Sunday, January 14, 2018
Shadow Dwelling Bottom Feeders and Patriots...
Quote of the day:
"This is the conservative revolution some of cjonline bloggers were writing about the past couple years.
If you didn't know he was a white supremacist hiding somewhere in a bunker and your paper gave him a soapbox to spew his hate.
Donnie Trump is the most racist president to date." Michael F LoBurgio
Well dipshit, not only after all this time I'm still living rent free in your communist sympathizing head but as usual you're wrong all over again.
There's no rational way for a normal person to twist the common and well know term, "Shithole" into a racial slur.
But then you and your fellow America hating bottom feeders aren't exactly normal, now are you?
It's funny how Donald Trump was loved, respected and admired by those on the left until the day he announced he was running for president as a republican. Then he automatically became the biggest racist on earth.
As usual you've fallen for the hair on fire, hysterical media rhetoric about Trump being a racist all the while ignoring the skeletons in your own democrat loving closet.
I present Exhibit A:
As well as Exhibit B:
I could go on all day long but to tell you the truth I've already spent more time trying to educate you than you're worth.
Besides, this isn't even what I really wanted to talk about today.
What I wanted to talk about today is a fellow patriot and activist I ran into deep in the heart of communist controlled Lawrence, Kansas early Saturday morning.
Her name's Marcie and she's got more courage than the shadow dwelling cowards like Mike LoBurgio will ever have.
And it turns out that we have a lot in common.
Because of our very public and in your face support for what's right we've both received death threats.
I told her about the time Mike LoBurgio tried and failed to get me fired from my job.
She told me about how her boss in Oklahoma tried (but failed) to fire her for taking vacation time to attend President Trump's inauguration.
She talked about the Trump rallies she attended she put together here and in Lawrence and some of the reactions they'd get.
It was either high five's or being flipped off and having bottles thrown at them.
Her and her husband were part of the well known "Bikers for Trump" during the campaign.
I told her about our annual Summit and invited her and her husband to stop by this year.
Maybe we'll see them.
Anyway dipshit, you were right about one thing in your whiney ass little rant.
This is exactly what the revolution I wrote about looks like and you might as well get used to it.
While you and your fellow communists are busy crying and being outraged my president is fulfilling his promise to Make America Great Again.
And people like you getting hurt and offended in the process is just icing on the cake...
Kevin McGinty
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SkippeyJanuary 14, 2018 at 1:02 PM
ReplyDeleteHeard about all this on Fri and Sat night FOX
Associate in Hillary Clinton Uranium One Russian Bribery Case Indicted
And this has been going on for 8 yrs. We know who was covering it up in the DOJ
The charges come on the heels of an eight-year investigation into the sale of Uranium One to the Russian company. The sale was completed in 2013.
Well this guy will either come up DOA or if he rolls over he will still come up DOA There isn't any witness protection plan that will stop the Clintons or Obamma people from keeping their billions
I wonder how his grandkids will turn out? This is what is taking place everyday in our country. We wonder how this country got this way just look at this guy Michael F LoBurgio. Wonder what the F stands for? And what do you think he has taught his own children? One person like him can change several kids minds with there gutter minds. He looks like he was in the 60' 70's generation. No doubt too much LSD and acid. That is where these modern day so called libtards [really socialist] came from. OBAMMA ring a bell with Bill Ayers and the rest of the crew
ReplyDeleteAny one else having trouble posting?
ReplyDeleteI will drink to that Kevin 🍺 Hell I will drink to anything, even Hillary getting locked up. And Skippey I never have trouble posting.
ReplyDeleteKevin is that Mike LoBurgio that little prick that I think you are talking about? If so that picker head looks just like I thought he would look like, !00% Dick Head.
ReplyDeleteIt's him alright. Straight off his Facebook page...
ReplyDeleteAnd Skippey I've been having trouble posting for the last two or three days now. Figured it was just me though...
