Sunday, February 3, 2019
Race Baiters, Gun Grabbers, and Socialists, Oh My...
The issues I'm bring up today aren't anything new.
First and foremost we all know the left has decided the time is right for an all out assault on the traditional American way of life.
And why wouldn't they think so?
They've controlled and shaped the impressionable, mush filled minds of America's kids through the public education system for the last 50 or 60 years.
They now either have complete control of or at the very least the unconditional support of the mainstream media including network and cable news programs, most major newspapers and and magazines, social media outfits such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Giant tech search engines such as Google are either censoring or openly shadow banning the news they deem unworthy to the left's cause.
For the most part they completely seized complete control of the democrat party.
And maybe the most troubling (at least in my opinion) is how they've infiltrated the highest levels of religion. I'm not trying to offend anyone here but I'd just point to the current Pope of the Catholic Church as proof of what I'm talking about.
So far nothing I've said should be considered the least bit controversial of exaggerated.
Unless you've been living under a rock or just woke up from a 30 year coma you know every bit of it is the truth.
So where's that leave us?
Well, if we disengage, it leaves us screwed.
Like it or not, with elections every two years, politics in America has become one continuous, never-ending campaign cycle and this year is no exception.
There was a time when we either voted democrat or republican and for the most part it didn't really matter all that much.
For the most part neither party was out to (as Obama so proudly proclaimed) "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA."
Those days a long gone and we all know it.
The 2020 presidential campaign cycle is already shaping up.
The good news is that the democrats of today are so convinced the American people are finally primed and ready to go full blown socialist they're not even trying to hide who and what they are anymore.
I say good new because when the American people go to the polls they'll have a clear and distinct choice to make.
The bad news is that maybe they're right.
I guess we'll see.
Three quick examples of what they democrats have to offer and then I gotta get out of here.
Corey Booker Race Baiter:
Based on a single claim (with nothing to back it up) by a black homosexual actor, Jussie Smollett that he was attacked in Chicago at 2:00 in the morning by two white Trump supporters shouting "Make America Great Again" as they went about beating him then placing a noose around his neck.
This completely unverified, made up story prompted Wannabe Race Baiter in Chief Corey Booker to demand the now democrat controlled House pass an Anti-Lynching law.
Now I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure lynching anyone regardless of who you are or what color your skin is is already against the law.
But that's not the point.
Booker's point and goal is to inflame racial tensions. Period. End of story.
Gun Grabbers Unite:
California Rep. Eric Stillwell is leading the charge to gut and destroy the 2nd Amendment.
According to his thinking America's "Right to Safety" trumps our "Right to Bear Arms."
Sorry Dipshit, but America's "Right to Bear Arms" is an actual right enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The "Right to Be Safe" is nothing more than made up talking points you and your fellow gun grabbers are pushing.
Socialists Abound:
Because every single democrat to announce they're seeking the democrat nomination it's almost impossible to pin just one example.
Every one of them are running on a platform of "Free Stuff."
Free housing, free utilities, free food, free this free that.
Free medicare for all.
Promising student loans will be forgiven.
Promises of government jobs for everyone.
The cost of their promises?
Somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 to $60 trillion.
When asked how they expect to pay for their impossible to deliver promises the answer is always the same.
Tax the rich.
Yeah, that'll work for about 30 days.
Then what?
Anyway, I've babbled on long enough.
You guys enjoy your day.
Kevin McGinty
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The left has learned well from the Russians to turn all your faults on your opponents.quick deflect deflect blame your own failings on someone else. Dems really appear to be failing. To much hatred and name calling. Is that all they have is oppose hate and label.? Hate, racist, hate, racist, hate,'s just getting so old and predictable. Can the libs just come up with a new catch phrase? Amazing to me that when Democrats get caught they just double down on pointing the finger at others Fascinating that a man can endorse killing a newborn baby and be embraced and protected, then the next day be completely destroyed by a 30+ year old picture from HS. The tolerant left=a clown show. More liberal logic I don't understand. Killing female babies in the name of 'women's rights'? Any lefty want to help me out here?
