And you know what old Safe always says. If that's all you got, that's what you go with. And they got nothing. Absolutely nothing.
We let them try. We gave them eight years with the Kenyan as president. They had two years of absolute control of congress. And what did we get?
We got an economy that never grew over 2% any year. We got massive growth in welfare, food stamps, fake disability claims. We got consumer confidence at record lows. We got a dead stock market. We got record numbers of people out of the workforce. We got the national debt doubled.
We got lied to, finagled, cheated, robbed. We got massive illegal immigration. We got crime run rampant while the prisons were being emptied and the Kenyan was pardoning violent drug dealing felons right and left, by the thousands.
We got terrorism out of control, all while the Kenyan and the democrat/communists lectured us on islamaphobia.
We got men using the same bathroom as young girls. We got sexual perversion mainstreamed as perfectly fine. We got men who think they're women and women who think they're men serving in our military,dragging down the morale and the readiness of the finest fighting force in the world, all the while getting lectures about how we are a bunch of homophobes.
And on and on.
So now, we have a President who is fixing it. The economy is soaring. Jobs coming back. Hopefully a huge tax cut coming. Job killing regulations rolling back. Democrat/communists poison pills like the phony consumer protection agency getting gutted and killed. Taliban actually on the run, not just lies like the Kenyan told us.
And what do the democrat/communists do? Whine and screech and moan and groan and lie and lie some more and jump up and down waving their arms. When they aren't busy molesting women, that is.
No ideas. No proposals. Nothing. Nothing at all. Just do everything they can to stop the repair of all the damage they did. I listen to chuck shumer and I want to vomit. But that's all they got.
So let's keep Making America Great. Let's keep supporting our President. I know he isn't a "true conservative" as defined by some, but he's doing a hell of a job. So I'm sticking with him. We gave the "true conservatives" a shot as well. They didn't do much better. So I'm putting my money on President Donald Trump. And by the time his first term is over, it will be like Reagan. He will win a second term overwhelmingly.
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Sargejr Jim November 29, 2017 at 6:46 AM
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I am not sure what Swamp Trump is draining faster.. the DC swamp or the Media swamp hahahahhaha
Matt Lauer NBC Bites the dust last night. Another sex deal.
DeleteAlso worth noting: the decision by rep Luis Gutierrez not to run for re-election yesterday. On monday he had finally filed paperwork to the last minute. Yesterday he jumped ship.
ReplyDeleteWould love to know the back story on that...hands must have been in places they werent supposed to be and somebody decided to ring his chimes, I'm guessing...
But he'll fight on, he says!
Yeah...ol' Gut promised he'd keep fighting for ALL the things in the progressive agenda that destroy the country. As would be expected from an America-hating commie!😂
ReplyDeleteI see Lizz Warrens real name was found out and isn't Pocahontas it is(sitting Bullshit).
DeleteRemember the other day when the judge ruled in Trump’s favor in regard to the CFPB? I’m so glad that President Trump is draining the swamp -
Turns out that Leandra English (the one the Dems want in place there at the CFPB) ‘burrowed’ her way from the Office of Personnel Management to the CFBP and the jump over increased her salary by $11,000. Wow. Not one bit of I’ll scratch your back if you scratch my back evident there (sarcasm intended).
Well, her placement at the CVPB is being looked into.
For all the Libs who are reading this – President Trump is the best thing to happen to Washington! Corruption within the Democratic Party was exposed before President Trump’s Inauguration and just continues to be exposed. Just like peeling an onion - one layer at a time.
kinda wished there was an "edit" button so I could correct my spelling errors.... (lol)
DeleteCFPB.... not CVPB.... but y'all get the jest of my post.
Texas Rose.... How was your drive back home? Hoping you had a blessed Thanks Giving.
ReplyDeleteWell, it is looking like it is time to make a move on North Korea soon, we snooze and we lose, think the idiot fat boy is a problem now, you haven't seen anything if we do nothing.
ReplyDeletethe question I have about fat boy is that N Korea is supposed to be heavily sanctioned.... their people are suffering..... just who in the hell is giving fat boy the elements needed for these rockets? I can think of Russia and Iran.... any other guesses as to who is supplying Kim with what he needs for these missiles?
