Is there some point that this traitorous seditious behavior by the democrat/communist party and the radical communist left wing in the country reaches its limit? Is there some point when our government realizes it is under attack by forces within our borders who are attempting a coup? By people who refuse to accept the will of the American people who have rejected their radical Marxist ideology and are trying to move ahead?
These new revelations about the FBI and the obama regime using our legal and intelligence agencies to try to sway an election by the people, and then to attempt to overturn the election when they lose in spite of their illegal and unconstitutional actions are beyond acceptable. This information which keeps being revealed speaks to a sedition conspiracy within the government.
Everything we are hearing is but the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to be uncovered. Hopefully the criminal conspirators haven't destroyed all the evidence yet, but these people need to be placed under arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to commit treason.
This is the stuff civil wars are made of. When a faction within the government itself commits criminal acts with impunity and gets away with it, the legal system begins to break down, and the rule of law evaporates. If these people can choose to break the law, people from the former president of the United States on down, then why should the rest of us feel obligated to obey the law? Where does this end?
This is the revolution we've been talking about for some years now. What comes next? Does the swamp win and our President gets unseated? Do we see the radical left through violence and illegal acts resume power like some third world dictator?
In the past we've heard constantly that we don't stand a chance against this well equipped and well armed military. But I recently had a conversation that makes me think otherwise.
I had a conversation with an active military member at my church. No more details than that, but what he said gave me hope. He tells me the military members, the active duty soldiers are about fed up with this bullshit. His opinion is that if push comes to shove, our government, depending on who is in charge could not count on their military in action against the American people. The idea that these soldiers, who have been screwed over and abused by the godless left for years would turn their weapons on the people who have fought to support them for those same years. Their friends and family. When sides are chosen, those people may not fall on the side the godless communist left believes. Remember, many of these folks are just like us. They are obviously patriots, loyal to their flag and country. They are informed. They pay attention to what is happening and don't like it any more than we do.
When they see the godless left letting traitors like Bradley Manning off the hook and then making him some kind of perverted hero, that cuts them to the core. And now this abomination is running for the United States Senate.
I'm just saying. Things aren't always what they appear. And we have a strange thing happening in America today. We have some 400 million guns and a couple billion bullets and they can't figure out which bathroom to use. Things may get very ugly one of these days. And I'm glad I'm with you guys. That's all I'm saying.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
As usual, you nailed it, Safe and nothing else needs to be said...
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more Safe and I am heading out the door, will say my piece later.
ReplyDeleteThis is the legacy of America's first black president.
ReplyDeleteThat's not a racist statement.
It's just a verifiable fact...
Who is at this time the leader of a shadow government with an organizing group called Organizing for America, the remnant of his campaign group who he converted to use to undermine and subvert the Government of the United States. They have a lot of money given them by the likes of George Soros, globalist and Nazi sympathizer. They have millions of loyal toadies ready to turn out at a moments notice. They are seditious anti-American enemies of the free world dedicated to its destruction.
ReplyDeleteI am still wondering how he got a second term, amazing. I mean the hand writing was on the wall his 1st 6 months.
ReplyDeleteSounds like something I said years ago, even the fact I don't believe, in the long run,the military will turn on the public. People need to wake up to what is going on around them and try to keep low profile and careful of what you say as everything is saved and can be reviewed. What you say or write in any formed can be bought back, key words are looked for and flagged for government analyst to follow up on.
ReplyDeleteWell in today's world I don't need a safe space If I have something to say I am saying it loud and clear silents help no one.
DeleteToday's Beck episode on uranium one was mostly a review on the Clintons' role in all of this, also involved crony Frank Giustra's role and his influence peddling with the president of Khazakstan, Putin crony, and getting together to do the uranium deal.
ReplyDeleteAlso of note: that Committee on Foreign Investment, part of the state dept under Hillary-Obama, was supposedly a watchdog group, to review foreign corporations interested in acquiring shares in American companies. Holder was head of that bunch and its members were heads of departments of energy, treasury, defense, homeland, commerce and of course state. What's interesting is that one company, a Chinese mining outfit, showed interest in a small gold mining operation over here...turned down by the CFI...reason? They were afraid they'd want uranium as well...
