Since the whole Russia Russia Russia phony commie created scandal turned out to be the giant pile of horseshit we all knew it was, and after a special counsel hired a pack of godless commies to hunt for dirt that wasn't there at a cost in the neighborhood of a hundred million bucks so far and come up with absolutely nothing, the godless commie left has found a new one.
They had a pretend journalist write a book. They put all their best lies in it, made up new stuff, quoted interviews that never happened, quoted people saying things they never said, and they called it a book. And they are having apoplexy over their excitement thinking they have something here.
What they have is just another big pile of horseshit. It's all made up, you morons. This whole thing passed the ridiculous stage about a year ago. Now it's into the dangerous seditious traitorous hatred of America level bad. These people are mentally ill I'm convinced.
Is there no bottom to this barrel they keep scraping? You lost, you idiots. You ran the worst possible candidate you could find, ran on a hard left wing communist platform, your whole campaign was one long string of vitriol, hatred, anger, and tribalizing America. The American people have been telling you for nine years now they are done with you. Give it up. You're like the school bully that didn't get invited to the popular kid's birthday party so you're standing outside throwing rocks through the window imagining that will get you invited in. You're sick. You're suffering from a deep psychosis that is destroying your lives, and making the rest of us suffer with the endless stream of nonsense you excrete. You've turned into Ernest T Bass.
You can't possibly believe any of this. You can't possibly be that stupid, can you? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but America is booming again and we're getting pretty tired of you trying to derail it because you're crazy and can't help yourselves.
So for the rest of the readers of America's Blog, the normal people out there, here's the good news. And yes, there is good news. Remember when the left had control of the levers of power? The years of the Kenyan president. They steered hard left the whole time. And what happened? They lost over 1,100 elections. Federal. State. Local. They got voted out of office like no time in modern history. And they got Donald Trump elected President. So what's all this hyperbolic screeching and screaming going to get them? More of the same. They think because Roy Moore lost in Alabama that foretells some kind of ominous future for the Republicans. They think that because they are stupid, clinically insane and incapable of rational thought.
America is seeing boom times again. It's morning in America. And our people are seeing it happen, and will see more and more every day. And they see the godless democrat/communist party try to stop it. And they ain't having it, I promise you. The only reason the left hasn't figured that out is they never talk to any of us. They live in a godless little cocoon. Plus they are completely insane at this point.
So things just keep getting better and the left resorts to the only thing they have. Lies and more lies. But you know what I always say.
If that's all you got, that's what you go with. And that's all they got.
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Haven't read that book nor will I...but it is Bannonism and the left hopped on board, from what the reviews are saying. Pissed mightily because Trump got rid of him and his rampant egoism won't let it go. So he gets this guy Wolff, already known for trash journalism and has him ghost write a tell-all. Using a few legit quotes from fellow Bannonites and throwing in a whole lot of opinion, speculation and innuendo and outright lies.
ReplyDeleteOf course the left, desperate as they are, grabs it up; Bannon/Wolff makes money.
But Bannon still loves and supports the president...
Passive/aggressive at its finest...
Bannon left Obama back at the starting gate when it comes to that.
There's a story on Drudge about this Wolff guy promising his book will take Trump down.
ReplyDeleteWrong, Dipshit.
You wrote a book crammed with more of the same shit that's repeated day in and day out.
There are places reporting Bannon is experiencing regret. Deals with the devil will cost him.
ReplyDeleteTwo blogs ago I wrote that if possible I would be more than happy to take him out behind the woodshed and whip his ass like the petulant child he is.
Bannon is and was nothing. And never will be. Neither is wolf. Even he admits he can't be sure that what he wrote is true. Pretty pathetic....
But, everybody needs to pay attention to the Oprah deal. It is a serious deal, as Michael Savage talked about it awhile back. Folks on Twitter better start pushing back, and doing it now. She's going to make a run, and has no business doing so.
You're right on this Hammer - Oprah being an Obama and Hillary drone with her eye on 2020 election....does indeed bear watching. I was wondering if Michelle Obama would be running, but Oprah surfaced on the issue last night.
