Now why would old Safe say something like that? Why would I believe the godless left is happy to have terrorists living right here all around us? Well, I'll explain.
They brought them here. They promote bringing more and more of them here. We're labeled racist, islamophobic hate filled anti immigrant for even questioning it. President Trump proposes a travel ban to restrict these people from flooding into our country and the godless left becomes enraged, finding some judge willing to overstep every boundry established by the constitution to try to block it. So yeah, they seem to be pretty happy with the whole arrangement.
So, the bigger question is why? Why would any American be happy to see America endangered? Are they stupid? Well, yes, but it's much more than that.
This is just one small piece of the whole strategy. Remember, these people are communists. Hell, they tried to run a communist for President last election, and he probably would have been the candidate if crooked hillary and the dems not rigged the election. So what do communists do? What have they done for the last hundred years? Take over societies.
Sometimes by force, sometimes by elections. Always by deception. Always be destroying the existing societal structure only to replace it with godless communism. And how is that done? Well, look around you at the democrat party and the godless left. That's how it's done.
By a thousand small attacks. Attacks on our religion. Attacks on our law enforcement. Attacks on our military. Attacks on our sanctity of marriage. Attacks on our unborn children. Attacks on our morals and beliefs. Endless and unrelenting.
Creating a divided country, filled with hatred and chaos so they can step in and be the peacemakers. Or so people believe. And we are seeing the fruits of their efforts. This country is divided live never before.
Did Russia interfere in our election? Of course they did. But not in favor of Donald Trump. The goal, as is always the goal of communists and godless left wing extremists is chaos. To drive Americans to hate each other. To create a sense of distrust of our political system. Exactly what the democrats are doing now, in support of that cause. Exactly what crooked hillary did to steal the primary. Leaving millions of disillusioned people in their wake.
It is my sincerely held belief the godless left is actively and aggressively attempting to destroy our civil society in order create their left wing communist big state utopia they have long dreamed of. They thought they had it when America elected the man from Kenya to be followed in their plan by crooked hillary. But that got disrupted. So plan B. Create chaos. Riots. Demonstrations. Increase the communist influence on the campuses. Fill the country with muslims who will refuse to assimilate. Break down the borders. Break down the culture.
They're doing it folks. Every day like mold growing on America. Slow but relentless. First you have to destroy what's there before you can hope to replace it.
So yeah, terrorists among us? They love it because it increases fear and chaos. And divides us. Exactly what they want.
So we'll keep fighting them. You see what's happened to France and Britain. Formerly great democracies now overrun with communists and muslims. They are trying to reverse it but it's too late. They surrendered their sovereignty long ago and you don't get that back.
We won't surrender. And President Donald Trump won't surrender. We'll fight and win the ones we can, and try to minimize the damage from the ones we lose. But we will fight. Don't doubt me on that one.
Make America Great Again!
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
And be sure and catch up on the comments on the last blog if you haven't. They are hitting on all eight cylinders on that one. Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteI am not into loosing any battles, when the shit really hits the fan it is take no prisoners. The swamp is bigger than just Washington now.
ReplyDeleteYup, Sarge, it is. The signs of decay are everywhere.
ReplyDeleteAs to Sessions, I'm about ready to throw in the towel on him. Turning into a big disappointment. And that damned Rosenstein is an Obama shill as well. Shills still populating the DC halls in general and I want to know why in the hell they still haven't been replaced.
Don't give up on Sessions yet. President Trump is playing the long game. He is working the democrats and the godless left like a puppet master.
ReplyDeleteIf he had gone after hillary right away after taking office, he would have failed miserably and there would have been a huge cost to his Presidency. He and Sessions knew given time it would all come out and unravel. It is. And all the rest as well.
Sessions doesn't have to strike now. There is a ton more stuff that is going to come out. Old rule, never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself. The democrats are doing all the work for us right now. This is going to get way worse for them, just be patient.
Although sometimes I'm like the vulture sitting on the pole, who says "patience hell, I'm killing something".
