I would feel sorry for these poor democrat/communists and the godless left as their well laid plans are turning on them and destroying their world. I would feel sorry for them if they didn't hate me and my country as well as my God and have a burning drive to see all of it destroyed. If they weren't seditious traitorous lying sacks of horse manure. If they hadn't brought every bit of this on themselves.
So here's how it is looking.
We hear for the last year and a half about President Trump collusion with Russia. All made up. All phony. All created by the democrat/communist party. Endless accusations. Non stop Russia Russia Russia.
So they demand and get a special prosecutor. Who by all appearances is a political hack and a dupe of the left. And he spends some 30 or 40 million taxpayer dollars and a year looking for proof. And finds NOTHING!
But in the meantime all this digging turns up this:
Hillary Clinton and the democrats paid some eurotrash pseudo spy to create a dossier with a bunch of made up crap about Trump. They conspired with the Russians to do that. They then created more phony evidence and used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign.
We now know the FBI and DOJ and the intelligence community lied their asses off to get that warrant.
We know the lead investigators and the people in charge conspired because they hate Donald Trump with a passion and they formed some kind of cabal to prevent his election, then to tried to overturn the election after they lost.
We know as of today that the Kenyan president was involved.
We have mountains of evidence that they spied on Americans using false information to get warrants. We know they conspired to let crooked hillary off the hook for multiple federal violations including passing top secret classified information.
We know they conspired with Russia, broke more laws than you can count and are facing federal charges if there is any justice.
And what are we hearing? But...but...Trump and Russia...........
It's a war folks. And we are gaining new ground every day, and they are retreating as fast as the French facing the Germans.
This is going to get ugly. We have them by the throat. Now if our side just keeps up the pressure. No sympathy. No mercy. I want to see obama, hillary, comey and all the rest of these seditious traitors facing justice. I want their side to know they played a dangerous game, played it poorly and lost. And pay for it.
Forget the mid terms. They will be lucky if they don't lose the Senate by 60 seats. America has seen them for what they are. This is getting good folks. Now let's hope the Trump train smashes this cabal of traitors and scatters them to the four winds.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
I've been watching CNN and MSNBC this morning and guess what they're not talking about.
ReplyDeleteEverything but Russia Russia Russia.
Imagine that...
And schiff is about to hit the fan. 🍺
ReplyDeleteWon't change the channel but is it about John Kelly's commentary about "lazy dreamers"? If so, Beck is already on board with trashing that ploy...taken in full context, Kelly didn't label them all lazy; he was talking about Trump including those not daca and those who just didn't care enough about citizenship or were too lazy to get up off the couch and sign up.
ReplyDeleteSorry, leftist progressives...in ANY group of humans, you can find lazy ones, ones who could care less about legal residency and so on.
Their spin is just another shuffle of their deck of race cards.
Also noteworthy: in Ohio yesterday, the feds busted up a heroin/gun operation run by a bunch of illegals...FROM UKRAINE! Last time I checked, Ukrainians have WHITE skin!
Also, in Oklahoma the FBI took down a Saudi who had attended an Al Queda training camp. No word yet on his citizenship status...green card? Visa lottery? Illegally here?
Thank goodness some of us still give a damn about Constitutional law and trying to keep this land of freedom we call America...
...and not so damned stupid that we need nanny state warnings on tide pods, telling us we shouldn't be eating them!!!
ReplyDeleteGood Grief Cats glad you posted that, I was planning on having two or 3 for lunch.🍺
DeleteGlad I could help, Sarge! 🍺
DeleteJust for good measure...here's another bit of leftist prog lunacy I heard earlier on Doc Thompson's show; guest interview with spokesman for Campus Reform, a conservative group working to expose the loons on campuses across the country. At an Arizona college, they tried to promote a workshop on pleasuring oneself and how it can make people feel better...
ReplyDeleteNo word as to how many genders signed on...
Also no word on whether or not it was cancelled or moved to some other location.
I am Glad the Dim's saved those shovels from those Obama's make believe shovel ready job's, they are now using them to dig their own graves. And I am loving the Hell out of it.🍺
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it have been easier for the democrat/communists if after they lost the Presidential election to have done what we did when obama got elected?