DeleteA creepy thought is that what if all this sex scandal stuff (which had a political undertone all along) was designed to sway women voters on all sides? If Oprah does run and heaven forbid she win.... the creepy thought is what if she has Hillary, Liz Warren, Michell Obama, Cecile Richards - as part of her cabinet??
DeleteHeard that one, too...personally I don't think she'll get far. There was a time that she was universally admired for what she overcame in life, her talent as an actress and as far as anyone knew, being apolitical. When she came out publicly as a rabid progressive leftist she lost a huge following.
ReplyDeleteAnd anyone recall that incident and how she went after a shop clerk over a purse?
Didn't watch the Hollywood awards show last night. But I'm reading today they spent the whole night patting themselves on the back for finally admitting Hollywood is a giant cesspool of sexual harassment. Instead of being ashamed they let it happen.
ReplyDeleteRemember this. They aren't mad because they found out it was happening. The always knew it was happening.
They are mad because YOU found out it was happening and it forced them to deal with it. The big money makers in Hollywood are now out of work. And the people who took their money and kissed them on the cheek in front of the cameras (Oprah, Meryl Streep etc) have killed their own golden geese and created a firestorm they can't control. The good news is it will consume most of them one way or the other before it's over. Just be patient and watch.
God forbid if opera would run, half of her days would be putting on her make-up on, ever seen her with out? Good Grief!!
ReplyDeleteAs I recall the shopkeeper incident she was incognito that day, too, not wanting to be recognized. Asked the clerk to get a purse off a shelf so she could look at it. The woman, not recognizing her, hesitated a moment then said something about "are you sure" or some such...purse was a $20k Vuitton or some such. I suppose it could be argued that the clerk should have just handed her the damned thing but the Oprah pitched a hissy about "who she was" and the race card etc. Made a total ass of herself and pissed a whole lot of people off by berating the clerk as she did.
ReplyDeleteAlso, being among the hollywood elite ain't gonna help her either...most women have no use for that bunch of pussy-hatted harpies especially post-Weinstein.
Rush has it...they think another celebrity from their side can win the presidency. I'm with him.
And...they all honored Kirk Douglas last night...he who now stands accused of raping Natalie Wood who was 15 at the time, making some movie with him.
ReplyDeleteThese fools aren't fooling anybody but themselves; they are that desperate.
And the pictures!!! Oprah-Weinstein hugging each other...pecks on cheeks etc...(courtesy Rush commentary)...
ReplyDeleteShe didn't know???
Sure. Right.
And I sell only lottery tickets that are big winners...wanna buy one? This link is from Jackson Lee you got to see it to be leave it and they want Trump out for mental issues. Cats you go have you seen it yet? Good Grief
ReplyDeleteGood grief is right, Sarge...We know she's totally clueless and she may be unaware of what she's wearing...
ReplyDeleteBut then again...given that such secrets have existed for years among elites in hollywood and politics, nothing would surprise me. Many of them are that sick and that depraved.
Big win for the good guys..just heard on news blurb that case against the Bundys has been thrown out of court by a federal judge and cannot be retried according to headlines online...story broke about an hour ago.
ReplyDeleteJudge said " prosecutorial misconduct"...
God bless that family and grant them peace, now, from the years of fighting so hard for their rights. They paid a heavy price for standing on principle and they appear to have won.
The Demoncrats are taking another avenue on their ill-fated witch hunt to oust President Trump.....
Everything they’ve done a witch hunt on has ultimately failed…. Now they’re going to have dinner with psychiatrist to discuss President Trump’s mental health. If anyone needed to take names of those in attendance – it’s this meeting that will take place at Rep. DeLauro of Connecticut. For every Demoncrat that shows up to this (you fill in the blank) meeting.... well, they should be removed from office in my opinion.
How ethical is it for this type of meeting to even be scheduled? All this psychiatrist is going to do is offer her personal opinions – she can’t really do anything else because she hasn’t actually “examined” President Trump.
Rikki they can schedule all of those meetings they wish, but trying to say a president is mentally unsound is an old communist tactic used by dictatorships. Dershowitz chewed their butts hard on that one and they had best take heed. All these fools are doing is trying as usual to plant will go nowhere. Just goes to show they will stoop to anything.
DeleteThe ones that need a mental exam is the damned Demoncrats! They've been in this psychotic episode since before November 8, 2016!
