You really have to wonder, don't you? I know everybody is noticing the left is funneling money to Peter Strzok through a Gofund me page, which is the new source used to funnel dirty money instead of using money launderers like the old days.
But it's more than that. It's a message. The left is pretty unified these days in their devotion to the destruction of our governmental system. They will never stop, communists never sleep. So what's up with all the money?
Couple things. And it's a pattern with these people. First, it's a reward for a job well done. He saved crooked hillary from a well deserved prison term for violating multiple federal laws. He corrupted the FBI investigation and created a new phony one to attack President Trump and Candidate Trump in hopes of either swinging the election and then derailing his agenda after he won. So there's that. Money to send him a message, "we appreciate your work, so here's our thanks".
Second though, and probably the more important is the message to other seditionists hiding in the shadows. "Here's how we take care of our friends". The communists have a long history of that. Paying cold hard cash for secret information. For actions to disrupt the government. For spying inside the government. They have always had a large network, and apparatus to seek government positions and work to destroy from within. This is a message to those workers. If you get caught, you have the full weight and finances of the commie left waiting to leap into action to save you.
So those other commie seditionists out there are emboldened a little more. And the rest of us are discouraged a little more. That's the whole point.
Why did the Kenyan launch the IRS attacks on the TEA party? And spy on journalists? And do all kinds of mischief to disrupt conservatives? A message. Sure, he cause trouble for a few groups and individuals. but more than that he sent a message. Act against me, and pay a price. IRS audits. EPA attacks. DOJ raids. Be aware you companies out there like Gibson guitars. Donate to Republicans and see raids by armed SWAT teams breaking down your doors. Donate to my people and get away with the same offense without any notice.
So this has been a pattern for the former regime. And there's a name for it. When the government demands loyalty. When the government attempts to control the media through fear and intimidation. When the government punishes it's enemies, and rewards it's friends as the Kenyan so famously put it.
It's called fascism. That's what fascism is you commie liberal bastards. Not advocates of small government. Not advocates of lower taxes and economic growth. Not anybody who disagrees with you on anything. That's just your overwhelming lack of education showing when you label us and our President fascists. That's just your ignorance. In fact if you want a good look at a fascist look in the mirror. That's exactly what you are. And that's exactly what obama was. There's even a name for what obama did. It's called soft tyranny. It's tyranny that it's followers don't even know is tyranny.
So let's keep fighting these commies. And don't be discouraged because a bunch of commies like the Nazi sympathizer George Soros funnels a bunch of money to his lackeys doing his dirty work. We have truth, and the American ideals on our side. And those have won battle after battle over the last 230 years. And will always win in the end.
Make America Great Again!
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Can't see anyone arguing with any thing you said SSAH, Well except the Liberal commies and maybe the Fake Doctor. But this country is just like a sleeping volcano it can blow anytime. And it will you can be sure of that.
ReplyDeleteSpot on Safe. Oh, btw....I don't own a Gibson guitar - now it looks like I don't want to own a Gibson. Of our collection at home, none of our guitar family is a Gibson. Typical of the demoNcrats to fund a liar (Strzok) I guess they hadn't learned their lesson after funding the worst liar (Hillary) but then too....they came to the rescue of sex crazed Bill Clinton and spared him from being forceably removed from office for bold faced lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
ReplyDeleteOn the Washington times - is an editorial that caught my eye...
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is crashing and burning -- fast"
The socialist hopeful is sputtering.
and also Sec. of State Kris Kobach's nomination made it to the Washington Times also. The entire nation is watching the midterms very closely.
"Jeff Colyer concedes to Trump ally Kris Kobach in Kansas governor race"
And the Red Wave keeps on forging forward.
ya know....I checked in on the capital urinal on the latest comments made in regard to Colyer's conceding to Kobach. Still the same old hate filled Libtard comments.
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks in a row?
What does that even Mean?
DeleteWell, you can imagine my surprise when I sat down this morning to post my Wednesday blog only to find out one had already been posted.
Right foot red, left hand blue....
DeleteWhoops! Being retired is messing with my mind. Sorry Kevin. One day just looks like another.
ReplyDeleteBut that’s a new one. I won’t let that happen again. Good grief.
I won’t post until next Wednesday then the following week we’ll be back on track.
Lol... You're losing it, friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm heading back out to southeastern Kansas where phone and wi-fi signals go to die anyway why don't you just go ahead and finish out the week. We'll get back in our rotation next week.
Besides, you're knocking them out of the park...