ReplyDeleteSorry I am late, but sleep and rest was calling big time. you nailed again Kevin good blog.. Later
ReplyDelete"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
I myself would rather deal with reality. I will never accept a comfortable lie over painful truth.
You'll never have my guns.
I promise I'm not the only one with that outlook.
There's a couple of us I think.
But, I would gladly give up Commiefornia.
DeleteIn a heartbeat, or snap of the fingers....
And the 55 electoral votes that would go with it...
ReplyDeleteHey now...
ReplyDeleteSorry Safe. Sorry. I keep forgetting.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, the politics out there make it hard for me to stomach. Such beautiful country, ruled by misguided and backwards people.
Remember, not that long ago they had a Governor named Ronald Reagan.
ReplyDeleteAnd not that long after that America had a President named Ronald Reagan. 30 years makes a hell of a difference in the decay of a nation, doesn’t it?
ReplyDeleteI still believe it can be saved. I just cringe at the thought of what has to happen for it to take place.
ReplyDeleteIt's as if California has an insatiable desire to become a third world country.
Makes no sense.
The karma in Virginia just keeps piling on.
ReplyDeleteThe Lt. Governor who is poised to take the governorship if Northann designs is now facing sexual assault accusations from 2004.
The dems said themselves.
You gotta believe the women.
You think that is funny, I was hoping to have enough energy to watch at least half of the Super Bowl tonight and just found out I lost a day of my life, Good Grief I don't think I have any to waste.
ReplyDeleteSarge, you get to feeling better - ok? Though I wasn't really into the game last night, it was cool to see Joe Namath walk the trophy to the stage.
ReplyDeletePersonally, being that Bill Clinton didn't resign over the Lewinsky affair.... this guy shouldn't resign either. Did the Governor do anything illegal or embarrassing to the office after being sworn to that office? Unless I missed something, he's just starting out in his tenure. But typical hypocritical Democrats - but nothing new on them devouring their own.
ReplyDeleteOh, btw.... I'm loving the fresh air -
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard that yet about the Lt. Gov. for Northann now facing sexual assault charges from 2004! LOL! Northhann deserves everything he gets, IMO, after those political ads he had run against Gilespie in the governor's race! Talk about Racists!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what the Dims are going to do once all of the "alleged" sexual assault candidates and real Racists are culled from their Party. They constantly crap in their own nest and then try to turn it around by accusing the Repubs exactly what they themselves actually did! They have gotten by with this method so long, with the media not calling them out, and the Republicans not going on the offense when they have the chance. I do not have a whole lot of love left for the "old guard" Republicans. There are some that are great, but most are as sleazy as the Dims when it comes down to the rubber meeting the Road! No balls, no guts, and completely "on the take"!
I only hope the Justice picks that Trump is making, and has made, will continue to hold off the Liberal take-over of the government until a new crop of Conservatives cycles through the government! It will only happen if those who are not sold on the Socialist agenda being promoted by the Dims, finally start fighting with everything they have to take them out
And the brain dead masses are so indoctrinated they can't even see it...
ReplyDeleteAmen Gary...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Justices.
ReplyDeleteWhere's Ruth?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLet me try that again...
ReplyDeleteNot trying to argue with anyone here. I feel that I need to clarify my post re: the Virginia Governor.
All this turmoil surrounding Northam to resign by Democrats wasn't there when Bill Clinton was forced to admit that he lied to Congress and all of America. Bill Clinton should have been forced to resign since he didn't have the brains given to a piss ant to resign on his own.
I believe what Bill Clinton did (as a sitting president) was far worse than what this Northam did back in high school (long before he was ever Governor).
Seems like that the Democrats are ok with a sex predator but they're not ok with a racist.
Racism is argument. A lot of us growing up remember segregation, I do and that was in Los Angeles & suburbs.
ReplyDeleteI'm just trying to make a point that if the Democrats are going to sit on the judgment throne then they must first condemn themselves before they condemn Northam.
Sometimes it takes me a while to get across what is my mind. Thanks for bearing with me on this y'all.
Lol... However it turns out is fine with me.
ReplyDeleteI'm just enjoying the shit show.
On one hand they have a white racist and on the other they have a black sexual predator.
