Wednesday, October 31, 2018
A Pen and a Phone...
Remember when the left's savior of the world Barack Hussein Obama declared he had a "Pen and a Phone" and would use it to ram his deranged left-wing vision down the throats of the American people whether we liked it or not?
I do.
Remember how the media and the drug infested, America-Hating perverts of Hollywood cheered him on?
I do.
Damn the Constitution, they chanted!
They strutted around beating their chests like a bunch of peacocks in heat.
DACA was born.
Public schools were suddenly forced to allow horny young boys to shower alongside our daughters.
Remember all that?
I do.
Remember how we were more or less told to sit down and shut up then reminded by that big eared bastard that elections have consequences?
I do.
But then Trump happened.
All the sudden the idea of a president using the power of a pen and a phone to do his bidding seemed reprehensible to the same crowd of life's losers that cheered Obama on while he was doing it.
Predictability and collectively, they wrap themselves in the Constitution like it's an old friend.
Anyway, I'm sure by now you've figured out where I'm going with this.
Yesterday's announcement of Trump's intentions of eliminating the ridiculous "Birthright Citizenship" practice by executive action sent shock waves through the hearts and souls of the left.
It's unconstitutional, they collectively cried!
He'll never get away with it, they chanted!
We'll see.
It's a political stunt, they whine!
Maybe so.
But you gotta admit, Trump's timing and ability to manipulate what passes as today's deranged media into doing his bidding is unparalleled in modern history.
An invasion force (caravan) of so-called refugees vowing to smash their way into our country whether we like it or not.
Mexican Ambassador warns the U.S. that there are some "Very Violent" people in the caravan.
Reports of gunfire with Mexican authorities.
Reports of this so-called caravan setting fire to a Mexican immigration facility.
And if that wasn't enough there are now reports of a second and even more violent caravan forming in Guatemala armed with "Molotov Cocktails" headed our way.
And after all that the left wants us to believe if these people are allowed to illegally gain entry into our country and reproduce their spawn should be rewarded with U.S. citizenship.
And that's where the equally ridiculous practice called "Chain Migration" kicks in.
Once the spawn of the illegal invaders is rewarded with citizenship it's able to bring in the mom and pops, the grandparents, brothers and sisters, and aunts and uncles.
Six days before the mid-term elections and this is the issue you stupid, tone deaf leftists believe is going to win the hearts and minds of the American people?
You're dumber than I thought.
You might as well grab your blankies and head for your safe spaces because whether you accept it or not President Trump and the American people have beaten you once again...
Kevin McGinty
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Good Grief we were on a roll on the other blog, oh well let me check this one out and see if it past's mustard.
DeleteHell I remember every bit of that and I couldn't agree more with you, and to top it off I am starting to like you a little... :) Good blog! and a good reminder to all. MAGA
ReplyDeleteNot for us here, but for those reading in the shadows who do not agree with President Trump. I did some digging around on the 14th Amendment. In summary, this is what I learned.
ReplyDeleteWith our country being so detrimentally divided by the Civil War it went through a Reconstruction Era. It was during this era the 13th,14th, and 15th Amendments were added to our Constitution. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments ended slavery, African Americans were made US Citizens, and voting rights given to all (except Native American Indians) regardless of their race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
It was in doing this research that I found that the Native American Indians who were under their tribal laws, were not granted citizenship rights until the Calvin Coolidge Administration.
Those opposing President Trump do not understand that when the 14th Amendment was added to the US Constitution back on July 9th, 1868 is that this amendment was not designed to be a technical legal loop hole for illegal immigrants to ignore the law by using their children to get into the United States.
There needs to be an update to these amendments so that these illegals can't abuse our laws. Those who penned these amendments into existence at that time had no clue that their words would be abused by those who have no regard for America or her laws.
I have no idea whether Trump can pull this thing off but he's damn sure gonna try.
ReplyDeleteThere's no doubt that some federal judge will put a stop to it regardless of what he does.
It will end up in front of the Supreme Court one way or the other.
We'll see...
the damned hell of it is that when the illegals began to abuse the 14th Amendment way back when.....that presidential administration of that time should have requested amending the 14th Amendment back then.
DeleteYes, but I still say it will take a year plus while thousands flow into this country and steal, kill and live off the tax payer. The key to the 14th is these 5 words "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". Which I understand to mean it excludes foreign ambassadors, invading armies etc. However, this is what the supreme court will decide. Also, what I think is BS, if an exec order can start something, then another exec order should be able to stop whatever it started.
