Our friend Nunya who most of us look forward to hearing from every morning to get our day started posted the following on Kevin's Sunday blog:
"I see the Urinal propagandists (editorial staff) has blamed low scores on ACT tests of minorities on slavery, civil rights....and low health care, lack of broadband, lack of nutrition...y'know...all that stuff that should be "free"!
Instead of, y'know...what it really is. Which is lack of personal responsibility and motivation, lack of family structure, bad gangsta culture...y'know...the ACTUAL problems"
I'd just like to elaborate on that a little.
The godless left is intent on blaming all the problems suffered by blacks in America on the "legacy of slavery". As Nunya says, instead of looking at how a culture has self destructed, they are quick to blame others for what is in essence the fault of a culture that has evolved into what it is today.
Even talking about this subject in this way gets us falsely labeled racist and white supremists and more. But we always hear from the godless left about wanting to start "conversations" about things like this, so lets do.
From the end of the Civil War until the mid 1960s blacks in America were progressing at a remarkable rate. Out of wedlock birth rates low, as families reunited and sought stability. Freed slaves went to great lengths to find spouses and families to reunite. Today the out of wedlock birthrate for blacks is about 72%.
Blacks were making steady progress in employment, education, home ownership and general assimilation into the America society. The were in essence taking advantage of their new freedom to join the American dream. Remember, most of these people were generations removed from Africa, there was no logical thought given to returning to Africa, they would have been more strangers there than they were in America, and it was in Africa their ancestors were captured and sold into slavery by their fellow Africans anyway.
All that began to change in the mid 1960s. Why? Lyndon Johnson and the great welfare state. The intention of the godless democrat party was to create a new plantation. Families dissolved as fathers abandoned their children, with the state stepping in to fill the role of father. Fatherless children turned to gangs and drugs. Generations grew to depend on welfare and government assistance, to the extent that today there are families who have never known a working member of the family.
The statistics all prove this out if you take the time to review them.
So the question begging an answer is this. If all the problems plaguing blacks in America today are a "legacy of slavery" as we are told why did it take a hundred years to begin? Why did the first hundred years after the end of slavery not look the same or worse than today? After all, most blacks were living in the south then, and were living in close proximity to the people that fought a war to keep them enslaved. So it seems the "legacy of slavery" is a modern day creation.
I would postulate the real cause of the modern day suffering of blacks in America is their own culture. Fatherless children by the millions. Families supported by taxpayers. Rejection of education opportunities because studying and working hard in school is "acting white". A culture of violence against each other. A young black man's greatest risk of death is at the hand of another young black man.
But it's easy to blame others. It must be somebody's fault. And with the godless left more than happy to support that idea because it helps their goal of the destruction of American society they have a helpful ally in their drive to blame somebody else.
This is a complex issue, but as Nunya summed it up nicely...lack of personal responsibility and motivation, lack of family structure, bad gangsta culture...y'know...the ACTUAL problems"
So no, I don't feel guilty about slavery. In fact I don't feel guilty about anybody's lack of motivation and drive to achieve the American dream which is there for all. It's waiting for you. But it requires you to find it and grab it. Sitting on your ass collecting welfare and waiting for it to come and find you is a hopeless endeavor. It just won't happen.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Just leaving, but will leave my words of wisdom later. :)
ReplyDeleteTwelve counts baby, Manafort is gonna squeal like a pig.
ReplyDeleteHe isn't going to squeal like the pig Hillary will do, because as a pig she knows how to do it.
DeleteManafort is being indicted for crimes committed before he was involved with the campaign. Nothing whatsoever related to the campaign. This is just Mueller and the godless left trying to smear the President through innuendo and lies. Which is what the entire Russia false narrative is built on.
ReplyDeleteHillary, on the other hand. Put Debbie Washerwoman Shultz on her staff after she got fired for rigging the primary. And Shultz kept a Pakistanian IT geek on her staff after he committed multiple crimes and stole terabytes of data from congressional computers.
And hillary is going to have a hard time explaining how her campaign spent $12 million dollars to gather dirty info on her campaign opponent.
And for reference they only spent $15 million to investigate 9/11. Probably because our Kenyan president was sympathetic to the terrorists.
And hillary already squeals like a pig. In her case it's called talking. The question is will she answer questions truthfully when she has to testify before congress under oath.
Yup...Trump fired that clown long before the election and it is on record that Comey told Trump on more than one occasion that he himself was not under any investigation.
ReplyDeleteSeveral nonpartisan commentators have timelines on both Manafort's hijinks and Fusion/Hillary/Uranium One.
Of course the left progs and their big media cohorts will try like hell to spin this away from themselves and ignore their own back yards. It's what they always do.
Anyone who has paid attention to corruption as opposed to politically driven agendas knows where truth lies.
Apparently Anonymous is either too stupid, too arrogant or a combination of both to figure that out.
I think he's just confused.
DeleteSquealing like a pig is what Batshit asks him to do during their little get togethers.
Pee Wee's Big Adventure...my new moniker for him...from here on, his ventures over here are equivalent to Pee Wee Herman who got caught having "big adventures" in a darkened movie theater...
Delete(Apologies to anyone who may be having lunch at the moment...)
DeletePee Wee Herman was just packing Anon"s lunch.
DeleteAnonymous troll boy squealing like a pig while he and batshit listen to banjo music.
