I keep hearing this from the commie left. Every time the subject of illegal aliens comes up, they start repeating their assigned talking point that "the Republicans have the House, Senate and the White House and they haven't fixed the broken immigration system".
Now, the first response to that from whatever talking head on TV is letting these morons spew this excrement should be, the Kenyan and the democrat/communist party had the House, Senate and the White House and didn't do anything to fix this allegedly broken system, so shut up. But that never happens.
So, my question is, what the hell is broken exactly? I hear this all the time. But nobody ever pins them down to explain what specifically is broken. My thinking is that phrase is code talk for giving citizenship to the millions and millions of criminal illegal aliens living here now.
Our immigration system isn't broken. It works fine. Millions of people have become American citizens within the structure of our immigration system. It has a defined process for that to happen. What's broken is that America is being flooded with criminals who force entry into our country uninvited, imbed themselves into our system and live here illegally. There's nothing to fix about that. There is a law, they disregard the law. What the commies want is to change that law. They want open borders. What they want to "fix" is they want to allow anybody to walk in anytime and live here. To collect welfare, get free medical care, get drivers licenses and even vote. That's their idea of "fixing the broken immigration system".
They want the criminal illegal aliens living here now to get citizenship. Primarily because they know those are likely democrat/communist voters for life. There are an unknown number of criminal illegal aliens living here. Some estimates say 12 million, some say over 20 million. Nobody knows for sure. But it doesn't matter. They are criminals. They don't get citizenship. There is a perfectly functional system in place for them to get citizenship if they choose. Nothing to fix.
This is all about the destruction of our civil society, make no mistake. A country without borders ceases to be a country. And that's the goal of the evil godless left.
I thank God that we finally have a President who will stand up and speak for all of us who still want America to survive. And who believes in the law, and has faith in our system.
If there is one good thing about the horde of miscreants heading our way demanding we let them in, it is this...the wall will get built because of this. If nothing else could motivate people to wake up this will. So in the end it's a good thing. They're not coming in. But they are letting us know we better step up our game to keep them out.
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Good morning and safe I couldn't agree more .
ReplyDeleteThis is more or less a do or die situation.
ReplyDeleteIt's just another attempt by the left-wing democrat controlled mobs to further break down what's left of "The Rule of Law" they've been trying to destroy with their lawless mob mentality.
Either we have well defined borders and immigration laws or we don't.
If we don't and we lose this fight we'll lose this country as we know it forever.
But it's also a touchy as well as a sad situation.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad because the radical left who's hell bent on destroying this country is using these people as expendable pawns.
They'd like nothing more than for Trump to send in the military and start shooting these people.
In their minds a few hundred dead women and children would be perfectly acceptable if it generated the headlines they're seeking.
It's touchy because President Trump and his administration has drawn a red line.
ReplyDeleteAt this point there's no way he can back down.
And there's no way he can allow these invaders to be harmed.
And you're right Safe. If nothing else this single issue will get the wall built.
Well, as long as republicans keep the House.
If the democrats gain control then all bets are off.
It's as simple as that...
Trump needs to shut the boarders down, no in or out, and shut down ALL imaginations, it was done before and now it needs done again, this bullshit what is going on, I am being to think any good democrat in government is a dead one...If we are going to fight Mobs we have to become one also, can't let them asshole pick us off one by one.
ReplyDeleteIf we lose the House it's all over. Doesn't matter what the Senate does the House will shut it down. They will try to impeach our President. They will hold investigation after investigation for the sole purpose of creating fake scandals. Pelosi will be the speaker and the rest of the traitorous seditious commies will be running every committee.
ReplyDeleteIt will be the end of everything this President has accomplished. They will stop everything he does and then in 2020 claim he didn't do anything he said he would.
It will literally be putting openly self admitted and proud of it communists in charge of half of our government.
Well the news will be all tied up today with the packages sent to the Clinton's and Obama, probably sent by a disgruntle Dem. They can't do anything right.
ReplyDeleteVery suspicious. Suddenly they are claiming somebody sent possibly explosive devices to crooked Hillary and the Kenyan. And the Nazi sympathizer Soros finds a bomb in his mailbox.