Or like the cat who can't wait to pounce on that mouse and ends up scaring it off...Safe, you make a good point. 😏
DeleteAnother crack in the wall...Howie Rubin, a former fund manager for Soros the spooky dude, is getting sued. Reason? 3 women so far have come forward claiming horrific sex abuse from this sicko. Sadomasochistic violent abuse. This creep also said to be involved in human sex trafficking. Had a bondage dungeon set up in a NYC apartment. And..get this..he's married with children...
ReplyDeleteStory on Zero Hedge and he's one ghoulish-looking creep.
Picture the American electorate as a big pyramid. Up at the top on the pointy end is the godless left, the coastal elites and the democrats. The whole rest of it, the base is the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteYou can chip away the top, the pointy part. Chip it away pretty much as far as you want. The pyramid still stands. You can take as much as you want and the pyramid won't fall.
You chip away the base, even a little and the pyramid gets unstable. Chip away a lot and the thing fall in a heap.
That's us folks. If they succeed in wiping us out as they want, the country collapses. On the other hand, if the godless left disappears tomorrow, very little effect on the country. We would in fact be more stable and stronger.
Fakeahontis, or Elizabeth Warren is now agreeing with Donna Brazile that hillary rigged the primary against Bernie.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason she is saying this is she is looking at 2020 and running for President on the ticket with Bernie.
That's the only reason.She is the same unprincipled lying commie bitch she always was. She didn't suddenly grow principles.
Warren is just like our old friend, Rohm Emanuel...."never lets a serious crisis go to waste". I think she would turn on her own Mother if she thought it would win her an election!
ReplyDeleteWhen you start trusting a democrat You will lose in the end.
ReplyDeleteHoly Shit Birddog gets no jail time WTF?????
ReplyDeleteGood Lord what the same hell is this world coming to? Just walks out free man. Nothing. No big deal Hell just because he caused people to die looking for his sorry ass. jail time isnt good enough for him. Guess that pretty well sums up our country now. Wonder what happens if some soldier goes out and kills some officer or ? Just slap them on the hand and kick them out. Well I know I wouldnt have gotten kicked out for walking off Ft Riley. I seen a guy do it and go to the brig. This whole country is lost.
DeleteDishonorable discharge.
ReplyDeleteThat's it.
The judge said the poor guy has suffered enough...
This is the result of the Kenyan firing all the good military leaders and replacing them with godless left wing anti-American operatives to destroy the military from within.
ReplyDeleteHopefully President Trump and Mad Dog Mattis can turn this around and get rid of these left wing operatives before they destroy our military and leave us defenseless.
This is just another example of what my blog talked about. One more attack on our civil society. One more godless left wing commie attack on each and every one of us.
And no doubt now we will hear the cheering from the godless left. When you hear and see the godless commies cheering the release of the deserter Taliban Bowe, make a mental note that every single one of them, every one you hear cheer this travesty of justice is a sympathizer with those who would destroy our country.
It is my opinion the judge is a terrorist and needs some serious adjustments! Suffered enough, what about the guy in the wheel chair! Just another example of the military leaders going nuts with fads of political correctness.
ReplyDeleteWhen will the people rise up and fix this problem?
I do not feel we have leadership to defend this country. Then look at what they are accepting into the military!
And the poor guy hasn't suffered enough. He hasn't suffered at all. He walked away from his post to join the Taliban. That's what he wanted, that's what he got. He got released and five terrorists were released in a trade for him, made by the Kenyan in the most ignored scandal of his scandal ridden administration.
ReplyDeleteHe came home and has been treated like godless left wing commie royalty, which he is.
Good men dies and were wounded looking for him. Terrorists got released to kill again. America now is made to look weak and foolish because of him.
It's not possible for him to suffer enough for what he did and what he caused. Now he get's to go home to live with his Taliban dad and hippy mom and write a book and go on MSNBC. While families will forever grieve the loss of their soldiers who died, and good men will suffer from debilitating injuries incurred while looking for him.
