Sunday, October 28, 2018

Two choices to make. Choose wisely. Choose like your kid's and grand kid's future's depend on it. Because it does...

You guys know the issues as well as I do so there's no point in me babbling on about things you already know.

Instead I'm going to dip into the seemingly endless supply of memes to tell my story today.

Oh, and one short video that I really hope you take the time to watch.

Here goes.

Any questions?

10 days from now Americans have two very important choices to make.

Choose wisely.

Choose like the your children and grand children lives depend on it.

Because it does...

Kevin McGinty


  1. Me and my family's votes are in and we are American and you damn sure know how we voted. MAGA

  2. And I said it before anyone that votes for a democrat for congress Has to be completely insane.

    1. Oh one more thing Great Job putting all that together Kevin...

  3. I am throwing this out here because I can..

    Kavanaugh comes clean about his high school and college years......

    "I spent the last two years of high school in a daze, locking away the questions that life seemed insistent on imposing. I kept playing basketball, attended classes sparingly, drank beer heavily, and tried drugs
    enthusiastically. I discovered that it didn't make any difference if you smoked reefer in the white class mates sparkling new van, or in the dorm
    room with some brother you'd met down at the gym, or on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids who had dropped out of school and now spent most of
    their time looking for an excuse to brawl."

    Just kidding....That's from Obama's book describing HIS high school and
    college days.

    Double Standard Nowadays?


  4. Of course there's a double standard.

    But thankfully what passes as today's mainstream media and their never ending lies, over the top bullshit and personal attacks on every day American citizens no one believes their shit anymore.

    The only people who believe them aren't worth a damn and will be beaten back just like they've always been beaten back.

    MAGA BABY!!!

  5. Hey I can't be the only bucket mouth out here where the hell is everyone?

  6. I think they're saving all their good stuff for tomorrow...

  7. I guess we'll just have to wait and see..

    1. Where is Skippey, Hammer, Gary,Rose, I know Rikki is resting up, Dive, Ken, God grief I could go on...

    2. Oh by the way I was just wondering...

  8. Well, I just got here Sarge. Been one of those days! I've been fighting a cold and cough, my wife continues to battle back pain and other issues, Other than that, life is just peachy!
    Watched some of ole Sleepy Eyed Chuck Todd this morning. Same old shit! He was talking to the Mayor of Pittsburg and the Anti-Defamation League leader about the attack on the Jewish temple. It never fails! He always frames his questions to people in ways to try to get them to give a sound bite that can be used against Trump. You watch it and you hear it and you know exactly what he is trying to do! These two gentlemen did a good job avoiding it. Then he talks later to his bias panel about it and it is more Trump bashing. I don't watch these because I enjoy them. I watch them because I like to keep track of what they are trying to pull and how they are trying to frame their attack for whatever the latest Trump crisis they are pushing. Fake News!

    1. Well you both take it easy, but am glad to hear from you. I my self am fighting a few issues some times my legs don't seem to want to work properly. I never turn any left media on can't stand them.

      Well Good Morning room 235.

  9. As long as Trump's president and the mouthpieces of the left are freaking out it's always a good morning...

    9 days to go...

    1. And Trump I think has 8 or 9 more Rallies. MAGA

  10. It's the exact same thing he did during the campaign...

  11. The world is rejecting leftists one after another.

    In Brazil they kicked the leftist out in their presidential election.

    And Merkel is finally stepping down in Germany.

    #1 issue?

    Out of control illegal imigration.

    Bring on your fucking caravan...


    Where do they relieve themselves?

    The Hondurans in the caravan, the 7,000 people walking north to America, where do they go to the bathroom?

    And eat and sleep and store their clothes?

    And how is it that after a week on the road they are clean and their hair and clothes are well kept?

    How is any of this possible?

    And why do these people, supposedly fleeing intolerable conditions in their homeland, carry little flags from their homeland and break into its national anthem when the TV cameras show up?

    And speaking of which, for oppressed people, they all seem to be pretty well fed, well-groomed and well dressed. Their hair is neat and newly cut, their clothes are clean and in good repair,

    and they are built like people who have had ample nutrition all their lives, being well developed and, many of them, overweight.