ReplyDeleteI'm not buying it. I say the commie left is so crazy they would do this. They would create devices that would never actually explode, set them up to be found and game on.
You know what comes next. Trump's dangerous rhetoric is causing the crazy right wing nuts to send bombs. They've been trying to sell that since the campaign and nobody except their echo chamber was buying it. So they took it to the next level. Plus they need to distract from the crazy commie left violence and attacks that are happening almost daily now.
They've done this stuff before. When the TEA party was having rallies they were infiltrating and holding up signs with racist slogans, coincidentally when there were news media there to take pictures. Time and time again they got busted doing this, but the commie media never reported it.
Watch and see. The media will be reporting on this fake bomb stuff constantly now, blaming our President for it.
This is not what we do. We work through the ballot box. Always have, always will. This is a commie false flag operation. And what do you want to bet they never figure out who sent these? Or some poor sap gets framed for it.
This whole thing stinks of a commie operation. The timing is designed to try to get our President to stop his rallies and stop talking. This is all wrong.
I'm not really a big conspiracy guy, but these days I think more and more of this crap is done by the left. So far we've seen there isn't much of anything they wouldn't do to derail our Republic.
How long does one think before the Lib's blame Trump by his words but not Waters and many other Lib's.
ReplyDeleteI will say one thing about the Liberals and what they are really adept at. That is quickly organizing Protests, Marches, and other media events that pull at the heart strings of many individuals in this country that do not follow political and government events on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteThe Republicans, on the other hand, have no clue at times, how to counter attack these situations and get the word out that most of this stuff is just made up for public consumption. Sometimes facts and figures just can not dispel human emotion and peoples desire to do what they have been sold as "the right thing" even when we know better!
I think that whole bomb thing is a hoax by the democrats to get free news and people riled up to vote many times. Anyone seriously wanting to eliminate these jerks would be able to do it much more effectively than a package delivery.
ReplyDeleteI go along with Dive, sounds like bullshit to get us off the invasion coming to our boarders. Have not heard a word on the invasion today, and I damn sure wonder why...
DeleteThe bitch Hillary just spoke of how divided we've become.
ReplyDeleteShe went on to say we need to be careful about who we elect.
Plan has been put in place and the mouthpieces are now doing their part...
What and how would that freak bring all us deplorable in, pure puke comes out of her mouth.
DeleteAnother thing that we constantly hear from the Liberals about illegal aliens is one that really pisses me off! That is the idea they try to push that the illegals are paying billions into our country in taxes! I say Bullshit to that! What possible taxes is an illegal paying into anything except MAYBE some sales tax when they actually buy something? Otherwise, First, and most likely have a fake Social Security Card, if they are actually filling out paperwork to have taxes taken out of their paycheck then they are most likely claiming maximum dependents so that none of their money is withdrawn for taxes. Then, since they are filing under false pretenses, they cannot be tracked down to have to actually pay any taxes they owe.
ReplyDeleteYou hear them say that they do not qualify for various government programs when they are illegal. Well, how does that work if they have a fake ID and it is not cross-checked at the time or if it one stolen from someone else? The person who gets screwed is the actual person who's number is stolen! Even if they do not "qualify" for various government programs, there are hundreds of various local programs designed to aid local citizens in need, many of which do not even require an ID in order to participate, just using an honor system.
We all know that these people do not pay property taxes, Federal taxes, State income taxes, social security withholding, withholding taxes, etc. and much of the money that is saved by them, by not paying these taxes, is sent to their families in Mexico and other places. How else would many of these families pay the "Coyotes" and others the thousands of dollars they get for then trying to smuggle them into the United States? Just food for thought!
Well the media Is all read bring up Trump in these press conference, they can't wait, damn pecker heads.
ReplyDeleteAnd still have not heard a word on this invasion today, and just yesterday the Dem's were in a panic that they are taking heat for the invasion. Plot, Plot Plot...
ReplyDeletecurrent location of the caravan of illegals....
latest earthquakes.... from USGS website...
the earthquake is in the same area as the illegals!
just scroll down on the cnn weblink and see the geographical map.