It's a no win situation for them.
Their very existence revolves around accusing every republican a racist and there's no way they can have one of their own distracting from that agenda.
And after the disgusting way they tried to destroy Kavanaugh there's no way the Lt Governor can take his place after being accused of sexually assaulting a woman in 2004.
You remember the whole ALL WOMEN MUST BE BELIEVED and WE STAND WITH SURVIVOR'S bullshit.
It's a perfect storm and I'm loving every minute of it...
Well good morning room 235, I have gone back to read all the comments, and I see you all covering all the base's, now to go back and see how much damage the Lib's have done to the country, assholes just can't help themselves, anyhow this here flu is braking up and moving on thank God it was the worst I have ever had it seems like. Come on spring!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge... Glad to hear you're on the mend...
ReplyDeleteI take it you have to work in the mines today, cold weather is back I see, ya on the mend, felt like I was reborn this morning. Zach is feeling better also, work crew is still out also, they got a couple things to do yet and also get paid so they will be back..
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I haven't lost my touch of shutting the blog down...
ReplyDeleteYou wonder how these little tidbits got out to the press. You know the old yearbook photos didn't really originate from Breitbart, if they had they'd have shown up when they could have done some good, a year and a half ago. Do you suppose the Lieutenant Governor could have had something to do with Breitbart getting ahold of those? And since one turn deserves another, it immediately comes up that the Lt. Gov. has been a little randy in the past. I wonder who unleashed that information? So convenient for the Gov. that this happens now, don't you think? Things that make you go - "um?"
ReplyDeleteI believe it's one of the rules for radicals from the friend of Hillary and the Kenyan Marxist, Saul Alinski. He taught them to turn your enemies own rules against them, use them as a weapon.
ReplyDeleteWonder if our side, the patriotic Americans finally figured out how to do that. So suddenly when the godless dem/coms get caught with their pants down, or their Klan hood on as the case may be we are forcing the godless left to live up to the rules they used on our people. They aren't all in, they're still hedging and hem hawing around but they are being forced to address the issues. So that's progress.
Last week Tucker had Dan Bongino on and he said that he had received that info last year but he never put it out. Seems it has been around for some time.
ReplyDeleteWell Fairfax certainly seems to think the dear Gov had something to do with the leak. He's slimy enough. I want to keep Northam around till the end of his term. Hanging and helpless, just the way I likes my lefty Dems.
ReplyDeleteTo answer your Q Safe: sadly, no. Conservatives are temperamentally not wired to do things the Alinski way. Trump is changing a lot of things, but that is going to take a lot of time. Because you know if we had really had those photos, they'd have been used because Northam was getting really dirty with the race card. THAT would have defused it pronto. No, this is something some Dems knew about. Somebody possibly wanted Fairfax in the office. Of course, Northam's foul behavior isn't limited to Republican opposition and presto, a sexual allegation on the Lt. Gov. Republicans are like normal boxers, just hitting above the waist, go to a corner when someone's down. Dems in their single-minded viciousness could give lessons in dirty fighting to MMA fighters.
ReplyDelete"Conservatives are temperamentally not wired to do things the Alinsky way". LMAO, okay... so what, they do it the Brian Kemp way ? You know, the current repub strategy - aka 'voter fraud' ? It appears to be the only way repubs can win elections, even in Georgia. For those who don't know, Kemp was the secretary of state in Georgia. You'd think with its deep roots of republican era racism this would have been a cakewalk. But funny thing- as states become more educated they tend to vote more for democrats. The same thing is happening in N.C. Research Triangle in the Raleigh Durham area has been such bad news for repubs. But back to Kemp - Among other violations of his election operations responsibilities as Georgia secretary of state, Kemp ensured that some 1800 voting machines remained in storage and were not deployed in areas known to vote heavily democratic. It's surprising that Abrams brought the race to essentially 50/50 against such stacked odds.
