Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Bring on the Shit Show...
Well boys and girls, today's the day.
Today's the day when the communist loving dems go for broke.
Every single thing they've tried so far has ended in dismal failure.
But they got him this time.
Fer real.
Rachel Madcow told me so.
Grab some popcorn and something to drink as the communist loving democrat party sets out to make fools of themselves all over again by parading one Trump hater after another out to tell the American people how mean Donald Trump is.
They'll tell us stories about things they heard from someone who heard them from someone else.
There'll be sighs and maybe if we're lucky we'll see a few tears shed.
We'll hear lies about how no one wants to do this and they're only protecting the Constitution and America itself.
In reality though what we'll all witness is a political party that has been consumed by hatred and insanity show us how how desperate for power they've become.
Good luck, Blue.
You're gonna need it...
Kevin McGinty
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ReplyDeleteTexas Rose November 13, 2019 at 4:31 AM
One would think there must be enough evidence by now for a dozen charges of treason against Ciaramella. And to think there is a go fund me account set up for him is truly rich. Why would the fool need a go fund me account when he is backed by Soros? Do the dems have no common sense or pride? This is going to be fun to watch. They will fail and PTrump will continue to drain the murky swamp.
Remember when spying on the Democrats was the big thing they hung Nixon on? Notice how Obama did something nearly identical to Trump and no one has said squat?
ReplyDeleteThis is all partisan stuff and has no chance in the Senate. Of course, the Dem leadership knows this. Nonetheless, the lame stream press has whipped up the base to resemble a pack of rabid hyenas. So now they need to something that is stupid and has no chance of succeeding. They need to virtue-signal like hell. No one wants to be the next Eric Cantor or Joe Crowley. But the pressure keeps pushing Democrats further to the left. Even more than socialism, the Dems believe in "orange man bad."
I'm not even watching the "events." Would you watch a game you know the final score of in advance?
Good morning Captain. Ill be busy most of the day so I'll miss most of it too.
ReplyDeleteLike you did, why bother...
We need to recognize and realize that the government, with all of its propaganda and police power, is at war with the American people. The fact that most Americans are totally oblivious to all-out war against their way of life, their savings and their retirement assets doesn't change a thing.
ReplyDeleteGovernments always silently make war on their own citizens behind a propaganda front so as to alert as few people as possible. The less resistance the better.
One of the fastest ways to clear the mental fog is to realize that the two-party political system is only one. Anyone clinging to the illusion will be deceived to their grave. America has become a fascist state, and the whole Congress supports the agenda of the state. Any dissent is frivolous and transparent.
We could turn the clock back toward human liberty by doing one simple thing: limiting the terms of representatives and senators to just one, with no pensions. Also, they should be put on Social Security and receive the same medical benefits as the American people! There should be no privilege associated with elected office. Of course, this will not happen; the entire government is infested with psychopaths who will not relinquish any of their accumulated power. MAGA!!
I guess that Shiff for Brains is now saying that any criticism of the whistleblower could prompt an Ethics Committee investigation. Also that the Biden scandal is not to be discussed. What a dip shit!
ReplyDeleteI am betting someone will have the Balls to Name the commie whistle-blower, whats another investigation for the commie Liberals...
DeleteRep. Dan Bishop Names Alleged Impeachment ‘Whistleblower’: ‘He’s Not VoldemoRep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) became the first member of Congress to publicly name the alleged “whistleblower,” whose second-hand complaint sparked the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, on Twitter Monday evening.rt’
I put mine on mute until some one with brains speaks
Deletewhat it reminds me of is much like a lynch mob getting ready to put a noose around the innocent.
ReplyDeleteexcept for 2 House Democrat defectors.... the rest of the House Democrats voted for impeachment .... no House Republicans voted for this...
Just wished I could hit the 'fast forward' button on the Adam Shithead show to see the Democrats suffer yet another dismal failure at trying to upend the 2016 election.
Yup, so far it is all opinions, nothing burger so far.
ReplyDeleteYhep Just boring stuff. No direct info just so and so said this and that. BS
ReplyDeleteLooks like ole shifty shit is getting worried. Hes not letting his own people do questions.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the libs are getting away from Taylor. Afraid he is going to sell them out and spill the beans that they don't want us to hear.
ReplyDeleteGot home about 30 minutes ago and started watching this shit.
ReplyDeleteMy original thoughts have been confirmed.
They got nothing...
Hope I didn't miss much had doctors appointments just got back in.
ReplyDeletePart 1 of 2:
ReplyDeleteRemember my Uncle in Minnesota who is a Vietnam Veteran and an American Patriot?
He sends me emails.... y'all will love this one.
DIVORCE AGREEMENT Between Republicans & Democrats
The person who wrote this is a college (law) student. Perhaps there
is hope for us after all.
Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists,
Marxists and Obama supporters, et al:
We have stuck together since the late 1950s for the sake of the
kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize
that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for
the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has clearly
run its course.
Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree
on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can
smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.
Here is our separation agreement: --Our two groups can equitably
divide up the country by landmass each taking a similar portion. That will
be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly
agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective
representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have
such distinct and disparate tastes.
--We don't like re-distributive taxes so you can keep them.
--You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU
--Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops,
the NRA, and the military.
--We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and the coal mines, and
you can go with wind, solar and bio-diesel
--You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore, and Rosie O'Donnell. You are,
however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move
all three of them.
--We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical
companies, Wal-Mart, and Wall Street.
--You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps,
hippies, druggies, and illegal aliens.
--We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEOs, and rednecks
We’ll keep Hannity, Carlson, and Bibles, and give you NBC, CNN,
ABC, CBS, and Hollywood
Part 2 of 2:
ReplyDelete--You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the
right to invade and hammer places that threaten us.
--You can have the peaceniks and war protesters.
--When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help
provide them security.
-We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values.
--You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political
correctness and Shirley McClain. You can also have the UN. but we will no
longer pay the bill.
--We'll keep the SUV's, pickup trucks, and oversized luxury cars.
You can take every Volt, Tesla, and Leaf you can find.
--You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing
--We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The National
--I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine," "I'd Like to
Teach the World to Sing," "Kumbaya “or” We Are the World."
--We'll practice trickle-down economics and you can continue to
give trickle up poverty your best shot.
--Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name
and our flag.
Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-
minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit
delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you might think about
which one of us will need whose help in 15 years.
John J Wall, Law Student and American!