    And none of them look dirty or unkempt, like they had been sleeping on the ground for the last week.

    There’s just nothing in any of this that makes sense.

    Supposedly, these several thousand people spontaneously decided to leave Honduras, walking north in a group, hoping to trek the length of gang-plagued Mexico and

    present themselves as refugees and prospective Democrats at the American border.

    Which, again, makes no sense whatsoever.

    And leaves a lot of big questions unanswered, and ignored by the press. Such as, who organized this? Who is paying for it? How have they covered 500 miles in a week?

  13. Seriously. Any number of American “reporters” have walked beside a sympathetic walker and talked about how this particular woman and

    her children had trekked half a thousand miles over the last week or so.

    That’s 71 miles a day.

    The best soldiers through history have been able to march 25 miles a day.

    How have 7,000 people been fed and watered? And how have they gone to the bathroom? If the average person across the world produces about a pound of solid waste a day,

    that means that these folks are somehow disposing of more than three tons of feces each day.

    That’s a heck of a lot of crap, even for a Central American roadway.

    Provisioning such an army of people – the equivalent of 10 combat battalions in most of the world’s militaries – is a large task.

    Transporting and distributing the food and water necessary to keep those people moving is a massive chore which the press says nothing about.

    The entire enterprise, as a spontaneous ad hoc event, is implausible.

    As an orchestrated international attempt to influence an American election, it starts to make sense.

    And ought to alarm us.

  14. Unless it’s only Russians we don’t want screwing with our democracy.

    Unfortunately, none of this has made the evening news. It’s almost as if the press, in whatever scheme is afoot, gladly accepts its role as propagandists to the American people.

    Every story is sympathetic, as if an attempt to enlist viewers and readers in this caravan and the politics it symbolizes.

    And so the story is not about an orchestrated attempt to manipulate electoral opinion and violate the borders and laws of the United States,

    it is about compassion and Trump and xenophobia and racism. It is the October surprise, it is the Blue Wave.

    And it is all nonsense.

    Because all of these people, if legitimate, have the ability to apply for American asylum in their own country – as do the residents of most nations of the world.

    We have consulates and embassies for a reason, and this is one of those reasons.

    We also have laws and an oath of office for a reason.

    Laws, so that “we the people” through our elected representatives clearly and systematically govern our society. Law is the means by which the people express and exercise their sovereignty.

    Disobedience to law is disobedience to the will of the people, it is the subverting of their sovereignty and franchise.

    Breaking the law is denying you the vote. Your vote elects representatives – lets you pick the country’s direction – and the representatives write the law.

    If that law is ignored, your representation becomes meaningless.

  15. Sorry Sarge but those questions are forbidden...

  16. I guess we get screwed..
    And the oath of office?

    Members of Congress – even Democrats – swear an oath to “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution, which establishes our system of laws and

    specifically charges the Congress with making the rules of naturalization and immigration.

    Who comes across the border and under what conditions they can stay is a constitutional responsibility of the Congress. That is to be determined by a congressional vote, not by a Honduran mob.

    Failure to insist on that – even for Democrats – is a violation of your congressman’s oath of office.

    So there is not a Democrat or Republican response to this travelling army of invaders – there is only an American response.

    And that is: Turn around and go home.

    Because the law of the United States does not allow a mass entry like this. The law does not declare the borders open.

    If Democrats and progressives don’t like that, they can try to change the law. If America’s progressives want open borders and believe all the world’s people have a right to live in the United States –

    as they say they do – then they should adjust immigration law accordingly.

    But until then, if they are to keep their oaths of office, they must stand for the law and the border.

    And they must tell their surrogates to turn around and go home.

    Because this caravan is nothing more than a bunch of political shit.

    Be-prepared..Adapt, improvise and we will over come..

  17. 10-23-18 a minor earthquake in the same area of where the illegals were then

    10-26-18 a larger earthquake 5.0 that was just a little north of where the illegals were then

    10-28-18 a 6.1 earthquake though in El Salvador – not sure if they felt this one, but this number of earthquakes just days apart in the region there – it’s bound to get worse.

    That and Hurricane Willa, Tropical Storm Vicente and now two more tropical storms brewing off of the west Mexican coast

    You do the math.

