Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Back in my day...
To say things have changed since I was a kid would be an understatement.
I'm part of the riding in the back of the pickup, drinking from the garden hose generation.
It was a time when boys were boys and girls were girls and no one ever thought to question it.
It was a time when a family consisted of a mom, a dad, and their children.
It was a time when working for a living was just a natural part of life.
It was a time when my friends and I rode our bikes without the aid of a helmet.
We played cowboys and Indians and cops and robbers.
We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord's Prayer every day in school.
We obeyed our teachers and for the most part respected our elders.
It was a time when the thought of disrespecting your mom never even occurred to us.
I got my first BB gun when I was 9-years-old and my first .22 when I turned 12 and no one thought anything of it.
By the time we were in High School most of us had our own shotguns and carried them in our cars and trucks because we planned on going quail hunting after football practice and on one ever batted and eye.
Were we perfect?
Oh, hell no.
But I can tell you this.
To the best of my knowledge not a single one of us have ever shot up a school full of school full of innocent little kids.
We've never gone a concert to kill as many people as we could.
And we've never once walked into a church and opened fire on those present because we're pissed off at society.
We don't have a gun problem in this country.
We have a morality problem being shoved down our throats by the godless left wing extremists who've taken control of the once proud democrat party.
And that's just a fact.
And this guys gets it.
Give me 4 minutes of your time and he'll explain it better than I ever could.
I have no idea what the answer is.
But what I do know is that if we continue down this path of self destruction, America, at least as we know it, will not survive.
Keep your friends and family close and keep your eyes open.
Kevin McGinty
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Nunya November 8, 2017 at 4:17 AM
ReplyDeleteThat goofy WashPo Borchers guy over there trying to still defend Shrillary, and explain away Brazile's claims as "just not true", and doing a very bad and extremely weak job of it! "HERE'S why the right are embracing Brazile, now...when they hated her before!", is what it boils down to.
It's the type of tripe Little Matty, the Johnson drinks in to study and emulate so that one day he may grow up to be a lying propaganda writer for a big city newspaper, instead of just an irrelevant little pissant lying fantasy-writer in a dying smalltown liberal rag!
Sargejr Jim November 8, 2017 at 5:01 AM
ReplyDeleteGood morning to all
Nunya November 8, 2017 at 5:09 AM
ReplyDeleteYep...taxpayer-funded schools and unions forcing taxpayers to pay for BOTH sides of this dabacle, in which activist courts are attempting to (unconstitutionally) usurp the authority of the legislature, rendering the legislature completely powerless.
Dems don't want the legislature to have ANY funding for its defense, and are the ones forcing all this crap.
Because it NEEDS defended, the taxpayers are billed for it. Isn't there some kind of conflict of interest, here? BUT, we can't just NOT defend it! So, we get screwed, and the unions and schools ALWAYS get what they want? Every damn year, they want MORE, MORE, MORE!
First thing, amend that language in the Constitution, so it's not so ambiguous!
Second thing, determione what IS actually "adequate". EVERYONE knows they waste money hand-over-fist, trying to spend down the budget at the end of the fiscal year, to say "we spent all we had, and we NEED MORE for next year!"
Dig into their spending habits, and take a look at what perfectly-fine working items they are sending to electronics recycling centers, etc., and other things in their ledger that they are "spending down"...and put a damn stop to it!
Third, ther legislature needs to grow a pair, and tell the courts to show them WHERE in the Kansas Constitution, exactly, does it give the courts the power of the purse!
NOWHERE, is the answer. Those legislators need to actually read the entire Kansas Constitution, and point out the relevant things that absolutely prove that they, and ONLY they, have any power to decide budgets, with only the governor having the power to pass or veto it. It's in there!
lastly, if they wanna play that "adequate and equitable" game, let's take a microscope to the schools that they claim "are getting more than their fair share, leaving smaller schools lacking".
It should be extremely easy to SLASH the waste and "spend-downs", administration and other things of the larger schools, and get THEM closer to what the smaller schools can "adequately" get by with.