P. S. Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin & Charlie
Sheen, George Clooney, Barbara Streisand, and (Hanoi) Jane Fonda with you.
P.S.S. And you won't have to press 1 for English when you call our
country. Forward This Every Time You Get It! Let's Keep This Going, Maybe
Some of It Will Start Sinking In!
Sounds fair What do you think bout it ole Dimm Witt In Dc aka Blue Butt Dr.
ReplyDeleteHopefully he's ready to jump off a very tall building...
ReplyDeleteBreaking News, wife just made me a ice cream cone, Good Grief I am Blessed..
ReplyDeleteBoy Jim Jordan was on top of his game today,Put it to the the Dem's big time...
ReplyDeleteYes he did!!!
ReplyDeleteLol... I think today they're gonna bring in the Bimbo Trump fired.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure she's gonna whine and cry about how this firing was unprecedented and possibly illegal even though the president can fire any of them for any reason.
Pretty sure they'll be tears...
Yes and I will cry LMAO!! And good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteBe sure to stock up on tissues if you tune into the Shit Show today...
ReplyDeleteI will be tuned in, just to watch Jim Jordan kick ass and take names...
ReplyDeleteWish I was home to watch it! Should have set the DVD, but no, didn't think about it! From what I saw last night, the Dems had better start coming up with the next phase of the Russia, Russia, Russia! Get Trump at any cost, shit show! I loved how Jordan was telling that guy about all of this second hand stuff, etc. and he said, "And you are their Star witness"! I don't think that Pelosi did Shiff for brains any favors by taking Nadler out and putting him in, but maybe that was her plan, because he is definitely expendable and I think his shelf life is running out! Will look forward to what they talk about tonight on Fox!
ReplyDeleteYup between Him and Chris Wallace they both should be put out pasture and off Fox. Both turned to assholes, Blue should check them out...
ReplyDeleteI used to really like the judge and even stood up for him when they laid him off. Then he got a attitude when Trump didn't nominate him for the SCOTUS. Then he got told off on Hanity by that ex prosecutor [???] and ole Smith stood up for him and got all pee d off about it. Ever since all that he is just another water boy trying to get at Trump for anything.
ReplyDeleteThose libtards are trying so hard to find some shit that will stick to the wall its almost like watching them hang themselves. LOL I think this is going to really kill Pee Losi She has hung herself out to dry with Shit Sniff. Th Dems can blame every thing on her when they lose their rears. And the funny part is this looney toon old cow knows it and still went down this road.
I'm the same way Skippy! Napolitano used to be pretty reasonable, I thought! Now, the guy has gone totally anti-Trump. I think you are right Skippy. I thought Trump might nominate him for SCOTUS. Thank God, he must have known something we didn't! I still think Nancy will retire after the election so she doesn't have to take the heat for the outcome that, I think she knows, is coming. She needs to retire and spend her money cleaning up San Fran! That ain't gonna happen though!
ReplyDeleteI didn't think about her leaving on her own. Might be her plan She is going to get the blame for this circus seeing as how she is the one to put Shit Shiff up to this. Could be her plan. She kiss's the left's ass and gets them off her butt. And the rest don't matter to her. She has already stated that if they fail at this they will loose big time in 2020
ReplyDeleteLOL Way to go libtards keep it up.
ReplyDeletePresident Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign announced it raised $3.1 million in small-dollar donations during the first 24 hours of House Democrats launching public impeachment hearings on Wednesday.
And in other news
ReplyDeleteAn objective look at the latest polling proves the Impeachment Hoax is backfiring against Quid Pro Joe Biden. Impeachment Backfire – Trump’s Numbers Rise as Biden’s Crater
Obviously, it was not supposed to be this way. Democrats and their establishment media allies were certain they had crafted a silver bullet that would accomplish two things at once: 1) doom President Trump’s re-election chances, and 2) shield Old Joe from the fact he and his son are guilty of looting China and Ukraine.
5 pound sack of impeachment gets hit by 200 ton locomotive, film at 11:00.
ReplyDeleteAnd we have people like Blue to thank for it...🤠🤠🤠
ReplyDeleteYhep Maybe we should send hum a thank you gift? Lets see I could get ahold of a Bull Hauler and have them dump off some good ole fresh Ks bull poop seeing as how he likes poop so much. Be right up his alley [ aka A Hole]
ReplyDeleteRemember Trump has a Rally tonight in Bossier City La..7 O clock
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWell I guess Kevin is out there making a Honest Living again, Good Grief!!
ReplyDeleteLol... Been at it since 3:00 this morning...
ReplyDeleteWell time to get ready for the BIGGGG SHOWWW The libs are going all out to make this women the pony in the show. just wait and watch her put non the show of the century. Cry me a show.
ReplyDeleteYou throw the word "honest" around pretty freely, don't you Sarge?? LOL! TGIF everybody who even still knows what day of the week it is anyway! Everyday is Saturday for Sarge and some of the others out there! Have a great day and weekend!
ReplyDeleteGary, I think Sunday more than Saturday and I Honestly believe that, Heheheh
ReplyDeleteAdam Schiff cracking under 'point of order' pressure
By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Friday, November 15, 2019
Poor Adam Schiff.
The House Intelligence Committee chairman, in kicking off Day Two of impeachment hearings, was trying to maintain a show of law and order and professionalism and such and such — but Reps. Jim Jordan and Elise Stefanik kept interrupting him with calls for points of order.
It was like Day One all over again.
Skeptics chuckle as climate activist Greta Thunberg sets sail for Europe on 'plastic yacht'
Evangelist Franklin Graham calls impeachment hearing 'a day of shame for America'
Kevin McCarthy accuses Adam Schiff of lying about the whistleblower
This was Stefanik, Day One: “Mr. Chairman, before we hear from the witnesses, I have a parliamentary inquiry … Mr. Chairman, when can we anticipate a response to our November 9 letter requesting certain individual witnesses to be called.”
Schiff ducked and dodged, and answered that three of the witnesses requested by Republicans were scheduled to give testimony next week. But Stefanik wasn’t having any of it.
“Those were your witnesses, Mr. Chairman,” she said. “What about the additional six witnesses?”
“Umm,” began Schiff.
Let the records reflect: Schiff replied “umm.”
Day Two opened with more of the rocking, rolling, hilarious same.