    1. Their path is being marred by the forces of nature....who controls nature? God....that's who.

      And ahead of them.....a closed border and the US Military. This is definitely an ill-fated trek for the illegals. And also not the time for the illegals to play the game of "chicken" to see who flinches first.

  18. What happens when the migrant caravan arrives at the US border?

    Socialism has produced little but violence, starvation and misery.

    Is it too much to expect voters to register?
    Election Day is rapidly approaching and the radical left is claiming that requiring voter registration is a “voter suppression” tool. “Registration is essential to assure the integrity of elections. It allows election officials to verify the eligibility and identity of voters. It also enables them to make sure they will have enough ballots in polling places that use paper ballots — and that’s the majority of jurisdictions across the U.S.Our so called government better get a handle on this bull shit.

  19. The synagogue shooting is another example where Divey says have the trial today, public hanging tonight- end of story.

    1. violence begets violence Dive.

      Folks here may not agree with me, but I feel the synagogue shooter deserves life in solitary confinement - it's a given he bought a one way ticket to federal prison.

  20. It won't be long now and there will be some sick liberal judge with lifetime appointment overriding anything President Trump tries to do to stop illegal caravan. Trump should just tell judges to go screw themselves.

    1. President Trump has more support than what the mainstream media is willing to admit. However, given the history of Liberal Judges in regard to them over ruling President Trump.... I can see why you posted this. In regard to the "travel ban"....let's not forget that the US Supreme Court over rode the lower courts' error back earlier this year.

      So, in short, the US Supreme Court could rule the same way in regard to the caravan of illegals if it comes to them getting involved.

  21. And you can bet it will.

    But that script has already been written.


    1. what more will democrats do to Brett Kavanaugh? Feinstein already said that if Dems gain control, they're going to investigate Kavanaugh yet again...

  22. True, but history shows it takes months or years to get to supreme court, we don't have that kind of time to act when being invaded.

    1. The Supreme Court acted quickly on the travel ban back in June this year.

      June 26 Supreme Court overturns the April 25th ruling.

  23. I'm with you on this one Dive.

    Turn their asses around and send their asses right back to wherever they came from.

    And when the media and left wing judges start raising hell tell em to go to hell...

  24. Thought for the day

    Imagine if you will An entire country so ignorant that the people will fully give billions of dollars in order to elect rich criminals to rule over their lives and steal their money but still believe they are free.

  25. They an't getting my Billions I can tell you that.

  26. just watched in its entirety Sarah Huckabee Sanders' press conference which just ended moments ago. The media was doing their typical bs....but as always, Sarah Huckabee Sanders repeatedly handed their asses back to them on a platter.

  27. Sure am glad University of Kansas got their colon back.

  28. That is good news Dive. I expected to see Obama's face on the inside of the colon. I'm just glad it didn't show up in Blue's front yard. We may have never gotten it back.

  29. Well all good things end, so good night room 235...

  30. Well all things have a beaning, good morning room 235.

  31. He Fights.

    A brilliant fact-filled statement accurately describes today's situation.

    Fight on, Trump - "You magnificent bastard"

    A description of politics in the US since the mid-sixties.

  32. My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #Never Trumpers) constantly
    ask me if I'm not bothered by Donald Trump's lack of decorum.

    They ask if I don't think his tweets are "beneath the dignity of the
    office." Here's my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried
    dignity. There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than
    George W Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically
    motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency.

    We tried propriety: has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt
    Romney? And the results were always the same.

    This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity,
    collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years,
    engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul
    Alinsky and the Chicago mob.

    I don't find anything "dignified," "collegial" or "proper" about
    Barack Hussain Obama's lying about what went down on the streets of
    Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds
    serve the Democratic Party.

    I don't see anything "dignified" in lying about the deaths of four
    Americans in Benghazi and imprisoning an innocent filmmaker to cover
    your tracks. I don't see anything "statesman-like" in weaponizing the
    IRS to be used to destroy your political opponents and any dissent.
    Yes, Obama was "articulate" and "polished" but in no way was he in the
    least bit "dignified," "collegial" or "proper."

