And you know what old Safe always says. If that's all you got, that's what you go with. And they got nothing. Absolutely nothing.
We let them try. We gave them eight years with the Kenyan as president. They had two years of absolute control of congress. And what did we get?
We got an economy that never grew over 2% any year. We got massive growth in welfare, food stamps, fake disability claims. We got consumer confidence at record lows. We got a dead stock market. We got record numbers of people out of the workforce. We got the national debt doubled.
We got lied to, finagled, cheated, robbed. We got massive illegal immigration. We got crime run rampant while the prisons were being emptied and the Kenyan was pardoning violent drug dealing felons right and left, by the thousands.
We got terrorism out of control, all while the Kenyan and the democrat/communists lectured us on islamaphobia.
We got men using the same bathroom as young girls. We got sexual perversion mainstreamed as perfectly fine. We got men who think they're women and women who think they're men serving in our military,dragging down the morale and the readiness of the finest fighting force in the world, all the while getting lectures about how we are a bunch of homophobes.
And on and on.
So now, we have a President who is fixing it. The economy is soaring. Jobs coming back. Hopefully a huge tax cut coming. Job killing regulations rolling back. Democrat/communists poison pills like the phony consumer protection agency getting gutted and killed. Taliban actually on the run, not just lies like the Kenyan told us.
And what do the democrat/communists do? Whine and screech and moan and groan and lie and lie some more and jump up and down waving their arms. When they aren't busy molesting women, that is.
No ideas. No proposals. Nothing. Nothing at all. Just do everything they can to stop the repair of all the damage they did. I listen to chuck shumer and I want to vomit. But that's all they got.
So let's keep Making America Great. Let's keep supporting our President. I know he isn't a "true conservative" as defined by some, but he's doing a hell of a job. So I'm sticking with him. We gave the "true conservatives" a shot as well. They didn't do much better. So I'm putting my money on President Donald Trump. And by the time his first term is over, it will be like Reagan. He will win a second term overwhelmingly.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Monday, November 27, 2017
Kevin said it best on the last comment on the last blog
What's worse than coming back to work after a vacation? Nothing.
I wasn't on vacation but a four day weekend feels like it. And now back to the coal mine. But retirement is looming in my future. Eight short months and I'm outta here. Seems like forever but it isn't.
Anyway, what's happening in the world? Pretty much the same stuff. Godless left wingers hating America, Donald Trump, freedom, each and every one of us and everything else good and holy. But that's just every day stuff.
President Donald Trump? Still winning. The economy is booming like crazy. Record stock market returns. Record job growth. Record low unemployment. Consumer confidence up. Businesses feeling like the boot of government is lifting off their neck at long last. The dark days are over and it's morning in America again.
Will we get tax reform? We better. If we don't all this could grind to a halt. And that's exactly what the democrat/communist party is wanting.
But Safe, why would the democrat/communist party want to see our economy sink back into the stagnation and misery we experienced when the Kenyan was President? Glad you asked. Simple. The democrat/communist party doesn't want America to do what we've always done. Solve our own problems. Put people to work, create prosperity. Reduce poverty by growing the economy. Remember the Reagan years? That's what happened. Despite the lying godless left claims to the contrary, that's what happened.
But the godless left wants more and more people dependent on the government. Squeeze the shrinking number of working people to pay for the growing number of welfare mooches. That's their dream. Create voters by buying them with our money. That's never changed.
I'll leave you with this thought. I read some godless democrat congressman saying something to the effect that the tax cut would just "give more money to the wealthy". Does that even need an explaination? Give more money to the wealthy.
This idiot commie says letting people keep the money they earn is "giving" them money. But actually giving money to the losers who refuse to work isn't, apparently.
This is the mindset we are dealing with folks. And it's full on Marxism. And they're already talking about running Bernie the commie for president next time, which is great. By then the economy will be running like a rocket and people will be seeing the effects. And selling communism is going to be even harder than it was last time around. So bring it on, commies. We're ready for you.
I wasn't on vacation but a four day weekend feels like it. And now back to the coal mine. But retirement is looming in my future. Eight short months and I'm outta here. Seems like forever but it isn't.
Anyway, what's happening in the world? Pretty much the same stuff. Godless left wingers hating America, Donald Trump, freedom, each and every one of us and everything else good and holy. But that's just every day stuff.