ReplyDeleteIt is my fault sorry I am evil. 🍺
DeleteNo troubles posting, just buffers forever. I'm sure it's just got to run through the NSA filters before the magic blog gnomes make the post appear.
ReplyDeleteI accept it, no worries.
This week should be fun. Trump explaining how the dems don't want to compromise, something they like to throw around, when it comes to border security and DACA. And if the government has to shut down? Pull the damn plug.
I am also curious if Pelosi will finally get nabbed for her dementia medication? Anything is possible, and I know electronic detectives are on task as far as that goes. We wouldn't want people mentally unfit (to quote democraps) to hold any political office, right?
We still have a very interesting and disturbing investigation of the Vegas shooter. Seems the FBI is a botched agency or is intentionally mishandling the dig. Neither is good. Wonder if they realize that the optics are bad on this no matter the result?
Lastly, let's all keep in mind what happened in Hawaii. Under no circumstances should you ever stuff your children into a storm drain for their protection. A slight miss, or ocean strike would create a wave that would certainly inundate the streets with water, even to a surprising height up the mountain sides. Direct strike you are screwed no matter what. Besides that, you have no where to move to avoid radiation in an area that small. Just plan on having a cigarette out of your bug out bag and watching the fireworks. If they don't intercept your done. That's just reality.
Stay warm the next couple days folks. Good days for crock pots, stews, and comforters on the couch.
Peace and chicken grease guys and gals.
Oh and Mike L, and LN Collier go fuck yourselves. And certainly enjoy what is coming to ya. MAGA bitches!!!!!!
I've had a few post that just wouldn't budge. I would shut down my tablet and reboot. I just thought it was my tablet.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Mike guy looks all glassy eyed and high. What a winner.
ReplyDeleteWell good morning world. I finally took my two snow blowers out of the shed and what started up in the summer first try"s wouldn't start, electric start type, think I will pull the plug today put in a couple squirts of start fluid. Maybe old gas . 🍺
ReplyDeleteAnd if that doesn't work you can always go back in the house and watch tv all day...
ReplyDeleteYup you were reading my mind. 🍺 Making Chili right now, perfect weather for it.🍺
DeleteKevin got one working and running fine, used it on drive way but my luck showed up again, I shared a pin on the blades, so I got that to fix this weekend when warmer. Other one I can't even find the damn spark plug, but I will you can bet on that.🍺
ReplyDeleteHere is an article that some snowflakes most likely put out that will help relationships with blacks. Their brains must be totally crap and then the schools supports it! I don't know how people are suppose to get along with this one sided crap, it is going to backfire!
Yep that was a very slow post, I would guess Google trapped it and forwarded to 15 different federal agencies before putting in thread above.
ReplyDeleteAAA has issued a travel warning due to snowfall and bad road conditions. They suggest that anyone traveling in the current icy conditions should ensure they have the following:
Blankets or sleeping bag
Extra clothing including hat and gloves
24 hours worth of food
Rock Salt
Flashlight with spare batteries
Road Flares or Reflective Triangles
Full gas Can
First Aid Kit
Booster cables
I looked like an idiot on the bus this morning.
Good Morning Sarge, oh thank you, good morning right back at ya! Good Grief is everyone in Hibernation? 🍺
ReplyDeleteI read where the racist Edgar Killen died in prison. Of course you will not read that he was a racist KKK democrat in the Topeka Capital Journal.
ReplyDeleteI just looked outside and we have a little dusting of snow and ice. I'm staying inside tomorrow, where it is nice and warm.
Be careful out there!
It is -1 out now and feels like -12, Damn global warming anyhow.🍺
ReplyDeleteWhen you talk about Racist think about this.
ReplyDeleteThe bullying is highly effective and very dangerous. In England, in the city of Rotherham, at least 1,400 non-Muslim girls, some as young as 11, were brutally raped by Muslim immigrants over a period of years in the 2000s. Police and other officials worked to keep the facts hidden because, according to multiple reports, they were afraid of being called racist. Think about that: police officers did not want to seem racist, so they stood by and let their city’s children be raped. The same thing goes on in other cities in England and throughout Europe. And in fact, some who have spoken out have had their careers curtailed by manufactured scandal. The message is clear: it’s just not nice to tell the truth. It’s just not done. Don’t do it.
