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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
I am with you!!!!! FG57
ReplyDeleteProud to have you aboard, Farmgirl...
ReplyDeleteJust a little info here. We just spent a LOT of money for some very pricey anti-spyware software, thanks to my nephew who used to work in a place where if he told you what he did he would have to kill you. With it installed we have found an interesting fact out. When one of our 5 computers, the one which we originally registered on the cjonline, goes to that website almost all the time when we first the opinion and blog spaces there is a comp. at the cj website that is monitoring what is typed AS WE TYPE it. We have other avenues of accessing the web, other comp. and other IP addresses and other providers which when we use are not monitored in this manner by cj online. Makes me curious. I left your blog tonight Kevin because after I posted my rebutal to NLL I was notified that the comp at the cj had accessed my computer. Fortunately, thanks to the nephew we have "walled off" a specified area on our computers so that the invader can only go where we wish them to. Sadly, if we want to interact with this computer the keyboard must be left free to outside access. I know it sounds paranoid and weird but it is true. Watch your back! FG 57
ReplyDeleteI have had keyboard and other trouble on CJ. I know cats has had the same keyboard thing that I have. I have noticed that my pc has really slowed down on CJ in the last six months or so. Maybe I am just paranoid but something stinks on CJ [ beside the looney toon trolls and their ignorant mods]
DeleteMe Too!!!! This guy is very articulate, and I hope he can follow up. I just remember there is a congress and a SCOTUS that may stand in the way. Although, They aren't standing in the current POS POTUS's way for anything. I also believe this deal with Russia and the Ukraine is all a set up so the leftocraps can win the next presidential election with HillBillary and make Soros even weatherier than he is now. These kind of people need to be stopped and the low information voters will believe anything that is put in front of them as long as the get bennies!! I agree with FG57, with watch yer back, but I also think we need to be prepared like sargejr says all the time. Hey FG57, when the manure hits the rotisserie ossilator, save me a beef!! I'll find a way to come get it.
ReplyDeleteYeah the whole cj thing is starting to bother me, too.
ReplyDeleteThat's part of the reason I started this one.
I figure it's only a matter of time before them and I part ways...
Oh, and Farmgirl, Loved your rebuttal to Lucy's latest rant.
ReplyDeleteI've made it a practice to stay off other blogger's blogs and let them have their say.
That doesn't mean I won't call her out in a blog of my own.
Sounds like a good topic for Monday's blog.
Calling it a night, all.
Be well...
Thank you ,Kevin. In my "second" incarnation I have tried to stay away from nll's but she really pissed me off with that one.
DeleteSo even if I am paranoid they still might be watching.
T42 we can save you a side if the time comes. 😇
ReplyDeleteShared this on Kev's cj blog. I will never forget:" Four died and They all lied".
Kevin what would help if you get that great son of yours to add a button that lets us know when someone has commented so we don't have to keep coming back and refreshing the screen to see if the lazy said something. Just trying to help, I might just have my son come over look at yours and tell him I want the same thing, he does this stuff for a side lined. You know something like CJ's Then you can use that Poof button and we all can by pass CJ you know kind of like they did many of us.
Any one watching CPAC?
ReplyDeleteMatter of fact Kevin, I would like you to test this out, post your new blog right here, and over on Cj say If you are interested by new blog is over on the Bunker, and leave it at that, just to see what would happen with the left, you know they are like rats and I bet they can't resisted coming over, what the hell nothing will be lost. Not that we want the Rats running around here. But they have to have us or they will not survive.
No Doubt Rand Paul Would be the best choice.
ReplyDeleteI'm also hearing Scott Walkers name a lot and Even Ohio governor Kasich a lot lately.
any one which I could easily support.
It would not be a experiment, it would be real life, and if you can't put a name to your comment get the hell lost. Yes this is Sargejr got it? if not get it. HEAR ME!!
I'll check out the settings, Sarge. But this Blogger site provides a template and I don't think I can add anything to it.
ReplyDeleteBut I will go into the settings and see if there's anything I can do about letting you guys know when a new comment is posted...
Oh and the cj idea.
ReplyDeleteTruth is, until the election is over in 2016 I need to reach as many people as possible.
In fact I'm already looking for ways to reach out to even more people.
To be honest one having one worthless troll coming by is more than we really need anyway...
All good points I must have lost my head. That is very unusual:)
Lol, now you're sounding like me...
ReplyDeleteNow I have to sit here wondering if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Think i will have a beer, it is noon someplace not that I care.
Whether or not that's a good thing all depends on whose telling the story...
ReplyDeleteDang it someone went Poof, and I was getting warmed up.
ReplyDeleteSarge: Oh I hear that Kevin. And many stories yet to be told.
Puke I have no super Hero's I am it, heeheehaw
Kevin glad you took mine down because after the punk got remove it look as if I was calling you the name thanks.
Coward do you have a name? Or are you embarrassed of it.
Kevin you knock me off a couple of times trying cut up gimme, but it is okay I understand what he will never understand.
Sorry about that Sarge.
ReplyDeleteBut you know how that lying son of a bitch likes to use other people's names.