President Donald Trump? Still winning. The economy is booming like crazy. Record stock market returns. Record job growth. Record low unemployment. Consumer confidence up. Businesses feeling like the boot of government is lifting off their neck at long last. The dark days are over and it's morning in America again.
Will we get tax reform? We better. If we don't all this could grind to a halt. And that's exactly what the democrat/communist party is wanting.
But Safe, why would the democrat/communist party want to see our economy sink back into the stagnation and misery we experienced when the Kenyan was President? Glad you asked. Simple. The democrat/communist party doesn't want America to do what we've always done. Solve our own problems. Put people to work, create prosperity. Reduce poverty by growing the economy. Remember the Reagan years? That's what happened. Despite the lying godless left claims to the contrary, that's what happened.
But the godless left wants more and more people dependent on the government. Squeeze the shrinking number of working people to pay for the growing number of welfare mooches. That's their dream. Create voters by buying them with our money. That's never changed.
I'll leave you with this thought. I read some godless democrat congressman saying something to the effect that the tax cut would just "give more money to the wealthy". Does that even need an explaination? Give more money to the wealthy.
This idiot commie says letting people keep the money they earn is "giving" them money. But actually giving money to the losers who refuse to work isn't, apparently.
This is the mindset we are dealing with folks. And it's full on Marxism. And they're already talking about running Bernie the commie for president next time, which is great. By then the economy will be running like a rocket and people will be seeing the effects. And selling communism is going to be even harder than it was last time around. So bring it on, commies. We're ready for you.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Let's give em what they want Friday...
So, our stupid little friends on the left want socialism.
I say we give it to them.
I say we let President Trump do like most Socialist dictators eventually do and declare himself the ultimate ruler for life and just go for it.
Let him outlaw the democrat party.
Suspend any further elections.
Let him throw any and all opposing parties and or individuals into re-education camps until such a time they can either be controlled or otherwise, silenced.
Let him outlaw gay marriage.
Let him impose mandatory life sentences for any man caught trying to sneak into any women's restroom or locker room.
Let him outlaw what passes as today's mainstream media.
Ramp up deportation of any and all illegals in the country regardless of circumstances.
Throw anti-American liberal teachers and college professors out of the country.
Put an end to any and all welfare programs.
Outlaw transgenderism.
Throw anyone caught pushing the global warming stupidity in prison for life.
Then lock Hillary, Obama, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch up for treason.
The dumbasses want socialism?
Let em have it.
Then let's see how Pajama Boy like it when he gets what he asks for.
Happy Friday, guys...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
So much for Hollywood's new found morality...
I'm not sure what the ultimate goal of the left's sudden and completely out of character outrage over the sexual assaults they all knew had been going on within their own ranks since, well, since forever.
Evidently the thought of a man, any man making a pass or attempting to seduce a woman, any woman is completely and totally unacceptable.
Any man, regardless of status accused of such vile acts must be destroyed.
But let these same sick, twisted Hollywood freaks make a movie about a 25-year-old man seducing a 17-year-old boy and they're hailed as heroes.
In the left's twisted way of viewing the world, scenes highlighting a 25-year-old pervert eating a cut peach that his 17-year-old male victim had just masturbated into is now considered "Art."
Cutting edge, they call it.
"Sound and image collide to create an almost tactile sensation. You can practically feel the sun on your skin and taste the sweat on your lips. Much attention is paid to the way the two romantic leads – young Elio (Timothée Chalamet) and Oliver (Armie Hammer) – carry themselves and regard each other, and the physical attraction between them feels immediate and electric.
It's not that Call Me By Your Name is especially explicit (though the famous peach scene is definitely going to get people talking), but that it's unmistakably sensual. Sex is no mere byproduct of love; nor is love an elevation of sex. In Call Me By Your Name, the romantic and the erotic are inextricably intertwined."
Major movie critics are calling the movie, "Call Me By Your Name" an erotic masterpiece.
And the Hollywood Reporter and USA Today have both hailed it as a serious Oscar contender.
So much for their new found morality, huh?
Happy Thanksgiving, guys...
Kevin McGinty
Monday, November 20, 2017
Short Sweet and Straight to the Point...
This, my friends, is the problem.
More often than not our, oh-so-willing, educational system has more of less replaced the American family.
