I've been retired for almost a month now. I waited years for this and now it's here. And it's not quite what I expected, I have to say. There are some things I didn't think about.
For instance. It's Labor Day weekend coming up, right? Well, I don't get the day off. All the rest of you get a day off. But me and Sarge don't ever get a day off anymore. Kind of a ripoff if you ask me.
And I thought I'd be sleeping in every day. For all those years when the alarm clock went off I cussed it and said "someday I won't have to listen to that terrible sound. I can sleep all I want". So what do I do? I get up at 5:00 or sometimes even earlier. Nothing to do. I just don't feel like sleeping now that I can. That's pretty confusing.
And I'm eating breakfast. I'm not just grabbing a couple hard boiled eggs and gobbling them down. I'm fixing breakfast. That just takes a lot of work. Cooking eggs, sausage. Making coffee in my French Press everyday instead of having my coffee maker set with the timer to have it ready to grab and go. It's exhausting sometimes, but it's what us retired folks do I guess.
And this business of not planning things. I always had to plan things to work around my schedule. Now I just do things when I want. No hurry. No rushing to get things done because there's only so much time. That's just hard to get used to. I'm pretty impatient by nature and that's a hard thing to overcome. No more need for being impatient because I have all the time in the world. It's hard to adjust to.
And going places during the day when everybody else is working. That's just weird. Where the hell is everybody? Oh right. They're at work.
And the damn TV. I'm hooked on Netflix now. I hardly ever watched it before. Now I am binge watching all these dumb Netflix series. I never had two or three hours to waste watching TV. Now I don't even feel guilty. And that's just not right.
We're going to California for my Grandson's fourth birthday next week. We're staying almost two weeks. We've never stayed more than 4 or 5 days. I don't know what to think about that. Don't have to get back to work. Don't have to worry about what will be waiting for me when I get back to work. Sure, that sounds great, but it's not as easy to adjust to as you might think.
And then there's the reality that my working friends hate me now. Sure they all say "congratulations" and all that. But in their little hearts they hate me. I know.
So this whole thing isn't as easy as it sounds. You can feel sorry for me, it's OK. I'm struggling through it. It's hard, but I think I'll survive it.
I am opening a booth at the Owls Nest in September. I think I'll call it Pops Tool Crib. It going to be tools tools tools. And other man stuff. There's a market for it. My wife discovered I own three of every tool known to man and decided I could pare down some. I don't see the problem with that. Doesn't everybody own at least two miter saws? And three paint and finishing sprayers?
So stop by the old Owls Nest on Topeka Blvd and buy my stuff so I can go buy more. I've got lots of time now to shop for more tools. So help a brother out, OK?
See you later. Going to garage sales now. Another thing you can't do when you work. And that might have been for the best.
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Safe journey to you and your family as you travel westward and back.
ReplyDeleteRick is semi-retired…me I got a ways to go yet. Rick and I already have started some hobbies. Photography of landscape and wild life and playing guitar together so far. We’ve taken our camera & lenses to Lake Shawnee, Lawrence, and out in the rural parts of Shawnee County. We’ve also taken our camera when we went on vacation to New Mexico back in 2012 – we were there in New Mexico for 2 weeks. Got a lot of landscape photos. We also went to the Albuquerque Zoo and Botanical Garden got lots of photos there. At the Albuquerque Zoo, there were some sea lions, one in particular was quite the character…pestering the other sea lions who were sunning themselves. This onry sea lion sneaked up on a sleeping sea lion and barked in it’s ear…. Too funny! The sleeping sea lion was startled and all four of it’s flippers went straight up! We also had a wonderful time at Sandia Mountain, rode the tram up the mountain side and got lots of aerial photos, also got awesome photos of the valley from on top of Sandia Mountain. I can go on and on about how fun it is to take photos.
We’ve discussed the possibility of purchasing a travel trailer to hook up behind the Ram and travel – so we can pick up and go when we want and not worry about hotel expense.
Basically how I see retirement when that time comes for me is to go by a list of things we want to do (both long range and daily) and just take things one step at a time.
I am telling ya SSAH there is just no justice for us old retired guys. They just can't imagine how tough we have it, But some how we ADAPT, IMPROVISE, and OVERCOME... Oh and enjoy your two weeks, you will be ready to come home on day 6. Maybe!
ReplyDeleteBut funny Blog my friend! Oh Kevin Piss off you young whippersnapper.
I hear you. I go to the bar for happy hour after work and ask the bartender where is everybody. Their working. Oh ok
ReplyDeleteSkipper you should have said better them than me! hell even Bat Shit didn't miss Happy hour, trouble is his boss was paying him thinking he was working.