ReplyDeleteI just hope that all their names are made public. Even though we all know who will be there. Good to hear about Bundy family. They have gone thru a lot of BS and money. I think their is some uranium around there land and that is why Obamma people were so after them. Trying to keep it quiet
ReplyDeleteWonder how ole gimmie jimmie likes the Bundy verdict now?
Yes. Read somewhere awhile back that uranium is in that area...and Reid has controlled that state for decades; his kids are just like him: a political machine with long tentacles out there. Political clout bigtime in nevada...that judge also dismissed the case "with prejudice"...meaning that it cannot be retried...legalese for pissing off a judge lol. Saw that on the fox screen banner a little while ago.
ReplyDeleteAs for jimmiegimme, he'd do well to wake up and read a few tea leaves. Don't know how he earns his living but if he's got a decent job he'll likely be doing better what with some of the tax code changes, less regulation and an economy that's finally coming back to life.
I really cant explain it but I cant visualize him having a real job or even a real life.
DeleteHe may not be commenting but I'll betcha he's reading...can't help himself 😂
DeleteNo doubt He cant help himself.
DeleteI'm late to the conversation, but I'd like to add a couple things particularly to the Bundy situation.
ReplyDeleteIt was an Obama judge who threw out the charges. With the motion of no future prosecution. It's over. And let me tell ya, it simply shocked the shit out of me. But I guess prosecutorial misconduct regarding evidence is so egregious, that even a Marxist can't look the other way. It was good to see.
Cats has alluded to this before, and she is fairly sharp and on top of things. ~~~~~The Bundy ranch/range area the government was attempting to reclaim and boot people off of didn't have uranium. It is a vast area of rare earth minerals/metals. Being so environmentally minded, these lefties have no idea what is involved to mine them and what is does to the land. Harry Reid and his clones had their hand in this much like they do in certain land in Nevada. Big surprise. It is/was to be sold to China. To harvest the rare earth minerals/metals. Keep in mind the US can't even get into the the powerful magnet industry, thanks to Obama and his EPA regulations. This land was to be raped and pilfered all to the benefit to China and its technology industry. Not ours. Sedition.
Now, to really show my radical inclinations........
The most important event involving the original Bundy ranch incident is what happened on the opposing hillsides. The BLM thought it was slick, sticking spotters and snipers on the hill overlooking the interaction between the family, protestors, and BLM. I will always remember that only one action was able to back BLM down. Civilian militia took the opposite hillside and glassed the snipers from BLM. For the first time civilian folks were able to put the government in a precarious situation. BLM wanted a violent mob scene and would of gladly taken shots to relieve the situation. But, they couldn't. If they take the shot, it would of cost them agent lives. Both the BLM and the agents knew this. Online their are recordings of the radio chatter, and those agents knew that the militia had the drop on them. It would of been ugly on a massive scale afterwards, but there was no way they were making a move. That's why they packed their shit up, including what cattle they had confiscated(and hadn't buried yet) and left. They were in a pinch. And wisely knew it.
I only post these facts so we all remember that brave people standing up for other brave people ended the situation that day. People can stand up to the government. It doesn't take action, only the stance. There may come a day where civilians would have to drop the hammer, but I know those agents are citizens as well. They know the reality, and no agency or agenda is worth their life when the cause isn't noble, righteous, or moral. I apply this to any agent, officer or even military if/when martial law was to be ever enacted. Firearms and boldness simply don't make it easy for "the man" to flex. This "check" is healthy. The "checkmate" would not be. For the government or civilians. We aren't all sheeple or cattle that will go quietly in the kill pin. In that sense, we won. And with the court case, we won doubly.
Let's always remember the prairie chicken, too. This kind of crap can happen here as well. Environmental agendas can become weaponized to take the resources. And if so, taking a stand here would become necessary. After the Bundy deal, I like our chances as long as people don't sleep on it.
The land just west of us just don't contain the valuable resources that someone wants. Or does it?......
That's enough rambling for one evening folks. Good night.
And cats, give them kitties some whitefishes from Hammer. Da staf does an amazing job. Keep it up!
Thanks Hammer and for the clarification on China/ rare earth minerals.
