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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
And in godless commie news today, just read that a man is favored to win the Miss Universe pageant. What in the wide wide world of sports is going on here?
ReplyDeleteA poor mentally ill man who thinks he's a woman is actually favored to win. And apparently a whole shitload of godless commies think that's just fine. God help us.
And why aren't the actual women of the world bothered by this? Another man taking a job away from a woman? And he's not even qualified for the job. I would think any actual feminists would be pretty pissed about that. Hello? MISS Universe? WTF?
Good Grief! God needs to send Jesus down to get things back in order, the word is out of control,...
ReplyDeleteNot I am telling God what to do, Just a thought Lord...
ReplyDeleteYour example illustrates the point of today's blog perfectly, Safe.
ReplyDeleteIn the bizarre world these idiots are desperately trying to create, Men and women seducing each other would be forever banned while men becoming Miss America is as natural and healthy as apple pie.
I think I'll pass...
Why guys!!!!! Christmas is a time for celebrating "snowflakes," right? Why I've got several ornaments on my tree that are supposed to be snowflakes. Perhaps the human snowflakes, those of tender sensibilities, feel it's their season, too. And naturally, it has to be a "safe space." Take that, you 235 meanies!
ReplyDeleteActually, since the cultural is far more important than the political, we have let things go just about far enough. I see no reason to celebrate deviates. It's as far as I'll go to tolerate them. That's it. Wanna elevate one to "Miss Universe?"
We need to start asking, as I heard Tucker Carlson did, is diversity REALLY a strength? What evidence supports this? Of course, he was promptly called a "racist" by someone who wouldn't answer his Q. And being called a "racist" by a Dem is about as persuasive as a petulant teenage saying "whatever."
I call all of them Safe and Capt Howdy, freaks circus freaks, that's right I used the word freak... I could say perverts that's what they really are. Kind of like Ian playing a Military Man, Playing a fake Doctor don't bother me, But Playing a Military Man piss's me off.
ReplyDeleteLol... Excellent analogy Captain.
ReplyDeleteDam I thought I would have drawn out Bedpan Charlie by now, Must still be in his Mothers Basement. Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteSarge, creme puff hasn't caught his city transit ride to the library to get onto one of their computers yet. You know he's really here in Topeka ... not a big shot on the east coast what he wants us all to believe...
ReplyDeleteAlso, he tries so desperately hard to sound like a liberal but deep down he's a Republican and a Donald Trump supporter... he's just too chicken shit about admitting that he likes Donald Trump.
Creme puff will be along shortly.... give him time to ride across town on the city transit.
of course then to.....creme puff may have missed his bus ride to the library so he probably won't be littering today's blog with his usual re-runs ad nauseam.
ReplyDeleteDam so nice out I had to do a bit of yard work. Just a little at a time at my age.
ReplyDeleteDiversity has never been a strength. Diversity is a poison to a civil society. What is diversity? Division. Why is division good? It isn't unless you are spouting godless commie propaganda designed to destroy our society. When has diversity ever won the day? Wartime? Do soldiers focus on how different they are from each other? How about it you military guys? Is that what they teach you in boot camp? To focus on how everybody is different and on a different team? No. The answer to that question is no.
ReplyDeleteThis is just Orwellian manipulation of our language. Homosexuals became gays became LGBTQXYZ. Illegal aliens became undocumented immigrants became refugees. Killing babies became choice became women's health care.
The commies have always excelled at manipulating masses by language. And they are doing it right here in America.
That starts with C
and that rhymes with T
And that stands for trouble.
Right here in River City.
Read Orwell sometime and you'll see. He saw this coming many years ago. Wrote the handbook for these godless commies. It's called 1984. It was supposed to be a warning but the godless left adopted it and put it into practice. I'm surprised we aren't all required to have a copy of Newspeak in our homes at all time. But they are already watching everything we do. Facebook, Google and a dozen other things we voluntarily use. Hell, this blog is probably in some file with a flag. Pretty low priority but who knows?
So you know what I say. Fuck a bunch of commie bastards. Starting with comrade bedpan.
And just so you know, radio stations are playing Baby It's Cold Outside again and sales of the song are skyrocketing.
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing started because a couple of snowflakes created some offense that didn't exist, then a few clickbait articles and the rest is history.
But the good news is it shows how much thunder and fury these idiots can raise. They made themselves a national joke, as is what usually happens with this nonsensical crap. And the result is almost always the opposite of what they want.
Remember when they tried to destroy Glenn Beck? They boycotted, they picketed, the demanded he be removed from the air. Well, he's a gazillionare now. He just bought Levin's CRTV and added it to his media empire. That worked out well, didn't it you godless commie bastards?
Safe My friend don't hold back let it out. :):) I am with buddy...
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! Oh say it isn’t so!!!! The poor, poor illegal migrants in the caravans are resorting to EXTORTION!!!!!
Modern day Dane-geld.
ReplyDeleteSeems like they can demand anything they want. We can stand on our side of the border eating buckets of Colonel Sanders and throw the bones at them. That’s what demanding stuff you can’t have gets you.
ReplyDeleteBe a lot cheaper to put a M16 round in their chest cost maybe 42 cents.
DeleteFire for effect.
Apply or die.
Thank you.
