Thursday, February 7, 2019

Their House of Cards is Falling Apart...

Remember way back when the left-wing lunatics repeatedly told us the Tea Party emerging within the republican party was the beginning of the end.?

They told us the party was a thing of the past and that we'd never be able to win a national election again?

Remember that?

I do.

Then along came a Tea Partier on steroids named Donald Trump and kicked the shit out of every one of them.

His message as simple.

America and the American people first, foremost, and always.

Because of Donald Trump the republican party will never win a national election ever again, they promised.

They vowed to come up with a plan that the American people couldn't help but love.

Democrats, communists, socialists, and their lap dogs in the media quickly went to work putting together a dream team they promised would deliver on that promise.

Well, they did come up with a plan, I'll give em that.

Part of the plan was to turn states that have been turning purple over the last few election cycles dark blue and then go from there.

Virginia being one of them.

Let's see, first it was exposed the democrat governor was a raging racist.

Then we learned his Lt. governor forced a woman to perform oral sex on him during the Democrat National Convention in 2004.

And now we learn the democrat Attorney General is also a raging racist.

To say the Virginia state government (Democrat Dream Team) is in chaos would be an understatement.

If we go by the very standards the democrat party themselves set all three of the top elected officials should resign and the top job would go to the Speaker of the Virginia House of Representatives.

A Republican.

Another part of the master plan included to practice of killing helpless little babies after they've been born.

Somehow I really don't see killing a new born baby being a winning issue.

They've convinced themselves that siding with illegal aliens against the American people would assure them victory.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

And of course the march toward full blown socialism will win the hearts and minds of the American people every time.

The Captain of their Dream Team, newly elected leader of the party Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled her plan today.

Now AOC isn't just some fly by night, clueless bimio. She's the future of the Democratic Party.

DNC Chair Tom Perez said so himself in July of last year.

Her plan is to completely and totally.

Well, I'm just going to copy and paste the entire article so you can see it for yourself.

ep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) released her “Green New Deal” on Thursday through National Public Radio (NPR).

As predicted, it is pure socialism.
The legislation, co-authored by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), is a non-binding resolution that reads, to borrow a phrase from the late Jeanne Kirkpatrick, like a letter to Santa Claus — or, in this case, a wish list to Gaia or Mother Nature.
The “Green New Deal” begins by asserting “human activity is the dominant cause of observed climate change over the past century” — far beyond the “consensus” that humans have some significant impact on global temperature.
It goes on to declare that “a changing climate is causing sea levels to rise and an increase in wildfires, severe storms, droughts, and other extreme weather events that threaten human life” — all speculative claims that even scientists who endorse anthropogenic global warming (AGW) are hesitant to endorse.
It predicts the U.S. will lose $500 billion in annual output by 2100 due to climate change — which, even if true, would be a tiny percentage.
Next, Ocasio-Cortez and Markey claim that the U.S. is experiencing “a 4-decade trend of economic stagnation, deindustrialization, and antilabor policies” — a statement that defies the actual data on economic growth and the revival of manufacturing in recent years, including rising wages for blue-collar workers.
The legislation then laments “erosion of the … bargaining power of workers in the United States” — as if picket lines had something to do with the environment. It also claims that climate change has “exacerbated systemic racial … ” injustices,” among other inequalities.
The latter two concerns have nothing to do with climate change — except in that left-wing environmental policies have tended to increase, rather than decrease, income inequality. Restrictive building codes, for example, have contributed to a housing shortage that has seen the middle class leave coastal cities and suburbs.
The bill also asserts that climate change is a “direct threat” to national security, citing the very indirect threats climate change allegedly poses to “stability” in other countries, and as a “threat multiplier” to the U.S.
It goes on to claim that the New Deal “created the greatest middle class the United States has ever seen,” but that it also excluded “many members of frontline and vulnerable communities.”
To address the failures of the New Deal — the cherished achievement of the Democratic Party for generations — Ocasio-Cortez and Markey propose a “green” version whose goal is to “create millions of good, high-wage jobs” but also to “counteract systemic injustices.”
It is unclear what, if anything, that has to do with the environment.
Indeed, the first goals of the proposed “Green New Deal” include securing “community resiliency” and “repairing historic oppression” of almost every class of victims the authors can imagine.
(Note: the legislation fails to mention — even once — the historic oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities. This is a homophobic and transphobic document.)
The core of the Green New Deal is a proposal, within 10 years, to eliminate “pollution and greenhouse gas emissions” and to meet “100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.”
Not even California, the most ambitious environmental state, proposes to achieve that until 2045 — and even California has no idea how to run the world’s 5th-largest economy on wind and sunshine alone.
Furthermore, the authors say they will proceed “through transparent and inclusive consultation, collaboration, and partnership with frontline and vulnerable communities, labor unions, worker cooperatives [are we literally in the Soviet Union now?], civil society groups, academia, and businesses.”
Ocasio-Cortez, 29, has clearly never participated in a public planning process. Markey is a political veteran at 72; what’s his excuse?
The Green New Deal will also “guarantee” a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people [note: not “citizens” or even “legal residents”] of the United States.” It will also provide “high-quality health care”; “affordable, safe, and adequate housing”; and health and affordable food.” And it bans unfair “domination and competition” from monopolies — except the state, of course.
Funding for all of this is to come through “community grants, public banks [whatever those are], and other public financing.”
There is no mention of the 70% marginal income tax that Ocasio-Cortez has recently proposed to fund what even NPR admits would be the “trillions upon trillions of dollars” it would cost to implement the Green New Deal.
And all decisions are also to be made only after “obtaining the the free, prior, and informed consent of indigenous people for all decisions that affect indigenous people and their traditional territories” — presumably, even outside their present lands.
The Green New Deal, in short, is a document worthy of a 19th-century communist manifesto — or a 21st-century undergraduate student council resolution. It presents claims unsupported by scientific evidence; makes demands for every benefit imaginable; and has no idea how to build or pay for any of it.
It reads like a Republican parody of the Democratic platform.
The best part: they are serious.