ReplyDeleteThe Bundys'ordeal is a lesson that all true patriots should take to heart...that family definitely watered the tree of liberty. If a book on their stand ever comes out, it will be added to my bookshelf.
And dont even get me started on that prairie chicken bullcrap! When I lived in south dakota the wackos were trying to save prairie had fits over that one; damn prairie dog towns everywhere. Populate worse than rabbits up there but these fools thought they needed saved...
ReplyDeleteI'll always remember Batshit calling the Bundy's "domestic terrorists" all the while praising Black Lives Matter as patriots.
ReplyDeleteThe Bundy's have been cleared and Black Lives Matter is still a domestic terrorist organization.
Like the rest of his America hating buddies he ended up on the losing side of history...
I'll second that...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning y'all
ReplyDeleteI'm happy for the Bundy family - I'm very glad that the judge ruled in favor of the Bundy family which sent a loud message from sea to shining sea.... so to speak.
I saw on the news this morning where North & South Korean diplomats met, shaked hands.....but avoided talking about Kim's insane nuke program.
I saw an interesting article on the Washington Times website:
I don't think that there has been any former President who has been told to "move" their plans for their Presidential Library....until Obama...
The Obama Presidential Library planned to be in Chicago has the University of Chicago up in arms. The University of Chicago has told Obama to move his library. Looks like the construction of the library will cut into two public parks that are on the National Register of Historic Places, force closure of Cornell Avenue which the University feels is a “traffic jam in the making.”
My guess is that the request that the University of Chicago sent to the Obama Foundation will fall on deaf ears. Since when did Obama care about anything but himself?
Lol...So that university, where he gave lectures on constitutional law, says "no way, Jose"...gave the emperor His Obamaness a big slapdown...
ReplyDeleteStarkist didn't want Charlie Tuna, either...
Better pay damn close attention to this DACA bullshit...
ReplyDelete"Trump DACA fix to be a 'bill of love' " reads one headline at the Daily Caller. Among many. Unable to pull up the article because internet is apparently so clogged at the moment that it's a snail. First heard it on Savage. Also he reported that Trump is wanting earmarks for dems _aka pork barrel spending) to get them on board...and Feinstein collaborations...
Easy Cats we watched all of it live and you can take that with a grain of salt, they were mentioned but nothing in stone.
DeleteTrying to keep that in mind, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteCavuto reporting that Bannon is leaving Breitbart...
ReplyDeleteSteve Bannon is now Steve Banished...
Lol thats what happens when he stepped on his wick.🍺
DeleteNot a big Michael Savage fan but he does have a point about destroying the republican party for the next 100 years if this DACCA deal goes through.
ReplyDeleteUnless they eliminate the chain migration connected to the millions already here.
Wait and see I guess...
Yup, the GOP need to be walking on a thin wire, no room for errors.
DeleteThis takes me back to 1986 and the Reagan amnesty...he made the huge mistake of trusting democrats on their wall promise...never happened. All the border problems did was grow...and grow...and grow.....
ReplyDeleteAided by rino corporatists (different from capitalists) who wanted all that cheap labor.
Having that televised meeting was not a bad thing, but they work for us and I don't believe for one damn minute what Graham said about 62% of Americans supporting any DACA.
Skeptical and will remain so unless I see a yruly principled immigration bill signed into law, enforced, with a wall. And no dreamers or other illegals moved to the front of any lines.
Good Morning cruel world🍺 Well I wonder how President Trump will work all the Lib's over today, he is killing them by just making them think! Yes Sir he has them where he wants them.🍺
ReplyDeleteMueller is wanting to meet with Trump. Trunp should tell him NO. Nothing good would come out of that meeting. Mueller just wants to frame Trump. Trump should tell him he needs to get back to work on starting indictments on Clinton, Huma, Rice, Holder, Debbie and so on.......Mueller needs to close up his circus tent, corral his clowns and just head out of town.
ReplyDeleteI coudn't agree more Rose, the party is over and gone on long enough, time to go after the real traitors Hillary and her gang.🍺
DeleteIf it were up to me I'd advise the president to tell him to go piss up a rope...
ReplyDeleteBetter settle in and get ready for one hell of a year.
ReplyDeleteThis book is the first of dozens of "resistance" book hit the shelves before the mid terms.