ReplyDeleteNot if Trump stays in office it be in front of the high Court before we have a Liberal/ commie president from the left.
DeleteAnd here I thought spending the morning treating patients most presenting with closed head trauma was tough, dang, this Constitutional law stuff... wow hard stuff. No, an executive order will not override a Constitutional Amendment. Only another Constitutional Amendment can do that ..... and changing the Constitution is really tough. Evidently President Spanky's advisors, a few of whom seem to know something, thought this would be a cute ploy for last minute votes. They had to have known this projet du jour was laughable. Or President Spanky insisted he knew more about the Constitution than anybody, and yadda yadda... The poor man is a total idiot.
ReplyDeleteSo the election is coming up. Doesn't look good for goobs. Ron Brownstein wrote the following that succinctly described the Trump / Republican strategy.
"Trump and Republicans have distilled down Trumpism’s core narratives into a series of ludicrous and menacing cartoons for the GOP base’s consumption. Why? Brownstein’s analysis provides an answer: Because the bulwark against truly large GOP losses in the House is made up of many districts that are competitive but are also heavily populated with blue-collar, rural, small-town, exurban and evangelical whites. Hold off Democrats in all those districts, and if they win the majority, it will be a limited one.
And so, to galvanize those voters, Trump has directed bread-and-circuses belligerence at euro-weenie elites and China. He has employed endless lies and hate-mongering to hype the migrant “caravan” into a national emergency, and will send in troops as props to dramatize the point. Republicans are running ads absurdly depicting immigrants as criminals and invaders alongside many other ones that indulge in naked race-baiting. Trump is vowing an end to birthright citizenship, confirming the ethno-nationalist underpinnings of Trumpism and further fanning the xenophobic flames."
But the blue wave is coming, even to Kansas. Do you really want Krazy Kris ? Didn't the Brownback experiment teach you anything ?? Evidently not.
Oh, and by he way Sargejr Jim, it's "PASS MUSTER" not "past's mustard". Maybe you were thinking of smearing some mustard on your wiener or something. God only knows.
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DeleteSorry room 235 but I am not taking that off, I can't stand Ian that punk, he is a prick and I am sure he always was and I don't believe for a minute he is or ever was in the Military. Just Saying...
ReplyDeleteNo apologies necessary Sarge.
Deletehere's one thing you'll never see a democrat do - visit hospitals where wounded are, visit churches and synagogues where violence happened, visit ravaged American cities after natural disasters (i.e. hurricanes)...... nope all the democrats can do is what they do best.....flap their yaps with negativity and bs.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, President Trump makes visits!
Delete"Trump, First Lady Receive Cheers From Hospital Workers in Pittsburgh
Media focuses on coverage of protesters"
Yes Rikki, he makes visits ! Even when he’s not invited ! Hell, this swine doesn’t get invited to ANYBODY’S funeral. The Bush family explicitly did-invited Trump to Mrs. Bush’s funeral, as did the McCain family for Sen. McCain’s. The political leadership of Pittsburgh as well as its Jewish community made it clear he was not wanted. It doesn’t matter, the man-child will do what he wants. And you should know the Washington Times is owned by the Moonies. It’s a joke. Congress is going to overturn a Constitutional Amendment? Sure it is. Good luck with that.
DeleteDon't really care for your tone - you are not worth the time to spit. Get lost.
DeleteThis just out....
"Trump backs off executive order threat, says Congress is better path to end birthright citizenship"
"President Trump said Wednesday he’s still committed to ending birthright citizenship for babies born to illegal immigrants, but would prefer to go through Congress rather than use an executive order."
This may be the more correct path to take in fixing the broken immigration laws. This way, though it would take longer than a stroke of a pen and a phone to speak..... this way the "i's" will be dotted and the "t's" crossed to where it cannot be undone.
I agree...
ReplyDeleteThe problem with executive orders is that the next guy that comes along can easily undo them.
ReplyDeleteJust look at the way Trump's erasing Obama's pathetic legacy.
One good thing Trump did is he got theses whiner Left talking about the Constitution they always want to throw in the garbage, until they need it. So down the road we can play it back on the assholes.
ReplyDeleteI'll make you a deal Blue.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what topics my partner in crime, Safe has scheduled for next but I plan to post non-stop on Tuesday night as the results come pouring in.