Suffer? That asshole doesn't know the meaning of the word. It's another win for the godless left and their terrorist friends.
This is the obama legacy in a nutshell.
Safe I am so pissed over this I can't even put what I want into words. This is crazy!
DeleteSame here!
DeleteLet's just hope cosmic karma does its justice.
ReplyDeleteWHY is the USA BANKRUPT ($20 trillion)? Please Read this :
ReplyDeleteWe have been hammered with the propaganda that it was the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us.
I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the readers gets sick of reading them. I also have included the URL's for verification of all the following facts..
$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal immigrants each year by state governments.
Verify at : eServer?pagename=iic_immigrati onissuecenters7fd8
< eServer?pagename=iic_immigrati onissuecenters7fd8 >
$22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food Assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal immigrants.
Verify at: 0 04/fiscalexec.HTML
The High Cost of Cheap Labor | Center for Immigration Studies
About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master's degree in political science ...
ReplyDelete$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal immigrants.
Verify at: 04/fiscalexec.HTML
The High Cost of Cheap Labor | Center for Immigration Studies
About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master's degree in political science ...
$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on Primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
Verify at: NscriptS/0604/01/ldt...0.HTML
< NscriptS/0604/01/ldt...0.HTML >
ReplyDelete$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for Education for the American-born Children of illegal immigrants, known as Anchor babies.
Verify at: NscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML
< NscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML
$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal immigrants.
Verify at: TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTM L <
TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01. HTML"
href=" TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTM L "
target="_blank" rel="nofollow"http://transcrip /01/ldt.01.HTML>
30% percent of all Federal Prison Inmates are illegal immigrants.
Verify at: lBlockedError.aspx
< lBlockedError.aspx >
$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal immigrants for Welfare & Social Services by the American taxpayers.
Verify at: PTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML
< PTS/0610/29/ldt.01..HTML >
Bergdahl...I could think of nothing strong enough in the English language to describe either him or that damned judge after that reprieve was handed down today.
ReplyDeleteOutrage across the country if the talkers are any indicator. Especially from veterans calling in.
Un fricking believable.
Savage reporting today that those 5 taliban generals the emperor swapped for him are, of course, back on the battlefield.
ReplyDeleteThe families of those 6 soldiers who died trying to find that deserter son of a beetch got no justice heart goes out to them.
Amen to that Cats...'re gonna have to kick Sarge off of here. He wrote "anchor babies" in one of his posts!😲😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteI refuse to apologize... :)
DeletePpppfffftttt!!!! 😏
DeleteTrump should take a good look at some of our Military in prison for less than what Birddog did and pardon them, how about the guy that took a picture in that nuke sub for his scrape book. He got a Year I think.
ReplyDelete$200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal immigrants.
Verify at: NSCRI
In 2006, illegal immigrants sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their Countries of origin.
Verify at: . niht.htm >;
The Dark Side of illegal immigration: Nearly one million sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants in The United States.
Verify at: http:
// tml >;
The total cost is a whopping
Are we THAT Stupid?
Oh and I thought I would add this for kicks.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you said "anchor babies."
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked, just shocked I tell ya...
Seniors losing benefits, hahah sorry that was suppose to be on the last comment, God I am loosing it.
ReplyDeleteAnchor babies?...Sarge. Really?😶😄
DeleteHe is a military judge and Trump would be his Commander-in-Chief...I may be wrong but I think Trump could yank his butt off his bench...also thinking today's decision could get overruled.
ReplyDeleteHeard something on that earlier but was busy and not sure if I heard right.
Well look at all the Generals Obama got rid of and replaced with pawns. Trump can remove any Military person he wants to as Commander and Chief. Oh and doesn't have to explain why, if I remember correctly.
DeleteAm hoping Gen Kelly advises him on that...he lost a son in Afghanistan and if not mistaken he has another son in military.
DeleteSince the 60's, the drug-addled liberals and FemiNazis have been telling women they don't need no man around to raise kids, and be a career woman and "I am woman, hear me roar!"