Story on Drudge...
Good Morning Y'all,
ReplyDeleteI saw this in my email this morning. I wanted to share it with y'all.
hugs ~ Rikki
This prayer from Billy Graham, written for The Saturday Evening Post in 2008, is just as relevant 10 years later.
Our Father and our God, as we stand at the beginning of this new year we confess our need of Your presence and Your guidance as we face the future.
We each have our hopes and expectations for the year that is ahead of us—but You alone know what it holds for us, and only You can give us the strength and the wisdom we will need to meet its challenges. So help us to humbly put our hands into Your hand, and to trust You and to seek Your will for our lives during this coming year.
In the midst of life’s uncertainties in the days ahead, assure us of the certainty of Your unchanging love.
In the midst of life’s inevitable disappointments and heartaches, help us to turn to You for the stability and comfort we will need.
In the midst of life’s temptations and the pull of our stubborn self-will, help us not to lose our way but to have the courage to do what is right in Your sight, regardless of the cost.
And in the midst of our daily preoccupations and pursuits, open our eyes to the sorrows and injustices of our hurting world, and help us to respond with compassion and sacrifice to those who are friendless and in need. May our constant prayer be that of the ancient Psalmist: “Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end” (Psalm 119:33).
We pray for our nation and its leaders during these difficult times, and for all those who are seeking to bring peace and justice to our dangerous and troubled world. We pray especially for Your protection on all those who serve in our armed forces, and we thank You for their commitment to defend our freedoms, even at the cost of their own lives. Be with their families also, and assure them of Your love and concern for them.
Bring our divided nation together, and give us a greater vision of what You would have us to be. Your Word reminds us that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).
As we look back over this past year we thank You for Your goodness to us—far beyond what we have deserved. May we never presume on Your past goodness or forget all Your mercies to us, but may they instead lead us to repentance, and to a new commitment to make You the foundation and center of our lives this year.
And so, our Father, we thank You for the promise and hope of this new year, and we look forward to it with expectancy and faith. This I ask in the name of our Lord and Savior, who by His death and resurrection has given us hope both for this world and the world to come.
© 2008 Saturday Evening Post Society. Reprinted with permission.
To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine and those who don't and are always seen with a bottle of water in their hand, Ben Franklin said: "In wine there is wisdom, In beer there is freedom, In water there is bacteria."
ReplyDeleteIn a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilogram of Escherichia coli, (E.. Coli) - bacteria found in feces.
In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop annually. However, We do NOT run that risk when drinking wine and beer (or rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and fermenting.
Water = Poop,
Wine = Health
Therefore, it’s better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information - I'm doing it as a public service.
That was good Sarge. Hey, I was wondering if you will be renting out the house that you mention last week? If so, is it in a decent part of town? I know someone who will be relocating to Topeka the end of Feb and wants to rent a place while he looks around to buy a house. This person is 60 yrs old, and very responsible.
ReplyDeleteRose it would be sometime this summer I think to get it back to what I would live in before renting it or selling it, yes good part of town, but I have to get out of the renting business, Kind of you to ask. Hope fully after it is back up to standards maybe he will be still looking, he is the right age for most in this area, mix between middle age to my age older than dust 🍺
DeleteAfter reading the essay on water vs wine and other such elixers commonly known as "booze", I am pleased to report that I am not full of s***...
ReplyDeleteThanks Sarge. I will pass the info along to him. He might be interested. He is a great guy, just looking forward to retirement and spending time with his grand kids.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I don't know if it is time to go to bed or time to get up, It is so confusing.🍺
ReplyDeleteI hate winter....
ReplyDeleteYup Me too!🍺
DeleteLol... So do I...
ReplyDeleteI hate this icy sleet stuff out here.
Latest member of the #metoo club: Khalid Sheik Mohamed, gitmo he feels sexually violated because he's subjected to searches of his groin area...
ReplyDeleteReported by Beck this morning.
Wonder how Streep and the girls feel about having him in their group?
Lol... I'm sure they're just as proud as they can be...
ReplyDeleteWell Cats I think he should just stop Groining. 😂
ReplyDeleteMy sympathies go to those prison guards who are required to conduct such searches...