ReplyDeleteWhat a picture.
Mueller also in hot water...suspected of leaking news of indictment to CNN on friday. Illegal, for one thing. Purpose? Distraction likely, given that that network has deep ties to Fusion.
ReplyDeleteWe need to keep politics out, focus on principle and do the investigating into both Manafort and cronies and Uranium One/Fusion/Hillary and cronies.
Big overriding reality: Putin has been playing both sides against the middle in American politics for years...objective? Simple. Keeping America divided against herself causes breakdown and continuing weakness over time.
Hire and hope to get truly ethical special counsel, investigate, indict and let the chips fall where they may. The tentacles of the deep state and Russia have had deep roots in both parties for far too long.
Zero Hedge has long report plus copies of official docs on Manafort, Gates and Papadopoulos.
ReplyDeleteActually, did the dems really want to do this?
ReplyDeleteOther headlines pointing to the illegal FISA wiretapping....
A. Trump and everybody was wiretapping, so to speak.
B. Those taps were illegal
So with all this nonsense, and none of it sticking to any official currently employed, is it Shrill's turn now.
It just might be.
Careful what you asked for dems, you just might get it!
DeleteA. Trump and everybody in the campaign was witetapped...
Had the shillery been elected none of this would have come to light...and Devin Nunes would have had no envelopes to push...it is no coincidence that they went after that man with a vengeance.
ReplyDeleteRush just now reporting that Tony Podesta, John's brother and founder of the firm bearing their name, has stepped down...following on the heels of the Manafort et al indictments...
Here we go. A DC court just barred President Trump from banning sexual perverts from the military. This should get really interesting.
ReplyDeleteSome godless left wing judge telling the Commander in Chief, the single head of the entire military as established by the Constitution of the United States that he cannot in fact act as head of the United States military. That some judge sitting in a courtroom in DC can override the Commander in Chief in his decisions to protect the United States by deciding he has to allow sexual perverts to serve in our armed forces.
This is clear past crazy, folks. These people are flat out endangering our national security. What decision will they attempt to block next? Troop placement?
This one is going to the Supreme Court I'm sure. And if we end up with sexual perverts being allowed to serve in our military, disrupting our ability to protect ourselves and defend our country we lose America, simple as that. When this imaginary political correctness overrules common sense it is a clear sign of the end times folks.
God told us in the end times things like this would happen. Right would be seen as wrong, wrong would be seen as right. Evil as good, and good as evil. And that's happening all around us.
Want to see what living without any morals leads to? Hollywood. That's what. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg. Literally not a day goes by than another pervert isn't unmasked. A giant cesspool of Satan's friends.
Well like they say.
ReplyDeleteA generation taught to hate their country will refuse to defend it as well. Let that sink in.
And another thought for the day
ReplyDeleteA thought on our times: The only thing that surpasses the ignorance of this age is its arrogance.
Sounds about right my friend ...
DeleteMajority of our soldiers are still good, moral people...just hamstrung by all this political pc bullshit imho...it will likely end up in scotus.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletenote to self....never type when you're tired..... things don't make too much sense ...
ReplyDeleteok, here's the edited version of the comment I removed.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders' statement today spoke loudly today.
"“Today’s announcement has nothing to do with the president, has nothing to do with the president’s campaign or campaign activity,” she said at the daily White House briefing. “The real collusion scandal, as we’ve said several times before, has everything to do with the Clinton campaign, Fusion GPS and Russia.”"
That came from the Washington Times.
The Democrats are wasting their time trying to protect Mueller.... President Trump never had any plans on terminating Mueller..... what the democrats are doing is just another detour so they can get out of doing the job they were voted to do.
The Democrats and some idiot Republicans who may as well be Democrats seem to have made it their personal vendetta to try all they can to see how they can get rid of President Trump instead of working on issues for the people.
I can only hope that Mueller has the integrity and back bone to go after the Clintons, Obama and his administration, and anyone in Congress who is connected up with the fake collusion crapola....
with that folks, I bid y'all a restful evening and a super tomorrow.
ReplyDeletenite all
~hugs, rikki
Remember the honey pot Veselnitskaya, at that tower meeting? That would appear to be a Shillary Setup according to an article posted on zero hedge...
ReplyDeleteWorking on behalf of Putin she hired none other than Fusion GPS to run a smear campaign to try and stop hearings on the Majinski Act business back in 2014...on behalf of Putin.
And lo and behold...attends the meeting in the tower ostensibly with "dirt" on Hillary but instead talks about Majinsky...And Trump Jr walks out...
Tangled webs...
ReplyDeleteGood morning to all!
ReplyDeleteg'mornin' Sarge (smiles).
DeleteG'morning to y'all....I fixed myself some bacons and eggs to go with my coffee... (no, this morning I did not have wild mountain blueberry coffee...had regular)... (giggles). Will check in later today....
ReplyDeleteWhen my sons were little, learning to talk....they didn't quite get some words quite right... like with "bundle" for when it is cold outside.... the phrase "bundle yourselves up warmly"..... they were 'dutchy' when they first learned to talk... bundle came out as 'bumble'... 'bumble yourselves up warmly' (giggles).
different little things trigger different memories.
will check in later on...