You dumbasses just keep doing exactly what you're doing.
And I hate to be the one to have to tell you this.
But the house of cards you've built on a foundation of lies and corruption is about to come crashing down...
Kevin McGinty


  1. Their House of cards is a deck of 52 Jokers, yup let them run their mouths, and let the bullshit they throw do them in with very little work on our part...

  2. And it's only February.

    I can hardly till this time next month...

  3. The more the merrier. Birds of a feather flock together. I just want to see some of the upper libtards going down, down, DOWN and never ever coming back.

  4. Replies
    1. 74 years old today, 26 more I will be 100 Good Grief!

    2. Happy Birthday Sarge! Hope you have a fantastic day!

  5. This new democrat pipe dream just keeps getting better.

    Dipshit's (AOC) Green New Deal is sure to be a winner with the American people.

    With just a few simple adjustments she alone will end the life threatening global warming beast that's about to kill us all.

    Let's see...

    Rebuild or upgrade every single building in the U.S.

    Completely do away with all traditional forms of energy (oil,gas,coal,and nuclear) in the next ten years.

    Build bridges across oceans completely do away with air travel.

    She promises ten of millions new jobs.

    In fact she's promising a new, high paying job for every single America which of course will be unionized.

    It also provides free housing, free healthcare, eliminating private insurance, free education, pretty much free everything.

    It also promises a high standard of living to those who are either unable or unwilling to work.

    How exactly does she expect to pay for her delusions?

    Ah, don't worry about that.

    Hell, sign me up...

    1. When they were passing out Brains she must have thought They said trains and said no thanks. But I see the plan the left and right are doing, allowing her to be so stupid that she will never get elect to a higher office.

    2. Maybe so but several of the democrat president wannabe's have already signed on to her plan.

      Kalama Harris and Elizabeth Warren were to first one's to jump on the "INSANITY TRAIN..."

    3. Well looks like that will be the Loser Train for Sure.

  6. I hate to be the one that has to tell you dems this...

    But as far as global warming goes the majority of the American people rank it right up there with dog shit.

    But go ahead and run with it...

  7. Do they seriously think a bunch of automobiles going somewhere is going to produce less greenhouse gas than an airliner? No spit? Even San Fran Nan doesn't want AOC near anything to do with the environment. She's used to lefty-crazy, but these "young guns" are coming up with buzz words even she can figure out are toxic.

    Happy Birthday Jim, you old codger!! Do something fun this weekend if you can!