That, as we know, was being saved for Vlad. Some 145 million in deals when all was said and done, was laundered through that crime foundation as "donations", also never reported as required for purposes of disclosure. With Lerner in charge, why bother?
Wikipedia, if you're interested, has extensive bio on Giustra and his ex-wife...fingers in Wall Street, Hollywood as well as mining ventures. Bigtime leftists.
As to military, Dive, I have to disagree...too many soldiers come from ordinary American families...they would likely not turn on their own even if ordered to do so.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry, I should read my post better and I can't go back and edit. I agree with you. My writing is not the best, read it again, I am saying "I don't believe, in the long run,the military will turn on the public."
DeleteNo problem...I don't always read or write stuff quite like I'd wish, apologies for reading it wrong...😸
DeleteThere are things best not said on any electronic form, could come back to haunt you someday. You just never know what the government might decide is not allowed. It is nothing about a safe space, it about thinking ahead and not letting everyone know too much about yourself and views. Just look at what is going on with FBI and DOJ etc. Some things are best just said among good friends and done verbally, not in writing or electronic form.
ReplyDeleteAnd I will not be muzzled, period...
ReplyDeleteWill also add that there is much that I don't talk about anywhere except in person with my children...privacy reasons.
ReplyDeleteJust glad I got in and out of Topeka today without getting caught in the middle of a's getting crazy these days.
ReplyDeleteSad about all the shootings. Also, it seems we have more young people committing suicide. I just don't understand why young folks would want to end their lives, just another tragedy in our society.
ReplyDeleteWish I could get granddaughter to stop posting some stuff in FB. Read today where that came back and a person lost job because of a FB post. Anymore employers will check that stuff out before they even hire. Then while I am at it, why call call that Facebook, people say stuff on there they won't say to your face.
Dive, I don't envy you children are long grown; there was no facebook when they were that age. Had it been around, I'd have probably had yet another reason to pull my hair out!
ReplyDeleteSome kids end up learning hard lessons on account of what they post and I pray that doesn't happen to her. Personally, I think that employers wanting to know if an employee is on social sites is a privacy violation but seems to be a thing these days.
And...Sessions and Trump threw down the gauntlet on those sanctuary mayors today. They haven't even recovered from the Schmucky shutdown, now they're all in a tizzy over this...promises to be another long, hot summer probably, and not even spring yet!
ReplyDeleteWell before I go to bed for the night, I would like to express my opinion that Global Warming is the biggest bullshit hoax, gone on far to long. There I feel better now.🍺
ReplyDeleteLol!!rest well, Sarge!
ReplyDeleteGood morning all!! I agree Gary if it is as juicy as they say it is Trump should declassify it and Release the dam thing.
ReplyDeleteYou're right Kevin! I couldn't do the hashtag because my number three button is stuck!! LOL!
DeleteI hate that he's agreed to talk to that Mueller SOB...
ReplyDeleteYa I do too , I don't trust them one bit, but maybe his Lawyers will talk him out of it, Hell he should fire the sob a long time ago.
DeleteI hope Trump knows that he is looking at half the swamp and they are all in the heads of the FBI and DOJ. Seems like the best place to start. Than take Hillary and her Mob out right after that.
ReplyDeleteTowards the end of the clip I heard, he did say something about deferring to his lawyers. As well he should, with these snakes.
ReplyDeleteAlso expect to see the memo soon...people want it released as well as a goodly number of congress.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn't have had to remove that comment if you would leave out all that swearing. LOL🍺
DeleteHow's that? 🍺
Ppppfffftttt!!!! Hey, that's what my cat says to me daily, well at least I know she isn't alone with that kind of talk.🍺
DeleteShe's got yer number, Sarge!
DeleteGuess the Minders decided to play with my fone this's acting like it's doing meth...
ReplyDeleteOn Rush just now: the IG reports that they found all those missing texts...IG. also has jurisdiction over DOJ and FBI and has been investigating both agencies for about a year now.
ReplyDeleteSounds as though all the packages are getting very carefully wrapped here, to me...given all of the snakes slithering around.
LMAO... Just checked out Fake News CNN a little while ago and Fake Jake Tapper was warning republicans not to get ahead of the facts in the missing texts.