~hugs, rikki
Knuckleheads with "numbers":
I hate it when these people throw around "projected" and "estimated", etc. They have absolutely NO clue what the "numbers" will be. And then, they throw stuff in that makes absolutely no sense. Here is a prime example:
"Similarly, the overall output resulting from the operation sales of the Wheatfield Village would impact Topeka with $22 million annually, of which $14 million would come directly from the spending pattern of the businesses in the Village."
OK...maybe I'm confuded. "Spending patterns OF THE BUISNESSES"? As in, they spend for supplies, locally? OK...I guess it could be that.
Or, is it "spending patterns AT the businesses", as in, consumers dropping their money there?
One thing we DO know is that people are going to spend only so much, each week. They can do it at the fancy-schmancy new places...or at the older, established places.
I suspect there won't be so much NEW SPENDING going on, just the same spending, shifted from the more-established places over to the new places. And what does that do? It "White Lakes" the older places!
Yeah, that corner DOES need cleaned up, and more jobs may be a good thing. The short-term bump in construction will help a few people...for a while.
But, let's be honest. It isn't likely going to be the grand panacea that those cronies (like Freddie Mawyin) are throwing out completely impossible to predict numbers to convince us that it's going to be to solve ALL OUR PROBLEMS to "attract and keep young professionals".
It's basically just shifting people around, diluting the mix, and is more likely to cause places that are incompetition with the new ones to suffer.
That's the harsh reality. As for the rest of those numbers...they have absolutely NO way to be anywhere accurate. This is proven EVERY TIME they throw out "numbers". Go ahead and build the thing. Just stop trying to 'sell" the idea with nonsense. It insults our intelligence!
Keep your bogus numbers, Freddy. They really do mean nothing.
Preserve this mullethead's post as the only one that's ever made any sense at all on this site. Wheatfield Village is a scheme to make friends of government officials rich. It's corruption of the fundamental order.
DeleteAnd in the middle of the cesspool of filth and godless left wing radicals that is Hollywood, a ray of sunshine.
ReplyDeleteMorgan Freeman said this....
“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.
Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”
After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“
“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”
Maybe there is hope after all.
DeleteWatched several shows in that series he did about God and different religious paths...well worth it.
DeleteTime to do your due diligence, old man. That is, get your facts straight before you pollute the internet by repeating lies, ya fukin maroon.
Has anyone heard from Capt Howdy lately ? I hope he didn't defect :):)
ReplyDeleteJust saw this on the Washington Times website under Analysis/Opinion…
ReplyDelete“Hillary Clinton, breathing easy now, hits at Trump impeachment”
I have a strong feeling that she won’t be “gloating” long…being that she and Obama are the subject of two congressional investigations themselves over the 2010 uranium deal with Russia and the FBI’s handling of her damned emails.
President Trump in his tweets keeps focus on that – and I don’t blame him. When I read through the indictment document that was published yesterday, there is no connection to President Trump but try and tell Hillary that and all the lefties with all their hatred.
Just like with November 8th, 2016…President Trump will prevail over this witch hunt investigation that Mueller is conducting.
dangnammit! Hints...not Hits.... jeepers!
ReplyDeleteGot snow flakes over at Gage and 470!!
ReplyDeleteMy beautiful Mom said there's an old Indian legend about snow.
Mark it on your calendar "first snow" for today October 31. With the days ahead, for each day that has snow, mark it on your calendar too....
At the end of the season, count up the number of days that that you have 'snow' written on your calendar and it should match the calendar date of the first snow....(in this case 31).
Gonna be a snowy season y'all - now that doesn't mean heavy laden blizzards..... so don't freak out on me and don't shishkabob me at the next summit either (smiles).
What it means is whether there's flurries or measurable snow...each snow from now to the end of the season will total 31 for this season.
ReplyDeleteThe Visa Diversity program, a lottery-type immigration system for so-called "under-represented countries" was created in 2010 by Chuckie Schumer and the emperor of course allowed it. The jihadist Saikov hails from Uzbekistan, a jihadi country. Should have been on the terror list but is not. Chuckie's Visa lottery awarded this killer with a green card and 8 people died with 15 more injured tonight.
ReplyDeleteLevin detailed this program on Hannity earlier.
Radical islamic terrorism exists.
It is a sick, twisted perversion of the Muslim faith.
According to a Pew study, 85% of Muslims in America want these jihadists uprooted, exposed and gotten rid of, same as most other Americans do. Levin also pointed out that study.
How damned many more innocent people have to get killed and injured before you idiot liberal prog leftists pull your heads out of your butts and realize what you're doing with your pc bullshit?
That program of Chuckie's allows 50,000 people in per year and reports are that jihadi sleeper cells are taking full advantage of it.
DeleteShut the damned doors on it and no vetty no commy. Pretty damned simple, yes?
Well cats, 3,000 on 9-11 wasn't enough so a dozen here and a half dozen there is child's play to these bastards...
DeleteYup! Cats close all immigration for 10 years until we clean up The mess of the last ten years.
ReplyDeleteAnd a good morning everyone.
More from the commie propagandists at the Urinal:
"As any student in a seventh-grade civics class will tell you, the state Supreme Court’s authority isn’t, in fact, limited to “opining.” It’s an equal branch of government responsible for interpreting the state constitution, which includes a provision that requires the Legislature to “make suitable provision for finance of the educational interests of the state.” While lawmakers can disagree with the Supreme Court’s interpretation, do they really think it’s wise to dismiss the rule of law and the separation of powers as mere inconveniences?"