ReplyDeleteSo, a lot of women decided that's the thing to do. And then, what happened?
Millions upon millions of fatherless children. Millions upon millions of women on government assistance. Millions upon millions of children whose parent doesn't have much time to spend with them.
Millions upon millions of kids looking for a role model, and finding them on the streets. Millions upon millions of kids getting into trouble, and into gangs.
Millions upon millions of children being shoved through the public school "babysitting system", without learning much of anything...IF they even make it through at all. And IF they don't shoot each other, or innocent bystanders.
Millions upon millions of kids growing up with no prospects of gainful employment, and no hope to make an honest living.
Millions upon millions of kids growing up dejected, hopeless, angry, disrespectful, and blaming anyone who was successful for their failures.
Millions upon millions of teens and adults who feel "entitled" to anything anyone else has because "it ain't MY fault I was born and brought up in this crappy world! I DESERVE to have what THEY have!"
Generations of that.
Wonder whose fault all that really is?
(Hint: They believe Hillary and/or Bernie are presidential material).
And another big thanks to Trump for kicking ass and taking names. Hillary is History now and Bernie isn't going any where.
DeleteI am woman...yah I remember that song. Couldn't stand it then and still can't. Helen Reddy.
DeleteAnd please don't get me started on that braindead creature named Cher!
This is getting hilarious! When you see BOTH Hillary and Bernie people on FOX News ALL pissed-off...and pissed off at's better than the most entertaining movie I have ever seen!
ReplyDeleteI bet that ol' battleaxe Shrillary is hittin' the bottle hard, and soiling her Mao pantsuits in a torrent about now!😂
If she had any brains she should be looking for a country that will take her in, but with her reputation fat chance of that.
DeleteWell so far she has been beating the legal system for years, but that is coming to a end, unless she cheats again and hangs herself.
ReplyDeleteBTW...I'm surprised we haven't seen our esteemed (or, rather "steamed") guest commentator today, a'rantin' and a'ravin' with all his eloquent advanced-education prose!
ReplyDeleteMaybe he's sobbing too uncontrollably to manage? 😂
Oh well another Dick head I won't miss.
DeleteIt is kind of mean picking on those idiots. And they take the bait every time!
ReplyDeleteAlmost as mean as when people get their cat to keep chasing a laser pointer headfirst, full-speed into the wall! (Except, I'm sure the cat is even smarter!)😂
No offense Cats! I SAID it was mean to cats!😮 (Just reminds me of that!)😂
ReplyDeleteLolol!!! None taken...stafs haz onna dem poynter thingeys n wee dont doo walz.
DeleteToday's the day.
ReplyDeleteIt's the day Antifa takes to the streets in cities all across America to throw one of the biggest temper tantrums we've ever seen.
They'll march.
They'll scream.
They'll cry.
And no doubt they'll try to assault people, destroy other people's property, and generally make asses out of themselves.
And they've promised they won't stop until Trump is forced out of office.
Keep it up dumbassses. The only thing you're accomplishing is to make him stronger.
What a bunch of dopes...
Oh, we have some ingrate, Dick Walker, who needs more convincing that America is the greatest nation on earth!
"I suppose that depends on how one defines “greatest.” So let’s peek at a few of the metrics that determine just how great a nation is: health care, environmental protection, social justice, economic opportunity, education, life span and teenage births."
Let's see, Mr. care.
"America has the best health care, but only if you are rich or covered by your employer. The rest of us lay somewhere between anxiety and desperation should serious illness come our way."
Well...the "rest of us"..except for illegal immigrants, who don't get turned away and are floding our system, having babies for free, and getting their sniffles looked at, backing up ERs. Except for all the millions of phony "Disability claimants", gaming the system. Dems are trying to destroy "the best". And, as for those of us with insurance through our employer? Paying for all THAT...PLUS Obamacare, has raised our rates, our deductibles and copays, and causes "anxiety and desperation" by being put in jeopardy of being one hospital visit away from losing everything to medical bills!