ReplyDeleteThis is the same CNM that's been accusing Trump of treason, obstruction of justice, mentally unfit for office and calling for his impeachment 24 hours a day 7 days a week ever since he beat the shit out of their beloved Hillary Clinton...
These people really have no idea just how stupid they look...
ReplyDeleteThere is a coup in place spread out in FBI, DOJ, courts, congress and fueled by mainstream media. How will it ever get stopped?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDwindc aka blue?
Peacefully Stopped.
ReplyDeleteNot everything gets Stopped peacefully, Just look at History. But so be it, we got to do what needs doing. And hope for the best but I think there will be some unrest.
DeleteHate to be a sour pup but Thomas Jefferson had a saying back in the day and I think it will apply in the very near future.
Delete"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood pf patriots and tyrants"
And the tree is looking very thirsty lately
Wow, wonder if I read this wrong. Seem some guy has been funding the schools wrong to a tune of 9 million a year. He may have been doing this since 1973, he has 50 years in working at the state. Bottom line, been breaking the law.
ReplyDeleteNow the demoncrates want to solve this problem by amending state law.
Oct 2012....Obama made dismissive comments about Russia in a debate with Romney...5 years after the FBI began its Rosatom investigation...didn't he know? Betcha he did.
ReplyDeleteRosenstein and McCabe supervised that investigation.
Mueller got on board in 2007.
Comey on board 2007 until it ended in 2015.
Uranium 1 is separate case from collusion case...nobody should conflate the two.
Jose Fernandez was asst secy of state to the shillary...said she didn't vote on the U-1 deal...but he did.
As to uranium transport from that mine: the raw uranium is trucked to Canada for processing; 25% is then transported to western Europe and Japan. The US is not allowed to ship it straight to Russia...see how the game is played so that Vlad gets his cut?
Russia is still a threat.
And that summarizes the last segment of Beck's installments on it.
Now we get to see how it continues to play out.
Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer...
ReplyDeleteOh that's what I thought!
DeleteWell all good things come to a end so good night, see you all tomorrow same time and station.
ReplyDeleteSleep well, Sarge! Purrs...
ReplyDeleteSoooo....who thought up the glitch excuse, claiming those texts were forever lost? Was it Wray? A spokesidiot? Only took a couple of days to bleach-bit that flimsy excuse. Plus, they got the phones.
ReplyDeleteDon't need the phones. And the forensic tools used? Access to the NSA database. 😉
DeleteBetter find them or several felonies were going to be handed down.
Losing texts on a governmental phone is no different than say a KORA violation. Different level of course, but same same.
You'd think these people would use a burner to try and at least be somewhat clever and use pseudonym in conversation.
But, theses folks have never been the smartest.
Text messages recovered. Like I said before, these things are meta collected. Whether it's admitted or not.
ReplyDeleteIm not a fan of it. But the collection is what it is, and certainly goes much deeper.
The ol big bro. He's watching. Even watching the watchers.... 😉
Oh, I know, Hammer...up close, first-hand and personal...thanks to having an investigator in my family. Rank-and-file of course, but he's ethical and that's the difference. It is FBI leadership that is the problem. He's in a different branch as well. Problem with agency leaders is that they are political appointments.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning and week goes on by.
ReplyDeleteYou all sleep to much, Just Saying...
ReplyDeleteOkay, okay maybe I just don't sleep enough....🍺
DeleteAbout time you got your sorry butt out of that bed, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteYa I know I am running late again, Good Grief...🍺 Got the rental all empty and sanitizing the shit out of it, Now got to start with contractor to get repairs done, got to replace two shitters, and have Stanly steamer com in and and do the carpets before I have them replace, you might ask why clean before tearing them out, only for pride and health for what ever workers I hire and bring in. But all the cleaning I and my friend have done, it is looking better than I thought, and smells 100% better, hope to have everything done by May or June, Shit I will drink to that 🍺.
DeleteGood luck with all that , my friend...
ReplyDeleteI guess we'll see just how much the communist party loves their so-called Dreamers.
ReplyDeleteTrump offered amnesty for 1.8 million of them in exchange for money for his wall, an end of chain migration, and the idiotic green card lottery.
Even though they'll get more than twice the number of dreamers legalized that they claim to care so much about the communist party will still scream like spoiled little children.
The next step should be simple should they do so.