Schiff, after introducing Marie Yovanovitch, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, and after reading what was supposed to be her impressive credentials — for the rapt undecideds among the watching, voting audience, you see — and after being torn a new one by Rep. Devin Nunes, who ticked off a list of ways, of many, many ways the Democrats have tipped their partisan, political, hateful hats in this impeachment process — well Schiff started to show signs of stress.
First came Stefanik with her “point of order” and call for clarification on the witness list.
Then came Jordan with his “point of order” — make that repeated “points of order.”
Schiff kept shutting him down. Schiff kept striking his gavel. And Jordan kept calling for “point of order.”
Never mind the search for high crimes and misdemeanors.
This is high political theater and drama at its best.
And into Schiff’s voice crept a little bit of tension; into his eyes, slipped a wider ring of white. Crack, crack, the facade of impeachment continues to crumble.
ReplyDeleteNunes accuses Democrats of 'Watergate fantasies,' impeachment case built on 'rumors'
By Gabriella Muñoz and S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Friday, November 15, 2019
At a public impeachment hearing Friday, Rep. Devin Nunes accused Democrats of pursuing their “Watergate fantasies.”
Mr. Nunes, the ranking Republican on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that is holding the hearings, noted that five Democrats on the committee voted for impeaching President Trump before the Ukraine issue came to light.
“Democrats have been vowing to impeach President Trump since the day he was elected,” said the California Republican. “So Americans can rightly suspect that his phone call with President Zelensky was used as an excuse for the Democrats to fulfill their Watergate fantasies.”
He described the evidence presented so far in the Democrats’ impeachment probe as “second-hand, third-hand and fourth-hand [accounts] from other people, in other words, rumors.”
“The problem with trying to overthrow a president based on this kind of evidence is obvious,” said Mr. Nunes.
He delivered the remarks in his opening statement at the second public impeachment hearing against Mr. Trump. The witness facing the panel was former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovtich, who Mr. Trump recalled in May and who claims she was removed to clear the way for the president’s push for Ukraine to investigate his political rivals.
He vowed that Republicans would not relent in their challenge to the impeachment process until they got answers to three questions.
They want to know the full extent of Democrats’ prior coordination with the whistleblower, who met with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff’s staff before making the complaint against the president.
They want to know the full extent of Ukraine’s involvement in meddling in the U.S. 2016 election, which is known to include a Democratic National Committee operative contacting the Ukraine embassy in Washington to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump.
They also want to know the full details of Hunter Biden’s work at Ukraine natural gas company Burisma Holdings. Hunter Biden got the high-paying job on Burisma’s board of directors while his father, then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden, was the point man for Obama White House policy in Ukraine.
The impeachment case against Mr. Trump hinges on accusations, first lodged by the whistleblower, that he pressured Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in a July 25 phone call to investigate the Bidens. Mr. Trump also pushed for Mr. Zelensky, who was newly elected on an anti-corruption platform, to open an investigation of Ukrainian interference in the U.S. 2016 presidential election.
Democrats argue that Mr. Trump made $391 million in U.S. military aid to Ukraine conditional upon Mr. Zelensky’s announcement of the investigations, which they describe as the quid pro quo of the president’s self-serving deal.
Although the military aid was put on hold for a short time, it was delivered and there is no evidence that the Ukrainians began any investigations into the Bidens at Mr. Trump’s behest or otherwise. Mr. Zelensky has said he did not feel he was being pressured or coerced on the phone call, a transcript of which the White House has released.
ReplyDeleteKevin McCarthy accuses Adam Schiff of lying about the whistleblower
'I don't think its the first time he's lied either'
By Gabriella Muñoz - The Washington Times - Thursday, November 14, 2019
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy explicitly accused House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff of lying about his knowledge of the whistleblower.
The California Republican slammed the Democrats’ point man for the impeachment process for not publicly acknowledging his staff met with the whistleblower during Wednesday’s first public impeachment hearing.
“I don’t think it’s the first time he’s lied either,” Mr. McCarthy told reporters on Thursday, citing Mr. Schiff’s claims around Russian collusion.
The California Democrat repeatedly came under fire from Republicans — particularly the newest GOP member of the intelligence committee Rep. Jim Jordan — for the early interactions his staff had with the whistleblower.
Mr. Schiff rebuked the accusations multiple times throughout the hearing on Wednesday, and said he did not know who the still-unnamed individual’s identity.
He said Republicans were distorting the truth.
“It was false the first time they said it,” Mr. Schiff said. “It was false the second time through the 40th time they said it. It will be false the last time they say it.”
Mr. Schiff had initially denied any interaction, then later admitted that was not true, as he acknowledged staff contact. He said his staff suggested the whistleblower follow protocol and report concerns to the intelligence community’s inspector general, which under normal circumstances could then trigger a notification to Congress.
GOP lawmakers have said that as the person who launched the impeachment probe, the whistleblower should be called to testify in the public hearings that have now begun.
However, Democrats have rejected Republican requests to have the whistleblower testify twice, and repeatedly shut down questions from the minority party they felt got too close to outing the whistleblower.
“We will not permit the outing of the whistleblower, and questions along those lines, counsel will inform their clients not to respond to. If necessary, I will intervene,” Mr. Schiff warned as Republicans repeatedly demanded answers on Wednesday.
ReplyDeletePart 1 of 2:
Focus groups show undecided voters think impeachment is going to 'backfire' on Dems
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Thursday, November 14, 2019
They don’t like President Trump’s personality, they don’t like his bullying tweets or his name-calling.
But undecided voters in battleground states and key suburbs are saying in focus groups organized by Trump backers that House Democrats’ effort to impeach the president is an unfair, confusing waste of time.
“They’re wasting a lot of time and energy on it,” said a woman in Phoenix. “I just feel like it’s hurting everybody.”
The hope among Team Trump is that an impeachment backlash could help the president with suburban voters who have been fleeing from Mr. Trump since 2016. The House impeachment inquiry, which opened with public hearings Wednesday, will resume Friday with testimony from Marie Yovanovitch, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.
A Democratic campaign memo released Thursday showed Mr. Trump with an underwater rating of 40% favorable/56% unfavorable among suburban voters in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and even worse ratings among suburban women in those states.
Pollsters for the pro-Trump nonprofit group America First Policies have conducted 18 small focus groups with independent voters since Oct. 22 in key states that will likely decide the presidential election next year: Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Georgia.
