Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Left-Wing Loons Are Outraged... Who Cares?

You gotta love the way the leftists are screaming and crying foul at the way Darrell Issa so disrespectfully cut the microphone on Elijah Cummings just as he was getting ready to go into another one of his tirades to defend Lois Learner as she once again hid behind the fifth amendment to avoid answering questions regrding her involvment in the well documented IRS scandal.

They're outraged.

Right off the bat and right on queue they played their tired, worn out race card.

They whined about how disrespectful it was.

They whined that they've never before seen such thuggish behavior from a politician.

MSNBC is still whining about it and demanding an investigation.

What's new, right?

But the problem of living in a corrupt world of cover ups, lies, and deception is that you tend to either forget about all the horrid messes in your own house or you cling to the delusion that everyone else has.

You probably don't remember the way California Democrat Rep. Waxman (Ratman) tried his best to stop Darrell Issa from asking a question and even went so far as threatening to have him physically removed from a similar committee hearing back May of 2008. (2:14 INTO TODAY'S SECOND VIDEO)
You don't remember it because it was a republican being treated to the, oh so typical thuggish behavior from a ranking democrat and the left loving media in this country thinks that's just fine and dandy.

Well, that and the fact that we republicans expect this kind of thuggery so we don't sit around whining about it the way the democrats do.

Anyway, here's the deal.

If you leftists would step down from your pompous high horses every once in a while you'd realize you and your party gave up any claim to the moral high ground a long, long time ago.

How about you take your righteous indignation and...

Ah, never mind, you know exactly what you can do with it...

Kevin McGinty


  1. Hell say it man like it is, take your leftist righteous indignation and shove it up your asses.
    See that didn't hurt, of course I don't have any class.


  2. I posted this on your last blog, I guess I don't know if I am coming or going, I will catch up soon.

    Kevin I am reading your side bar for information being out of the loop, that e-mail block you have does that only go to you and does not become public record does it?


  3. It doesn't even go to me.

    As far as I know no one will ever see it including myself...

  4. Kevin thanks, and my husband broke down and showed me how to handle this blog thing, he opened your blog on cj, than opened a new window on your Rand Paul blog, then opened your
    Left wing loons Blog. so I am sitting here with 3 blogs on my screen, but all I have to do is refresh each one to see if their are new comments, I think he is trying to get rid of me.

    Okay I will add my e-mail in that block for a back up. Oh as I assume most might think by now I am a blond:)


  5. Posted this to gimmie on the Rand Paul blog a few minutes ago.
    Sorry folks, I hadda slip out to the store. Ran outta beer from Friday night, which is fairly unusaul for me. What the hell did that little cockroach do? Did that peckerwood try to write something and claim it was from me? Hey, you flaming hemerrhoid gimmie. Kiss my ass!!!!

    On another note, for anybody that cares, I set up another (side) google account, then sign in to with my side google account. Once there you can set up your on-line name and avatar in the settings portion of the blogspot account. Once there you can also add or copy and paste Kevs blog address to your reading list which is where I check in to see if a new blog has been posted.

  6. What is it about the libocraps that they think the are so much better than everyone? They do nothing but sponge off of hard working people and take government freebies and then think they can tell me how to live my life and that I need to give all of my money to them in the form of taxation. Liberal/socialist pieces of crap!! And gimmie that's what the Tea party is about. It's about people being self relient and taking care of themselves. Small government, that only has the control that the US Constitution gives it. Nothing more, nothing less. So when the takers have been trained for generation after generation to sponge and steal form other people this is what you get. Right where the US is today. It's no wonder people think conservatives are so radical. People are getting tired and fed up because they can't afford nice things with their hard earned money, because they have to give it to the government for their social engineering bullshit. Read a study once and can't find it anymore because it must have been revised because the libocraps can't stand the truth. The study basically said this. The first generation of welfare recipients are ashamed to get the assistance. The second generation accepts the assistance, and any generation after the first two always scream and cry for more because it's not fair that other people have more than they do. The only thing libocraps/socialists don't realize and can't comprehend is the fact that the people that have something/anything in this life, put in the sweat, tears and muscle to earn their own keep and the few comforts they do have. One thing about freedom in this country, is you have the right and freedom to succeed, or fail, all on your own. Except people like you FH gimmie. You just can't stand it when real people succeed and you can't because you're a dependent piece of liberal crap!!

