Sunday, November 5, 2017
I have no words...
I got up early this morning and started working on today's blog.
It was going to center to Antifa's failed nationwide attempt to drive President Trump out of office.
Then I got sidetracked by some last minute painting I had to finish up before the new furniture got here earlier this afternoon.
Finally finished up, sat down with a cup of coffee for a few minutes and turned on the television.
That's when I heard the news of another mass shooting, this time at a church in Texas.
So far 27 innocent souls have perished and that number is expected to rise.
Of course the friggin left-wing nut jobs pounced on it with everything they had about gun control.
I even noticed our little piece of shit troll chimed in with another one of his smart ass comments about making America great.
As of right now the murderer hasn't been identified and no motive has been established so I'll refrain from making judgment calls until I know more about it.
All I can say for now is that it breaks my heart knowing that such deep hatred and pure unchecked evil has been allowed to flourish in this country of ours.
To the good people of Texas who've lost friends and loved one's in such an unimaginable way.
We all know I have no words to ease your pain.
All I can do is to say I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry this is what my once proud country has become...
Kevin McGinty
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ReplyDeleteIn small town America, and during a service, my heart goes out to these folks. Hard to imagine an animal doing that at home, let alone at a church service.
I'll refrain at this time to get into any details out of respect for the situation.
But I do have a question and a statement....
1. There is a backstory, and it's not random.
2. Was concealed or open carry prohibited by signage at the church?
Both of these are important going forward.
Take care, folks of the 235.
Catcha on the flip.
God bless.
My heart goes out to the folks who lost loved ones and to those who are injured. May they find peace in this insanity.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to turn your clocks back.
We have to do lots of thinking on this, and just words won't do it, I have to get a handle on this.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, in other news, Rand Paul viciously attacked while mowing his lawn, by some cowardly leftwing nutcase. A bunch of broken ribs.
"Rumours" that the lowlife piece of crap shooter in Texas was an atheist.
ReplyDeleteWe'll see.
Must have been and sounds like a brain dead Liberal commie to boot.But like you I'll wait for the rest of the story.
DeleteI won't refrain from theorizing about this subhuman piece of excrement. He was former military, bad conduct discharge and time in prison for assault.
ReplyDeleteSo the fake news keeps reporting that fact, he was former military. Obviously trying to lead people to the conclusion that he must be right wing, or conservative or a Trump supporter. Former military.
Well, so was Taliban Bowe Berghdal. And he was a godless left wing spineless deserter. So that theory is full of left wing shit.
My theory is this guy was a bad apple, a criminal. Which makes him a defacto godless left wing democrat. That's their party. He was probably radicalized by the godless left hate filled rhetoric about killing those who don't believe like you do. So he did it. The godless left hates Christianity more than anything else. My guess it that is the center of this whole insane act.
This is just one more case of the hate speech from the left inciting violence. It's so common now it's just become the new normal.
And by the way, in regard to Hammer's very important question. Was the church a gun free zone? Maybe. I'll tell you this. My church is not a gun free zone for conceal carry by members. Somebody walks in and starts shooting he won't last long. There are multiple people carrying. Trained and prepared. Multiple LEOs, retired LES
Os, active and retired military and other folks who have trained and are prepared. We have a security team on duty at all times during all services. You just won't know who they are if you come in, which is the most effective kind.
That said, each church needs to make their own decision about that. I know for a fact we are not the only church that is prepared. It's a very complicated issue with huge implications. But this horrible incident has to fuel some discussions.
It's being reported now the guy who attacked Rand Paul was a Socialist who had argued with him on several occasions about wanting a national heathcare system.
ReplyDeleteOnce more, godless left wing commie hate filled rhetoric leads to violence.
The godless left is a cesspool filled with hatred, violence, totalitarian beliefs and communist philosophies.
And they are led by the enemy of God. Satan is their leader, and directs their actions. That much is obvious.
Well Safe I guess I don't really need to wait for the rest of the story, lol but I bet you are right.
DeleteFor me, it's a definite wake-up call for those of us in rural areas and tiny communities. On the plus side, we tend to be armed, we know who our neighbors are, we generally look out for each other.
ReplyDeleteBut one downside is that we tend to get somewhat complacent and take that security for granted and a little country church anywhere now is threatened by these crazies.
