Monday, March 3, 2014

What A Damned Mess This Community Organizer Has Allowed To Happen...


Look, I'm not saying everything Russia is doing in the Ukraine as we speak is all Obama's fault.

But I can't help but believe it could have been avoided.

Maybe if Obama and his ilk hadn't spent so much time waging war on Fox News, Pro-Life Christians, First and Second Amendment Supporters, Tea Party Patriots, Republicans and Conservatives all across this country they might have see some of this coming.

Right off the bat, President Obama set the tone for his entire presidency when embarked on his multiple apology tours as soon as he took office.

In his liberal induced, utopia vision of the world if we're nice to other countries they'll be nice to us.
Do you really think leaders in the real world weren't paying attention?
Do you really think Putin hasn't been paying attention to the way Obama treats one of our closest allies, Israel?

Do you really think he wasn't paying attention when Obama boldly told Syrian President Assad there would serious consequences if he were to use his chemical weapons against his own people?

He called it a "Red Line" that must not be crossed.

They crossed it. 

What happened?


Do you really think Putin wasn't paying attention?

What about when Obama asked one of Putin's people to tell him to wait till after the elections and he'd have more flexibility in dealing with things?

Do you really think Putin wasn't laughing at this guy who was more worried about his own political career than the very country he's supposed to be leading?

There's no doubt that Putin is a brutal piece of work and because of his actions the world has suddenly become a much more dangerous place than it was just a week ago.

But what do you expect when you elect an inexperienced community organizer who has no idea what he's doing?

Remember when you Obama believers said the world would love us if we elected Obama?

I do...

Kevin McGinty


  1. Kathy may have been first on line, but I get to be first here!!!!!! CAPOI

  2. and heard on Beck this morning that his obamaness is now demanding that Netanyahu to sign that damned Palestine two-state crap or face economic isolation and all manner of miseries...have not yet heard response but I hope that he tells him as tactfully as he can where he can go with his paperwork. did more music playing than news today but Levin reported that Putin made it clear that there would be no nato shield; "leave us alone," basically and that the Obama idiots have gotten desperate that they have apparently dragged that old crone Madeleine Albright aka wonder woman out of whatever damp basement she's been living in, for help...scared rats in a maze, they are.

  3. as to other matters...Sara and all, re the gimme email po box kids able to get emails etc. for the past couple of days I have been dealing with strange emails and one voicemail from someone claiming the name of Tyler, wanting to talk to me about my email address...the emails were from some fool named Renata, telling me that I had won a bunch of euros. my cell number is private. I deleted all of the crap but not before I reported the names, numbers and email address to the fraud people for investigation. then I went through my safe senders list, updated everything and set blocks on the email domain involved and deleted them. beware, beware beware; strange things are afoot. the phone number to my phone was a local area code.

  4. note to any fraudsters lurking about: you fools do not know who I know.

  5. always a tick turd in the midst

    ain't there

  6. Replies
    1. yup, it did...but given the nature of those junk emails and that local-area phone number on the voicemail message, my antennae went way up and figured I'd best let everyone know about it. conspiratorial tinfoil hat sez: timing just a matter of coincidence with the gimme info request ad...or not? and the fraud investigators have the info now. can't be too careful these days.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The entire world knows this about obama; 1. He is not trustworthy, he has demonstrated on a local, national and worldwide stages that he lies. 2. He will cave under pressure, he does not have either the ca'jonies or the intestinal fortitude to back up his threats. 3. He is a bully, within the borders of his country he will ruthlessly attack and destroy those whom he is stronger than. But if an entity is of equal strength or stronger he will run away like a whipped cur. capoi

  9. T42...I suspect that, when he blew off that security meeting this past Saturday, he did a bit too much choomin' the night before at that donkey gathering he attended...and declared happy hour...

    now he's sending the Man of Ketchup over to give Ukraine big bucks (but Vlad will end up with it...) and Obama the badass wannabe is saying that he will not meet with him at the upcoming g8 summit...what a guy!!! he continues to give we cats hairballs.

  10. "good liberal points" a true oxymoron. capoi

  11. It's not so much that we don't like opposing views, gimme as much as it is we just don't like you.

    And it's not "they" delete liberal talking points.

    It's "me" who you gotta look out for.

    Get it?

    Got it?


  12. A list of oxymorons when used by or to describe a liberal: "intelligent liberal", "careful consideration", "well thought out decision", "truthful statement", "well planned", "compassionate liberal", "tolerant liberal", capitalist liberal", "honest liberal", capoi

  13. Good afternoon Kevin. Excellent blog again. I cannot believe how dangerous the world has become under obama's watch. I wonder if people remember how dangerous the world was under Cliton? It took several years for Bush to dig our country out of the messes that Bubba got us into. 911 being one of the big ones. capoi

  14. Of course they don't remember.

    The vast majority of these low information fools can't even tell you who Joe Biden is and 25% of them didn't even know the Earth rotates around the Sun.

    But they vote...

  15. Trust me gimme.

    He has your email address...

  16. I would just rather knock the living shit out of Gimme, but I will be okay with the POOF Button!


  17. Remember the third presidential debate?

    Remember the Question Poised to the Candidates:

    "What is the biggest danger the world is facing today?""