  7. The best way to stop that fart smellin 'Shit pot Fart from stealing your identity
    is to get an Avatar up.

    then we know for sure it's you.

  8. Gimme why the heck do you hang around here you have no value, just get lost go play with Mama Lucy.

  9. Damn, just like a libocrap! Picks a fight and then runs!! Maybe No balls is a better name for it. I'm betting it has trouble in the spring with Robbins attacking it when it comes out of it's hole. Robbins like worms. Worms have no back bone.

  10. Holy Cow! That POOF button works good!!!

  11. The all knowing, all powerful...

    POOF button strikes again...

    And that loser says I'll never beat him...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I have to get one of those buttons:):):)

  14. Been a very busy past few days. I haven't kept up, and my goodness Kevin you have been prolific in your blogging. capoi

  15. Thanks, Capoi.

    When you're speaking the truth it's really not all that difficult...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Never apologize to anyone if you didn’t do anything wrong. Parents often make the mistake of forcing their children to apologize for something their child never did in order to keep the peace. It never works. If you have to go through life apologizing to people who have no regard for your integrity, then you are a slave to other people.
    House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa apologized to Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland. Here’s how the story was reported:
    “This evening, Chairman Issa telephoned me and apologized for his conduct, and I accepted his apology,” Cummings said in a statement late Thursday night. Cummings, D-Md., is the top Democrat on the committee.
    “My sincere hope is that as we move forward, we will respect the opinions of all members of the committee, we will proceed in a deliberate and considered manner to obtain the facts, we will refrain from making accusations that have no basis in fact, and we will seek resolution rather than unnecessary conflict.”
    Why did Rep. Darrell Issa apologize when he didn’t do anything wrong? What do you think will happen when Rep. Cummings or someone like him pulls the same stunt at a future hearing on something that has grave implications for Democrats? The Republicans will bend the rules to accommodate the infraction and the Democrats will get the last word.
    Rep. Cummings knew exactly what he was doing. The Democrats had this planned from the start knowing that a black man would get the most attention by the media and the criminal actions of the IRS, and Ms. Lehner’s part in them would become a non-issue. This is exactly what happened as a USA Today article shows:


  18. Sorry,, Me and the Wife went to Pine Island today!
    so I wuz Gone.

  19. Vent; we had 77 degrees today everyone was out and about, can't blame them after the cold weather we had.

  20. Damn it, Vent, can't you read?

    Sarge just told you not to apologize if you haven't done anything wrong.

    I doubt anyone anyone here would consider going to Pine Island with your wife wrong.

    Geeezzzz, pay attention, will ya?

  21. And Sarge, you nailed it.

    This was a planned stunt all along.

    Only the gullible would fall for it.

    Meaning every single liberal out there...

  22. It's funny how these fools believe they can hide behind their keyboard and no one can find out who they are.


    You wanna bet who's gonna have the last laugh on this one?

  23. I do believe that Jarrod has Resurrected himself on Lucy's blog.
    I pounded him best I could;;
    I Hate that FUcKEr!

  24. Kevin I hear that I I am almost pretty sure who he is but it is one of those things I have to be 100% sure but it will happen soon. Well I maybe wrapping it up for tonight, been watching Netflix ( House of Cards) can't pull myself away from it, Damn movies series reminds me of old times in this corrupt Government.

  25. Bob444 March 10, 2014

    You guys be careful out there.

    Acts 18:10: For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”

  26. I saw that, Vent.

    Just another liberal puke parroting liberal puke talking points.

    These guys truly believe they're something special but the truth is they're all a dime a dozen.

    And even that's more than I'd give for 'em...

  27. And Sarge, I'll talk to you later...

  28. Oh ,,, Okay,,

    I don't hate anyone..

  29. Bob444 10 March, 2014


    Acts 18:9: One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. You do the same Vent!

