I don't really have much to say today. I haven't been following the news too close. Frankly, I got really tired of hearing about John McCain and that's all they seem to want to talk about. I think the whole story got a little more coverage than it warranted. He died. He was a soldier. He served his county. Then he became a Senator. Then he was an attention hog and served his own drive to be famous. In the end, he put his desire for revenge against everybody he perceived as opposed to him ahead of his country. He actually made a list ahead of time of people who wouldn't be allowed to watch him get dirt thrown in his face. A sad end to a man who could have done much more for his country.
But anyway, it's Friday. Friday doesn't mean much to me these days, not like it used to. Takes some getting used to.
I really haven't been watching the news and keeping track of politics. Other stuff to do. But I know our President is doing what he promised. The economy is growing like it never has. Jobs, wages up, new investments. Businesses prospering. The GDP on a tear. The market going nuts. And what do the democrat/communists want to do in response? Make it all stop. Raise taxes. Give away more money. Let in every illegal alien that wants in. Let criminals out of jail. Hound and harass our President to stop him from doing his job. Pretty typical of the democrat/communist party. Apparently they think that's the strategy to win the mid terms. I guess we'll see.
They believe there are more freeloader mooches out there who will vote to keep the gravy train running than people like us who like seeing this country finally getting back on track. I guess we'll know in a couple of months. I'm thinking people are seeing the effects of what our President has done, and they like it. More money in their pocket. More job security. Unemployed friends and relatives going back to work. Hard to imagine people voting to stop all that. Except the growing communist population in this country, of course.
I don't have much to say today. Up early, going to head out for our usual day hitting sales to stock up our booths. That's my job now, I guess. It's fun so it's not really work. Sure better than dragging into the government job sitting at a cubicle all day doing the bidding of people whose job it is to spend every penny of the taxpayers money they can get their hands on. Way better than that.
So happy Friday. Don't let the bastards get you down.
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Solo Expedition...
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Good Morning room 235, Well Safe to be honest I watched none of the News , I feel about like you on that, it went over the top, now lets move on.
ReplyDeleteThat's funny, I was talking to Hammer last night about how sick I was of hearing of listening to everybody slobbering all over John McCain.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I have a pretty easy day ahead of me. Well, it'll be easy unless someone comes along and MONKEYS IT ALL UP.
ReplyDeleteYou will get no MONKEY business from me.😂
DeleteGood Morning.
ReplyDeleteI agree, the media's coverage on McCain is on overkill....but then to he's one of their own, a Trump hater and a democrat at heart.
I listen to the local news - turn off the national news when they talk about political stuff - sad to hear about that major semi truck - greyhound bus collision tragedy in New Mexico. Fatalities.
Very sad story. It's another example of why I hope to never have to take a bus a train or even fly in order to get somewhere
ReplyDeleteIf I'm not driving I'd just as soon not go...
Hell if you are driving I want two seat belts, Hear Me! Not that I am invited, hehehe
DeleteI feel the same way Kevin. Because of the tragedy of 9/11 - I will never board a plane ever again - bus and trains - won't ride them for long hauls (however the 2 hour excursion train ride along the Arkansas River at the Royal Gorge in Colorado is an exception to train ride.
DeleteYou best install some roll bars in your truck Kevin so Sarge feels more safe (giggles).
"MONKEYS IT ALL UP"? Why, there you go, being RACIST again! What nerve! Don't you know by now that certain words and phrases are not to be used under any circumstances anymore. Although it is probably still OK to talk about "Crackers", you definitely can not bring up Monkeys, Apes, Illegal Aliens, or the Ace of Spades! It should now be the"Ace of Shovels", and any word that contains "Man" or "male" when referring to the feminine gender ie; woman, female,etc., and/ or you cannot even describe someone by gender; male/female, he/she/it! Also,don't you know that you are being insensitive and racist if you refer to an "undocumented immigrant" as anything but that?