  33. The Left has been engaged in a war against America since the rise of
    the Children of the '60s. To them, it has been an all-out war where
    nothing is held sacred and nothing is seen as beyond the pale. It has
    been a war they've fought with violence, the threat of violence,
    demagoguery and lies from day one and the violent take-over of the
    universities till today.

    The problem is that, through these years, the Left has been the only
    side fighting this war. While the Left has been taking a knife to
    anyone who stands in their way, the Right has continued to act with
    dignity, collegiality and propriety. With Donald Trump, this all has
    come to an end. Donald Trump is America 's first wartime president in
    the Culture War.

    During wartime, things like "dignity" and "collegiality" simply aren't
    the most essential qualities one looks for in their warriors. Ulysses
    Grant was a drunk whose behavior in peacetime might well have seen him
    drummed out of the Army for conduct unbecoming.

  34. Had Abraham Lincoln applied the peacetime rules of propriety and
    booted Grant, the Democrats might well still be holding their slaves
    today. Lincoln rightly recognized that, "I cannot spare this man. He

    General George Patton was a vulgar-talking, son-of-a-bitch. In
    peacetime, this might have seen him stripped of rank. But, had
    Franklin Roosevelt applied the normal rules of decorum then, Hitler
    and the Socialists would be five decades into their thousand-year

    Trump is fighting. And what's particularly delicious is that, like
    Patton standing over the battlefield as his tanks obliterated
    Rommel's, he's shouting, "You magnificent bastard, I read your book!"
    That is just the icing on the cake, but it's wonderful to see that not
    only is Trump fighting, he's defeating the Left using their own
    tactics and that's what they really hate.

    That book is Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals a book so essential to
    the Liberals' war against America that it is and was the playbook for
    the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton's
    senior thesis . It is a book of such pure evil, that, just as the rest
    of us would dedicate our book to those we most love or those to whom
    we are most indebted.

  35. So, to my friends on the Left and the #Never Trumpers as well do I
    wish we lived in a time when our president could be "collegial" and
    "dignified" and "proper"? Of course I do. These aren't those times.
    This is war. And it's a war that the Left has been fighting without
    opposition for the past 50 years.

    So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be
    vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don't
    care. I can’t spare this warrior. He fights for America! .....Fight on,
    you magnificent bastard. MAGA...

  36. Heads are gonna explode...

    Trump's threatening to end the anchor baby birthright bullshit via executive action.

    Can he do it?

    I don't know but he's gonna give it a shot...

    Story on Breitbart and Drudge...

    1. Seen that I hope he can do it, not sure what steps he can take or will it take Congress??

  37. Democrats are the crazy ex-girlfriend of politics. They just can't move on after America broke up with them.

    These people have no idea what they are doing to their party with this craziness. Kavanaugh? For God's sake, they radicalized Lindsey Graham with that one. Now he's speaking for us. I never thought I'd see that, but I'm loving it. If they could radicalize Lindsey Graham, I can only imagine how many others have joined the fight because of their insane behavior.

    I say keep it up, democrat/communists. You're doing the heavy lifting for us.

  38. Legal scholars are mixed on the anchor baby issue. Some say since it was always a misapplication of the 14th amendment he can fix it. The 14th was always intended to bring children of slaves into citizenship. It was never intended to create anchor babies.

    Some say he can't. Either way look for the usual scenario. Trump will issue the order, some godless left wing lackey judge will overstep his authority and issue a restraining order, it will end up before the Supremes.



  39. Hillary says..

    “And I don’t think it’s politically correct to say we value that. And I don’t want to go around insulting people. I don’t want to paint with a broad brush every immigrant is this, every African-American is that, every, you know, other person with different religious beliefs or whatever – that’s childish.”

    Childish, indeed. Insulting, indeed.

    Just 30 seconds later, as Swisher asked:

    “what do you think of Cory Booker… saying ‘kick them in the shins,’ essentially…” incorrectly recalling Eric Holder’s recent comments.

    Which Clinton quickly corrected:

    “Well that was Eric Holder…”

    Adding, rather extraordinarily,

    “Yeah, I know they all look alike,” Clinton joked, triggering howls of laughter from the apparently mind-numbed audience.

    Imagine what the Left/commies media would have done to Trump had he said that. Good Grief!!