The bottom line? The Kansas Constitution delegates ALL the authority for spending to the legislature, and NONE of it to the courts.
Any 7th-grader who actually reads it would discover that. Here is where it can be found, and read:
I went through the entire thing, and there is absolutely NOTHING in there that delegates the power to any court to decide "spending issues". It designates it ONLY to the legislature.
The commie courts, with judges backed by the powerful unions and lobbies, are ALWAYS going to try to say that spending isn't "adequate and equitable", even if it is set at 200% of the entire budget!
They NEED to make this a truly "constitutional issue", and fix that wording in there so that courts can't interpret it so broadly, and take any notion away from the courts that they can set budgetary priorities. THAT'S the argument they should be having, and is at the root of the problem.
The Kansas Constitution is absolutely clear on who has authority for finance of education and ALL other spending of taxpayer dollars. READ IT! I have already broken it down before and posted, so won't do it again, now.
It's past time to neuter the activist judges who keep nuking our economy by forcing more and more of our tax dollars into a lousy, failing public education system (instead of actually FIXING the problems of why it failing!)
This continuing issue, where they ALWAYS want MORE,MORE, MORE...is a very large part of this state's budget problem. It's probably more damaging than "Brownback's tax cuts", or any any of the other stuff, besides perhaps the biggest problem, which is trying to fund all those retirees 9and early retirees) and pay them them a lot of money and benefits from taxpayers to NOT work!
That Urinal "editorial board" should get some remedial education to bring them up to AT LEAST a 7th-grade reading and comprehension level!
You write, "The bottom line? The Kansas Constitution delegates ALL the authority for spending to the legislature, and NONE of it to the courts."
DeleteDildo breath, you didn't read the Kansas constitution. There's nothing in it about the legislature having authority to "spend" for education. There's nothing in it about the courts having authority to "spend" for education. You're remarkably stupid, even for a guy who posts here.
It's the executive branch that spends, dummy. Your whole argument's stupid because you just. Can't. Read.
I'll swear to god I hope you haven't had kids and never will so you won't teach them to be as stupid as you are. Jesus H. Christ!
Well...of COURSE they honor a far-left socialist!
Our very own Berkeley WannaBe University just can't pass up a chance to deeply-honor a former student who went on to fame and glory and power advancing the ideals of a welfare state, globalization and eco-terrorism as leader of one of our greatest trading partners (for cocaine, mainly)! Hip-hip-HOORAY for the leader of the Social Party of National Unity of Colombia!
KU is SO proud!
Nunya, your comment is sitting there over at the Urinal as we speak.
ReplyDeleteWe'll soon see the haters and trolls showing their asses...
Well...of COURSE they're gonna oppose anything the Republicans propose to try to get our economy rolling faster, rather than driving the train off the rails like they do!
After all...we HAVE to keep spending...and spending...and spending MORE! Which means...we have to keep taxing...and taxing...and taxing MORE!
"Equality" will not be achieved until all (except liberals in power) enjoy the same low standard of living, and abject poverty!
It's "The Deomcratic Way"!
Oh, yeah Kev. Urinal propagandists ain't gonna like that swipe about the 7th grade at all!😂
ReplyDeleteYou gave them to much credit. :)
DeleteDon't get your hopes up too high, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteConsidering the Urinal's editorials usually only generate 4 or 5 comments I doubt very many of them will show up here.
And the one's that do will hide in the shadows like they always do...
We stopped immigration for over 40 years, and we can do it now, I can not understand why we don't and are not even talking about it. There is no rights for anyone to come in, and screw the lib's and courts, I think Trump can do it. Hell Speak up.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm REALLY pissed...I don't like being duped by half truths and misinformation REGARDLESS OF WHO THE HELL IS DOING IT!!!
ReplyDeleteThis Visa lottery bullshit actually started back in the 1990s and went into law in 1995...signed by Daddy Bush and supported by both parties. Indeed it was Schumer's baby, but has continued since as part of immigration law. Its most recent incarnation was continued in 2013 by...guess...THAT ACCURSED GANG OF EIGHT. Damn well Obama signed off on it.
Beck mentioned this so I looked its history up...wapo is one source I used.
Screw all of these jackwagon politicians, pundits and the horses they rode in on.
And they wonder why so many have no faith in them...
I really thought Levin was better than that; guess he's not...
ReplyDeleteCats I was disappointed myself, I just don't get it anymore.
DeleteWhy does the media, including Fox, keep calling this terrorist a "suspect"? The old days, he would already be tried and hung, this country has turned into a whole bunch of suit and tie sissies.
ReplyDeleteThen this diversity bull crap should never had started and that goes for a lot of areas other than immigration. This diversity BS has ended up causing watered down qualifications in business, jobs, military as well as immigration.
The way the suit and ties run this country with their diversity and demanding pin point bombing,......... we would have lost the two previous WW, they would have been afraid of offending someone or killing a civilian of the enemy. They don't understand war, they want it to be clean and civil!
I believe these people running things should be punished as they are doing harm to the country, not much different than a terrorist.
Well the suit and ties has taken the law out of our hands ,so it is time for us, to take the law into our hands, and screw them, I will protect my own for sure.
DeleteThe old days...