DeleteOh hell Rikki, there's a whole slew of terrorist countries that would anything they could to help that little bastard take us on...
ReplyDeleteI stand by what I said before deal with it now and fast. Or deal with much more down the line.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was stationed over in Korea in 1963 and 64, these little assholes were doing the same thing that they are doing now, I when there expected them to come across to the south any night. I can't stand the bastards, and to be honest we would do the people of north Korea favor by bombing the shit out of them and ease their pain..
DeleteOh...NBC fired Matt Lauer for being a sexually inappropriate creep...after they knew about it for a long time? Good riddance to bad rubbish. 😂
ReplyDeleteYup...a puke's puke, that one.
ReplyDeleteHey Rikki, My trip to Nebraska via Topeka was great. Weather was perfect for traveling. Wish I could have spent more time in Topeka. Thanks for asking.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235, Hello come in.
ReplyDeleteAbout time you rolled your butt outta that bed...
ReplyDeleteI kinda think 2 AM is early enough. I though maybe SSAH was up...Lol
Deletelol... now you're dreaming...
ReplyDeleteThe meltdown continues.
ReplyDeleteI love the way the media is freaking out about Trumps Muslim Tweets.
Nunes getting tired of the stonewalling from FBI and DOJ over the phony Trump dossier. Looks about ready to issue contempt citations. DRAIN THE SWAMP!!😂
I'd expect nothing less out of that worthless rag.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lot easier to pretend everything in the Muslim world is peaches and cream and that Trump is the bad guy.
The problem is that believing the shit they spread can get you killed...
The FBI DOJ and the CIA is so full of Obama holdovers the only way to fix it is to clean house and start all over...
ReplyDeleteRikki asked something about who might be helping NK with their nukes.
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out some renegade CIA holdovers are involved in it.
I mean we have them and it's only fair that they have them too.
Just look at the way the media sides with the fat little bastard over Trump on the issue...
Good Morning y'all -
ReplyDeleteInasmuch as I don't want war with North Korea or anyone - Ecclesiates Chapter 3:1-8 (NIV)explains things plainly...
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."
The Byrds sung Turn!Turn!Turn! back in the 60's... mirrors that passage in Ecclesiates.
The song is old, the Book of Ecclesiates is ancient, but the words from the Bible will always ring truth for the time at hand and beyond.
If war does break out then it will break out... and like Sarge said yesterday.... NK needs to be taken care of now instead of down the road.
The road of talks with NK has only prolonged the inevitable - NK ha proven time and time again they don't want talk nor peace for that matter - they want war - and their insane leader with the really bad haircut we all know he ain't gonna stop until he gets what he wants and the NK people are so brainwashed they'll support him up to the bitter end.
onto the other thing that is bothering me
I'm also going to tread lightly the ongoing impropriety scandals that seem to have rocked the media like shaking apples from an apple tree... well there's another apple gonna fall kind of thing...
What really bothers me about all the sex scandals is that if they are true then shame on the men who have fallen but if they are exaggerations (twisted truth) or plain flat out lies for personal or political gain.... then shame on the women for destroying the men they're attacking through the media.
These women are going to the media - i.e. the 'court of public opinion' so to speak to do their damage. Why? Does not our court system have channels in which to file civil law suits? The media acts much like judge, jury, and executioner and to hell with due process.
and with a turn of the page, night becomes day... (saw that somewhere...don't remember where.)
basically, I was trying to say that these women could go through civil court to resolve these issues.... being that it appears they haven't leads me to believe they are speaking either half truths or blatant lies.
DeleteWell Conyer is in the hospital for a stress related issue, Good grief he well use that to retire as the reason, con man till death.
ReplyDeleteHe might as well go ahead and stay there. He has no reason to leave there unless he is going to the nearest funeral home to make plans. Strange that the all mighty blacks in office have a meeting to say they want him gone, while all the white members say nothing or do nothing about funny Franken. But then again the blacks were just showing that they really care? Another dog and pony show from the swamp.