  8. This green deal has nothing to do with global warming or whatever the hell they call that big con job these days. This is about remaking America into the long dreamed about communist nation. The godless left sees an opening and they are launching the full offensive. The scary part is polls show lots of young skulls full of mush think it's a great idea. This is the result of 50 years of public schools run by godless communists indoctrinating our young people. They won that battle, folks. I doubt this green pile of stinking horseshit will ever be more than a crazy idea, we still have enough checks and balance but it's getting a little closer. It' only a matter of time. 50 years ago a openly declared communist would have been run out of DC, not elected to congress. And not allowed to nearly run for President. So, it's happening and we damn well better stop it here.

    1. Did you ever think you'd see the day where Pelosi is considered too conservative by about half her party?

  9. Here's a suggestion for the godless commies.

    "Green New Deal" isn't very catchy. How about "Great Leap Forward" instead.

    There, I fixed it for you. No charge and you're welcome.

  10. ♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫♪
    ♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫♪
    ♫♪ Happy Birthday dear Sarge ♫♪
    ♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫♪
    ♫♪ and many more ♫♪

  11. Good Grief Rikki, Thank you. 😂

  12. I tend to think that the main reason Millennials care about any of this crap is that they will support anybody who tells them that they want to eliminate their student loans! That's a pretty good sounding deal for someone who is Thousands of $$ in debt! Probably most of them haven't been taught enough, if anything, about Socialism, Communism, or Capitalism. Just look at AOC. She supposedly has a degree in economics and international relations, which you would think would tell the student the truth about the different economic systems and a history of how they have worked out for different countries. Yet, the classes she attended may well have been taught by Socialist or Communists.
    The "Green Scam" is just another feel good plot to scam even more money out of the taxpayers and to be used to make the Liberals feel better about themselves for doing something "worthwhile" without any personal sacrifice in the process!

  13. So watching Whitaker hearing and wondering just what side is he on? Some of his stuff seems to look like he might be in the swamp

    1. I see it differ Skipper, The Dem's are making asses of themselves, they are after Trump, and not interested in what he was asked up there for.

  14. Yhea I agree just seems that some of his answers left a little to understand. Not putting him down but I still wonder about all these people sometimes.

  15. I hope the people see this stupid hearing for what it is. A dog & pony show for Libs. What the h does it matter This guy is done in a week. Geez The libs are making real ass's out of themselves

    1. Hell Skipper he hasn't been able to answer, they ask a ? than don't allow a answer. It is a Zoo!!!

  16. No shit. But what got me to wondering was when Jordan was asking him about Rosenstein sending out a memo to investigate people. Jordan wanted to know who he was investigating and why and he wouldn't tell him who ,what, when, or where. Just seemed strange he wouldn't name the names and that Rosenstein was investigating against laws.

    1. Q and A, Not answered he is not up there for all these Q's

  17. Just think We will be having hearings like this for years to come. Better get the ADVIL ready. Maybe but some stock in it.

  18. Ya well let them dem's keep making asses of themselves, the hole gets deeper.

  19. Yhep I cant wait for the rabbit to come out of the hole.

  20. Lol... And the shit storm just keeps getting better.

    A second woman has come forward to accuse Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of raping her in college.

    And Corey Booker is comparing AOC's Green Plan to fighting Nazis, the Moon Landing, and The Marshal Plan.

    These people have gone full blown insane.

    And I'm loving every single minute of it...

  21. Metoo Kevin I love it., not part of the me too movement!!! Hear Me.

  22. Let them go, they are doing all our work for us, every time they speak it comes out as if they are blowing Bubbles, I don't know who Bubbles is but I bet he is smiling.

  23. How long before Peelosi gets rid of AOC? She just gave Trump and the others running a victory. The libs will now have to defend her stupid idea's. How far do they think those stupid new green deal will sit with the people? She's like the gift that keeps on giving for the Republicans. Maybe they need to keep her closer and let her mouth be their best friend.

  24. Well this blog today was handle well with 4 guys and a Gal, Well done yes Sir well done.And we didn't even need a Truck..

  25. Error alert, 6 men and a Gal... Good night.!

  26. Some of the old school democrats hate her. They'll make sure she doesn't get on any meaningful committees but they'll never be able to shut her big stupid mouth.

    The media loves her and she'll just keep doing our job for us...

  27. Good morning room 235, Lets Roll...

  28. It is a nice 13 degrees out.. Now to check out the news...

  29. Let's roll?

    Goof grief I've been rolling since 3:00 this morning...