You're welcome to drop by and together we can watch the American people kick your communist loving asses to the curb all over again.
Better yet, I'm having a few people over that night for a little watch party.
If you're in the neighborhood stop on by.
I'll make the popcorn...
Well Sarge, it's just another perfect example of the power he has over the dolts.
ReplyDeleteHe snaps his fingers and just like that he changes the subject to whatever he tells em to talk about.
I can hardly wait for the day he warns them not to walk into a burning building and they march in single file because that "idiot" can't tell them what not to do...+
LOL, that is true, and I bet Puke Blue will leading them in.
DeleteWell, nothing like our President threatening to do what the Marxist from Kenya did on a regular basis to bring out the commies. And poor comrade bedpan spent the whole day cleaning bedpans of brain injured people. Poor guy, then he has to take time to visit America's blog and throw a bunch of commie excrement around he copied and pasted from all his propaganda websites.
ReplyDeleteWell comrade bedpan, Sarge may not spell everything to suit you, but I'd a hell of a lot rather pass an evening drinking a cold beer and eating a brat off the grill with Sarge than I would you or any of your commie friends. I'm sure you entertain the hell out of each other with your stories of hatred for America and all us unwashed masses. But I bet you could cut the pretension in the air with knife.
See, I've passed some time with Sarge. And he's one hell of a guy. And when some commie asshole comes to my blog and insults him, well that just says more about you than it does him.
I would guess pretty much everybody who reads this blog would agree with me. Talking to you would be painful would be my guess. I doubt I could last more than a few minutes talking to you without having to fight the impulse to crack your noggin with a long neck IPA bottle. But Sarge on the other hand, I would just open another one and have another brat. As it is with all the folks that haunt America's blog.
So you go on with your hyperbolic commie bullshit. I'm sure it makes you feel good and it gives us something to laugh about. So thanks for that and keep it up by all means.
Oh, and did I mention fuck you very much you commie bastard?
Thanks my friend...
DeleteSave your IPA We can get Sara to take him out She uses Bud Light Bottles Made in USA. If ole Dimm Witt In DC doesn't believe she can do it he needs to ask ole Battshit what happened to him. He got so scared he left the town just knowing that every time he heard or seen a Harley with a chick on it, it might be Sara looking for him.
DeleteKevin, I will happily give you election night. Sounds like you have a plan so why don't you go ahead and post the blog that day and you can follow up all night.
ReplyDeleteI imagine we will be doing some gloating and rubbing comrade bedpans nose in it all night, so have at it my friend.
You got yourself a deal.
ReplyDeleteI'll post it when I get home Tuesday afternoon and it'll go on for as long as people are interested.
Nut Wednesday morning it's right back on schedule with you steering the ship.
Who ever does it I will be commenting right with ya's don't care how long I stay up.
DeleteGlad to have you along for the ride Sarge...
DeleteDamn it. That was supposed to say "But Wednesday morning..."
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DeleteKevin, it's easier to have a lap top.... more room for the keyboard to work (giggles)
DeleteI told ya about the ghouls and goblins...
ReplyDeleteThe thing that gets me, is that pathetic people like blue defend the constitution when it comes to fake interpretation of the 14th. But he's adament that the constitution is wrong when it comes to the 1st,2nd, and particularly the 12th when referring to the electoral college.
Patriots support, uphold, and defend the whole constitution. Commies pick and choose the parts they like and dislike. It's that whole Alinski thingy...
Pretty un-American.
Roll on folks! Roll on...
MAGA bitches!
We're rolling on my friend.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's good to hear from you...
I'm eager for Tuesday also.
ReplyDeleteI would like him to take multiple approaches exec order & Congress. If nothing else it's fun watching heads explode.
ReplyDeleteBlue: is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A young student nurse appears to give him a partial sponge bath. "Nurse," he mumbles from behind the mask, "are my testicles black?" Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, Sir. I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet."
ReplyDeleteHe struggles to ask again, "Nurse, please check for me. Are my testicles black?"
Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worrying about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one Hand and his testicles gently in the other. She looks very closely and says, "There's nothing wrong with them, Sir. They look fine." The man slowly pulls off his oxygen mask, and says very slowly,
"Thank you very much. That was wonderful. Now listen to me very, very closely:
"Are – my – test – results - back....!" Blue you need to speak clearly asshole. :)
DsinMemphis or Ian....whatever he wishes to login as....he's still not worth my time.
DeleteGood Night!!