    And That moron Romney said Russia??

    Well now,,

    Looks like we elected the wrong moron!


  18. Aye Aye Aye -- sharpen your boot, and bludgeon your eye
    Aye Aye Aye -- the Blarney Stone brings a tear to me eye

    Down to the pub for a two shilling ale
    The bread on the counter is going stale
    If I don't get some fresh bread soon
    Gonna punch you in your face and bark at the moon

    Aye Aye Aye -- sharpen your boot, and bludgeon your eye
    Aye Aye Aye -- the Blarney Stone brings a tear to me eye

    Ain't got no girl 'cuz I haven't the time
    Got too many other things on me mind
    Patty was nice she was pale and cute
    But I threw her away like an old piece of fruit

    Aye Aye Aye -- sharpen your boot, and bludgeon your eye
    Aye Aye Aye -- the Blarney Stone brings a tear to me eye

    Got ooze in my pores my feet are all wet
    Got mold in my ears but I ain't dead yet
    Got stones in me bladder got a crack in me head
    When Patty starts cryin' this is what I said

    Aye Aye Aye -- sharpen your boot, and bludgeon your eye
    Aye Aye Aye -- the Blarney Stone brings a tear to me eye

  19. Ohh,, sorry,,
    thought Keri would have mentioned it's,,,



  20. It was bound to happen.

    I've always known that sooner or later one of us would eventually lose their mind.

    Carry on...

  21. It's BUSH'S FAULT!
    Made the country vote for that LaBamba GUY!

  22. Actually it's the deranged idiots who flew those planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon's fault.

    We've never been right since...

  23. We certainly started down this slippery slope at that time, Kevin. Waiting on hubby to come home from hospital, we are losing a dear friend today. It is very hard on him watching church members die. FG57

  24. So sorry to hear about your friend, Farmgirl.

    My thoughts are with you, your husband and your friend today...

    1. Thank you Kevin, she was a sweet soul who has suffered from a prolonged battle with a degenerative vascular disease. It has been very hard to watch her body lose its battle one piece at a time. But she has been a beacon of light in her faith. RIP LK. FG 57

  25. "Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer.
    Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza."

  26. And it's Lent, so my last beer post..

    "Sometimes when I reflect on all the beer I drink, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. I think, "It is better to drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."
    Babe Ruth

    1. As a Lutheran I think of all the tunes to the good old hymns that started out as beer drinking songs. We Lutherans replaced the bawdy words with saintly ones because we could sing the familiar tune. FG 57

  27. Someone mention BEER?


    1. I hope Sara is keeping the bar open during Lent. Mid-week Lenten services followed by a quick beer on the way home is a Lutheran tradition. FG 57

  28. Dave1001 03/05/14 - 11:51 am

    Obama is getting tough, who would have thought?

    Breaking news from the Obama Regime: 'The US will not send a presidential delegation to the upcoming Paralympic Games in Sochi to protest the Ukraine situation.' So the gloves are off, folks. R

  29. Forget this idea that we're no different than the Soviets or the Russians and that if they go take Ukraine, why, it's what we did in Iraq.

    You've got to reject that because we are not them, we never have been, and there are no similarities like the left would like you to believe. It's one of the most damaging things that's been done in the name of education in this country.


    Please! someones input.
    the usual gang of idiots is dominating that Blog..

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Yes! you can find him at the post above,
    just don't slip in the vomit!

  33. Post above? I don't see him here, is it on another site?


  34. He didn’t tell you what happens if Mitch McConnell wins reelection, but I’ll tell you. Mitch McConnell will be Majority Leader. He will remain the top Republican in the Senate. And every time the going gets tough, he will surrender to Obama.

  35. Don't matter now Sarge his post's were ALL Removed !
    So I will remove my Nasty FU message to him.\ manyly for the Ladys!

  36. whoa!

    looks like he got kicked -OFF!
    can't find him anywhere.
    that kinda sux because when they resurrect themselves,,
    you don't know it them.

  37. Vent, good to hear, gone is gone about time they start biting the dust, they are hurting so bad they can't control their selfs anymore, they see the Libs going down to the cellar.

    Sargejr... PS glad you removed that fu, good gob.

  38. So who was it that got the boot this time?

  39. The Guy That looks like MOBY, Jarod Shoans KEV,

  40. I think That's how you spell his name,,
    He was an admitted leftist's atheist,

    So I really don't give a shit in China.

  41. Calm down man.

    Sorry I didn't jump over there and lend a hand when you put out the call.

    But anytime I've done that in the past I've always used up my allotment of non-blog visits for the month and all the sudden I can't edit my own blog.

    And if you had any idea how many time I have to use that edit button you'd understand how much I rely on it.

    Maybe one of these days I'll actually stop being so stubborn and subscribe so I can avoid all that nonsense.

    Even though I don't really feel like I should have to but that's another story for another time...

  42. I'm not blaming you Kev or anyone really.

    It 's just frustrating that the Commies in Lawrence can't stay home and Shit in their own toilet
    because their Toilet the LWJ is already bustin' at the seams with shit.
    Of course those same commies would ask me why the hell I travel 1200 mile away from my toilet.


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