ReplyDeleteWe looked at our party, decided they were not running good candidates and we started the TEA party. We promoted candidates with our values, we donated to the ones we supported. We campaigned for the good ones and did not campaign for the bad ones. We slowly but surely pushed the Republican party back to a more conservative position.
Over the time obama was president, we won over 1,100 elections, mostly by just letting the democrat/communist party do what they did, which was self destruct.
No "resistance". No riots. No illegal wiretapping and smelly campaign operatives doing dirty deeds.
We used the electoral process as it was always meant to be used and we won. Bigly.
Now all the years of evil doings by the left is finally coming back to haunt them. If they had just looked around and realized America was done with their shit and was moving on, and then made even some attempt to align with American values like the old democrat party they might still be viable today instead of on track to get put in jail. But instead they just kept doing what they did, and did more of it.
So they deserve everything that is about to happen. It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of seditious traitors.
The tea party did indeed accomplish much, but let's remember that the rinos helped torpedo it as well...we were and still are called "purists" in too many circles. Why? We are more constitutional than bipartisan...does not make for good cloakroom deals between rinos and the left. Obamadon'tcare is probably the most glaring example of that...and those phony "show" votes they'd have. That nonsense has stopped at least.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately however, the rino games continue...with daca and this latest proposed stimulus package they are touting. If we are talking the talk about deficits and how the emperor shouldn't have done that, then why are they traveling that same road to the tune of 1.3 trillion?
This country would have plenty of money if they'd cut the damn spending but that's still a no-no in swampland...and pushing now for a missile parade when that money could be spent instead to help improve our crumbling military??? Since when do we need to have such parades anyhow? Only dictator regimes do that, for one thing...for another, weaponry is killing machines. We should never glorify war; it should only be entered into as a last resort.
Priorities have been screwed up by the left progressives since forever but I fear that many on the right may be falling into a similar one on the opposite end of the spectrum.
I don't believe in parades in my 22 years in the Army I hated them, you know how long the troops have to stand out there be for it would even start and all kinds of weather, we train to fight not show off, I hope Trump changes his mind on this.
DeleteSame here, Sarge...same here.
ReplyDeleteWe jus' so mean!!
We jus' don't care!!
Gotta save da chil'ren!!
Hmmm Rush saying he doesn't know the judge's name> Been out there already. Need more info on him.
ReplyDeleteI'm going back to re-read that column and its links again..
DeleteOn Rush: caller asked him about that fisa judge who signed the warrants...something many of us are wondering about; am I right?
ReplyDeleteWell, Rush tells him that we aren't supposed to know such things...way that court was designed...secret court etc. No single judge...a number of them...warrants have to be renewed...any of them can renew them...secret location...address(es) unknown...must be reviewed by several people...we don't know.
And people wonder why so many of us place such a high value on our 4th amendment rights to privacy and not to be spied upon by govt.
Rush goes on to say that we as a country were founded on the honor system via the Constitution.
So there's that...
Went back and double checked; one link was to a law journal from the dc area and others to wiki...legit bios in all. Contreras definitely sounds like an activist for that regime but there are several, any one of which could have just signed off on renewals. The whole thing stinks.
ReplyDeleteLame cherry has a companion column posted today which is a short synopsis asking " what about the victims" of fisa?
Rush just now telling us that there are 11. And with a website. They are named.
This ain't over by a long shot.
People are digging.
Dumbfone needs charged and I've got stuff to do but I am going to look that stuff up...bet on that!
ReplyDeleteDid they use the same judge? I am trying to put this in line of the other things coming out. This judge thing is stinking.
DeleteEach application for one of these surveillance warrants (called a FISA warrant) is made before an individual judge of the court. The court may allow third parties to submit briefs as amici curiae. When the U.S. Attorney General determines that an emergency exists, the Attorney General may authorize the emergency employment of electronic surveillance before obtaining the necessary authorization from the FISC, if the Attorney General or their designee notifies a judge of the court at the time of authorization and applies for a warrant as soon as practicable but not more than seven days after authorization of such surveillance, as required by 50 U.S.C. § 1805.