ReplyDeleteFace it - the repub brand is fading fast and moving on down the road like a fart in a Kansas dust storm. Almost 60% polled want Trump gone. Finally, the old turtle man in the Senate is sticking his head out his shell- case in point, the recent resolution passed by the Senate which voted overwhelmingly to advance legislation drafted by turtle man expressing strong opposition to Cadet Bone Spurs withdrawal of US military forces from Syria and Afghanistan. Note it was also a symbolic gesture of support to our intelligence communities who made it clear that the Cadet was full of it. But then the intelligence community is part of the deep state bullcrap isn't it ?
Northam's "foul behavior" ? Oh please.... 34 years ago ? Is there any evidence of racism since them ? Give it a rest. The foul behavior is oozing from the White House. The top of that pile of dung is the so called "executive time". Six hours a day give or take ? Really ? The man is doing nothing. He no longer hears intelligence briefs. Likely because they're way over his "huuuuge brain.. a brain like no other". Well that's for sure. We're becoming a joke in the world.
Anyway, as for Northam's "foul behavior" does that include his time as an army medical officer ? He sure as hell could have made far more money going right into the private sector. I agree, his career pales next to that of our dear leader ( dude in the White House ) who spent the war years dodging venereal disease. Some of us have some interesting values. Well, I'd have thought most posters here would be dead, or on life support. Nice metaphor for the state of the repub party. Speaking of dead, hope Dotard doesn't have a coronary standing in front of the person who has been kicking his ass non-stop. OH, that would be Nancy Pelosi.
Well, hell just froze over. Our resident antagonist remembered his password to his fake email accounts after all and is back to show her clip and paste camel dung. We all knew that the old girl couldn't stay away from here for too long. She's addicted to this blog.
ReplyDeleteWe all here are so glad that it's not a cross dresser like you in the white house Ianita.
ReplyDeleteAnd what would be wrong with being an old girl ? I'm not, but what the hey. Can't win for trying. The focus, for those of you who still can, should be on the points I made. I may not post that much.... but I assure you, my colleagues and I take a look at this site at least once a week or so. It's a lot of fun, and good way to spend what minimal "executive time" we have. Damn, if only I could be president and watch crap like Fox "News" all day. Uh Oh, one of my colleagues just looked at this - we have a bet on what foul response I'm gonna get hit with. Don't disappoint me now. I've got money on this.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief! Not only are you a cross dresser, an old girl, full of camel dung but you're a compulsive gambler too?!
DeleteWe all know that you have deep rooted problems Ianita but DAYAM GIRL you're beyond help.
Lmao... I love the ol' Blue's trying to put lipstick on that racist pig like it's no big deal.
ReplyDeleteNow correct me if I'm wrong here but wasn't it Blue's beloved dems that set the 30 and 40 year old High School standard?
Sorry Blue but even your dear leaders know how big a deal this shit storm is otherwise they wouldn't be shitting all over themselves over it.
Oh by the way, and again wasn't it you who just a couple of years ago that the republican party was all washed up and that Trump would never ever be president?
Asking for a friend...
Yes Ianita and the blinded minions are 100% responsible for that Kevin. Maybe Ianita should have a stock load of quilted northern on hand too.
DeleteActually the focus for you Ianita is that you are a fake and therefore you do not have any viable substance to your posts. It's all camel dung.
ReplyDeleteYou will see Donald Trump enter his 2nd term come the next National Election and you best have a stock load of tissues on hand to wipe those crocodile tears you are going to cry.
Keep a close ear to the speech tonight, you will be enlighted.
And Blue I'm not sure but I really don't think being known as the party of Open Borders and Infanticide is gonna be a winner with the American people.
ReplyDeleteJust saying...
PD, I never watch or listen to those things.
ReplyDeleteBoz, you got a bet on the reactions you'll get? You know, Kevin IS right, the damned Dems set those standards. You weren't exactly too forgiving about Kavanaugh's alleged "transgressions," were you? Like I said Boz, I want your Governor to stay on. After all, he won't exactly be sticking his neck out for awhile now.
But Boz, while I got you on the line, what do you think of my ideas on how these little news nuggets got out there? You KNOW the GOP didn't have access to this earlier, now don't you? How DID those things leak?
By the way, Boz, ol' buddy ol' pal, what DID you think you'd get for a reaction?
Probably better than the reaction to the blackface and the pointy-headed hood.