ReplyDeleteThird caravan of up to 2,000 people has been confirmed in El Salvador and headed our way.
ReplyDeleteAnd the number of troops Trump is sending to the border has grown from 5,000 to 15,000.
Anybody still think this shit is just happening?
It takes millions of dollars to move that many people...
Oh, and good morning...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Guy's and Ladies.
ReplyDeleteIf President Donald Trump has been clear about anything, it’s his resolve to secure the southern border.
ReplyDeleteThe border between the United States and Mexico is an international joke. With thousands of illegal immigrants pouring through it each year, and drug cartels turning it into their own personal playground, the need for a wall almost seems generous.
But, what president Trump is doing now makes everything before it seem like child’s play. Trump is throwing nothing but fastballs and getting every one over the plate. MAGA
At his rally in Florida last night President Trump warned would be illegals heading our way that the rules have changed.
ReplyDeleteIt's now catch and no release.
Turn around you will not be allowed in.
End of story...
I hope it works that way, but if that is the case why tent city??
DeleteFive days and ten rallies to go!!!
ReplyDeleteMAGA BABY!!!
I want to know what kind of energy pill Trump is taking, I want some...
DeleteI am sure you all know this and we knew it would happen. All Five of the Terrorists Obama Exchanged for Traitor Bowe Bergdahl Have Returned to Terror. Another fail bullshit thing Obama did.
ReplyDeleteInfo for today: Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Family Politely Declines $600K GoFundMe Cash, Supporters Say $$ Goes to Kavanaugh-Supported Charity. Class Act.
ReplyDeleteLiberal members of the establishment media have found a new theme: Bash white men.
ReplyDeleteAn author and former executive who used to run several media companies was just caught on camera declaring that “straight, white males” not only shouldn’t vote, they should have their voting rights stripped away by the government.
Well, we say “caught.” In fact, Steven Clifford openly bragged about his views during a speaking forum.
There was a time when I posted with a fair amount of documentation backing my assertions up, in the hope of pulling posters back in the CJ days, and now here into something resembling reality. Now I can only hope I'm able to pull somebody's head out of there ass. And I have to admit there is a certain entertainment value to the comments here, and my colleagues can't wait to see them. I try to tell them posters here are not typical of the people of Topeka, and I believe that. Thank God. Someone here accused me of being hyperbolic. Seriously. Most of the rants here are nothing but hyperbole. Example ?
ReplyDelete" Well, nothing like our President threatening to do what the Marxist from Kenya did on a regular basis to bring out the commies. And poor comrade bedpan spent the whole day cleaning bedpans of brain injured people. Poor guy, then he has to take time to visit America's blog and throw a bunch of commie excrement around he copied and pasted from all his propaganda websites."
You realize people outside this group read this crap and break out laughing right ? No wonder the CJ took McGinty's blog down - it only fed the stereotype that Topekans are mouth breathing rubes hellbent on destroying their city, and their state. And that's just what you're doing. Jennifer Rubin, the celebrated op-ed writer for the Washington Post, and avowed Republican wrote a good column today. But a response to it was classic. Funny, but painfully on point. Why do you folks want to remain nothing more than the butt of all jokes ? Here goes -
" This election is an IQ test for the American electorate. Are you going to get conned by GOP lies that they support eliminating pre-existing conditions? Are you going to be scared by non-event, the caravan, into voting for Trumpy the Evil Clown? Are you going to be bullied by President Brain fart into voting against your best interests and those of the country? We will find out November 6th. We failed the IQ test in 2016, but hopefully we've learned from two years of observing Brain Fart in action."
Trump is showing all the signs of a man in full panic mode. He's just smart enough to realize that Mueller has the goods on him, and the political makeup on the hill is going to see a seismic shift. Look, here's the deal - Kanye West... yes Kanye realized he was played the fool by Trump. Trump has no more regard for you. He thinks you're idiots and he has said so. Don't be Kanye.
