If you haven't paid any attention, the Weekly Standard was a magazine that once held themselves to be the "true" conservatives. I read them a few years ago. They had some great writers and they really were conservative thinkers.
But the election of Donald Trump unhinged them. They fought him in the primary, they fought him during the election and they jumped on the anti Trump bandwagon full tilt. They hated him, especially Bill Kristol, former conservative.
Now I understand why people were hesitant about Donald Trump. There are a lot of things about him to be nervous about. He's crude, he says whatever the hell he wants. He's a billionaire playboy. He flaunts his wealth and enjoys his life.
But he turned out to be a hell of a President, you have to admit. So he won over a lot of his critics. People I respect who were not fans became fans. Jonah Goldberg is one. NRO writer. Conservative. He's admitted as much. Lindsey Graham is a great example. He opposed him in the election, now he vigorously defends him.
So what about the Weekly Standard? Well, they held their ground. They joined the resistance. They slandered the President. Libeled him. Attacked him. Bill Kristol is still attacking him constantly. And the worst crime they committed is they by default supported Crooked hillary. Or flat out did support her.
So what, you might ask? Well, I'm sure that had a lot to do with their demise. When your readership base is predominately conservative and you support a liberal fascist, you will lose readers. They lost me.
Now I'm seeing people feeling sorry for them. Sad, they say. Claiming they are closing because they "spoke truth to power" which is bullshit left wing code talk for they turned into godless commies.
Fewer readers. That's what shut them down. Simple as that. I promise you if they had the numbers of readers to make money they would still be going strong.
My daughter some years back was in a little sitcom on ABC Family. Ruby and the Rockets. Funny little show, starred the Cassidy brothers, David and Patrick. Brother Shaun produced and directed it. Great little show. Ran one season. Didn't have the numbers.
We had friend say well, it was because Hollywood doesn't like family shows. Or some other reason. Nope. They just didn't have the eyeballs. Simple as that. Why? Who knows. Happens every year to dozens of shows. If they had picked up enough viewers they would have run for years. But they didn't. Had nothing to do with politics or anything else. It's all about the Benjamins.
So I'm saying the Weekly Standard or Ruby and the Rockets. Same thing. Give em what they want and hope for the best. But when you get cancelled it's about the money. So Bill Kristol needs to ask himself what role he played in the whole thing.
So tough shit for the Weekly Standard. That's all I have to say about that.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Good grief! Never read it ever. But I say piss on them And Trump keeps on making America Great. :)
ReplyDeleteTough shit indeed... Just another Trump hating rag who should have been smart enough to not go all out against the very people who supported them or at the very least smart enough to keep their Trump hating mouths shut.
ReplyDeleteSame thing is going on with Fox News lately...
In a recent appearance on Fox News Trump Hating Shepard Smith's show Judge Andrew Napolitano joined with his fellow left-wing Trump haters in calling President Trump an "Unindicted Co-Conspirator..."
ReplyDeleteScrew Fox News and screw that dried up old piece of shit TV judge...
I agree Kevin on Fow News the wife and noticed all their bull shit awhile back and we stopped watching from noon on, piss on them all.
ReplyDeleteOh and good morning room 235.
Seems everyone in the media, left or right, is a virtue signaling cuck. There's not a whole lot of truth tellers or honest people left.
ReplyDeleteI just hope they understand why America is going the way of the pendulum, hard right. Don't believe me? Just wait til people like ocasio-cortez embarrass themselves in January...
There's an ill wind blowing in this country right now. I fear for our future.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm moving to California, but it's up in the mountains where there is clean air, the population is 85% white, they vote Republican and go to church.
Hopefully I can ride it out up there in peace looking at the stars every night and doing a lot of trout fishing. I have my eye on another fly rod, an old bamboo rod. Think I'll pick that one up this week. Can't have too many fly rods, right?
Do you know when you're going? 16 months and counting for me. I'll be in a city, but it's more like something out of the US in the 60s. Except that they only speak English as a second language. Out a ways, there are some pretty good clear rivers. I caught a couple of pike the last time I went. Jelena's son thinks trout is the only thing worth fishing for, but I beg to differ. As far as voting goes, who knows how Latvian polly-ticks works. I don't really even want to find out. Jelena has some school friends who are Parliament deputies and in the Russian-speaking moderate party. I'll take their word for things. Gotta be easier than trying to really learn Latvian.
DeleteI am hoping you don't get disappointed my friend. I see your house in the paper, when you get the first exceptionable Bid than the fun starts, or night mare, you will think they are all the Fake Doctors with all the inspections up the ass...Lot easier to buy a house than to sell one, I have found out selling the last two. But I hoping you have good luck.
ReplyDeleteLol this gal is a dork..
ReplyDeleteTop Headlines for Tuesday, December 18th, 2018
Ocasio-Cortez takes time off for 'self-help,' laments loss of yoga sessions due to politics.
What a Dork...
I need to air a major complaint - not that I haven't been bitching about this caravan of illegals off and on for a while now.
ReplyDeleteThe 13, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution were penned during the Reconstruction Era after the end of the US Civil War - its' design was to give rights to the freed slaves. The 14th Amendment has been abused, twisted, and deliberately and intentionally misconstrued by illegal immigrants trying to get into our country who have no regard to enter our country through the legal channels.