Oh, that's bullshit, McGinty.
Not really.
It's what happens when half of all marriages end up in divorce.
It's what happens when the American family structure falls completely apart.
It's what happens when it takes two incomes just to keep your head above water.
It's what happens when families that do stay together spend more time on their phones than they do talking to each other.
You can say what you want about my old fashioned and out of date beliefs.
But my generation never had to introduce our family as, this is my dad Tom and my other dad Doug.
And we never had to introduce our sister as Briana who used to be Brian.
Obviously I don't have the answer to fix the mess we've allowed our country to become.
All I can do is to focus on me and mine.
And that my friends, is exactly what I intend to do...
Kevin McGinty
More often than not our, oh-so-willing, educational system has more of less replaced the American family.
Oh, that's bullshit, McGinty.
Not really.
It's what happens when half of all marriages end up in divorce.
It's what happens when the American family structure falls completely apart.
It's what happens when it takes two incomes just to keep your head above water.
It's what happens when families that do stay together spend more time on their phones than they do talking to each other.
You can say what you want about my old fashioned and out of date beliefs.
But my generation never had to introduce our family as, this is my dad Tom and my other dad Doug.
And we never had to introduce our sister as Briana who used to be Brian.
Obviously I don't have the answer to fix the mess we've allowed our country to become.
All I can do is to focus on me and mine.
And that my friends, is exactly what I intend to do...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, November 17, 2017
It's Friday, and not a day too soon
It's Friday and I don't have much to say. It feels like we are getting hammered every day by the godless left, and the GOPe (that's the new symbol for GOP establishment). It's getting so you can't tell your friends from you enemies without a playbook.
Now the left is painting the pervert Al Frankenstein as some kind of hero because he gave an insincere apology sort of partly for the part that had a photograph as evidence but still denies the rest.
But they're still demonizing Roy Moore over allegations that look extremely shady to me.
But like I always say, if that's all you got, that's what you go with. And all they got is slime, dirt, lies, more lies and even more lies. Otherwise they're bankrupt.
So have at it folks. I'm just tapped out today. I need to top off the tank tonite with a few choice IPAs. That usually helps. I'll stick my head in later and see what's up. Maybe I'll have a little more fire after a bunch of coffee.
Monday, November 13, 2017
America, love it or leave it.....
On Sunday my church did a presentation of the colors in the lead up to honoring the veterans. A Marine ROTC color guard was led by a bagpiper playing Amazing Grace. They walked with that pride and distinction that Marines have and presented the colors. Then a great tenor singer led us in the National Anthem.
I guarantee nobody took a knee.
In fact, like me, many were choked up and felt a swelling pride in this country that all patriotic Americans feel when they see the symbol of our great country, and sing that wonderful song.
And the thought crossed my mind that on that same day there would be godless left wing America hating football players using their time in the spotlight to convey their hatred for our country, our veterans and everything the rest of us believe in.
It made me angry to think about these privileged wealthy multi millionaires who have led lives that only the top 1% of America ever sees feeling that much hatred for the country that made it all possible for them.
America is the least oppressive and least racist country in the world. This is the land that has created more wealth, more opportunity than any other country in the world. This country has fought wars and sacrificed millions of men in the cause of protecting freedom from tyranny. The fight for freedom has always been America's fight. We even fought a civil war with ourselves to free the slaves. 700,000 men died in that bloody conflict.
America is the best of the best, and has been since it's birth. We were born out of a war for freedom from tyranny.
But these godless left wing commies would have you believe America is some horrible place. They have invented a different America than the one you and I live in, and they have chosen the symbol of our country to pour out their godless satanic driven hatred on.
Well, they are wrong. They have fabricated this whole mess out of hatred for our President. These people are completely insane with hatred at this point.
When the Kenyan became president, I disagreed with virtually every policy he promoted. I disagreed with his political beliefs, his religious beliefs and pretty much everything he did or said.
But not for one second did I decide I hated America or our flag because he was the president. My love for America is why I fought him the way Americans have fought would be tyrants for 230 years. I voted, I gave money to candidates who opposed him. I went to TEA party rallies. I promoted my views every opportunity I had. Never once did I turn my back on this country for what turned out to be a pretty stupid decision. And one that many Americans regretted as expressed by the democrats losing over 1,200 elections the next eight years including the House, Senate and Presidency.