"Environmental protection"? THAT'S a 'metric' for this? Another brainwashed leftwing nutjob, obviously, buying into the "global (whatever it is this month)" farce!
Here's a gem: "Social justice depends largely on what you look like and where you live." You being a pampered black football player, and living in a huge multimillion dollar mansion? Or, maybe a female pop star, doing her porn in videos, living the high life? A very wealthy sexual-predator movie exec? How about a multimillion dollar gay actor? DOES seem kind of unfair that us unimportant, but honest, hardworking struggling middle-class people are getting squeezed, while they enjoy their riches. Talk about 'social injustice'! (And y'know what, Dick? I bet ALL those "rich liberals" game the tax system to pay as little as possible, and probably even MORE than a lot of other people do!)
"Social justice". Sheesh. STOP IT! You sound like an ignorant Berkeley moron!
"Lifespans also depend largely on appearance, race and social status – chronic disease and mortality statistics make that point horrifyingly clear."
Ummm....WHAT THE **** are you talking about?! Lifespan depends on "appearance"? Whaddya wanna do, dick? Give all homely people free Extreme Makeovers, paid for by tax dollars?!
"Teenage pregnancy is declining but still compares poorly with most of Western Europe."
We can thank "the free love liberals", Hollywood and "do what feels good...the government will pick up the tab" Dems for that mess!
"Education levels continue to lag well behind most of our competitors."
Public schools, and colleges. Um...who, exactly, is running THOSE...Dick? Exactly!
I have a suggestion. Since YOU seem to be a part of the problem (being a liberal, and all), we'll start a GoFundMe for you. We'll raise the money for a one-way ticket to put your ungrateful ass on a plane ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD that you'd prefer to live! AS LONG as you give uip your citizenship, and let us prevent you from ever coming back! Why would you want to live HERE?! EEEwwww!
Yes, Dick...walk'er on over to the gate of your choice, get on that plane, and take that silver bird to your own idea of Utopia!
Well, if "today is the day", let's hope our fine men and women in law enforcement are given authority to quell the riots "by any means necessary"!
ReplyDeleteNo tears shed for ANYTHING that happens to the troublemakers, and LEO's, prayers and stay safe!
As that legendary lawman, Barney Fife, was fond of saying:
ReplyDelete"NIP IT! NIP it in the BUD!"
Ummm....isn't this kind of like "tempting fate"...publishing this?
Especially, since this is "Liberal Crybaby Mass Riot Day"?
Aaaand, the propagandists (editorial staff) are at it again!
Cherry-pick the leftwing polls that phrase a question to produce the answers you are looking for, and present them as "fact" to counter reality, to push their commie agenda!
I wonder if these are the same "polls" that knew with 99.999% certainty that Trump had no mathematical chance of winning?!
Damn you nail it all again and didn't have to use a hammer. Good Grief. Oh well no reason to read the rag this morning.
DeleteIs it true that the producers of "Orange is the New Black" are already angling and dangling money to get Bill and Hillary unpaid, heavily-guarded work-release from their future prisons to play prominent roles in an upcoming season?
ReplyDeleteHillary will become the most devious, hateful, conniving and HATED inmate EVER, who appears, tries to run everything...and won't go away!
Billy-boy will play the new warden, a most-prolific serial sexual predator, and who allies himself with Hillary.
Together, they screw absolutely EVERYONE, and leave a long trail of dead bodies in their wake.
The producers are striving for "authenticity" in using the Clintons...and should get well-practiced and natural performances from both!
I would, however, advise the producers to not piss them off! And, if they least leave the cameras rolling to capture their eventual demise! Write the death into the story, edit in the footage, and it'll hike the ratings!😂
Good Grief I hope you all are not waiting on me!
ReplyDeleteLMAO... I'm not sure how it's going around the rest of the country but if Antifa's gonna succeed in overthrowing the government the Austin chapter is gonna have to step up their game.
ReplyDeleteAs of a few minutes ago they had 19 people at their rally.
Friggin losers anyway...