  30. One funeral done today, going to miss the lady. Meetings all day tomorrow and meetings wed. AM and funeral in the pm with church at night. So I will not be around only with you all in spirit. capoi

  31. Bob444 10 March, 2014


    Isa 40:31but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

  32. Thanks Bob,,

    I need to be reminded sometimes.

  33. Oh and, Sarge.

    The avatars in your email.

    Now I get it.


  34. Damn man you been talking to to many libs to long, They can try to take me down but I never missed a beat out here. I didn't even fade away yet anyhow.

  35. Oh and Kevin it is called Adapt and improvise. Hehehehhehe

  36. That GUY's wearin' me out over Yonder!

  37. Take a phrase out of our good friend's playbook, cats and tell him buzz off...

  38. Just heard that, myself.

    And so it begins.

    You think they're pissed now.

    They ain't seen nothing yet...

  39. frankenfeinstein, dingy drooling harry and mr depends leaky leahy all got their comeuppance and frankenfeinstein is fit to be tied...because the cia looked in on their computers...she's all raising a stink and getting laughed at because her hypocrisy is now showing brightly on the democrat movie marquee...cia chief Brennan is also a democrat and is saying that he respects the separation of powers...not trying to block anything...not spying...Levin reported on this today, saying Brennan was interviewed on mslsd.

    also, Sharyl Atkisson, longtime cbs reporter, resigned yesterday...she was one of a handful who actually tried to do real investigative journalism but they did not at all like that she was investigating Benghazi and fast/furious...ought to be really interesting, what might happen next. she was there for over 19 years. Beck's radio show this morning was asking her to give them a call if she was listening...

    very little afoot at the cj tonight either. suspect, after the latest round of events, the liberal progs are hiding. Obama was even calling china for help with his Ukraine mess. now ain't that something?

  40. Hope Sarge is prepared and stocked up on poPcorN!

  41. Yup their ship is sinking. Vent stay off that blog for awhile, they are trying to piss you off enough to sink you, trust me I have been there and done that, Not anything goods out of Lucys Blog. Stay here for awhile and relax. ( Please)

  42. capoi, may God bless you and your family with healing and comfort. sounds like you've had a lot on your plate lately...

  43. Bob444 March 11, 2014

    Gal 5:23: gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

  44. we cats might get a post removed...or a lecture from the blog police over there but oh well...the price we cats pay, I suppose, for calling loopy's blog what it is...a litter box.

    Vent, they just argue the same old tired drivel from their gurus and no point in letting any of it get to ya, my friend. they are what they are...hamsters in a cage.

  45. Yeah,, I'm trying to stick with the "WHY DOWNTOWN IS DEAD" stuff

    more like Downtown ain't dead,
    It's wide awak during the day,,
    just sleeping at Night.

    downtown's OLD!

  46. Well I started vacation today and there isn't anyone out here. I will try back later.


  47. not too safe after dark, either...when I had the office cleaning job back in my 2-job days, the downtown crowd changed considerably after dark. all manner of thuggy-looking characters out. used to stand in a fire escape doorway for an occasional break when able and could look down on the plaza area by the irs building at 6th and quincy. like clockwork, people used to show up at a certain trash can and either deposit or retrieve what looked like a small paper bag...a number of us believed that it was a drug drop. what was even funnier is that the fbi had its offices in the same building, different floor...and that old Amoco station across the street is also a greyhound bus depot now, or was. cops always over there and some really nasty looking characters would be hanging around that place every night, when the bus was due in. cleaning people see all kinds of stuff sometimes...

  48. and in Connecticut, a group of some 250 law enforcement people; sheriffs and so forth, have stood up for the Constitution and declared that they will not enforce any law that tries to take guns away from the people of that state. Holder doesn't have much of a leg to stand on, either, in saying that attorneys general don't have to enforce any laws they don't like...because words mean things. getting interesting out there...and the cj left my litter box post to loopy alone...;-})

  49. I know the area well, cats.

    When I first started this job one of my first stops of the day was at the Poor Richard's on Kansas Ave. Had a key to the back door and usually hit them around 4:00 am. The alley dumpsters were always interesting to say the least...





    YOU GO TO ALL THIS TROUBLE!????????????



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