Tuesday, February 26, 2019
George Orwell Tried to Warn Us...
I used to joke about how the public education system has become nothing more than a jumbled mess if indoctrination centers scattered around the country designed to push a left-wing socialist agenda.
It's no longer a joke.
It's a fact.
Don't believe me?
Take a couple of minutes to watch the following video and see for yourself.
These kids know nothing about the real world.
They've been programmed to believe in global warming.
They truly believe the world will come to an end in 12 years unless America implements AOC;s idiotic Green New Deal.
They're too young to realize the people they look up to the most are lying to them.
And they're too young to realize the same people who've been lying to them are the same people who've been lying to the rest of us since for the last 40 or 50 years.
They're too young, trusting, and naive to know every single end of the world predictions these people have made have failed to materialize.
They're too young to realize the cost (in terms of dollars as well as our freedom) of implementing such a bizarre program.
And they're too young to realize that in 1949 a man named George Orwell saw this coming and wrote specifically about the things they think they support.
I can easily imagine any one of those kids in the video reporting their parents or their neighbors to the Thought Police for ever doubting Big Brother.
But that's the world we currently find ourselves in.
Can we stop it?
I don't know...
Kevin McGinty
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Amen to that, I am hoping it isn't to late I am getting the feeling the Left socialist commies are going to destroy them selves with the help from GOD...
ReplyDeleteBut I am going to keep praying that's for sure. Even God can use all the help he can get.
I see a lot of these young kids who have also been influenced in their thoughts about the real world by parents. The parents were taught to believe in the socialist libtard world growing up. These young kids have been taught by the new liberal socialist commie schools and their parents. Find a kid that is all for these liberal, socialist ideas and you will find his parents are the same. It started years ago and it is still going on in homes and schools.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure no fan of Feinstein, but I think she handled it as well as she could. The teacher is the one I really fault in this one! I'm assuming that was the teacher talking after the 16 year old spoke. It is just so infuriating to me that they come in there and are allowed to demand and bully their way, to push the point that the teacher has pushed on them!
ReplyDeleteYup watching that sure makes our case on this messed up school system.
ReplyDeleteOh well slow day...
ReplyDeleteItalian Confession - funny
An elderly Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Rimini, Italy, went to the local church for confession.
When the priest slid open the panel in the confessional, the man said: "Father, during World War II, a beautiful Jewish woman from our neighborhood knocked urgently on my door and asked me to hide her from the Nazis. So I hid her in my attic."
The priest replied: "That was a wonderful thing you did, and you have no need to confess that."
"There is more to tell, Father. She started to repay me with sexual favors. This happened several times a week, and sometimes twice on Sundays."
The priest said, "That was a long time ago and by doing what you did, you placed the two of you in great danger, but two people under those circumstances can easily succumb to the weakness of the flesh.
However, if you are truly sorry for your actions, you are indeed forgiven."
"Thank you, Father. That's a great load off my mind. I do have one more question."
"And what is that?" asked the priest.
"Should I tell her the war is over?''
Lol... Oh Sarge, pretty much every day's a slow day around here...
ReplyDeleteTwo blogs now on climate issues. By way of review,
ReplyDeleteHowdy writes -
‘But I'm moved to comment when you again insult our intellect. I don't know that anyone here dismisses climate change - when we've talked about it our consensus seems to be that it is existing, but the causes are, to put it mildly, obscure.’
Then how do you explain this comment by the author of today’s blog ?
“They've been programmed to believe in global warming.”
I’m not going to split hairs, or search for similar comments but I will say they are rampant. Yes Howdy, more than a few regulars here have commented that we’ve been sold a bill of goods by … what, “new liberal socialist commie schools “ ?
Nobody can be an expert in everything, and reminding someone that they are not is hardly an insult. Say a bridge was built across the Kaw and it collapsed six months later, killing and injuring several people. You as an attorney represent one of the victims. No doubt you are going to want to see the design material, drafts, stress calculations, etc. Are you going to hire one of the posters here as an expert witness ? Are you going to try to hire me ? I’ll only speak for myself, but I know next to nothing about statics, so no court would admit my testimony. If someone here holds the credentials, fine …. Go for it.
Like you, I have flown to Europe more than a few times, and noticed that Greenland is all white, and Iceland is mostly green. So is Ireland. Is this your scientific evidence for …. Something ?
You’re playing a bit of a game here. The issue really isn’t climate change, or gender issues for that matter, it’s whether or not we base public policy (in this case) on empirical research. Science relies on empirical data, verifiable evidence, and logical reasoning. You know as well as I that these are the heart of the scientific process.
Bill Maher, someone I’ve always found to be a bit of an asshole missed a significant point. The reason Amazon did not want to put its second administrative hub in a place like “Toledo” as he suggested, is that the technical talent needed is simply not there. It is on the other hand, here. Those jobs have a salary floor of $150,000. And then they go up. Yes, it’s expensive here, but nearly everybody can live on that in the D.C. area. What is not being acknowledged is that most cutting edge technology emerges from very blue cities – Boston, the Bay Area, NY, LA, DC ( huge biotech hub ), Seattle. and Chicago, Other cities will be left to pick up the crumbs.
So now Cadet Bone Spurs is all upset about liberals using schools as “indoctrination centers”. Evidently his diet of ‘hamberders’ and sodas is getting to his brain. What he means to say is, “ I want schools to teach whatever is necessary to make industries that make me and my supporters and or cronies ( e.g. coal ) flourish, and let the consequences be damned”. This is why Russia will likely never break out of its current model, and will continue to have a GDP smaller than California. It’s run by oligarchs. We don’t need that here.
Well better call it a night room 235, who's turn is it to take out the trash..
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you what, Blue.
ReplyDeleteLet's have another conversation in 12 years and we'll see who the dumbass is.
If the world doesn't come to an end like your beloved AOC claims then it'll be just another fake global warming scare and you're the dumbass.
If it does end by then and we're unable to have that conversation, well then you win.
Wonder if he has his all his ducks in a row seeing as how he thinks that he wont be around in 12 years because of global warming.
ReplyDeleteLol... He only thinks what he's told to think...
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting to hear him defend the $93 trillion price tag of the world saving Green New Deal him and his comrades are all giddy about...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...Does anyone have a 12 year count down clock?
ReplyDeleteGlobal Warming: Los Angeles Has Coldest February in 60 YEARS...
ReplyDeleteAtmospheric River to Pummel Sierra With Up to 10 Feet of Snow, Topping Records...
March to start with Arctic outbreak...Good Grief
All that proves is that global warming is real and it's gonna kill us all.
ReplyDeleteDon't believe me, just ask Blue.
He's a true believer...
The Cohen crap is out. I'm glad Cohen is to jail as aconvicted liar and felon. All his claims are hitting MSM, and yet it is old news. President Trump needs to drop the MOAB's and expose the filth better known as Pelosi, Clinton, Obama and the others who are trying to take this country down. No matter what sleazy Cohen has to say, I still stand by and support President Trump. Cohen be damned.
ReplyDeleteWe're right there with you, Rose...
ReplyDeleteWednesday's edition of Room 235 is up, running, and ready to go...