Among the views to emerge are that Joseph R. Biden is too old for the presidency, the Democratic candidates are bent on socialism, and impeachment is a loser issue for Democrats.
When a pollster asked one focus group in Charlotte, North Carolina, for a show of hands of those who believe Mr. Trump deserves to be impeached, only one person among the 12 undecided voters raised his hand, according to a video viewed Thursday by The Washington Times.
“I don’t think the majority of the country cares,” one man said of impeachment. “I want to see a program [from Congress]. At least you’re not constantly thinking about impeaching someone that you can vote out next year.”
In an Arizona focus group, one woman said of impeachment, “Liberals really don’t want him in office, and they’re not going to stop. It’s going to backfire. It’s a waste of time. It’s an obvious distraction from what’s going on, and his accomplishments.”
Asked whether there was anything wrong with Mr. Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine, a conversation at the center of the impeachment inquiry, a focus group participant named Ken in North Carolina said there was nothing troubling about the call.
“Given Trump’s personality and his arrogance, you can always see him saying something stupid,” Ken said of the call.
But a woman in the same group questioned whether the president is hiding something. “Why isn’t he allowing people to testify?” she asked.
A person familiar with America First Policies’ research said the voters’ views expressed in select video clips shown to a few reporters were representative of all 18 focus groups.
The first public impeachment hearing Wednesday didn’t register any better with a focus group that night in Pittsburgh. Undecided voters found the inquiry “confusing,” the source said.
“People still don’t really know what it’s about,” the person said.
The top Democratic candidates didn’t fare well in the focus groups. The most frequent descriptions of Mr. Biden were “too old” and “forgetful.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts was described most often as a “liar” or “socialist,” and Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont was characterized by the undecideds as “socialist” and “crazy.”
One voter said of the 76-year-old Mr. Biden, “I think he’s just too old. The world and everything is changing so fast. We can’t keep up. I can’t imagine him trying to keep up.” Mr. Trump is 73.
Part 2 of 3:
ReplyDeleteA woman in a focus group said of Ms. Warren, “I’m hearing people who love Trump saying, ‘I wonder if I should vote for Elizabeth Warren.’ She’s very vocal, she’s very opinionated, she has a way of dragging people in.”
Another woman said of former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, who has quit the race, “I watched 10 minutes of a Democratic debate — when I hear somebody talk about taking away guns, I’m like, ‘You just f–ing killed yourself.’”
Others in the groups gave high marks to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, primarily for standing up to Hillary Clinton’s accusation of being a Russian asset.
They expressed concerns about Democratic candidates’ socialist views on “Medicare for All,” limiting energy production and giving free college tuition. They were also opposed to what Mr. Trump calls Democrats’ “open borders” policy and sanctuary cities, views held especially by women.
A man in the North Carolina focus group said the Democratic field lacks anyone who can defeat Mr. Trump.
“They don’t have anybody as strong, powerful and experienced” as Mr. Trump,” he said. “I’d love to have somebody run against Trump.”
Democrats are increasingly encouraged by anti-Trump trends among suburban voters. Polling released Thursday by the Democratic super PAC Priorities USA showed Mr. Trump with a favorability rating of 34% and a 61% unfavorable rating among suburban women in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
part 3 of 3:
ReplyDelete“Issues that motivate his base are backlashing with suburban voters,” Priorities USA said in a campaign memo. “Our survey makes it clear that while Trump’s record and rhetoric on immigration, border security, race relations and corruption are top issues for Trump’s base to support him, they are also reasons for a majority of suburban voters to vote for somebody else. The more he focuses on these issues in an effort to motivate his supporters, the more he will turn off the suburban voters who have already been moving away from Republicans in recent years and make up a significant portion of the electorate in these key battleground states.”
Erin Perrine, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, said the impeachment effort is building up the president’s base of support.
“Every time the Democrats go and take this unfounded, unnecessary step to try and impeach a duly elected president of the United States, they fuel our base, they fuel our supporters. So go ahead, Democrats. You’re making it easier for us to win again in 2020,” she said on Fox Business Network.
Campaign manager Brad Parscale said the campaign had one of its best fundraising days ever in the 24 hours after the first public impeachment hearing, collecting $3.1 million in small-dollar donations.
Trump campaign senior advisers Kimberly Guilfoyle and Katrina Pierson will host a Women for Trump “Empower Hour” ahead of the Democratic debate Tuesday “to highlight the accomplishments of President Trump’s administration and his commitment to empowering women and families,” the campaign said.
The person close to the pro-Trump focus group research said of the president’s slippage among suburban voters, “We see that. It’s true.”
Noting that America First Policies also conducted focus groups in Georgia, the same source said the traditionally red state is a concern because of changes among female voters in the Atlanta suburbs.
“We don’t want [Georgia] to be our Michigan,” the source said, referring to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss of the traditionally blue state, which she took for granted. “We’ve got to lock it up.”
This person said of suburban women voters, “We are targeting them. These women will come on his side when you mention the Second Amendment. There are a lot out there that feel very passionately and very strong about their Second Amendment being infringed on. And then it’s also [about] socialism.”
The source said undecided voters in the focus groups panned Mr. Trump’s tweeting and expressed views that he should be “more presidential” and not “such a bully.” But some of those same voters said they liked Mr. Trump’s habit of fighting back against his critics.
The focus groups also suggest there is again a phenomenon of the “hidden” Trump voter — people who support him but don’t talk about it because they believe it will be unpopular among friends, neighbors or relatives.
“People I know who are Democrats are a little louder with their views,” said a woman in Phoenix. “I don’t have a Trump sticker on my car. I’m not stupid. I don’t want to get my car scratched. People are so crazy.”
Said another woman, “The fanaticism … is so high right now, it’s scary. You have to be very careful to disclose your political views to anybody. It’s scary.”
The Trump reelection campaign is making a major effort nationwide to register voters for 2020, believing that many potential Trump voters who support the president haven’t registered.
oh.... btw.... if Bernie lasts through the primaries and doesn't get the royal political shaft again from the DNC, Hillary, et al.... kinda wonder who he'll pick as his VP running mate? My guess... yep the bumbling idiot new green deal herself.... AOC!
The PR photos of recent show a what appears to be an ambitious AOC.... she's buddying up to old Bernie.
Yhep that pretty much is going to be the dream team for libs. But I still think that the DNC and the Clinton camp will cut all of the others throats and leave ole Bernie and who ever Clinton wants to run. Those libs aren't real smart. They decide who is going to run not the people. LOL Just look at how many Trump had to beat. And he did it with out any help from the high and mighty RNC people. To completely different organizations. That should tell them all who has it.