DeleteIf an application is denied by one judge of the court, the federal government is not allowed to make the same application to a different judge of the court, but may appeal to the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review. Such appeals are rare: the first appeal from the FISC to the Court of Review was made in 2002 (In re Sealed Case No. 02-001), 24 years after the founding of the court.
Also rare is for FISA warrant requests to be turned down. During the 25 years from 1979 to 2004, 18,742 warrants were granted, while only four were rejected. Fewer than 200 requests had to be modified before being accepted, almost all of them in 2003 and 2004. The four rejected requests were all from 2003, and all four were partially granted after being submitted for reconsideration by the government. Of the requests that had to be modified, few were before the year 2000. During the next eight years, from 2004 to 2012, there were over 15,100 additional warrants granted, and another seven being rejected. Over the entire 33-year period, the FISA court granted 33,942 warrants, with only 12 denials – a rejection rate of 0.03 percent of the total requests.[5] This does not include the number of warrants that were modified by the FISA cour
Deletend in June 2016 lawyers from the Department of Justice had applied to the FISA court for "permission to intercept the electronic records from two Russian banks". According to Wood, this application was rejected, as was a more narrowly focussed request in July, and the order was finally granted by a different FISA judge on 15 October, three weeks before the presidential election.[
DeleteTheir appeals court is made up solely of Clinton appointees. Former president Obama greatly expanded the powers of the court.
DeleteCongress and the Supreme Court of the United States have no oversight over the FISA court or the judges.
Just so we are clear, let’s recap:
DeleteThe Obama administration was denied a wiretap of four Trump campaign staffers. They then formed a cabal, where they managed to appeal the ruling to FISC, a court stack with Clinton administration appointees. Through this court, Obama obtained the wiretap.They then monitored the activities of a competing campaign. And THEY STILL LOST!
Skippey, went to FISC website, all are Obama appointees. When you click on each name you get their resume...one is a 9th circuit guy, several are tied to Clinton, the rest to Bush...at least 3 are dc tied, also some are new jersey, one is oregon, one is oklahoma. Given that, my guess is that they are all swamp critters...beltway insiders, well connected.
I spent about a hour just reading about them and their history. Looks like the whole bunch that had any thing to do with this are either Obamma or Clinton appointees. So I still would like to see them asked about what they were told. But I don't think that will ever happen. And it will be a he said she said and that will be all their is to it. In the end no one will held responsible for their actions. Those FISCA judge's are way up the totem pole.
DeleteComey's Assistant Leaves FBI. The Flyer For His Farewell Party Is Disturbing.
Going to work at the clintonista news network as a legal analyst...tell me that lame media isn't in bed with the swamp! Anyone who thinks otherwise is either hopelessly naive or in denial.
DeleteOn the Tide Pods....No need to make them less appealing. It's not children eating them, it's millennials. Apparently some kind of game.
ReplyDeleteLet them continue, by all means. The more the better. If you're stupid enough to eat Tide Pods, we don't need you.
I call that a little chlorine in the gene pool, if you catch my drift.
That is funny, never thought of that. Good Idea.
DeleteI second that Safe.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to stupid behavior, I've never had issue with natural selection used to cull the herd.
Humanity would be better for it, so would the United states...
Nancy Pelosi droned on and on for 8 hours today to praise and thank illegals for breaking the law in order so their illegal children could become the backbone of America.
ReplyDeleteTrump nailed it the other day when he called her our secret weapon.
Sound bites of her anti-American pro-illegal alien speech should make up the bulk of every republican in the upcoming mid terms...
I cant believe she went that long without going. A new world record for DEPENDS. Bet it stunk in her office.
DeleteHell...I'll bet she did, too...probably given a wide right-of-way in the hallways when she finally shut up. Nasty old broad.
DeleteCan't abide listening to that old loon, but hey...whatever works! Damned glad she's theirs...