Walk away from the table and tell them, fine, we'll start deporting them all tomorrow morning...
Sounds like a plan to me and a damn fair one at that, the dreamers should be all for it, and should be saying screw the democrats all they want is our vote, oh and so should the Blacks for that matter.
DeleteLet em keep the communist, the socialists, the anarchists, and the transgenders and see how far they get...
ReplyDeleteAnd to the communists horror Trump was treated like a rock star in Switzerland yesterday...
ReplyDeleteYes he was, and I watched him interact with those Company people and heads of state people, he was a pure professional.
DeleteI don't believe in any full amnesty. I would say they could stay here, start the paper work for citizenship and finish just like everyone who comes legally, pay the costs and have to finish within 5 years or are shipped out.
ReplyDeleteI know people who have had to go through this and come here legally, it's a long process. This lady I know came from Philippians to teach math at 501, took a long time and I think her husband said around $3,000+. I am sick of free rides and special treatment depending on race, legal status or political position.
We're all sick of it. But the reality is that they're already here and have been for decades now.
ReplyDeleteThe deal Trump proposed is that they can become citizens in 10 to 12 years...
It just seems like anymore we reward people for not following the law/rules. It goes on in our schools and all levels of government. Even the state legislators want to change the law because Dale Dennis (50 year state worker) claims he was given verbal instructions from a now dead senator. There is only one way all this is going to end.
ReplyDeleteMy jury is still out on DACA proposal but these dreamers need to go to the back of the line of immigrants trying to do it legally. 10-year wait for citizenship. Not happy either that the head count jumped from 800k to 1.8 million.
ReplyDeleteWaiting to see what transpires, basically...
DeleteI agree, get in the line and be processed just like my friend from the Philippians had to do. This still overlooks the lawbreaking parents and other illegals? But it does allow partial solution for a problem of the government's own making. However, who knows what is in the zillion pages of the bill with tons of weasel words. I could write up the bill in one page and it would be very clear, no room for a liberal evil sick judge to twist.
ReplyDeleteWould bet that many of us could...
DeleteOn the Dennis bus funding crap: linked to wichita eagle on this...all of the usual suspects and groups on the left side are running to support this guy and one of their arguments is that the kansas supreme court ruled "inadequate funding" re schools. 4 of 5 of those justices are notoriously liberal.
ReplyDeleteSo there's that...
Same old bullcrap, different day.
I'm still not sure where those other 1 million people are from, on the DACA deal Trump is proposing. Family? Anyway, I knew he would be using what he could to get a bi-partisan deal, as much as possible to get the 60 Senate votes and pass the House. He knows that we have to do something and come to some type of agreement to ever get the wall actually funded, and the other parts that he knows is so critical, End of Chain Migration, Lottery....Both tremendously important sticking points, if we are ever to get a handle on Illegals coming in to the country, unchecked! We will never get them to shut up until the Dems actually vote on something, to say they agree to a deal.
ReplyDeleteAs to the other subject, the FBI! You know it totally drives me crazy when they say that if you are interrogated by the FBI, whether you "take an oath" or not, you are still guilty, if you lie to them, then they can manipulate their interrogation until you slip up and contradict a previous answer, then they get you for perjury! Yet, it looks like the FBI and DOJ have been lying, hiding evidence, refusing to answer to Congress, their bosses, etc. and yet NOTHING has been done to them! They say well, Mueller took them off the case "after" he found out how prejudiced they were toward Trump. Well, that is like saying you shut the barn door, after the horse is out! Maybe he took them off, but did he address the things that they had already had their hands in before he took them off the case? If they hadn't done what they had already done previously, would there even be a case in the first place? Like Strzok said, "There was no "There", there to begin with!
Individuals of the FBI and DOJ have too much discretionary power, in my opinion over individuals they are investigating!
Between the lib's and many GOP idiots this DAC shit may not go any place. Trump might have to say the Hell with and move on and throw them out if they break any laws from this day forward.
ReplyDeleteAnyone wonder why California wants to fine a waiter for giving out a straw to a customer if the customer didn't ask for it? Why are the assholes not fining the customer for asking for a straw?? Hummmmm
ReplyDeleteGreenies...and of course revenue...these clowns all about recycling, then want to charge or fine people for straws or plastic bags likely made from recycled plastic. And of course California's broke.