DeleteJust like when I said that Hurricane Willa and Tropical Storm Vicente is a God thing.... this earthquake is a God thing too!!!
DeleteThose illegals need to stop and go back -
DeleteThat earthquake happened today -
DeleteNo earthquakes or storms does any good unless they happen with a head on hit on the invaders.
ReplyDeleteWell one down Proven to be a hoax. Wonder who, what, when, where.
ReplyDeleteThe earlier suspicious package at Governor Cuomo’s office in midtown has been cleared by NYPD personnel. It was unrelated. And there was no device of any kind
I think there will be a lot of surprise's that comes out soon and the Lib's may end up in deep shit. Just my opinion.
DeleteOf course it is and it is so clear Yesterday they were in a panic over these invaders and today this, News of the day, wins. .
ReplyDeleteHurricanes earthquakes and pipe bombs oh my.
ReplyDeleteScrew em all...
Will you stop stealing my lines. Good Grief no respect.
ReplyDeleteBut anyhow good night room 235!
ReplyDeleteSo.... Is everyone sleeping in this morning or what?
ReplyDeleteno I'm up
ReplyDeleteThen I'm in good company...
ReplyDeleteThank you Kevin, (smiles) I'm in good company too.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between President Trump and all the Dems inciting hatred, negativity, and assaults on Republicans is how President Trump yesterday said this:
"...the safety of the American people is my highest and absolute priority...." "...in these times we have to unify we have to come together and send one very clear strong unmistakeable message that acts of threats or political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America...." there's more on this youtube link
He addresses this before his scheduled reason for the press conference on opioid addiction.
One one high ranking Democrat has condemned the hateful physical abusive acts that Republicans have endured!!! Not one!
damned! I need more Wild MOuntain Blueberry coffee!! what I meant to say is that Not one not One one....
Oh hell you know I am up, just moving slow this morning.
ReplyDeleteI will tell ya how slow I am moving, I haven't even had a beer yet, Good Grief that is slow.
Deletethe damned democrats are blaming President Trump for the suspicious packages....typical!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWait and see, all the Hollywood people will be coming out and saying they got one two, and they will all be Trump haters, Fake shit and I am willing to bet that none of those packages were rigged to go off.
DeleteI would say that is all true.
DeleteNow, Robert DeNiro (the actor who wants to punch President Trump in the face!) was sent one of the packages. That should put Hollywood in a tail-spin! For my two-cents, whether it is a Republican,or Conservative (which I don't think so), or, non of the above, in my opinion more likely a Lib, it looks like they want the packages found. All look alike, addressed alike, none have blown up yet. Trump will be blamed for it, no matter who it is, and no matter how strongly he speaks out against it! Liberals never let a good crisis go to waste, you know!
ReplyDeleteAs already said I bet these wouldn't blow up if ran over by a train, just a demon hoax to draw attention. Now everyone will want a bomb, they will start some #IWASBOMBED
ReplyDeleteHell just go by the book and by the boom!! And there is no boom! It is all done to tie up the news cycle to get away from the invasion. The left is so scared to lose they will do anything.
DeleteAnd the orchestrated full court press blaming Trump is in motion.
ReplyDeleteAnd just like everything else they've tried this too will fail...
Yup they try to hard and to much and leave the blame on them selves.
DeleteEvidently Biden got two bombs...
Funny who is sending these fake bombs, didn't go by the Book by the Boom...
DeleteAnd as of now none of these so called bombs were wired up or made to explode. All of them are just wall hangers. Just wait and see all of these people holding them up for the world to see.
DeleteBack on the important stuff,Hundreds of U.S. troops are set to make their way to the southern border to help Homeland Security and National Guard troops as a caravan with thousands of migrants moves north, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News on Thursday. It is not a caravan it is invaders from other countries, lets stay and be clear of that.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the anti Trump FBI management will tell the truth about the fake bombs from the demon-crat?
ReplyDeleteNow days that is a very fair question.