ReplyDeleteThere apparently is so much that you still need to be taught! Thank Goodness (I can't say GOD!) there are still some PC Liberals to steer us in the right direction!
Stop monkeying around here, guys. You know that term along with anchor babies and illegal immigrants triggers people. But I think we are still okay with lgbtBBQ. For now....
ReplyDeleteNow I better get back to it before my job gets monkeyed up with all this monkey business. Gotta stop monkeying around!
Liberal hatred / disrespectful behavior has spilled into an area that should not have any place for it..... FUNERAL SERVICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe all know about the relationship between President Trump and McCain.... totally disrespectful of McCain prior to his dying that he publicly through the media stated he didn't want President Trump at his funeral service -
I got glimpses of McCain's service here and there, thought it odd that there were no past presidents present - but then to....today was also Aretha Franklin's funeral service. Bill Clinton had the expression of complete boredom when Al Sharpton was talking. But then Al Sharpton at the pulpit slammed President Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If any of you libs are reading this..... A funeral service is supposed to be a time of reflection of the life of the one who passed - it is not meant for political jabs towards President Trump just because you don't like him.....
Now in the matter of the family of McCain - they could have extended the olive branch of peace as an effort to mend the rift between the anti Trump people and President Trump. How long will you libs stay on the course of "I Hate Trump" - ?
Oh, Al Gore.... you can go find a tree and have a discussion with it.... you have no right to tell President Trump to resign!!!!
Well if this doesn't beat all the bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWell the Feds got the five from the compound where the kid dies and the local prosecutors screwed up and let three off. But all 5 are now under the feds.
ReplyDeleteWonder what the libs are going to say about this? This should be good for a big laugh.
DeleteNo laughing at Liberals, that would be what ever isum there is and the ones to be invented.
DeleteWell, well, well...
ReplyDeleteI could beleive it when I heard it. So I had to confirm it.
This is a must read, and yes unbelievably it comes from of all places NPR. This writer might of actually done some journalism.
"This spring the U.S. Education Department reported that in the 2015-2016 school year, "nearly 240 schools ... reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting." The number is far higher than most other estimates.
But NPR reached out to every one of those schools repeatedly over the course of three months and found that more than two-thirds of these reported incidents never happened. Child Trends, a nonpartisan nonprofit research organization, assisted NPR in analyzing data from the government's Civil Rights Data Collection.
We were able to confirm just 11 reported incidents, either directly with schools or through media reports.
In 161 cases, schools or districts attested that no incident took place or couldn't confirm one. In at least four cases, we found, something did happen, but it didn't meet the government's parameters for a shooting. About a quarter of schools didn't respond to our inquiries."
Keep in mind there are more than 96,000 schools in our country.
More evidence that we do not get news most of the time, we get narrative.
Kudos to NPR. Mark the date, because you probably won't see Hammer typing that too often.
The date has been properly noted...
ReplyDeleteWell good morning room 235!
ReplyDeleteWell this looks like a good time to take a Nap...Later
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your nap...
ReplyDeleteBreitbart just posted an article saying that 66% of Republicans think the investigation should end. Which means 34% of the RINOs think it should continue. Take that 34% and add it to the 99.9% of Democrats, and this farce of investigation will never end, for as long as Trump is President. Sad but true.
ReplyDeleteThey gotta keep that obstruction alive ya know.
ReplyDeleteIt's the thing they have.
But they still have to find something to get him on, unless they just want to torment him so much he will resign and I don't think he will.
ReplyDeleteJust walked out of a convenience store. There was a State Trooper fueling up his patrol car.
ReplyDeleteLike I do with everyone I meet along the I simply said good morning.
He looked at me and asked what I wanted.
What a dick...
Maybe he had a rough night and was ready to go home for a Nap. Just saying...
Deletesorry that happened to you Kevin. There's no excuse for the unnecessary rudeness that the Trooper dished out to you.
DeleteHow did you get unnecessary rudeness out of a Trooper saying what do you want? Just wondering!
DeleteIt's all good Rikki.