DeleteYou guys come here because you can say the stupidest things and know somebody'll shout back, "Hell, yeah!"
What's not to like about a place like that?
Ditto that, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteNow from a blog on the Lame Cherry about lil Kim's problems...a link there to thesun.co.uk tells us that on 10 october a tunnel collapsed on the mountainside where he tests his nukes. 200 dead and fears of a massive radiation leak.
This is why we've heard nothing from him of late, imho...
Have to link to foreign news sites to find out...the sun article also includes a map of the area.
Lame cherry blog on Vegas...and tinfoil hat stuff about that massacre...eyewitness survivors keep dying by getting shot, murder-suicide, fiery car crashes...several of late.
ReplyDeleteWhy? What's up w8th that?
Well we use to say follow the money, now it is follow the bodies, Shame.
ReplyDeleteJust saw this on the Washington Times website...
"Papa John's pizza CEO chews out NFL for hurting sales by fumbling anthem protests"
Give the article a read y'all.
Later~ Rikki
I applaud what John Schnatter said to the NFL! Way to go Papa John!!
DeleteIt's fun riling up the ignorant MFAs lurking about!😂 Ever notice they can never really piss us off? We just make more fun of them! But...MAN...do they get steam blowing out their ears! (But not as much as the crap coming out their mouths!)😂
Deleteyou're right on that Nunya.
DeleteOh my, I suppose I'll run to my safe space now....
ReplyDeleteBut I think your filthy childish language is mildly entertaining.
Not just anyone can post name calling, and nobody does it better than one of you libs.
I'm even willing to bet your slurs are culturally appropriated, aren't they?
Better loosen those skinny jeans before they permanently damage what manhood you ever had.
Most of all, thanks for reading!
Comeback anytime.
One more 'off topic' tidbit.....
ReplyDeleteWow…could Mueller get in the hot seat for this?? Stay tuned…this could get ugly!
Here's part of the article.... go to the website to read the rest.
"“Just how rough Special Counsel Robert Mueller is playing with Paul Manafort goes back before this week’s indictment — to the FBI’s no-knock raid in July.
It has been reported that the agents checked Mr. Manafort and wife Kathleen for guns as they broke into the Alexandria condo pre-dawn by picking the lock.
A source familiar with the case told The Washington Times the search was even more intrusive: An agent patted down Mrs. Manafort before she was allowed to get out of bed.
“Agents felt up Mrs. Manafort lying in bed to see if she had guns,” the source said of the intimidation.
In all, 12 FBI agents entered the home, guns drawn, and stayed for hours.
The aggressive search of a prone sleepy woman is, the source said, a hallmark of Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann. A former mob prosecutor in New York, he specializes in turning witnesses against bigger prey and is not afraid to make things rough for spouses, too.”....."
Y'all, it wouldn't surprise me if Paul and Kathleen Manafort file counter suits against Mueller, et al.
Can these People in New York pat them selves on the back enough, I can't see anything they did been watching for over 1/2 hour of how great they are, Last I know of is it was a single cop that shot the guy, end of story. Good Grief!
ReplyDeleteI give him a couple more pats if he had empty his weapon in the guy.
DeleteGood morning folks,
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya...
ReplyDeleteWonder if our ignorant t-totally pissed off little visitor troll yesterday was actually Little Matty, the Johnson...having a temper tantrum meltdown?
ReplyDeleteNaw...probably just some other moron who thinks just like Matty (which means...he doesn't think).
OH...and good morning!
ReplyDeleteFrom the Pravda-Urinal, (proudly run with no apparent regrets about its stupidity, disinformation and leftwing bias).I present to you Jennifer Rubin!
They're still desperately trying to knit together a "collusion" narrative from from short strands of...nothing, really.
Meanwhile, they completely avoid a verified and proven REAL "collusion", and probably treason, story...that reached deep into the sewage muck of the previous administration's lawless swamp, and into the Clintons.
I won't go into discrediting and poking fun at each paragraph of her idiotic missive, as it's all speculation, conjecture and wishful-thinking bullshit from a rabid, pissed-off liberal...which means it all means nothing. Let's just take the last paragraph.
"We see a sliver of what the prosecutors are up to, but only a sliver. And even with regard to what we think we know, we’ve yet to find out the way(s) in which accused players implicate others. You can understand why Stephen Bannon and other allies are so anxious to discredit, defund or dismiss Mueller. He is the one person who Trump cannot intimidate or distract and who is better at finding out the truth than others are at concealing it."
"...even with regard to what we think we know..."
In other words...they don't know shit! (But she writes an entire moronic piece on what she doesn't know, but only what she thinks she knows, anyway!)
"...we’ve yet to find out the way(s) in which accused players implicate others."
Basically, they're looking for that "ham sandwich". They KNOW they know they have no actual "collusion" on Trump (which isn't a crime, anyway), and no "obstruction", or anything else.
All they have are peripheral figures that they are trying to squeeze anything out of that can be remotely linked to trump, by even the tiniest micromillimeter thread, and they are STILL coming up empty!
Here's the kicker. The "this is so obviously stupid, it would be hilarious...if it wasn't so damned pathetic...and dangerous!"
"You can understand why Stephen Bannon and other allies are so anxious to discredit, defund or dismiss Mueller. He is the one person who Trump cannot intimidate or distract and who is better at finding out the truth than others are at concealing it."