A few hundred schools in big cities spending a LOT of their "education" dollars on non-academic stuff? Fancy new multimillion dollar sports facilities, etc.? Sorry, THOSE expenditures, if any funded by the state, either end...OR...they are NOT factored into the "education funding", of which the parameters should be set for ONLY "classroom education", i.e., books, computers, teachers, etc.
They have to stop this nonsense, and quit squeezing us from both ends in their little "school funding" game!
Nunya November 8, 2017 at 5:59 AM
ReplyDeleteWell, folks...looks like we have a "diversity and inclusion" community activist full-time Westar employee elected as a part-time mayor.
Time to ramp up the "exclusion" politics from the mayor's office!
Part-time, of course!
(Probably a good thing the mayor position in this town is pretty much meaningless, huh?)
ReplyDeleteKenneth Remfry November 8, 2017 at 6:55 AM
Well the only thing that might be okay about that Nunya is that her foolishness may be less expensive than Duncan's pie in the sky stuff about downtown. Remember on the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show, where Bullwinkle would start to perform a magic trick and Rocky would say "But that trick NEVER works?" That's how I feel about downtown schemes.
The wrong Hispanic city council woman ran. I would have voted for Sylvia Ortiz for Mayor. Anybody talking restraining Topeka's runaway taxes is speaking my language.
Nunya November 8, 2017 at 7:05 AM
ReplyDeleteYeah...I wasn't crazy about either choice...but I REALLY don't like "community organizer/activist/let's-use-divisiveness-to-bring-us-together people in any kind of power, either. And, for good reason!
Kevin, you're singing my song. I had my first job when I was 12, and saved enough to buy my first motorcycle when I was 14.
ReplyDeleteI'll never forget going to the family reunions on a farm in Iowa, after eating the best meal of your life, tables filled with fried chicken, mashed potatoes and every kind of side dish you can imagine, fresh watermelon right out of the field then the men would go shoot up a couple cases of bluerock. Us youngsters always got our turn. I remember to this day when my Grandpa told my Dad, "I think he's ready for his own shotgun, don't you?"
I had spent several years hunting with them carrying my Daisy BB gun thinking I could bring down a pheasant with it. But I also learned how to handle a gun, and gun safety.
I've owned guns virtually my entire life. And I suspect that is a lot of the readers of this blog. And I doubt a single one of us has ever used a gun for anything but what the law allows.
Gun control has nothing to do with safety or stopping mass shootings. Those are just straw men. It has everything to do with godless left wing control of America. A disarmed people is much easier to control. And that's why the founders enshrined it into our constitution.
We always hear the same old babble from the godless left. And we are hearing it again. And it always goes the same place. Nowhere. So let them babble. This isn't France or Britain. We're not a bunch of softies who are happy to let our corrupt government run our lives.
You want to disarm us? Figure out how to repeal the second amendment. And good luck with that.
And meantime, you can take all the talk about Australia, and assault rifles, and how the founders had muskets and all the rest and stick it up your ass. Cause that's all it is, talk. And the constant narrative that America is changing their minds and are ready for taking our guns away may be true in California, but you take a look around the rest of the country and you'll find a different story.
I remember those days very well, kids now days will never have the life we enjoyed, what a shame.
ReplyDeleteSafe we sound like we came from the same family. Good comment brings back old memories, I took the liberty of posting your comment on my Facebook page.
ReplyDeleteI can relate to the 'back in my day' thing.....
ReplyDeleteHalloween, I remember when it used to be safe to walk to neighbor's houses and not worry if it was drug laden or contaminated.... remember getting red delicious apples in your Halloween bags? How about homemade caramel popcorn balls?
Playing out in the front yard or just laying on a blanket in the front yard reading a good book?
Nowadays it is just (for a lack of better term) crazy! There's houses that I wouldn't even take my kids to for Halloween, parents have to be selective nowadays..... we never used to have 'trunk or treat' or anything like that when I was a kid.
It is looking like that the 'here and now' is now the new norm.....kinda wished there could actually be a way to make a time machine so we could go back in time like taking a vacation -
Hi, good grief I fell asleep here at my desk, damn glad I woke up.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I must be on the wrong Blog!
ReplyDeleteWatching Tucker and seeing Brazile back peddling on everything she has ever said. But she wrote it in a book and now its all wrong. Looks like they really got to her.