So when these wealthy privileged probably brain damaged people disrespect our flag, I am just incapable of feeling any empathy for them. None. And seeing that flag yesterday while we sang our National Anthem just drove that home.
And if a bunch of America hating football players want to hate the country that made them wealthy privileged multi millionaires, well I guess they just can. I won't see it because I haven't watched one minute of NFL football this year, and won't. Probably never again. Or they can go try to find some other country that won't "oppress" them. And will pay them millions of dollars to play a children's game on Sunday.
So God bless America, and that star spangled banner that waves over the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I guarantee nobody took a knee.
In fact, like me, many were choked up and felt a swelling pride in this country that all patriotic Americans feel when they see the symbol of our great country, and sing that wonderful song.
And the thought crossed my mind that on that same day there would be godless left wing America hating football players using their time in the spotlight to convey their hatred for our country, our veterans and everything the rest of us believe in.
It made me angry to think about these privileged wealthy multi millionaires who have led lives that only the top 1% of America ever sees feeling that much hatred for the country that made it all possible for them.
America is the least oppressive and least racist country in the world. This is the land that has created more wealth, more opportunity than any other country in the world. This country has fought wars and sacrificed millions of men in the cause of protecting freedom from tyranny. The fight for freedom has always been America's fight. We even fought a civil war with ourselves to free the slaves. 700,000 men died in that bloody conflict.
America is the best of the best, and has been since it's birth. We were born out of a war for freedom from tyranny.
But these godless left wing commies would have you believe America is some horrible place. They have invented a different America than the one you and I live in, and they have chosen the symbol of our country to pour out their godless satanic driven hatred on.
Well, they are wrong. They have fabricated this whole mess out of hatred for our President. These people are completely insane with hatred at this point.
When the Kenyan became president, I disagreed with virtually every policy he promoted. I disagreed with his political beliefs, his religious beliefs and pretty much everything he did or said.
But not for one second did I decide I hated America or our flag because he was the president. My love for America is why I fought him the way Americans have fought would be tyrants for 230 years. I voted, I gave money to candidates who opposed him. I went to TEA party rallies. I promoted my views every opportunity I had. Never once did I turn my back on this country for what turned out to be a pretty stupid decision. And one that many Americans regretted as expressed by the democrats losing over 1,200 elections the next eight years including the House, Senate and Presidency.
So when these wealthy privileged probably brain damaged people disrespect our flag, I am just incapable of feeling any empathy for them. None. And seeing that flag yesterday while we sang our National Anthem just drove that home.
And if a bunch of America hating football players want to hate the country that made them wealthy privileged multi millionaires, well I guess they just can. I won't see it because I haven't watched one minute of NFL football this year, and won't. Probably never again. Or they can go try to find some other country that won't "oppress" them. And will pay them millions of dollars to play a children's game on Sunday.
So God bless America, and that star spangled banner that waves over the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Don't let the bastards get you down Friday...
Remember back during last year's presidential primary when what somehow passes as today's mainstream media kept showing us poll after poll that had Hillary Clinton with a 93% chance of winning the election?
Of course you do.
Turns out they lied.
Remember how they downplayed the republican wins in the 4 special elections since Trump took office?
I do.
And have you noticed how they never mention the fact that their beloved democrats have lost over 1,200 seats nationwide since Obama took office?
We all have.
I heard today that you'd have to go back to 1922 to find a time when the democrat party has been this severely weakened.
But now that they pulled off a win in Virginia and New Jersey Tuesday night and all the sudden the media is spinning it like it was one of the biggest upsets in political history.
The tide is turning, they say.
The country is turning on Trump, they claim.
The House and Senate will soon fall.
Don't listen to them.
It's the same old shit they tried during the election.
Sure, it would have been nice to win in either of those states but let's face it, they both went for Hillary Clinton during the presidential election so anybody that was surprised by the results hasn't been paying attention.
Stay calm.
Stay focused.
And don't let the bastards in the media get you down.
From here on out it's going to be all out war with these people.
Don't believe me?
Just look at what they just did to Judge Roy Moore of Alabama.
40 year old sex allegations reported today by none other than the republican hating Washington Post.