ReplyDeleteYup it is a nasty job but someone has to do it! Hey Battshit you need a job you have experience it?🍺
DeleteYoo da man, Bat!!
ReplyDeleteDamn I'm glad this day is finally over...
ReplyDeleteWhy? You just have to start another one. That is where take it one day at a time came from. Best we can do is hope the next one is better than the last, just saying...🍺
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMessage to the WH------
ReplyDeleteWell, Mr president you are correct. They are SHITHOLE countries. They do not belong here, they contribute nothing more than ticks do, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a ignorant cucked or simply wants to take advantage.
When a country has the same amount of time as the USA to establish full functioning sewers and reliable water supply, and simply can't accomplish it? That's the definition of a SHITHOLE.
So your words were correct.
He'll, even Bill and Hillary knows they are SHITHOLES. That's why they easily robbed them. Africa and the carribean versions...
Just remember that's why Americans don't want Shitasses from Shitholes having shitty anchor babies here. Even Canada doesn't allow that shit.
And since we are talking about shit, go ahead and take a big healthy dump on DAPA and DACA. Because I'm tired of them taking a dump on my country, and I'm not in the mood to wear waders anymore. Ain't none of us got time for that.
Please continue to MAGA and MAWA.
DeleteSessions woke up long enough to announce a full investigation into project Cassandra/Hezbollah, money laundering and the emperor's role in that pile of 💩...
ReplyDeleteStory broke on fox news @night a few minutes ago.
I see a lot of 💩...going on tonight couldn't agree more Hammer and Cats. Oh and a early good morning everyone.🍺
ReplyDeleteOne thing I do know is you will never be bored with President Trump, not only is he always winning ,now he is always right! Good Grief!! He knows 💩' holes when he see them. 😂
ReplyDeleteThat's okay if no one wants to talk to me, I get a safe driving check every 6 months, and I don't share it with anyone.😂
ReplyDeleteAnd you were right, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteAnother day is upon us and here we go again...
Yup we all get it! And we will get their 💩ey ass out of office one way or another.🍺
ReplyDeleteya know, one thing that the loons have to admit - President Trump tells it like it is. They might not like what they hear, but they cannot deny that he tells things for what they are.
ReplyDeleteOur career politicians for decades now have been too much "politically correct"..... so much so that they're afraid to say what has been needed to be said for too long.
Hmm, anybody heard from Safe?
ReplyDeleteNo I have't, but he does have family in California. Lot of mess in that state hope all is well.
DeleteAs far as immigration goes, I'm not opposed to it per se; problem is that, since 1965 and that damned act, it has been politicized and degraded to such extent that it has damn near destroyed the social, economic and Constitutional structure of the country. Agenda over ethics and both major parties have played it like a violin.
ReplyDeleteI would just as soon see it shut down and both borders secured until it gets a major cleanup and is returned to a merit-based system.
Do I think that will happen? Probably not....
Do I prefer some socialist progressive from, say, Denmark where the government gives them everything for free and taxes them to death?
Or would I rather give a chance to some dirt-poor Haitian farmer, trying to scratch out an existence for his family with a small garden in front of his hut as he tries to face down bulldozers unleashed on him courtesy Clinton cronies who did deals with their dictator?
Just some things to give thought to...
FISA renewal fight? Am opposed, mainly for 4th amendment reasons. Spying on Americans without a warrant is unconstitutional; look what Fusion and the last administration did with that.
ReplyDeleteSo why did Trump come out against it yesterday morning, then change his stand 2 hours later, to support it?
Rand Paul and Mike Lee are planning on a filibuster to stop it. In a Beck interview earlier, Paul said that this renewal version is worse than the last one.
Well Trump is right, why let people in the country from shithole countries that contribute nothing but adding to welfare roll. Just takes more revenue that need to go toward military to keep shitholes at bay.
ReplyDeleteAnd more of my tax money, as this new tax plan will cost me more taxes and I a verified low middle income, most people just don't understand taxes and are being bought off my double standard deductions and don't think about the $4,050 per person exemption that was removed.
Then FISA is crap, it's crap because we have a lying DOJ, FBI, judges and LEOs in general who bend rules for political/ finical gain.