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DeleteDon't you get tired of losing? And isn't it about time that you should be getting some Military orders to say it is time for your reassignment? You seem to have been in one place longer than most Military men stay.But sense you are not in the Military I understand it more than most out here would. Hmmmm Oh and Trump plays you Liberal/commies as fools every day and he is beating the hell out of you all, hahahahahha MAGA! :)
DeleteAh Sargejr Jim... I bet you did move around. My deployment is different. My medical speciality led me to research in Frederick MD. and a good part of my week at Walter Reed. I'll let you figure out what goes on at Detrick. My residency was neurology and I had an interest in research- think bio-chem warfare. I can't say more than that. If you think I'm a Fobbit, trust me, I've spent time in a CSH. It's not fun. No, I did.. and still do my duty unlike President bone spurs. It's always a bit of shits and giggles to read the rants here, and like I said, my colleagues think it's pretty funny. I figure I'm doing you a favor by introducing you to the truth. The "Fuckin' commie, fascist, pinko, lesbo Hillary.. " and on and on, is just strange. Nobody ever seems to say anything of significance here, so I figure hey, I'm from old T Town, so maybe I'll introduce some truthiness. The vitriol is amazing. But it's typical. I was at Trumps inaug with work buddies, and wifey, and saw some rubes in camo gear from West Va. NONE had spent a minute in the service. None. But they talked the talk. "Hey, everbody knows Hillary a big ole lesbo, and Trump ... heck, he likes to grab him some pooooontang - ain't that right Joe Bob ?" Damn, there was NOBODY at that damn inauguration... sorry dude, thinnest crowd I've ever seen.
DeleteAnd btw, my job involves a high level security clearance for obvious reasons. There's no reason to say more. Have a happy election day... LMAO !
For someone who is as smart as our buddy Bedpan Ian thinks he is, he certainly doesn't have much of a "common sense" I.Q., does he! Funny how a Butt Doc is saying that he hopes to pull someone's head out of their ass! Trouble is, his head is stuck so far up his own ass, he could not retrieve it with a pair of forceps!
ReplyDeleteSo he says that the election is an IQ test for the American Electorate. Well, your teacher Hillary, last session, was a total Dunce that you and millions of others bought into, refusing to believe those of us intelligent enough to tell you that she was and is still nothing but a power hungry, worthless drunk, caught up in her fantasy of being the Queen of the World! She didn't have a plan to win, because she thought it was just owed to her, and she would use Barack's failed plans to continue on with the Presidency until she could figure out a way to totally screw the whole country, open the borders, become a "Globalist" Queen, and be raised to something resembling a saint! Trouble is, she didn't pass along the answers to the students like you Butt pan, and as you said, you all failed.
Nothing tells me that anything really any different is going to happen this mid-term. In my opinion, it would be ALMOST, I say ALMOST worth it for the Dems to win the House, and watch them make total asses out of themselves, trying to do what they say they want to do and fall flat on their faces doing it, humiliating themselves in the process! We shall see!
Good points Gary! And yes we shall see.
DeleteThank you Gary for what you have here.
Delete"Look, here's the deal - Kanye West... yes Kanye realized he was played the fool by Trump."
ReplyDeleteSetting the record straight Blue - you twist things and attempt to make things sound in a way that is totally twisted and incorrect. Don't you ever grow tired of your own bs?
1. CJ didn't pull Kevin's blog - they underwent a redesign of their online newspaper and wiped out "Community Blogs"....everyone who had Community BLog privilege was gone.
2. Kanye West's comment was in regard to "Blexit". Blexit is a group trying to get African Americans to leave the democratic party. But Kanye and Blexit had a falling out and it was that is why he said this:
From yahoo news:
Kanye still supports President Trump.
You are like the biased media - telling 1/2 truths and twisting things to make things sound in a way that you know they aren't.
If anyone is laughing - it is us shaking our heads and laughing at you for your typical line of bs.
Good post Rikki, but I must correct you on one thing, it really is called bullshit, No short cuts with bs allowed. :):)
Deletelol - Sarge ok, (smiles).
DeleteOh, one more thing Blue..... you have always been JEALOUS of Kevin and Rm 235 because somehow you never were granted "Community Blog" privilege on CJ!
Deleteand after CJ underwent their online web design, and knowing that they took out Community Blogs totally - you didn't have CJ to post your nonsense anylonger - that's why you keep showing up here - bottom line jerk is because you MISS us!
Blue, you miss Kevin, Rm 235, and all of us who were being the voice of reason on CJ. We don't expect you to admit the truth, but we know that's the real reason you keep showing up here!!!
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ReplyDeleteThat’s as far as I got. Pure unadulterated drivel.
ReplyDeleteOkay Trumps rally starting soon, MAGA!
ReplyDeleteBest to watch Trump rally on ch 280 0n your TV if you can.
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ReplyDeleteAnd with that said I'll say that Friday's edition of America's blog is up ans running...