ReplyDeleteShe really thinks the DNC and the Clintons will take her back. LOL
ReplyDeleteI was so disappointed, hell she was saying I am sorry to them, she doesn't want to find herself floating down the river. But still pushing her book.
DeleteNo doubt They got to her big time. But she is done like a raw steak. Another 6 months or year and she will no longer be around. She will be trashed out the door by all of the DNC and made an example of. She will have to get a job at FOX
DeleteOr as a maid!
DeleteI found that sad, in a way...intimidated and having to deal threats. Probably living with armed security now and wanting people to read her book...interview was about what I expected.
ReplyDeleteI expected more from her Cats, I was expecting her to stand up as a strong black ladies and say it, the way she was taught like she grew up in her large family. But I can think that she maybe scared.
DeleteI suspect she may have a lot of info on arkancides and threatened with same. Or members of her family threatened as a way to silence her. Clintonistas capable of anything. That cackle from Skankles at Gaddafi's death was from the depths of hell.
DeleteOur new part-time activist mayor speaks!
ReplyDelete"She said that when she takes office, she’ll “shatter glasses” by achieving milestones that include becoming Topeka’s first Hispanic mayor, first Latina mayor and first mayor to be a single mother, as well as the first to be employed outside of working for the city."
Already working those divisive demographics themes, huh?
And, y'know...THOSE are the MOST important things of all to be mayor! "Shattering glass!" I's what the entire campaign was built upon. "Identity politics".
"A: The most important thing is just the responsibility that I have. I think that positions like these, you just don’t take lightly. You’re serving so many people."
Well...second only to her REAL job, of course! First priority is putting every person in an excluded little box all their own, so they can be identified and sorted in the name of "diversity and inclusion" at Westar.
OH! HERE'S a "hot divisive topic" for the propagandists at the Urinal to toss at her:
"Q: What can you do to help the community heal and move forward once the investigation into the fatal Sept. 28 Topeka police shooting of Dominique White concludes?"
Stir that racist, cop-hating pot, Urinal! To her credit, she DID wisely say to keep things calm, and wait until after the investigation to see how things can be fixed, if needed. I'm sure that's not the bloody retort the Urinal was looking for, but I'll give her credit for that one.
"Q: Your opponent spoke critically of your plans to continue in your job with Westar after being elected. Could you talk about the reasoning behind that decision?"
"A: And saying that you can’t have two jobs is almost like saying “I’m going to get married so I’m committed to my spouse but I’m not going to have a child because I don’t want to separate the love that I have for my child.” And the same thing happens when you’re in public office. When you’re in public office, you’re in love with your community. You are serving your community. The hope from this is that, if you want to talk about breaking glasses, breaking glasses is ensuring that people who maybe are employed right now, that have a job with flexibility that want to run for office, can say “Yes, I can do it, because she did it.”
It's like getting married and not wanting kids, and...oh yeah. Did she mention it's ALL about "breaking glass"? Yeah...THAT'S what's important! Breaking glass! In the name of "diversity and inclusion".
"Q: What are your thoughts regarding Topeka’s becoming a sanctuary city?"
"A: Shawnee County is already a sanctuary county and we fall under that, so I don’t know. In order for the city to become a sanctuary city, it would take a vote of the whole council. So I would not dare to set direction on that until we hear from the council and from more constituents about how they feel about that."
WELLLLLL, now. Shawnee County already is, and she seems perfectly content that Topeka falls under the county "ignore and violate federal law" model, since the city is under the county. BUT, she's apparently not concerned a bit that the county is under the state, and the state is under the federal government, of whose laws she seems content to ignore and violate! She doesn't outright OPPOSE it, in no uncertain terms. Which means..."Sure...if I have to, I'd try to push that."
There ya go, folks! We just got an community activist Obama wannabe for mayor, concerned more about "breaking glass" and dividing us up to "redistribute" us in the name of "diversity and inclusion", than being a mayor for ALL people! more question the Urinal threw at her:
ReplyDelete"Q: What will be going through your mind as you take the oath of office?"
She answered with the "most important responsibility blah, blah, blah...", but I'll fill in what she missed.