Out here we've had to learn to lock up and secure every damned thing thanks to thievery from out of town.
Now, church services and church events are targets...armed security in God's House? 'Fraid so...
Too much godlessness and way too little godliness these days.
Well Like Safe pointed out the people need to learn to protect themselves, I always carry, and set where I can see the doors, and never have my back to the entry way, shame to have to live that way, but we must now days.
DeleteThe godless left wing narrative started up the second they heard about the shooting. More gun control. Get rid of guns. Blah, blah, blah.
ReplyDeleteRemember this though. The shooter was confronted by an armed citizen who shot him, causing him to drop his rifle and flee. The armed citizens then chased him until he crashed. He died from his gunshot wound.
So, as the NRA says, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So how do they come to terms with this one?
They can't Safe.
DeleteNo, they can't. As usual, they prefer not to let another crisis go to waste in order to further push for their agenda of control.
ReplyDeleteThat accursed agenda of theirs is more important to them than any lives saved by law-abiding people who own firearms. Otherwise, they'd keep their mouths shut about it when tragedies like this happen. They wasted no time yesterday, jumping onto their soapboxes with their rants.
Sounds like the neighbor opened up a full fledged can of whoop ass on that bastard. And pursued with the help of another citizen. Never backed down. It was over before authorities even arrived. Just wish someone in or at the church would of been prepared.
ReplyDeleteGob bless all legally armed men and women in this country.
They are patriots.
Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with one.
Body armor, or not...
Also keep in mind, the suspect couldn't legally own.
DeleteSo there's that.
More laws are fruitless when criminals disobey existing ones.
Just thought I'd throw that out there for the trolls who I'm sure will be out and about...
The armed citizen also spotted the shooter wearing body armor and shot him in an unprotected area.
ReplyDeleteGuy not only is a hero for stopping the carnage but a pretty smart one as well.
And there's a hell of a lot of those kinds of guys out there. Which the godless left should keep in mind when they pursue this civil war agenda they are trying to start.
And a note Safe the good guy used a assault rifle also, just to level the playing field.
DeleteWell i been hearing all the things people should do to stop all these killings from mental illness to gun control, more armed people, but I have not heard one say anything about taking GOD out of schools, why is that?
ReplyDeleteThat it might be when they took God out of schools. No morals learned in school while they are young.
DeleteProbably not taught at home either...
DeleteThat's just what they do.
ReplyDeleteCan't find a racist invent one out of thin air...
He should be charged with "a hate crime". And, that's no kidding around. I'm serious.
ReplyDeleteRight if it had been real and the person caught they would have been charged with a hate crime.
DeleteHell, they let him off with no charges. No perpetrating a hoax, nothing. All the time and money spent by the agencies investigating this made-up nonsense and we the taxpayers get stuck with the bills.
ReplyDeleteSick of this.
Rush reported today that at one point, Brazile was afraid she'd end up like Seth Rich...given that she's been actively involved in dem campaigns for some 30 years...betcha she knows a hell of a lot more than we ever will.
ReplyDeleteShe may be a liberal dem but has told her critics to go to hell, and I am glad she stepped up to the plate to clear out the stench and take down the Clintons and their ilk.
Also reported today that the Air Force failed to notify the ATF of that shooter's dishonorable discharge and felony abuse charges...both of which would have disqualified him from legally buying his guns. Gun store said he passed their background check.
ReplyDeleteGovt ball drops are a damn good reason to leave our gun rights alone and the gun grabbers can go to hell.
And karmic...democrats have been rolling on black people since they were freed from slavery.
ReplyDeleteAnd a black woman brings down their icons...
And their loyal followers will always believe them.
ReplyDeleteThink Tom Digger...
Well I will start it off, Good morning 235.
ReplyDeleteAnd, here we have 5 idiots running as Democrats for governor.
5 idiots who bit and chewed on the "class warfare" subject that was tossed at them.
Hey...I'm not crazy about high food taxes. It WOULD be nice to eliminate them, altogether. (But, then, at least EVERYONE is paying SOME kind of taxes, with them!)
What these 5 idiots seem to miss, is how to deal with losing that revenue.