No. No...that's not it. It's because Mueller is neck-deep in his own ACTUAL "collusion", and "obstruction", and a bunch of other actual crimes, has surrounded himself with anti-Trump stormtrooper thugs, and has already proven he's not interested in any 'Russian Collusion" stuff with Trump (that he can't find), but is about to be entangled in his OWN web of deceit, along with top Dems, including the Clinton mafia, and Barry O.
The guy can't investigate HIMSELF! So, the Rube doesn't mention all that. A REAL "journalist" would present the facts.
"He (Mueller) is the one person who Trump cannot intimidate or distract and who is better at finding out the truth than others are at concealing it."
No, Rube...Mueller is but one person who CAN intimidate others, distract, and have access to data to try to conceal it so others won't find out!
THAT'S why he shouldn't be there...you clueless dimwit!
And, this:
I agree. We SHOULD stop messing with public employees' pensions!
We SHOULD start transitioning them into other types of retirement accounts, such as 401k, etc., just like their bosses (taxpayers) have to rely upon!
Since they are heavily invested in the markets, also (over 50%), KPERS takes a hit anytime the markets take a hit.
BUT, when we (their taxpayer employers) take a big hit...like in 2008, we have to suffer the consequences, and lose money in the fund.
When KPERS takes the same exact hit (like they did in 2008, which is a big part off the start of the current problem), they don't have to take the losses. Their fund is "guaranteed".
SO, their bosses (the taxpayers) lost money, and must hopefully make it back over time. And it takes much longer, and a much higher "percentage" to even get back to even (of where you were before the hit). You lose 20% of $10,000, you are down to $8000. You have to make up much more than 20% back, because $8000 plus 20% comes up short of $10,000.
Public employees don't have that problem. To make up the loss, what do they do? They rant and scream and pound the table demanding that money from some other part of government be shifted into KPERS to cover it. OR, more likely, they scream to RAISE TAXES!
Which means the bosses (the taxpayers) are on the hook to try to get our own retiremnt accounts back on track, PLUS cover theirs, all at the same time.
Maybe if we transition them into what we have to use, they'd have much more appreciation for the capitalism and the private sector. When they see that that their retirement accounts do much better when Democrats and liberals of all sorts aren't trying to nuke the system, we could even see a shift in peoples' attitudes.
No reason to give a damn, with their current "guaranteed" system, which is actually nothing but a combination of a Ponzi scheme, and a "guranteed taxpayer-funded" system, should the "Ponzi" part fail...like it is doing.
So, yes. Of course. We SHOULD "stop messing with public employees’ pensions", altogether!
We can't afford to keep paying people NOT to work (as well as a bunch of other of their lifetime benefits, of which the only money they contributed in the first place was money from taxpayers!)
I will make an exception, however. Law enforcement, firefighters and any others who have actively performed dangerous, stressful hazardous duty that leads to early-burnout, etc.,...they should be the only public employees who should "earn" a true "public employee pension".
Everyone else can just damn well take the same risks we all have to!
Damn it Nunya, I wish I was home today so I could your response over on the Urinal.
ReplyDeleteBatshit and his little butt buddy, Ashhole would have a fit...
If it wasn't for your white privilege you would be home today.
DeleteSomebody has to pay for all of these public sector prosecutors, defense lawyers, investigations and hearings...
ReplyDeleteSomebody has to pay for all of their public sector pensions...after all, politicians promised, don't you know...
Only first responders and military should have public pensions but then what do I know? I'm just white privileged...
And getting into all the other stuff we are forced to pony up to support this corrupt public sector, I should keep my white privileged mouth shut and be content with living in my old house and on my careful budget...
Yeah, Kev. Piss'em off two days in a row, huh?! Had to be a state worker yesterday, to belch up that much vitriol!😂
ReplyDeleteSick minds...it's all they've got left now and frightening when you think about it.
Another nut went into a walmart in a north suburb of Denver last night and killed 2 people...my younger son lives in Denver. Unnerved me a little, hearing that on late news last night.
Warning: probably more vitriol forthcoming...the cats have been at it again, lobbing litterbox bombs at them on the Scribner piece...
ReplyDeleteDo I smell a Hand Job?
ReplyDeleteThe one and only...
ReplyDeleteThese guys crack me up.
ReplyDeleteI think they really believe they're being effective with their stupid worn out drivel.
Truth is, it's just like the race card they've worn completely out.
But like Safe says, "if it's all you have it's what you go with."
That's for sure Kevin. Boz and Bat could at least express their displeasure without calling us the most hateful, degrading names. Hand Job simply cannot resist sounding like an ill-educated 14 year old. Sad for someone with a law degree, don't you think? For real, for real, he sounds more juvenile than J-J-J-Jimmy.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it also strange that the people most vigorous in insulting our intelligence insist on using profanity and grade school "logic?"
Weird paradoxes; a leftover from CJ-Land.
Dey be thinkin dey bad...with that 14-year-old mindset of theirs.
ReplyDeleteThis mother of two survived it; my boys got in trouble for the foul language until they finally figured out they could get away with it if I were out of earshot. Then they outgrew it.
Fond memories (not!!)...
The Rosenbergs got the death penalty for much less than what Trump has done.
ReplyDeleteOther than your big mouth, I see no evidence has been provided.