And just like that, out of the blue, during a campaign the democrats are willing to do anything to win 3 or 4 women suddenly remembered how they were hit on back in 1979.
Again, I call Bullshit!
The thing is, there's no way to prove it ever happened.
No witnesses, no recordings, no video.
But there's also no way for Moore to prove it didn't happen either.
Democrats doing what they do best.
Nobody ever said this revolution business was going to be easy.
But it's necessary...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Back in my day...
To say things have changed since I was a kid would be an understatement.
I'm part of the riding in the back of the pickup, drinking from the garden hose generation.
It was a time when boys were boys and girls were girls and no one ever thought to question it.
It was a time when a family consisted of a mom, a dad, and their children.
It was a time when working for a living was just a natural part of life.
It was a time when my friends and I rode our bikes without the aid of a helmet.
We played cowboys and Indians and cops and robbers.
We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord's Prayer every day in school.
We obeyed our teachers and for the most part respected our elders.
It was a time when the thought of disrespecting your mom never even occurred to us.
I got my first BB gun when I was 9-years-old and my first .22 when I turned 12 and no one thought anything of it.
By the time we were in High School most of us had our own shotguns and carried them in our cars and trucks because we planned on going quail hunting after football practice and on one ever batted and eye.
Were we perfect?
Oh, hell no.
But I can tell you this.
To the best of my knowledge not a single one of us have ever shot up a school full of school full of innocent little kids.
We've never gone a concert to kill as many people as we could.
And we've never once walked into a church and opened fire on those present because we're pissed off at society.
We don't have a gun problem in this country.
We have a morality problem being shoved down our throats by the godless left wing extremists who've taken control of the once proud democrat party.
And that's just a fact.
And this guys gets it.
Give me 4 minutes of your time and he'll explain it better than I ever could.
I have no idea what the answer is.
But what I do know is that if we continue down this path of self destruction, America, at least as we know it, will not survive.
Keep your friends and family close and keep your eyes open.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, November 5, 2017
I have no words...
I got up early this morning and started working on today's blog.
It was going to center to Antifa's failed nationwide attempt to drive President Trump out of office.
Then I got sidetracked by some last minute painting I had to finish up before the new furniture got here earlier this afternoon.
Finally finished up, sat down with a cup of coffee for a few minutes and turned on the television.
That's when I heard the news of another mass shooting, this time at a church in Texas.
So far 27 innocent souls have perished and that number is expected to rise.
Of course the friggin left-wing nut jobs pounced on it with everything they had about gun control.
I even noticed our little piece of shit troll chimed in with another one of his smart ass comments about making America great.
As of right now the murderer hasn't been identified and no motive has been established so I'll refrain from making judgment calls until I know more about it.
All I can say for now is that it breaks my heart knowing that such deep hatred and pure unchecked evil has been allowed to flourish in this country of ours.
To the good people of Texas who've lost friends and loved one's in such an unimaginable way.
We all know I have no words to ease your pain.
All I can do is to say I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry this is what my once proud country has become...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, November 3, 2017
Terrorists living among us....And the godless left is happy about it
Now why would old Safe say something like that? Why would I believe the godless left is happy to have terrorists living right here all around us? Well, I'll explain.
They brought them here. They promote bringing more and more of them here. We're labeled racist, islamophobic hate filled anti immigrant for even questioning it. President Trump proposes a travel ban to restrict these people from flooding into our country and the godless left becomes enraged, finding some judge willing to overstep every boundry established by the constitution to try to block it. So yeah, they seem to be pretty happy with the whole arrangement.
So, the bigger question is why? Why would any American be happy to see America endangered? Are they stupid? Well, yes, but it's much more than that.
This is just one small piece of the whole strategy. Remember, these people are communists. Hell, they tried to run a communist for President last election, and he probably would have been the candidate if crooked hillary and the dems not rigged the election. So what do communists do? What have they done for the last hundred years? Take over societies.
Sometimes by force, sometimes by elections. Always by deception. Always be destroying the existing societal structure only to replace it with godless communism. And how is that done? Well, look around you at the democrat party and the godless left. That's how it's done.
By a thousand small attacks. Attacks on our religion. Attacks on our law enforcement. Attacks on our military. Attacks on our sanctity of marriage. Attacks on our unborn children. Attacks on our morals and beliefs. Endless and unrelenting.