  40. Ok..... I USED to like actor James Cromwell.....until now!!!!!

    "Actor James Cromwell warns of 'revolution': 'There will be blood in the streets' if Democrats lose"

    " Print
    By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 30, 2018

    Actor James Cromwell told an audience Sunday night that a violent revolution is coming if Democrats don’t win the midterm elections.

    “Something is coming up, which is desperately important to this country and to this planet, and that is an election, in which hopefully in some measure we are going to take back our democracy,” Mr. Cromwell, best known for his roles in “The Green Mile” and “Babe,” said in accepting a Carney Award in Santa Monica, California, Variety reported.

    “We will have a government that represents us and not the donor class,” he continued. “We will cut through the corruption, [and] we won’t have to do what comes next, which is either a nonviolent revolution or a violent one, because this has got to end.”

    Speaking to Variety on the red carpet before the event, Mr. Cromwell said, “There will be blood in the streets” if President Trump stays in power.

    “This is nascent fascism. We always had a turnkey, totalitarian state — all we needed was an excuse, and all the institutions were in place to turn this into pure fascism,” he said. “If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.”

    Mr. Cromwell, 78, is a longtime liberal activist who has been arrested multiple times for protesting environmental issues.

  41. Takes too long for supreme court to get involved and make decisions, even one month is too long and much damage can be done. Usually it years and not months. Just get the military to do their job and protect the homeland from foreign invaders.

    1. I understand fully what you're saying Dive-I really do....and it may take time, but if things go hastily....and not having the "legal ducks in a row with precision" so to speak, this could very well back fire and we get over run.

  42. Here is a headline from Foxnews web page. Actor James Cromwell warns of 'blood in the streets' if Democrats don't win election

    1. I saw that story on the Washington Times - very sad that this actor has taken the stance that he has. See my post from 9:50 this morning.

  43. And Dive you're mixing two issues together.

    I agree with you on the border issue.

    But the birthright issue will most certainly end up at the Supreme Court.


  44. Don't worry I got it under control..


    Off topic - a 3 min. comedic story to make y'all giggle -

    Ken Davis - Christian comedian. This guy is funny (smiles).

    1. give y'all a hint.... this is a good way for husbands to have a permanent stay in the dog house! (giggles)

  46. Our America First agenda is facing attacks on all fronts, and we've only got one week to prevent the worst-case scenario – a Democratic takeover.

    Bitter Democrats have spent the last two years coordinating with Deep State allies in Washington and biased media outlets to undermine President Trump's historic progress and it's working.

    They've intentionally weakened out borders, sabotaged law enforcement, and demonized conservatives.

    Just imagine how much worse thing will get if Democrats seize power. There's no time for passivity, we have to act now, or we risk losing everything. Get everyone out to vote, We need President Trump to keep America great. Lets getter done.

  47. Paul Ryan just rained on President Trump's wanting to end the birthright citizenship (14th Amendment)...

    "Paul Ryan shoots down Trump's birthright citizenship plans"

    Gee I wished that Paul Ryan would have produced a plan that would "amend" the 14th Amendment...

  48. Ryan has always been an open borders Never Trumper who's on his way out.

    Pay no attention to anything he says...

  49. Ryan should be trying to work on the outdatedness of this amendment in light of how the illegals abuse it.

  50. He knows how badly it's abused.

    The problem is that he supports it.

    It's good for his billionaire business owners.

    The free ride has come to an end...

  51. Well close to that time, so I will say good night. MAGA

  52. Well bout time to say good morning to room 235...

  53. Good morning right back at ya, Sarge...

  54. Happy Halloween! Beware of the ghouls and goblins of the left. Everywhere these days. Don't be afraid of ghosts!!!

    1. Got it under control Hammer, and glad to see you out and about stay safe.

  55. Happy Halloween back at ya Hammer and to everyone else! You are right, the Ghouls from the Left are out in full force with Head Witch, Hillary, still trying to suggest that she might just run again. I wish she would! LOL!

    1. Come on Gary who would want to listen to the crap that comes out of her face! Good Grief I just want her to fade away and fast.

  56. Top of the morning boys and girls.

    I almost hate to interrupt your little Halloween horror story but I do need to let you know the latest edition of Room 235 has just been posted...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...