ReplyDeleteWho would have thought?
ReplyDeleteThe debates have moved the Dems so far to the left, new mushrooms are sprouting up in the middle. Patrick is going to do what Booker should have done: run as the moderate Black guy. He has a real opening, too. Bloomy was Guiliani's guy in New York and still has a lot of those positions. He should be someone to watch, too.
ReplyDeleteIt all depends on how far the Democratic electorate has gone to the left. If there aren't many voters out there who still believe in Capitalism, well ... Goodbye Pat & Bloomie. Now Pat may be planning on a lefty losing this time and then picking up the pieces in 2024. It will be the Dems turn then and who knows. It worked for Carter.
You will note that no Dems, anywhere, are touting Schiff and this impeachment crowd. I wonder why.
AOC, aka Muffin-Mind, is a liability for the Dems. Of the Squad, she and Pressley aren't as smart as the two Muslims. Nonetheless, of the 4 she is by far the most photogenic.
By even senile old Bernie isn't gullible enough to pick her for a veep. He's going to have to pick someone more moderate.
you could be right there Captain, but I'll just bet that AOC is getting chummy with Bernie in "hopes" of being picked.....
ReplyDeleteObama officials wary of Hunter Biden's big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits
By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Friday, November 15, 2019
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.
She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.
“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.
“Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.
President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.
“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”
House Democrats featured Ms. Yovanovitch at the second public hearing on impeachment of Mr. Trump. She claimed that she was fired from the ambassador job in May to clear the way for the president to pressure Ukraine to investigate the elder Mr. Biden, a top 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful, and his son Hunter because of the Burisma deal.
Hunter Biden received a $50,000-per-month job on the board of Burisma in 2014 while his father was the point man for Obama White House policy in Ukraine, a country notorious for graft, especially in the energy industry.
Mr. Biden and his son have said they did nothing wrong.
Did y'all catch that one?
ReplyDelete"She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016."
If Adam Shithead wants to talk about witness intimidation, he needs to look at the Obama Administration, et. al.
The zoo is taking a 5 min break, that is a quick Beer if I say so. Nothing Burger so far.
ReplyDeleteWell, one of the demoNcrat challengers running against Mitch McConnell has dropped out of the race following an ethics complaint....
bad news for House Rep. Tlaib..... now she needs to be removed from office and have someone finish her term!
House Ethics Board: ‘Substantial Reason to Believe’ Tlaib Used Campaign as Personal Piggybank
Report shows Tlaib receiving potentially illegal payments after her campaign was over
Graham Piro - NOVEMBER 15, 2019 9:50 AM
The board of the Office of Congressional Ethics announced Thursday that it found allegations that Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) used campaign funds to enrich herself were credible enough to warrant a deeper investigation.
The ethics panel's report said there is "substantial reason to believe that Rep. Tlaib converted campaign funds from Rashida Tlaib for Congress to personal use."
Tlaib received two potentially illegal payments from the campaign after the last general election, according to the report. A salary payment of $2,000 occurred on Nov. 16, 2018, and another payment of $15,500 occurred on Dec. 1.
FEC records, first covered by the Washington Free Beacon, showed that Tlaib paid herself a total of $28,000 in payments from the campaign between May 6 and Nov. 6. The Dec. 1 payment of $15,500 marked a significant increase over what she paid herself during the campaign.
Payment for work during the campaign is legally permitted, but payment for work afterwards would violate the law. Emails indicate that Tlaib was paid for work done after the campaign as the Dec. 1 check was labeled as payment for work between "Nov. 16, 2018 to December 31, 2018." The election occurred on Nov. 6.
The report includes several emails from Tlaib to campaign staff, including an April 4, 2018, email in which she asked for "a one time payment of 5K" due to personal financial struggles.
A later email showed Tlaib reaching out to a larger number of campaign staff and informing them she would not make it through the campaign without a stipend. She requested payments of "$2,000 per two weeks but not exceeding $12,000″ from the campaign.
Tlaib denied wrongdoing, according to the Detroit News. Her lawyers claimed the payments were to catch up on work she had done during the campaign. She claimed that the checks were "the minimum salary payments necessary for me to meet my personal financial obligations."
Tlaib and her staffers refused to cooperate with officials throughout the investigation, according to the report.
"Because Rep. Tlaib refused to interview with the OCE, the OCE could not address these potentially problematic payments with her," the report states. "Likewise, the OCE was unable to address these documents with members of her campaign staff given their refusals to interview with the OCE."
The board unanimously recommended further investigation of the situation.
I see Jim Jordan has a good Partner that young women that jumps in Adam shit, Shit, Only seen her the last couple weeks, very brassy.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading your comments about AOC maybe wanting to be Bernie's VP pick. She can't legally do it, this year anyway, as I believe she is only 30 years old. The VP spot also has a requirement of 35 years old, as also the President, so that if they have to step in, they are also of legal age. I think she is trying to set up a run in 2024, when she probably would be of legal age. Although, I think she has to run again in her Congressional seat before that time. Just sayin'!
ReplyDeletethat's something I didn't know Gary, thanks for the info. Good news for sure.... she won't be VP unless the idiot dems change the rules on that and make their own rules since they're good at doing what suits them.
ReplyDeleteBernie ain't getting in anyhow.... he's just another hopeful wannabe.
Well today was another burger with no Beef on the buns, The Dem's are into hot dogging I guess, Good Grief I got to get a Job, wonder if Wall-mart is hiring greeters.. :)
ReplyDeleteOne thing that did come out today.... Yovanovitch threw the Obama Administration under the bus for all to hear.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing we learned is that they're all insane...
ReplyDeleteGoodnight all...
California school shooting suspect dies of his injuries, authorities say
ReplyDeleteThe 16-year-old Southern California high school student who shot five of his classmates Thursday before turning the gun on himself has died, authorities said late Friday.
To Bad he should have done it sooner...
Good Night Kevin..
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235..
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief bout time you got out of the sack.
ReplyDeleteWell it is looking like I better try to get some sleep...
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your nap, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteGood morning again, I did Kevin, it was a restless night. fighting the sine's again...