DeleteAnd regardless of its size, your mouth doesn't count.
Your lovely Hillary is who should hang, but the way.
If only you used your ears and eyes a little more.
You should move on to a safer space now...
Hillary should get it for selling out our national security along with her husband through the years...as in uranium, technology etc. Long list
DeleteAnd running guns (Benghazi)...
And what exactly has he done?
ReplyDeleteGive it your best shot, dipshit ...
Hammer...not sure there IS a safe space for someone that toxic! I bet even the DNC, leftist media, Hollywood hypocrites and commie colleges would distance themselves from THAT whacked-out of a mofo!
ReplyDelete"WHOA!", they'd exclaim. "We may be utterly hateful, braindead ignorant and hypocritical...but even WE ain't as bad as THAT!"😂
ReplyDeleteMaybe anon should pick up a copy of Donna Brazile's book...she throws the Clintons, the washerwoman and the DNC under the bus. Obama left that bunch 24 million in debt; the shillary bailed it out but put herself in charge, used it to try to get herself elected, kicked old Bernie to the curb and used it as a clearinghouse for her campaign money.
Too, too funny...more to come I'm sure; book just released.
Title? "Hack"...
LOL We are watching the libs going down, down down the drain. And they know they had all their marbles on ole Hillary. And along comes the end of the game and they have lost their best shooter to a guy that they all said could not win by any mathematical formula used. guess that is why they are trying every trick and lie they can find to try and save their dead skin. just get some more popcorn as its going to get even more funnier as they go on and on. Maybe they will get a Oscar for best comedy show and best comedians. Just glad its not my circus or my monkeys in that clown car.
DeleteSkippey, the whole problem with their "mathematical formula" stuff is that everyone knows they don't comprehend even the simplest math! Their entire platform is based on throwing any common sense math out the window, or they would understand NONE of their nonsense can possibly work!
ReplyDeleteEven in the midst of the most obvious of proof...they can't grasp the concept!😂
LMAO... I still remember how Batshit went on and on for months at a time with his worthless mathematical formulas.
ReplyDeleteWhat a dipshit...
I am seriously thinking about picking up a copy of Brazile's book...and drive them nuts by quoting from it whenever I get a chance. Written by one of their own. Priceless!
ReplyDeleteBetter hurry I think Hillary will want to buy them all...Just saying.
DeleteHey I remember when asshole Maingate use to tell us that Hillary was the smartest women in the world, and most popular, I hear today is is down to 65 on the list, and still dumb as hell. hahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteNo doubt Brazil needs to watch her back. The Clintons have no doubt had their fingers in more evil things than are coming out. Getting rid of back stabbers or whistle blowers would not bother them at all. Maybe she should check out the Clinton closet.
ReplyDeleteI don't think, at this stage, they would dare arkancide Brazile now...that story is everywhere and skankles is getting the heat from all sides.
ReplyDeleteWhat I want to see is indictments and skankle chains on that old harpy. Corruption continues to break...Obama now implicated on the uranium as well.
after reading up on y'alls comments....and also getting caught up on current events of the continuing crumbling Democratic Party.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bombshell of a shoe drop from former DNC Chair Donna Brazile!
Just read the Washington Times on that...
Interesting, but not surprising the direction of the blame game is going among the Democrats and it's not over yet.....anyone got some popcorn?
g'morning to anyone up and about this fine early morning
ReplyDeleteshowed my hubby the Washington Times article on Donna Brazille......and also front page news feed on yahoo home page for the internet.....
ReplyDeleteI told him that the big 3 mainstream media giants (cbs, abc, nbc) won't mention anything.... watching the cbs early morning news....yep not one word mentioned.....
well there was a little "blip" about that on the cbs early morning news but just as soon as they mentioned it....they quickly got off of it. typical.
ReplyDeleteIf the DNC, and especially, Hillary goes down and goes to jail...what a wonderful world it would be!
ReplyDeleteWHEN are they going to start going after the obvious?!
I hope as soon as Jeffie gets off the pot, come on Sessions shit or get off.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with the Urinal and the Washington Compost? Someone at the Urinal "Batshitting" someone at WashPo?! WashPo the only other Fake News outlet with opinion liars...I mean "writers"?
ReplyDeleteHere's little Aaron Blake, trying to explain "politicizing" after a tragedy.
"It’s 100 percent true that Trump calling out Schumer by name smacks of politics. But it’s also true that both men are now essentially attacking the other’s policy in response to the tragedy. In a sense, both are now “politicizing” it, even as Trump clearly got the ball rolling."
Ok...that's fair. But, when a particular terrorist attack would not have happened, but for a particular stupid liberal program, the problem SHOULD immediately be highlighted, and the idiotic Schumer program SHOULD be immediately nuked! GET ON IT! And check up on the rest of them who have come over through that screenless sieve!
"Of course, “politicizing” is a very loaded term — and one with which the Trump White House seems to have a relationship of convenience. After the mass shooting in Las Vegas, it was the White House that accused Democrats of immediately politicizing the tragedy by pushing for gun control."
Hell...they did it immediately after THIS one, when a truck was the weapon!
"For Democrats, proposing gun control immediately after a mass shooting is just a common-sense measure to prevent such tragedies. Republicans who disagree that gun control is the answer see this as Democrats seizing upon tragedy to push their anti-gun agenda."