Obama saying that we are a nation of immigrants.... well my ancestors never cheated their way into this country.
These illegal immigrants believe they are above the law and they believe that we owe them - HOCKEY PUCK!
Our ancestors before us entered America legally, and some even entered indentured servitude before they could bring their families over to America. Our ancestors worked hard to build a living - they didn't have it easy - they didn't demand "yo - you give a me money if you wanna me go back home or let me enter....you have 72 hours!"
I just read where a tunnel was recently discovered - i.e. it wasn't a completed tunnel but still - just another way for illegals to place themselves above the law!
"Border Patrol discovers tunnel being dug to connect U.S., Mexico"
By - Associated Press - Updated: 3:35 p.m. on Tuesday, December 18, 2018
NOGALES, Ariz. — Authorities say an incomplete tunnel has been found under the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona, and Nogales, Sonora.
The U.S Border Patrol said Tuesday the presence of structural shoring and digging tools in the tunnel when it was discovered Monday indicated that its excavation was still in progress.
The Border Patrol said its agents and Mexican law enforcement personnel found the tunnel during a routine sweep to detect tunnels to prevent the illicit movement of contraband or people across the border.
According to the Border Patrol, the tunnel was adjacent to the main crossing in downtown Nogales and it ended under a parking lot in Nogales, Arizona.
The tunnel was described as approximately 50 feet (15 meters) long and 2 feet (0.6 meters) square. It will be filled with cement."
Taking compassion on those in need is all well and good - but like a bank account that has too many withdrawals and not enough deposits will eventually suffer financial demise.....i.e. bankruptcy!
What our idiot Congress needs to buckle down and do is to give the funding needed for our southern border. To ensure that it is safe. And pardon my saying but it wouldn't hurt to put some roach traps out there along the border too....
If there isn't some serious progress done at the southern border - then the resources that we do have will be depleted and we will become like the countries these illegals are coming from.
more stories covering the incomplete tunnel!!!
I am very glad that this story is getting coverage!!!!! The links above are to various news papers and tv stations.... there's more but I'll stop with what I have above on weblinks.
Okay we need some help out here besides Rikki and I plus a straggler now and than. We need to pull together, or I am going to clean my attic, that means 3 months worth of work and no time for computer..
ReplyDeleteGood Morning everyone
ReplyDeleteToday is a new day and it will be a good one.
Good morning Rikki and room 235..
ReplyDeleteI'm up and getting things done around the house - got the dish washer loaded and running ....soon I'll get me some coffee - since Rick has been on this wacky schedule where he wakes up @ 3 to clock in at his job @ 5.... I'm used to waking up early even when he has the day off.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm up but I'm not getting anything done...
ReplyDeleteI am opening a Can of Bud ice.. So there. hehehe
ReplyDeleteWith V8...
DeleteWell Actually, I have accomplished a couple of things.
ReplyDeleteI fixed a pot of coffee.
And I've smoked a couple of cigarettes...
But after the day I had yesterday I'm not doing much more than that and no one can make me.
ReplyDeleteWell, unless that mouthy little blonde I married 40 years ago gets involved.
Lol; than I bet you will be working your ass off today. But so am I..
DeleteLol... I'm sure you nailed it.
ReplyDeleteIn fact it's already started.
The first thing she said when she got up was, "What are you planning to do today?"
Oh shit...
Well when you are married for 55 years, you don't have to be told, you just automatically know from the hints though out the week, I call it a mental honey due list. Good Grief, But I am starting to like her a little... :)
DeleteWell I got the slow Cooker going, full of vegetable beef soup. Dam V8 time...
ReplyDeleteyou two made Rick laugh and he said he can relate to what you two are saying.....
ReplyDeleteJanuary will be 34 years for us.
Rick says to relay to y'all .... "be thankful, the sun is still shining and you're still able to move."
grab a V8 for him (lol).
I've got larynjitis - i.e. my voice is squeakin this morning so he'll have a break for a little while.... hee hee hee
in reading through some headlines...
ReplyDeletethe libtards are picking apart the First Couple's hand holding Christmas photo....
My 2 cents worth and thensome to libtards.... It's a beautiful photo of our President and First Lady.... don't you libtards have anything better to do than to complain / pick apart the photograph? Of course you don't you always like making noise just to get some media time.... afterall you libtards and the media are joined at the damned hip.
I ve been saying it for years. Its all a dog and pony show. No one is going to get any thing done to them. They all know it too. Lie, cheat, steal, back stab, and lie their ass's off. Nothing changes.-
ReplyDeleteYup Skipper, free rides for political Crooks.
ReplyDeleteTrump is starting to disappoint me and that isn't a good thing, Just Saying...
ReplyDeleteLol... Hell Sarge, I'm disappointed in a lot of people nowadays.
ReplyDeleteBut what are ya gonna do?
Well just hoping he won't turn into someone that says something then do nothing, we had that crap with Obama. You cave one time to the Left and they got ya by the Balls...
DeleteWill anyone ever come up what came first , was it the chicken or the egg??
ReplyDeletegoes along with why did the chicken cross the road :)
ReplyDeleteWell I got all my work done today. I hope Kevin did also, but he does tend to be a slacker....
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...