ReplyDeletegood morning y'all
ReplyDeleteParts 1 of ? be patient with me
a few articles from the Resolute Reads email I received:
New Remarks From Top Ukrainian Official Damages Democrats’ Impeachment Narrative
-The Daily Wire
“Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said on Thursday that the United States Ambassador Gordon Sondland did not link financial military assistance to a request for Ukraine to open up an investigation into former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden,” Ryan Saavedra reports.
Even Impeachment ‘Rehearsal’ Hearings Won’t Help Dems
-New York Post
“Clever: By having witnesses go through closed-door hearings first, Dems can get a sense of what witnesses have to say privately and then tailor their questions for maximum impact during the public spectacle,” the New York Post editorial board writes. “Trouble is, even rehearsals don’t seem to help . . . No matter how many auditions they hold, it’s no substitute for hard evidence.”
Here Are the Backgrounds of 4 Lawyers for Impeachment Witnesses
The lawyer for one of the first witnesses at House Democrats’ public impeachment hearings has a resume that includes the Obama White House, former Vice President Al Gore’s office, and House Democrats themselves.
The lawyer for another impeachment witness in the public process raised the specter of impeaching President Donald Trump in 2018, has represented the wife of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and represented associates of President Bill Clinton in the Whitewater probe in the 1990s.
The public phase of the impeachment hearings kicked off Wednesday when George Kent, deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, and acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor testified under oath to the House Select Committee on Intelligence.
The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, is scheduled to testify Friday. Trump removed her from the job in May.
Legal experts close to the Trump impeachment inquiry are quick to point out that political experience is not irrelevant in such a proceeding.
That’s not because of a blinding bias, they argue. Rather, an impeachment hearing is both a legal process and political theater, they say, so a witness benefits from having a lawyer with experience on both fronts.
Yovanovitch’s Lawyer: Whitewater, Sanders, and ‘Scooter’
Lawrence S. Robbins, a founding member of the law firm of Robbins Russell in Washington, represents Yovanovitch.
Robbins worked in the Justice Department under Republican administrations but also represented high-profile clients in both parties.
In an op-ed for Politico in 2018, Robbins suggested either prosecuting or impeaching Trump for a campaign finance violation in connection with Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen’s paying porn film star Stormy Daniels not to go public with her allegation of a one-night stand with Trump. The president denies the liaison.
part 2 of 3
ReplyDeleteRobbins wrote in the commentary:
The Department of Justice’s description of the role of Individual 1—the president himself—leaves no doubt that career Justice Department prosecutors regard Trump as a full-blown co-conspirator. And most serious-minded criminal lawyers agree that, if these allegations are true, the president, but for his day job, would have been sitting in the dock with his long-time fixer.
The word “fixer” refers to Cohen, who ended up testifying against Trump in congressional oversight hearings.
Robbins noted the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel’s longstanding policy against indictment of a sitting president. However, he wrote, in this case, if Trump served two terms, the statute of limitations for prosecuting a campaign finance violation would be up.
So, “in the face of the president’s acknowledgment that he reserves his right to leverage his very office as a permanent immunity from prosecution,” Robbins wrote, “Congress would surely have no choice but to hold him accountable in the way prescribed by the Constitution.”
Robbins also criticized special counsel Robert Mueller for not concluding in his final report earlier this year that Trump obstructed justice in the Russia investigation, telling Politico: “Despite Mueller’s stated unwillingness even to reach a formal judgment on obstruction, Volume II of the report is an indictment in all but the formalities.”
Robbins was an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of New York from 1983 to 1986 during the Reagan administration, and was an assistant solicitor general from 1986 to 1990, overlapping the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations.
Today, he also works with the Climate Legal Defense Fund, a liberal legal group for environmental causes.
In private practice, Robbins represented several Clinton White House officials in the 1990s during the federal investigation of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Whitewater land deal in Arkansas. He was referred to in at least one media account as a “Clinton White House lawyer.”
He also represented Republican I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, who was Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff in the George W. Bush administration, during the broad investigation of the Valerie Plame matter that began as a leak probe. That lasted from 2005 through 2007, when Libby was convicted of perjury.
Bush commuted Libby’s sentence, and Trump later pardoned him.
More recently, Robbins represented Jane Sanders, wife of the Vermont senator, in a case involving a loan to now-defunct Burlington College, where she had been president, Politico reported in June 2017.
Kent’s Lawyers: Obama, Clinton, and Gore
One of Kent’s lawyers is Andrew Wright, who was associate counsel to President Barack Obama from January 2011 to December 2012.
part 3 of 3
ReplyDeleteBefore working for the Obama White House, Wright was a lawyer for four years with House Democrats for the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform under then-Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif. He served as counsel from 2007 through 2009, then as staff director until 2011 for the subcommittee on national security.
Wright was an assistant legal counsel to Vice President Al Gore from May 2000 to January 2001, serving mostly during the time Gore was running for president.
Wright now practices law at K&L Gates, a Washington-based law firm.
Kent’s other lawyer, Barry Hartman, also works at K&L Gates. Hartman was a deputy assistant attorney general from 1989 to 1992 during the elder Bush’s administration.
Hartman, who joined K&L Gates after serving in the Justice Department, handles criminal matters and civil litigation as well as regulatory matters and congressional hearings.
Hartman also has represented several clients who won civil and regulatory cases against Obama administration agencies, including the Justice Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Taylor’s Lawyer: ‘Never Trump’ Republican
Taylor’s lawyer, John Bellinger, is a former George W. Bush administration official who has identified himself as a “Never Trump” Republican.
Ballinger was among 50 former Republican national security officials who signed onto an August 2016 letter saying that “None of us will vote for Trump.”
Bellinger, now leading the global law and public policy practice at the law firm of Arnold and Porter, was a legal adviser to the State Department from 2005 to 2009, serving under then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Previously, Bellinger was senior associate counsel to President George W. Bush and a legal adviser to the National Security Council at the White House from 2001 to 2005.
None of the four lawyers spoke for the record after phone and email inquiries from The Daily Signal about their past affiliations.
what's really bad is that the main stream liberal biased media won't air stories like this.... nope.... they don't want the brain dead liberal minions to know the truth about their corrupt evil criminal minded satanic demoNcrats in Washington and abroad.
ReplyDeletemuch like the shadow lurker himself.... blue.... he's just another brain dead minion product of the satanic demoNcrats. he hasn't posted in a while but he can't help himself, can't stay away.... so put that up your stethoscope blue!