I’m here. On vacation this week and haven’t been keeping up with things. Wife is in CA I’m here in Topeka. No problems with the fires or mudslides for our people.
ReplyDeleteSorry to not get new blogs up but everybody keeps up either way.
As for the President, he’s playing these people like a violin. They just keep digging deeper and deeper in the manure pile. He owns them and they don’t even know it.
I’ll check back later.
Don't know if you had seen this on the Urinal Kevin; One of your admirers from the local "shithole" spouting off about the article on will probably become known as the "Shit Hole Incident".....Ain't it Great!!
ReplyDeleteMichael F LoBurgio
This is the conservative revolution some of cjonline bloggers were writing about the past couple years
If you guys didn't know he was a white supremacist hiding in a bunker somewhere and your paper gave him a soapbox to spew his hate.
Donnie trump the most racist president ever!
Wow, Kevin still has them butt hurt.
DeleteThat's when you are legend.
Ain't even around, and they still talk about ya.
What if they found out Kevin didn't even exist? Or that he was just a reference to a whole group of people that happen to be awake and not stumbling around in slumber? Or that he was really Russian?
Boy, they would really lose their shit.
Even more than they already have.
Bunch of morons.
Chuck Norris ain't got shit on KM.....
Glad Live PD will be on in a little tuning out all the political folderol for the evening.
ReplyDeleteGood show. I tend to catch up on reruns on Sat night late. I like that it shows modern and realistic interactions between leos and civilians. Not the made for TV stuff edited like the show Cops.
DeleteJust in case you all didn't know this it is cold out side.
ReplyDeleteThe cold and icy roads yesterday morning were great. Went to Walmart and BestBuy, parked right in front and not a single person in checkout lines, absolutely no waiting in a line. It was like I was the only person in town.
ReplyDeleteYou was!!😂
DeleteYup another work week gone bye, Hope it was a good one, and a good morning to you all and to the creeps looking in. 🍺
ReplyDeleteJust another week of winning and left wing loons crying.
ReplyDeleteYou loons might as well get used to it...
The charges are against Mark Lambert, who is the "former co-president of a Maryland-based transportation company that provides services for the transportation of nuclear materials to customers in the United States and abroad." Lambert 54, of Maryland, was charged with "one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering," the DOJ said in a statement.
ReplyDeleteThe charges are connected to the alleged bribery scheme that involves "Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official at JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation and the sole supplier and exporter of Russian Federation uranium and uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies worldwide, in order to secure contracts with TENEX."
TENEX is the commercial sales arm for Russia's Rosatom, which took full control of Uranium One in 2013.
A report from October revealed that federal agents started collecting evidence in 2009 about Russian officials that were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering connected to the Uranium One deal:
BREAKING: Indictment Handed Out In Russian Bribery Case Involving Uranium One, Hillary Clinton.
DeleteSorry this is the Heading to above comment.
And so it begins...
ReplyDeleteI'm still disappointed since the announcement late last night. I was hoping it would go deeper before they announced the indictment.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid Durbin will merely be the fall guy, the dope caught holding the bag.
Remember NBC, NYT, etc... all claimed that U1 didn't matter because the material would never make it in the hands of the Russians. Seems they were wrong.
And if you ever had collusion, there's the case right there. I only hope the shovels are working overtime to dig up the dirt. But I aint holding my breath, especially with no major changes in the FBI, DOJ, or so called "deep state"...
And let's remember the timing on the announcement. Late Friday night. Weakest news cycle to make announcements. That should tell us alot....
DeleteWho wants to bet?
ReplyDeleteMy take on timing? A bit different this time...
ReplyDeleteLindsey/Durbin got their butts handed to them with that sop of a DACA deal they tried to pull off.
All day yesterday, dems and rinos pitched hissies about Trump's reaction to their so-called "plan"...after having praised and trying to flatter him on tuesday.
So...what better time to drop an indictment on another swamp creature on their collective heads than a long holiday weekend? Meanwhile, Trump goes off to florida for some family time...
I have no doubt that the swamp is sweating these investigations and I would not be in the least surprised if some rino heads end up on pikes before all is said and done. At one point, McCain, butt buddy of Lindsey, had that dossier. Who did he hand it off to? The FBI. Comey's FBI. Why, really?