According to HER OWN answer about being pro-sanctuary city, what will be going through her mnd is that the oath means nothing at all, she has no intention of abiding by any Constitution, and she is willing to violate federal law. Like good little socialist activist liberals are inclined to do.
She just pretty much admitted that.
ReplyDelete"He said the larger issue is that hotel occupancy rates in Topeka have consistently been in the 50 percent range since 2008, indicating that the market can’t adequately support the number of hotels and motels in the capital city."
And, THAT'S why we need to sink taxpayer dollars into Wheatfield Village! Right? least with one less competitor across town, the brand new shiny hotel may well reach a tad above the low occupancy rate because of "too many rooms and too few guests oversaturation" in Topeka.
BUT...if we "just build it"....(fade to sunshiny dreamy music, and pies floating across the sky!)
Look at these idiots! The Urinal propagandists (editorial board) are using national polling averages to push some crazy narrative that "people trust local government", which is clearly meant to insinuate that Topekans trust OUR local government!!
In what appears to be all seriousness, those dunderheads are trying to convince us that Topeka's governing leaders are right in line with national polling (in which we all know is seriously-flawed, anyway), and that they are trusted and admired by a majority of citizens?!
HEY, URINAL! I'd bet if we could actually manage to get an accurate poll about how Topekans felt about our city leaders, we'd get a MUCH lower number. Like, somewhere closer to Congress, or worse yet...THE MEDIA!
And, then they are telling us "the accessibility of local politics makes it the purest form of democracy – our neighbors are also our representatives, and this gives us ample opportunities for political engagement. Topekans should remember this when their new mayor and city council members take office."
You mean like the new mayor who has just admitted she has no real problem thwarting federal law, and will hypocritically swear an oath of office to UPHOLD laws, AFTER she admitted it?
That's who we "trust"?
Good Morning, You are on a roll Nunya. :)
ReplyDeleteBTW, if Shawnee County is, indeed, a "sanctuary county", as our new "pro-sanctuary-city, anti-law" mayor claims, I think we have some work to do?!
ReplyDeleteAnd, apparently, she doesn't realize (not being qualified, and knowing nothing about government, apparently...just like Obama!) that a city CAN (and SHOULD) enforce state and federal laws, regardless of what the county does.
The woman has already demonstrated that she knows nothing about government heirarchy, doesn't care about any of it, and is all about "breaking glasses" and identity politics.
Better keep an eye on that one. She's a titanium nut that just fell into the gearbox!
Lol... I received a letter from The Urinal the other day asking me to renew my subscription to the print edition.
ReplyDeleteNot just no.
But, oh hell no!!!
I'd send it back, Kev, and tell them to roll up and shove their liberal rag up Little Matty's rear end! (When it's unoccupied, or he isn't spewing out of it, anyway!)😂
ReplyDeleteTopeka's good people have a mess to deal with already but electing this clueless twit??? Duncan, son of Tuck, was no better though.
ReplyDeleteHer rhetoric reminds me of that Baltimore attorney megamouth with her "no-justice" rants and trying to hang those cops out to dry a few years ago.
As for the urinal, I wonder when that rag will bring back the "subscribe" page and block me from their editorials? What a sick joke of a has turned into nothing more than a community activist leftwing tabloid.
Cats, my journal (yes, I keep such a thing) entry for 07 NOV 17 reads "reluctantly voted for Duncan." Remember, I try to use words carefully and accurately. "Reluctant" says a lot there.
DeleteThis was a thoroughly puke-worthy couple. Safe is correct that the saving glory is that the Mayor here is a complete figurehead.
I have to long before we start to hear chants of "si si puede!" on the steps of the Capitol building?
DeleteThe only good news about this new mayor is she can do less actual damage than she could when she was on the council. Our Mayor is a ribbon cutting speech giver with very little actual duties beyond that.
ReplyDeleteLarry Wolgast, who is a very nice guy, is also a committed lefty. And he didn't do much damage.
I actually had some dealings with this new mayor some years back. Some folks at the church I went to helped her out. She needed a house to rent and they hooked her up, vouched for her so she could get the house despite being a deadbeat who any landlord would refuse to rent to. They set her up with furnishings people donated. Then out of the blue she took off, left them holding the bag when she ran out on the rent and we all had to clean out the house and haul away truckloads of crap and garbage left behind.