In California up is down and down is up. What can I say?
ReplyDeleteI don't want people I know hurt, but I really wouldn't mind if it slid off into the ocean one morning, making the geographically new Arizona Bay.
And when it slides off, taking its problems with it.
Certainly Mexico can have it then, while it peacefully lies beneath ocean....
Good night world!!🍺
ReplyDeleteIf I heard Tucker right earlier, the damned chain migration wont shut down until all current applicants are processed...which could go on...and on...and on...and....
ReplyDeleteI once again thought of pulling an Elvis on my tv with my .38 when he was debating that loon who was saying the proposal would make them "2nd class citizens" by breaking the chains.
It's Live PD for me this evening...I've had quite enough of this crap.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLets see anyone still awake out here, if so good morning.🍺
ReplyDeleteWell than I will pass this message along'
ReplyDeleteBEING A MOTHER...
After 17 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to
take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She
said, 'I love you, but I know this other woman loves
you and would love to spend some time with you.'
* * *
The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit
was my MOTHER, who has been alone for 20 years,
but the demands of my work and my two boys had
made it possible to visit her only occasionally.
* * *
That night I called to invite her to go out for
dinner and a movie.
* * *
'What's wrong, aren't you well,' she asked?
* * *
My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a
late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign
of bad news.
* * *
'I thought it would be pleasant to spend some
time with you,' I responded. 'Just the two of us.'
She thought about it for a moment, and then said,
'I would like that very much.'
* * *
eThat Friday after work, as I drove over to pick
hr up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her
house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous
about our date. She waited in the door. She had curled her hair and was wearing the
dress that she had worn to celebrate her last
birthday on November 19th.
* * *
She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an
angel's. 'I told my friends that I was going to go
out with my son, and they were impressed,' she said,
as she got into that new white van. 'They can't wait to hear about our date'.
* * *
We went to a restaurant that, although not
elegant, was very nice and cosy. My mother took my
arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat
down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only
read large print. Half way through the entries, I
lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at
me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips. 'It was I
who used to have to read the menu when you were
small,' she said. 'Then it's time that you relax and
let me return the favor,' I responded.
* * *
During the dinner, we had an agreeable
conversation- -nothing extraordinary but catching up
on recent events of each other's life. We talked so
much that we missed the movie.
* * *
As we arrived at her house later, she said,
'I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me
invite you.' I agreed.
* * *
* * *
A few days later, my mother died of a massive
heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't
have a chance to do anything for her.
* * *
Some time later, I received an envelope with a
copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place
mother and I had dined. An attached note said: 'I
paid this bill in advance. I wasn't sure that I
could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two
plates - one for you and the other for your wife.
You will never know what that night meant for me.
I love you, son.'
* * *
At that moment, I understood the importance of
saying in time: 'I LOVE YOU' and to give our loved
ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is
more important than your family. Give them the time
they deserve, because these things cannot be put off
till 'some other time.'
* * *
Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back
to normal after you've had a baby..... somebody
doesn't know that once you're a mother,
'normal' is history.
* * *
The rest of the story...
ReplyDeleteSomebody said you learn how to be a mother by
instinct . somebody never took a three-year-old shopping.
* * *
Somebody said being a mother is boring ...
somebody never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a driver's permit.
Somebody said if you're a'good' mother,
your child will 'turn out good'....
somebody thinks a child comes with
directions and a guarantee.
* * *
Somebody said you don't need an education to be a
mother.... somebody never helped a fourth grader
with his math.
* * *
Somebody said you can't love the second child as
much as you love the first .. somebody doesn't
have two children.
* * *
Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother
is labor and delivery....
somebody never watched her 'baby' get on the bus
for the first day of kindergarten ...
or on a plane headed for military 'boot camp.'
* * *
Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her
child gets married....somebody doesn't know that
marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to a
mother's heartstrings.
* * *
Somebody said a mother's job is done when
her last child leaves home....
somebody never had grandchildren.
* * *
Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so
you don't need to tell her....
somebody isn't a mother.
Pass this along to all the 'mothers' in your life
and to everyone who ever had a mother. This isn't
just about being a mother; it's about appreciating
the people in your life while you have
matter who that person is.