Wishing you safe traveling Kevin.
DeleteGet out of town boy! Everything is under control here.
DeleteWill do.
ReplyDeleteLol SSAH that was directed to Kevin and Not you Good Grief.
DeleteAmen to that...
ReplyDeleteThanks Rikki...
ReplyDeleteAnd Safe, Sarge has said all along that the hardest part about retirement is when to take a day off...
Sure would be fun to start a gofundme page to pay for the prosecution of these assholes.
ReplyDeleteAs far as security clearance? Probably should be on a "need to know" basis. As far as I'm concerned any member of the prior administration is not on a "need to know" basis. In fact, I think that's part of the problem of the deep state. With some of these people colluding or conspiring against the electorate of the people, it's obvious they should have their clearence revoked. Shut up, walk away. Guys like Brennen are proven communists anyway. So they can go kick rocks.
Then if somebody slips up, prosecute.
I have nothing more to say tonight, except good night room 235... And God Bless.
ReplyDeleteI hope Brennan and Clapper go down. Both are corrupt.
ReplyDeleteGood article Safe. I hope you are enjoying your retirement.
It would be nice if people like dick head Blumenthal would actually read the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't hurt...
ReplyDeleteWell I went thought the News papers this morning, and the best I can tell is Trump is still kicking asses and taking names, MAGA
ReplyDeleteNow it's an attack on his 1st amendment rights.
This in no way keeps him from running his big fat lying mouth
All it does is deny him access to classified information he shouldn't have access to in the first place...
I don't know how high the shit pile is but Brennen and the Liberals keep stepping in it. No one should keep their clearance after leaving government service, But to be fair to our Government they fucked up giving him one in the first place. Commie Bastard.
ReplyDeleteMan, this Washington establishment, is really something! Brennan and the MSM whining about him losing his "freedom of speech" because his security clearance has been revoked! What Bullshit! Just how is losing a "privilege", something that you have to qualify for, if doing a certain type of work for the Government, and losing it when the work is complete, cutting into his "freedom of speech"? And these ass-hole "journalist" just go along with him without question! It was once the considered "duty" of the news media to question everything that the powerful, in big government did, and how it might affect the average American citizen. They no longer question anything the Democrats and the Liberals do, but instead are cheerleaders for whatever they are doing or saying, as long as it is against President Trump!
ReplyDeleteI'm also disappointed with Trey Goudy when he was talking about the other night, again, that he thought the Mueller Investigation was on the up and up and that Christopher Wray would do a good job of cleaning up the FBI. I don't know how he can choose to believe those things when it is obvious what the goal of Mueller is, that he is trying to set a trap for Trump to get impeachment proceedings against him. Wray, on the other hand, has done nothing to this point, to clean up the FBI, stalling to keep information out of the hands of the house committee, having what they do get redacted, to cover up information that is not a National Security risk, but simply covering up, what unethical and possibly criminal actions, that were taken by certain members of the FBI management.
Good grief... The Brennan meltdown continues.
ReplyDeleteIt's gone from illegal to an attack on his 1st amendment rights to a desperate attempt to cover up his Russia connectios during the campaign...
That would be icing on the Cake.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty simple. Convention of states. Put the power back to the states. The red is so obvious on the map. The coasts, and DC would matter no more by simply changing things without congress.
ReplyDeleteIt's true, the 36 or so states won't agree on everything. But we will agree enough on the things that would bring the deepstate down to the very bedrock.
Term limits.
Sovereign borders.
Simplify taxes.
It's right there. Article 5.
California and New York could nothing about it.
What will be the breaking point?
Not sure where or what the breaking point is but I do know it's coming...
ReplyDeleteCould be this Nov, if we keep the House and Senate, I think the left will lost their minds and the shit will hit the fan, Lock and load. Be Prepared.
DeleteCome on SSAH you are to quite, :):)
ReplyDeleteFrom this moment on, John Brennan says anything on his smart phone, mentions something in an interview, or posts some rant, which hints of one aspect of new classified information, Brennan will be facing federal charges. It has come to the point that the raging pit bull in the cage being fed raw meat, is now the pit bull cornered for a reason in order to progress this to the next step to manipulate Brennan again.
Who in their right mind thinks anyone in the Trump administration is going to ask Brennan for his input on ANYTHING? He would be the last person they would turn to for advice.
ReplyDeleteNo one in their right mind Rose. Or any other Obama appointees or those that served under Obama no matter who appointed them. Most of them are swamp dwellers.
DeleteNew blog up.