DeleteI toyed with the idea of kicking his rude ass.
But then I remembered the fact that I'm about to turn 60
He was probably in his late 20's or early 30's
I noticed the gun on his hip and the shot gun in his car.
Then I realized I'm not the least bit interested in going out in a blaze of glory...
ReplyDeleteBut I think I'll go with my original assessment...
I'm still miffed at the nonsense that happened yesterday - funeral services aren't supposed to turn into "Hate Trump Rallies".....
ReplyDeleteOf course the media totally loved Al Sharpton yesterday - it's all over the internet even today.
Well they aren't done yet
DeleteMeghan McCain knocks Trump at John McCain's memorial service:
Meghan McCain took a number of swipes at President Trump on Saturday in a eulogy for her father John McCain -- who sparred with Trump on a number of occasions before his death last week of brain cancer.
'The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great,' she said, in what appeared to a reference to Trump's presidential campaign slogan: "Make America Great Again."
They have a name for people like her, but I wont post it on here. I have more respect for our ladies.
thank you Skippey.
DeleteAnd in eye opening world news that we can not live with out.
ReplyDeleteVodka-powered motorcycle sets speed record
A spirit maker has successfully run a motorbike at 113 mph at the Bonneville Salt Flats, having fuelled it with his vodka waste products.
Now my next question is What will be next? Drinking and driving all over again? Beer? Oh Oh Look out Sargejr
Trust me Skipper if those Libs weren't such drunks themselves Beer would be ban, Nice line drinking and driving, I can see the tube in the tank now.
DeleteOh and Skip his vodka waste products? What did he do piss in the tank?😂
Deletelittle by little, my issue with my back is getting better. I'm able to do some "light stuff" around the house. Rick has taken over the "heavy stuff".
ReplyDeleteI'm in this back brace through next month - from there (to be determined).
I'm sorry that's its such a long process, but it's good to hear your on the path to feeling better Rikki. Keep your head up, and keep doing what you gotta do.
Deletethank you Hammer (hugs).
DeleteWonder what will happen with this?
ReplyDeleteRepublicans have long maintained that the so-called Steele dossier formed the basis for multiple Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) applications for a warrant to electronically monitor a short-term Trump campaign aide throughout 2016. The document was collected by former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and it relied upon third and fourth-hand accounts from controversial sources tied to the Kremlin.
President Trump would like the Supreme Court’s chief justice, who is responsible for overseeing the FISC, to direct Rosemary Collyer (the FISC’s presiding judge) to subpoena the agents and prosecutors responsible for using unverified evidence paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign to spy on her opponent in the 2016 election.
Worst part is that we don't have any real good people up there to do their jobs and see that this crap doesn't happen. It will take Trump himself to get any of this swamp scum out. The RINO's wont help. They want to keep their little club with the libs together. That's exactly why these PINO's go with the libs. Band of SCUM BAGS
ReplyDeleteValid points Skipper.
DeleteGood morning room 235, at least I think it is morning.
ReplyDeletegood morning Sarge
Deletenot sure why I woke up this dang early, but I'm gonna try to get some more zzzzzzzzzzz's.
Americans were outraged Saturday after John McCain’s funeral turned into a Trump bashing session.
ReplyDeleteSpeaker after speaker, from Meghan McCain, to George W. Bush, to Barack Obama took turns to rip President Trump in words of anger.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were in attendance.
They looked sad and embarrassed at the nonstop abuse.
Meghan McCain took the occasion of her father’s death to slam President Trump numerous times Saturday in Washington DC.
What a sad and petty woman.
It’s no secret to Americans why the third most unpopular US senator is being hailed as a hero.
He hated Trump.
Meghan McCain spoke at her father’s funeral and took several cheap shots at President Donald Trump.
Then former President Barack Obama followed Meghan McCain by piling on President Trump.
Americans were disgusted Saturday after another grotesque stunt by the classless D.C. elites who bashed Trump at a funeral.