Just my take, but next week ought to be interesting...
Noteworthy too that old Turtle pulled his head into his shell all of a sudden.
Let's watch and see what gets revealed...
I would say there will be a coverup and only one sucker will have to take the fall. Typical politics,but as I am sure you all figured out I don't trust any government agency- period. Maybe it's because I seen what goes on at the state level for 30 years, which many of those years was working with one position between me and several governors. Even there you get to deal with feds and see what they do.
ReplyDeleteAnd little Paulie got mealy-mouthed...
ReplyDeleteWhile Cruz, thinking of working people, is introducing a bill to make those tax cuts permanent.
What I find intriguing too is that a number of these repubs, likely rinos, are not seeking re-election...number seems to grow by the day.
ReplyDeleteYup it looks like our government is in a free fall, bunch running for the hills before the big fall. And it is coming, anyone want to bet?
DeleteHawaii missile defense alert goes off falsely. There's your story burial. Right on que.
ReplyDeleteTulsi Gabbard wasted no time in advising her constituents that it was a false one...
DeleteJust another observation...shithole countries are full of good people, powerless to do much about their lot in life. This does not mean, however, that American taxpayers should be required to take them all in.
ReplyDeleteThis does NOT mean that those people are somehow less than human or that those of us who want immigration law enforced are racist.
If laws of a sovereign, free country are overrun along with borders, then the last bastion of freedom will descend into the same damned shithole country these people are wanting to flee.
Principle over agenda.
And...distractions complete...Gabbard gives a long diatribe about the need to talk with lil kim about how he's scaring people and needs to stop. Gabbard is a dem. What's her agenda? From a blue Obama Oprah hangout...
ReplyDeleteSmacks of psyop to me...
Or hackers accidental or on purpose...
Or new software recently installed...
And WH puts out a statement about this being "a state exercise"???
Saaaay whaaaaaa????
WH statement just reported on fox...figured I'd better source that one, as I fear the matrix has us surrounded.
DeleteWhen I was a kid, I believed the teacher when she'd say that we'd be safe if we hid under our desks...
ReplyDeleteNow fos reports that the hawaii gov sez...somebody hit the wrong button...
ReplyDeleteTime to change the channel...
Maybe bake me a cake...
Or sumptin'...
According to Rush, Hannity, Savage, and Levin this whole dossier thing is gonna blow wide open next week.
ReplyDeleteYou shadow dwellers and bottom feeders better stock up on tissues.
Liberal tears are a coming...
Damn keyboards...
ReplyDelete? for today has anyone noticed that Miracle Whip doesn't have the taste that it once had in the past it is really bland now. I got to find something better now. Good Grief can't they leave our food alone.?
ReplyDeleteReal mayo, Sarge! I gave up on miracle whip years ago. Label gotta say real. Same with butter and cheese slices. Better be real, not processed cheese food or some damned butter substitute. All that fake stuff is is some concoction of vegetable oil, food coloring and chemical preservatives. May cost a little more, but the real deal...
DeleteThanks Cats, I guess that's what I got to do is read more labels, damn they take all the good stuff out of food now days.
DeleteYup it will be here very soon, and I for one can't wait.🍺
ReplyDeleteWell it is a good snowy morning here in Topeka, and it is Sunday so hope everyone can stay off the roads.
ReplyDeleteSo much for staying off the roads today.
ReplyDeleteI guess that's what happens when we're both too lazy to fix anything for breakfast...
Good Grief!! Are you sure you don't have a little Lib' blood in you?
DeleteCome on now, Sarge! Don't you ever get tired of eating your own cooking?
Nope, we haven't eaten out in over 30 years, unless if you count Jersey's Mike's Subs take out or a Pizza sometimes.
DeleteHeard about all this on Fri and Sat night FOX
ReplyDeleteAssociate in Hillary Clinton Uranium One Russian Bribery Case Indicted
And this has been going on for 8 yrs. We know who was covering it up in the DOJ
The charges come on the heels of an eight-year investigation into the sale of Uranium One to the Russian company. The sale was completed in 2013.
Well this guy will either come up DOA or if he rolls over he will still come up DOA There isn't any witness protection plan that will stop the Clintons or Obamma people from keeping their billions
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