Weather update -2 feels like -18 A tad chilly out there, Grandson just came down for some cat food for his Cat, imagine that my own Grandson not prepared, that won't happen again!!! But he knows I always have a stash of most everything, Because I am "Prepared"!🍺
ReplyDeleteLol... Indeed you are.
ReplyDeleteOh, speaking of curtailed careers, as soon as it's official I've got incredible news to share...
This is shaping up to be the best week I've had in a very long time...
ReplyDeleteBatshit and Slap Happy won't be happy at all...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Batshit.
ReplyDeleteI think I've figured out the slow posting problem.
Pretty sure it's Batshit intercepting our posts as he goes about building his imaginary case against us...
Nothing like good News my friend!! 😂 Can't wait to hear it.🍺
ReplyDeleteYhea bring it on We all need something to brighten our day up and warm our brains up.
ReplyDeleteAnyone watch that long presser with the Prez' doctor and followup by Sanders?
ReplyDeleteThoroughly enjoyed it myself...a big proverbial middle finger to rino and liberal well as all of those presstitutes.
Cats I watch it all, glad to hear the doctor put all this to rest, The press tried to get something, they drew a blank. now they are really pissed off, hahahahhaha🍺
ReplyDeleteI thought it was cool that Trump kicked out that one CNN guy from the Oval Office.
ReplyDeleteThat Acosta? If that's the one you mean, yes. He ranks up there with Lemon and the rest of that bunch. Gallery of what's wrong with journalism these days...
ReplyDeleteYep, that was the name.
DeleteAnd...note to liberals hanging out in the bushes and surveilling the Bunker...
ReplyDeleteStarting sunday night, 8pm eastern (7 central), fox will be airing the first part of a 7 part series on...
The sexual peccadilloes and scandals of...
Wait for it...
Slick Willie!!!
In case you were too young to remember, not born yet or tuned out when all that went down...
Cats that is what the wife and I were saying to each other, To many don't know about this Billy and Hillary. hahahah
DeleteTrue and much of our history is not being taught in schools as it doesn't meet the liberal agenda. They would rather sweep true history under the rug for liberal perversion and lies.
DeleteThreats of arresting leaders of sanctuary cities? Hehehehehe.... That's a lot to think about. In the eyes of DHS maybe the interpretation of who's a domestic terrorist could changing..... Maybe
ReplyDeleteAnd the dow? Speaks for itself.
People are positive.
It's called winning!
And LN? I got something you can screenshot. You bet I do.
DeleteTired of losing yet?
I would like to see those arrests, but that is nothing but smoke blowing, won't happen. But if I have to eat those words, that would be just fine.
ReplyDeleteLMAO... Can you imagine the heads exploding?
ReplyDeleteExploding Heads, hahaha music to my ears. 🍺
ReplyDeleteShit I am going to be up early, don't keep me or us waiting. Just Saying... You know how hostile I can get. 😂
ReplyDeleteDang!!! Wee iz gonna tel are staf dat sispinse izz killin us!! Wee gots dat curriosty thing ya nose!!! Ppffftt!
ReplyDeleteAs to sanctuary cities and their leaders...heard something earlier about DOJ-DHS looking at ways to stop that crap and hold leaders criminally liable...hoping I heard that right. Was on fox and I was busy in the kitchen at the time.
ReplyDeleteIf you get up any earlier, you won't even go to bed.
ReplyDeleteOkay good morning! It is -1 degree out.
ReplyDeleteCold as hell out there...
ReplyDeleteDang. -1 up there and here I am complaining about it being in the low 20's. I have nothing to complain about.
ReplyDeleteDang Rose, you guys are having a regular ol Texas heat wave...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...