ReplyDeleteIan is an easy target - just having some fun throwing a different curve at him.
The Democratic Party devours it's own - just ask Bernie! They also are the political party that supported slavery, encampment of Asian Americans in WWII, women's suffering, denial of voting and other rights of women, African Americans, Native American Indians, weakening our military, the Kenyan going on an "apology tour" in his first term in office.....
ReplyDeleteThe DUMMYCRATS made it easy for American companies to move overseas leaving thousands upon thousands of unemployed AMERICAN TAX PAYERS in it's wake, companies searching to pay cheap wages by outsourcing jobs overseas, that's the DUMMYCRAT plan for America.
And it is the DUMMYCRATS who support late term abortions! That is infanticide!
To me, the Democrats are today's NAZI's and they are today's SEGREGATIONISTS.
By the by, Boz, when I said "foul behavior" I wasn't referring to the yearbook photos. Hell, we've all done dumb things that seemed funny at the time. I was referring to things like a pickup truck with a rebel flag on it aiming to run over kids of obvious minorities and then you see a bumper sticker on the back of Northam's GOP opponent.
ReplyDeleteBut then, you probably find nothing "foul" about that, do you? Probably think it's some kind of a damned documentary.
But now might be an instructive time to point out that we do have differing opinions here. For instance, the rest are anti-abortion. Big time. Me, I'm for public funding (especially public funding). After all, if you pay a little now (for the procedure) you pay a lot less later as the baby blossoms into a taker (result more than 50/50). And lest you think I'm big on "choice," my real ideal opinion isn't Roe v. Wade, it's Buck v. Bell.
Yeah I know Boz, gotta go. Those jackboots won't polish themselves, right?
Lol.... Good Grief
DeleteYa know, looking back at the crimes against humanity that the DUMMYCRAT party is responsible for – a name long forgotten from conversation but not forgotten in history is that pure evil deed done by John Wilkes Booth. You could say that if that if John Wilkes Booth were to commit his crime in this current day / age he would be labeled a domestic terrorist.
ReplyDeleteAfter he assassinated President Lincoln, he fled like a coward and hid. Why did Booth do this? He didn’t like what President Lincoln stood for! President Lincoln was doing something so unpopular and so hated by the Democratic Party that this loon decided to kill the President Lincoln.
Are things any different today? Maybe – maybe not. If President Lincoln had the Secret Service around him, Booth’s plan may have been foiled. The Secret Service wasn’t started until after the assassination.
The Democratic Party of today isn’t much different from the Democratic Party from the time of the Civil War and forward.
Looking at Presidents Lincoln and Trump – both men have endured Democrat lies, slander, and hate. Why? Because President Lincoln fought for what was right during the Civil War. President Trump is fighting for what is right in this current stage of American History.
Who do you think will go down in History as the true defender of the American People? It will be President Trump, not Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or the other DUMMYCRATS!
To prove my point that the DUMMYCRAT party is no different from the DUMMYCRAT party of past.....
ReplyDeleteJust to name a few but there are plenty others I can post here.
Missouri Democrat state Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadel...."I hope Trump is assassinated."
Democrat supporter Kathy Griffin....pulled the stunt that showed the likeness of a beheaded President Trump.
Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters..."If you see anybody from the Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."
Democrat Hillary Clinton..."Civility can start again when Democrats take the House and or the Senate."
Democrat supporter James Hodgkinson shot and nearly killed Republican Rep. Steve Scalise.
Does this look like a political party who is fighting for the rights of the American people?
The answer to that is a great big humongous NO!
This is the trend of how the Democrats act when their evil plans are thwarted.
What's it going to take for the Democrat supporters to wake up and smell the coffee? The Democratic party is not fighting for the American people! The Democratic party is trying very desperately to destroy America.
I don't see them waking up. Look at the people running for the POTUS. All way left wings. With the party going more and more to socialism and communism. They have decided this who they want their party to be. The only way they will go back is when they are put down .One way or another, but as long as they keep promoting these leftys they will just get worse for the real Democrates.
ReplyDeleteSorry Rikki but what passes as today's democrat party is already wide awake.