DeleteI think they are already lying, I just read an article where they claim to have saliva from the postage stamps. Well for years I haven't seen any postage stamps that you lick, they're all self-adhesive. Especially those kind I see on the envelopes and the pictures have been self-adhesive for years so why would somebody lick a self-adhesive stamp?
ReplyDeleteYup wife and I were talking about that this morning, I am not sure they even make lick able stamps anymore. If this was a plot by the left there will be hell to pay.
DeleteAlright everybody, we're having a huge yard sale in our back yard. We're closing our booths at the Owls Nest and liquidating our inventory. There's a ton of stuff. Collectibles, home goods, glassware. Furniture, chairs, tables, side tables everything and lots of it. This is seriously a big sale.
ReplyDeleteIf anybody wants to stop by let me know you are there because I probably will be pretty busy. Just me and my wife.
There really is a little of everything here and we're pricing it to sell.
The address is 2416 SW James St. That's about 5 blocks or so west of the VA. I normally wouldn't give my address but what the hell. If any commies show up they can buy my stuff. And when this is over we're starting on the house to get it on the market.
Sorry for the commercial interlude here. But I didn't want to leave out my friends.
No Friday blog, I'll be busy with the sale.
This Friday and Saturday, the 26th and 27th. Open at 8AM close somewhere around 4PM.
Follow the signs...
DeleteGood luck my friend, as for me I am boxing up stuff to get rid of now myself but in the spring, I move slow now days. But I can recommend a very good Realtor, Diane Elliott 230-2999, sold my House in one day and closed in 30 days. She has sold 2 houses for me...
DeleteI looked up when stamps stopped having moisture activated adhesive.
That was funny.
ReplyDeleteYeah it was funny.
ReplyDeleteBut good grief I think I puked a little bit in my mouth when I read it...
It was gross and I shouldn't have posted it, but to late now.. :)
ReplyDeleteWell time to get ready for another day, God willing. Good night room 235.
ReplyDeleteYeah me too. I have a pretty easy day tomorrow so I can sleep in a little.
ReplyDelete2:30 Baby...
Lol I am sure I will say good morning soon after 2;30. Rest well.
DeleteWell good morning room 235. Sorry Kevin couldn't wait till 2:30, but trust it has nothing to do with White PRIVILEGE... . I am sorry to say.
ReplyDeleteWell looks like a good time to fade into retirement. 🐎
ReplyDeleteGood morning again room 235'
ReplyDeleteGood morning.
ReplyDeleteI can hardly wait to see how many more fake bombs the democrats sent themselves last night...
Yup we know they are made by Liberal Dem's because they don't work, Good Grief they can't do anything right.
DeleteYesterday I said to the wife I bet Booker feels left out he didn't one needs the lime light, Lol damn if he didn't get one today...All this is a Dem fake plot. Change the News cycle from all the good Trump is doing for the Country.
ReplyDeleteNope, the bombs worked. Mr. Sayoc had his van covered in pro Trump memorabilia, you know, "CNN sucks", oh and my favorite, Cadet Bone Spurs standing atop a tank. A tank ?? LMAO ? Like this draft dodging coward would ever touch a tank ?? Too funny. Mr. Sayoc may be doing prison time
Deletefor the rest of his life. Note to Cadet Bone Spurs - words have consequences. Rile up the goobers, and one just might take you seriously. It's sort of funny, but sort of not.
What's not so funny is this - Only 7 states showed lower job growth than Kansas ( the ranking included Washington D.C. so the total is 51 ).
Oh, I know this hurts, but #1 ? It was Washington D.C. And by the way, don't know if you've heard of Amazon HQ2, the second headquarters for Amazon. Three of the finalist were in the greater D.C. area. 50,000 jobs, all paying over $100,000. It has been leaked by multiple sources, the final choice will be Northern Virginia, Crystal City to be exact in Arlington. That's just across the river from D.C. President Bone Spurs won't like that. Jeff Bezos hates him. And he's worth many many times more money that Don the Con. Maybe if one of you is lucky, you could get hired !! Here's a taste of what you would get. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozKOpJ7iepg
Or stay in #44 Kansas. Sad. This is from Business Insider, March 2018
"44. Kansas
"Kansas saw one of the lowest rates of job growth among the states, with the number of nonfarm payroll jobs increasing just 0.4% between December 2016 and December 2017 — well below the average rate of 1.3% "
I'll say it again... sad. Very sad. For your sake, I hope you don't elect krazy Kris. He'll return you to Brownbackistan status, and you don't want that ... do you ??