Not a single one of them mentioned a single thing about LESS SPENDING, and cutting government down to size! Not a single one challenged the "The Great Perpetual School Funding Taxpayer Ripoff" lawsuits, in which judges are UNCONSTITUTIONALLY stripping the legislature of its power, and forcing taxpayers to waste billions of dollars paying for BOTH sides of these lawsuits.
Not a single one mentioned phasing out the KPERS failing Ponzi scheme, to be replaced by 401k or some other fund similar to what the taxpayers have to use.'s all "Tax the rich! Tax the corporations! Tax the middle class!"
Screw all of them. STOP SPENDING and WASTING MONEY!
"But...BUT...BUT...if you leave the poor with more money, they would be able to afford to buy a few more things, and THAT will help stimulate the economy!"
Sure. A little. But, being as how they are no longer "stimulating the tax revenue" with those taxes, the middle class is hit with higher taxes to make up for it, and can't stimulate the economy much MORE than what the lower class can...who is likely "stimulating" the economy a only LITTLE...using taxpayer dollars in the first place!
Sure, cut the food taxes. I'm all for it. WITHOUT raising taxes on anyone else!
STOP WASTING MONEY, to pay for it!
This pisses me off:
“While Williams’ mistake had a decidedly negative impact on the community, please recognize that he, like many of us when we were young, is a young man who made a mistake and is now doing his best to own up to it,” Schoen said."
If a white guy had pulled "a Halloween prank" and done that, EVERYONE would be calling for prosecution of a hate crime (of which is a stupid qualifier, anyway. ALL crimes are "hate crimes", regardless.)
Just because he did it to his own car, fessed up and called it a "prank", and was STILL a "hate crime", since it involved law enforcement, and put the citizens on edge! In other words..."it WAS a hate crime....until it wasn't, because of who did it"?
Should have been charged, somehow, with a hate crime, and made an example of. "Youthful indiscretion' is no reason to let the moron off the hook. The very fact that he did this to TRY to rile up people, it should have been prosecuted!
From the site:
ReplyDeleteDefining a Hate Crime
"A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias." was "a hate crime". Doesn't matter if it was a prank, or to his own property.
It was a "hate crime" as law enforcement was's a "hate crime".
Actually, this Democrat candidate comes CLOSEST to at least displaying SOME kind of common sense, if he is to be believed. But, being a Dem, hard to trust.
"Brewer said he thought Kansas should diversify the types of products it produces and work to increase exports."
“We need to work aggressively at exporting the goods that we have here,” Brewer said."
"He said the state should also look at how it allocates those dollars, including any spent through a new school finance program."
"The Kansas Supreme Court last month ruled the state’s new school finance funding increase unconstitutionally inadequate. Brewer said he would like to see a detailed list of what kind of funding is needed for schools and how it would be spent. He said he thought education was important in maintaining a strong workforce."
At least it SOUNDS like he realizes businesses are not the enemy, and that the "school funding fiasco" needs to be put under a I'll not kick him out of the class, just yet. Maybe he'll impart some wisdom and common sense into the rest of those liberal idiots!
Democrat party election audits malfeasance?! Who'da thunk?!
ReplyDelete(Probably an innocent mistake. Those people just have ZERO aptitude for math!)
"Zero aptitude in math."
DeleteAnd life in general...
Well Nunya I see you didn't have much to say this morning...Lol
ReplyDeleteOh...I had more! But gotta get to work! (Another thing a lotta Dems don't seem to have an aptitude for!)😂
ReplyDeleteWell I am done going to the gun show or a store to buy a gun, I am going to but two at a time...Just saying.
ReplyDeleteBetter yet why not buy em by the dozen and give a few away as Christmas presents...
DeleteYou got a plan... better than mine.
DeleteLol... I always have a plan.
ReplyDeleteBut they're rarely ever good one's...
ReplyDeleteKeep working at it you are young yet, WE can talk about this in another 20 years...
DeleteBrazile, while a notable Dem, at least clings to a few shreds of decency. Far more than one can say for the Harridan or any of her coterie of clueless minions.
ReplyDeleteOn a related note, isn't Funky Poodle beginning to show her age. I was struck by how much less kind the years have been to her than to Brazile. Oh well, karma is what it is.
I would have thought that after 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama the Dems would have moved on from the Clintons. But like a dog yearning to roll in some especially stinky shit, they come back to their favorite practitioners of eroding our republics standards.