A "common sense measure to prevent such tragedies"?! You want to take away peoples' right to defend ourselves? Well...works for Chicago, doesn't it?!
"Similarly, some Republicans like Trump will look at what happened in New York and see more restrictive immigration policies as common-sense measures to prevent such tragedies."
Here's a little game of "follow the logic" for you.
That unapologetic, low-life piece of crap mass-murdering ISIS disciple would not have been in this country were it not for an idiotic "immigration fast-track program based ONLY on "diversity", and nothing else.
The privilege of immigrating to this country is NOT based on what is good for ANYONE from ANY other country, but ONLY what is good for the citizens of THIS country. And "diversity" plays no role in that. "Qualifications", "our needs" "assimilation" should be the ONLY priorities. In fact, basing it on only "diversity" is, in itself, divisive and discriminatory. It absolutely uses ONLY demographics as its basis, instead of qualifications/ability to contribute.
"In this case, Trump is spotlighting a program that was indeed first proposed by Schumer back in the early 1990s and included in a larger immigration bill."
And there's the problem. It was buried in a MUCH LARGER bill, and overlooked by all who signed it, including Republicans, including G.W. Bush. THERE'S a conversation we should be having! Make them stop burying CRAP in those bills, where the sponsors are hoping few will notice and it gets passed! It creates these messes...and tragedies! KNOCK IT OFF, you Swamp Creatures!
"The more recent Gang of 8 immigration proposal (of which Schumer was a part) would have gotten rid of it and led to a more merit-based approach."
That's a flat-out lie. It would have gotten rid of it, but only because the doors would have been opened wide, with nobody there to greet anybody, and it wouldn't then be any different. It would make the entire system more like the "Diversity" system, and allowed anyone and everyone to more easily waltz in and out of our country, inflicting the maximum amount of political, economic and terrorist damage as possibe.
Just as the "open borders" libs hope for.
ReplyDelete"The supply-side economic program was sold as a means of fueling job expansion. It prompted massive state government budget deficits. In response to revenue shortfalls, lawmakers two years ago approved a steep increase in the statewide sales tax, and this year adopted a $1.2 billion boost in the income tax."
Well...let's not mention paying people NOT to work in the unsustainable Ponzi scheme of KPERS, and the fact that taxpayers are paying schools to sue the taxpayers to keep raiding other state necessities, and forcing hikes in taxes!
Won't be voting for THAT guy!
Lifted from Facebook
ReplyDeleteWritten by a former Democrat.
The Hillary Self Destruction:
I still haven't figured out why she lost. Was it the Russian uranium deal? or was it wikileaks ? or was it Podesta ? or Comey ? or was it a sexual predator husband ? or was a staff's husband Wiener immoral pictures ? was it subpoena violation? or was it the corrupt foundation ? or was it the congressional lies ? or was it the Benghazi bungle ? or was it pay for play ? or was it travel gate scandal ? or was it whitewater scandal ? or the Cattle Gate scandal ? Or the Trooper Gate scandal ? Or was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apt bought with foundation money ? Or Comey's investigation ? Or her husbands interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation ? Or was it stealing debate questions ? Was it forensically deleting 30,000 emails ? The secret server in her house? Was it the Seth Rich murder ? Was it calling half the USA deplorable ? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders ? Was it the Vince Foster murder ? The Jennifer Flowers assault ? The Jennifer Flowers settlement ? The Paula Jones law suit ? The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement ? The lie about taking on sniper fire ? The impeachment ? The 6 billion $ she "lost" when in charge of the state dept ? The 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich ? Or was it because she is a hateful & lying?
Gee, I just can't quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me?????
Watching Tucker, Hannity, and some of the others last night, I keep asking myself, like "Where's Waldo?", I and many others are asking "Where's Jeff?" and where the hell is the new FBI Director, with all of this stuff that is coming out about the involvement of the FBI and the DOJ "cover-ups" concerning the Uranium 1 scandal the Clinton Mafia collusion and money laundering, the e-mail scandals, etc. As the Legal Analyist from Fox said, Jeff Sessions is an honorable and nice guy, but a terrible Attorney General! He thinks, and I agree, that Rod Rosenstein has Sessions buffaloed and intimidated in to not knowing what he can do and can't do after "reclusing" himself from the Russia investigation. Rosenstein is also one that I have to wonder why, if my understanding is correct, that Trump told Sessions, he wanted to keep in the DOJ, when Sessions was handing out pink slips! He is supposedly a Republican, but acting like a Clinton shill and also involved deeply in the cover-up of the Clintons, as well as the one who wanted Mueller in as the Special investigator. Just another way, in my opinion, to keep us from getting at the truth and actually seeing some prosecution of the Clinton Mafia. And, I would think that the new FBI director would want a clean slate in the FBI, and be eager to get rid of any corruption that continued to go on in the Department, which might have been started and covered up by Mueller and/or Comey. Trump was almost ready to fire Sessions after he reclused himself in the Russia thing....I think he should consider it again, if Sessions is not doing anything to clean up both the FBI and the DOJ! They are still impeding getting the truth out, by not coming clean on what the Departments know and who is involved. Just my take on some of the issues!
ReplyDeleteAnd a Good take on it Skipper, I feel the same way.
DeletePretty solid take...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.