Hell...that's more than Hillary got at her rallies!!!😂
ReplyDeleteWhere are the screamers? I gotta know.
ReplyDeleteNot sure they have any screamers.
DeleteBut there is a guy dressed up in a unicorn costume.
Lol... Good point...
ReplyDeleteSome hilarious stuff going on in Boston! (So far). A bunch making fun of Antifa, and the Antifa fascists losing their minds. The guy narrating this feed is quite amused (so far).
So whats happening? Are we not going to have 20 cities destroyed today? Must be the weather . Or to many Rifles pointing at them. :)
ReplyDeleteI found a nice little video representative of the Fear and Anxiety created by today's Mighty Antifa Anarchy Party! 😂
Nunya I would say they need a good Taclight out there.
ReplyDeleteWas busy all morning and didnt bother with antifa antics...found forensic files reruns more entertaining.
ReplyDeleteWhat news I did look at was about Trump at the memorial at Pearl Harbor.
Nunya wee cats stil dont doo walz...are walnut branes izz smartr dan dat jus sayin
ReplyDeleteWell...I'll be dogged! Darned if Little Matty, the Johnson didn't pound some on all those fascist liberals at colleges, wanting to outscream people and shut down free speech!😨
ReplyDeleteAfter you get through his obligatory first two paragraphs of pure Trump hatred, the little guy actually writes (or plagiarizes...who knows) something fairly useful for the first time EVER!
Identity politics, intersectionality, the dangers of completely shutting down opposing views because of that crap...
Hard to believe. I'd consider a "thumbs up" if the beginning wasn't so childish and unnecessary!
Suggestion...if you read it, just bypass the first three paragraphs.
I wonder if all the crimes and corruption of the Dems erupting like a volcano lately dampened the enthusiasm of all but the most-ignorant and hateful few anti-Trump Antifa fascists, and fizzled out their goofy little Nov. 4 "Commies Take Over" anarchy party?
ReplyDeleteMaybe a lot of them thought..."DAMN! After finding out the right was right about Crooked Hillary and the Dems, all along...HOW could I protest in favor of those lying, cheating criminal bastards?!"
Then again, naw. They're just all bark and no bite cowards. They would STILL prefer the leftist crime organization over any non-commie. 😉
This time change thing messin' with me. Half my clocks say one thing, the other half another! Guess I'll just split the difference, and back half up, and half forward!😂
ReplyDeleteHalf an hour, each!😀 THAT'LL fix it!
ReplyDeleteI'll call it "The Liberal Time Compromise". Half will gain, half will lose, and it won't work properly in the real world...but I'll feel good about my "social justice" responsibility, in that I provided "equality" betwixt the two!😂
Lol Good One, sounds like a plan.
DeleteThere are bold pilots, and old pilots, but very few old bold pilots.
ReplyDeleteA good landing is when you can walk away from the plane. A great landing is when you can reuse the plane.
If your attack is going well, you have walked into an ambush.
If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.
Try to stay in the middle of the air.
Do not go near the edges of it.
The edge of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, and trees.
It is much more difficult to fly there.
Flying the airplane is more important than radioing your problem to a person on the ground incapable of understanding or doing anything about it.
Co-Pilot Check List:
Don’t touch anything.
Keep your mouth shut.
If the enemy is in range, so are you.
Tracers work both ways.
If you see a bomb technician running, try to keep up with him.
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.
Five second grenade fuses last about three seconds.
Don't ever be the first, don't ever be the last, and don't ever volunteer for anything .- US Navy
There is no reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
If something hasn't broken on your helicopter, it's about to.
The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.
Flashlights are tubular metal containers kept in a flight bag for the purpose of storing dead batteries.
When a flight is proceeding incredibly well, something was forgotten.
Nothing is so good for the morale of the troops as to occasionally see a dead enemy general.
If you're faced with a forced landing, fly the aircraft as far into the crash as possible.
‘Friendly fire - isn't.’ Aim towards the Enemy.
ReplyDeleteRadios will fail as soon as you desperately need fighter close air support.