No need for fancy wrap or bows for my Christmas present!😉
ReplyDeleteAny chance we could send you a wish list?
ReplyDeleteYou are talking to Kevin right?
DeleteLol...wee liks da deelishus witefishes...hint hint hint... 🐺🐯😻😺😻😹
ReplyDeleteWell time to call it a night, I am glad you all had a good time. If you didn't it is all Hillary's fault.
ReplyDelete...and these leftwing loons with their idiotic talking points on gun control...Laura Ingraham had another of these dolts on tonight. Irritating as hell to listen to these fools even if they do end up losing the debate.
That goofy WashPo Borchers guy over there trying to still defend Shrillary, and explain away Brazile's claims as "just not true", and doing a very bad and extremely weak job of it! "HERE'S why the right are embracing Brazile, now...when they hated her before!", is what it boils down to.
ReplyDeleteIt's the type of tripe Little Matty, the Johnson drinks in to study and emulate so that one day he may grow up to be a lying propaganda writer for a big city newspaper, instead of just an irrelevant little pissant lying fantasy-writer in a dying smalltown liberal rag!
Good morning to all.
ReplyDeleteYep...taxpayer-funded schools and unions forcing taxpayers to pay for BOTH sides of this dabacle, in which activist courts are attempting to (unconstitutionally) usurp the authority of the legislature, rendering the legislature completely powerless.
Dems don't want the legislature to have ANY funding for its defense, and are the ones forcing all this crap.
Because it NEEDS defended, the taxpayers are billed for it. Isn't there some kind of conflict of interest, here? BUT, we can't just NOT defend it! So, we get screwed, and the unions and schools ALWAYS get what they want? Every damn year, they want MORE, MORE, MORE!
First thing, amend that language in the Constitution, so it's not so ambiguous!
Second thing, determione what IS actually "adequate". EVERYONE knows they waste money hand-over-fist, trying to spend down the budget at the end of the fiscal year, to say "we spent all we had, and we NEED MORE for next year!"
Dig into their spending habits, and take a look at what perfectly-fine working items they are sending to electronics recycling centers, etc., and other things in their ledger that they are "spending down"...and put a damn stop to it!
Third, ther legislature needs to grow a pair, and tell the courts to show them WHERE in the Kansas Constitution, exactly, does it give the courts the power of the purse!
NOWHERE, is the answer. Those legislators need to actually read the entire Kansas Constitution, and point out the relevant things that absolutely prove that they, and ONLY they, have any power to decide budgets, with only the governor having the power to pass or veto it. It's in there!
lastly, if they wanna play that "adequate and equitable" game, let's take a microscope to the schools that they claim "are getting more than their fair share, leaving smaller schools lacking".
It should be extremely easy to SLASH the waste and "spend-downs", administration and other things of the larger schools, and get THEM closer to what the smaller schools can "adequately" get by with.
A few hundred schools in big cities spending a LOT of their "education" dollars on non-academic stuff? Fancy new multimillion dollar sports facilities, etc.? Sorry, THOSE expenditures, if any funded by the state, either end...OR...they are NOT factored into the "education funding", of which the parameters should be set for ONLY "classroom education", i.e., books, computers, teachers, etc.
They have to stop this nonsense, and quit squeezing us from both ends in their little "school funding" game!
Well, folks...looks like we have a "diversity and inclusion" community activist full-time Westar employee elected as a part-time mayor.
ReplyDeleteTime to ramp up the "exclusion" politics from the mayor's office!
Part-time, of course!
(Probably a good thing the mayor position in this town is pretty much meaningless, huh?)
Well the only thing that might be okay about that Nunya is that her foolishness may be less expensive than Duncan's pie in the sky stuff about downtown. Remember on the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show, where Bullwinkle would start to perform a magic trick and Rocky would say "But that trick NEVER works?" That's how I feel about downtown schemes.
ReplyDeleteThe wrong Hispanic city council woman ran. I would have voted for Sylvia Ortiz for Mayor. Anybody talking restraining Topeka's runaway taxes is speaking my language.
Yeah...I wasn't crazy about either choice...but I REALLY don't like "community organizer/activist/let's-use-divisiveness-to-bring-us-together people in any kind of power, either. And, for good reason!
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...