    1. Must be your lucky day, and here I am stuck in this nice warm house...:)

  30. There's a lot of New Mexico folks who do not support the newly elected governor's executive order to remove military reserves from the border - they have started a petition to be submitted to the New Mexico Legislature to remove Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham from office. I am hoping that they succeed in their quest in removing her.

    This governor called the border crisis a fear mongering charade. She needs to seriously wake up and smell the coffee on this issue.

  31. But she won't. She's nothing more than a loyal member of the radical left and will do exactly what she's told to do by her overlords...

    1. Inasmuch as I would like to see her removed and made an example of..... deep down I feel she's there for the duration.

  32. Thought for the day Hmmm

    Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability ,no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is Empathy, for it requires us to suspend our ego's and live in another world.

  33. News Flash

    Democratic socialists are literally just communist who are too lazy to throw a revolution

  34. Lezz Warren trying to make a splash, sounds like the same old Dimwits.

    1. She damn sure working on the race card, Plus her speech is about everything Trump is doing now. Good Grief...

  35. The other libs will get her on that race deal. I can see the Pow Wow coming to her door soon. Just love it when they back stab each other. Shes already a dead ingun.

  36. Whats happening is there a power outage?

  37. No, we're all just waiting for the democrats next crazy move..

  38. Replies
    1. Damn Skipper do you know when I am going to comment? We post at the same time often.

  39. Hmmm Must be a old people thing. Or else we are just smarter than then rest of our peeps.

  40. LOL Now the libs think that was a Trump look alike that gave the SOTU . ROBOT

    1. If they think Trump was a ROBOT at the SOTU, the Lib's would have been up there sucking on nuts a bolts and asking where the screws are,.

  41. Hot damn, it's 33 degrees out.

    Thank God for global warming, Woo Hoo!!!

  42. Good Grief better get my Air conditioner Serviced. Be for the heat wave hits Wednesday at 52 degrees.

  43. Sign me up for a little of that 52 degrees action...

    1. Not sure you can handle all that Global warming all at once.

  44. Hey I am not up to all this abuse, give me a break!

  45. Good grief... Sarge is turning into a Snowflake...

  46. As more leaks come out about the crap the dems are pulling with their so called negotiations the more likely we'll end the week with another government sshutdown.

    All that's going to accomplish is to highlight their treasonous souls and clear the way for Trump to declare a national emergency...

    1. Ya I see the commies threw in another demand on this bed bullshit. Where did that come from.?

  47. What, WHAT, Snowflake, Hell that is the only way to get you out of your Rocker!!! Good Grief...

  48. Lol... Not in rocker yet but I'm looking forward to the day...

    1. Don't rush it my friend, lots of other things come with that Rocker, but the first year or two are nice. :):)

  49. Well this old snowflake has to say good night, so, good lord willing I can say good morning room 235.

  50. Good morning room 235, Looks like I slept in this morning, for Pete's Sake's.

  51. Good grief Sarge. I didn't think you were ever going to show up...

  52. I know but it doesn't make me a bad person! I guess even the old people needs their sleep now and then. Or maybe it was a Miracle from God. But I see the world is still here despite the commie socialist. And that's a good thing, But the weather still sucks..

  53. It doesn't make you a bad person at all.

  54. Hello Everyone,

    I was proud to announce that I will co-sponsor S.130, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This bill, similar to legislation I signed in Florida, would ensure that should a baby survive an abortion attempt, that the healthcare provider will do all they can to care for that baby as their patient.

    In short, they will be required to treat it as the human being that it is, with all the protections and legal rights that our country guarantees.

    This is a bill that should not have to exist; every human life should be treated with the respect and dignity it deserves. Unfortunately, though, it seems we must pass this legislation, and soon. Right now, there are lawmakers both in Washington and beyond who are so intent on pushing a pro-abortion bill that they are willing to kill a newborn baby that has already been brought into this world.

    I will never forget holding my children and my grandchildren for the first time, knowing that I would do anything to protect them. Every baby, no matter his or her situation, deserves someone to fight for them too.

    We as a nation can remember that every life is sacred; no human being is disposable. And together, let’s remind those on the far Left that these are defenseless newborn babies, not "medical issues."

    Senator Rick Scott

    Just so I am on the record I stand with Rick Scott, and for those that do not please say so! And Lets talk,,,


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