ReplyDeleteWilliam Campbell, CIA/FBI operative, uranium deal, finally got his chance to testify today, and testify he did. Clintons started on that deal back in 2005, this man kept reporting back to his bosses for years and wondering why no action was being taken...well, now we know: Brennan, CIA, Mueller/Comey, FBI. Campbell dying from cancer but wanted this exposed...for patriotic reasons.
ReplyDeleteAnd may God Bless him Cats, Be Prepared, this thing is getting bigger and bigger, I am thinking some of these crooks will start resigning soon, or get rounded up.
DeleteThink so too...talk of possible criminal indictments now. Wonder if they will subpoena more people, wait for IG report or what? Definitely ramping up.
ReplyDeleteGood night folks getting late for me, stay well.
ReplyDelete"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
ReplyDelete"Never go outside the expertise of your people."
"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
"Keep the pressure on,"
"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
We know their tactics. We know their intent.
It will take balls and resolve to defeat them, and a lengthy fight. The fight has to take place on their ground.
My question is, who among the Patriots that are left can do it with a pen?
As of late, it seems we are running out of ink...
Good point Hammer, I only know that I seem to be cleaning weapons more lately than I did in the past, My faith in our legal system is about gone. Dilly, Dilly. Good morning everyone.
ReplyDeleteWell I was reading a story that the DACA freeloaders a saying they are going to leave the USA if there isn't a deal made by next month, well that breaks my heart, all I will say is Dilly, Dilly 🍺.
ReplyDeleteOh, maybe it's just me.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is that Dilly Dilly thing you've been throwing around supposed to mean anyway?
Lol, That is from a Bud Lite commercial. It has a little ring to it doesn't it.
DeleteLol... Carry on...
ReplyDeleteBeware the World National Conservative Movement...calling themselves "conservative" but linked to Richard Spencer, philosophically linked to the Russian version of Soros: none other than Aleksandr Dugin. Spreading across Europe and have infiltrated the US. They have a facebook page and one, a guy named Jones, showed up on CNN last night...
ReplyDeleteBut CNN didn't expose their roots...they are trying to link them with the repub party.
Exposed on Glenn Beck. Beck is posting a youtube of his exposure of this bunch today.
All that claims to be "conservative" is not. This is the latest incarnation of national socialism aka nazism.
Happy Birthday and Dilly Dilly Sarge!
ReplyDeleteLol, Thanks Gary how the hell did you know? (Dilly Dilly 🍺)
DeleteI have my sources!
DeleteThis your birthday Sarge?
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! 🍺
Ya Cats and thanks. Another reminder that I am old, so I better have a 🍺 to that. Dilly Dilly.
DeleteHappy Happy Birthday Sarge...
ReplyDeleteDilly Dilly!!🍺
DeleteDilly dilly!
ReplyDeleteSilly Willie
Found a dog
And called him Billy!
Then a cat
ReplyDeleteRan up a hilly
Followed Billy
They called her Millie!
Now silly Willie
ReplyDeleteWith his dog named Billy
And his cat named Millie
Live happily
Just over the hilly!
Then Willie met Jillie
ReplyDeleteWho was a dilly
And loved Biily and Millie
So Willie brought Jillie
To the house over the hilly
And all live happily
Singing Dilly Dilly! 🍺
LOL Cats. Cute 🍺
DeleteHappy Birthday
Thanks. 😂🍺🍺 Dilly Dilly
DeleteI hope you had a great birthday Sarge! Best wishes as always.
ReplyDeleteThanks Hammer it was a fine day, a little slow though being a year older. 🍺
DeleteWell before I crash for the night just remember be prepared to Adapt, Improvise and overcome, More now than ever. Good night everyone!
ReplyDeleteAmen to that...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWarning to other old timers...beware falling asleep on the sofa!!
ReplyDeleteMissed much of the news and awoke with more aches and pains 😧
I'll make sure I don't do that again for awhile!!!
Lol, Hell I feel that way falling asleep in a Bed, Oh wait that is where the old timers part come in, hmmm 🍺
DeleteAnd a good morning America.
Greetings from beautiful downtown Augusta Kansas...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief you working again, Mercy!🍺
DeleteNew blog up.