DeleteSafe I think Pop's Tool Crib is a great name. I know my husband would stop by for a visit and a chat if we lived in T-Town. I love thrifting at places like The Owls Nest. I am retired now and I set one day aside during the week to shop for what I call my treasures. I'm not a hoarder but I am sure the folks who own Life Saver's think I am a hoarder. Nope, I only buy things I love and usually pay no more than three dollars. I look for vintage textiles, old lace and pure linen cloth. I search for vintage fabric for my quilts and I even found an old hand woven war rug. I know a rug with guns, tanks and ammo isn't everbody's cup of tea but I view the rug as a piece of history and it is finely hand woven. Looks brand new. The colors are beautiful. I did my research and some war rugs are very valuable. I even was able to track down the approx area where the rug was made. My rug is an older version, not the newer version. I was able to track it's place of origin by the tank images and the numbers on the kamvashov (sp) rifles. It has a lot of different weapons on it. When I bought it, I told the owners they could sell the rug for alot more than three dollars. It could easily be sold in the upper hundreds or lower thousands. They said I was a good customer so they only wanted three dollars. So, that is one of the things I do since I retired. It's all about the hunt and finding treasure. Off to visit with my women's group. That is another thing I do every week. I like being retired. So many things to do and no real time limit.
ReplyDeleteWhat the H is going on in this country?
ReplyDeleteA New Mexico judge dismissed all charges against three suspects tied to a compound where alleged Muslim extremists reportedly trained children to be school shooters.
I saw that too Skippey. Totally outrageous!
DeleteSkipper another Judge that needs to be taken out, by what ever means!!
ReplyDeleteWell I guess that is a rap for tonight.
ReplyDeleteSo much hate. Taking it to his grave. Wonder what his line will be when his judgement time comes.
ReplyDeleteSo news has now leaked out, as John the hero McCain is taking up space in the Arizona Rotunda to be on display, that McCain not only told Donald Trump to not attend his funeral, but after Sarah Palin got John the hero McCain renominated and re elected for the last time in the Senate, he ordered her to stay away from the funeral too.
Well if that doesn't tear the bloody rag off the Busch, well I am not going, I don't care how much they beg.
DeleteGood grief... Just finished dinner at an Applebee and what do you suppose I was seated next to?
ReplyDeleteSome damn guy celebrating his friggin retirement...
DeleteThey are every where, watch your back! eheheheheh
DeleteKevin.... (giggles)....
DeleteYou need a T shirt that says:
"I'm one day closer to retirement than yesterday...."
But Kevin one week seems like a year, but Hang in there my friend, but remember with retirement means you are old!! + and - my friend.....
ReplyDeleteI suppose you're right. But in the meantime you old geezers enjoy your day while the rest of us are out there slaving away...
ReplyDeleteHey you cant use the word slaving, matter of fact now they are saying if you are monkeying around it is racist, Good Grief you won't be able to send your grand kid out to the shed to get a Monkey wrench anymore.What a mess the liberal assholes are doing to this country, but hell I think they even took the monkey bars out of schools, I thought they did that so the snow flakes wouldn't get hurt, now I am not sure that was the reason, was it RACIST?
DeleteJust for the record!
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama in 2008: Both Parties ‘Have Monkeyed Around With Elections’
So it is okay for some but not others to use it??
Sorry Kevin. Don’t hate the playa, hate the game. I worked 50 years to get here. The last few years not a day went by I didn’t hear from somebody that was retiring soon.
ReplyDeleteYou reach a point everybody can tell you how long they have to work. That’s the only consolation for getting old.
Like I said, it’s harder than you think, right Sarge?
Right SSAH, it is a killer for sure.
DeleteTools for sale?
I'll be checking in on that for sure.
Probably be able to work a deal if I were flash a cold IPA I bet. Lol...
But seriously, I'll be checking in on a tool sale. Keep a guy informed Safe.
You are right, many of these power hungry people stay in office they go out bitter old turds. They should quit while they are ahead, but corruptions wins out over common sense.
ReplyDeleteI never did like what he did to his first wife and I believe 3 kids. It's a long story I won't get into as I hate typing.
Hope to get the booth set up Saturday. Mostly my stuff. Few bigger tools, nothing too special. I have a Fuji HVLP turbine spray rig. Lots of hand tools.
ReplyDeleteProbably be all set up and going next week. I’ll be buying anything I find to keep it stocked.
Probably nothing a pro level guy would want but there will be lots of stuff. No furniture or home decor no matter what my wife wants me to put in there.
Hand tools are where its at for me. Older the better.
DeleteHave been channel surfing since all the Mc Cain stuff. Noticed that it seems like every time they have a ceremony and I see his wife, and then his daughter. Then they seem to go separate ways never together. Maybe he told some one to make sure they were never beside each other. Some more of his hate coming out?
ReplyDeleteIf you want to watch Trumps Watch Live: Trump holds MAGA rally in Indiana, go to Drudge.
ReplyDeleteWell good night room 235!
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.