ReplyDeleteIt's been taken completely over by the most extreme left-wing radicals America has to offer.
It's very existence and one and only goal is to destroy this country in it's current form and replace it with something entirely different.
Lol Skippy, looks like we're on the same page...
ReplyDeleteYhea The old saying is this is not our forefathers party or the party of JFK. Those leftist have taken it away. Its hard to find a real democrate any where now. Even ole D W In DC is a leftist They are just using the excuse they are demo's when in fact they are riding in on their backs knowing that they are socialist and communist. Thes people could care a rats A about being democrats. Just using that to push their agenda. And the true demo's are scared to death to say anything. Knowing full well that they got played for fools. They wanted votes so bad they sold their party's soul to the devil.
ReplyDeleteBlue, can you just stop with the whole poll thingy?
ReplyDeleteHere's Rasmussen.
Even gives you a neat little graph showing ratings along your former emporer bummer. Go ahead and grab the graph with your mouse thingy or touch pad, and move it around. You'll see some surprising shit, my man.
Eat your heart out.
So the democrat/communists are inviting a bunch of illegal aliens to the State of the Union tonight.
ReplyDeleteICE should show up, arrest them and arrest the dem/coms who brought them for harboring criminals.
Maybe a little over the top, but I bet most of us would enjoy it. And it would be a State of the Union nobody would forget.
As for comrade bedpan and his polls, weren't these the same polls that put President Trump's chance at winning the Presidency at near zero? Anybody can buy a poll these days to say whatever they want. And they are pretty much always wrong. The only poll that matters is the one where the voters of the United States elected Donald John Trump President of the United States.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of it is democrat/communist bullshit.
Would cuffing and perp walking Nancy P Losi out of the SOTU be too much? I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteBut if the polls tell us anything they tell us that about half of America still supports our President. Which is about where it was for the Marxist from Kenya. So fuck with us at your peril dem/coms. You keep listening to these idiots like comrade bedpan and his ilk and you'll soon enough regret it. Ever heard the phrase "silent majority"?
And Captain, we may not agree on everything, but you're still a friend and a faithful member of America's Blog so that covers a lot of sins. LOL
MAGA!!! Looking forward to our great POTUS's SOTU address! Blow the hate filled dems away.
ReplyDelete10 minutes and counting...
ReplyDeleteShow time...
ReplyDeletePay attention Blue. Your president's getting ready to speak...
Some of the Secret Service guys look kind of old. Some dem/coms have called for his assasination. Need to watch those commie bastards.
ReplyDeletePee lossi is so high I don't think she knows what's going on or where she is at. Watching the dems looking over to get their cue from the others on when to stand .LOL
ReplyDeleteTrump has em eating out of the palms of his hands...
ReplyDeleteI love it Seeing those lib women having to check to see if they are to stand is LOL.
ReplyDeleteLol... Loved how he hammered the disgraced Virginia governor...
ReplyDeleteThought Pelosi might have a seizure...
Who is giving the Libtard view on here tonite?
ReplyDeleteAnd as expected President Trump knocked it out of the park...
ReplyDeleteTotally 150% applaud my President! Spectacular and very truthful speech and he backed up everything with what he said with facts.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thoroughly applauded President Trump and how he knocked socialism!
ReplyDeleteKevin, earlier post.... you have a valid point, maybe it's my wishful thinking that the Dems will wake up and see the dead end road that they're on.....
ReplyDeleteRikki, we're going to see for ourselves just how radical the democrat party has become in the months ahead.
ReplyDeleteAnd the best part of it will be watching the ever loyal and useful idiots defend it...
Oh hi, Blue.
ReplyDeleteWe were just talking about you...
Did you see when Pelosi gave her secret hand signal??? LOL. I wanted to walk right up there and snatch those papers out of her claws and smack her up against the head.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what the women in white were suppost to be doing, but one thing for sure, they ALL looked dumb.
Yeah, I loved ol' Nancy's super secret hand signals.
ReplyDeleteWhat I liked even better was her facial expressions...
S/b supposed, not suppost.
ReplyDeleteLol... You worry way too much about the silliest things, Rose...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.