ReplyDeleteThat's why the Lib Media don't let the people on the left know is because they the "Media" Know that Democrats are Not capable of understanding anything...
ReplyDeleteObama fired every Bush appointed diplomat when he took office in 2008. Outrage by democrats? Nope. Outrage by Republicans. Nope. It was his right to do so.
ReplyDeleteShows the difference between us and them. We believe in the constitution, they're a bunch of commie rat bastards.
Obama and Hillary left an American ambassador to die in Benghazi to keep their illegal weapon running operation from being exposed. Outrage from democrats? Nope. Outrage from Republicans? Plenty. Ignored by the commie media and the democrat/communist party. Same difference. Commie rat bastards.
So they are going to overturn our election because our President is doing what he promised? Dismantling the commie bastard swamp? Because he is doing exactly what we wanted him to do? Bullshit on that noise.
This country has been compromised by commie rat bastards taking over one of the political parties and virtually the entire media. When the tried this in the fifties we had guys with balls like Tailgunner Joe McCarthy, who has been vilified by the commie rat bastards in modern times. Tailgunner Joe was exactly right. FDR had commies serving in his administration. Hollywood was filled with commies. It was all part of the commie plan. Tailgunner Joe at least exposed it and slowed it down, but in the end the commie rat bastards got it all back plus a shitload more. Now we have commie rat bastards running for President.
I fear our country has run its course. If things don't turn we're doomed my friends.
I suggest buying guns and ammo. Lots of guns and ammo. Store them safely. Buy unregistered as much as possible. Keep a low profile. And be prepared.
Because if we don't beat them at the ballot box, we'll have to shoot our way out down the road. I say we try the first and prepare for the second.
Simple as this. President Trump gets national outrage for saying mean things (also true) about a former ambassador.
ReplyDeleteFamous Kenyan former president allows terrorists to torture and murder a current ambassador in Libya. Makes no effort to intervene. Watches it all on closed circuit TV with Hillary while sipping wine and eating snacks, probably laughing through it all.
That's the difference.
Several of us here have been doing this for some time. It goes to two things for me. Protection and investment. I really think it would be not in the libs interest to ever push us to the point that we would have to pick up our weapons to save this country. I know way to many people that would not even blink an eye to get rid of some of those libs trying to take over.
ReplyDeleteThe thought of a bunch of barefoot old white goobers trotting over the Blue Ridge provides nothing by comic relief. The Pentagon hates Trump. So does the CIA and the intelligence community as a whole. But you just keep on dreaming. Hey, according to the CJ, Topeka has a nice new flag. That should solve all that ails that town.
ReplyDeleteMy colleagues ( the two who found this site an interesting if not amusing window on 'thinking' going on in red America ) have told me a couple of times in the last several weeks, that over and over posters attempt to get me to return and comment. I can see why regular posters might want that. Members continue to drop out, drop off, or just drop dead. This room resembles a hospice facility. Seems like a perfect metaphor for the republican party; old, white, uneducated, anti-intellectual, horribly insecure, and on the brink of leaving this transient life. Penwell Gable beckons.
So you continue to support this teetering administration. Amazing. Inviting the Turks in to take on ... Trump doesn't know who or what, but evidently Erdogan has something on him. Nothing like abandoning allies like the Kurds. Those people all but wiped out ISIS with minimal American assistance, but our cowardly little draft dodger was willing to invite the Turks in who as expected, proceeded to 'cleanse' the Kurds out of existence. They have experience wiping out gobs of people.
As for the impeachment hearings, I'm not going to add anything to what is obvious to anyone paying attention. Even Brett Baier of your beloved Fox News agrees, "Trump appears to have committed impeachable offenses", or something close to that. In any case all I can say is no shit dude. Looks like Fox is hedging its bets. But there were those pesky elections that signaled the continuation of the Blue Wave - yes, those painful losses in Kentucky and Virginia. If anyone is in a continued state of anxiety after that, call your GP and request a benzo... Clonazepam, 1 mg twice a day would be nice given the girth of most of you. So, ... here it is a nice but crisp day in D.C. Oh, HEY ! Speaking of D.C. How about those Nats ??
Need to cut this short. Someone posted a map of 'red' counties across our fair land. It must have appeared comforting. But, it's frankly irrelevant. I'm going to post something that may be more informative. No doubt I will see a lot of " Yeah, well F you Blue", or " Yew kin just kiss my ass Blue". Or that so clever poster named 'Lady Ian Williams' will try something pithy. For the handful of people I've introduced to this blog, the name calling brings out a chorus of guffaws. I just find it sad. As for the Lady Williams schtick, I remember showing my wife who shaking her head said, " what, they think were aristocracy or something ?" So, here is something to consider. Let it soak in.YOU are in the minority, not the other way around. Oh, and sorry to hear about Roger Stone... Kinda looks like anybody near Trump gambles with their freedom.
Here is a nice picture for your consideration. Minimal reading required.
Dominus Vobiscum.
truth comes out... you only have two colleagues blue? no wonder you're lonely and keep coming over here. on top of that you're bored!
ReplyDeleteYou keep on saying the same ole croaking's of crapola nothing new, just the same old drummed rhetoric of a brain washed idiot lib zombie.
go back to your fake friends, your fake life, and your fake views of life in general. poser
And to make things extra simple for someone like you blue who is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.... poser is someone who pretends to be someone he's not.
ReplyDeleteThat wasn't too rough on you now was it? Oh it was?! Wow.... you're worse off than what we thought you were.... hate to see how you'd react to when President Trump is acquitted of this fake news kangaroo impeachment trial.... he's also going to win re-election in 2020!
P.S. None of us "regulars" here feel the least bit sorry for you - dude you brought this all on yourself many times over!!
Good grief this Dimm Witt in Dc just keeps proving he's dumber than we thought. He cant even see the writing. Trump will never be impeached. NEVER The senate will show just how stupid they are when they start calling witness after witness like shitty Schift for brains. The libs really know they don't want that. It will spill the beans on them and they all know it. They are already talking about how to drop this and get out of it. They don't even have the full backing of the house and more of them will turn and run. And any time you want to come and bring your two make believe friends and try to take my gun let us know so we can sell tickets.
ReplyDeleteold blue can vow and ramble on about how he's leaving and never returning.... but for each and every time he shows up he proves that he's a liar.... he can't help himself... he knows that his information is erroneous, fallible, and untrustworthy....