Creating a divided country, filled with hatred and chaos so they can step in and be the peacemakers. Or so people believe. And we are seeing the fruits of their efforts. This country is divided live never before.
Did Russia interfere in our election? Of course they did. But not in favor of Donald Trump. The goal, as is always the goal of communists and godless left wing extremists is chaos. To drive Americans to hate each other. To create a sense of distrust of our political system. Exactly what the democrats are doing now, in support of that cause. Exactly what crooked hillary did to steal the primary. Leaving millions of disillusioned people in their wake.
It is my sincerely held belief the godless left is actively and aggressively attempting to destroy our civil society in order create their left wing communist big state utopia they have long dreamed of. They thought they had it when America elected the man from Kenya to be followed in their plan by crooked hillary. But that got disrupted. So plan B. Create chaos. Riots. Demonstrations. Increase the communist influence on the campuses. Fill the country with muslims who will refuse to assimilate. Break down the borders. Break down the culture.
They're doing it folks. Every day like mold growing on America. Slow but relentless. First you have to destroy what's there before you can hope to replace it.
So yeah, terrorists among us? They love it because it increases fear and chaos. And divides us. Exactly what they want.
So we'll keep fighting them. You see what's happened to France and Britain. Formerly great democracies now overrun with communists and muslims. They are trying to reverse it but it's too late. They surrendered their sovereignty long ago and you don't get that back.
We won't surrender. And President Donald Trump won't surrender. We'll fight and win the ones we can, and try to minimize the damage from the ones we lose. But we will fight. Don't doubt me on that one.
Make America Great Again!
They brought them here. They promote bringing more and more of them here. We're labeled racist, islamophobic hate filled anti immigrant for even questioning it. President Trump proposes a travel ban to restrict these people from flooding into our country and the godless left becomes enraged, finding some judge willing to overstep every boundry established by the constitution to try to block it. So yeah, they seem to be pretty happy with the whole arrangement.
So, the bigger question is why? Why would any American be happy to see America endangered? Are they stupid? Well, yes, but it's much more than that.
This is just one small piece of the whole strategy. Remember, these people are communists. Hell, they tried to run a communist for President last election, and he probably would have been the candidate if crooked hillary and the dems not rigged the election. So what do communists do? What have they done for the last hundred years? Take over societies.
Sometimes by force, sometimes by elections. Always by deception. Always be destroying the existing societal structure only to replace it with godless communism. And how is that done? Well, look around you at the democrat party and the godless left. That's how it's done.
By a thousand small attacks. Attacks on our religion. Attacks on our law enforcement. Attacks on our military. Attacks on our sanctity of marriage. Attacks on our unborn children. Attacks on our morals and beliefs. Endless and unrelenting.
Creating a divided country, filled with hatred and chaos so they can step in and be the peacemakers. Or so people believe. And we are seeing the fruits of their efforts. This country is divided live never before.
Did Russia interfere in our election? Of course they did. But not in favor of Donald Trump. The goal, as is always the goal of communists and godless left wing extremists is chaos. To drive Americans to hate each other. To create a sense of distrust of our political system. Exactly what the democrats are doing now, in support of that cause. Exactly what crooked hillary did to steal the primary. Leaving millions of disillusioned people in their wake.
It is my sincerely held belief the godless left is actively and aggressively attempting to destroy our civil society in order create their left wing communist big state utopia they have long dreamed of. They thought they had it when America elected the man from Kenya to be followed in their plan by crooked hillary. But that got disrupted. So plan B. Create chaos. Riots. Demonstrations. Increase the communist influence on the campuses. Fill the country with muslims who will refuse to assimilate. Break down the borders. Break down the culture.
They're doing it folks. Every day like mold growing on America. Slow but relentless. First you have to destroy what's there before you can hope to replace it.
So yeah, terrorists among us? They love it because it increases fear and chaos. And divides us. Exactly what they want.
So we'll keep fighting them. You see what's happened to France and Britain. Formerly great democracies now overrun with communists and muslims. They are trying to reverse it but it's too late. They surrendered their sovereignty long ago and you don't get that back.
We won't surrender. And President Donald Trump won't surrender. We'll fight and win the ones we can, and try to minimize the damage from the ones we lose. But we will fight. Don't doubt me on that one.
Make America Great Again!
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