night.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.
Sleep well, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteHere's an interesting little survey you stupid gun grabbers might want to pay attention to.
ReplyDeleteOnly 33% of the American people blame guns for the Florida.
54% feel the government is responsible.
11% aren't sure.
But when you break it down to parents with school age children those blaming the government jumps to a whopping 62%.
And only 23% blaming the gun.
Just like every time you've tried this shit in the past you'll crash and burn...
These are some big corporations that are just sick dumb ass liberals that deserve to be put out of business. Whatever happens to them, I don't feel sorry, they deserve what they get. Just a bunch of jerks anyway, need to lose customers and go belly up and no damn government bailout.
ReplyDelete*Delta Air Lines:
*United Airlines:
*Enterprise Holding Alamo and National:
*Avis and Budget:
*Norton anti-virus software:
*First National Bank of Omaha:
Then while I am here, that sheriff out in Florida I consider to be just another politician that is just a pitiful excuse of flesh.
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone and thanks for that list Dive, Bank of America of Omaha cried Card just left my wallet and put away where it won't get used again. And right you are Kevin no one calls me a child murder and gets a dime from me.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”Supporter of the NRA.
Damn, I meant credit Card!! To early in the morning I guess.
DeleteHogboy thinks he has arrived. I'm sure he thinks he is big stuff, and you know his parents think he is a true leader. Who cares if the punk goes to school or doesn't go to school. He has a lot to learn. I suspect sooner or later some jock will have enough of Hogboy's wimpy ways and do a number on him. Or his girlfriend will break up with him and his whole world will come tumbling down.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the state of Georgia right about now. They told Delta if they are going to discriminate against an organization based on ideology then they will lose a $50 million dollar tax savings on fuel.
ReplyDeleteGood for them.
This is all typical godless left wing communist tactics. They know they don't have any hope of making any significant changes to our gun laws due to the constitution. They know that all this caterwalling and propaganda and lying isn't going to change that.
So they go after someone they can vilify and persecute. They send out the word, and they're off. Alinsky and obama taught them. Isolate your target. Then attack. They focused on the NRA. Made up a whole volume of fake claims. They all join together to make the NRA the face of this whole issue, and repeat the same lies over and over. They always do this. If they can't win the fight, they hide and snipe. Because they are cowards.
It's a sorry state of affairs in this country when a bunch of godless fascists can attack a private group, supported by members, takes no public funds. They can demand it go away in effect.
America should be rising up in anger against this fascist totalitarian pseudo communist behavior. America should be ashamed at allowing this kind of thing to happen. This is a violation of everything this country was founded on.
But as further evidence of the degradation of our public education system, the growing level of ignorance in the masses and the decay of morals we are seeing this kind of thing more often.
It's a shame. If our founding fathers were alive today, they would be polishing up their AR-15s and preparing for the next civil war.
It will backfire on the companies as usual...NRA memberships are increasing, heard that somewhere yesterday. Lots of quiet and law abiding gun owners out here who have had it with all the crap.
ReplyDeleteHow about all you leftist progressives stop your killing of babies and selling their body parts via Planned Parenthood? And don't try to tell me that it's apples vs oranges.
A dead child is a dead child whether it is a crazy person shooting a gun or wielding a pair of forceps. And yes, I said "crazy". Deliberately killing children by any means is crazy.
Deal with it.
Beck reporting that Dick's is announcing that it will no longer be selling "assault rifles"...
ReplyDeleteGoes on to ask "what's an assault rifle , anyway?" Really, what IS that? An AR is called that, but if I grab a .22 plinker and shoot a rabbit, am I not assaulting that rabbit?
New blog up and running...