ReplyDeleteWell, looky there. Our very own fake internet doc, comrade bedpan shows up like an unwanted child molester second cousin at the family reunion. How about that. For a guy who claims he never reads our blog he sure does seem to read our blog a lot. And now he's invented "colleagues". I imagine more likely a couple of fellow dwellers in mom's basement compadres, a couple of fellow rat bastard commies. But hey, I don't judge.
ReplyDeleteSo faux doc, picture whatever you want. But there's a hell of a lot more of us than there are of you. And when you fantasize about the American military supporting you rat bastard commies, well, that's quite a stretch.
So stick to what you're good at. Surfing for porn and inventing a fake life for yourself to use to haunt patriotic Americans blogs of which I'm sure ours isn't the only victim of.
So as for me, I don't give a rat's ass if you read our blog or comment. I don't invite you or in fact care one way or the other. I may read your bloviations if I'm needing a laugh, but otherwise who cares? You're just the butt of a lot of jokes around here, so don't confuse that with us wishing you would comment.
Remember, we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you. You rat commie bastard. I do hope you show up to grovel when President Trump wins his second term next year. I suspect you won't, but that would be fun to hear your pitiful wailings of disbelief.
Good Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWhat was that I said about virtue-signaling like hell?
ReplyDeleteOur sometime resident Dem didn't really say anything about how impeachment would turn out, did he? That's doubtless because he also know the final score of this game in advance, too.
"Uneducated" ... "Anti-Intellectual" ... "Insecure" ... Yeah, sure sounds like me. And I must seem a "barefoot goober."
How's about those FORESKINS!!! Haw, Haw, Haw!!!
Captain said FORSKINS... hehehe
ReplyDeleteMaybe a RED skin as in commie
ReplyDeleteDems' impeachment option — THIS is their only exit strategy
ReplyDeleteDemocrats are looking for a way out of the impeachment of President Trump. They want to act out in the House against the president but they know that, based on the evidence as it exists, they have a lot to lose by overplaying their hand because of the public’s disinterest and disgust at impeachment and the holding of a trial for removal of the president so close to an election and in the midst of a Democrat primary.
This is what ole Dimm witt is
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and the only cure for that is impeachment. But the cure also feeds the disease, which will cause them to loose big in 2020. Plus the Democrats who have TDS are blinded by their hate, so they can't see how the American people are reacting to their scam.
Even this will be a full "crow" meal the dem don't want to swallow. their hole is so wide and deep, no matter what they do they will be totally revealed as scammers. already there will be criminal actions against the deep state swamp players and the House is in real jeopardy against the dems. AND they wanted this b/c of their TDS. just like little children throwing a fit in walmart b/c mommy said no to a toy.
DeleteTheir goal in 08 was to divide the country with hate, racism and revenge and the past 3 years has proven that the justice system has also been corrupted and abused.
ReplyDeleteHe Dimm Witt if Shifty does not know the name of the Whistleblower, but if he hears the name brought up he will suspend the hearing. So if he does not know the name, how will he know if it is brought up?
ReplyDeleteLOL Skippey, I think all the ones on the right should bring the Whistleblowers as a witness, and let ship say no, than ask for the reason.🐓💩's
ReplyDeleteNo Rikki, read it again. I said my two colleagues "who find this site interesting". Howdy, nobody can control what the republicans do in the Senate now can they. At least not until the next several election cycles. But when legal scholar after legal scholar agree that Trump has committed impeachable offenses what options are there but to impeach ? Perhaps you know more than Neal Katyal,, or Lawrence Tribe. The American people will be the ultimate judge. And If Virginia and Kentucky haven't given republicans reason for pause, the people of Louisiana certainly have now haven't they ? Foreskins... cute.
ReplyDeleteSo now Prezdent Donnie is at Walter Reed. Evidently he's having complications from his bone spurs. Thoughts and prayers. In the time being, something for everyone's reading pleasure. And please.. stop bringing me up in opening comments, or posts, or whatever. Every time you do, .... yes, I get notified one way or the other. "They're crying for you again".
Poignant and sad words from Charles Pierce in Esquire:
"In my life, I have watched John Kennedy talk on television about missiles in Cuba. I saw Lyndon Johnson look Richard Russell squarely in the eye and and say, "And we shall overcome." I saw Richard Nixon resign and Gerald Ford tell the Congress that our long national nightmare was over. I saw Jimmy Carter talk about malaise and Ronald Reagan talk about a shining city on a hill. I saw George H.W. Bush deliver the eulogy for the Soviet bloc, and Bill Clinton comfort the survivors of Timothy McVeigh's madness in Oklahoma City. I saw George W. Bush struggle to make sense of it all on September 11, 2001, and I saw Barack Obama sing "Amazing Grace" in the wounded sanctuary of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina.These were the presidents of my lifetime. These were not perfect men. They were not perfect presidents, god knows. Not one of them was that. But they approached the job, and they took to the podium, with all the gravitas they could muster as appropriate to the job. They tried, at least, to reach for something in the presidency that was beyond their grasp as ordinary human beings. They were not all ennobled by the attempt, but they tried nonetheless.And comes now this hopeless, vicious buffoon, and the audience of equally hopeless and vicious buffoons who laughed and cheered when he made sport of a woman whose lasting memory of the trauma she suffered is the laughter of the perpetrators. Now he comes, a man swathed in scandal, with no interest beyond what he can put in his pocket and what he can put over on a universe of suckers, and he does something like this while occupying an office that we gave him, and while endowed with a public trust that he dishonors every day he wakes up in the White House. The scion of a multigenerational criminal enterprise, the parameters of which we are only now beginning to comprehend. A vessel for all the worst elements of the American condition. And a cheap, soulless bully besides.Watch him make fun of the woman again. Watch how a republic dies in the empty eyes of an empty man who feels nothing but his own imaginary greatness, and who cannot find in himself the decency simply to shut the fuck up even when it is in his best interest to do so. Presidents don't have to be heroes to be good presidents. They just have to realize that their humanity is our common humanity, and that their political commonwealth is our political commonwealth, too. Watch him again, behind the seal of the President of the United States. Isn't he a funny man? Isn't what happened to that lady hilarious? Watch the assembled morons cheer. This is the only story now."
Lol... I liked it a lot better when this dipshit was pretending he didn't read our blog...
ReplyDeleteJust goes to prove his ego is bugger than his you know what. He cant stand to be put down. Aby bets as to what else he wish's was as big as his ego?