Appreciate your demonstration of ignorance. I understand how gov't anus inspectors can have a lack of vision, or an inability to screencap socials before authorities turn them off.
DeleteGov't anus inspectors are second rate, payed and viewed as such. Pretty simple.
A lack of vision ?? Really ? And posters here continue to vote for the most clueless, incompetent state government in the country. You have a chance to turn that around. Gov't anus inspector... that's so junior high. Best be prepared for the House to go blue, and for the investigations to commence. We will find out just what sort of financial profile Donnie Two Scoops has. Daddy gave him $400 million and he declares bankruptcy how many times ? Six. And we wonder why all the gains the stock market made in 2018 just got wiped out. Brilliant. It will be great to have the richest man in the world here. Jeff Bezos is worth $150 to $165 billion. He already has a house not too far from me ( no my very nice but small - just me and wife condo ). Bezos has a place also in Kalorama where that Einstein of foreign policy Jared lives with purse queen Ivanka there, as do the Obamas. On occasion you can hear Melania screaming from the Kushners " Please meeester ! Please to help me geet out of zeees house ! Orange monster locked me up ! I to hide eeen joo maid room .. ANYTHING ! Please meeeester !" Then you see somebody grab the poor thing from the window. Sad... very sad. Here's the hood. I'm on the other side of the circle so I don't have to worry about "Jarvanka" as Bannon likes to call them.
Just heard on the radio that the FBI has arrested a man in connection to the mail bombs.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want to bet that the talking points have already been memorized are they're ready to pounce?
Well that supposedly got the guy 56 year old white mail, been arrested before for threats. So lets get back to the Good News of President Trump. MAGA
ReplyDeleteMale, Good Grief!
DeleteLike what good news ? The stock market ?? Our loss of credibility in the international community ? Our exploding debt ? Well, when you lose by 3 million votes, you can't expect a Rhodes Scholar I guess. God knows we don't have one of those in the White House. Might want to read FEAR. But if you're incontinent ( probably half the posters here ), I suggest not. It will make you wet the bed.
Deleteupdate on the caravan of illegals...
ReplyDeleteThere was another earthquake - this one 5.0 not like the mild one from Oct. 23rd either....
This earthquake is a little north of where they are - but with as narrow as Mexico is geographically there's a good chance the illegals felt the quake.
current location of the illegals...
there looks like another storm brewing in the eastern pacific near Mexico's west coast.... not totally formed yet though...
This is an ill-fated trek these illegals are on.....
So far their path has been hindered by Hurricane Willa, Tropical Storm Vicente, and now 2 earthquakes (with the 2nd earthquake larger than the 1st)... and one storm brewing off Mexico's west coast.... and ahead of them....the US Military!
DeleteI've decided he's not worth my time....
ReplyDeleteI know..
ReplyDeleteHe knows he's full of crap and his posts are reflective of what he's full of..
Checking out Trumps deal tonight ,Long lines people standing in the rain. Good Grief they Love him. youtube.com .
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of long lines and such.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of where Trump speaks he draws tens of thousands.
Up to 100,000 tickets were requested in Houston alone.
And Blue's big eared wannabe dictator has drawn crowds of up to 45 or 50 people including media crews and security personnel.
I also noticed Blue hasn't been hailing his all time favorite political polster Nate Silver who just predicted the dems winning the House by 86%.
Keep in mind this is the same guy that gave the bitch Hillary Clinton a 92% chance of winning the election in 2016.
But I did notice he still hasn't gotten over the simple fact that winning the popular vote in a presidential election is nothing more than a participation trophy.
And about this so called wannabe bomber.
ReplyDeleteYou know as well as I do that this whole thing is bullshit.
Less than two weeks before the mid term elections and out of nowhere we have this super duper Trump supporter arrested.