These elitists can’t even shut their mouths about President Trump at a funeral–let that sink in.
Reaction from me is they the McCain family and so called friends. disrespected their own father and husband/fake friends.
Sen. John McCain's passing last weekend has dominated the news, particularly cable news, over the past week. The life of the former prisoner of war and 2008 presidential candidate is certainly worthy of attention.
ReplyDeleteBut the respect and honesty we're seeing from the 2018 media is a far cry from the Arizona Republican's treatment in 2008. McCain was labeled as a racist, a get-off-my-lawn grouch with a divisive temper, someone whose health should be scrutinized because of his age.
Sarge, I agree with you 150%.
ReplyDeleteI'm more than fed up with the charade that the media and Trump haters are continuing with.
So, Meghan McCain says that America is already great - well she's out of touch with America as a whole. She's surrounding herself with likeminded Trump haters to where she's blind to the truth.
Like I mentioned yesterday, funerals aren't supposed to be turned into Trump hating rallies.
What comes to my mind about all this is President Trump has done a good job keeping his campaign promises. The liberal biased media and Trump haters are too comfortable with the notion of how clear back to the Clinton Administration up through the Obama Administration where America was taken advantage of, our jobs taken away from us for cheap labor in other countries while the jobless rate here in America went through the roof and illegal immigrants given the green light to invade our border like roaches.
There's immigration laws and the past presidential administrations turned a blind eye to them as they catered to the illegal immigrants and their "anchor babies."
I applaud President Trump for taking the "bull by the horns" and how he's tackling the SWAMP. I still have no doubt that he will be re-elected to a 2nd term.
Amen on that!
DeleteMeghan McCain and all the Trump hating media and Trump haters.... I guess in their little world of wearing rose colored glasses they see only what they want to see instead of seeing reality for what it is - I'm glad that President Trump is in Washington instead of that criminal Hillary!
ReplyDeleteAll in all.....eulogies are supposed to be about the person who passed and also to comfort those in attendance and also to share Bible verses of comfort and hymns.
ReplyDeleteFor these Trump haters standing at the pulpit during the Aretha Franklin and John McCain funeral services to vent their hatred towards President Trump is not only a disgrace it is totally shameful behavior - these idiots turned funeral services into political rallies.
Could it be that because the Liberal's anti Trump protests didn't get anywhere that this is the new avenue to vent their hatred?
I guess that it can be said that if there was a rubber stamp with the words "Trump Hater"...... John McCain is totally covered it stamp marks.
DeleteAretha Franklin was a Democrat but I never saw her go out on the negative during the 2016 Presidential campaign or after President Trump's Inauguration (unless I missed something).
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou won't hear much said about this...
ReplyDeletePresident Donald Trump kept to the background last week during the ceremonies honoring the late Sen. John McCain, but he ensured that McCain’s body was treated with respect.
Trump signed off on allowing the Arizona Republican to make his final trip to Washington on a Boeing C-32A, which would be officially called “Air Force Two” in its usual role of ferrying the vice president. The plane is also used at times by the first lady.
In reporting on the arrival of McCain’s body, WUSA in Washington described “the familiar state blue and white aircraft Thursday, a symbol of American power serving presidents, vice presidents and first ladies for 20 years.”
In a statement issued Aug. 27, Trump said he had acted in response to the late senators’ survivors.
“At the request of the McCain family, I have also authorized military transportation of Senator McCain’s remains from Arizona to Washington, D.C., military pallbearers and band support, and a horse and caisson transport during the service at the United States Naval Academy,” Trump said in the statement, as distributed by The Associated Press.
Southern 500 is about ready to start, who beats the lady in Black?
ReplyDeleteGood Grief, good morning room 235,
ReplyDeleteMorning Sarge.
ReplyDeleteI resemble that remark...
ReplyDeleteDang it I need to cut grass today badly and it looks like rain is about to start. And on and off for four days.
ReplyDeleteAnd just so you deplorable sumbitches know there's a new blog up, running, and awaiting your arrival...