Did any of you happen to see the beat-down that Trump gave Pelosi and Chuckie in the Oval Office yesterday? They were there to "debate" the Wall. Pelosi wanted the meeting to be in private, not in front of the Television cameras. Trump told her "Nancy, that's transparency!" Trump told Schumer that he would shut the Government down if he did not get his wall, and that he would "own" the shutdown. He wouldn't shut it down like Schumer did the last time, because that did not work. Then the Libs talking heads were saying how terrible it was that Trump had that on television for all to see. I thought it was great! Pelosi was talking to the cameras most of the time and not to Trump. Schumer could not even look Trump in the eye. Trump once again exposed their stupidity for all to see!
ReplyDeleteYup Gary I and many of us watched it live, Poor Chuckie looked like a whipped dog... heheheh
DeleteShut it down.
DeleteBuild the wall.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHammer sounds like a sound plan to me they don't do anything anyhow. Shut it down, I am for it, government goes on always has.
ReplyDeleteShut it the hell down...
ReplyDeleteI was going to say the same thing, Oh wait I did already...
DeleteI am all for building the wall, but how much will it help when you have judges that will let thousands through the gate for any damn reason. Until we get rid of these liberal judges the problem will continue. Because of these liberal judges with shit for brains anyone who wants will be allowed in the country as well as their distance relatives.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think it is fine to shut down the government, but when they do, don't give them back pay.
ReplyDeleteThen two of the so called conservative supreme court judges refuse to hear the cases of tax money going to planned parents for abortions.
ReplyDeleteLets take one thing at a time, Wall first or a shut down, New laws on who comes in and a limit per year, and prison all liberal Judges, that should get us moving on a good path. Got to start now...
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost congress has to change the laws.
ReplyDeleteThe worthless republicans couldn't get it done.
And now that the democrats are set to take over the House it'll be business as usual.
Screw the bunch of em...
I might take them out, but I am not Screwing any of them, I got class don't ya know.
DeleteOn a liter note.
ReplyDeleteOn some air bases the Air Force is on one side of the field and civilian aircraft use the other side of the field, with the control tower in the middle.
One day the tower received a call from an aircraft asking, "What time is it?"
The tower responded, "Who is calling?"
The aircraft replied, "What difference does it make?"
The tower replied, "It makes a lot of difference.. . If it is a commercial flight, it is 3 o'clock . If it is an Air Force plane, it is 1500 hours. If it is a Navy aircraft, it is 6 bells. If it is an Army aircraft, the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 3. If it is a Marine Corps aircraft, it's Thursday afternoon and 120 minutes to "Happy Hour."
Ol Chuckie still doesn't get it.
ReplyDeleteTrying to shake off the beat down Trump gave him the other day, Chuck Schumer tried mocking the president over his threat to shut down the government over "A Petty Campaign Promise..."
Sorry Chuckie, but there's nothing "Petty" about trying to stop the flood of illegals pouring into our country.
The American people get it.
Better watch out, Safe... The communists running the state you're getting ready to move to are getting ready to enact a tax on all text messages.
ReplyDeleteThis new tax would be used to raise money to help pay for phones for the poor.
Good grief...
Good late morning room 235, I sleep in this morning good Grief! Now to read the news Ill be back..
ReplyDeleteDuring training exercises, the lieutenant who was driving down a muddy back road encountered another car stuck in the mud with a red-faced colonel at the wheel.
ReplyDelete"Your jeep stuck, sir?" asked the lieutenant as he pulled alongside.
"Nope," replied the colonel, coming over and handing him the keys. "Yours is."
Good Morning Y'all
ReplyDeleteGood morning Rikki...
ReplyDeletenothing new in the news - same-o same-o
ReplyDeletePresident Trump cancels White House Christmas party for the press
ReplyDeletePresident Trump has canceled the White House holiday party for the media, making the decades-old tradition a victim of his increasingly contentious relationship with major news organizations.
Hell they don't be leave in Christmas anyhow... No free food for them..
ReplyDeleteI can hear em now.
Is it my turn or Rikki's turn??
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time in a land far far away was this little place with the most awesome of coffees...... the place where wild mountain blueberries and coffees thrive melodiously. And that is where the best coffee was made (hee hee hee).
It must have been my turn...
ReplyDeleteSo a Little Military Humor.
Officer: "Soldier, do you have change for a dollar?"
Soldier: "Sure, buddy."
Officer: "That's no way to address an officer!
Now let's try it again shall we.!" Do you have change for a dollar?"
Soldier: "No, SIR!"
commercial from 2012 - still cute to watch (smiles)
But remember who ever Puts the Back Pain Med's on the bottom shelve should be fired. Just Saying...
ReplyDeleteor in my situation.... on the very, very top shelf.....
ReplyDeleteI'm vertically challenged / under tall ya know
Yup they should show a little respect.
ReplyDeleteJust maybe this blog should do like our Government does and shut down for a couple of weeks and see if the interest picks back up when it comes back. It is just a thought don't think you just got a wedgie..Good Grief...
ReplyDeleteI've thought about pulling the plug on this thing many times, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that I like to run my mouth too much...
Dam hang in there you do a good job, don't waste it. :):)
DeleteAint nothing wrong with that. I am sure we all [except ole Dimm Witt In DC] have thought the same thing for ourselves. You know don't get me started.
DeleteBesides our favorite internet butt doctor would miss us...
ReplyDeleteBut remember it doesn't make me a bad person....
DeleteGot the Chiefs playing tonight for those that got the guts to watch it. :) 🍻 😂
ReplyDeleteAnd in the meantime Friday's blog is up and running...