It's funny that it wasn't long ago that he was a registered democrat.
And now he's driving around in a van plastered with every pro Trump pro GOP sticker known to man plastered all over it sending fake bombs to some of the worst people this world's ever known.
I call complete and total Bullshit on the entire thing...
Never ever lose sight of the left's driving force.
A little something to ponder.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or do you also find it strange that all the pro Trump and pro GOP decals plastered all over the bomber's van are reported to be new?
But on the other hand.the guy could just be a fucking nutcase.
ReplyDeleteYou see, this is what happens after years of being repeatedly lied to by republicans and democrats alike.
It's gotten to the point where you can't take anything at face value anymore.
Such is the world we live in...
If he was a fucking nutcase, he must be a Democrat.. Have you seen the stickers on my truck, it is very hard to get them straight, non of min are, those look like the were put on by a pro in a shop. Just saying...
DeleteBut anyhow time to say good night, you all stay safe and damn keep that powder dry..
ReplyDeleteGood morning All you Trumpers out here.
ReplyDeleteg'morning Sarge
ReplyDeleteWhile not all of the verbal abuse and increasingly violent physical attacks are by members of the Democratic Party, the majority of the perpetrators lean to the left. This violence is certainly not going unnoticed by the majority of Americans as a June 2018 poll done by Rasmussen revealed that 59% of American voters are concerned that those who oppose Trump’s policies will resort to violence to stop them and 31% now believe that a new civil war will happen in America within the next five years. The history of the Democrats and their left-wing comrades certainly give solid support to the results of this poll. From its creation by Thomas Jefferson, the Democratic Party has a long history of embracing violence to achieve their goals. From the bloody French Revolution, preservation of slavery, suppression of African-Americans, advancement of labor unions, and the 1960’s radical “New-Left” movement to the escalating mayhem of a national party attempting a coup of President Trump, no one explains the democratic love of violence better than the Democrats themselves.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the media and the blame game they're playing.
ReplyDeleteTrump's not having any of it.
He was on fire last night in Charlottesville and took it straight to them.
He told the tens of thousands strong crowd the media has a major role in dividing the country and he's sick and tired of them demonizing tens of millions of the some of the best patriotic people he's ever met to score political points.
Never forget that we finally have a president who unconditionally has our backs.
Keep your heads up.
Never forget.
Never back down.
Screw em all....
I am speechless imagine that. Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteSince when?
I am working on getting back together, How do you think these mid terms will pan out? I just can understand how anyone that is paying attention could vote for a Democrat it is insane..
DeleteCatholic Bishops are demanding that the world's governments act immediately to combat the devastating effects of global warming.
ReplyDeleteI have an idea.
How bout you Catholic Bishops stay the hell out of politics and do something about the perverts you've turned lose on thousands of young kids you supposed to be looking out for.
"How bout you Catholic Bishops stay the hell out of politics and do something about the perverts you've turned lose on thousands of young kids you supposed to be looking out for."
ReplyDeleteNow that is something I damn sure can agree on...
Now to cook Bacon for my Grandson, I'll be back!
ReplyDeleteGot a shooting going as I type in PA, dead on the seen not sure if it is cops or the shooter or shooter's.
ReplyDelete4 dead 8 shot Jew's in the area or in their church.
ReplyDeletePittsburgh police confirms 'active shooter' at Tree of Life Synagogue; multiple victims reported
ReplyDeletePittsburgh police has confirmed an "active shooter" at a synagogue in the city's Squirrel Hill neighborhood; multiple victims reported. This is a developing story. Check back for updates.
8 dead up to 12 shot. Good grief Got the shooter caught alive.
ReplyDeleteTrump has Land in IL now live on youtube.com
DeleteMaking America Great Again one rally at a time...
ReplyDeleteYup and he is doing nine (9) more Rallies before Nov 6, He is like the energizer bunny just keeps on going. God Bless him.
DeleteGood morning room 235..
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell am I doing up so early, good grief.
Good morning Sarge. Same question. Good grief. I should be sleeping.
ReplyDeleteHabits are hard to break if you been doing them for over 50 years.
DeleteNew blog up...