ReplyDeleteAnd now Pee Losi says she wants Conyer to resign after saying he was such a Icon and champion for women. Of course she Cant Understand Normal thinking
DeleteThat pendulum will likely swing way too far on the sex scandals until it starts to find its balance...this is the time to reassess and work to restore some kind of moral clarity instead of this secular relativism we've been putting up with in recent decades. The 10 Commandments are pretty basic and cover many people, however, will actually give serious thought to them?
ReplyDeleteIf found guilty in either the private sector or public(especially), then resign or get canned. If time in jail is required, then so be it.
And for the love of Pete, why in the hell do people need sexual harassment training??? Were they not taught from an early age that such things are wrong and not to be excused or tolerated?
Harassment Training??? Nothing but a joke, Just like everything take God out of homes and school and this is what we get. OH and Skeppey the Black cacaus is now backing Conyers. Subject to change as they see their own colors.
ReplyDeleteOr kneed him in his cojones...or both...double his perverted old ass over in pain then whack him upside his head for good measure.
ReplyDeleteDirty old men come in all colors and can be found anywhere and in any profession.
Guilty only of felon in possession of a firearm...Steinle verdict just in.
Such bullshit, they use our laws for these pukes. And can't use there record against them.
DeletePure garbage. Justice was not served. Bringing politics into this as low as it gets.
ReplyDeleteYup, Rose...I'm sitting here appalled and outraged by this verdict and these fools wonder why so many of us have little faith in the system these days.
ReplyDeleteThis is a perfect reason of why we need the Wall, I am willing to bet Trump says something like that when he gets his tweet ready.
ReplyDeleteOh I don't think we've heard the last on this...not by a long shot.
ReplyDeleteHeard Rush hang Geraldo out to dry today. Wonder what that was all about?
ReplyDeleteMissed most of Rush's rant on Geraldo; just caught a snippet about some accusation of sex offense years ago...I'm guessing we'll hear more. Years back he had a rep with the ladies so who knows?
DeleteWell, if there was any doubt that those people in San Fran were godless America hating left wing commies that cleared it up.
ReplyDeleteRemember, this is Pelosi’s district. That says it all.
But....this just got illegal aliens a great big fuck you from the rest of us normal people. Good luck with that phony “immigration reform” bullshit and the whole dreamer crap.
Gonna need a tall ladder to sneak in here and then we’re throwing your ass right back across that river.
The verdict is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteAnd I still want the family to pursue negligence on the idiot agent who leaves his gun in a vehicle to be stolen. Thats egregious.
As far as illegals go, they aren't anything but invading thieves. And should be treated as such. Mexico has a border, as they should and so should we.
And as far as California goes, it could slide into the ocean and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. Not one.
At least then the sidewalks of San Francisco would be clean.
And it looks like Trump weighed in on it last night.
He's not real good at just letting things go...
Build that damn Wall and use the Damn Money's that this government and all it's perk are stealing from us.
ReplyDeleteOh and good morning. Go Trump we are counting on ya big guy.
Indeed we are...
ReplyDeleteThe feelings Americans have against illegal aliens just kicked up a notch last night...
ReplyDeleteDon't stop there you were on a roll!
ReplyDeleteAgain, I have no idea this young 32 year old woman's dreams might have been.
ReplyDeleteMany turning 33.
Is that too fucking much to ask for?
Out of all the issues we've talked about this one pisses me off the most.
ReplyDeleteThis young woman was about the same age as my daughter was at the time.
And I can't imagine the horror of holding my little girl as she's begging me to help her and all I can do is hold her while she dies.
This never should have happened.
That bastard should have never even been here in the first place.
And the blood of that innocent young woman is on the hands of every single liberal Fucktard out there.
I do not forget.
And I most certainly will not forgive...
I am sure we all out here, are standing right with you. You know I am.
ReplyDeleteI for one am boycotting every thing I buy that comes out of California, Even food items if I can, piss on that whole State, come on big earth quake!
ReplyDeleteThey want to secede, then let 'em...fence them off, place guards along that border too and cut them off completely. One less blue state sucking off the taxpayers.
ReplyDeleteThat State has been the cause of more problems than some countries.
DeleteNew blog up.