That's who she is. Not somebody I would trust. But the city of Topeka is run by a little cartel of developers anyway, so the city government does pretty much whatever they want. Hence the disaster that is the downtown development. Pour a bunch of money in, increase the value of property owned by the cartel.
And coincidently, our new mayor works for Westar, who has a huge footprint downtown, owning a half a city block. I'm sure that had nothing to do with her raising all that cash. And she has a do nothing meaningless job with them. Diversity something or other. If your job title has the word diversity in it, it's usually because they had to create a job to avoid a lawsuit and they picked a useful idiot who would throw off the hounds but wasn't smart enough to actually do anything.
Just my two cents worth. Topeka hasn't had a decent mayor since Chuckhole Charlie Wright, who steered us back from the devastation of the 66 tornado. Who by the way told the feds no thanks to fed charity, we would build it back ourselves. Butch Felker wasn't too bad a guy. But overall, pretty typical Topeka politicians.
I always liked Bill Bunten. He looked out for tax dollars. Wolgast is VERY left-wing and it is no surprise that he was such a committed "downtown" sort of guy.
DeleteGood grief, Safe! They elected a deadbeat loon?
DeletePopcorn time...damn glad I'm out in Wabaunsee County!
And some dope is building a hotel in downtown Topeka. What's up there? Now we have hotels closing and an occupancy rate that is pathetic, and this goof is building a "boutique" hotel downtown. And Marriott is putting up a big one out west.
ReplyDeleteSomething smells about this. What is it? Revenue bonds? Tax credits? That kind of thing is pretty profitable. You get tax credits, build the property then sell it. I don't know, and probably never will, but there's something fishy about all this.
The developer cartel runs this town.
Remember when a bunch of the corporate shills back on cjonline would back Wal-Mart and Kroger selling liquor on a free market basis and I would reply with I could go for it if the market were truly free - i.e. no TIF, other tax breaks, etc. Of course that normally shut them up - the big boys will happily forgo liquor sales to keep their sweetheart deals. You know that if Ramada couldn't make a go on west I-70, that a new hotel downtown is crazy talk.
DeleteUnless there's real sugar in the tea.
But hey, I'll say this about downtown development - I think our hoes, pimps & derelicts deserve the best surroundings (our) money can buy.
Folks....this is just nothing but frickin bullshit!!!
ReplyDeleteThe NAACP is now attacking the National Anthem wanting it removed as our National Anthem......because they feel it is racist!
There's absolutely nothing racist in the was written in honor of our Flag when we were at war with Britain in 1814.
When is the "insanity" going to end!!!!!!
Never until we all have to lock and load. Just Saying.....
Deletethey are doing their damnedest to erase history in the South..... then there's the Washington National Cathedral having to remove some stained glass windows because of the likeness of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, and now the Star Spangled Banner?!
DeleteThe NAACP needs to dislodge their heads from their asses and realize that there is absolutely nothing racist about the Star Spangled Banner!
The more outrageous their demands, the less heed will be paid to them.
Deleteunrelated...Just saw this on the NBC news website
"WASHINGTON — Former aides to Bill and Hillary Clinton are launching a new super PAC to upgrade Democratic organizing and fundraising in support of the party's candidates around the country, NBC News has learned.
The new group, called Party Majority, would act as a parallel structure to Democratic party committees at the national and state levels while coordinating with them. Its creation comes at a time when party committees are struggling to maintain their relevance as donors increasingly push money to political organizations that can raise and spend money with less regulation......"
Listening to Savage talking about the loons screaming at the sky a day or so ago and could not help but wonder how many police dispatchers were inundated by frantic 911 callers...hearing these fools, unaware of that idiocy and thinking someone was in a dangerous predicament...
ReplyDeleteWell got hit with a big cold or flu, Will be out of commission for a few days, but at my age it is hard to tell, If not in the obits I am still around. But remember the fight must go on. Stay safe.
ReplyDeleteTake care of yourself and rest, Sarge!
ReplyDeleteGet rested up Sarge. We'll be here when you're up to it...
ReplyDeletehugs - get well Sarge
ReplyDeleteFriday's blog's up...