Do me a favor and get that son of your's to set you up an account so I'll know for sure it's you and not our troll...
Sarge drop me an email when you get a chance.
Mercy, that low life gimme is still stinking up the pace. Get out the spray, don't worry Sarge we know its you, but everyone errors sometimes with a troll like gimme try's to get in where he is not wanted.
ReplyDeleteKevin Done sent it.
Gimme are you ever going to become a man or just a worthless puke that you are?
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Joe.
ReplyDeleteOh, and it's not fair to ask a troll a question you already know the answer to...
Morning back Kevin. I had to take a short break for a few days tax time, and it is killing me, paying for all the worthless people that can work but won't.
ReplyDeleteYup!! Tax time sux. Like you said, it's hard to go through when you know most of the taxes paid are going to people that refuse to get off their asses and do something productive for soceity
DeleteI feel your pain...
ReplyDeleteJoe I know what you mean about the taxes, My husband has been doing ours for the last week. I found out one thing, he knows many swear words lol. And a Big good morning to you all!!
Gimme as long as it works on you who cares, if I should go by mistake it will never bother me but you, can't take it heehaw punk. Poof this.
Good morning, Sally...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Kevin I love your blog, hope to spend more time on here soon got some vacation time to take, have a great day.
Thanks Sally. And we'll all be looking forward to hearing from you...
ReplyDeleteGood morning everybody! Going to be a nice day to finally get out and about and dink around the yard a little today. Maybe take the hounds for a nice long walk. Whoever the troll was that left a comment above sounds like a real peice of liberal crap!! Doesn't have the balls to leave any kind of a name at all. Kinda similar to ole barry soetoro don't you think?
ReplyDeleteNEW BLOG ALERT!!!
good for laughs...a drudge link to a daily caller story about one Zaid Jilani, former liberal writer for thinkprogress...and his experiences. guy's definitely a progressive but does have his ethics and is adamantly opposed to the war in Afghanistan...also had the temerity to write that his obamaness has more troops there than did bush. got him in hot water with thinkprogress and its handlers, the center for American progress...hitting a bit too hard on Obama, it seems. CAP called a meeting of the writers and berated them for being so opposed...their so-called "action fund" is the money source of course...and even though they tell their donors they are "opposed" being toady to Obama means more than principle. even "progressive principal" in Jilani's case and he called them on it.
ReplyDeletein no way could I ever go near anything called "progressive principle", destructive as it is, but the point here is that Jilani does have ethics when it comes to freedom of speech and I can stand behind him on that at least...
would bet that liberal progs who are toadies are spinning their toady eyes out over that a prog website about a prog website...
the only thing better would be to herd all these regime apparatchiks and their leader into the nearest jail and charge them with treason, counts too numerous to count these days.
as to the cj spies...that's what the keyboard virus is all about...odd that the past few days I've only encountered it once, on loopy's blog with my first post there. and nowhere on any other website I post on...think that from here on, if I get spied on over there on a blog, I'll just log off without comment...they need me worse than I need them because I get a lot of thumbs both up and down, as do many others of us. besides, I'm a paid subscriber...if they really want to lose me, I can accommodate them very nicely...
ReplyDeletehey, cj spies...if you're over here reading this, stop interfering with my constitutional freedom of speech and my constitutional right to be secure in my person by reading my keyboard! it is mine, my thoughts and opinions are my own. and...get a life instead of sitting around in your mamas' musty basements in your underwear.
and speaking of loopy...she got pounded; pw wrote a particularly scathing piece for her...hope her ears burn for a month over it. think her hate is what keeps her going...and Lunn blathering on with a Dylan song about birthers...pretty sad for someone who usually writes with more intelligence than the standard true believer...
ReplyDeleteoh yeah...I am definitely in the Rand camp...with Cruz for a vp...or either in first place, really...drudge poll had them at the top of the heap with about the same percentages for both, earlier. krispy? out like the moldy donut he is,by the numbers. only one reason the rinos are pushing him...they are the other side of the lib progs...
ReplyDeleteGimme we can tell the difference between you and T42, but nice try!!
ReplyDeleteNo better way to unwind after a nice late Sunday breakfast than hitting the POOF button...
ReplyDeleteKevin thanks for that note letting us know you just put up a new blog I was wondering how we were to know other than noticing no one was post on this one or checking your side Bar all the time.
Hahahah I wonder if anyone then I notice his act, man gimme you are so phony you can't even act. You know edit most of us know each other, numb nut.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you all the way, cats.
ReplyDeleteAnd whether the progs like it or not his NSA message is hitting home with a lot of the young kids they think they have in their back pockets.
These kids literally live on their phones and really don't like the idea of being spied on...
Kevin I am reading your side bar for information being out of the loop, that e-mail block you have does that only go to you and does not become public record does it?
Kevin I got your answer on the other blog thanks.
Sarge/ Sally,,
ReplyDeleteYou need to get and Avatar up,,
that's the only thing that'll stop that smelly Shit pot fart from stealing your Identity.
Vent; I know you are right I think I will do that tomorrow thanks my old friend hope you are doing well, best to you and yours.
But right now I am going back and watch more of this seasons House Of Cards, I am hooked on it.