Airspeed, altitude, and brains. Two of these are always necessary to successfully complete the mission.
The two most useless things in aviation are: Runway behind you and the air above you.
Things that must be together to work, usually can't be shipped together.
No combat-ready unit has ever passed inspection.
No inspection-ready unit has ever done well in combat.
Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once.
The easy way is always mined.
What is the similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots? If a pilot screws up, the pilot dies; but if ATC screws up ... the pilot dies.
Anything you do can get you shot, including doing nothing.
Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at.
Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate. The bombs always hit the ground.!
Pilots, please taxi up close when emptying your fuel cell. You may have lower manifold pressure and shorter exhaust stacks than you realized.
(Sign over men's urinal, Casey Jones Flying Service.)
The small Piper Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you.
Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons.!
If you hear me yell; "Eject, Eject, Eject!", the last two will be echos.
If you ask "Why?", you'll be talking to yourself, because you'll be the pilot.
A Purple Heart just proves that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive.!
Just remember, if you crash because of weather, your funeral will be held on a sunny day.
It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.
The three most common military aviation expressions (or famous last words) are: Did you feel that? What's that noise? and 'Oh Shit!
The three best things in life are: A good landing, a good orgasm, and a good bowel movement.
The night navy carrier landing is one of the few opportunities in life where you get to experience all three at the same time.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn't plan your mission properly.
When you're short of everything but the enemy, you're in combat.
Never trade luck for skill.
Without ammunition, the Air Force is just an expensive flying club.
You've never been lost until you've been lost at Mach 3. (SR-71 test pilot)-
Yea, Though I Fly Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil, for I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing. (SR-71 Pilot)
We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction!
When one engine fails on a twin-engine airplane, you always have enough power left to get you to the scene of the crash.
‘When in doubt, empty the magazine.'
Flexibility is the key to tactical success. Indecision is the key to flexibility.
You know that your landing gear is up and locked when it takes full power to taxi to the terminal.
Mankind has a perfect record in aviation - we have never left one up there!
Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography.
There are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky.
Incoming fire has the right of way.
No man is a leader until his appointment is ratified in the minds and hearts of his men.!
Keep your Situation Awareness (SA) at 100%.
Thank you for paying your taxes, I need the ammunition.!
Lastly remember, keep the sharp end pointed forward..!!
Looks like the Anitfail people failed again, time for them assholes go back into hiding, if they can find a deep swamp to jump in.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to show this to those of you who don't read the Capital-Journal Ass Wipe these days! An article about people being outraged about the cops shooting that guy a while back. I has to do with the parents of this guy wanting answers on the shooting. Will let you read the story if you want but wanted to show you the following comment that they allowed on the post and my response to it:
ReplyDeleteCherie A. Daniel · Carson High School
Fucking HATE the cops. Would never call them even if I thought I needed one. Shoot first, ask questions later. No thanks. I’ll take my chances with the criminal. At least I KNOW he’s the bad guy.
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Gary Sandell · Fort Hays State/ Friends University
"Fucking HATE the cops".-Cherie A. Daniel ·
Well, I guess we can see how the standards of the Capital-Journal continually keep going down! Wasn't this part of your excuse for eliminating the blogs.....That people were being too "uncivil" in their posts! What a bunch of hypocrites!
Shooting in a church in Tx. Here goes the libs with their gun control again.
ReplyDeleteWell I say no to gun control bullshit I say more People, need to carry guns so they can defend their selves . That is the only way to stop this shit. Put a sign on the doors everyone in church is armed.
Delete27 dead...mass shooting...Texas church
Asshole thats what happens when people don't carry a gun to defend them selves.
DeleteJust seen this. Dont know if it true or not
Shooting at a Baptist church close to San Antonio. I believe 20 plus people killed and 20 some injured.
ReplyDeleteVery sad for sure, prayers to them all.
DeleteHorrific. Prayers for all the families and that community.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: lib dem prog are ya? If so, may I remind you that yours is the party of legalized murder of the unborn...aka abortion...
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